HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-6-22, Page 8ORDAINED TO THE PRIESTHOOD Two Young Men of This County Con- clude Their Long Term of Preparation. On 8aturJay but three young men were ordained as priests by His Lord- ship Hislop !'all ,n at Sr. Peter'sOath- edral, London. Two of these young men were from this county -Rev, John Young, eon of Mr. and Mr,. W. F. Young, of Colborne township, and Rev. WIUlam Moran, of Kingsbridge. A large number of friends of the young men were present to witness the ceremony. 'floe Bishop was as- sisted by the Very Rev, Vicar -General 0•Cons&e and Rev, James Harding, Thirty priests were present in the sanctuary for the service. On Sunday morning Rev. Father Young celebrated his first solemn rand high ma,. in St. Peter's church, od.rich, before a largo congregati3n, Rev. Father Brennan, of London, acted as deacon, Rev, Father Howard, f Assumption College, Sandwich, as sulydeacop. Rev. Father McRae, of oderich, as high priest, and Mr. A. , McIntyre, of London, as master of eremneles. The altar war berutiful- y decorated with Rowers for the oc- cnuioo. Rev. Father Howard preached the sermon, an able deliverance on 'The Dignity and Power of the Pt iest- ood." After the eelehratinn of orale he father and mother, sisters and rother« and other relatives of the oust( priest, eighty in number, knelt t the altar railing to receive his first easing, followed by the member• of be congregation. In the evening Father Young sang capers sad benediction and Father rennet) delivered a powerful sermon, H.:. F'.rther Young has hero ap- iuted curate of Ht. ,1lphonsus ureh. Windsor, a large and import. t church. He leaves on Saturday xt to assume :he duties of his new ce. A long course of study baa qualified v. Father Young for his sacred ties. He eluent seven years rat wAs- pti,.n College, Sandwich, and a her term of several years at St. ter'. seminary, London. His dili- nce and success as A student, owned as it now is by his entry the priesthood of his chord). must n source of gratifications to his par- s. and to his other relstlers and his ny friends here and elsewhere. ev. William Moran, who celebrated first high mews at 8t. Joseph's tech, Kingsbridge, on Sunday, will curate al St. Joseph's church, Strut- . He, loo, took the course of dv and preparation at Aseump(.inn lege and afterwards attended the inary at London. g U 0 O 11 h h • bl B Po ch An ne offi Fie du ru tuft Pe ire Cr on 1.e one ma K hie cot 1 ford stn Col sem O T>.trueose, Jona It iI1M ANOTHER SAVING IN NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK Ir. IAvnis (icn.,in.• 11 dialed 1.inru N,.44 1'aerwr and I:. Th essati.I lieilinn,• 11uthu,d 1,ine,, ICti .DID..a 4.11...e.• of Ihrr.• r..re.rt Stow N..t., !falser, Aud tin•.• eon sr,$-shal.rd Y,)t.d.q.ew Ii eluding 1 h•• new I..ng simpe1. Note i'at.rr, reit•Narmi(e 16e, sale 'Delis extra ,oswisl, file tw•r quire. Milt ••I.g.•s In m.r.G h, sun• pries, IIA• te-r ('oa,iJ •rinK tin present euiditiun of th • fatale market, this is rrr- 1«inly Ips..! !retying. .1(tS'I' T41 11 1 NI) N1.rinl Surtuuer Nou.ls•r I a li•.' I1nme JtSut-nal I..r Jort) • r iiiLiining copies of cel, teen ,.l pirtores. suital4e for Into g. with full insfarte•t' L•. v. 1,. fr:umt 1'ri,r 15i• leer e..py, GEO. PORTER i LY M AN'S Water Glass for preserving eggs. One pound tin will do about eight dozen eggs. 15c TIN 2 FOR 25c James A.Campbel l The. 91 CENTRAL DRUG STORE Loner North St. and Square Goderich I:... fel 'PHONE, R. s :Lai Sheet Music and Music Books Less c T han Cost. 2000 sheets vocal and in- strumental Music to be sold at 0 Cents per copy or 3 copies for 2 cents. As space will not permit the name of each being published, we suggest that You call and look over the lot. Music Folios, regular price 75c, for 25c. A great opportunity for musicians and mus 1 c teachers. Sale of Music to he continued until all of this lot is disposed of. Two slightly used Piano - case Organs, good as new, at bar- gain prices. THOMSON'S MUSiC iI.1••'1) ST./I TIONER Y STORE Ansco Cameras %Nit Speede x Films With An Ansco Camera Ansco Speedex Film Cyko Paper w11.11 hr. leapt ,Irene'• ,.f failure .•x- pn•.s your pi, ture sissy. A. L.CaIdwel1, Phm.B. Prescnptios Drags 1'n.irwe In A APIs ill 11 Agent fee Wilyd's Cbc.hIi. Canada. only Vorkdipt. J TAS! SIGNAL t GODERICH ONTARIO SOUTH HURON LIBERALS.PWAISIONits Mar- ft. i7slhaslnssi Oat. --,"Two yam lila • 1 was V • very slowest, fierk�•eb sttle- e last Yr. Thee. McMillan me Mr. T. Oak M. P. Y., Address Mewtag Flemish, June 31. -Prior to lb Federal redistribution, but one orlao- ixutori wits netr+wry for 00tb Ile► mini,) aril Provincial rulings of South Huron. aid until today there wise but one South Huron Reform A.- socuttior.. This afternoon the terminals alba of an executive for Provincial affair, w.. effected eta general tree(, ing Df the Association, when .'Akers were air. elected for Valera' pus The meeting, which was large tended by representatives of e part of ibe tostltuency, was .dru dressed by Mr. Thos. McMillan candidate for the Dominion 11 and Thos. Marshall, H. P. P., as as by local speaker.. foe repress tive of the Legislature gave an i 17at- '71 the nose, *ell Ota - atm - testing talk w, the progress of the Ou- t.arIn Liberal pityy it. aims and ac- txu.phsbu.enla Referring to the tear penance que.11on, he alluded to the great work perk,' used by 11r. N. W. Rowell in bringing prohibition to • successful issue. Mr. Marshall dealt with some agricultural problem.. especially advocating the extension of the O. A. U. course by the .erebdsb- meet of enemy demonstration farms. Mr. McMillin spoke on Dowinive af- fair., and the meeting gave ample evidence that it agreed with him in his dea0unaement of the graft in Can- *da's war munitions busLuees. For Provincial organisation pur- poees. the following officers were elec- ted : Prrrident, John Ke pry, Exeter: secretary. 'Thos. Shillinglaw, 8eaforth: treasurer, John Pieetor, Zurich ; 1st v.er-presiden', J. Kellerman : 8 td vice -presider( , Robert McKey. Mr. Harry Smith, of Hay, ■cted as their• wan of the meeting and was re-elected as president of the Dominion o.gat.iz- • tion. Mr, R. G. Seldom, of Exeter, was elected secretary, and Mr. Moir, treasurer, and Messrs. John McNair, Finglsod and SLY urdie,vlce-president+. Township chairmen were chosen as follows : Goderich, Ed. Wise ; Stan- ley, Anderson ; Bayfield, Innis Thompson ; !fay, Chas. Fritz ; U.. Write, 8. Routley; Stephen, T. Collins; Exeter, Chas. Harvey ; Hensel!, Dr Molloy ; Tuckeramitb, Oro. Black ; Clinton, Mr. McLennan ; Mullett, Mt. Watt : McKillop, John McDowell ; Sew(ortn, .lanes Watson. VERDICT FOR $5o. Result of Accident at Bayfield Fair -In- teresting Case from Colborne. The County Court continued its sit- tings last week until Saturday after. noon. Judge Dickson presided except in the case of Dunkin v. Decker, in which hie former partner, Mr. 1. R. Carling of Exeter, was interested as counsel: Judge Holt beard this case. Following Is • summary of the eases on the civil list : Dunkin vs. Decker. -This case, which was the first of the jury issues on the docket, occupied the attention of the court for nearly two days. The plaintiff, Andrew Dunkin, is a resi- dent of Stanley, and the defendant, John Decker, is a farmer living in Hay township. The action wee the result of a rollision in a horse race at Bayfield fair on the tlth of October last. As trio result of the oollision and fall, the plaintiff alleges, his right shoulder was dish -mated, he was bruised and in- jured on the head and neck, and for two month. he was Ill and unable to attend to his duties. Consequently, he claim. that he incurred heat y medi- cal and other expenses, and was per- manently injured. For these and damages to his spectacles and. racing cat t he claimed Prat damages end the .nate of the action. Judgment, was Awarded for WA in favor of the plain- tiff And the question of costs was not settled. Prominent, Killoran R Cooke for plaintiff ; Isaac R. C'al'ling Exeter) for defendant. Jewell vs. Welters, -This action, he t ween Colborne township parties, wa rettbsi nut of-(.ourt. Hamilton vs. (Goldthorpe et al. - This was an interesting case it. which the evidence was taken last S.sturday but it has n,.f been argued as yet. The plaintiff. Thomas 8. Hamilton,, and the defendant, Alpert J. Goldthorpe, are both well-known farmers .1 Col- ourist township. On Joust..'y 414h 1 sat, under instructions from, the de- fendant (loldthorpe, who wile tat ool- leetor ie Colborne township 1.GGt year, Constable Post Irthwaite, of (indict icb, seized a four-year• old bur A. distress for taxes amounting to $(t).7::, which, i is alleged, weir not paid when due. Constable Poetlethwaite we. (bus wade a party to the action. In the statement of claim the plaintiff alleges hat the distress was wrongfully and unlawfully levied, that the mare wish unjustly detained until she was te- plevied, that all taxes were paid when the alleged warrant was issued, at which time the defendA'rt Goldthorpe had ceased to ie collector of taxes, that when seizure waw made, the *nunsl was being used on farm work and that ether goods liable to seizure could bemires' taken without resorting to the mare, that the seizure was races - the anunal bring worth three • the amount of the taxes, and the defendant Goldthorpe did not and payneent irr seenrbutre whb Istutr, whereby "the said Alleged • never beeantr due and payable." plaintiff claims 135) dsmage., the n of the ware And the roots of ctinn. The defendant. deny all Regal ions of the plaintiff. y that Onldthorpe was cellectorr e time the seizure was made' and the an,rual was taker "with the rat and App, oval .,f the sail p1alp- u a dirges. for said taxes so due." drfend..nl. ask for the return of ores to th.m, Ib. animal now he- n plsinttfrs poemesion under his dr wu ouuds M , ae that I awoke It the merning more Wed thea whoa I retired. Thedoetors 11 had hewn fro, nadause for sot DO bewail, 1 b.wwrd of Dr. Pierce's nem- dies ems• dMiedwho had been to your Inveigle' Hotel lar en opera - Hon (whish proved entirely a)eee.rud) and 1 at ones got the 'Favorite Prescrip- tion.' I took three bottles alt aad•at the end d three wee 1 hit iso. Iirdy cured and ham been well sad sines, without • single bad spell =Pt tioeg it about three months ago at glad to tell any one bow epleo- did1y your medicine has healed we."- Yr- Joan Lawns 63 Niagara Bt., 8L Ostherinea, (laL Tie mighty restorative power of be. Rsee's Favorite Preecriplitn speedily seam all woman! troubles to ear itied briop back health and fa: gib to wervotr, irritable and exhausted women. 1 alt is a wonderful prescription prepared only item n tow'. reals sssd highs with ono alcohol to Wady st rlu isb sed ono ameatie to wreek the It Shea pais, beaded" b.akaai..lsw spirits: hot (aiea, worry and drlpis�aM latah' sad without loss of time. Get it scowl All druggists. • asst Mesh Wary Weare abe.M Ikea Over a wiUiom copies of the ""pre Poo• pls's Cowmen Senn Medical Adviser" are n ow in the hands of the peapie. It is a hook that everyone should have and read in case of accident or oakum,. •Bend iffy wants or stamps to Dr. Pierre, lavabos' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., and en - sone ibis notice and you will receive by return mail, all charger and cellons duty prepaid, this vat book. largest and most costly passenger steamer on the inland waters of the world and. with tier stater ship*, the "City of Erie" and the "City of Buf- falo,' provide* daily service that u bigbclaas to all features. Steamers leave either city every evening at 1-p) and arrive at destination 7.31 'text morning tall Kamera time,. Railway tickets reading between Cleveland and Buffalo are accepted for traorportation on all C. t B. line steam- ers,:thus giving the traveller oppor- tunity to break the monotony of his rail jou, uey by a refreshing night's trip scions Lake Erie on a veritable float- ing hotel. The fare• for this lake trip are cou- siderahly leer than those by rail. HOLMESVILLE. WgnstwoAs, June 21. Mn. T. Gundry, of Oodericb, Merited at the borne of Mn, Acheson over Sunday. The Gleanera are holding their meeting at the home of Mn, Findlay on Friday afternoon. The, Patriotic Society holds its.regu- ler meeting and tea at the home of Mrs. Acheson on Thursday of this week. The garden party held at Mr. Steep's, for patriotic purposes, was well attended by the people of this vicinity. Rev. R. J. M. ('.,'mirk was in (in1,1r- 1ich on Tuesday eve'tiug .Irlivering an address to the Epwottb Lague of North street Methodist church. Wrn\kaU.t(, June 11. Key R. J. McCormick purchased a Ford car this week. Mrs. Alcoi•k look advantAge of the Guelph excursion on Saturday last to visit l:uelph relatives, bhp. Mc(•,rnack, ..1 Trowbridge, is cisitiug her son, Rev. H. J. McCoy- , tub k. at the parsonage here, The Ebenezer lawn social. held on the lawn of iMr. Henry Snyder, was well patronized I.y ebe people of ibis yirinftl. rive, time lb.% t deu the . tax. The rrlu1 the • Ile a claim •t th that Conks. tiff felt.• the h ing i bond A non -jury tae whit h has not been disposed of as yet is that of Holmes vs. Smith ►r 41 Thin action is entered by Dv. W L Holmes, of Brum els, to rreor.r the amount of an account froom Mr.. Smith and W. l', Smith, both of Brussels, Excursion mien Opens on the Great Lakes All Indications point to a banner year for Measure and tourist travel on the Greet Lakes. Keen now the fleet.' ie sepesr•edent.d, sad the C. R B, Ilse hu taken quirk action to eate for this increased par,.,nagr h; placing the great ship • Mesaodh.e on the route between Cleveland and Buffalo mush earlier than in previous years. The great ship ip "$srswdbee" is the CARLOW. W'EUrr R.,t ay. June 11, IItMENEAL.-A quiet itut pretty wedding was solemnized on Saturday, June 1718, At the home of Mrs. Tyro - deli, when her third • daughter, Cora, w.. united in the bonds of matrimony to Mr. Warner W. Walter. Rev. A. Laing officiated Mr. and Mrs, 'Wal- ter left on the `L:lt train for Toronto and Niagara Fall.. On their teturo they -Will reside on the groom's (sem on the lith concession of Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dur,. went to Clin- ton last Wednesday to attend the funeral of John Green, brother of Mrs, 1)ures, who died at Port Huron, of Appendicitis. 1)r. Henson Hamilton, who was visiting hie mother recently. ban re- turned to hie Lonna at Rade Ste. Marie. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. A horse to -longing to Al r. ('bas. Walter*, of the Renmiller road, was killed by lightning last Friday noon, St'esias PARTY. -On Friday even- ing last a "supti.e-party of about thirty members of Zion church (Tay- lor's Corner) invaded the home of Mr, and Mrs. T. M. Johnston and pr.- .ented the hoot woti hostess with an address and a silver tea service. The address, which was signed by Mrs, Wilmot Haack., Mrs, Patton, G. O. Sturdy and D. K. Bodges, expr.asa.d the gratitude of the people of Zion church for the assietanee kindly and cheerfully given by Mr. and Mrs, Johnston in wetly war. in conoecti,at with the affairs of the (Meech. Mr, Johnston, although greatly taken by .urpritl., replied for himself and his wife, and a pleasant social time was thee spent. The pastor altos , huroh, Rev, W. H. Campbell. wet among THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE 1:4. 1401' MO °VT is owe 10 'weirs •tedo.ts any dor d.rl.e u.. Honiara tar a .hart b•14ew, ewer• w lnr mire1 neer.. M e ser. Tim .►*.Id Dorfn r.klrwt po,arat4 a, enee to all the M won. of rho stars sawn tubo Myr ontn4e4. Write toe p .tw••I.r-.ra e4.•Nar in A. r1.tW I No, r t- A., P}1.sieai ti. 1) rtrM I No nor•re.orr. those peeeeo1. The 1•WM. had Womb( with them • dainty lunch of rake and las crews, which wee bearttly en juyed LOCAL TONICS IN BRIEF. SpaeW war -time holt tis,lela•s.o will open at the Nnrlhrt pas Business Col- lege, Olsen Sound. July Std, to preper- yuuos p.nple to t1U places left vacant by thOa who have saluted for over- seas service, instruction in book- keaplwl, uhorthead, typewriting and)lase hes, soureee. The resldswti•I property of Mrs, J. W. Thomas, es Wein avenue, bee been leased by Mr. W. Walker, the new furniture sae and undertaker, Alr. \Volker has been fortunate in securing a property where he will have accom. tnodatlos for his hearses and automo- bile. Mr. Walker will get possession about July 1tL The following adelitional donations of socks for the 181st Battalion ere acknowledged by the Women's War Auxiliary : Ladle: Guild of IN, Doorstep's church. 43 pale ; Mrs, C. (farrow, 1 pair., The following ladies have returned knitted socks : Mia, H. J. A. MarKwan, Mies Burritt, 2 setas eacb ; Mrs. Fisher, Mrs, Wilson, !!lies. Harrboo, Miss Sturdy, Ifo. Far -I risk pair each. Major A. 11. Jane, 161st Botta ton, has received lots err-' tillcate of qualification as lieu- tenant, for which he recently took • cones in the military school at London. Mr. Jane's qualifications ate weeolop•nied by a very ooasiderable military experience, covering fifteen years. Pm seven years he was wit, the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry tan 014 Country Corps) ; he was five year, is Month Africa. where he was company sergeant-oujor and won the Queen's Routh African medal, with five clasps ; and since coming to Chia country he has Leen for three yenta with the Canadian militia. fa r 1 j a I New Wash Dresses FRESH from the factory this week are some pretty Nash Dresses. Some are made from ginghams and cham• brays nicely trimmed, others are fancy cotton Voiles either plain white or the popular summer colorings. Every dress is right up-to-the-minute in style, and of most there will be found but one of any particular pattern. With them came some nice Wash Suits also in the popular Palm Beach and Linen effect cloths so much in demand this season. There are Pretty Dresses at 13.00 Three are made fro', fast volur.I chambray)"tut in oar of the season's bestetylts, nicely trim- tned. Ws show them in gown, blue, heliotrope. rte. and ran gi tyou •iz. practically any � 3.AA sire. The price it (j1V Another Nice Dress is 15.01! This •tyle la ..to. that you will be sun• to like. Made frust gond quality cotton voile Mir.rtively trimmed and well simile. ills can be had in all Ores at this price $5. At 18.75 there are .several Good Styles Thr shim urg at tl.4. prier w par- ticularly good. There am not mom thait carte or two of any particular style and a splendid amort 'tient tall ch.sisr from. Fancy Voiles tnadr up in half - down ..r neem .1 the mention'. real wee, styli Stripes, Stripes and Stripes More of the popular Striped Wash Material in this Week. Qualities that are suitable for either separ- ate skirts, waists or full dresses. Of must qual,tie. we have idain cloths in white orbaturai shade for combining with the stripe. IN no design have we enough for it to become at all ('..'niton. At 60c Heavy quality Crepe ('loth, white ground with wide or broken Ntrlp•w in gown, old new, black t blue. Splendid material,' for separate skirts. Special per yawl 60C At 11.00 Wide stripes in )li`e'n, nate, navy, rop•nhngen or • black, and white or linen colored ground, fat dreamer, waists or tri rmninlp.. 38 inches wide, beautiful quality, plain or crepe .'Ree(. �1e At per yard only 00 00 PATRIOTIC FUND NOT E8. "The Canadian Patriotic Fund wishes to announce that no badges will he issued to returned .oldies who landed in Canada after January 14th Iamt except these who did not pass through the Quebec and St. John dis- charge depot.. Any man making application must do so on a form which can be obtained from any one of the following_.entleesen : Capt. A. O. Lep, C. M. O. H., 31 0o11tge street, Toronto.; LL Osl, fllwltb, 961 Drummond Boildlsg, Monter-id ; Al- bert i'eeree, iib Lombard street, Win. nipeg; Returned Soldiers' Association, 411Fii Maio street, Winnipeg H. 14utrh)nry, Parliament Buildings, Edmonton : Wm. Al.dotrf. Parliament Huiklings, Calgary ; F. W. Peter! 700 ('antbie street, Vancouver ; J. War- wick. arwick. I'ariiam.nt Buildings, Toronto. Positively no man can obtain a eseond badge." A false Imprsasion prevail* in some quarters that women who work will be deprived of their allowance from the Fond. At the conference of rap- remelts/tires of ap.remelts/tiresof tb. Food held le Tor- onto in May It was resolved "that women who.. dom..tir duties do not require their attention sbould be en- couraged to work. and that nn dedoe- t ion 8. made on &crones of caval earnings." At the resent nseetiag of the county council a Materiel was enMiitted by the Huron enonty ttt•aneh of the One dian PaulmMe shnwIng paym.nte made frees the Med f. 1 M mainly to the end of Maylast Poe the month of MayMows the p•ytttraete loads by the local besseh Mloennted to 11.987 H), and In oddities Mess amounting to 11i1l1-40 were pleroad he a Movinp amount to the credit of •ol- .x • 1* r r r r • Taffeta Silks in All Shades Excellent qualities in the popular Taffeta Silk, plain colorings in old use, brown.navy, black and several good entnbinat of pan, fn shot effe•tn. Qualities that will stand the wear. Bonn.• all. $1,50, ...wn. $1.75 and wane $2 per yard. '1 Palm Beach Suitings The popular material for separate skirts or wash "mita. A good wearing ansa washing quality. at inches do :04 inr•hrs wide. Just in this w,•.•k Ao„ at per rant ... `tVl. Pretty Blouses at $1 and $1.25 Pretty wuslin waists (resit from the factory this week New designs.: one is plain white, frswsl nicely- en,b oidend, wide roller : so- other style is u.•at (lack and white *tripe with the popular wide collar : another style i, fend awning stripe muslin which makes a most attractive waist : and Another tis blue stripe un whit. gr..tuwl. All an• new. abwelutely up to date and excel.( ionally qualities at ver)- lith.• $1 prise. They w II at and $1.25 Girl's Middies 79c and $1.00 Middy W"sits for 1(irl.. The 791• line i. ).ado (run et heavy quality waisting cotton : that at 31.111 from heavy jean u,ad.• specially for waist« li7.th Van be hail either• plain white or with cttllar and .vets of "open y. 44,, 1.ayy 79C and $1 00 „r red" Mixes. 1� 14, 14 yens, aJ711 Iaoli...• Mid Iy Waist. in half-d,q..T n•ntly ItialitieNnt $100, $1,25 $1.50 and Go -Carts and Baby Carriages Riggt,.t ass, tment in town of Baby ('an-iaget. and O. - Carts. All brand-new stork and the famous "liidway' line. Come and let us Nhuw• you the many giant points of the best children', carriage. trade. Big Shipment of Verandah Rugs and Curtains This Week Everything to foal. your verandah comfortable is here. Thi, cut Ulustratra the new Sint. Curtain* which are the very latest production in Verandah Curtain». They are light, d,,r'ible, airy and comfrrrtnbk and not at all expensive.,moWe can give there t., you to At any opening, In either� gftrrel'eeM.t, or !wn tre eare *btu naturist ..r greet Bernb.trr Curtain* witch 4.. run armee quit.• a.i ex&s.usive.aa the slag, or we can snake you !hock Curtoi,. or Awnings in any style or size debit -ed. l'riees for all vet andel) Totting. include putting tle-u, tips Let the Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Do Your Sweeping The Eureka \-,nuns, CL -aver will keep your housedean it, a new. pin tinting the hot weather. 1t d.w.s aw-sy with the hard work of sweeping day and keeps your rug. and carpets alway., fresh and clean. Ho easy to operate that a t•bild can nm it and consumes .,. little elects•*• current that you will not not.i,'r• the difference hi your light 1.i11.. Easy tens, of 1.4/%t,wnt if desired, 1110LEI'It(40F IlOSE banish da,uing' day form Toile horn.•. Sold by the box only with the maker's guerant.•.•. ens Bros.Hod� Direct Importers - Goderich 1 1 L I *. ■ • r n r r Oa • diners' dependent*. The mobilisation of the 1Rl.t Botta. Ilon will make • large addition to the list in charge of the local committee, and it is estimated !bat instead rat 126 Daniel, as at present, there will be 05 names on the list. As the average payment to each family is 118 a month. the committee expects to he paying out in future about 18,800 monthly. REO CRO5S NOTES. The regular monthly meeting of the Red (hose ?society look place in the rooms on Monday. June 10, with Mrs. Carrie in the .hair. Tim expenditures during the month were as follows : For varn $194.0,, sewle committee 11604.1n, Britannia branch 10.9111, surgical supplies $72.:f6, a total of $2(477 : previously acknow- ledged, 1211()• 18. Donations acknowledged wltb thanks : Mins Clifford 110.05), Afro. James Clark 3100, Elf.. Wrnin 18.60, Mrs. J Carrie. sr., 1100. Mrs. Ben A11.n 11(51, supplementary �ward col- lections $22.22.a total .1 t 760. Ti. financial wmmary for the month Is Userefore : Balance from last month 1211-26, received during the 'month M espeness $105.77, halance available tor next month $813- .11 The following amounts were ntrth- nrix.cl : Yarn J1x1.00, sewing rnm- mitr,. god (0, Roitaiate branch 1110- .011. a eb.gee In headquarters 110)011. T1s kdlowiwt bales wore newt to head- giert..e dnring the month • Jess nth, soaks. 141 pairs t June le. 1J1 total J(4 pairs, value 119:17.1110.ons Ord, 7114 doom pads, 12x 14, M doom pads 1140 0/ donee I1x7, fro game *wawa MI desert game sow presses. it feer.rlotha, talo. stro.011 Britannia branch -69 fireilott,. 6 suits plea", 13 liel. plr,shirts, value 1m: f swwing comn.ittee-23 omits pyjdsoas F day .bins, :i dressing gowns, 15 bot -water -hag cos pairs bed ., 4 iIaanrlette night- sblrte, 19 on hospital nightshirt 8 pillows!' 4 pillows, In convales- cent suits, value $117Is6 The Society thanks the ladies for the follow' g donations : Mn,. Moue- tain, 4 pillow. ; Misers Sault*, bill nsouthwipeh ; Mr*. Colborne, cotton and est, montbwipes : Mrs, Sleek, cotton : Mts. Lawrence, cotton Thanks Are due the following for work • \Ira. firkin*, Mr.. Colborne. Mn- Marshall, Mies Walters, Mee - 'mors Crw.g, MacEwen, Sault., Col - thin -qt. Lyrick, (tort, l.u',is,er. Coate Mckny and the Muse. Moults. Craig, MacVicar, Dunlop, M.cDnnaid, the ladies of Victoria attest church, and the Eureka e1.... The secret*,v-•rrAeueer of the ward collections, Mr A. M Roherteoe. will -8. nut of town nest month. Will sari. ward-tsrssnrer hand the looney to !lies L. Millar, midmost secretary ?