HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-7-6, Page 3• tHHE SIGNAL : GODRRIOIie ONTARIO t THE UNINAL AND ONLY 'EOM 1111111/1111it s now T1011S SOLD ON TH1 MIMITS O9 BOO KB!NDIN6 MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound air repulsed. !OLD LETrERINO s.��. ➢r .oto LEATHER GOODS AnMTil[ivaNAiz.AeMps. m Navas A. L TAYLOR, Mtslatmus. I6'EDICAL easirr. J. R. VUB8TR -ITL LF. ! Sweat OMtk•Iwls .e, •n a a. $ ra,• w' arsil saes- y 1e. tteam „ea ne, aaU. HMILE�cANN, OSTEO ti all& se wMama s& * le a*male eall=st mee's eM ehtl Ma ear. awe sedieelteas, a▪ side remscrel MMus* llaicalatanAVraare� 7v un : nay murder W awekanwal. AUCIOEEEE THOMAS 6AU CEIM W sagI S. Yedsee•Ii. An Ia.trwsUms kI eat tam. 1arYmw�~e llisestr •see tL' '0' LLOAL U C. ISA 1-tl NA1tRta7 iS� igr1.IC Rt1PL MOTART PUB t. , ETt. 010• -alerting Hack Bleat, Hasdkums Cruet. 3wierte► Telepu-e K !teal Licata lana awl lase•eese. PRODDPOuT. WILLMAN 8 000&B BARRISTERS. SOWC1TURB. NOTARIES PUBLIC. HTC. tales os as aware, sol deer bees dart M. Pamoodes, Le. e 0. J. D. Oscan. 1 0.. CAMERON, K. 0.. BARRIS 6.mQTk west=tar. aetary pukka Whom a alma ar ms t1wb. leniaseo be L LAt thaw l eai eft* week ►.a LARWt*A t8 1U$OW,1+411.. MAu- BisTia. asuman. saa.Yer, eta. Mi► nater r feed at teww.t WAN p`I 8EAOER, BARRIt9T11H SOL - V Idler. Noury }'u nal t)ae '�.s-l;osrt aosoo Oolsrlsr• ="s'' 111/1114A1a. Loma, rrc. 1 14 oi1LLOP MUTUAL PISS 1 -_ • U R • If C 1 CO. -Jane and wised Pres.. 'oestrus P.O.: •u . ne�i� rr.6iela ; iimisikrizais swam wsa Sealleetli Oa Oak rics ale .‘ Cbableg Seem SW* (A menelRem UsN. • • 000 PRIVATE PONDS!TO e Was. Apert M M. 1 .. CA .1aemMsr Rus .- ramal aledwillb wIt. ROBERT*ON. • a19016411C1 AOIQrr gas ttownt os s 11100.Cansdles awl • Wan. ILAR11AU MOUS 1R111 Z. W A 9006111011.011$7. T .-4.4.11111111Mor isAaaliYM LICRISSRL • Pate§ts, Trsre /arts, Desigis tiecured in A11 Countries. Write for toes book -PATRIOTS PROM T10N. Tei . and hew es see pas w t► RAW ' a 00101. et.YBsud heft A . .sets Mee Inns Ba,einso., Meow et Pause Law.. Rats ret ream Aebwe+e ma ss. wt. Jaws Atest. Newles et Hsearak- ▪ Ipevasirr` ae.w.r■setatm Brophe) Bros. AODE=1011 toe Lamin: Nonni Directors and Endialml'rs ab ail bows.. .°' erg r - • • • • A COUNTY ROAD SCHEME • • • e The Seem meaty cooaoi I. leuneb- IttR • Platt for the Improvement of roads, and The Windsor Record has the (otbwle4t artiste as the subject : "legibility M one of the commend. able foetuses of lite highway improve- ment leglslsllon in Outnri.), and to the fact was due the sauces. In get- ting through the necessary endorse- ment b the county council of w good reds p fur this county. We bad • peculiar situation to meet here. The people la the soothers ball of the meaty have good roads and they w ere opposed W • general county scheme, ie whicb they would have to My for a *room of improved high- ways that would be mostly in the not W Under the plan adopted we have p•otically a comity scheme, with a few sou/born loweships excluded. This was tar better than the estab- lishment of oos or more leadipg roads. There are various reasons why it is advisable to establish systems of county roads, some of the advantages being summuized ss follows : 1. It set. aside • limited mileage of roads foe immediate improvement. There must be • starting p sant ; all the roads of the Province cannot be bait et oaoe. A limited plan of roads is deterrnioed for special effort, aed such as can be completed in • dstoite period, say ten years. 2. Bspeoditttres can 1. concentrated on sub.twttal construction. If roads are all soder one bely, such as • township oouncII. the mileage is too Roast to cover in • definite period, so the expenditure is mattered over all roads in small amounts, and little or willing of • perm meat kind isao°om- pltshed. 8. Roads can be bails t0 wit the traffic over tura. Roads I rrlwg • euuoty system should br srlectrL se to location so that Met will serve all parte of the ouunty. They thus h. -- come the truck roads of the locality 1a ranching local market. sod ,011p - ping points, and can be adequately Butchers'. good built to serve effectively the greater do. medium traffic on • uniform plan. do. common 4. Continu.rw routes ere provided for Beichen' cows, choice.. 7.26 the heaviest tram of the heal' _ Under tywasbip control, wads are impnrved le disjointed patches,. mu - with a view to Gnproelog the worst places first -but neglecting the needs of truffle. To provide adequate- ly for testae means the greatest Woe - It to that giasiest oumt.er. 6 Tow o l 1p councils are relieved from the twat of maiotaloing roads of bavy traffic, and eats c0n.rgt$e0tly spread their expenditure more effect- ively over the gt.wter ntilr►ge of rOade carrying Tight traffic. 0. Adequate outfits of road ma- chinery can be pros Wed such as tewnshipe, *asking separately, could not apply. 7. A bstter class of supervision and wotkman•hip coo he had, growing out of eootluuous employment acid ex- perience. 8. Just as superior construction can be had under county control, so can better maintenance be provided, and largely for the same reasons. Y. In • general sense, lbs coustrue- lion of substantial roads is too big a task for many township councils to organise and limner. Township councils are too close to the rate- payers ; are too subj ct to personal influence and the consideration of votes. Coot °ouits see not wholly immune (nor County it desirable that they should he), hut they are ate step far- ther arther from infuenees such as tend to interi.,r and wetter ed work IAR[ET QUOTATIONS JULY 4th Termite Cattle 90arttet Steen. barn -fwd. chotes.{10.mow .40 do. erase -fed .. 0.76 20.11 do. good 9.40 9.76 0.00 9.40 8.60 9.00 8.00 1.64 7.20 11.00 5.211 1.60 6.76 9.76 1.00 $.N 7.00 0.00 1.76 6.00 06.00 60.06 100 00 10.00 12.60 7.60 9.00 6.60 7.00 6.26 6.26 3.00 7.00 9.00 10.00 6.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 • THE WORKINGS OF YOUTHFUL r HEAT FLASKE-S MINDS. Ezamioation papers are usually prolific of ,mile -provoking answers which desperate students baz mrd in bope of strikiug something worth • few marks. 1►requently the answers sbgw only lack of application no the part of the student, but sometimes they *bow the examiner is using terms not within the comprehension of the pupil Here are some Lamers culled from papers ' wt itten by very small chil- dren. The question was : Name thtee of the heavenly lerdies and 1.11 'what work they do. Eloise of the answers were : "Tone heavenly bodies are Oranges, bananas, and loosens.Evidently some grown-up in the family his used Gm word "heavenly" to describe a luscious orange.) "'three heavenly bodies are the Irish. English, and Canadians. because they go to heaven when they die." (Tho Scotch ars not iib favor there.) Oahe lad believed:'[' pa-rently, that "bsavealy"was 001It a word meant, and answered, "Three of the heaviest bodies are ■utomcbilee, wheelie and wagons." Another wrote : "Three heavenly bodies ire the Father, Bon and Holy 4iosa, " and still another, "God, lrsu., and Moses" One of the queer..t wast: "god, be- cause He is our Father ; Peter, be- cause be was a great missionary, and Lake, because be wrote some of the books of the Bible." ' A teacher in one class had under- taken to explain !be question by say - Ing that "heavenly bodies" meant eosnething you are when you look up In the sky," and one bi ight child wrote "Three heavenly bodies are robin', 1*- rr•use they pick the bug, off the ber- ries, sparrows because they are lively, and storks bemuse tbey are gond to tarry tbl°r.' the key to beauty's heart : ' A box et Liggett', Chocolates." "Your sweet- heart's ebolee." bold exclusively by all Retail ding storm. H. C. Dunlap, tiodericb. rihortest Line -Fastest Time to and From CAMP BORDEN ST CANADIAN PACIFIC. Oomm..cing Sunday, June 25th, will be Inaugurated • last and frequent train awoke between Toronto and Camp Borden via Canad.s(n Pacific sa follows : CO THE CAMP. brays Toronto (t'niot) 8 1 .. m. d aily exam' Sunday. North Toronto N.3n e. m. doily, arrive Camp Borden 111,16 a. as. daily. Leave Toronto (Union) 0.60 a. m. dally, except Sunday, arrive Camp Borden 12.30 p. w. Gave Toronto (Union) 1115 p. m. as arday only. arrive Camp Barden $ is p. m, lases Toronto (Union)1 .30 p. North Tomato 1.4) p. w. Saturday only, arrive Camp Borden 380 p. lee Leave Toronto (Union) 190 p. m, Twseday. Thursday and Saturday, ar- rive srive Oamp Borden 4.311 p, m. Leave Toronto (Union) 8 40 p. n . daily. arrive Camp Bordet 8.511 p. m. Lave Toronto I Union( 140 p. tn. daily, arrive Camp B.rden 11.101 p. m. PROM THE CAMP. Lor amp Borden 6.40 a. ret. daily, arrive Toronto (Union) 8.00 a. m. Leave Oasap Barden 0.60 a. in. Mom day, Thursday sed Saturday, arrive T=vto e(Un)oa 1) rdenoon. ti Camp Borden 0.50 a. m. daily, seri'. Tomato Walcott) 1140 p. m. Leave O*mp Bordon 1.30 pp et. tut st- astdtsy only, arrive Toronto (Un(oe )1111 • as. ieboe camp Borden 4.06 p. m . daily •fit Brachy, arrive Toronto (Un - Me) 7.69 pp m. Leave Oaasp Fiords* 8.00 p. m. dally, o nly* Perth Toronto 980. . L * llw Leave Oen srdoe 0.06 mp. m. Sun- day only, arrive Toronto (Unica) 11.10 P a Bbabr pamlw lar. from -Oaeadlan Pueblo 1�tatieltel or W. B. How - 9 DIZZY, NERVOUS Mrs. Wynn Tells How Lydim E [inkhorn's Vegetable Compound Helped Her DuringCbanse of Life. , Richmond. Va. - "After takipg seven bottles of Lydia E. Plnkbam's I uuuuuunIIIilIttr, Vegetable Cont - ,VIIIpound I feel like a new woman. I al- ways had a headache during the Change of life and waists) troubled with other t I ( bad feelings corn - feelings at that time - i dray spells. nervous feelings and h e a t lashes. Now I am in better health than I ever was and peommeod your remedies to all my friends. "- Mrs. LnsA WYNN, 2812 E. 0 Street, Richmond, Ye. While Change of Life is s most crit- ica1 period of a woman's existence, the annoying symptoms which accompany It may be controlled, and normal health restored by the timely use of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. Such warning symptoms are a sense a suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregularities, constipation, variable ap- petite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness. For these abnormal conditions do not fail to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound. THE /IQJtTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE use'►: �' cul'\Ir, UNP 1. open to rereleo •taMnt• any nay during the Boltdy for a .lo. t balder coarse or for regular coar#e.f study. Young women •Yost begin molls" rrepar.tloo at awe W all ale placed of the Meet- mem wbe bare e.11 tete Writ• tun ssrtisa u. sad eteslar. C. A. FUMING. F. C. A.. Prin. (psi. O. Ir. man lNO.nreeerr. ROBT. WILSON Massey -Harris Agent Hamilton St , Gede.tcl maw •11111111 7000 Rods of STANDARD FENCE must be sold by July 1st, 1018. Ws bave two ear loads of the beet fence that mono can huy and we have heutgbt so we can sell right. Call 16 and see our stock and get our price before you hey your fence. We need the money and you need the fence. Far. Nadine, We Barry a full floe of Farm Machinery •Iweys on band. W• h. Buggies a Carriages all and irises. A large assortment Id - ways o0 our floor. 1f you need a foot to.. of thud FAMOUS (►LI) NOM E- STEAI) FRRTILiZER, we lave a rarloed just 1s. Hard or Soft Wood delivered to any part of, town. Phone -No. 166 do. good 0.60 do. medium 6 76 Butchers' hulls, choice7.641 do. medium b good6.76 do. bologna 1.00 ',odors. 900 to 1,000 Ibs. 7.75 lo. bulls 1.00 Stockers. 800 to 900 lbs. 7.26 do. med.. ON to 700 6.60 do. common, light.. 6.60 Cutters 6.50 Canners 4.26 Milken, good to choice 80.00 do. common to met 50.00 Springers 60.00 Calves, veal, good do. medium do. common do. grans Bob calves, each Lambs, cwt. Sheep, sweet light do. heavy and becks 0.00 do. Bulls 6.00 Hogs, weighed off cars11.00 do. fed and watered 11.40 do. f.o.b. country... 11.66 Toronto drain Markets Manitoba wheat -Track, bay ports, No. I northern. 81.21; No. 2 northern, 21.19%; No. 3 northern. t1.16%• Manitoba o *z. --Track, bey ports. No. 2 C.W., 6IVec; No. 3 C.W., 61c; No. 1 extra feed, Mite; No. 1 food, 60c; No. 2 feed, 49c. American corn -No. 2 yellow, 86e. track, Toronto; 22c, track, bay porta Ontario wheat -No. 1 commercial per car lot, according to freight, out- side, 07c to 98c; No. 2 commercial 93c to 96c; No. 3 commercial, 87o to 89e; feed wheat, 82c to '.5c. Ontario oats -a -No. 3 white, 4$c to 40c. Peas -No. 2, per arlot, 11.70 to 51.80, according to sample, 51.25 to $1.60. Barley -Malting, outside, 66e to $$c; No. 2 teed, 00c to 62e. Buckwheat -70c to 71c. Rye --No, 1 commercial, 94c to 06c. Manitoba tour -First patents, to jute bags $4.00; seconds, 14; strong bakers', M.N. 1a jute bags. Ontario flour -Winter. track, Toron- to. prompt shipment, according to sample, 84.06 to 14.16, la jute bags; bulk, seaboard, 14 to *4.10. Mtllfeed--Csrlosda, per ton, dellvor- ed. Montreal freights bran, 512 to 120; shorts, 123 to $24; mlddl_ngs, $24 to 526; good feed flour, bag, 11.66 to 11.60. Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesale ;rice,' to the trade: Eggs - Special candled (cart's) .' .31 to $ .33 Candled. ex -cartons .... . 28 .29 Butter - .29 Creamery prints, treat .. .29 .11 1 Creamery, solids .. r .a Choice dairy prima 26 TnvIae,at, 191.7 4WM, II D. MILLAR Et 50N Ladies' and Children's Fancy Parasols Alarge showing of Fancy Parasols colors. Now is the time'to select sol when the stocks are at their best weather ahead of us. Ladies' Fancy Parasols from . Children's Fancy Parasols from in plain and fancy your Summer Para - and all the summer .$1.00 each - 25c each Special Showing of Silk Rich Silk Crepe De Chene Sport Sweater Coats We are indeed fortunate in having a fair as- sortment of these most popular,garments, in plain colors and candy stripes, in melon, alive, maize, gold, black and white, 5 00 each ,, Children's Hosiery Buster Brown Sister's Hose for girls' wear, mercerised silk finish. The kind of hose the children love to wear. Colors black, white, pink, blue, tan, all sizes, per pair 25 C Children's socks are in greater demand every season, mercerised silk finish colored tops with cuff, all colors and sizes in ZOe and 25e stock from 4 to 8f, per pair 11 Special Value in Middys Sizes, 14, 16 and 18 years and 34 to 42. $1Special values in White Middys, made from extra quality- :Liddy cloth, deep sailor collar. . 00 Special, each sees 11, 11 27 Ordinary dairy prints.: .24 .Si Bakers' ,g3 24 Cheese -New, Targe, 18e: twhs. 184ic; triplets, 1�yc;, old, Jane and September, large, 22c; twins, 22Srtc; triplets, 221,.kc. 1'oultry live Dressed Sprlcg broilers ate 40e 46c 01d fowl. Ib.... 16. 16c 21c 23c Cucklitgs . 22c 26c 30e 32c Beans -Hand -piked. $6; primes, $4.60; Michigan, hand-picked. 16.60; 'grimes, 14.60 to 34.76. Potatoes -Delawares, 12 10; west- erns, 11 15 out of store; In carlots, 15c less. Maple Syrup-1:1..pertal gallon, $1.50; 8', -gallon tins, gross, $1; -gallon tins, wine, 70c; quarts, wine, 14 doz.; pugs:, 13c ,to 15e Ib. East Eulfa:3 Cattle Ca:tie-Receipts. 2,800; active; ship;ire steers. 89 to 111.50; but- chers, 88 to $10.40; heifers. 17 to 89.26; cows, $4.10 to $8; bulls. 15 to $7.76; stockers any feeders, 16.76 to $7.76; stock heifer.. $6 to 16.60; fresh cows and springs rs, active; $50 to 1106. Veals-Re.etpts. 1.050; active; 14.50 to $12. Hogs --Receipts, 10,000; heavy; 110.46 to 510.50; mixed, 110.40 to $10.46; yorkers. *10 to $10.40; roughs, $8.86 to 59; stags. 56.50 to 87.50. Sheep and lamb.-Recelpte, 800: scute; Iamb., $7 to 512; yearlings, 1565 t0 $10; wether., $8 to 18.26; ewes. $4 to 57.60; sheep, mixed, $7.50 to $7.76. Meats -Wholesale Toronto wholeaate houses are quot- ing to the trade as follows: Beet, forequarters ..111.60 to 512.60 do. hindquarters... 17.00 18.00 Carcases. choice 14.00 16.00 do. common 12.60 13.110 Veale, common 3.60 10.66 do. medium 11.10 11.60 do. prim• 10.00 17.00 Heavy hog. 13.00 13.00 Shope hon 14.00 14 6 Abattoir hogs 14.00 16. Mutton, heavy 14.44 12.00 do. light 14.00 14.00 lama, yearling 110.00 21.44 CMepe Cattle Market CatUr-fiecetpts. 0.000; market strong; beeves, $7.60 to 511.26; stock- ers aad feeders, $6.76 10 $8.44: eows and heifer~, 13.76 to 80.116; calves, 13.60 to 811 76 Hnti►-Ree.lpts. 32,000; market higher, Ifgkt. $9 si to 110.10; mixed. $9 66 to 510 16. heavy, $9.60 to $10.10; rough. 80 60 to 20.01; _tilEa 06 to 09 44, bulk of sales, $11.• to $10.10. Sheep --Receipts. 20,000; ark steady; native. 57 to IS; 1a..ks, 4 to $11. Setter and Owes! Markets St Hyacinthe, qts.. -1,000 bistros of clime* were offered All eotd at 11%ea. 1410 packages of butter sold at lasso_ i Bale ill. -1,'44 cries boarded; 1,MI sold at 14%e. 9f0 at 14 1.1b baleen OS154_ Waists These dainty Waists are very stylish and are serviceable, as they wash splendidly.They come in popular colors of maize, melon, putty, flesh, pink, black and white. Prjces from sees.. .b3.50 Boys' Heavy Cotton Bose Buster Brown Hose for the boys who are hard on their hose, they wear like leather and do not lose their color even with repeated wash- ing. Nothing better for hard wear, all sizes, per pair 25e Children's Summer Under= wear Children's Summer Vests and Drawers in extra fine quality, all sizes. No sleeves, short sleeves and long sleeves, to fit a1112i ages. Prices, each....... 4 New Georgette Crepe Wind- sor Ties Rich quality Silk Georgette Crepe Windsor Ties, all new shades, each ............... 0c Three -cornered Silk Middy Ties, hetnst t hed. colors paddy, red, navy,CC,,,, Alice; etc., at each ....sees 3st� and 50c i IN STOCK Store PHONE 56 fi s9 McCALL'S PATTERNS FOR AUGUST NOW u Millar's Scotch Wedding Stationery Let us print your Wedding Stationery with the latest styles of type. Moderate Prices. Workmanship Cucranteed. The Signal Printing Company, Limited s..• v841tioiviviolf8116o481oositioos4i8084 • %:$4t. DUNLOP AUTOMOBILE TIRES vectiL "up tow 5 "I was the Let le maim as auto tire -.r any typo T1el's wiry 1 meek positively es the tire eabt.ct. 1 love • s q..b., r • tire tbsr y.a get ire tie wake( .4 slat ti Sena. AtYn so usy way .1 Malone. Tw..M4sa . i..osbiag els• mien 'Dude,' and 'Driver' eearuoo with the e.a.s hose. Treatise' oast Dewlap '1p.eial'-_..d tb. r.et Igoe OX.' to, ass --4b Q.agy Cear." Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods /trot 7440 of tire -is Canada maintained tient Rrigs ecorties men*d of Vd .4 Assisi Velvet : Cyt, the ability fs dsi er. Wake that .f de D..I.p Ties F000dr-ase,, .1 • Ao7