HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-6-29, Page 5Bicycles Have Ad- vanced in Price but we have several in stock to sell at former quotations. $40.00 $33.50 $2930 EAST STREET GARAGE Owned and operated by a practical Dian. A. M. GLOVER Peocaitec 243 Specials This Week TOMATOES, very choice.... igc per pound FRESH WATERMELONS—just received , HOME-GROWN STRAWBERRIES. No. i quality. 30o BUSHELS OLD POTATOES, very choice. Try oar New Potatoes by the peck or by the pound. CALIFORNIA FRUIT—Peaches, Plums, Apricots and Hot -house Cucumbers. jIlessanaro l'OR\ER MONTREAL STREET AND THE SQUARE N. 11. 1 h,r stare will be open on tate 1st of July end all day Wed- 101 Ooderich bawler, almost won in the annual tournament for the Faill cup, which took place at Clinton on Tues- day of tole week. They came secood with 11S potato, Clinton winning by twenty points. Sheet Music and Music Books Less Than Cost. 2000 sheets vocal and in- strumental Music to be sold at 0 cents per copy or 3 copies for 2 cents. As space will not permit the name of each being published, we suggest that you call and look over the lot. Music Folios, regular price 75c, for 25c. A great opportunity for musicians and music teachers. Sale of Music to be continued until all of this lot is disposed of. Two slightly used Piano - case Organs, good as new, at bar- gain prices. THOMSON'S MUSIC ANT) STATIONER Y STORE A Great 30 Day Slaughter Sale at Walters &' Co.'s Boot and Shoe Store We have to mince our stock to ..make room for other goods coming and will therefore pat on this s Sale. Having bought our goods at the old paces we are enabled to give you a big discount for your money. You will bray some of Our Boob and Shoes at less than the maker's price. We also have Trunks, Suitcases, Club -begs, etc. TIsis Sale ,till last only SO days, rowtrneneiiif Friday, alta tee 16t1, . and eontieuriiig until Saturday, July 16tk Do mot sir this appetitesA11 leather goods are b.rd to and .111 be very much higher i price. Shoe repairing guers.teed satis- factory. Ne will put en Ladies' Rubber Reels for ie and Mee's for !fie. Walters & Co. 1. onseers a 1. M. s alist e t50oltP1C■ PRO RI ass Healthy Babies Sleep Well at Night. A well child sleeps well and dui ing its waking hours is Dever trot. hut always happy rod laughing. It is only the sickly child that is crone end peevish. Mothers, if your children do cot sleep well, if they are ctoes and . cry • great deal give thew Baby's Own tablets and they will soon be well and happy again. Concerning the Tablets Mrs. Charles Diotte, North Temas:aminE Quebec, writes : "My baby WWI greatly troubled with con- stipation and ce ied night and day. 1 began giving ber Baby'. Own Tablets and now abs is tat and beeltby and sleeps well at night ." The Tablets are sold by medicine dating or by trail •t Enc • box. tram the Dr. tV(lliame Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. F. t'. Harper, of Clinton, will preach in Knox church nest Sunday, morning and eeeoing. Rev. Ih. Seeger, of Vancouv r, H. C.. will ,Rake the services in 'l.. George's church neat Sunday, mottl- ing and evening. Rev W. K. Hager's morning subject in North street Methndi.t church next Sunday will be. "Enoch, an hemost- at." His evening theme will be, "Our Responsibility to the Future." Rev. J. J. Young left on Saturday to a.mwe hie duties as curate of St. Alpboo.na choicer, Windsor. Before his departure he wet presented by the congregation of 141. Peter's church. (iuderich, with • well -fillet puree, as • token of their appreciation of his ele- vation to the dignity of the priest- hood. At a coogregat:onal meeting in Knox church on Wednesday evening, it was decided that at least four more candidates for the pastoral vacancy should be heard before the calling of • minister should be considered. Rec. A. Macfarlane, of Bayfield. pre- sided, in the unavoidable absent. of Rev. Jas. Hamilton through illness. Sunday last was Educational Day at t -b. Baptist church and Rev. O. M. Holmes made a strong appeal for funds in aid of the Baptist congress. � The denomination is asking, this year, B113,0110 from Lb. 58,000 Baptiste of On- tario and Quebec, and as a large num- ber of the churches are founded in rural eommnnities it devolvog upon each member to do his share. The lawn social at North street M.tbddtst ebureb on Tuesday evening was fairly well attended, the proaseed, below .grcient to provide funds for the ss.dlag of two delegates from the epwortb League to the summer school at St. Thomas. On eceount of the un- favorable weather the afternaonsports wore test held. The program in the remiss consisted of solos by Miss Serimweoor, Mise Little, Mies Col- borne and Dr. Beilemann, piano duets d'y the Misses Elliott, and readings n Rev. W. K. Hager and Mr. A. by Roberteow. Last 8gpda erwiw.ww about eighty msmb . of the onMashed@ fratersity of GoAsitsk *chase ybMtiaw b re true X= M i4ow, Auburn sad diets. service at 8t. eassge's P �. utter*the Irv. J. B. v"tb"pp"•'�' ppesa.b in s� Irmmtweting memos from the slh- 4.setb mess of the twewty-hst 'esp- ies, of ileve at ins.: And the est y IMib foursquare, a.d the length M in 1a•s.��s as the breadth TM i,ewth aare aqua" ifsh priaeeber the b=":43."411- as of it to show that a p.,rlaet ebatslMr ANNA tbomults bags 'lost►, hen dth and t." • sommm whit\ was sot only tu r YWRevs of M. to Thr=o .ado storms •ensure that •t 1 e'elosh M litillaM- i11Atg duly sad August. THE SIGNAL : GO ERIOH : ONTSRI IT:17"cs I Rheumatism. The &mouel union exeurnduo under the auspices of the Methodist and Presbyterian Kendal srhooh of tie.- forth will be held this y stalkwon Friday, July lib. A specs! tr taking in all .. west of a it.'luding Mite -hen will leave $e.toath at Y.30 e. •. tor Oudericb, end returning will Leve (}odericb at 7.13 p. en. Buckman— Nicholson. On Saturday, June 'lath • quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. end Mrs. John Nicholson, Qrtebec . t rot, when their daughter Christie ▪ as united in marriage to Mr. Ueorge titaaley Buckman, son of thelala E. A. Buckuan, of Brockville, 011111. Rev. Alfred Maet&taaa. o officiated. There were no atiste and the bride wore ber travelling suit. the happy couple leaving directly atter the service on their boseyn.00n. Mr. and Mrs. Buckman will reside at Brockville. Is Mr. Welters the Oldest Subscriber ? Still another old subscriber to Tb. Signal i. Mr. R. J. Walters. of Regent street, Goderich. Mr. Walters was one of the piowsrs of Colborne town . hip •od because a subscriber of The Sigurd shortly after 'slows McQueen founded the paper sixty -sight year. ago. Mr. Walters has been en invalid for over six months as the result of e stroke of paralysis which rendered him klplese, but be is .till in possession of aJI his mental faculties and looks for- ward With pleasure to the arrival of The Signal from week to week. D istrict Women's Institute. The &cowl meeting of the W..t Huroo District Woaneo's Institute warp held at Wingbam on Thursday of last week. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Presi- dent, Mrs. A. M. Kirk. Dungannon; first vice-president, Mrs. Adair, Wing- ham; io - hem; monad vier -president, Mies And- erson, SL Helens; secretery-treesur•er, Mrs. C E. Young, Uodericb: auditors. Mrs. M. 8weaeon and Miss M. B. Mrlkeld, Uoderieb. It is interesting to note that the nine branches whieb compose the district contributed $2,138 in one year for patriotic purposes. The nest annual meeting will be bekl at Blyth. Maskell —Smith A quiet morning wedding was sol- emnized at the bride's borne on But street last Saturday, when Mise Olive Agnes, youngest daughter of Mr. J. W. Smith, was united in marriage to Mr. Louis Mukell, of Colborne town- ship. Rev. Ju. Hamilton officiated. The bride wore a travelling wait of navy blue serge with white ebiffoe waist and • bronze bat trimmed with alice blue. Mr. and Mrs. Masten left on the early 0.1'. R. train on a abort wedding trip. They returned to town on Tuesday and have commenced bousekeepiog on Napier atreeL The fDung couple bete a large circle of riends wito join in hearty coegrat- ulatioos and good within,. Water and Light Commission. At the meeting of the water and light commission last Thursday even- ing it was decided that the rates on all water and light services must be paid within fifteen days from the date that accounts are rendered or all ser - .ices will he cut off. Menus. McKay and Campbell asked for permission to use .teem from the pumping station for their fish nets. The privilege was granted for this year only. the steam to be used under tbe.upvision and control of the en- gineer. er A request for • fifty -horsepower electric service from the Doty eogine works wse referred to the engineer to make • report. Recalls Lord Dufferin s Visit. The annoueement of the death of Mr. Edward B. Horton. official re- porter of the Supreme Court of On- tario, recalls the occasion in the year 1874 whro Lord Dufferio made his visit to (ioderich, Mr. Horton accomp- anying him se rer•eeentative of The Toronto Clot*. Lord Dufferin came here by host from Sarnia and was met at the dock by Mayor Horace Horton and was afterwards hospitably enter- tained for several day. by Mr. M. C. Cameron. Mr. Horton was one of tbe first court reporters in Ontario and in t his capacitywas • frequent visitor to Oodrricb. e was • personal friend of Mr. D. MacDonald, del k of the County Court. Miss Ethel Nairn Engaged. At aspecial meeting of the public 'school board on Thursday of last Beek • 'worst was received tion Mies Vera 611ee, teatber in Victoria school. that .be be given the preference to transfer to Central school to 1111 tbe vacancy caused by tbe resignation of Mies Retia Clark. The !erqueet was granted. Several applications for the tacancy on the teaching staff were re- ceived and after consderatioe it was decided to sore to Mies Ethel Nairn. The board authorised the transfer of the penny beak account from the Sterling Bank to the Union Bank and accepted the tender of the Sault' Croat Company to supply egg coal at $7.73 per ton and West Virginia Red Jacket slack coal et $/ per too. Ford Picnic from Brussels. The Ford picnic which was arranged by Mr. R. Oaater, the automoblk agent et Brussels, brought tea auto- lo.ds of pienkkers to town last Fri- day. Other attractions at Bagels 1s Uric Acid 1. tl.c Flood. U•beekbj kidneys are Its; cause or the acid beim,: them. If the kidney,.. i. as they should they woos! strata the Usk: Arid oot of the sMegt and rh.,.ma- 1 rare woglin't or cur. Rhea. statism is a Kidney n,. - ease. DDdd'n Kidney 1'i:ls have made* great mot of thew rertatuon c u, ing Rhemmisita ter Apt at the e:saw o1 those k rrful :e 'wj.Pi� and stiff, There is but o.e ase way— • Dodd's Sidney Pills prevented • larger attendance. The party was met near Dunlop by • civic reception committee, consisting of Police Magilrate Kelly, Deputy Reeve Laitbw•ite, Town Gert 'Enos and two press representatives, in as auto- mobile from the Meal Ford who led the procession into Oad to HarborarP k, Where the virdtors spent the •ftereooe. Rain which commenced to tail shorn atter the arrival of the party the day's pleasure, but Mr. Carter reports that the outing was thoroughly enjoyed. Dogs Cause Accident. Two "untamed" dogs are alleged to have been responsible for • runaway accident at the corner of Picton and Wellesley streets, on Wednesday morning. Miss Annie McManus, ac- companied by Mss. John Newcombe and two ciOdree, were driving out into Colborne township, when their horse wee attacked by two doge which worried the thins until it com- menced kicking. Mies McManus event- ually loot control of the animal and Mrs. Newcombe. realising the danger, tossed out ber two children end then jumped herself. Mdse IL:Manus was thrown out only afore wnmente before the borne broke ..leer from the huggy. whish was coosid.rably damaged. All of the occuppa•nnt* of the buggy received a bad shaking up, but otherwise for- tunately ontun•tely (Seeped injury. Gerrow— Elliott. The following is from a Toronto paper of Tueedey'. date. The bride is a former resident of Oodericb : Booth Parkdsle Methodist church ICY the scene of • pretty but quiet wedding when Leona, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Elliott, •vas united in marriage to .Mr. Wilfrid (Jarrow, son of and Mr,. John (3errors, Port Perry, (hit. Ors-. Vernon Emorylnniclaie.i. The lit id.. 'ore • French blue taffeta .nit with trimmings of black velvet and white fox fur, a picture hat of leghorn, trimmed with pond lilies and lovers' knot• of velvet. She carried a boD- qu.t of sweetheart reeve and Illier-i,f- the-valley. After partaking of a dainty luncheon at the beide's home, the happy couple left on the 2 o'clock boat for Niagara F..11a, Buffalo and Detroit. On their return. Mr. and Mn. (:arrow will reside •1 M Cowan •venue. Court of Revision. The court of revision met in the council cbamb•r laid. Friday evening to consider appeals against the assess- ment for the present year. council- lors J. D. Wilson (chairman T. R. Wallis, B. C. Mooning, end Mayor McLean were present. Eight appeals cane before the court for considera- tion. The appeal of Mr. T. M. Pavia. that h e was assessed too high on Iota 210 and 172 and that there should be no business aese.arflent on lot 210. was left over to be dealt with at the nest meeting. The Canada Company complained that it should not be .seeseed for lot 3, cooeeseion C, as Mrs. Kelleher was tenant o1 this property. As Mrs. Kelleher is so asressed thio appeal was withdrawn. Mr. John Bedford complained ag•io•t the assessment of 5111,1(10 on his hotel property and cnnteuded that be should not be assessed for business tax. This appeal waJ laid over. Tb. all of Mr. H. F. Mot ria was rifused. He complained agaiosi, be- ing assessed for burinese tax on part lot 1179 because be was not • tenant and was only working for the Cock - ,butt Plow to Mr. John Dean's appeal against hi. assessment on properly in the Tilt survey was not sustained. Mr. W. J. Thorold'sappcal that he was not liable for income tax was al- lowed. The appeal of J. C. Martin against the sresement of S2,500 on Int• 7413, 704, fl7 and ells, also against heirg assessed 58)0 for income, was drat with. The asesssment on the lou was cooflreeed and the income asserreweot was reduced to $4:x1. Mr. B. Burkholder stated that he had .old ons -ball of lot 1340. but his assessment remained the slams. It was decided that live assessment cf Mr. Lacey, t he present owner, incluoe part lot 1318. The court then adjourned to meet aged. a Thursday evening, June 20th. Notes from the O C 1. Ninety-four Modesto wrote on the high sebool entrance esas.isalioo. at (tmtlaeteb end 907 in the West Huron h.�sstThaw trete. Thwriting on the jp7or piddle echoed tralwtioe throngbout the inspectorate number Mr. J B. Tom is Presidio* at the I art ..tam exassi.•ttoee•t the Ool- lagi•te l.stftete and has hem •aai.Wd by :M. Sail Mr • part of 1M sttaonio- awe t Tb. esaonientlone will roe. elgls lbls week. Ivory teacher on oto preset permanent staff of lb. ('ells pro L.11t.ie was called to?mooto to rod ..isms.• fie papas, .t the De- pa.eisret of uo t Dots . - ' 8evsral of We Motbp4 however. will got ag to T ..W Ilse tel. peps rr►, having /Ia..M to ,pod their vo•tio. o!bmrwls.. Misr Ward bas already /eft to speed the huliisar. at her tote et BL Perth county. Mmes I- X. per *111 complete ber coarse as a.tasehtl.ii he payee. al culture bye six works' tem te at Togi,iitu commencing Judy 3rd Ota the scan.. day Mies i. B. Fraser will sense • sex weeks term In art tIt Tu oto, fur tbe art epeeiallet'e certifi- cate. Moe Mudge is at Toronto read- ing lower school history papaws sed afterwards will gra to Pott Arthur to s isit her sister Mr. A. M. Robertson gore to Toronto uu Haturday to read middle school papers in Britisb and Canadian biology, and on July 5th Principal Hume and Dr. Strang will commence eintilsr wor k, Dr. Strang reading univereityr utatriculation papers in ancient bretory and Prin- cipal Bums chemistry papers in the came examination. Mise Augusta MacLeod, wbo has been substituting for Mr. White, will take the summer term in science et Queen's University, K ingot* n. • In another column of The Signal this w eek will be found the results of the O. C. 1. examinations. The winters of the Peter Adamson asemorial scholar- ',hips cholarships are (Jerald Newton and Alex. Hume, who are deserving of congrat- ulations upon their success. Pletcher—Kevin. The Detroit !News had the foUowiag referee°, to the .a•rrlege of a lady who is well known to a .ember 1. Uoderb►: A pretty boons wedding took phos on Tt.eday evening, June Beth, at the re.id.nc. of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Hewitt, of 258 Merrick avenue, when their daughter, Mary Agnes. became IIII1T CATARRH IS 1R bas been said that every Md prom bus catarrh it some ids Sams bus shown that nasal catatrti ohm 'abdicates a general weaka.aa d the body., and local treatments la the forte d snuffs and vapors do do, if any good. To correct catarrh you ehotdd trod its canes by enriching yourblood Magi h s ail - hod in Scott'. 1sonnMioo medicinal food and a bsildiegis.ie, fa„ Lyon any harmful dregs. Try it. Smote t Rowse. Tmrwlo, Oat. i F1 OF CANADA, Wks MI Tao Save 1 yea dSU1 $ass NOW ? Though your shirr at lsggau will no dO(id borers. ge t11IX r e- na—sod that the latter more ell` Mid pace with the former. Now Is the time to start a Rearell !aid —and the Savtnp Department of the Unica Beak ae its is the place to keep It. Deposit the extra you have on hand now—you baa ops, abs account with any sum, dolts to ass dollar—and draw b/wwtta MIL Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. the bride of F.rno B. a' etcher, educa- tional secretary of the Y. M. C. A.. of 8t. Paul, Minn. The maid of honor was Mie Adelaide Nairn, of Oodericb, Ont., cousin of the bride, while Joseph Benson. of Herrin, 111., acted as beet roan, and little Betty Roger was ring - beerier. Rev. Dr. Barkley, of the Por - est avenue Presbyterian cbureb, per- formed the ceremony, Miss Delpbine Nairn playing the wedding march. Mjes Havill's drees was white groe ioedre silk, combined with filet lace ..d tulle. with ribbons and wreathe of orange blossom.. 'Me long tulle veil was 'imply arranged, being futened at either aide of her head with wreathe of orange blossoms and tied with sil- ver ribbon. She carried • ,bower bouquet of white sweet peas and rose- buds. The hrideso aid'. gown was white embroidered net, combined with pick Lsrfeta, and she carried pink rosebuds, while the flower -girl wore white lace with pink rosebuds, and her basket wait tillwl with pink sweet peas. The ht ids'.. mother wore a handsome gown of Neck taffeta with white lace veiled in black net and Mouths' of oriental coloring. There were about rjevent y -live gpelet.s present, those from out of towi being the. D. 8. Pletcher. Mr. and Mn. Roy Pier. cher Miss Velma Pletcher, Mi.. Kne B. Pletcher. ,Mrs. Margaret 11. Bill and Mrs. i.. Pletcher, all of it,,he.ter. Ind.: Mr. and M,... 1'. A Nairn. rieb ; Maw« Minnie Jaffray, !salt . Mr. 1 and Mrs. Uenrwe H. Nairn and the Mlathe Oatb•rioe and Margttrst Nairn, all of Windsor : Miss Jennie, Miss Nancy and Thomas Nairn, Mr. sad Mrs. B. C. Rummell, Mrs, J. Beatlesa.d Mime B. Utley. all of WalkerviU.. The Saults Coal Co. Nuoee..•ew 4 McD•aa.gh a (l441011 EXCLUSIVE AriENTS Nos LEHIGH VALLEY THE COA1, THAT SATISPtitS We (meal in Hard and Soft Coal, I,inw, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay. also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hetnlock Slabei. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. OpriCK PHONE - - - r B. .1 SAvt ys' Residence 275 W. W. SAOt-Tei' Residence 202 "Please send me some Che winy Gum: WRIGLEY is the kind the boys all like. It's sealed in a wax -wrapper. Air, moisture and dirt can't harm it. The chap with some Wrigley's to pass around is 'cock of the walk.' It's so refreshing and thirst - quenching. Send some of both flavors. The boys like smoking and eating." • SP£A' f?M NT after after MADE IN CANADA Sesied NOW NiMlf Fluff Well. Welaley'. Wrigley irl`.. Tgs.mas.' for tree o,ry ne spoilt GOOSE bush.