HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-6-29, Page 6•
IrStritau.T. Jona 21 1116
deed .......y:
Reliable advance information will be given iu theme columna
during the fruit season. Tbrs.e bulletin* art the official gate.
wields of the Niagara Growers and may be drpt•ndt.1 upon.
St:nwt.erriea ettoulal be ordered early. The crop is good amt the quality
excellent, tut the denote, will Ir- heavy. As cherries and plums are going
to 11. . .r.r and drat, h..u..-Mites should preaerce or can u many
strawberries as possible Do nut
wait.' The Wifluw, We best for
canning is now ready. Tell your
�N1NS�LA dealer today what you will require
f• 4ies sera I
I lip
t4fERS 110.2 4
Thi.. lapel (with the map) is
your protection. It is your only
guaranty that the fruit is grows
in Canada's Reit Fruit Country,
the Nidgara Peninsula.
T, :I „bur lc.,' -1 UL11 our fruit must have them ill, and that you wit!
1:.kI Ilte,t' N 1111,01 It.
'Strawberry Sarabande.
One cupful thick errant. 1 pint
straw bet fir., 1 1ab11'. p.nm(u1 ttelat in,
1 ruplld roll Wates. tahle.pooiifula
powdered sugar.
boat the gelatin in the cold water
for a half-hour, then dus.dvr by set-
tiug lbs cup eutrtainiva it in hot
"fates Whip cream 1.u1il very stiff.
then fold carefully into it the berries
cut to .wall piece* wsth • silver knife.
Add the di..olved gelatin by degrees.
whipping it in. so that it will not
string. Add the powdered sttaar and
wbco it stiffens turn into a cold mold
and pet on ice till reeds' to serve.
Then untuuld 0118 platter.
Strawberry Salad.
One quart strawberriea, 3 table-
.pooi.fuli olive oil, dash of salt• 2
tablespoonfuls honey, I) tablespoon -
tub. lemon juice. lettuce.
Wash and hull berries : rut in
helve.. lengthwise. Make a dree.ing
by beating the honey, oil, lemon
juice and fait together until frothy :
pour over the terries and let ataod
Witty minutesin a rold place Drain,
arrange on lettuce leans and serve at
Strawberry Roil.
al ke s rich biscuit cruet, then roll
out the dough to about a quarter of
an inch in thickness. Spread thick)
with berries, dredge lightly with
flour and • little sugar : roll up,
moistening the edges to keep them
Letters from Soldiers Across the Sea
1 together, sad tie in a cheese cloth.
Lay on a plate and set in • steamer.
Steam two and a half hours for' •
medluur-.izat roll, then serve with
.wertened cream ur bard sauce.
s Strawberry Shortcake.
l Fuiir cupfuls rifted flow, { teaspoon-
! ful
ea.p on-
ful salt, 11.bieepnonfulsugar, 3 table-
.poolifule bolter, 1 teaspoonful sod*,
1 cupful sour cream or rich sour milk.
1 egg..trawlwrrie., whipped create.
Sift floor, .alt and sugar topother
Into a utixiug howl and chop Lha
butter into it 'Jimmies the soda in a
little warm water, then beat the war
cream Of milk iuto pt, together with
I the beaten ego. Add t.a dry ingred
1 tents, Writing with a flexible knife,
but handling as little as possible. The
t dough should lie molt soougb to roll
1111 out easily. Holl quick and tightly on
a floured le avd into sheets. lay ..ne
on top of the other in a well -greased,
t round pan. having the fleet one well
brushed with softened butter. Bake
in a hot oven. When dose. split the
cape., cover the (ower half with a
thick layer of etrawherries crushed
and sweetened, then place the second
OOP 00 top and cover with a layer ot
whipped cream and place whole waw -
berries on top of this. Sweet milk
and baking powder may be used in-
stead of .our cream and soda,
1f you have dandruff, baldness is
under way. Trythe Resell "96" Hair
Tonic, which all Rezall drug stores
Cully guarantee—file and $1.00 bottles.
11. C. Dunlop, (lodericb.
1111111111111 111
of 'the
q Copy for the next Telephone Directory
closes on the above date!
Q Order your telephone noir, so that
your name will be in the new issue!
g Report changes required to our Local
Manager to -defy.
The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada.
Bassos Camr • Vomit to a -Typiod
014 owtry Place.
Through the kindness of Dr. T. K
Clow, of Dungannon, we are able to
putibab this week portions of a letter
Written by his sun Benson from Per•-
ker tamp. Uitsgete, Shorncliffe, Eng-
land. The letter le dated Joist 6th :
Dream Futxa.—Your letter4ars rout-
ing tbrough all tight to Folkestone
asst there will likely be another down
there now. hot 1 bad better drop a line
today while 1 hive a chance. 88 it 1.
raining too bard to Ru out. 1t is &bout
the fleet rain in tbt-.e weeks and is
seeded badly- The weather hat been
very hoe lately and 1 have been hav-
ing • good tiwe at the expense ot the
Hord cense through fectu, the lard
Bataan! Lot week to -sod wy panels
on, SID 1 guess things look promising
acrd l will likely get word tbu week to
go over there. Howard is seeing
about hie transfer, too, u 1 suppose
he thought mine was taking too lung
to wait. I heard from him on Friday
saying he was going up to London for
• week -end. but I wasn't able to go, as
1 had already arranged with Mr.
Watts to go down with him and to
Isis uucle'a, wbo runs • loge fares be-
tween here and Harting*.
We got down there Saturday *ven-
lig; l.y train and found it to be • vtry
pretty district on the border of Sur-
rey, The old gentlemen was a very
line type of Englisbwan. about sixty,
wad made me right *t home- The
farts cenobite of about 600 scree of
ebeep pa.tursge, orchard and bop
geld.. Re
me most.u it was ver -fashioned, being at
least .51)0 years old. The rooms were
low set, with great large fireplaces,
low, wide windows;" oak beams end
brick floors, plate rocks on the kitchen
wall • sort of clockwork arrangement
by the Arepl•ce, which used to be
used for turning the spit. Outside
there wee • fine garden surrounded by
a brick wall with flowers and veget-
ables mixed up in English fashion,
with rose bushes, shrubs ut all kinds
and ivy . twee_ the bowie pad well.
Behind that there were the sheds with
thatched roofs and •leo hayricks, etc.
The whole business was typically Eng-
lish And quite different from anything
you would see to Canada. I forgot to
mention the old oak door. The big
irou hinges had been worn right
through And bad to be replaced. tut
the wood itself was stilt in fine condi-
tion. T'be bed I slept in was an okl-
fashioned oak four-poster, with top
*nd curtains at side and feathers
about two feet deep- i woke up about
4 o'clock in the morning with the sun
coming in and the birds singing to
heat the cars, especially the skylark
and thrush.
Mr. Watts and 1 got up early to go
the rounds with Mr. Houk to roust
the sheep, or what he called"lookerin'
around." It was a great walk and he
showed us the old church and a very
old house close I.y. After breakfast
we looked around the cast of the farm.
The dinner was worth the trip ifs it-
self, ea it was the flet real Sunday
dinner 1 had had for over a year.
(food roast beef and gn,welwrry pie
1 with erearn deserve special mention.
1 After dinner we wvut on: after irises
i and walotlllie. and 'hen finished no
with dump good wusi". Su you see it
was a trip to remember. and the only
1 regret 1 had was that it was too early
line cherries or atrawtetrie Mr.
i Watt* is getting meso me pr.tcards of
Ibe place he had taken haat year.
I whi'h i will send soon.
Harold Mwann n•*e over on leave
&hoot a week ego and 1 met him a
week ago ,Satur'sy night and -also
Wilbur (lust. who is a captain in the
Ill. A. M. C. attached to the Pioneers.
' We went out for a row and walk along
the brach and„he c*IP home wish use.
!On Monday I got a p ton and we went
down to Folkestone for dinner pith
( Wdiur and net, Watts on the war ro
church. They hadvs up for tea. We
*11 went to rhurch and saw Harald off
( 011 the tense Mat at t• p. tn. 11.' said
!the Canadorn. have (leen getting it
i Italy stiff over there right along.
New L. E. and N. Station at Branthrd.
The lake Fane and Northern Railway,
Psebslslary of the C.1' H . and the
rntltford and Hamilton Runway, a
auheidlary of the Dominion Power and
Tranamieslnn Co., entered Into an
agreement recently to build a Joint
station In Brantford. Ont., and as
already stated In Canadian Railway
and Marine World, the contract for
its erection was let to St -bolts Tiros.
Co. contingent cin setlafactnry ar-
caaaen.. ntv being made with the city
council and •.bJe.ct In the Board of
'Railway Commissioners' approval
The plana so shown In the accom-
t,•nying Uluatsatlon provide for a one
„story build n- located over the tracks
At (he ,n'ut`meat e,.rner of collagen
and Water S: roots. with 1A ft frontage
on Colbur t St . and il: on Water 9t.,
and tract t", peas beneath the main
floor of the with platforms,
express' and baggage arrommndatIoa
at the lower level. The denten Is New
England. Colonial Kyle, red bidet,
with limestone trimminrs and pew
slate roof The main floor, at street
level, with entrance frown Colbert+ IL.
1s to contain a main waiting rooms
36 1 10 ft, womaw's reetring roam
and lavatory, men's lavatory, ant
ticket and telegraph onkel. Tiro
alAfrw.iys wrli lead from 1! P may
floor to the truck platforms. }laggase
and express rooms std steam bsating
equipment will be locatod in • foyer
at. extension 14 x ft K. on the beer
or (rook level. Thai e*tea.eos sat
abet the retalalsg well of whamr law
mad will be acetsefeb for teams el
the lower sad et the street 1!s l
tetior of the bal1Hmg Min kis 1•aasA
to Canada ash; the wa1M and ewNttlr
of nista welting room to M plastered
and ftal.bed wail plastered r.oredin
The floors will be enema The ko
retort*. will ken a maxum "'air'
cot 6% ft. high.
They ars holding the Mi. Illol tresehee
and Haruki says their bath have
been coveting Wass meters you prob-
ably raard abort. By the way. that
Pr. Edna Haat you mat Gm slip
about is a noels m[ Wilbur'. from
near Lomita. Harold said his !other
and mother wets coming Kest won.
but he did.'t know where they would
nettle down.
W • Yaw t tale crowd of (el -
lows bear. alt they keep chang-
ing about *Rh drafts going to Frisbee
and different hospitals. Some new
chaps just muss Is flow Calgary the
other day and think the camp grub d
rotten hen to what they are used to,
although it is the beet I have bad Mate
joining up. We had Outario dried
apples the other day and the bowl of
salt happened to be right in frost of it
at the cookhouse. He asked ooe of
the cooks If that was sugar and of
course be said "Rule, help yourself.”
Ile took a good share but didn't steel
to see the joke of looking tor sugar in
the army.
Love to all.
aaotber btdlda•v on the 3rd of June.
"le there auytbing.pew inOodericb t
1 oertaialy would like to have a Oode-
Iticb paper if you could mod one. 1
haven't received any whip yet. 1 don't
I expect any till about next tiaturday.
We haw several air.bipa (dirigibles)
today. We see aeroplanes eves y day ;
they are on scouting duty in the Eng-
lish Cbaauel- They sure eau ttavel.
They hay they can go 191.) miles au
"Plates are as hard hers as they ars
In Canada, and as for high p. ices
everything is as dear. if not mute eo
than la Canada. Are haven't tasted
lbutter eines we left Guelph. We get
laargarise ; It isn't bad after we get
wed to it. We are all getting fat on
it. I •m quite a bit fatter than 1 was
in Guelph; I don't know how much,
but I feel tloe.
"This tobacco bore is terrible and
&Istoee too high priced to use. We get
about az smokes for four -sod -a -halt
pease—aims cents "
A letter dated June 131b tells of
Istvan just received a letter from
borne. Ile 000tinues : "We an beviog
awfullywet weather- It has rained
every y now for over two weeks, but
we are getting ,n used to it we don't
miod It in the least .. - I am rstber
disappointed in the country. it isn't
very much like I thought it would be.
1 expected everything to be up to date,
but it isn't : Canada a away *bead of
it Everything here seems to be about
fifty years behind the times. 1 haven't
seem suck a thing as a street car. Eves
in ldeerpool instead of street ears
they have motor buses, and they cer-
tainly give poor service. In Swndgate
they sti11 use horse -can for sightsee-
Pte. Walter McIntosh with the Teeth
Battatios is Attack by Casadians-
One of the letters reoetvrd recently
by Mrs. J. C. McIntosh, West 'street,
from her eon, Walter, tells of the great
battle early in'''tbia month in which
the Canadians took such a gallant
part Walter enlisted at Calgary early
in the war and later was transferred
to the 10th Battalion, with which ualt
he now is. This letter was written
June bth, "somewhere in France," and
a portion of it is as follows :
On June 'Lod, at 7 30, the Germans
bombarded our trenches. We had just
left theta the night before. At 3 o'clock
the call came for the loth Battalion to
stand to for a counter-attack. Well,
(Sod koows bow we all felt at this else
first time we had been in one. How-
ever, we started. We got up in the
lines and were told to dig in and the
counterattack would be pulled off that
night, C company of the 10th Bat-
talion—my comp$oy—w lead. We
dug in and waited till the artillery
opened up, and then we and the 7th of
B. C. charged. How 1 or any ooe of
w got through 1 can't tell you, but I
am alive and well ; but there are lots
of my pals that ate not. I seemed to
be lucky. 1 was buried three times,
but tante out of it all 0. K., and the
Uenersl Airs' great praise to the 16th
Battalion for their wort. it was good
Work after loatmg two nights' Bleep•
nothing to eat, and make an attack all
in forty-eight boors. You will hear
o f this before i write, but 1 want you
to know i am still O.K. f .m waiting
to be called on again, but don't worry.
mc.ther ; well be all 0. K. at the flared
and will write you soon again.
Your loving son,
A letter written the next day by
Pte. Mclutoeh acknowledges the re-
(-ript of • parcel and cake sent by his This Is rather an exciting life and I "Arrah, now, B'ridget," said Norsk,,
mother, lite it fine. Vf' er ship is one of the "am' there ye rte paid another little
Carr in ap.r arms.
largest monitors and is what is rifled
SOLDIERS OF FINE PHYSIQUE• mouton -leader :" .re tale firs: (,:ace "Another it is, fir•. Molenn.•c," re-
in the line always. We are all colon. plied her Iii-nd." •r,' it'+ we that',
Alex. McKenzie Says Some Big Fellows certa for the job end we all right, We bopin''tis the caboose."
Eagiaser A. Y- Maclaass, Forawsly of
Gedench, Is oatbe "Lard Clive.'
The editor of The Signals in receipt
of very welcome letter from his good
friend A. M. Maclnnes, forwerly eng-
ineer on the ateruwers Paliki and John
A. McKee, but now with She Royal
Navy. After finishing the season on
the lakes last year "Mac" went hack to
his old home in Scotland with the
intention of getting into the naval
service in some capacity. As the oat-
oome he is now chief engineer on H.
M. S, Lord Clive, -somewhere in the
North Sea." The letter was not in-
tended for publication, but we are
sure "Mac" will forgive us for passing
it on to the reader. of The Signal. Be
writes :
DOAK l'*tg►'o,—Just a few lines
this evening, as everything is going
along,woothly. First of all. i now
'h*nk you for sending we The Signal
w regularly. I suppose you'll hardly
credit it, hot I'm as keen on opening
it as my letters on mail days. A der
have all sorts of goose ea tbese ships.
I aru sort y 1 tlarss't describe the
ships or their araaa11111asta or even
send you • p. c. of them. We have
souse this photos of this ablp taken by
chaps ou sonde of oar sister .alt's.
Our lettere are severely censored and
if we are csupht -talk leg shop" in any
tot in our letter not ashy remains on
posted but we *leo get & trip on the
"quarter -dwelt" and get Some sentence
Imposed on us. No, 1 haven't bona
that' •a a ealprit vet, and booe.11y 1
have no great desire for that honor.
1 have atm to appear in charge of
some of my stiff- I am getting alone.
I joined Oita ship weerly two months
ago and like the lifelse and 1 am w
happy to be trying to do my part.
Tber•i s no woory In it and the hfe 1s
prelaps unnecsasstily bard, but stUl I
ant so glad W be in it, and if I were
told tonight I could go nr stay 1'd
plead to stay. Soule day 1 huge to
bare a long yarn with you and tell
you all I know about the navy and its
ways. We've been on patrol for weeks
now and tbere's a rumor today that
we are to Ile off for • week. Will
get ter "teen," t hough ; at least not 10
our department, as I have lots to do.
I am senior chief In charge here and
have only •n engineer lieutenant
above me. We get along Hue, though,
as hs'd very decent. I have *11 ort.
of machinery in this c.alt to look
alter, but my luckystar still abiped
for we and everythng keep. moving.
Wive been in *coon very often
this last wontb, mostly against ail
haft and tube. Those two and mines
are our biggest ttuuble, though if we
get too close to the 'bore their land
lotto ies give us • very bot reception : �+�
but we keep ou annoying * d bully- e/
To add te ths eNalis and
handy et
Hams ls. laaaa attd
the inetkapoiretaig clean-
est. LUX is the pure es-
sence of Airs soap, in flakes
It dissolves readily in bot
makes a vaat-lIke
lather which cannot injure
fiefs lobelia) ar dainty hands.
Just try LUX.
ns Osl
Made Isalda ter LeversLev
lareelmrs limited, Terre/eta
ng them and have got off clear so e
far. We have had • glimpse or two
of • few of the Hun fleet, but they
never come neer- hough t r exchange
greetings, but—the hope to meet yet.
when we expect to get our "money
1 am w pleased to see such a flee
list of volunteers from (io,lerich *nd
the places round. about 1 know its a
big wlrncb to leave h and friends,
bot one feels so good when he's trying
to do his duty. Some day when
you're waking up a list please count
me io as from the good old town. I
would have j deed the Canadian army
and been better obi in many ways, but
1 thought I'd get into it more quickly
and be of more use u joining the
navy. and i got started ur Chatbaw
0o the 9th February. That was my
only lemma toe nut joining the stripy.
I am en sorry 1, can't g.re you our d
clews; but I daren't. Hot ever, 1 hope
we'll have that "crack" some day to
the near futute when 1 get back home
aga in.
With kinde.t regards tad best
wishes to all friends,
Yours sincerely,
A. M. al minxes.
troyer acts u messenger ship to this End of the Train.
fleet and usually gets to us once a
day. Occasionally she misses u.:
then we yo without walla and fresh
meat and bread. If it ie stormy she
may stay off for three or four der..
Mrs. Norah Mulvaney one day met
her dieu.). Mr.. Bridget Carr,wbo had
in her amus her twelfth child.
Has!°Gone from Alberta.
A letter recently received ly glias
Mary McKenzie, of Ashfield, front ber
brother, AJex , of the 1st Brigade,
Canadian Field Artillery (in France),
refers to the efforts Cost were being
maid. to recruit the Huron Battalion
to full stretlgth. 11e remarks : "it is
not so easy togs; weu there tin Huron)
as in other places, on account of the
great number who have gone to De-
troit and Duluth and'the West during
leeerlt years."
He continues : "They have raised
' ono floe unit. in It -eaters Canada.
Eve sewn a few Around here lately.
One Alberta hunch I saw wete thebig-
gest and had the finest physique of
any I've oven, except the (Nerds and
pptoassilly the ith Cameron Highlanders.
Thereare Live regiments of Guards
iexcel.(ing the Horse or Life t)uards,
which are cavalry) ; mately, Gren-
adier., 4 oldetream. (English). Scots,
Irish and Welsh. The Knplub Ree
very proud of their Ouarde. They are
the royal hou.ehold troops and do
guards at the royal palaces, They are
all over six feet and I believe in peace
time present a gorgeous appearance,
"The Canadian division is all close
together now and we don't see much
of the Imperial troop.. The last place
we were in we lay abeg.(t1• a Scottish
division and we heard the pipes a great
deal. We hear them and other bands
* good deal bere, too. and as the
trumpets smut bugles are used a good
deal now it is touch more lite the old•
time military camps than formerly.
We have all cine,. of tents hers now
anti there are scene line ramps."
Thinks the Old Gentry Is Behind
Canada in Meq Ways.
Mr. K H. Watson has had several
letters irlcu his eon. Gunner Harry
Watson. since he reached Ragland.
Harry enlisted with one of the lot-
teries organized at li.elpb and is now
at Sbornchffe :
Writing May 911th he trays : "We
had a regular fewelly melon that
night. The night before Louie (Casey)
and 1 were rowing hostas from Ober.
Ileo and we met 0oa. Carey. We
were on surprised are .multi h.rd%y
speak. 'Then last sled Louis and 1
were dt�1ns on ottr beaks vies 1a
walked Mgt(
(Carey) ski Jots Jaasr
Bateman. Then we went to Na�isr
Hermit. Cm. to a. pas set=
had at toe time. Philip looks Salt 1N
is &hoot six flet tats sad media MS
, pounds -
"Brun Noble is at West 8.641lag.
posit about four miles fna be's. Bruer,
Philip and Coe ass .0 sassing over to
see as on Monday.
•• We had a holiday all day as the
24th. We had a fine tdaae d.eplmg ace
day. They say we see Idea le UV*
If you would consider
for a moment the time,
trouble and bother of
making your cake at
home, you'll really ap-
preciate our cake de-
partment. Our cakes
can be relied upon as
being fresh and made
in a cleanly, whole-
some manner, and the
exit is small in com-
parison with what it
costs you to bake at
The Baker
Kingston Street
7n .•1 coon•:: -s- A A: I• -r our INVI:N-
Tult'd ALt-I3EllorLich will be sent Ire
SM University se. Moeteisl.
Terms. Mist- ire la
drSaes', seemiae weir "NrWath
Dowel :. No.. Swaim,
4.sorn.d ash ' Ne. -test :
Neu -Tone"
for the Walls
It is so easy and so economical to have a beautifulty
decorated home, with "NEU-TONE" Flat Finish.
The soft, restful "Neu -Tone" tints will delight the woman
and man who appreciate refinement and delicacy in the home.
When you "Neu -Tone" the walls, you save all fuss and
bother of washing and a...04 the plaster to re -decorate.
Simply apply another cwt of "NEU-TONE" in any shade or
tint dewed.
"NEU-TONE" is cheaper then wail poser. It is trub
esenoatioal—absolutely sanitary—can't fade, seek or rub of
MND IS WASHABLE. Sofro sod siteer okapi • "NEi -
a'ONE" wall and takes mow dust, stems sad flute ....a '
1llarble-Its Floor Finish weal wiistsod i flims wear ani
those as which a floor'runtish is subjected ; it ragbe mod its
`Ind or soft wood floors ; every aim etrrsas with 4 a Oars/:
lash IMe rar1e.
WA, Mme as lir Wmtlidemer Os.. 11, Mitriessi,
/aelbnir ”TameritOmmirr Rum' , ablasiis oseme
taw isirrsiem s sad ✓sate vdssbb mist bdwmmehes.