HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-6-29, Page 7Purity! Purity! Punty!
The one dominating note that runs
all through the making of Sunlight
Soap is Purity. The $5,000 Guar-
antee you get with every single bar
is not a mere advertisement. It
marks a standard set for the buyers
who select the choice Sunlight Soap
materials -for the soap boiler -for
the expert chemists -for the girls,
even, who wrap and pack Sunlight.
All are mindful of the Guarantee
-it is a source of gratification to
all the Sunlight workers.
(51: Soap,
. /-
Loam Toronto (Under - Station 10.45
p. Ht. Monday, Wednesday, Friday
al ry;Sound, Sudbury, Port Arthur,
Fort William. Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina,
Saskatoon. Calgary, North Battkford,
Edmonton, Vancouver and Pacific Coast
Tbksts and berth rw.erra,nw,. f -ren .1. W. er.afrrie. At•nt, or
write R. L. eels bats o. General Passenger .\sen:. b IC.•yr
et. C , 1'.r..i.
Printing?_ the i laY
No less than four radiating surfaces gather up almost
every scrap of heat and send it through your comfortable
Drop in some time soon and hear about McClary'g
special installation service that gets out of every ton of
cal ail the heat there is in it.
Sold by W. R. PINDER
Mrs. W. 11. Brownlee, w furore
resident of 11ullo,t township, is de.a,t at
Lincoln, Michigan.
Mrs. John. tihepherd, • highly ee-
teemed resident of Heria&II, died Iaat
`,rest, aged sizty-.neon year..
Mrs. (Rets Lackland, of 1%'roseter,
has been made a Iris utrr..hrr of the
Red Cress goet.t y.
Mn. R. nsirh.ir.. of Sacramento,
Call/onus, is visiting relatives in they
&Manuel Robi.eoe, for many years a
highly respected farmer of McKillop
township, died at Butte on Tuesday,
Jame &b.
Mrs. Georg. Taylor. of )(ippem, met
with • bad accident the other day.
Wb.o getting into • buggy she tell
bark wards fracturing bee leg.
The marriage is •onounced of Mies
Helen Leighton, of Winnipeg, to
Lyle Lawion Richardeu., a former
Grey township boy. The event took
place in the Prairie City on June 3rd.
After a trying Hines' cf com}mwp.
ties Mrs John A. Howse. of l[eKil-
1 .p. passed away on Tuohy of lest
weak. She n survived by ber hus-
band and thtest small children.
"Felt-a-lhef" Seen Relieved
This Oaaarws ConOAiM
63r GsaltAan Sr. L' Ane, Toao!rt'o.
"For two years, I was a victim of
Acute Indigestion and (;as In The
Stomach. It afterwards aIi c#ed my
Hear! and I had pains all over my body,
so that I equld hardly move around.
I tried all kinds of Medicine but none
of them did me any good. At last, I
decided to try "Fruit -a -fives". I
bought the first box last Juur, and
now I am well, o ler suing way Bret
inters. I recommend "Fruit a tiers'
to anyone suffering from Indigesti„n ,
150e. a box, 6 for 62.50, trial site, xis.
At all dealers or seat postpaid by Fruit -
a -siva Limited, Ottawa.
♦11 bas -lying lastl its the vicinity of of Roxboro'. in the township of !ic-
was completely Hooded dur-
ing a recant downpour of rain. The Killop, cot ter tnr'lt Sealortb• There
Fordwich Record makes reference to be was born In 111&31 and tive years
La held io which the water was two later tba family moved north to the
feet deep after the storm., thick bush of Turoberry, whereaciear-
The commit of the Lutheran church leg was rliade on lbw 6th concession,
at Zurich granted their pastor, Rev, which remained the family home for
H. Itembe, • vscatfoo, and on Thum flan; Jean' Mr. Dag followed
del of this week he was one of the farmtsg for • time, until be immured
principal, in a mate ial event at emplovwemt in a John Gemmill, on the 6th „mom operated by
Hamilton, when be and leis. W. mcesioo.
Beet were united in marriage. From that time sawmilling beerried
t3 occupation.d
Mr, and Mrs Samuel Reid, of the his 8Miss Anne
Ja was mat. o
' Mill road. Tuekeremitb, received the W.wanorh, who survives him,ttsod
sad hews last week of the al -nth of atter living at Mookton and Car -
their daughter-in-law, Mn. Alex. Reid. mattock they ram. to Bluevale in
wbkk sad event took place at her 1873 to live. After being in the •w-
barisat Diamond City, Alberta, on ploy of Barley A Thynne h• formed a
>daaiy. June 15th. partnership with C. J. Reading. In
Kra E. B Harrison and Mi.. Carrie 880 be became associated with Thos.
G•rgrave, former residents of Ford- Stewart under the firm news of Duff
with, were instantly killed in Micbi- & Stewart. They bought the Leech
gm on Julie Zed, whim as automobile sawmill on the river back and for
in which they were riding was struck twenty-seven years a successful saw-
muling and general lumber biennials
was carried on to which. from time to
time, was added coati, cement, and
other lines. On two occasions the
sawmill was burned to the ground
but was both times rebuilt. to 1904
Ib. chopping mill and waterpower
was bought from the late Jos. Leech
and operated by the arm until last
year, when it was 'old to Chas. Her-
r. Duff
A pretty wedding was s)lemnized at was an ardent Reformer andM
ities.Mfor the
Owen Mooed on June 14th, at the year' 1004.07 he held the office of
hoose of Mrs Watsom, when ber president of the East Huron Reform
daughter, Miss Alms, became the Association. Besides his widow, his
bride of Fred K. Hess, of London, son death is mourned by three sons and
of Mr. and Mrs. F. Hess, sr., of Zur- four dsughtere,
kb. The young couple will reside in
South Lando°.
A pretty boors wedding took place
at the residence of the 'ride'' uncle,
O. E. Henderson, Fordwich, when
Miss Ada Estelle, daughter of Mn.
at • railway crooning by a fast passen-
ger train.
Miss hors Vera, daughter of Mr.
sad Mrs. Edward Hunt. of McKUlop,
and Thomas W. McMillan, nom of
Robert McMillan, of the same town-
sbip, wen married at the bride's home
on Wednesday of last week. Rey. F.
H. Larkin, of 8saforth, was the offi-
ciating clergymen.
State of Otto, qty .e Toledo,
k J tea' r.
Chow makes atb t✓t.t be Is eior
partnen of tAw gra d T,J.
Fran Obey ' ek Oa, cluing
beanie. la te
shuw.id a mold.tiss$U p+y11. *oar
Dsiaty, orf Palmerston, was nae_ atONIL 1IUh 0 DOLLARS for each a,td
tied to 'William Percy Dobsoneery rive of t •11 the. .at trt,. tie cure l oy
, M. A., tbe usaof N ALLLL :, i• 11'11{1011 CKR
FR t. v
R J. e:HE\tiY
Niers to tie/tire n,e u.la►rnlwd in my
sare, this St day d Deee.eb..r. t.0. nett
A. W. GLR.t9OV.
*bah Notary Public.
KW. Catarrh Cara i. taken lster.atry and
octet/smith the blood o./ the moires. ureases
of tke.77-reen. Send for t.- :medals. free.
r. J. CHENEY It ells Prep Trrtr. ohm.
Seel by all drugaiq..
Her. Family t'1!1. for .on-t:ratte.-
Prof. W. Glenn Campbell
Sc., .no of Rev. A. H. and Mn. Dob -
.on, of Fordwich. The ceremony was
performed by the brides grandfather,
Rev. Gsorie Hartley, assisted by the
father of the groom.
Two Durham steer., bred and fed
by W. R Yee', of tbe concession
of Twraberr y township, weighed 3,650
lba They were marketed at \Ving-
bam kart week at 810 T per cwt_, and
were later sold to the Harris Abattoir
('.. a Toronto, at $11.10 per cwt , a
pries which is said to be the highest
mer. f,rmerly M Clinton. il.0 been srt,f-
tering fur some wtonths from neuritis
ever realized fur two steers on the
open market, _ and at last report bis illness bad taken
a somewhateerioirs turn.
Maple (rove Farm, Jamestown, Lance -Corporal Jenkins, a
was the scene of a pretty wedding on bre younger
N-edoesdey evening. June 11th, when then of Capt. C. E. o was
e, reported
Mw Florence Mattel. daughter of Mr. wounded ay of lfe daysiago,sis nowatand' Mrs. P. C. Scott, was united in military hospital st Dartford. Kent,
marriage to Jen. O. Fraser, a well- and is rapidly recovering from • sbrap-
tc-do young farmer nI they township! nel wound received in the back. just
end son of Mr. and Mrs. Malools.i below the right sbould•r.
F'rs.efoss Iv. The eerei
arwmy I J. P. Sheppard has received a letter
Iran y Rer. C. Tate, o[
liluev■k. .. I fe m
from hioo, Norman shrimj. who
is a sailor citf letter
Eliza Asn Clark, widow of the late I was writ en the high at Capetown, youth Ai -
John Reid, ono of the oldest and most rice, bis boat. an immense freighter,
highly respected residents of Stanley bound from Calcutta to Philadelphia,
t township, p.wd away at her home having stopped there for a day or so.
las the Rayfield lire, on June 20th. !The boat took fire weeks to load at
About eight weeks ago .be suffered a Calcutta.
stroke tit p.rafyei•, from which be The marriage was '. !ren r -d no
never rallied. lin. Reid was born on
the Goshen line seventy-eight )ears
ago, and hast lived all her life in Stan-
ley. She is survived by a familyof
four snos and a.: daughter.. Her Iwo.us
!died twelve years n.
i A pretty June wedding took place
at Ethel on Monday evening of last
week. at the borne of Mr and Mrs. 1.
• M. Meory, when their daughter, Mary
Il.iWo. joined band and heart with
lar. D. Wer.11aw. Rev. .1. IV. John-
ston officiated. Two interesting feat-
ures of the event were the glebratioo i
lei the fortieth annivervrry of the
•carr {age of the bride's parent, and
He baptism of their only grandchild,
Stewart Charles Henry. Dr. and Mr,.
Wardlaw will reside in Ethel.
Th. late R N. Duff. whom death
took place on Wednesday. June 14th,
after as Illness of many weeks follow-
illa a stroke of parelyeie, was a 0/Aiwa
Clem to handle. . by an Drug-
gists, Grocers and General Stores.
Wednesday of last week, at
clow Miss Pearl
Mn. Geo. Huller, tows, to George
&Muer, sergeant in the mashies -Run
section of the 11001 Overseas Bat taller.
Rev. Dr. Rutledge tied the nuptial
Mr. and Mn. Walter Manuring re.
retied word last week that their son,
Pte. Lewis Manning, who had hese is
the trendtse In Frame for a year past,
bad ba en admitted to the hospital sin
tering trots a wound in the leg. As -
other Minton Loy, Pte. U. Mcleod,
sots of U. McLeod, woo reported as its
hospital with a wound in the arm,
though not • serious one.
A highly respected resident of Clio.
ton, In the person of Henry Cook,
passed away on Tuesday of lost week.
He had been in failing health for
several years. lir. Cook was bort in
Codeine's township sixty-eight years
ago. Fur several years pa, t he had
resided in Clinton, where he followed
the business of apple buying. He is
survived by his wife and • family of
six daughters and two sons : lin.
(Dr.) Barrett. Hamilton ; ,Mn.
'sent, Chicago 1 Mrs. Roo, MDra
Boyer sad Miss Ruby, all o[ Toronto ;
Mrs. Ptidbam, lid, N. S., Pte.
J. X (Donk of ebti Idiot Battrlios, :sad
Pte. li, W. A. Cooked tbe 110th Bat-
talion. An UM fatal, were with bin
when tie led oep
d cause with the sx
tion of Mrs Dynast and Pt.. IL W.
A. hook, who had baso home for sev-
eral days but had been obliged to
lease again.
Mr. W. Olenney, who bad been tk*
accountant in the Dominion bank
here tog some years, bas been ap-
pcanted-masager of the branch at
Word has been received that Lieut.
D. Hagerty, of ' the P. P. U. 1.. L, sus
of Lieut. -Col. E. W. Hagerty, of the
961st Toronto Light Infantry, • former
classical master in Seaforttb Collegiate
Institute, has been killed in action.
The late Lieut. Hagerty was to return
to Canada soon to become adjutant of
his father'. battalion.
A motor cal -containing five passeeg
ers had • narrow aocape at the G.T. R.
crosetog in Seefortb, on Tuesday af-
ternoots of last week. The car, which
was owned and driven by John Eckert,
of McKillop, attempted to cross the
track just as the 1.3U train was pulling
out, with the result that the car was
struck amidships, tearing oft the
wheels and giving the p•aaengers a
severe snakiug up. Fortunately the
engineer war *tile to stop his engine its
time,' othetwiee the car would have
been overturned and its orcupabts
seriously iujutrd. The watchman at
the croe.ing; (lows that be flagged the
Privates Cute Denbow and Harry
Wilde ale reported wounded to meet.'
btitles in Yr.auce.
Mrs. J. 1''. Rowland and children
lett hist week to joiu Mi. Rowland at
. 1 illsuul.urg,
1 J.,e Nicholson bas diepo.ed of his
barber shop to Win. Li tie, and John
'McCreath. of hinertdurr, ie sew in
I "Private Donald McLeod, of Trow-
`bridgr, who was killed in action on
!June 41b, was • contain to Mrs. N. S.
(McLaucblim, of town.
Rev. C. E. Stafford retired Melbo-
1 dist minister at Elora, who was fatally
injured in a train wreck at that place
• sew days ago, wan a former pastor
int Brussels Methodist church.
Mrs. Peter McDonald, of Brussel,
South, formerly of the 7th line of
Mog'N.yia. 'frau-one years of age os
lune flit. She is woodertuuy smart
. and active for ber age.
tier t. Arthur Chari. Pope, of the
1lUthBettalion, a former resident of
Brt:seek, and Miss Mildred Stewart, of
Stratford, were married at the bride's
' home in the Classic City on Saturday,
June lith. Rev. Dr. 'Thos. Mantling
was the officiating clergyman.
Rev. J. F. Dungeon has rented Ma-
jor Sinclair's tesideucr. He get, pos-
eesaion July 1st.
Jnbn Quirk, formerly conductor on
ibis G. T. R., celebrated ilia eighty-
third bir.hday oo Saturday, June .4tb.
Will Southcombe has resigned his
position on the teaching nteff or the
high school here to •sort a position
on the ■teff of the Colimbor Institute
at t'.,ilii,gw o x1.
A sudden death took pl..ce in Toron-
to on Tuesday of Ia•t work, when lIn..
Petrol Robertson passed away alter a
islet illness. Ttie deceased nay a
laughter of Mr, and Mrs. Archie Mc•
l>ltNlvny, e'f Wmgban,.
The death of Mre. A. J. Nichol, oe-
nlred A; 1\'iugbam hosoital on Tues-
day of last week . Site bad been • suf-
ferer from cancer fur several months,
and • few weeks ago she underwent
au operation. She was thirty -flee
Jyean •if age and is survivedr her
butibana and • family of live children.
One sem, Noru,an, is with tbe Almy
Medical Corp. in France.
Di. and Mrs. Thoma. Chisholm, for
mei ly respected mesidente of %Virg.
haul, celebrated their golden wedding
on 'l bur.d•y, Juoe 13th, at their resi-
dence to 'Toronto. They were married
at Fergus in the year 1831[1. Thirty
yeah of their wedded life were .peat
THUttaoAY, Jmt.. ap, 1018 7
Summer Hats
for the Holiday
IF you come here you will get prompt
and careful attention, and you can choose
from it stock big enough to include every
good shape and style.
Straw Hats
Split Straw Sailors
Light -weight Chips
White Duck Hats
McLean Bros.,
- $2.00 to $3.00
- $1.00 to $3.00
- 75c to $3.00
- 50c to 75c
The Semi -Ready
in Winghaw and at Arthur. They
moved to Toronto six years ago. Dr.
Chisholm teprreented East Huron in
this Home of cotnuton!. 1111 Ottawa for
two Parliaments.
North Huron County L. O. L. met in
Winghaw on 'I'uraday afternoon of
lest week. The celebration on July 12th
its Blyth was fully d,,.'usx8, and after
taking into conside,.,,inn rhe (act That
celebrations will br held in P•Imerston
and Clinton it was ,!raided to emirs.'
the event in /Myth. The trsigoation
of W. B. Elliott as •curly rrcord.ng
K' `start .vets aeoeptrd and John Mout .
gowery, t f Howick, was elected in hi.,
Alfred week {bat k s brrs atwr"Wi lliadml H.
Walters. woe severely, wounded in the
aim in Firmer.
J. W. Powell left last week for
Orange•, N .1., to attend r convention
of Edison dealers at the factory in
that city.
l ;ea ge Ewing, inan•geroeth.Bask
of Commerce at Taber, Alta., visited
here for a few days. Mr. Erring carne
east en visit with hi• brother at Qum,
bee, who leaves.bortly with a battal-
ion for overseas.
Cavan Preshytetitn church w.ra the
'rens of a very pretty welding on
T,Ileedav of last week, when 116.4 Vera
Ada ELbelind Campbell, y,,u,'g rot
daughter of Mrs. Minion r':oopt,ell,
wan units.) in rias {age to Or Ileorge
Rdward Jurhen Ltru in, of Hamilton,
Rev. N. F. Sharp, B. A.. 11. 0., ..m-
ciated The happy . ontde 1. ft the
sante day on a wedding trip ..1 three
weeks through the We -a. Un their
return they will tali" tide th.•ir rent -
deuce At 11 ►wil_nn.
One Idea of It
Lecturer- The idea tit e•e,..ity, u.y
friends, is scultetlsnes too vast for the
eonunon wind to conceive. Voice (nun
the Audience --Did you -ever p.ey for &
seven-hond.ed-•tollarpiano on the in-
etellutcnt plan's"
Take One Tonight
ifou feel bilious, "headachy" and irritable---
for that's a sign your liver fs out of order. Your
food is not digesting -it stays in the rtomneh n n.,nr
fermented tod rose. .
teoning the system. Just t a
dose of C'hamberlai:.6 n's Stomach and Liver Tab!. t4 -
they make the liver do its work -they cleanse and
software -Ow rtomaeh and tone the whole Minot, e .,.t.m.
!ed Aim In the morning.
At all drugri.la tic.. or ty mall rren
Cbaiakerlaia Mei/eine Campy, Tomato 14
SbOCS Nea t
%Illy !e 1 -1. ,1 out doing your cooking ,ittrine,
the hot tuonth. Strainer when sou can nee t
CLARK JEWEL Coal Oil Stove ?
The high-speed oil burner is fast and etonomical.
This burner is close to the top and the flank.
strikes the bottom of the vessel. With this
direct contact water boils More quickly and it
takes less furl to keep it boiling.
Now is the time to get your Screen Doors and
Windows on before the flies get bad. Do not
wait until they get in your house and then put
rnk screen, to keep them in.. Call and see our
large range o' Screen Doors and Window,.
Prices ranging from $2.50 to $10.00
Refrigerators from $9,00 to $35.00
Lawn Mowers
from 54.50 to $ 10.00
Ate von bothered by your hog, ,getting tinder
your fence i' if mo, the
Bulldog Fence Anchor will help you
Call aid we shall be pleased to show yon how it
i• used.
Oo you want any Fencing at t'ehry low prices
We handle the :deal. Call and get our prices
before purchasing.
How About Your Winter Supply of Coal ?
We handle the hest Scranton Coal at the follow-
ing prices :
Chestnut $ .Or ton
Stove 114.110 " ..
1=gg ....$7.7.i ..
Soft and Cannel Coal.
Hard and Soft Wood Slabs