HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-6-29, Page 1114161111111111MDMIIMBX11111111114 14 is To Januar/0 • 1917 The Sego& wilt be Wilt t•, i ay -!lett subscriber in i Comas or GPs& Britain for reply • . Fifty dents 1114 bo so m N M 06 op ii t N Sp MMS TIAs -die Qts toteumumpalignoiairl STERLINd SAVE, Because A l' S WAITER. min 1WINS. ED WARTS, AT 011dell FOR DUI/ILIO Nt7T1t1., bwowsekt Aphis to NMIL GALT. 1 TOWN OP BODER cit. ANTED, -MAID POR LiOBT Miew.et Gtr at situ~ WOOL WANTED. • MloaRwr PRIOR PAID -CASH co ,r •. TRAD& 011 1113 WANTED APgs GODERIOH KNITTING 9O. rut $ALZ On .1RIit MAsatVel. 1101 knee Utope _edea ria•.+ r rwawiea �` ew r mi Mews w will eaptaa •d, ►mils::: def assttaayy r. 41 fess. kplaw wW �estd.5 I Deurles aN orfisUw .sondalo(Mg.ss M ay teen. of helmT u Ball Meis l.Y1403L Obit. W r 8TW40N WAL was WNW INSSIDiss 1 E &.'t ids • - • >MTt/8Iti9Rssg. lit Mai •� ••'-•elle that will .bow Asad ava.t• eases v t:ar� ALTSR *)D .Lid M mrdiskesty smut d/ Y tms be.t-rrd wig ✓a.d Mr the MI6 kd.- t4 own abq .ear N e a( . i ere me re tame. .s0. LT.,' • HOVSB •TOR RAILSMPSe n • i.. • , • P OI A I' HVJR71.-ons. hair work n froI. m .v hair Oen bite.. Caoasts! aid woodshed : ped/slat : barn w 1 sad wapplie. hrlr fur ordrre. • atotinc :rats , 1llard wenn : emsiM bdMe. items tried- moot. cleaning, etc . aria el.o has for ear toilet J ra (sirs ; tot .awl art, ea GODERICtf, ONTARIO 0. C. L !Wl zaosscs oltttaM IliseirtatimdIMar- Amp This resift of the dusted by tib 0.U. 0.4e.riterZtria I Dollelist• Ittlst� are titer seine, rise .sassss at w the evensIM= aahtohda rte l Jane ematimatioge. Those soaking loss than PID per tlaaa gamic) IS par seat. os the at toga an grsated ".v se° hs," subject to their passing supplement& winkle - does 1. September en tb.,wbjecte In- M.ated sad to thole List( MUs *a, tory progress from 11. ` dye toren 10 the form to w leis they oh N•• feeww masking O0 per cent. emerge are akar rey.Ired to .atisfeetorlly Mm r�pppplrmegtaJs is the Meet week ad tfepteasbee is the m.lj.ets ladleseed. 1l'iiee promotions of those treble* on' the Departmental lower school exam - {notion win b. ntads knows after tem. remits are a$aatsassd• The individual reports may be obs Wised at the home of the priecip.l. OOMM IlleL L D/PLOMAa. M Sprig NI per sent _honors is bgak- 1uP sig, *tomography sad type- write**. se Sr 71.--bo.ws in beokkeep- E trig, •tore •iggay and typewriting. •BroPbel 0I -honors is steno- graphy sad typewriting, V Doyle Apo-withous bottom It Webb III-wltbr.ut hosier.. Z Olazler obtains bosom in bot k- kerping. but requires to onmplete stenography to he granted a diploma. ra0MOTIO*a TO COM Mt*QAL PORN- IMICOMD TSARS. K Handy Langmuir* �! JHHkir ek M Pinder •••,,,•••10....••••• ...,.•.67 65 H Smith (0*., 06114..4.ertees-•61 .✓e.. f{L4 0 *..kelt «••••t�iw•i�:..5t J. Wilma (sp.)•::.:. �r .66.2 1 Chisholm Nemo.), ,.-. DB L;Weems (Arbil, sad Alg.1r7 H. Inkster (Gr., 8p.).... ... jt; Note.--Ootamercial Kudeotr f( Ilia ser-ond year an by Reg- ulations to take slarbbrs next year. POOMOTUAts TO PORM 11. Honors - .1 Marshall , , . ILD,lf K Lomb' . ..2 eel. •c Ree...,. ld B teles . , 74 .1 Nit -Nevin 72.3 U:uia1JauutSp.) 72 9 Kroner..... t19.4 67.3 OMR 66,7 teu sed tpo� ,.. cream fie legate N b inn tee-.MURRAY T>Oltlll N. A nst.. ewdulwwsuoe. aSu 1 Otat cr- FOR $A1.1 . FOR SALE. -A GOOD DRIVING eerie. Appy to OSO. 11TSWAITT. God' yR MALS.-UEDAR P06714, ALSO a C. dam**. Appy T.RIDDELL. ra, a1 tf •-- - i DENTISTRY. H. G. MAcEN)NELL-HONOR ��r•((1frsduate Toronto University. Oredaate iaooerwd�toKat Gawk M►e tate uSurgeons, Sala (Mom dew aatase and West atts.t. Ooameras. LOST AND room). Fatal Fracas at House of Refuge. Clinton, June V. -As a result of • little fracas this afternoon at the Huron house of refuge bore, John WeaU .,aid, formerly of tiodet ich, was struck on the head with a cane in the bands of another inmate named Poetletbwaite. whichresulted in Westberald'e death a few minutes afterwards. The coroner was called and a jury formed to view the remains end a post-mortem is being held to - L Adams......... L Johnston E Jones -.•.. H Kidd ( Arith . Ss1.l.......... . 60 E Pridham • 61.8 8'2.4 ft: 61, 7 B Drennan C Tap. At T Bullard K, Mogridgr. F Humber S. Mountain i teatiol.............eu.4 Conditional - • Chisholm (AIg., Sci.l 6I&2 (i Pearern 1 Mei, 61 night, The blow was ► very light one 1 ;Sowerhy (Art) and it is thought death may have been X% Sturdy puttee Preset) due to heart failure. Weatherakd wee L Sowerlyy (.1st 1. L Lsuteruday-rr (Latin' fid 5 E 14assingthweite (Sr., Lelia) 36.2 spoo•ibte, -- _ A. Bradwin (Sri,, Latin) ...-.SH 1f it'squalitywant, ac- you use Black- LStewart IArith., Art ...- •,6t1 E Levy (Liter., Sea. i' 3e{ stones delicious tee cream for all E Mummies IFrench, iatin'.••.66 MIR PiN FOUND. -t -APPLY AT THE ° Ona' done 210. M Dougherty (Art I g; A SIGNAL orrice. The Canadian Club. • J McKenzie (Art' _„ _„ „ j,,; •2 Frank Washington be granted full over seventy years of age. Pont*. thwaite is said t., he somewhat irre- :41 it1.1 al1.2 Csnadtan t'lub of Gtwinich will, promotion on the work of the year. CARD Or THANKS. boli • social meeting in the Maii TIT I8 IXPOSSIBLE FOR ME psraeesnr 1. Wank all idiotism se kW the Mine.a of tray kW►ishan end la Lir berreavereet. 14.ke tale otwertanity of edem samme er ley dgratitude b wile Mita H. J. MORR18. NOTICE TOTHE PUBLIC Having been desirous of enlisting for some time past, I have finally eacceeded in making arrangements with the Goderich Coal Co. (P. J. MacEwan, manager) to take over sod carry on my cartage business daring my absence. I have therefore signed up with the 161st Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, and I would respect - ",n aP1tf1 hi rrioYA TO l ottl1 I11. R. Temple on Thursday evening, July(1 Sault' closing @casino of the Club's second I } IA ikon 000ee.mf (• �IcRas 6th. at 8,311 p.m.Tbis will t» the ul eea•oo. l G Porter The executive committee is making. 111 preparations to b[ve this meeting ofM Baker Meerut) Tbnrsday next moat',r'entable and en• tertainiog. Luncheon will be served J Kelly IAIg.) H Clutton (Gem.. Sp ) and arrangements are !ring made for addresses from M. G. O•eseron, K. ('., Ih. Macklin, Rev. Dr, Dickie, of Montreal, Robert Henry, 0, E. Flem- ing. of Windsor, Dr. W. J. H. Holmes, and others, interspersed with song, sad music. An evening of profit and enjoyment i, assured, and the execu- tive committee would like to see every member of Lbw Glob in attendance,' As the luocheon is to he held in the evening Instead of at noon, an op- portunity is given for all to attend. Affording as It does • chane for our business and professional men and felly solicit from the public Renee- townsmen general) to meet ncewaion- ally, and from my old customers ly�und the tab din the scuss certain particularly, a continuance of their mesange�;bws land listen icto lad. valued patronage until such time as dteasesba from men with • enee.•ge to I can again resume my occnpstiou.. devsr, the Canadian Cluh a on• of thlle here Inmltuttnne in town. Any business &fairs entrusted to suffering shk„ f if a men „a., - their care during my absence will therefore he thankfully appreciated by me. Telephone all orders to phone 44. ALFRED H. JANE ow/olIn the Comity Judge'. Oriminal RIoH MARKET.. 0"1" Li" 814""y. Cis" Swarts esu >!terms.•►, Jtw ilk fined l� for aaliaultieg Oon.tlsble Pe1- g u t tow low while In discharge of his duty. to ,0 »�.•..«. to .61 Mrs. Roy M. Shirting will receive • +..e..w« M It. ••` . w•.. : u r4 for the flat time eimce her marriage • • •• fs to up on Tuesday, Jul j nth, front 4 to et .....• to o'eno clock, at her hom, Albert Oros. the °NNoel dopes l Went of B. & H. B. Ite •• to N trod afterwards on Lb. eroded Tuesday Kent, Toronto. and later nernppfwd a • t• of oath month. similar position with Henry Morgan a a Cn., JNnetreal hotb of whieh firma .�,;;;;;;; ;r ` Rev. 1. Bre atewart, pastor of the speak highly n( his work 11i. skill •......«ow p�e.b>/Mriasi ebarebea t Whiteand sxpM.oce are at your service . ••••»'•.•bs .Meo/ra�s asid Iasgeid• son & Mr. sad two days (ally. y • �•»•yti� est Hes, hems. f>teewart. s y. turd• and *57 les t n avetsw, day, lar Rth sad 10th. Brrra'a to 0M. -l_ ,, has resolved seeapd ta 5105*, erteb its , eletew enW to the tone Is 4aseh and Mx n this Foe • d Mtaf Toronto The dnty d+t.sart feet Wwaedo' Neo tabs Plage an July . tres poen lee cream. .Sade Is Gey brisk eve balk . Orders delivered. piss.. SOO. 60 660 66 Bi 00.6 . .68.4 66.8 ALS raosso7lons see t taX till• A.. Honor - J MacEwan. Pass - NI A Sullivan...,.., R Worsts!! M F Pridh•m i c'utt L Watson, E M Lee (Ali.'....,........ 60.2 11 Burney (Ale 1. 68.6 A J Swundere t o IR. I 66.8 Peter Adamson Memorial Scholarships, Form 11. A. flume, winner, 40j mark. out of ilia,; M Kelly 3H2. E. (ioklthorpe 3M 1, E Wallace 371 Form 111.-Uerald Newton 74 per cent. 81 $ o 78.8 ft 114.3 11.4 The Collegiate reopens on Tuesday, September 5th. Thos haying to tisk. supplemental* who wish any assist- taks els place .Lino( his fellowmen sne. fh• week before the opening of mesh onto/ lite. he's not rt ham's suits will solve the problem, sad hold hl bead. getting echnol will let the prinelpnl trine Ooe d F..1 Pay trip That time. J. P. Ilona, Principal. S PECIAL S1 60 <7PTIUAL SALE of warranted gold-filled rimmed •vertaele• and eyeglasses, with bet quality white crystal spherical lenses, for only SIAM, sold In !titular way for 10.80. Eyes rxsmi.,ed free by our well-known and painstaking specialist, W. Hogh.on. He as. manager ret URSDAY JUNI.; 29 1916 at HURONS �w.'sopa.4eo1. y, J Joe 28th. day held oft week the 161.1 Wy well, win - the other hat- s events the Deatalto ns lenaking niu.te.a Cii!t.�... hitt lfl[m, woo the platoon =plot Mil sod wasaward- ed oa by a Pit �•Qirae/INs and wMawaed d AIR • by The Landon £4Ta.flOpt>} to ib/ 'battalion staking �� !� aurae points.. +sea iotas .rte tut in the Baas Okla I4 aa, Wretch, earns wog b x Cintf, 0/ Clin- tand t mil PLAIN e r see, won the b.4-$. . Ernie Prid- hau, A. M. 0.the 100 -yards dash. Oto. Rimilet we. casts third la abeta team from 6 from the took /lace in the later-kottslicat 'tee The Advertiser lovely 0lvtr el* eights.* lIschia I tot.. time the received Jodi p, which M a taodieg about a black ebony the 161st Bat - noon, at which also gal .tl.bIlIsldst much The cheering. pest Geld day X get for July 18111. *411 in • foothill eontept held last Thurs. day 'eosin on the 161st parade good, the 14Md_ heat the 161st b 2.0 amid the leled the 14001 by 31. On Monday oftablek the 161st woo from Wed ed by a. ore of 1-0. This ae is the eoud pass dyed by she two lasl-ras.ad twos Sell the lb6rd is now bedfast by sae gooL- Tuesday .:torso.a was occupied in as exami.stloa by- Lieut. Fournier, auperi.t•ndaot of ped tical doll and bayonet tlalstb* icr No. 1 militat division. After en exhibition of ph et - sal drill and mare0ng by the Bat- talion, Hr. Pournl'r complimented ttu Battalion ass stated that it was second to setae he it, work. Th. tomo of the i..lerich detach•, their ofSoses Wsp. bees petitioned Vic. theist pend TT�s- o,dI 1Mi. est All the eowpanv" Hoses tenni have been erected, eddicg gleat:y to the comfort of the men at meal tunes. Mast of the wen have hero lamed with kit hags and b{v&i.acka and as. now practically ready, with regard to • luipalitot. for overseas sem ice, On Tuesday afternoon all the men of the Battalion who enlisted friar) Heoaall were presented te ith engraved signet -rings, a gift trent the citizens of Hassall. ST. PETER'S SOHOOL EXAMINA- TIONS. Th. following are the names of the pupils of St. Pet.r'e school, Gnderieb, who beve passed the promotion Mt - amination : FROM ORAD5 I. TO (.R.%1.5 11. HONORS- Aiken Beechler, Rita Plsnte, Ursula Barrett, Norman Ryan. P.. eve -Willie Tobin, Marie Gras -- elle, Teddy Carney, Eileen McKay, ((RADII 11. Tu (RADE 111. HoNtrtte -Harald Dalton, Joseph Farr, Loretta Baechler. P.tsBgD-Hari y Barrett, Gordon Ryan. James Alexander, Isabel Lynn, Ernest Jeffrey. George Farr, Gladys Foley, Mat y Alexander, YR(#(RADE I11. TO GRADE. IV. H0NORS-Dor i. AVoullenmbe, Will- ard Uravelle, Fred Webb, Willie ('arney, Ernest Robinson, Marion Griffin. PAwtg»-Annie Carney, Helen Nc- Cartby. (RADg IV. TO (MAIM V. Jean Lynn. Mary Ryan, George Mr. Kay, Freddie Robinson. Jack Fellows, Joseph Webb, Philip Mclhntgall, Nor- man Clearmont, Eileen Fellows, Maine McIntosh. (RADE V TO ORADR VI. HONOR'S- May Dalton, Marie Weise, Themes M-('arthy. Panum --Kathleen Cleartnnnt, FA - win Haechler, Hite Woollcombe, James Ryan, Helen l.yno, Helen Mc- Kay, John Jeffry. DOMINION LIAY NOT1& Preparations are well advanced for the Dominion Day o.l.br•tlem to Subscribers are reminded that Bodin-lob.Bodiob, and it big day's .port may Mr. and Mrs. Ales. Robinson, Eaat r be looked for. street. Godes kb, received a telegram the fourth and FINAL payment The morning rrogrsm. in.fudisg nets meroing stating that their win, Will be due and payable at the Lb. precea too, the Dishy show aria Private William J. Robinesoo, of the. y_ as dl1iean'a gess, is well worth Osoadien Moonset: hitter, is reported I Canadian Bank of Commerce ices( teas ruse, outside wbo .ince June 2nd Private Rob- inson May. July 3rd. Prompt bad been in the benches since on INT 6661160 M1141114111411114 PO iYour I Advertisement i In The Signal it reset 1.) the Met people in • large rection of Huron county. Bright, fresh ad- _ vertising is Tool ler ,eagerly as the news cululnlaa. A i WN N MOM pe n ism oo m midi NT TRIC xJONAL.PRINTtlq 0a. !AMID. Pt sum= THE LADS I1 KHAKI. Goderich Patriotic Fund ng poop • bo do not Ret into town until the after- noon miss etre very good features. The morning events take plow on the Square, and of course there is no ad- mlssiuu fee W b. pail. The atlersnoo program will be at the Agricultural Park. The speeding events will Ado doubt be a great attrac- tion. The pony raw and the mule race ars mew features. A promised event that is not on the bills is a ladies' baseball match, be- tween Clinton and Oodericb Reale. Several tug-of-war teams areLt.lked of, and the stalwart• of the 'Estrin nursing their muscles for the N•nt. An Interesting feature of the atter- soon attractions will be • flet-ald con - ted by the Boy Scout.. The Clinton Scouts ate eomiog up for the atter- i oar° Tod there will be four Iodide comp ting, Tee leonine in *barge of the Highland dancing barn made anunge- meots wbi'b promise one of the hest exhibitions in this line seen in Gude- Itch for years. Some of she "athletic cooLeetr" have been arranged with a view to amussmese, ouch at tea bate -eating contest sad the boxing in barrel.. These are sure to provide a heap of fun. The Blackstone, have secured the refreshment booth privileges at Ag, (- cultural Park for the day. Women's Institute Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of t►.. Goderich btadch of the Women's In- stitute will be held at t he home of Miss U. E. Salkeld, Bayfield Road, on Thureday. July lib, at 3 p. m. There will be a demonstration on "tempting salads for hot days." The week. and previously mentioned for subject ie : "Whitt ba. been tae (•onspicunus t,ravrty oh the battlefield, influent.* in m life ?" The west a nephew of Mr. �V.Cunningbaw,, 8epteu,:.er, 191.,. I payment is requested in order Another (iudericb lbw reported that the account mat be closed missing today is Private Walter John- Y ston, sou of Mr. Wm. C. Johnston, and audited, and a balance sheet Bruce street, who is reported miles- published. Ing since June 2nd. A striking coincidrn.-e is that these two soldier* Notwtthstanding repeated're- enlitled together and were reported missing on the stale day. quests for payment through the newspapers and the mail, many Mn. W. 1 roudfoot has Just received subscribers are stilly In arrearspr word that her nephew, Delano Dick- withcrtheir Januar and A Il eon, was wounded In an engagement at the front and is now under treat- instalments. sent at Hardelot bonnie'. Delano Dickson went overseas with the Sec- ond Pioneer.. 11. is a grandson of the late William Dickson and was brought up in Goderich, I'be tnformitlon so far received dor. not give particulars of the extent or seriousness of the io jury. Terence Kidd, who went overeats in a draft of engineers recently, is now *GOTattached to the headquarters *GOT of telegrapher* at lehorncliffe camp.a Lieut. Unsworth Jon., who holds att commission in the 611st Baalion, war borne from T. rnnto over Sunday, Sam Brimieonibe, of the Canadian Mounted Rifles, Exhibition Camp, Toronto, was home on week -end leave. Private Heber Powell, of the Army Medical Corp, London, .pent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Powell, $ergt. Richard Cunningham, of Brussels, reported killed in action test Rreataet triptr tandaemon will love tie Fquais at &Carlow. 2 30. Visitun always welcome. Wotd bat been received to the effect that Harry Carey was in the great battle rally in this month std es a re- sult is now in the General hospital in Cuss.. England, suffering from LIECT.-('OL JOHN 1, Mc'LA REN. ('otnnwndirig drive -r of tis.• 1144), Rat - talion. mentioned by Sit Ihd.gles Haig for gallant and di-tinguish.•.I con(iuet on the field, The friends of Lieut. -Col. John 1. McLaren veil! be pleased to hear that he h*• 'soon .p erially mentioned Ul des- patches by sir noughts Haig for gal - legit and dist ingui,hed conduct on the battlefield. There is a long list of Canadians who have won honor* in the fighting in France, and Lieut -Col. McLaren, fhr eomm*nding ofll(wr of the 19th Habitation, and Lieut. Burn- ham. of Toronto, one of Ma lieuten- ants, err mentioned. Lieut.•('ol. Mc- Laren is a (iodetich "old boy," though for • stood many years his home hes been et Hamilton. A letter received by )Ir. J. 0. Ben froom his Soo, Pte. Ernie Bell, of the 93nd Battalion, Kato' that he had at - Iraqi' in England sod was in camp let Sbnrnchffc. He say.: .The count/ y *robed here {, Ane. The towns are ertarnly odd. and re Jeer Mr you have t.. p,y for ev.eytbing you get. herr. ' He gives interesting details of the trip across the ocean and .,f the landing at the port of debarkation, but Lb. cen- sorsLip rule* forbid publication of such detaib. I- Pte. Er nut Cleo k, fon nice ! c n1 The Mists,. is LOW in trance with the l'enad•an Mounted Hifi... k letter to this effect has kern ,reels, J by bis peasants, ills, read 01.. *% illicits GEO. WILLIAMS, Treasurer. PERSONAL MENTION, M4- Rowe Poi Ila. returned 'rum a visit at Detroit. Mr. end Nn. Pett Weir, of Stratford, are ri.Itlig In town Wn. H. T. .heard. end sill:a daoafrar are setts. at Leal... Mr. Hwy Pante, of 1ert.rlw.e*, -pent a Pew daye is tow. Oda week Nilo Auntie eoinemll, t Termite. 1. Mew w a vacations/ tare* wean., MA* Mabel MacDonald. a4 the penafte i.1. r holidaying at M maker. len. Jeer Marr -ole n( W innlpreeetr i. hove e. • it led to bee mutter. lin. J. »site•%. -Ben .'J Sr. and lit.. Dopy. Nolen bare returner) from Usenet Sent W. K Killen, of ao.w Luodon. •pout Saud.) in Hadendi � �' Sr. sad Mn. Donald MrDuweld. of 'tomato. are %*.,tint their cou.ln, Ln. Itubert Camp- bell. Mea C. (•. Morrison len ow W.d.e.dey for Prorewo.t. Michigan, where .he will .peed the next two month.. Its. H. M. direction of Si. I.sril• paid • short triad to the tome et IoM patent., Mr. Add 11re, Wm. Strachan, this week. Mor 1Men I*suford 1a riot ins at Duannno., dhe offended the wedding tf lti.,. Ise., etew- art os Thursday of thl. week, Moa at.ad A. Hurt. ppn,fe•.lonrl unr.e, of New Tort, Le home on a ho.ilay clad w i•h her 1.7.01,. lir. and Mw. George 8..,cL. Hn. ltatl'herean, of the reei.rre ore*, retur.ed last *tea from a •i it of six meta.• with her daoakt,r, ler., !Uri ltorri.00. of B. .t on - Mir I. Sharman, pfacipel of the Cetera" sehoul. a.. off dmy tat. week, °wine to ll- ,. tt.r emus (de.ps o net 1.11 or 5610+ was be apeeay. • ea....�.�tWw.. tTli..;= M1.. Nellie Ytllhvan. Y Irnroi', who en pr�r t at !try. Felber Youn. • IA41nu,o...t Jordon. h.. been rpt riling the paid wort with Per aunt, Mn. Wo, F. Vining. A. lei ton anti 1:,.• las Hru,iltnn s,•. idling at Lesion. where their ' e.g..- 4, e h u -fa. rid. ere In tr..its•gt wain toe tell t.Iw M ,. loutthnr t,.4 New lark ..her attend t ee i rNOW b, .Ira friend. et Toronto. h - sir .,ld the resider,. of her 5fno'her. L ..4. t uwlib oro, Vi. Luria .treat., • Basil Kelly. of the Imperial Mechan- ical Transition, is att,r•bed t' 5Bit:i.b •etre hotteay in Fiance. Waiett►g May nth be said he had limn up to for lines twice. "Believe we, they mike louse noise up there. They don't care if they wake your head ache or not." Harbor Notes. The atertner Grsbsni unloaded 1/L- im bushels of wheat 'and oats at the Go.lrrirh elevator last Friday. fhr steamer Meahord, with 111,0110 bushel. of wheat, and the steamer F..rd inion, with I:,,U60 bushels of wheat, unleaded their cargoes at the Girth -rich elevator on Mond*v. The *tewn:er Merieka arrived on Wed nesdayy $fterntrw,n with es dregs of 1:8),lan huahel• of wheat and oats for the Goderich elevator. Slice navigation opened this spring approzimately three million bushels of grain have been 'handled by the Goderich levator k Transit Com.. pan y. ('awntreetor Bermingbwm i• tit- work -,n the .operatructurr of the south - welt breakwater. With tine weather the work shoulJ be completed is abcut tbtee weeks. h Come to Goderich' • 0 uFor DOMINi$ON DAY 1 MORNING PROGRAM ON THE .SQUARE FREE! Afternoon Admission 2JC l Trades AFTER - Procession and Floral N(K)N Parade at 9.30 o'clock i'ROGAA M BABY SHOW at 10.30 o'clock Children's Games `.i at Agricultural Grounds Children under 12, Speeding Events Athletic Conteus Pony and Mule Races Baseball March Highland Dancing Tug-of-war, etc. Children m Procession, Free 1 5 1 ll 1 as at I • llr� .t. J. wa',asrr, of Fenn nine, .541, .tis, Add Mn, 4.,11ae4- brew.. u4 Toroot . unlade a brief siert In low* Ile -t ck. 1 hey wefe o0 t took sew, 10 A-hnekl- where t his are cl.iti.,g rrbll rr+. 111.,. lllnnn, ;.mpheIi. wsin 4. , teacher to 1 ..rola t elloairi,- 01.. note. 0.. hone for a fres Ars- rise ...et to Toronto tri,. weft to .salol In the erotic,' of the ,spar d,enhl . t41011 ' .miva- I lllt. ondry`0 M. or. neer e .rnt atnthefma�t-laceu' 4' her dote/hot!. Fell.. ...c.c., the wedding look place nn Tu. '4,q, June •470i. .Nary rat l'hark H.ochler ..-ompanird her. morning for�lhe,, 1141/101* children t Nmt4Rh, Tile -day Otte. a 54•4 of ever meeth to Aar!went-. Ar, mrd M. tV41141/11 McKnight. of ]de, an.l to Mr. and Mr.. A. tl. Theft,(rl, of t.we. 111.•*. Irene- l'yld4am and Aga... H•imiten. I4cierr is };.cies high rise.(, have en.rbe,l their doll.- for tie present -drool term, and after r .bort holiday they will attend the..,,,. user cour.e in attest Towage t'ul n•nit y. 8. .forth F:zppaowwit/r: Moa /trw.le %.,i'.. of linden, 4., and 111.. Ilarst(%minkrll. of %Viet - t. -m. are (l •l ince a: the hon.+ of Mr. and Mr... Je- An•bl(,.11 lir.. It -b-rt M Inter la tnmt.iting.4 the hon." of her .eon In (.•lerlch. Mr. T. Sunbury. of (uelith. the recently ap- la,lnui organi.• of Knox ,-herb. moved ire Aou.ebold rte.'- to town On- mere and ha. to ken room. in • he Volley a pr. t semi hou-e on North'treed.. Mr. 'Sunbury will lee -rime hi• sew Julien w. *Soddy 0,11, MI.. Urace Warn. it arrived horn, on Friday from T4*w.leu. wl • also hoe 1r -en teaching, and leave. tacit we for Toreeto to tete the pe-laRru.• caterer 1 •h,..c J culture She h... horn enga.ed tot. h In the t'ollrgb.te In.iI- t ute•tSaudi Ptr,. Pie. her dotty there oom- menet ng ,. $.'totem Her. Jas ll..mihn.t a sal Mr. Hamilton ler• Seed MM. Wei I r.t'ay f N innipeir. whets Mr. Hamilton wen' 10*rtrn* IN. Item -rat A.. .satisfy of the Pr..., tett+n, hue h of •'.mdse We rawest to ideas' tint Mr. Hamilton • he,lth rtia'et not be W deed krl eat .4. tha Dia, and (Ng fiarytAro1_ser-ka. developed. Everybody eats Blackstone % deli- dows Ice create of superior quality,, Orders delivered. At 9.311 A. or. on Doisbloe Bay 1 he reddenta of M. Patrick's street will observe the holiday by hoisting • new Union .Jerk for the !fret time on the 3*g-n de in Sr. Patrick's Park. The children of the community will render • short patriotic megrim), Mr. and Mr.., W..J, Blair announce the engagement of their eldest daugh- ter, lora Moe, to Meleillq Alexander Fitzger.ld, of P -tubes.'. The mar- ring. will take place quietly or. Satur- day, July Int. MARRIED. MARKI.3.4-11WITILI 41 tar home of the bride, East .tree(,t lioderieh. n.. +latnrd•y meeting, Jen. Yl. el Ileo. Janne. Hamilton, Mie. Olive Agee'. youngest daughter of Mr J W. Nein.to Mr. fool. M..akriiof l'ethnrne tnwn+hlp BUC'KMAN Vit H(4 oY Al Ohlarich, en 4we,rday. L.nw J•. 1.g Itev. Alfred M..r lane. ( MI -tine- ,Istreabr of dr. and Mr-. Jahn NMAMr.n, to ih•w.e etanlr, nest man. one art the late Cape. A..5 R.rkran, one. On, T(01.11-PARR11.t.F: (1* N'ednw,day. Jnne 11. et the horn* of the 54th. -Mer Mn. D. H Policies Irrayt..n. bt Iter li J. Barn welt. Verna Resorts. yoe.ewt daugh- ter M Mr. see ler., 1 w Pardee of U*. woad. to Mr. Peed Trade. ef liedwvirb• NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -June 411. Marloaa • Myh nas _ Paa4 Kuser -. t •. r. R a Rar see. rt liters ... t Nadek.e-(144.,4p.,1,APar....f 1 (and of T1..k.-Mt. H. J. M•enls....ydw