HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-6-22, Page 5ne A np (sees street. He had bees Ia fa,Mug beak fee several smooths. The fu•e,.l will take placers Krtd.v after soon r1 3l: clock to C ltoru• rewe- tery. Mer vie* at the bows will com- mence* at 2.3, n'cb^k. A further refer- ent.* 141 lb. pwit.g of 1/r. Muni., who was .0 well kn..wm th,ougb.u,t this whole section. w.11 spires it' The Niguel next week. Wedded at Niagara Faits. The mar, Mgr of ]lire F;u, ly Maud Kirkpatrick, fourth daughtr, of the late Richard Kirkpatrick and Mr. Kirk pato Wk. formally of tiudeeicb, t,. Mr. Reginald Praxis Meek, of Niag- ara Falls, N. Y., took place very quiet- ly last Thursday at half -part twelve o'clock et Ib. Bove of the [.ride's •i. t.er, Mrs. Vincent Porter, Niagara Fall., N. Y. The bride, who **sateen away by Mrs. Porter, was unattended. After their wedding Lim im t h.- I1erk• shire., Mr. and Mr.. Meek will reside at Niagara Falls, N. Y. Death of Mrs. E. Downing. The sad intelligence of the death of Mn. E. Downing, of Leamington, was rescued this lThunder nini nine. Mrs. Dow wing bad been seriously ifl for rove weeks and her death was not un- expected. It is only a hale over a year since Mr. and Mt •. Llownilg left Oode- rich to make their home at Leaming- ton. The heartfelt sympathy of the people of this town will go out to Mr. Downing in the has of his part- ner -in -life, who was held u, high re- gard and warm affection I.y ber many friends here. Still Another UId Subscriber.. The Sowerby family of Goderich township oleo are numleted among the old readers of The Signal. Mrs. Hannah Suwerby, who is in Godeneb On a short holiday this week. called at this office yesterday and informed w that her husband, the late Thomas Sowetby, subscribed for The Signal when it woe first established sixty- eight years ago. Mr. Sowerby died about the year IWO and as Mrs. Sower - by considers that she would not be in touch with all the latest n.•ws unless she received Tile Signal . very w she has never ceased to be ,v subscribe Mr. H,,werby was one of the pion settlers" in this section. He was (ioderict when the present Squa was swamp land. He helped to cle the site and assisted in similar we on the Huron road. An Important Decision. eek r• In Knox church, !:'lora, last Sunday, ear the "Aulplius' Bible class of the con- gregation unveiled a memorial tablet to to a former pastor, the late Rev. J. B. er Mullan. In the order of service we rk 1 notice that Mi. Bert Cutt assisted in tbemusical service by sioging in a duet, entitled "Jesus, Lover of My Soul." phadsed the duty which all owe to tate treeemt hfe to develop along rwsmtal, physical and spiritual lines for the broncos of our coustry and for the up- lift off the social hfeot the community. Mentioning that the present ria was fraught with special dangers, tie speaker pointed out that there was a netion•I duty confronting .11. It probably was not a time to speak of it, he .aid ; yet in death we should he rewtnded of our duty. This was no common time eu our national life or w our own life. and if there were any men standing outside service to the Empire at the present time they bad not understood their present duly. Hes spoke a word of cheer for the relatives of thedeparted brethren. 1t war utterly wrong not to say there was a hope for tet future. It inclined to view lives which were shorihved as broken columna. we should rems.w- iwr that trod never allows • life to live an incomplete program. Refer• rang to the hereafter Mr. Pothering. ham spokeot.our life on earth as being lived on in • higher chapter. In the past year Huron Lodge has lost four aotben by death -Major bele, Herbert Smith, Reqs. Black- stone and W. L Horton. Mr. Q. 0. King presided at the orgap during the service. CHURCH NOTES. The pulpit of Knox church was oc- cupied last Sunday by Rev. C. F. Mo Intoeh, B. D.. of lruelph. Next Sab- bath the minister in charge of the ser- vices will be Rev. D.i'F: Foster. B. A., of Trenton. Rev. O. M. Holmes is leading the Baptist congregation- On Sunday morning in the study of some of the wen mentioned in the Sunday school 'aorta "John Mark" will be the *object next tiunday. Service at 11 o'clock. in the evening, the subject will be "Tempting God," the third sermon on "The Temptations of JUMP." Special offering will be re. ceived for Cbrirtian education et both service.. Strar.gere are cordially in- vite,. At Osgoode Hall, Toronto, this week, Judge Sutherland gave a deci- sion which will have an important bearing ou the enforcement of tem- perance laws in Huron county and elsewhere throughout Ontario. In the case of Rex v. Scott, Mr. F. H. Thompson. K. C., moved for an order prohibitingthe Police Magistrate of Seafortb rom proceeding to hear or try a certain charge preferred by John Torrance before him against said John Scott, for that he was "on or about the fourth day of March, 11110 .. in an intoxicated coodition in a public place in Seaforth, where no licenses are b- iased, contrary to provisions of section 141 of liquor license act." J. R. C•rt- wright., K. C„ for the Crown. Judgment : 1 am of opteo.,n that tett- tion 141 of the liquyr In ruse act as amended is iurra vireo of the Ontario 1 Legislature, has not been ropereeded by the Canada Ternperanr• Act, and that Ibe dinthe motion on all gr. undo must gs eed The rooline will therr- fore hr refused with .urtp. A Toronto Wedding, The following paragraph is from The Toronto Star tt Thursday. June 13. The tilde is' a niece of Mns. John Knox, of Godes icb. The Misses Blanche and PeatI Kn•5x were in Tot - onto for the event : At ball past 2 o'clock this afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Phomas H. Coope a. an Russell Bill road, the- warriage was solemnized by the key. Dr Henderson. of the Trinity Mem- orial church, of their .laughter, Alva, to Mr. Fred W. Waller, formerly of Mt. Joseph, Missouri. Toe decorations were carried out with pink rotes, peonies,. palms and ferns, and Mrs. B.I,tsbaw rang the wedding hymn. The bride. who was attended te her father, wore a white chantilly lace dress with pointed overskirt of georg- ette crepe ; ber veil was arranged with a juliet cap, and she carried or- chidsattd Mae. Mier. Helen Cooper Iwas her sister's hrldwwaid, westing white crepe de ehene and georgette crepe, • black Mohan hat with osprey and lwouquet of pink roses end lilies Mr. Edward Ked,I.,hek was Sea'. man. Mr. and Mrs- Waller left on the 3.21) train for Now Tot k. gomg oro later to Atlantic (hey and Montreal. the bride travelling to a navy blue suit trimmed with white and a blue and white hat. On their return they will -reside at 2.11 Heath street. West Huron Board cf Agriculture. At • meeting held at Dungannon on Friday last a Boat.] of Agriculture for West Huron was orgsotz-d under Irecent Provincial legislation. The Board of Agriculture t.kee the place of the old Forwent' Institute, but is designed on a somewhat broader pais. Offeere were elected as follows : President, Jos•pb A. Mallow)) ; vice- president, John W. Malkeld ; secre- tary, W ni. Bailie : auditors. Thew Stot.aers and John Du•tow. The offi- cers, along with the following reprss- entatiest. will form tiro 'Reeudvt : From (ioderich Agricultural Society, W. T. Murney and Isaac Salkeld ; irom Dungannon Agricultural hock - ,i', Jae. Mallough : from the Ben- m1U.r Farrow.' Club. Hugh Hill ; from the Auburn Farmers' Club, W. Str•ugltan : from the Woolen's In- stitute, Miss Salkeld and Mn. C. Young Il4oderichi ; Hullett township. H. H. Hill : Adhfleld, Reeve Stewart : Colborne. R. M. Young : West Wa- wanosb, Reeve Murray : East Wa- wanosb, J. Gillespie ; Turnter'ry, Reeve Powell : l lode t ieb township, Reeve Lobe), l'he following places were selected fnr meeting. to by bold next winter : Holmervill•, Londe, Iwo', Pt Helens, Kitt! ail. Dungannon and Wavle. it is intended to have stocks judging classes .. t some or all of these reacting.. OddfNlows' Men.or,at service There was . fa., ate. ndanur of Odd- te•l)owa and of relatives and friends of the departed members of Huron Lodge at the Inemori,I service bald in the lodge roma on *today evening. Heir. J. B. Fntberinghate was the spe•.krr and his eddeer was very appropriate to the oerasion. He ew- BABY CARRIAGE TIRES 1 EAST STREET GARAGE t►wwd aid .Krrrateil by a pea, ti..tl roan. A. M. GLOVER PH'toNE 2431 C�- LOCAL TOPICS J. C. Elliott, M. P. P., to Gies Address The unmet meeting t t the Liber.l. of C: utre Hunts, t.. he brut at ties foith on Tuesday rex•, will I rd dressed by Mr. J. C Mount, M. 1' 1•. for West Mid'Jlesez. Mr. BUi ,it is one of the staunchest fighar,s for Libstallsw In tits 4.•gislature sod should have a large audt.•n ce, Harry J. Morris Passes Away. Goderich lost a highly esteems' Cltia•m on Wedne.day al tea noon, when Mr. Harry J. Morris died at his home DOMINION DAY d* - Saturday, July lst,'16 GRAND CELEBRATION AT • GODERICH Trades Procession Floral Parade Athletic Games _ . Horse Speeding Mule and Pony Races Baseball, Lacrosse, etc. Morning Program on the Square, FRE GRAND PROCESSION Starting from Victoria Park alt 9.30 Trades Prot'es2nd. li. sion, I st, $111 ;Prizes are offered a l follows : 3r.1, $.i : 4th, $: Floral Parade (for best decorated turnouts 1, 1st, $4 ; 2nd, 63 ; 3rd, $2; 4th, $1. Decorated Bicycles, 1st, $3 ; 2nd, $2 Th.. co ter. reeervee the right to withhold any prize if exhibit is not considered worthy of t a.m. 3rd, $1. he saute. BABY SHOW 10.30 A. M. Not r 6 month, of age. 1st. F. 0 month* to 1 year.. ____ _ 1st. $2: 2nel. $1. $Y : 2ntt, $1. Children's Games immediately after the proc • BOYS PRiZi lit GIRLS lid 2nd 3nd Is r/1 yank ra.e, 7 yearn asst under $ .75 $ .0 i $ ,2.; 50 yards race, $years and under 10 .75 .50 • .'25 WO yanls rare. 10 years and under 12 .73 .51 .25 1011 yistda rare. 12 years and under 14 .7:. .ii/ .23 Hoot reuse. 1110 yards. 12 year% and under .75 .30 .S; Ru g broad jump, 14 years and si,uk•r .73 .50 ..:r Running high jump, 14 years anti under .71 .til .23 Faulting with pole, 14 yrsze and under .73 .til .23 Three-legged riser. 50 yards. 13 pare and tinder 1 5I) 1.116 .5') Bicycle race, .,uta anWMl Square. 14 y.•nr+t and under 1.11) .75 .til No Boy ):cal. ra.-r. 6years and unite'. $ B.,..t reser, 50 yards, $ years and under _ :,Il yat.ls race. i0year,. atrlunrler P..:at., nu,. 5) yards, 113 year. *nil miller 1'0) yard. I2 yeere toed tinder 100 yards race. 14 year, anti under • Bicycle rnr.•. Dort• art 1 Square. 14 years aunt under Hoot race. Ito) yards. 12 yeas. and under__-_ Throe-Ieggetl race, 311 yards, 1l year and under or Girl Allowed to Take More Than Three ession PRIZES( t 21.1 3rd 75 I1,..50 f1 .25 .75 .50 .73 .50 .75 .50 75 .50 .75 .5,) .75 .50 .75 .til 1.30 l u) Prizes .:5.. .:5 .25 .26 .26 30 Afternoon Program at Agricultural At 1:'40 o'clock I.. ut. a pnaetw.w,n will nlan+ fn.tu the `winery. 4. the Agti.•ultural P ellen in procession will 1►• iilmit4d free t., th.• gr•..uoll.. (This will in •Iti.le children schools es will ae front the local ecluros Gentlemen's Rand Race To a four -wheeled vehicle. Nn ted.ide. allowed(. half wile hats• hest there in five, four t., enter. Entrance frig $I.U) Prises. growls t., the valne of, 1st, 510:2n.1. to : 3rd. *2. RacePony Half utile hero'. i cwt. three. nn.le, rile, open to all 'oriole. 14 hands or tinder enterinc.• fee chary/rd. Prizes, 1st.. 1115 ; 2nd. $J : 3rd. lu : 4th. 111. Speeding Canted 2 50 ('tries, Parer or Trotters. Half tail' heats, beat three in flue, four to enter. Redeem., fee ea Prime, greats to the value of. let. $'C, : 2nd. 1115 Jed. $5• Heaves only eligible to ent.•r in one ram. Male Race Under waddle. Olen 4o all mals. Quarter mit hsattt. Beet two in three. Committee to provide riders. N.. ent ranee fee. 11s gnat prize will le given to the last mule thtiehing, IG : 2n1. IC2.30 ; 3rd. $2. The rider of the`et wlule finishing will .he awarded is prize of RIM : ltd. .1.11) : Ynl. Sr1r. AtItlatic (u all bit Ip1,00 •4.4)41 ds -k_ .til -. hoot rhil- fn,nl the township 11a11 mile i....• 1111 yade ware Fat man's race. over 24.14) 1410 yertlN Running hop, step and jun Running long j p Standing long jump Vaulting with pole Wheelbarrow race, 100 y Barrel race. 100 yesde. rot Bun Eating Cootest- lbs.• 3.00 ip _ 2.00 2.n► 2.40) LOU ole__ 100 ling. 2.40 1•()0 Boxing Cu.teat in Barrels Suitable Prizes Lacrosse lista the ('up .erica. Victoria S. -h.....1 v. Central BimetalMatch Clinton Juniorays. (italerirh Junior*. 2nd $..4r) tee 400 1.00 I (t0 1.00 1.01) 1.W 1.410 .5i) :bed 51.111) 1,00 1,00 Wilma Dancing Iirand exhibition of Highland pairing. $10 will be diutributwt in prize«. A Ant -close piper has been engaged for the day. Tag -e -War Open M *11 ...mem Ten Wren 4, a tram. Hesttwo in those ('aptain. of team. ore nslne•wted to oaks entries with the es•e•retary as early as Fea- sible, Prises, $111 and $n. A FiRST-CLASS MUSICAL PROGRAM by 'the Band of the 33r4 Regiment • • TO AGRICULTURAL PARK - - - AdmiSSlon �, „, 25c CAMMIAGLS FALL BAND CONCERT ON THE SQUARE IN THE EVENING Come and Spend the Day in Goderich. od Save the King! L L. Knox, Secretary Win. Lowe, Treasurer Robert McLean, Mayor i/VwmOA•, Jens IL 1111$ • N/®m Co-operative Saving Is facilitated and en- couraged by the open - Ing of a Joint Savings Account In the names of Husband and Wife, Father and Son, Brother and' Sister, or any two or more members of the latently. Either can deposit or withdraw money at will, and the Interest accrues to the credit of both. Ask the Manager for full particulars. Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. OF CkMADA PERSONAL MENTION. Maw Cora Blair, of i'r!rtbort. 1. home o• a vrlL Mtn Trout. of Detroit. ,. the gue.t of Mr... Freak 611bi,L Mr. Walter Knight. of Toronto. i. in town on • visit to kis father. MM. laws Bowie, of :Toronto, 4 the g..e.t of M4+ stint Nairn. Mr. J .mss Steven., of 1 Ikotas• 1. b Uoderieh the. week ea a vi.iL It. ('Wooer, of Toronto, f. the gue.t M Mee. Witmer Smith. F:a.1 street. Mho Flnng arrived Ibl. week from .(ruprior le vigil at the parent.,) home Mn. McArthur. of New York, is the enc -t of Mr. sad Mn. W. t. Cool:hunt. Mr.. D. Mels or. of Winnipeg, lo ri.itlur rel- atives and friend. ion town and vi.inlry. Mks. ()nine Thome- ba. retuTrne.t from •ot,a- tt•tion trig to London sort St. homes. Mr John IJ1iot;. of Lavelle University, Mont - treat. f. home ort .. v4►t 10 his winker. Mr.. IHev1J.r F"'--- • Mw PAPP, McDonagh. burn in trainldg si the Sick l'hildreu - hwplt.l, Toronto, I. horse .. vacation Leave. Mr. Ueorge Noon.. of t1..eMr, t. in Gods, kit on a• 'sit to hi - -o.•.-.. \I.•. (:aerate Johnston. Mr and Mr'. tvn •.. 1..yyhr motored up Irdm I)et•olt and .pent :.••t m..•k with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. cooper. M4. Mabel ittraog 1. ft on gate'd,y to lain her . i..ter ]tic...r-ring. of Granites tile. for • holbL.. tic... in Murat/A.m. Iat Fort William, H... ('. A. bearer, Ir al r sloe,{..I of 5C Stark'. College. Vaucuever, ,. is usuale ea banns. mad will Aced the week -mut with hes I rarely*. ['rows *assay asd Mx Ntager. Mr. and Mn- C. A. Nairn and roe. Daasiaa, went to Detroit last rriday to be pr rowel t sloe Plelrhar-1kar41 waddler w bleb 1. oh Mem on Tt(e..lay of this wast. The Lr de ,. a eke* f lir. w lir!. Main. Mee O.eige Baald left a, 'h• ural., for her home at Nominee, aid wit.• ..r.om- p.u,ted by her rose, Mr.. J. H McIiauw, and throe children Amy. tau and ifredder. w►e *ill -pend the holida). at liametior. Mies 4)4v. Uoldtherpe returned Loan on Monday evenlag frau Toronto. where -he had been a;mann,t to W slle.ley bo•pit o.zg d foilowt an operation for appendirat,.d. Mi.. llet tborpe'. many friend. nem ru the .,.), that dm will .Woo be..., visorom a. e, sr. Mire Fdne )'ridbam. whu wan operated oe for appewfelt,. In a Toronto bO,•p.ial it few weeks ago. berm ri,ed beon Saturday treeing. We e arc arcglad*. de report s i- recover tag rapidly. mpeukd to town by her .olds, M4. t'rsw., of Tomos,, who will 'peal the et.,met in uoderleh Mr. (ae.r*e Th.unpon, formerly of the 14 tlmdien Overseas Net ..lton tete o.d ee Maeda, from a trip to FMrLud. .neer he Rent • hG N uvrr a torts. He sae i ee,e der. Ise tae +tarring time. following the great caval battle in the North [See and the nage dente or Lent Kitchener He ha. riot yet recovered faay from the injerie. he rerei,ul ie the ....coed battle of Yore... and bi• wounded a.,a nal give. him ,-n•.14er .die Iroublr. cy Mr. SM. Belcher went to Detroit on the Hroybo.rd rzeuralon last w..ek and 1., ret atm '•11 you have a muddy comply biol. lagtheree, having.e.•bred a good pr, -►sloe, and dull eye*, you are c..r»tipated. Mt.atsd Mr. H. J .(. Mserwan wen away Ni=g leaser of water daily, tate or two laeta►•ek on a trap on the ',L I..wronr• River through the Tbuu,w,d Islands eta tar a. Pre -- 0011 Mrs Jas. Igver, Port (Iberr, ha• returned from • vtadt of tem moot!:.. w.th ber daughter, Mr+. Jehastoo and her .os, Mr. Frnoci., ttive.. Resell Onleiliee at night c„rrert this rortelitum and snake you A. fit as a fiddle.- 15c vol ?.;c, at 1,11 Hexw11 'Vag storey. 11. ('. Dunlop, Ooder.ch. 1 EYS To little hearts and big ones, too -- the Wrigley Spearmen are calling, calling, every day: Their message is one of good cheer about this refreshing, beneficial goody that costs so little but means so much to comfort and contentment. Send for the Spearmen's Mother Goose book for young and old, illustrated in colors. Address Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co., Ltd., Wrigley Bldg., Toronto Chew it after every Meal Sealed against all knpurities