HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-6-22, Page 3THE OIIiIN4L A NI ONLY 1ENUINE 01l;WARIt OF iMITA- TI ON8 SOLD ON THE MERITS Ol' BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired .OLD LETTERING e�ss on LEATHER 000D8 u?R rp itAtatt to ea tsae ng A. E. TAYLOR, 134 a.T9oali, MEDICAL i J. It, hUk FE1-EYE, EAR. ape Sem � hmat .M Auw1 1 �milet... Sar, Nees wad lamas �ltlaa 1, dieeR skarn a first • • ot o a. f ts Yeas Church. nom A. F as r tele. a Telepasee g1R t1Eu. HLILEMANN, OSTE0 Al PATS..teynliet la and tatl- emu% bua Mom me. sem. rheumatic �weltesm Ail . �sye reeler.1 without the ck••llfd.. unmet swsMssaoe corm Nelsen wed lit. Aadeeee. At ••• ai1�•feet Mem aline Mariam y sween ageedtes'eat _AOCTIONEQ THOMAS OUNDRY + AUCTIONS/la tea a, Aedetiri All lae4tot4..e by seat lett at elk* will andel to Dodds _ Wapitis* �K w ytll LWLL t•. HAYS BAItH18TER, OulJCITOR, NOTARY YChW('. leTL. =rnattertTing Sank Sleek. Samlitos Lessit • elephom M. Baa! Lam Loses and lawtuase PROUDFOOT, K1 LLORAN t 000K E IIMAltornag.IOIJCITU111S, NOtAaiE81 xrv. - - 1r Sir( ss rum*UUM� Mom the ' seemed dew bete Sam nista. fund. to leas at lowest rates. W. Pato Dryer. K.C. J. L Nu -Loma 11. J. U. Looaa. t><. CAMERON. K. C.. JI,ARRI(i p•e Tessa, seMaLLer. a.t.rrOases anmte Atthem OT ak~ t� Ir• !!�• on Albrt t Mrecr e�pledd each week matte+ Wa udko boar. a.m. toe p.m. by Mr. ,tIIARL10S IiAHHOW, LLII., bAkt elil+,t*YIYlt. attureey. scimitar. eco., Gods/ - Mow, y to hr.a m based t.tm U/EAGER, BARRISTER 801. 'nee --Cour lfwle eelitter%id L 1 aacer, LISIJOANCE, LOAN;. £TC. gicZILLOP MUTUAL Piffle IN sURANCs CO.-r,rsa amid &„timed t sera rreteecy J iker". �a, rem, mamma P.O.: 1. tw•�1Ot •_ Y►eA. .mamm P. u. �. �,� w.•1ti,,.a. mamma P. u. 1l�e� ne.forth John luau,teemeoe•�s.zzw!!�-�-� ;am. Ktmod: Robert Jay s. Meati : J. M• Yeo Ralaet1 a. • AME sy Clintonton , W; a Chs.nee, Seaferek lesmaisy. 8eatertb. Ha1iey b.Mese meaermorensta . J. •. i.k.Woget 0Su Coasis 1 saealt ll at views or.' .,-. ar•.r.0 s etreat. 9edseiei J. L And lir ,..•nl e. ore. Has Geld. w PRIVATE FUNDS TO U WU Ata mity Sertieter y, lark Q.lw4sh. W R. ROBERTBO:t. INeUaAN('E ACINNT. has *00 Lrastatae : British. Casmussand Arreeelli !�vimw :!1yOmj�a Mildew end ixesa Lemiest. dem ansisowe aures : The U.a, reside es, ambeeet - w et Tis reds .ad w. IMvId a stream Thee* ix M.. IL S LICSNSt11 WALTER E. RELLY, J.P., - 190011aICH, Ot4T. MUER OP MARRIAGE IJCltOsaliS, Patents, Traie Nuts, Designs tfecured in All Countries. Write for free took "PATENTS PROTt(' 11ON. Tell. all about and hew to get. pat sats BASt:OCE a BUNG• estaano,d tat( harowiele Patent 1:11te. Ezaslner. Mater el I�egnl Lewes Rsai.tared Patent Attorney• e ta.. SP St. Jam.. Street. Montreal Br.asbee- Aaawa mrd Washington. Repr'resetatlye. In an st'ei'n esantrie.. Brophe) Bros. GODERiOH 1 re Leading PIiaeral Dlrec ors am/ Embalmers Orders easefully •tteaded to aA all beau. Blebs or day. HE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONTARIO WATRI YOUR STEP i PAINS IN SIDE iT TELLS YOUR W Do you know that your walk ho along an observer slouch any kind to recognise AND BACK trays your dlspoeltioo if you sl h • >•sdfea of doesn't have to be HOWa Mr{, KO� Suffers • lazy disposition. A slouching walk How She with the steps dragging along - ~� Cured. Mindy �� ---_- Butchers', good 1 1 MAntEET QUOTaro;1s r JUNI. t', Tweet, Catt:e Market Beaty choke steers...$10.e0to$10.- do. 9.40 10,04 an oke stet rt.... 9.76 10.:'.1 9.40 9.::. >0 9.44' 6.M ground denotes mental w g e Indecision. It eakness and I do medium shows lack of effort Burlington. MIL -. I was vet7 htr0116 do. common s. as well as lankness. And It .bows oto �• •� had pains lam side 8.00 d �- este to have an attractive walk y and book I Butchers' cows, cholke.. 7ea Wlthoo too,' but after taking do cod /'7s t o doubt a great deal of the Instincts and sentiments of a wo- man 1s shown by the manner In whit% she walks. A tree and graceful walk is something to strlva_ for. 11 tali - mites • well balanced mind, strength of purpose, and good judgment. There Is • confidence Imparted by a goo, erect, firm. and graceful carnage People who walk slowly, taking long strides. raising their bodies ea the tips of their toes, and taking abort step•, have volatile Lydia E Pinkham'e do. medium 7 23 7. ii Vegetable Com. Butcheschoke ' bulls, choe g 00 d_8L-1 potted Tablets and do medium to choice 7 00 8 O4 I ,rreedslesatares. They are lacking In melt Iigond d wad 1 bow every sfferng woman me worlds ofcoaadenee. They veer from one point �v71ANNA opinion. 1y lack the charm t° r°eap•ble • 0 Chestnut Strait, Burling - of amml o( pole, too. ton, W is. using two bottles of the Sanative Womb I am fully convinced that I am entirely cured of these trou- bles, and feel better all over. I know your remedies have Walking with toes turned In Indi- cates a selloptnionated 'satire and a stubborn one. Toe give the impres- sion by ibis walk,tbet. right or wrong, u you make up your mind you can't be Induced to alter It. Waiking with tie toes pointed straight ahead indi- cates an open and generous nature, it shows '40f -confidence and great in- dependence. The many mevfncing testimonials con- stantly published in the newspapers ought Mb. proof enough to women who suffer from those distressing ills peeu- her to their sex that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the medicine they nod This good old root and herb remedy PaoDlwho walk with • free air has proved unequalled for these dread - wad style swinging ho and with the head I fol ills; it mantains what ie needed to restore woman's health and strength Toronto Orals Markey throws well back have fearless and courageous natures. This walk de- If there L u Manitoba wheat -Track, bay notes force. command, and productive y (peculiarity in I No. 1 northern, 81.172 ports' •a•ri7 your ease requiring special ad- ern, 11.16 ii: No.nnortt People who walk with a slow and vim, write the Lydia F Pink.. M Na 3 °orthcro, 81.125,. adulating movement are artistic andnitoba oats. -Truk, pay ports, bas Medicine Co.a (e &dojostial), No. 1 (, 62>(,c; 0 3 (No. S feed. native. They are dreamy and I Lyses for free advice. No. 1 extra feed, Indolent and capricious in their likes 48>fc.fi0,c; No. 2 feed, and dlalikea They are Incapable of I - American corn -No., azertton and still less of persever- - --- --- -- track Toronto2 yellow, A_c, ace N 1t and of bologna • . 1.15 6 7. Feeders. 900 to 1.000 Ib. 800 9 n, do. bulls 100 1 1 Stockers, 800 to 800 lb7 75 8 54 do. good, 700 to 800 7 50 8 00 da med , 650 to 700 6.75 7.50 do. common, light.. 6.60 4 5d Cutters 6.00 6.:5 Milkers, choice, each 80.Gu 103.00 do. common to med50.00 80.00 Springers 60.00 116.90; Ca1ves, veal. good 10.00 12.60 ' do. medium 7.60 8.60 � do. common.....6.60 7.00 , do. gran 4 16 6.25 Bob calves, each Lambe, cwt. 3.8.60 12.50 7.60 ; Spring lambs 15.00 16 50 ' Sheep. ewes, light 8.00 10.00 do. heavy and bucks 7.00 8.00; do. culls 5.Oti 6.0) Hogs, weighed off cars 11.15 11 do. fed and watered 10.85 11 co do. f.o b country.... 10.40 10. u imaginative a •The sm•II d •78ikC, track *lighter wee indush 1. Ontario wheat -No. 1 commercial ' ber doll ,17hwes whet, per car lot, according to freight, out- trnr'. ' 'r monR to side, 97c to 99c; No. 2 commercial, y. Have you forgotten 94c to 96c; No. 8 commercial, 90c to ries) ou Y' "This isb't wo, k. 92c; feed wheat, 83c to 86c. And if the Lord does me the be knows Ontario cats -No. 3 white, 48c to petfrctly well this il00 is culd."- 49c. Judge' Yeas -1o. 2, Der arl.,t. 81.70; ac- cording to sample, 11.25 to 11.50. I The wise girl Peen a man far more Barley -Malting, nut Guard the Forests, Argues Que. !than she does • mouse.se,SO to ontafd..• 65c to 66c; No. 2 feed. 60c to 62c. bac Forester Warmly I itailw• -- Buckwheat -70c to 71c Hallway travel teaches psople to Rye -No. 1 commercial. 94c to 95c ! know their own station and stop et it. Manitoba �1lwood Wilson. fort stet* of the dour First Laurentide !'a jute bags. 16.50; s Dstrong 1.1 Der, Company. Qge bikers' 86 84 jute hags. 16; strop); province. writes as follows: !mag' the manufacturer with his wh stock of raw material for his lifetl piled up in one storehouse. W he have 1t Insured? Would matic sprinklers be Installed' Wo he have a watchman or so on premises' Would you if you w that manufacturer' Let the carry nar•Ilel oUce your friends' walks and see nobly ironing lou cannot tell their chs" her mother en actors, 1 work on Sunda take your observation as a bit caution for your own walk. the Lord LET SAWMILLS BURN bac the In Aags. ole • Ontario flour -{!'later, track, Toren - me I to. prompt shipment, a. cording to Quid sample, 48.05 to 84.15, 10 jute bags: bulk, seaboard. 84 to 8414. an Millteed-Carloads, old KIDNEYS ed, Montreal freights; bran. deliver the $21; shorts. 824 tog 2 120 to ere How They Cure to 826; good feed flour. middlings. 110 the 11.65..& ;1.60 td a lade further, and ask w you would do If you knew that destruction cf your stock of material meant the destruction of to elements from which 1t could Le re- produced and the supply for your shit& hit •• m ( angered from KPcasdarsvUtsme. Qum. the 1 mTrouble for al year., and tried numerous remedies w . "Ind Motor.' rre.ctiptim, without permanent h! relief, my care beim chronic. Ager see; about Cie Pial., and k is • well known bat that un irer, without kw the, ;dam, 1 d to la excellent Orr. uagte sill decided t try Gia Pin,, lid 1 now taken ur boxes of reYef I haw In ms. if Gin Pine or bad cum letrl NO more had ty I humor -increase to weight of i row- eight-clear-.fre.s Tore .trength and vigor. This u what Gin Pals hare done for me..' - ' H. POWIS HERBERT. n- Your druggists ,ell, Gln Pills is or sia boxes a. 9a• p hoo 90• Writs for free sample' to Is National & C 19 n-1 of Canada�i �"'I Co. Limited, Toronto 0 The fore is su ntil al storehouse a d�t d pe0ds our moot Important r.au,!Ay and coutinul of our waterpower's, the welfare oar agricfhur•1 population% 11:e c, - fort of" our daily llres. The t rive timberland owner' is just as vitally 1 tereated In fire protection for h woodlands as any manufacturer. H might far better let his saw mill, h sulphite plant. his paper -loll! go u Insured and spend the money in pro- tecting his forests. In'• year or tat he can rebuild his mill, he can east! borrow the mobs • fur [lie pu-'poer a go on just as before. But Ce ane re produce his forests. :{iter a ba flre the soil itself is partially wholly destroyed and If the fire ha been of any extet,t the distance trot the nearest source of need may h too far away for n'sltural reforestation to take place I have seen a tract of land of abort � ten square miles to extent which alts- fifty-six years has not a'stick of mer f ebantable timber on it although cot Iered with a growth of sni .It birc:l an,: aspen, valet: is alread; pant prime, and not only is there no me chantable flintier but on this whole tract there are but 1.280 spruce and balsam trees not over three Inches li diameter. The average percen•r.ge of burned over land which is not repro- ducing in Quebec is 16'; or about 10.597 square miles and that ot. which reproduction has begun Is 12.9'' n1 lit d ARE YOU GOING ti WEST? 'The Grand "..ft*.um. kailttav \ystenr Ij aomeseeke Excursions GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM will run EACHSTUF,SDAY March 7th to October 31st ,n'*CLU31VE ) Tickets valid to return within two months inclusive of date ot'sale. WiNN IPE and return • S3S,OS EDMONTON and return - $43,00 Proportionate low rates to other points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan • and Alberta. Triumph of German "KuT1ygt`eao„d full Information on srpti.•stio0 to ltur" F.F. LAWMEN( a; aUhN. 'OWNS& A Gorman soldier wearing • safety, mask and carrying a holson gag plant oa his heck Several kinds of latae are seed but melw caws toe. Momine, ear/oe inolleedds. Theme poisonous 1t rias as L M 10feets air. Towy are of a gregatsb seine at tie bass. sewing 7•80W toward the tap ROBT. WILSON Marey -Harris Agent Hamilton St., Gode,reh Wane elleal0 7000 Rods of 5 TANDARD FENE must he sold by July 1st, 1016. We hairy two ear halide of Ike hent fence that mune can buy and we have ��pr,t,it an we can sell right._lli11 j, and ere our stork ea 't our rr'ee 1»•tor,. .uu roe your ebee. We n, ...1 !he money and you ne,d the fence. Farre MacL'wery We carry • full line of Farm 'Machinery `Iwsya on hand. Ionia and ♦\'a have 'herb. s11 rwbaagee, and N ave. A Iarrir awn -talent al- ways 00 our floor. Ifnu need a few tons of that FAMOUS 0 1. I) H 0M S- RTEAD FRR1II4ER, we L have a carload just 1In. Hard or Soft Wood delivered to any part of town. Phone No. 185 Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesale ;Mead to the trade: EgRs- 8pgctal candled Icnrt'a).S .*t0$ .60 Candled, excartons..... .27 Hotter - Creamery prints, fresh.. .23 Creamery, solids .31 Choice dairy prints .25 .27 i Ordinary dairy prints.24 Rakers' •215 24 Cheese --New, e; wise. triplets, 143c; . .J .and bk cid, Jun. and , September. large. 2.c; twins. 2214c; . 17!plets 2_yl,c, Poultry Live Dressed Spring broilers 40c 45c Old fowl, Ib.... 17c 19c 25c 2'e thickens 17c 19c 25n . 27c 311k -fed ISc 20c 2x 26c East Fuffalo Cattle (battle -Receipt:. nano• dry 101, an. tire and steady; grassers, slew and lower; shipping, 09 to 111.40; butchers, $a to 810.25; heifers, 17.50 to 810; 1 cows. 14.50 to 88; hulls. 15.50 ID $S.25; stockers and feeders, t7 to 19: _tock heifers. 16 to $7; fresh cows wail MILLAR us SON F FOR TI -JE V ?BUNa.1% Joni 22 1916, r RNISHINQS ERANDAH For the next three months the,. verandah will be the most ap- preciated part of the home. We have a splendid stock of all goods to add to its comfort. i Congoleum Art Rugs are the ideal porch covering. Being waterproof they can be left out in al weathers ; they lie perfectly flat without tacking and conte in beautiful art designs. Sizes 3fee by 6 feet, at... 11,50 each. 6 feet by :) feet 1,5.25. 9 feet by 10 feet .........19.50 1 Heavy -Weight _Japanese Porch Mats These heat y -weight Japanese Mats are most neat designs, in all suitable sizes,popular. They come in a variety of colorings, in jap Mats, large size a- from 11 Un Jap Matting by the yard, in all colors fc each. Jap Mats, largest size each 50c each from 15c pet turd Japanese Verandah Screens keep the verandah,,coo1 and are preferred by a great many in place of the striped awning. come in all sizes from :; feet to 10 feet wide and S feet deep, at ...................... 4c per suare foot including all trimmings and putting up Coco Matting - Coco Mats Coco Matting, heaviest quality, for veratlda}ls,ste and 9•; inches wide, at ps,ehurches,tte., in'22inches, _'; inches, 36 inches - Coco Mats, best quality 43e, otic, tisic and S: c per yard ..,...$1.00 and 81.25 ........ each Special Showing of Silk Sweater Coats Silk Sweater Coats in rich new colorings, very, stylish melon and white, Copenhagen and white, gold and white, paddy and white, in the new candy stripes, at 15.00 to 110.00 each PHONF 56 Mi/lar's Scotch Store PHONE 56 1 t ,fieri-Rete.'pts. ,.,g; act.. ' au -1%4 ; 1.4.50 'to Hogs-ittceipts, 16,00.); active: heavy and mixed. !0; yorrers, 89.50 to 810; tags; 89.54); tpugha, 18.70 to '18.75; stags, 16.54) to =7..0. Sheep and lambs -ice •,lpts 2000; active; lambs, 17 to $12.25; yearlings, 15.50 to 110.40; wettlers, $8 to 88.25; ••e^wes, 14 to 17.50; sheep, mixed, 17.50 • to .87.1 3. Sutter and Cheese Markets London -Cheese sold at 16rsc; ten factories offered ; 1,550 boxes; bid, 15%c to 16,1c. Campbell(ord-1310 boles were of- fered, the hulk of which .old at 17 1-16c. St. Hyanelnthe, Que. ' 950 boxes sold at 1S74c; twenty-five packages of but- ter sold at 281.=c, iCowansvllle, Que.-Fourteen factor. fes offered 1.520 packages of butter; thirteen factories sold at.28tac; one factory unsold. Belleville --3,055 boxes of •white' were offered; 1,935 sold at 16 316c, 1.0b5 sold at 1641c; balance unsold. Toronto wholesale houses are quot- i ing to the trade as follows: Heel. ;oro.Iuarters....111.50 to 112.50 do hindquarters... 17.00 18.00 ('arcases, c;tolee 11.00 15.00 do. con stun )x.50 13.50 Veal•, comtiton do. Inedicrt. A'50 150 11.50 13.50 drn., prime 16.00 17.00 Ht•aty holt, 12.00 13.00 Shope hugs 14.IN) 14.50 Abattoir itc,cs 11.50 15.00 Mutton. liev.%y 10.00 do. light . 14.10 1'.00 I Lambs, yearling 20.00 16.00 EJ'TF\TAL. 21.00 (1) Typical avenue some in Portland, Oregon, showing how rose flowers grown each year. (2) Typical residence scene in Portland, Oregon. (3) More than 300 beautifully decorated automobiles are seen in the Portland Rose Festival. Tilt: world has t,oep invited to Portland for the specking lit the Tenth Annual Rose Perilval in the ..' and week In Jose Willloa• of roar flowers will he on review to sand forth their delightful fragrance, a Offing welcome for the guests from every land Portland, which t)iaedlase an reach by wey of the Canadian Parka, Rookies. N tbb year talking roses so that the tourist cen enjoy the wonderful scenery Canada offers as well as appreciating the festival. The annual Pouf in probably oc• of the beet dems0etratlonc of rnmmunity spirit In the rent) try, The Orogen metropolis gaga year produces mer. than 2;.500,000 roe, lowers, bavtag been .peelaHal.S ea this Queen of mews fur over 114 year. hurtsg this featleil welt the Poels.ut• Park Is .. manitneg, emir geodes where more Chas 1,000000 res.. revering 700 varieties are le blown at see time. itis Mid that It the rose bushes 1. Permed were Msend In see mak lades tw tt would arh from Whinlpeg to -Sheeler, EC. la the Osa.desI }�g�g tteettsa. over • thousand mµ•a. This year right le the heart 0f Mel bada.as Motion tan fart Meeks will M traaetsrmed tete a dsws•0sws rem Wolin tenteAat raise mid ether beautKu1 lowers. 1t seal ham se Y sltr 01$ss a rest feuatate memos' K 1i,oe0 'Derethr Pertagfr PIM; will be the dart fiewassln of the kind ever built I■ the United States, Perla esanNsel a almtlar teestal• at the IMO Exposition but Portland's rete Onettewl fountain will be twigs as kr•gre nolsr feu • la Portland veer sad •M► Is •endlag g �a �vpie r tab feaomigighers Meow N'•Itl w e1ps �� saw M all :111 awl N kM tMr r•sN dies,