HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-7-6, Page 1MIM MiMl111NMMfiNINN W Mj A To January Ist. A 191T � iThe Signal will he sent to It any pew subscriber in w at Canada or Great Britain la for only 2 1 1 1Mlid MIMI MMMlet MMMiMT i i Fifty Cents AMEN M MIAMI NOM M DR MIMI MINI Your Advertisement In The Signal it read by the bast people in a Targe section ..f Huron county. Bright, fart h ad- vertising is read as eagerly as the news colururu. all 1 i i 1I wrMMyt1NMN101 Pole $ *TT, SHTY TR.JM-N..t. GODERICH. ONTARIO, TY DOMINION DAY. THE STERLINiII*NK OF CANADA MANTRA). iTOHINIBTS AND I• KATH HAND* WANTUD. Amer a WOOD Cu.. plates. Uat. AOHER WANI'SD.-tKOOND- CLAaI srabwt .al, for 8. P. No. a Al Ann, steles Warr guanine's= and to WM. CLARE they. M R Me. sew. 10-41 MKN AND BOYS WAN] KD.- P. -ear dr ke.dy coos sr bots wowed. .tom to PABILT DRAIN DOOR (.'O..Oade- WANl'RD.-MAID FOR LIGHT f Y Ilid:ELbewwo T. LotstreoL Apply at B Y 1H e WOOL WANTED. HI Ht Il l,►[D-•CIBC 01t revomts 11LttllN PUBLIC DOTICL HOD. R. SUNBURY. A. A. (i 1. d Ca ..teddern ..d . 'deceit= a tea.: Tedder p-iaNasa4115easre_ grg$- `Pt.eMtB•tetlttlA. stn. . le.r=ree Rtrta!- tAViNO CLOl11D Orr MY BUM- atNEN I w..id We as s 4 b4 bww wife. Aasikel t.rl attar tam date wba.dat te ro .. 1 .m es, Marisa teem P. 1L 'f. Mgt NOTICE TO WATER TAKERS. Water estee for July t. December. bait year. are dee .ed If pale tris nseata ten ,,er eost, will be aliened. WATS* AND LNBT CU ealtseIO' :a. MIA 'TON. telleatsr. AppiwMa, Jena MIA- r ' W 14170-1114.1114, 41 & H t8TAUJON WA L 411;AS callikarAighips DEMAND POR 11100114L s. aty re. yea a gee. Mewni.., sed the wltae 1 etre. n 1" rhe but. W .(LT FADY ,mia. .:aaadia■ regi -tor : S:SMj Aa u rage -ter, 1. inspected. enrolled Ind rut ►el ave tanderd-bred u Canadian book. N'AI.TKit RUIN .hew• remarkable .peed and 1. endnnktedlr one of tae bee. bred etallbrea in Careoda. ALTCH pIDY will stand 1.r the )ale yea. .ew at his owl tato e. near North .suet. Dede- rick. Price at .en pee to Sours. ally $10.06. 1.1-7t A. 11. POLLEY. POR SALE OR MT. HOUSE FOR PAL11.-ON BRiT= 1E ANNIA rood, one et ta. and Mewst ieaetbws is town ; weave M ivory r►peet : bet water bootleg and ar.plaos, Le .lets k thelereh deewstod tbreaafoat Lassen tube. Bride emrsea bereereit. stersae Psp=ty saes W Jd fest frontage op Pietea ..treat. May beimpeetN.ay time. P. H. MARiIN HHOUSB TO RANT. -ON ST. FAT- AL SAKI; .lrg5L Eight rooms and tSeth MMfDlttu ."laiORAN t 000KAr- tiff'. rYSNT.-FIRST-CLASH STORK On et tea ysteene le � 'Apply to LW.AB, OAlt*uW. WM IIOUSE FOR BALK IN ViLLAGE AL Or At'R'URN.-seven esus. weenies. sod :Rood ower : care withftd vane ; s w titsroi.awta asase, tram* krlld fr•dt trees and garden. AaNy .n HURRAY PAT N, Anemia. I1 -It FOR SALE 11?OR BALK. -LAUNCH DOROTHY. 1' st feet seer,t N Rp aaleoa.ir tlbolifleHMI aur 15(1 R MALS. -A PI V B-PA.SSEINOBR FORD ear, with stee44e starter rued Ws. e. W111 rub at bargain. A 4 SAL!!.-ORDAR POSTS, ALSO R. C. 'Magee Apply W. T. RIDDLU.. led LOST ADD FOUND. GOLD br gswle/s•,i.t algal *Mea.' a�tmahm. am - DENTISTRY. AR. H. O. MacDONELL-HONOR .�athlsdsat. Toronto U.lveerty. Oradtsate auee.ws.w(ra"r'et Dosed e the late MY Odom wiser Leave uM Waal watch► WOTICETOTHEPUBLIC Having been desirous of enlisting IDs scene time past, I have finally tacc'eeded In making arr.ngernentw with the Uoderich Coal Co. (P. J. Nacitwan, manager) to take over mad carry on my cartage business daring my absence. HAIROOOI►f3,-YRS. A. NiCHOLL, Nei.. , street. le prepared to de aH l led. of hair 'lock trade Oen cut aur orgoaatsg.• mad angrier*hair tar order.. wteatMc treat - swat. cleaning. etc.. and also 5*. ter sale toilet egldw, .baaRio•lUlladre,•.as5a qua=ree.. awO'..slle 1t3 AUCTION SALI. GLHARINO AUCTION11.111(iF Houssi OLD n'RVIrVRL *140 rue -i NIS INOS. Mt. TS.a=a• Onndry hoe teethed in.truot Dat trams ler% C. 1e=bertn• to •elf by poblle auction at ba redden s. Lace street, Oates ie ea t1ATURDAY. JULY Wit. amemit lag at 1 o'clock •bare. the Spewing valiabas property : EAcase lar.itan, locludtnn 1 poen Oarn.y Osfad nsearly nee 1, 3 kith.. [able•, Mahe ale ave ether hitches utensils, p1ai � On. gods e . os 5541., i- Ma5arcem eaatr-. 1 oak Sofa'. 1 Parlor std ruraiturs--Two parlor task.. t 1 lsatbsr rocker.. s tapestry rade, 4 Wee with erttrp•w,. shod 5554.0 sem a teary new1.1 dre.-er ked wabelaa. 1 slrra..evaeal yards m linoleum and Michela. 11 .rua11 bedroom reg, and stat.. Your ..wars. wiadow .badge. waters. gar. dM s cad shovels. and several r a,9d.. be tRINK =sa eorows to =lotion. laavlai hINMeret sok'. a. the owner re Am■ strictly ,who ('. LAkI�tERTI'!, TH/W.OU\DRY, Pespgbtre... AsatNneer. AUCTION SALE. Sal dye lob 19,16, 1.5 .p, m., oa Peones s. SOLID BRICK RKHIDKN 15 ON NOBT* STREET. qtr. list• lag getout. Ju•eat 1e um sseveral eleepbo vim le set, and ie sae dentes wait from DM sad savanna Mata street isedist A 1. rape .f the asset .wddeetW saeartle• is town. TIOLISI, TM d per end. of p•reaase mosey m rt and basses .1151. thirty days. ar mee roomilo ea =ate5ge at interest at it property r plug to be .old wltknnt re essse. J. W. CpA.Q:R Til10e. SUNDRY. aasaL motivator. 1.,h (IODERICH PA ARK ETb. Tsawam.v. July a ........ 11 15 to I Lel to M ego am N N+ 513 sat >A 111 1• i have therefore '. up with war/.toe.• tbe 161 tit Battalion for active ser - rice over.eaa, and I would respect- faliv eoitcit from the public getter• ally, and from my old custolaeri particularly. a contortions:* of their velure patroaagte until such time as I taxa again rename my occupation Any bashers affairs entrntted to tfilelr caste dttriag my elmetrre will tberekee be tbeakfnlly appreciated toes aR altlass to per ewe . ...... wire it paean heei*r. &Je PeM .»w ....rue «ey.. 50 NOW o IT WAS CELEBRATED iN GODERICH. Floe Weather and a Good Crowd in Town -Sports Well Contested and E verybody Hada Good Time -Lists of Prize -winners in the Various E vents. Sb. osiehratioa of ;the forty-ninth sate! day of the Doaiieion in Gado - rink was favored witb perfect weather and front almost every atrodpolnt the demonstration -was a success. This trades and floral proeoiasion had few sr competitors than in previous years, yet ibises' tie accounted tor by tbe lack of help from whkh practically every Industry and trade is suffering, How- ever, those who participated in the opening parade are deserving of much commendation for the assistance they rendered to make it the success which it proved to b.. The parade, which started at the coarser of Hamilton and Victoria atreete. bad an advance guard, consist, ins of Poliermeu Postlethwaite and Moore matnted on white bones. They were immediately followed by a carriage in which wen Mayoc Mc- Lean, Deputy Reeve Lalthwalu, Councillor Wallis and Assessor Camp- bell. The fir•etueo, with their bow wagon, fire engin., and hook and ladder wagon. were next in line, otter which cense the:i:3rd Regiment band. and almost fifty Boy Scouts, with their life and drum band. The trades were represented by an aauuunitroo float from the Doty Engine Works, a bed Crop supply wagon from the Dominion Road Machine Co.'e works and • display of furniture from the Ocderich Manufacturing Company. A calithumpiao hand with musio.l inclinations was followed bya cottpb "from the rural district" wo left the irrlpreesion with the crowd that tbeir opportunities to celebrate Dominion Day bad been all too few. Several decorated bicyeJes and about a deme decaeated autos completed the par- ade. Thre ppst irev were awarded*" follows ; Tues a g'roe.seieo-1s D..i F la. 1+Yeeks t Sada i isi�ba Read Aaebloe Co. t anti, (ivaench Mfg. Co. A Special prize to the the brigade was recom- mended. D. c.orat. d turoo.Jt,-lot. Chas. Black ; Ynd, Miss Pearl F.xser; 3rd, W. L. Mclean lib. Mie Ila Allen. Det -orated bicycles -1st, leer Hum - her : 2nd. Olive Allen ; 3rd. Catherine Hays and Marion Lee (tier. A special prize was given to encu of the other girl* who ...carpeted io' this Dorothy- Dancry, Helen Carey, Jean Hunter and Beatrice Hunter. The Baby Show. The batby show was a, usual a great attraction. There was a good array of neitrty little youngsters, and the prise* were awarded as follow" : Ceder six months -1st Mrs. Jae. Dornin, 2nd Mrs. Robert Williams. Six months to one year -lye Mrs, Jas. F. Tbomion ; 2nd Mrs. Wm. Hill, jr (B.-omillei I. twins. Children's Gama. The prize -winner's in tbe children's games were as follows : trove. 50 Tarte race, seven years and tre- dve-Roy 'Walter, Charles Silk, Wil- fred (ltfahaia. 50 yardarm*, eight years and under ten -Bert firs, Roy Walter, George McKay. 141) yardt rare, tenear and undttr twelve -James Ryan, Vied Price, Alex. FtiD1. yrds lace, twelvear, ran and un- d fourteen-Hector Ward, Fred Prise, Charles Thornton. Boot race, 100 yards, twelve years and. under -Earl Westbrook. Clyde Carter. Fred Robinson. BuontnR-brood jump, fourteen year, and under -John Pinder, Hector Werd.Tbeodore Bullard. INnsidg high jump, fourteen veers and wader -John Pinder, Ted John- attn. Henry Hunfalvy. Vaulting with pole, sixteen wean and udder -Bruce McDougall, Ted h etwttoo.Withtam McDongan. Three-legged race, tlft vards, fif- teen near. end under-JJohn Pinder and Martin Price, Henry liunfalvy and Hector %Yard. Harry $ii,.derson and Bert Sanderson. Iiieyelerace, once around the Square. fnutteeh years cad tinder -Douglas Thornton, John Donaldson, Alpert Harris. • NOLO. 00 yards race, six years and under -- Vera Beres, !roue Abel, Dorothy Tow nabeod, Boot race, 50 yards, sixear, and 'ander-Ir •tiet. Oilve McAllister, Edith Hunlher NO yards race. ten year, and under - Marie Cash, Nosy Ryan, Violet Thom p low. Potato dace', fifty yard., ten year, need loader-- Mar• re a( Graham. Anaie Paster, Grace McGregor. 100 yards rice. twelve years and en- dsr-Mss$. Smith. Rosily Murray, Vera Ialblourr. . i00 yards raoe, foorteer years and ender- Keith Morse Oatbarine Hays, MynI. Rani agtii te. Bieyelerwoe. eine ensued the Mgeare, feeenne yeast seed under_- Relit h M 4.- aef. Marisa L. Jean Hooter. moo, nude. twelve years under, nrth ask. EmilyMurray, Mamie Smith.Mask. roast, fifty yard., freer - teem years red Mader -A. M.Doembi Med L Mt*coos. r, R. Money and M. Aaaine. Latimer daises• Onittenned on Page R $$DAY JULY 6 1416 TAi2 COMBINED ACES 246 YEARS TBA AIGN•471011711119 Ca, UMITID, Posumen aiMPi I THE LADS IN KHAKI. brut. E W. Porter, of (ioderlch, hag been sii ceptul in obtaining bis Colt machine-gun certificate. He at- tended the closes held at London last February. - WM. CAMP THREE W A. M. POLLEY W. It. ROBERTSON SON KNOWN CITIZENS OF GODERICH WHO WERE ALL Ma. WILLJ.t■Vt> L is just thirty-three yegra.tYIe than the thruilnkrn of Canadaaid he claims to hold the record for tile longest continuous residence in 0 .lerich. He wee burn at Barrie July 1st, 1814. and five years later came to Dederick, where be has lived ever score. lie has bees aid still its a prominent figura in the political and nrunk-ipal life of the town and etepe about with the gait of a malt of thirty. He fa (3e s.i0b'm muni- cipal ammeor and tae ddlootor. • BORN IN JULY, 1834. Mit. A. M. Put.t.HT opened hie ere at on thin ew Hapshire, hon July StoaFranconia. 1RRt, ` rnHe hastinea in Oodrrkh only fifty- four years, etc that we do not know much about his youthful (Jaye. but we regard it as extremely probable that be stepped right from the cradle to the driver's seat of a buggy, At any rate, lw known all about hones, and for many years 13e ran a big livery business in (ioderieh. Though now retired from busiuer•.+, head! drives out Almon every day to his " farm in (i.alerich township. • MIL W. R. RopEwr,iuN was born in Pictou county-, Nova fiesitia, July 22nd. MX He stent .owe years in California as a young man before rattling in Ontario. He has been a resident of (ioderkh sine 1870. In his eighty-second year he att ntbt to his insurance Weiner and also does the •fork in his garden. He is the oldest hicvclist in (lode - rich and may be eon on his wheel about town ady dal. His latest visit to him native Province was made just a year ago. WITH TI -1E.161 iURONS (4 ra.at,,lilili Arm Voyeur; July 5, About seventy -fife per sent of the men of R courpeny t4oderish and Blyth men) spout lwinitm Day at home. On July let a base 'all match be- tween teams from the bugle bands of the 181.1 and 153,d resulted in a vic- tory Inc the latter by 11 rune to 9. The seine team, also pl,yed a football match, which resulted in a lie, neither side scoring a goal. s• On "Wednesday of lest week the baseball reason( the foist Battalion defeated the 1534-d Battalion teas by a *core of 11-9. s• On Tueadey all the tents of the lttllet Battalion were struck. This gave an opportunityto thoroughly clean the lines and aso afforded the wen a little instruction in not -fagging. s• Pete. Fred Dooms., who while in Oodericb wee attached to the bugler band, wet given his card:cal discharge this week. Oa Moedsy afu.Yoon the men re- tiree - toonth_ rad 1*1 ebtq'rr A nuwlwr of the Gadetie Ines [r- evived in addit:on to their ,...;ul.ar pay the $1.1 \rpt heck lir 1li.thes at the time of enlistineat. Many of the men are now attired in new uniform.. The re -.1st lour ap- pears to be of better material and of 'more uniform color th w the clothes i formerly ieaued. •• On Tuesday evening the intermed- iate football teams of the 'diet and 1:.33 d nisi. The Rave rr"uite' in a victory for tier 1111*t by 1 -11, all the goat. toeing scored in the first half of the game. •• The Mayor of London has offered a beautiful silver cup as a trophy in a diving contest free W any soldier in training at London. The diving takes plane each evening at the Grand Theatre. A number of Ooderich men we in the contest.. Pte. 11.g. Fowler, who has been • Mr. R. C. Hays received • letter ibis week from his son„ Private R. (kr khurn Hay., telling of some recent heavy engagements in which be par- r icipated. 4o far Private Hays has escaped without injury. Mr. and M.s. Wm. C. Johnston re- ceived two postcards on Monday even- ing wbicb conveyed the welcome news Irom their son, Private Walter John- , ston. that he was well but a prisoner of war in Germany. Private Jobostun was repot ted raising sinew June 2nd. I The cards which he sent were dated June titb. I home on a leeegtby sick tarlosgb, re- : joined bat compane here this week. About twenty men fronts each of the battalions have biro moved to Cove ranged to take's -imams is satmkrtry. Among tubes. Vint Lela ittfit ttiee Sergeant, J.ne cad Craig. Uor p•.ral Hettord and Ptre. U'Brlen and Uuh- ring ; the hist two as cooks' helpers. SPECIAL *1.50 OPTICAL SALE of w. -r. aotrtd gold -Tilled rimmed spectacles and eyeglasses. with best quality white ct y.•tiel spot r:cal ler.oeb, for only $1 .41, sold in regular way for 43.50. Byes examined free by our well-known and painstaking specialist, W. Huglison. He was manager cat the ,ptieal department of B. & 1I. B Rent, Toronto. and later occupied a neo similar position with Heavy Morgan & Co., Montreal, bath of which firma speak highly of his wort. Hie skill and experience are at your "rrvice two days only, Saturday and Mcn• day, July Sth and 19.h. S1LITU'e ART STORK. (iOde* ich. For A d.inty dessert use Edwards' pure ice cream. made in fancy trick or bulk. Order's delivered. Phone del, THE HUN IS BEING DRIVEN BACK. / Cburce t.hiepveles 1.l r MAr;.npuich Fier tudeCourf leseawfs' t)a cJ ,,.4B4ordel :. sort .LBE%tT -v- oucheveset§ JJ�J .711. N� 0., hones 1 1J�lia.t I..a . sucourt Section of Franca in whic/t Alined movement is taking plaice. '(hp grist, festIWO of the war news t.h,. week M the ethane. of the Athol f,.rres in Prance in the region of the River t•i.wnme The Frenrh Moe advanced on both side« of thin Nnmme, while the British tenps are drives 'sunward between the River An.'re sod the Somme. me. TAe French are now only a few miler from Pervwtao, Priv .utt, Ma seta, MoittauPan and Thiepval are some of the name* rnantioswtl in the arecelitte coal tetat ►iehb ►sweet.. Tl>le announcement is made that Lieu .-Col. John 1. Mciaren, eon. - manning officer of tbe 19. h Battalion. will return to Canada and be given • 1'beetle command at Camp Borden. Lieut. -Col. McLaren is a son-in-law of here. William McClure, Nelson street, Ooderich. Reeently he was specially Mentioned by Sir Douglas Haig for gJlant and distinguishes condurt on the battlefield. Mr. John Youngsoe bas a letter from his son Howard, who has been transferred Irom the 71st Battalion to the 73rd ttcyal Highlanders. Part of his letter, wbieh was written June fhb e t Brai nabott Camp, is as follows : 'The 71st has been broken up and Bob Bowling. Eddie MacDonald and I are in the 73rd Royal Highlander, from Montreal (the Black Watch►. Major Dunlop and Captain Soother -an are in cowraand of Longmoor Range Camp, where we were shooting for a little better than a week. i made tetter than 1 expected I would. We were called hack Iasi night to get ready for France. Then are two com- panies going -A and B companies -as reinforcements for some battalion. There are Jost Bob Bowling and I from Oodench in tete Lattahos that are going. There are a few from the 71st in tate other company. bat they see sot going jus . et. Nit .b sta ait pirye'test nuns. I'jlvete i oe0 t+ Ji; . • . a roe wad Brawling did, too. one thing is. i am glad we are in the 7:1.d, as they are good fellows and 1 like them fine. 4o don't worry *omit no., w 1 w It W all right. 1 won't he with Bob How- ard, as he went a few days ago. It mahe a month or maybe tomorrow, andtar rosy not go at .11 as far as I know. But they are getting every. thing ready..wyway." LOYAL. WKDNRMDAY, July 5. Mr. Allan Greet. ha, returned from Wisconsin to take charge of the farts which he bought from his father, Mr. Andrew Green, who with bile daughter Miss Jeanie is moving to Salttord to reside. N'r are all sorry to lose Mr. Omen. who to one of Cur oldest -and beet citizens. Mr. Wm 1''. Young bas put in forty a' -res of beaus. This is an experiment fur this locality. hut if anybody can make a buries* of it Ww. F. will. Mre. James Clark celebrated her eight y•second birthday on Monday. We are glad to he aide to bay she is in good health, and her many friends bole that she may lie spored for many more annienroarie.. She ham Leen a resident of this locality for sixty year,. Mi.. Maisel Young i• home from Dublin, where she has been teaching school. Mr. Fletch r Gilder" is en the sick liar. We bets. for his early recovery. Mr. Wm. llcl'nee. has some indus- trious hero M•nce Januar rrJrd hw bad 4:41 d. •n egg,. January a odd r bas flu hews. AUC1 JMt BALLS. looser. July 11 4.N of •tandiag bar on cosoe-.ona satti r•. Aal.11sld, JOHN 8'r,,.p. props leder : Jour P, 14114, auctioneer. hrt•n sr, Jelly e - Rate a .hop furniture and fur fishing... at P. N Martin • !Mier -hop, I iad.rkh. T. ti VP Mt r, aucU.neer. BORN. BRAN.- At .11cv..ndra ho-plt.l. I;oderi-r, on Tharday. Joy A. int 1,e. J. a. cad Yrs. Hears .rat Ilderton.. • daagb.er. MARRIED. MILLIAN-RYAN.--44, rhur.,fay. July R •t Um Victoria .treet Methodist par+enaae, by Rev J l:. Ford. Mr Wilbert U. 111111an. of (ledench. to Mfr Evelyn Ryan, daughter or Mr Jett. R)an. o/ unclench.; DIED. McLIG0I1. - In lindertch. on Thursday. a Dolly Melwd. ATE I\seiO.-At Moeso'l.ie.. Se.k. on nets,: day. hely 4. Lane .1.'.. 3.,.,.., wore M lien, A. Nerd 1t1 y«tn, J sent ., and MWARTP.' .In r)unday. int, 1. Kllc.beth May. yostye.l daughter of Mr. and Mr.. blare DAVI$SOQf `in l on Tharwday. Jolt' . yr M loam 1 NEW RTISEMENT$-July O. Pogo We.I.rn Pile --A. M. Root. *ee'y ..... . . 7 Teacher Wasted -A. A. No. s A.iasM 1 iceneh far Mal .1. Black ..a Salt- North ttn.riea*Chemasosl Cls.IIMti Notice to Water taker. A. Minks t MNNfs1"t. and Lathe Bagd• Wanted -Wasp Meet t o . (14.ton 1 Orange ('elect stirs at (hates E rma tar N.M-r. it merino nett)aaeet of As.rr.t. - r B. Ilfaee.s$ A..U..s Rale _J. a . (rabic . 1 Car far Pala -Rot S. O.d«teb - t Nese cord -Thee t a•wbory 4 Yews le Root -Treed/ask Mora* dt Crus 1 Lesch leset-Mlosial /7Mee............... t Mea W Bap. WaaW-rmee Offaly Dose owassest.