The Signal, 1916-6-22, Page 4'1 DUNGA NNON. MR. N. F. W HYARD is AIWA AAP The e lU N a I. at Daum•••• Orders lett with Iles fur .abms(etlsm . .ds «iMemset. or nib ptatlmg will re eyes procure aatewtioa IOoti,eioh Rural) r it THrasnay, June 2L Miss %label Bailie is providing at the hath a•huol'murines. ex tuiinattons at 8t. Helens this week. • AN OLD ItstslI.KNT DR1ART•.--The death occulted reslerdav of Ahijah Reid .t his Mime in Aat.field a short distance. west of ilia v.ilrte, Mr. Reid was one of the old resideete of this di.triet. He w.s seventy -lour years of age. The funeral will take plats to Dutursnnon cemetery twuorrow , Fri- day) afterno..n. ST. HELENS. TrKsDwY. June31. Mr. Win. Keys. of Newberry, 1'. y„ is renewing old acquaintances around here. Mets. mime Rutherford. of Fergus 1 higTTn .eh w1, I. h cud fur a week's b Jilt. Miss (' ,1 •n t ('lark is home from Fergus and feeling fairly well after an op -ration for anl.,mii.it1.. Mile M Hobe, of Nle, will be the preeidieg t•aeh•r at the entrance ex auunatto.,. at at. lltlens school. Rev. J. Ili •hard -on and Mrs. Rich- ards ro, also M. 1. It ehardam, Kipper. called at the manse last week. Pt... R. M •lours and C. Cameron. of the Mgt Battalion, London, and Pte. R Rt>b:neon, of the 181.-b, Loodun, were here over Sunday. li The postponed it Arden party on the ground. of Mr. John Miller on Mon- dry evening was a decided suciow.s. Although the evening was cool a gorxl crowd gathered. WOMg.'a \VoHI( -The in mthly meeting of the Si. Helens %Vouten's Institute will he held on Thursday •fternoon, June :Nth.at ISO o'clock, at the home of Mei. Jas. Martin. The subject. "Ki'ehenet's Life;" question drawer, 'Knitting."A cordial in- vitation is extended to all the ladies to be present to'talk up the picnic and ways of snaking money for pat- riotic work. PORTER'S HILL. TrisDAY. June 20. Nares. -Miss Aara Start returned to her home at l'urite's Crossing on Monday, having spent a week with her sister, Mrs. O. W. Potter. Her sister act ponied her on her return borne Miss .Alda McDonald, of Ihtroit, i, riot big her mother, Mrs. Jar. Ale Iho.ald It,. and Mr,. George Kemp, of Mitchell, visited at O. W. Potter's this week Miss ,Emily Rutledge, of Tnrontn, is .pend- ing a few day. at T. M. Wood's. The Ladies' Aid will meet at rhe home of Mrs. T. M. %% lode on Thursday, June A TllmegoAY, Jetta fl. L9le SPECIAL ! Blue Serge Suit TO ORDER $20.00 Fine all -wool imported Blue Serge. bought over a year ago. \X orth several dollars more now Inspection Invited Special orders taken for Society Brand and 20th Century Brand Clothing See the latest pinched back style for young men Walter C. PRI DHA M A Great 30 Day Slaughter Sale at Walters & Coos Boot and Shoe Store We have to reduce our stock to make ra>m forotbergods cooling and will therefor, pot nn this gig Sale. Having bought our goods at the old prices we are enabled to gime )•oll a big discount for Tour money. Vou will May some of our haxe and Shoe. at less than the maker'. price. We also hare Trunks, SoMeasss, Clnb-bags. etc. Thier ,tole Hill 1,14 on l p •;/l flans. euny111enrjnt' friday. June 1617.. ,.ltd eoniifruinr until Saturrbiy..lull/ lith. Do not miss this . pnrtenit) . All leather goods are harp to get and will be very much higher in price. Shoe repairing guaranteed soli... - factory. We will put on i,adies' Rubber Heel, for r.• i ! lien'. dor 33r. Walters & Co. Suxessors to ► H McClunto,, GODERICH PHONE 2a6 COL BORNE . TvaaDAY, June i). NUTRs.-Jl r.. Wm. Ohler is visiting at jtee old home this week Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Durst spent the week end with Glenda in Bengali and vicin- ity .. Mr. and Mre..W. jt, fere spent Sunday with friendaie� HuSett town. The Saults Coal Co. 8uooe.wr. to Melbosgb & tiled hill F.xCLI'SIVE AGENTS, FOR LE111O11 VALLEY THE COAL THAT %SATISFIES We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick: Fire Clay. also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. ()t•FI.CE PIIONE - - - - B. J. SAL LTA' Residence 275 W. W. SALLTs' Residence 202 Closing Out the Business We still have a big selection ot some of the finest West -of -England Worsteds, English and .Scotch Tweed Suitings and Overcoatings, Meltons, Beavers and Cheviots. Still to clear- One hundred yards of indigo -blue and fast -dye black Serge Suitings, suitable for both • ladies and gentlemen. You can save from $4.5o to $6,00 on every Suit or OAercoat length you buy at this sale and have the goods made up where nlc.st suitable or convenient to you. If so desired 1 will cut and make up any goods purchased. Saturday of this week should see the balance of the stock lcleared. WATC11 01 R WINDOWS F. H. MARTIN Tailor Beddrord Block GODERICH 1� SIGNAL GOD• RICH 7 ONTARIO mitations of DodJ's Kidney Ptns ars legion. The hoz is imitated, tho outside coating and stupe of th • fills are imitated and the nnins--I\tdd Kidney 1'.:is i. imaaled. Imitations are dangcrou, The original i. safe. Dodd's K..lney Pill% have a refutation. Imita- tors have none or they woaldta t Imitate. So they trade ow the reputaSoo of Dodd's Kidney Pill.. Do net be deceived Them is icily one Durnrs. Dodd's to 111. original Dodd s i, the name to be cares (.l about - D-O-D-IyS KIDNEY PILLS .I, i. . You. ..f the vii'oilier, of l' I1.•u„ .1 .-., t . re t 1 , .,tLrnd.1 H.ee,nl ed a tic w iY..ley church on Sunday evening .. . Mr. Charles H:ect,.w sports '• new cushion -tire buggy this week.... _Mr. F,J. Young - blot, of Mullett, wets around putting up some fenciug /or Mr. D.F. Schwan: this week .. humor has it that Mr. Ohler intends investing in an auto- mobile this summer. Hurry up, Mike; the seem 1. bei t at bear ....Mr. L B. Snyder is putting up the foundation for an evaporator•this week. Have You a Bad Sore? 1f so, remember these facto -Zorn - Birk is by far rete most widely -used balm in Canada! Why has it become w popular % Because it heals ikores, cures skit diseases and does what is claimed for it. Why not let it heal your rote ? Remember that Zuu-Bok is altogether different to the ordinary ointtuenta. !Moat of thew consist of animal fate. Zsna-Buk contains no trace of any ani- mal fat. or any mineral matter. It is absolutely herbal. Remember that Zana-Buk- is at the same time healing, soothing and anti- septic. Kills poison instantly and all harmful germs. it is suitable alike for recent injuries and diseases, and for chronic sores, ulcers, etc. Teat bow different and superior Zit -it -Bilk really 1a. All druggists and acorea at 511e box. Use also Zoll-Buk Soap. Relieves suu- bern and pieveots freckles. Beat for baby's bath. '..tic. BENMILLER. TrEHDAT. June 211. CueKT Bg.MILLKH 1n FLOCRISHINO, -Court Beautifier, No. Illi, C. O. F., held a very succesetul meeting Friday niglit,June 1f1tb,when seven new mem- bers were initiated before a large at- tendance of manners. The ceremony dos ted by Bro. McLisb, organ- !seeL With the •dditiow of these seven new members ('outt Benmiller has now teaobed a total membership of 1310„ • very creditable .showing for Biamiller. After the ceremony was performed the Court was entertained by Bro. McLisb and some of the u,eut- bers with songs and addteases. A great measure of thanks is due to Bro. McLish and Bra. P. Fisher and D. Rodger for their faithful.service in securing such • fine lot of young men in such a short time, as Bro. McLish was with us only two day;. This Court looks forward to a prosperous year and ♦ further increase of the member- ship. LU CKNOW. MONDAY. June l9. Ra1TII - M('LROD.-A quiet wedding was solemnized here on \Veduesday. June 701, when Rev. Mr. Heid united in marriage Mr. Robert Keith, of the iib conceeeido of Culros and Mrs. Margaret McLeod. Mi. and Mrs. Keith have settled on the groom's fine farm in Culross. HITcHIF,-MLLLIN.-Tile marriage of Jean Campbell, youngest daughter of Mrs. M. A. Mullin of Lucknow, and John R Ritchie, of the nun of Ritchie & l:oaens, of Witt/them, took place quietly on Friday, June 9.k, et the home of iter. James Wilson: Dover- court road. Toronto The bride, who IV AS unattended, wore a suit of sand - colored silk faille, with bet irk match. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Ka chis were met by friends at the Na- tional Club, where a wedding break- fast was served. Mr. and Mrs. Rit- chie left to .pend their honeymoon on the upper lakes and in western Cnited Slates cities, afterwards relulnieg to their home in W iambs*. KINUSbRW(ita. TuranAT, June 2). Alae. WILLIAM MOttANOafAtNiD.- Several from here, including Mr. and Mr.. Charles O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. O'Reilly. Mime Annie Griffin and Reheat Moran • were, at 'wildest last week attending the Ordination td the Priesthood of Rev. William Morae, who celebrated his first solemn high maw here on Sunday morning. as- sisted by Rev. Father Doyle as deacon and Hev. Father Hussey, of Kinkora, as surer-dearnn. COMING AND Goma -Mr John J. Dalton, of 8eaforth. *pent n couple of days in Ashfield last week visiting his mother, Mee. Jas. Dalton Mr. and Mee. Geo. D. Vanni and daugbtere Beatrice, left last week for C`.algeiy after a visit in AebAald Mlle Blida Auetlo, of (lodericb, i, the guest of her coming here . Mrs. White, of London. le visiting Kinqg.wibridge frlrnde Miss Priscilla L)altou re- turned home but Friday to spend the summer foonths Mr. and Mrs John Moran and Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Morals ere A.hseld vieltore Miss Margaret Dalton, John 1" Pulliran and Frank McCarthy have returned from Detroit, where titer anent the last few months .... \ViIliwm and John Loris. of Assumption College, Mand wleh, and Madeline Sullivan, of the O. C. 1., have arrived home for the summer's vacation . Among those who took In the Greyhound excursion to Detroit ibis year ewe : Will Ia•twe, Thom., Joys, M. Oalserteey, Thome* lunoor, John Uarves, Roy iiysreaod John L. 9ullirao...... dues* of last week'• viedioes hers were : Mr. and Mrs. John Lammas anal Mrs. Lyon. of Uoterch ; Mr. and Mrs. ll. [.••roam and Mrs. Lyon, of Detroit : Mr. and Mrs. Rowland, of Parkhill ; Ile v. Father Oren, Mr. and Mrs. John Boyle, Mies (.lady+ druid), Mr. and Mrs. OM. Ce Ilrophy, %% PR Cur..wine and Jo... ph Donovan. cf Ht. Augus- tine ; Miss Kell/ mad Me..,. Stock and 1lultit) , of Kinaora WaD.g•i'AT, June 21 We tenet po sepn. t the serious M- orse of Mr. Joseph Hetherington, one of ..ur oldest and most worth) citi- zens. FAMVWP.LL PIUMIRwTATI1/N.-In an- ticipation of the removed "f Mr. sod Mtr. Charles Uirvul to th- town of tioderieh, there to spend the re- mainder of theirear* ina well-earned rest after ■ lifetimes of work oo the fat in, • large numLer of the people of this vicini,y gathered ouThus .dayeve- nit g ■t Nile Methodist church to give some tuanifrstation of the feeling of the community towards these highly esteemed cat soap. The attendance re - pt sewn ted the Sabbath wrhool, the En - worth league and the \Yuman', Mia- sionary Society, as well as the con- Hregation is g.aeral. Ke.. J. W. WV adley, pastor of the church, provided. A sMert pr. gram was given, including selections by the Nile orchestra, read- ing. by Mrs. Dustow. jr., and Miss Beattie and wdthestr. by Messrs, Joseph Hrtbetington, John Du.tow, %Villiant Bailie and the chairman. The following addles, from the Wc. man's Missionary Society was pre- sented to Nt.. Oirvin and was •ccoiu- panied by • silver baker : Dana M.. O,avrR,- We. yo.r 1.11-... •rem bare re. ilii. braaeb d lb. Woaea'e Mb..o.,a,r He: err. are Riad to hare tinte opportunity of r=trtoritog oar appwrfea loo or you a pew.ya.t, I hough w• dotply rsgret 111.1 1111. oma• Aetna mean, e}eren.s2, of tie, wit b bare bound ua teytether lot so Tong We prow,. oc espbd with the budues. of living that we maim" to «pent oar word. of minim .,..1 apprt'tatlon of each other. wards that alight blas••., like wettable auwely, II/We, numbs0fttimts weary .tretcbea of the aa busy ova are all tear.Itng g them together. ont. sod Mon vtil ie nal it emion 11 mo kind nnai to adequately ex mast d1lf ;u It We feel that 4. year departure ng one whom tinders Wtttiulne.. and deayotlobool e duty baa bats as In-tdmUon to u. all A. president of net 8eetet> fur w many years your saorgy and entbuda m. copied withyour txeoutivs ability and tactful lendenhlp, ve been largely instrumental in It. surpass and growth. to our aommnnlry life together you hae, proved a true friend. ever aymominatio and charitable. E.cb call oo your time avid effort met with a ready and cheerful IA•POA e. t>f you also it might be '. "She depth utile k Iidoe.a, a which other. len. a undone" -mal y ot which we know are unknown to all exam the Master in a h name It ova. done. Ann alight memento:of 0111 i eon, of m.au•la- t on a token of •pr re.peel and admiration of your character and life herr. we mak you to sr rept this baker, and wits it our warmest w i.Mafor many roar. of h.I.py uaefulne., io your sew boon foe you and Mr. Okvui and our .loners nge,e, tbat our rela.lon. •a friend.. and tvwotte•" area° -.00 t r be .evened. Signed to behalf of they W. M. 8.. Ma .1 H. PRATT AND, 51.. U. McPaaa. Mna R. Re au. The congregation, the Sabbath school and the Lrpworth League were associated In the following ■ddre-a restated to Mr. and Mrs. OlrviD : NUI. Jiro I . 1916. To Mr and Mr, 1 h.... ()Irvin, from their friend. and Milne aurtmes of Nile Medlin dist choline Dug )lit. ARp '11 R. °Hop,.Ama eminMt writer ha. sale : 4 be tall that medo lint ah -r them bat the,o d they do ohms 1. later- ad in [Ara. graves, '.1'bether this ie tree or not. we beast Hat loo often we do not ap- peer ate the ■nod In our Blenda until they are gone. from u.. 1'.,. therefore, cannot let Iw CO ,rum se w .1 bout In sails way sa pees- •g our lore and . -testa for you ase our airman. mire• eclu`on 10 the Iennrrera.de .e. rices you Am. rendered in eon met ion irc •1 our chu•en. So terms a pl.er have boas 111k,i In air church 1 fe that se (.t-lnrt•e'>- think of ny art rtiy or any doper, merit of our work w bba bar nut , prontad by your Influence. In the church as relomino steward• a. leather. In the Sunday .chool, u president of the t:vw..rtb League aid ne pees dent of the Women'. Mimionary .yo- eiery for many year., yon bare proved your - mi. ea capable and faithful •medal.. Your fidelity. Ivor seal and your toun-el and Lour wIl1ngee.- to wort Io :Any and every way ave been an lus pleat limn and example to u-. We, perhap, batt learner to lien u . you too much. 11 Ian b t , may for mita depend awn Mr. and Ma Uir. is K take the t'ement atbtley. feeling ...tidied that all would be well. Yet we do nut ear >,,a should bare dome It.,, -aa should have dor,, MON., N e &lull alfa yon greatly: our deo .rtnee will leave a greet gap. May your mantle fall on •oma of u4 and equip u• to 1111 your plans. w'a aa -t you 1,, accept these dila en a .mall reminder of the may plea..nt a-aminttosa we have bad tog.•• her. to a know thee wherever you m.y gas yuo w ill AO e• working and per- mit." your high i.urpo.e. We treat and pray that our FA het . riche t blew leg ,say rest lir no you and that lit the gloriowa hereafter you may base many- stars to our crown a. a result or' Your life mrd work at Nile. stand on behalf of the charob. p1 Jw. HgraaatgoT.N, it Meltwater. We. Ratuv itA.4t'•L dfiereaR]. This address was accompanied by the presentation of a silver tee service of three piece's and • handsome rock• ing chair. Mr (Ervin replied in feel- ing to -ins. both for himself and for Mrs. Oirvin. At the conclusion of the proceedings the ladies served a light bomb. Mr.flierin has purchased• resi- dence in 6odericb mind he and Mrs. Garvin will remove to town about the 1st of July. AUBURN. THURSDAY, JUNE Y'2. BARN BC RNIto.-Mr. Harold Sprung. of this Bees line, Hullett• had the mis- fortune to loss his barn by Sr* haat night. The cause of the fire is un- known. A number of implements were destroyed, Then wit some In. suranoe. HtLt.-CAaysn.-On Wednesday. lune 21st, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Carter, Auburn, their youngest daughter, Elislaheth A. R., wit united in to Mr. Nelson W. 11111, .on of Mr, ugh H. Hill, of Hullett. At 11 o'clock, to the strains of the weddisg march played by Miss Sadie Carter, slater of the bride. the young couple took their places in front of a book of fern,, palms and orange blossom*, where the ceremony esu p.rformed by Rev Mr. Laing of Auburn in the presence of the immed- iate relative. Tl, bride, wh - was given awry hT ler father, wore n 110a111 iful dt NIB St white duchess satin trimmed with ares.. and seed pearls and carried • Oaad•ame bouquet of alf--J ROYAL, _' YEAST v . at>A�ra.'J♦� l i J. H. COLBORNE CORSET COMFORT Our Corsets represent an infinite number of models, including designs for ever\ type of figure. There are models showing the soft resi;ent material, and flexible boning ; others with heavier honing and materials for the medium figure, and still others with very heavy boning and material for stout people. BRASSIERES The most complete line of medium -pried Brassieres. We have a Bras- siere for every shape, always at a reasonable pri.e. They will fit perfectly, are ex.eedingly daintily trimmed and are in every NVa\ the most serve sable garment that one ran buy, ' A new Corset is necessary to complete the fitting of your new summer dress. 1). & A. is the Corset that gives perfect satisfaction at all times to every style of figure. Let us show you No. 482, which is a front lace Corset at $1.50 A Corset special far Saturday only.Saturday BargainsJune 24th only. MODEL 510 This Corset will be on sale Saturday, Height of boa........ Length of front below waist Height under arm Length of Hip Height of back Length of back below waist Length of clasps This model is made of white Eng- lish Coutil,'in all sires from 19 to 27. Regular price $2.00, Saturday price $1.39. 4i inches 13 41 14 4 14 11 A BIO SPECIAL IN FACTORY COTTON FOR -SATURDAY ONLY 15 webs of Factory Cotton, 36 inches wide, for only 9c a yard. This is a cotton that is worth 11c. Vety special for Red Cross woik. Saturday only. 9c a yard J. H. COLBORNE menesembeemeesseesemeartieseenseciansom • QUEEN'S ONIYU RSiTY KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS SCIENCE A lawsYrl4aCroiz ret wad. main . warethere A hei Ise es as ass HOME STUDY The Arts curse ray be takes by tare. spoedeecebet students eeaenad In grsdAr ate meat anvil one Astros. SUMMER $Cs400I seo. v. CANON". JULY MOO ANe.ST emmeenime STRATI ORD. ONT. Yee Caa Sean a Polities If you take a course with us. Tbls de- mand upon ns for trained helpiainany times the number graduating. Stu- dents are entering each week. Vou may enter at any time, Write at once for our free catalogue. . D. A. McLACHLAa., Principal. bridal roses. lilyof-the-volley and reins. After congratulations and the signing of the teei•'er a dainty dejeu- ner was served. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome necklace of pearls. and to the pianist a pendant with amethysts and pearls. Mr. and Mrs. Hill lett oath* ('. P. H. for al trip to Toronto. Niagara and other; point., ;he bride travelling in a navy Itailored snit and black picture hat. On their return the will he at home to their msny friend, at their residence, Hullett. The rtume•rous beautiful gifts manifested the popu- lar esteem in which the bride and groom are held. WgDYgso.sy, June 21. The farmers sirs busy this week doing their Statute later. Mr. Geo. Yungblut shipped a cur of cattle to Toronto on Friday. Mr. Chao. Asquith has a gang building bio cellar wall this week. Mr. John Johnston and gang ars buoy hullding the ceutent wall for E. Helwig'a new tailor shop and dwel- ling. Mrs. Wm. Craig and Miss Ethel Rtalker, of Flint. Mich., came home to see their mother, who has been on the sick list for toms trine. Meson. W. T. Riddell, 'Wm. B. Patterson, A. C. Jackson and John F.ngland mooed to the Literal con- vention at Henaall on Tuesday. Digo IN MANITOBA -John ('. Clark received a telegram en Tuesday ad- vising him of the death nf him sister, Mrs. Robert Sprung, at Manitou, Man. Mrs. Sprung had been a patient suf- ferer for years from eczema The family have the sympathy of their many friends in their bereavement. COMsuNITT PLAT DAY. -The pro- grams are issued for the Auburn Com- munity Play Day. on Thursday, June 2918. Th. sports will he held dnwn by the chopping mill. commencing at 4 of clock p. m., and will he under the direction of Mr. A. MacLaren, Y. M. C. A. oerretary at the O. A. C.. Guelph. A full afternoon of intermit - inn sport, will he followed by supper at 5.30 o'clock. 9TRAWRRRRY FR:rrlt'AI--The con- gregation M Knox church will bold a strawberry festival on the rhumb' lawn nn the ever.ing of Wedopwday, inns. Nth. The program wilt enasist of ke by Mlle Aiwy, of Londeehnre. a Mr. Maitland Remy, of WestA.M, w sddre.eee by Rev. Mr. Ahery, nf I,ondeshori, and Hey. W. Orinway and Hey. A. Ding, bath of Au -I Morn. Lunch will he Nerved from a tr. g o'clock. Music will he suppliedI Aebraes nava brabend arw will ha � booth nn the grounds where Ice croon sad ether refrwbmente will he sod. The admission Mr wham will he Ts trots and for children, 13 cents. ❑ U ?fie jYew )runt Store Fruits of All Kinds in Their Silsoe. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Fresh Strawberries California Fruits Fresh Vegetables- 1..•ttue.•. A.Iwragtla, II.•w Cabbage. Radielbelti etc. TRY OUR PURE OLIVE OIL Impeettd /sun Ugly. . 0001) FOR- YOUR HEALTH. MACARONI imported from Italy. Goods delivered to any part of the town. X. Xlessanaro CORNER \IONTRE-11. STREET AND THE SQUARE N. R. _Our store is op.•n all da) \Vwln.•rtaya, 1E1 C. KLOEPFER, LIMITED, F31 Auto Supp',es, P.,.nts, Varnishes. Top Dressing, Auto Spokes and Rims. Handles, Locks. Hogee. Coverings, Carpets, Lock Washers, Celluloid. We also cvry a heavy stock of Bar Iron. Steel Hoops and Sands, Botts. Nuts anti Rivets. KLOEPFER'S service is the best service, and means immediate delivery from stock. C. KLOEPFER, Limited, 44 50 WELLINGTON ST. EAST. TORONTO, ONT. ALSO GUELPH WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE Verandah Furniture Von ret 11 apprec;.tte deur Furniture for the latt-n and veran- dah .luting the warren summer weather. HERE ARE SON1E OF OUR VALUES : Rocker with cane seat, at 1'l.i.i A similar c'tair, finished natural, at 11:3.00 Lawn. seat., at Lawn Swiu ,. four z 11:50 >iw four -passenger... .........:... �ia and f6.90 Children's size 54.75 Children's Verandah Chairs, with cane seats, finished natural $1.75 Lawn Chairs, reclining. striped duck meats11.50 Large Verandah Arm Chair and Rocker, ease nest and case back at .,,.,,. _,.....• ».... ft.Atw.,. Mpg Verandah Shades Sizes -4 x 8 feet, 5 x y feet, 8 x 8 bet, Ropes foot flet. R pulleys complete, es and Japanese Matting and Verandah Ali in various sizes and at different prices. Our stock of Picture Moulding arrived this weer, and we are now prepared to do all kinds of worklin this line, neatly and promptly. I \Ve hope to hare all arrangements completed to open our Undertaking Department by the middle of July. WE EXTEND A HEARTY iNViTATiON TO ALL TO PLFi St RE TO HOW Ot T OUR STORE AT R OO F IT IS ALWAYS A Walker 's- a- . Furniture -:- Store THE STORE OF QUALITY Often the Cheapest Always the Best Phone A! W. Walker, Furniture and Undertaking, Godes c , • 1