HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-6-22, Page 11 IMIDS.0911111110111111111111111.1111 INIMIIIMI 141 MI 'IlIi
To January 1st, i
1 1911
The Hilgual will be sent to A
say ru-i. • u bserib•r lu A
Canada or Great Britain I
for only
i1Fifty Cents
Illi IN MEM 14 pe io4 as si .4 au moor
10 M I ass IS
05 =MO Siett•Ptoil " r
tAfe7063.71.77.OelY,-,414...erief, •
SAVE, Because ---
The man or woman without a savings
account is like a ship without anchors -
at the mercy of every storm.
geuend beessweek. • riser te MOO OALT
homework. Apply at 81111 T H11 WARHINO.
anlICILitT. rod Guest. tf
Wanted to Purchase.
If you have any Western town lots
or farm lands that you wish to dispose
of, It will pay you to write to
CHAM. BECK, Berlin, Ont.
- ot
ERR ..-r13ir-CLASt4 WORK
ersesises. Oar 6f Abe_ loostioa
era. Amer to ClIAM. OARIWW,
rensued timiew. to treed 09=_Ortri"
essoreassert %cation ea Ea*
water service la wall heemeMia eiatcC,
•rritable for mall ie see
itheitch. Mother, very destra
WIlftielftlitleA le le 1141L.AAft,
from 111AINLIFA ttow
'Tuft., ored. et .
.11 or A t•RURN.-Seeee rooms. er
pantry and wend/Aid : mad haetelirlat
taivlitted staohe ; maks boas, frame trend
the l3!,; !Mit Wept sad caress Apply 04
- -
1011 SALE
FUR SALE.- In timitoketa sham TMp.
as good as sew. Apply .t MORALICL. Ks
arco Astor to GIR). STEWART. Oen
oath Ine ;ales t westy-tbme retook Apo
t SIGNAL onclug. .
,. setas Appty W. T. Illedle
___ _........,________,___,t
alul•m"1"....11111rormen•SialWallihingegge==.-- ....
hit H. G. ilacDONE HONOR
Priali=.eil= " • nesiosat•
aoremser to AO 11114194 asks, Odom
eserileemer ere We*
Ira PIN voumn. -APPLY AT THS
A ISIGNALoirrielt
Having been desirous of enliating
for some time past, I have 'tally
stseeectled in making arraflgc4t,gojts
with the Goderich Coal Co. ( J.
MacEwen, manager) to take over
and carry on my cartage liminess
during my absence.
I have therefore signed up with
the tI61M Battalion ior ectfpg MT -
vice overseas, and I Wield respect-
ftdly solicit from the pgdibt. gener-
ally. and from my old aistomern,
particularly, a continuance of their!
valued patronage until such time as
I can again resume my occupation.
Any buitinens affairs eatnaMed tO
their care dnring my ahneedee will
therefore be thankfully appreciated
by me. Telephone ail *liars to
phone 44. ALPRIal 11. JANE
Notke la \Met, iglus that all dots roattiog
at lea in the tows of Goderieh, toluene, to
the town bylaw, urn be etiolated. killed or
otherwise at.m.ed of. The owner or het borer
of say dee at twits contrary to tows bylaw
sill leo liable to presemitkow.
ihog fees Mar he hen at the aloe of Wens=
Compbeil, Tax Ceelester. Tea Hall
By order of ths tea council
lelimed) L. L. KNOX. Clerk.
Jai attn. nes.
IT -St
Tenders for booth lith -fl.,, at tito Aarkol-
Lend Para a Dowielas thy Ell be nesolved
by the •clock p. ea
"reisesear, Jae atta. 1414
Sash wean red bo aero-p..4ed by • oath
=I' win lamented if privates le an
or marked °base to tile value of ItLia.
Pel=eart 'is4. reqiss t or asete daade .10 LT
10 hettdie•Moseerily seer wed,
Oestan0 L. L KNoN. Seel_
CebbraUon Cemmatom
desissieb. Jas UK MK4;,,. '• a' • •
isrmts mosolt.
The ameaki Basotho of tee 5Sores
eset mil be held ortine'e
Mall. Sr h
utLilit nit
Vievansir. J sae 1111
Wheat. pre beeli • .e6 to
barhi(MIs,, par bi•11 ... ......
No/. 14ftlle
Rucker Per
I1b.esriia. me tea
lssi. ..... .. to to1itar.. pe•wt.113 to
1pwika.prowstt.3Annw itoM
min ta *7
0.:.I.Z.,,,,, tea.. .... ILA tol° 44.
Wood. Mail
ry tter. alb 0.10 to a.
crumpeHatter t .14 to IS
.31i to .311
lege.. hawk per dun Pet wpm.
. .. 11, to isNew PotdatManto i*istn.buter.-ceprrCwtuto 876Ceuta bewareadla,
' 730 to Ilea
...1d_eln't Wire wellidit, mie ewt. .... te et te IOU
paroles . .. •• - Cis 1 7.011
11 -Zi: pse lb
I allew_, *edam& per ..... :431 ;183
Sheep Pella .11 WY AO
.1010 .33
.534. .04
ey But Councillors Are Not Artaious
Discuss Ways and Menne of Rea
the Niterdod Ton Thousand Doi
-Grocers Interested in (Nesbit
Psdlar's L.M.en•o- Weed! Bylaw
Be Enforced.
AY JUNE 22 1916
ILA.cannon rests lo Victoria Part. It was
1 dilapidated tooditio• of one of the
In dottier of tumbling over and he
suggested that the public woe kr Com-
alite* inVeetigate and make all Deem -
ION eery repairs. This be done.
It was moved by Courcillor Mon-
ologs, seconded by Councillor Wileon.
that the council express its apprecia-
totion of the saoalleut000ditiesi in which
me tesidente of St. Pao ick's street
sin& keep their psi k also all leeldents 01
lees ths tater' who are keeping their bottle-
. of yards In such splendid shape. Carried.
to Councillor Wroth, wanted the council
(87 The nissar. see oocrespionat
Loorpoe, hoe Eist.
On Wedneedey afternoon of lest
week the 153rd and palet Battalion.
had a nine-nsrle route wet -ch and
ctood it well, although the weather
was extiesnely warm.
On Thursday morning the battle of
Oivenchy, of a year :Igo, was com-
memorated by all the Heti whom.'
instbering for divine service at
Rev. Capt. Hindu)°, of the reird. a..
dressed the Ittlot aid 153rd Battelle no.
A football match between teams
from the Itilst and 153.-d Bsttaliona.
played on Toureclay evening, resulted
in a win for the Inlet by two noels to
A special class has been formed in
the Inlet for physical drill and bay -
oast fighting, tocompete with similer
camases at the field day of *porta to be
held June 21st.
Corporals Benson Bell, W. Peachey,
J. Woodley and R. Radler°, of (lode-
preserich.silieve been promoted to be set.
Mem tent• have arrived for A and
D companies and for tbe sergeants'
mem. Thom for B and C compauies
01* pec ortly.
The Ildist Battalion paraded in de-
tachments on Monday to the Y. M.
of the Wm in shower Nitta and t.b•
swimming p were meorded them.
Sergeiu.t Jane is acting comp .ny
sergeant -oral tr for B oosupaay an.*
Bergson , Jame, ls battalion
"1/04142t-tr • timerteflubiggebbrut
greatly besisitined the& alibi% • by the
.1P isddithot tit WISP flerbede. cm one
JAS. L. designed in -weep and red toli ige
poifawnaphi.ch t be word `'• brows" bas been
At a cemeaeo151„ plead* belt' at
MCILDINGIktlitE $010.1-
eriateteelferstarael will alhe lletaale br Mkt
•-• SA T CRDAT. JI.-"Nfe
aeon °loot p. , the 0111ftle betidiass en
ride 01 vor of the oregano wad entire nein
re,a), moo sie unapt ot Pert elm);
1110e. sTOTIII,Ittite.
DkIviiui HORSES.
14 404 want :o rah.* colt • that will show WWI
.Teed rarer& and be thr.teia-. Miters. yes
meet breed to • lure that -how. they timeline*
and the Wilke. grain 44 4. bog.
WALTER Eider ore canadiast rern-tvw.;
.1.7 Aft', !Jean reef*, unopened. ...dotted be
and regiatered hree to cattails., _„
book. WALTER LOOT dam roatintbte
speed ad at end...thirdly ore, of the bc-'.0red
WALTIIR %ill stand berths lit* ma-
ma at Kb own .tab c. near North *4*0.41.
lien Price et *ert ice to Moiewer Poe.
41-71re. A. lL POLLEY.
Illetablig *radii y aftei
0000pany the lead
in the ISIer Botta -a place it has
oeveted far mule time
- - - -
Plans for the big celebration in
Goderich to Dominion Day have made
material progress dining the pat
week and the committee& he charge of
the arrangements are Oiller in a posi.
.40n to •nnotinco that there will Ire PO
dull entonent a in tioderich on Satiudiy,
July leo The program of neiroing
games, preceded 1.y the floral and
cedes proceasion, Si ill hr too good to
missed, while the events in the
ternoors at Agricultural Park should
exceptionally Interesting. With
.be track in good condition, the speed-
ing eeente will provide no swell
amount of excitement. No ou• ehouki
fail to set tbe mule and pony races.
la Al itGOODS.-31/04. A. NICHOLL, which are new fiasitt.res of tbie year's
ef Mar work 'mark from cut hale or coo. Meat.
i ii Nelson street. .• preporod to de all kinds celebration. ties posters and ads -er-
ase *wile. hair tor ordent,•Mentlfk treat- timatent in this MVO! for fuller partic-
.4"att- cral..6".a..."1„.%-p„,•Vd.,,a1".....crusimaaa forb:iiMilkiiii. Wars regarding the various e•enta.
or amasses create. beetles ad Glawaltae. ,iatt
Annual Picnic.
A Grand Picnic under the
auspices of the Colborne
Monicipal Telephone
*tern will be held at
the Maitland River,
Setiarday, juiy 1st, 1916.
In afternoon there will be a
ria of eports for ehjklege
adult*, foe which eadtrilW
A., will be giV1•11.
An inritat ion ix extended to t.he
public of int, owes need
In:Iftag • ipolities
isM enjoy the dray w
COIN eariy sari king your 64?
Refreshment booth on a
Prentiss is made for eche/ in c4 i,
J. P.
Ardor f sip%
A lane social win giveti by tit,
Wirer* L.sgo. of North street
Itteiery program win Iva
parooneete ise
Mtb. A et
toentaineem 01111
eftersods "et SIM
Mr. M. Alessandro's change of ad-
eertileernent came to hand too late for
this, Werk. ismer. His specials this
week ate Cesliforno• fruit, all kinds of
vegetable. and new oolmin'et4-1110 h.41:11
Lolnety pounds to the bag) trout New
The Nlangere Fruit Growers ana Igra-
ine to protect the fruit -buying piahlie,
and their aktioo will be gellorallY 4P-
Eleaudi'd and Appreciated. H Al•eWilitea
et/ long suffered from diehontest
packing and metier handling and
there Inte never been any diritinguish-
ing mark to guide them in thfor pur-
chase& This Moneta Grower• have
114/00.0(1 a !Abel, in, • small map
of !Sinatra Penitimiht. eseh label
hearine the number of the gtower of
the fruit This hole nem will immure
buyers that the fruit Is grown in the
liflagiuss Peninsula, and &Jen that the
grouser has atifitelleet enrindenoe in bis
prodiset td put his own ntunle.r ate it
Every oreopiesni ,an thee be freest'
thro pent/redo* lied boy may trait
Moth -buyer' Will do Tell to profit by
with Ore
I gas" --- -7
The ranular meatiest of the town
council was beta in tbe council cham-
ber last Friday evesieg. Reeve Nairn
Wee the only abeenter.
The lax collector scut s letter rob-
es' Ding unpaid taxer. He suggested
'bat 11 Would he necessary to issue
warrants in some cases where be had
been uneucoessful in securing • remit-
tance. The letter was referred to the
Silence esommuit tee.
A letter referting to • meeting of
Use fire rhiefs of the Dominion to be
held at Windsor in Aural was refer-
red to the Elm committee.
Tweet y -ons protrerty-ownare on the
south sitat 14. Huron road petitioned
the council for au allowance on their
sidewalk rater,. The petition was re-
ferred to the speci.1 committee to pre-
pare a recommendation for presenta-
tion to the court of revision.
A request. for ain extension of time
in which to complete their plant was
made through lb. town solicitor by
the North American Cbeurical Com-
pany. The letter was beat to the
special committee.
A letter from the water and light
commission &eking for immediate pir-
meta of all arrests owing the commis -
non by the town was sent to 'hennaing,
coma. i elec.
Mr. J. H. Marsh/ill, the local C.P.R.
station attest, called the councire at-
tention tojhe dilapidated condition of
the town's porticos of the steps at the
rear of the V. P. R. station. The 1..t -
ter was referred to the public works
The finance committee in its teport
Vicsitameaded. 1111011e TOM raBeertw-eerib:
itructird 14, cones* errears et taxis.
tort h with. and reported that 121,675 44
of the Hydro debsottres bad been ad-
vertised for sale. Ten offers were re.
relived and the am .nittee moan-
er of Messrs.
1 Slider-
ct.:11:61ftedn2stliforest 41besilesil; • report
was adopted.
The special cninmittee receen-
mended "that Nlr. I. Alneindio be
granted a pod14**. license under the
moral teams and that a, rehote of 510
le allowed on Gm license lee." The
outamitupt placed itself on record as
ritvoi log the immediate gale of tlie
ittnher andpost, aloorr the right -of
way or the West Phoie
After Councillor Wigle,a• chairman
pro tem. of the committee, bad moved
the adoption of the teport. Counzillor
Moaning. called the council's atten-
Um, to • deputetion cf grocers who
estete present and after signifying that
,they were interested in the first clause
of the rrpert which had just b• -en read
hr made a :notion, seconded by Coun-
eilior Moser, that, the deputation be
given pernrissien to address the
(011 flcit.
Nlessre. .1. J. NfrEiven and E. Dean
explained their grievance. Theyun-
derstood that the bylaw under which
pedlar.. licen.es eete granted was not
being enforced. A eertain sum was
stipulated ai a loense fee and the
grocers were unable to understand
why the oil men and fruit rwdlars
weregiven reluite-. They respectfully
requested that the towsi's bylaw be
adhered to.
Councillor Muni.'ngs movad that the
committpt.'v repot t considered clause
by clause and he was inonedictely fol-
lowed by l'ouneillto Wigle, who asked
for the privilege ..f withdrawing bi•
!motion to adopt tie committee., re-
port and to move that the report be
Wren up clause by Chilli'''. HIS reason
for making thin replete, he posted, was
his right as chairman of the :ointiiit tee
to ask for that privilege. Cortuvion
reigned for severed minutes while the
muter wax being threshed out and it
was anally decided to rater the first
ause hack to the committee. The
se.cood armee in the report was
Councillor Moser reported that the
hied Rigs factory was being dam -
god by the lack of proper ease&
oughing The public works emu -
BM, WIN investigate.
(Ostmeillear Wdeon made a motion,
fch was eartieci. Authorising the in -
/skin of an advertisement in the
hood osiers warning the owners of
oall that the animals will re. shot OD -
tamped within a week after the in -
inn of the ad rOf tisement.
Oooneillor Moser reported that tor
n changes at the town hall en as to
large the elastic's °Mee were being
nsidered. It, is proposed that the
le he moved downstairs', leavings this
et evadable for the Sling of papers.
publie work,* rommittee will re -
et on are nretrer .1 • later date.
Deputy 'tees.* Laithwaite reported
there were three terms trees in
sitbod cemetery which ithooki be
down. The .i.oestion of having
na removed woe referred to the
mete, y and parks rommittee.
The matter of having tits vote,s.
pi-WM erso left erIth the finance
salttos *Mk Poser to bet-
Cooneillew W file intrudiseed the
oastiori of having the weed hylaw ro-
omed. On account of the rapid growth
was of the opinion that this week.
only Oft Ltle streets. hat MI
.11 Vo
kite, should be cat *5 4050 as pow
Onuncillor Mose, hrearad the
nen that the public' works eosenak-
&Fria"..1 with the meow semen
iireinor M
Amara maimaoss 411414 1141011124101
In The Signal1
is read by Use Lira people A
in a large eja 0 di 1,1 iittron
county. Bright, fresh ad- I,
vertisiug is read eagerly
as the ne44., ildumna.
4111111114.41141141114 IN IN mg Re NI IN 0411
Vas ISIONALaiRINTI NO CO., LIMITEj,. peal tame
Hirai. I r, mientlyrefer red lo by High
Court a r.d r. her Judge*.
- - Tbe material in the third edition
bies been lair rely changed and re-writ-
Prival• Scott Hays. who re- was work of mtefence for the legal Pro-
ton smith. book "how() be a •alurible
ported bet week Al InialbiNf• fe.si.a for 'many years to come.
"Intone the wounded who -e
Hays' borne is in ISeaforth. but he is
were published on Monday. Private
well ktmaru in tioderich, as he wee on Officer of Huron Battalion Weds Weil-
tbe Boik of Cannurree staff here a
known Young Lady of Godenck
few years ag „
George... Wedoesday,
A smart society event look place it
st, church on
when the marriage was solemnized of
Mary Lillian. eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. D. Macdonrald. •-o'ratbdon-
add," ('d ,',' -h and Mr. Hubertmn
Young MarLesam lieutenant in the
16Ist Battalion. C. K F.. London, and
youngest son 01 14. late M. Y. Mac-
Lean, of Seatorth. 'The wedding war
the Rev. J. B. Fothetieltilane B. A.
military and folly chola!, the erre-
bbYt idthael reepartioyr.,
whieh was led hy four brother officers
of she groom. followed by two khaki -
We •re hating fairly lively time.
o ibCtiVe the question of settlement thee days and are fairly in it now.
with the water •nei light commission, Always moot me from Goderich
but evidently the problem of tai•ing and from C•nada." Th a the gist of
11110.110 was not one which the coon. • note written 1,0 May :lab, to Mr.
Mims were anxious 10 1.10, for before James F. Thorneon by Mr. A. if. Mar-
ti'. discussion bad toads any headway loom who is doing "bi* bit 111 chi
• !notion for adjournment WAS carried.
To the Editor of The segast
DEAR tiito-The very efficient trees-
er 0( 44, Ooderich Patriotic Fund,
Mr. George %William.,, manager uf the _
Bank of Commerce bete, ',ports to H. 8. "neat. a wall -1111°w^ (inde'ich
engineer on 11. M. S. Lord Clive
where at ...ea." Macinnto wets •
former engineer on the *termer J. A.
McKee and loss meny fi tenths in (lode -
rich. where he "meat sever.1 wiciter
Inc e fiat be is at his wits' end wbat to bey, and a member of i h. Parhamen
do in order to get drlioquen
t sub- vary Pres, Galles
y at Ottawa, where
scribers to the Fund to proy up their he represent..d The Morare.1 Daily
overdue subscriptions, amounting in Mail. has enlisted as * privete with
the aggregete, at the present tittle, to '-
the qto t Is (Ottawa) Battalion.
SIDS He he. bad notices inserted in -
the local press requesting payment, Keret. D in Hume, of the headquar-
and each individual has been Dot Hied ters staff of the Sport•nien's Bit tailiori,
twice through the postoftice. There Toronto was fiom 9
d m
ad 'oor*, mh
e. FlemisMacdonald
and Capt•in Harley. then the MO
hrideeMnifle, cousins of the hride, Me
Phyllis Norilheimer and Miss Helen
Brough, of Toronto, boh attired alike
in lovely blue crepeand taffeta dresses,
mid-Victorisn style. and wearing pink
0,1 vell. an wreaths and carrying
. .. y ell- old-fashioned bouquets of pink row- -
seem to be only three altermitives Ing his patents, Ptincip.1 and Mrs, bud. al d blue f rget-me.nots, tied
left tot him to pursue : Publish the Hume.'Wearing the gift of the groom, gold
names of the delinquent,. the Genie as - Alit' sapphire pins. The -bridesmaids
was done with the original list of sub- A letter frenLe. G. B. Elliott, son of to tut n were followed by two little
scribers to the Fund, IMP for the Mr. and Me-. O. M. Elliott, of Gode- Hower -bearers : Miss Elizebeth Mae-
amconts in the Division Cotio, or ticb, states that the cycliet, of the Lean in e dainty little frock of pink
start another "whirlwind" camtiaign Fointh Division will not woe I t
a e sante time thre- taffeta and weaving • wreath nt pink
or by force. A meeting of the execu- maintlet of the dion eronses to
live has been celled to decide which Of France, Mr. Elliott expects that they
these •Iternativee should be taken. 'sill go Geer in (hafts. Tbie is • keen
It is rather too bed that eubscrihers to diorpoointment to the men, who bed
the Fund should have to he cajoled or hoped to remain together until they
coerced to meet what should he con- reached the firing lin,.
sideted an imperative duty. To say
the least, it ahows a somewhat cellos,,
indifference and back of sympathy for
the cause which promoted the Patric -
to collect stone, either by pertutaaion h I0
and blue inuolar to Grote of the brides-
maids and early icor a blue and pink
basket fillet with ruse 1•aves, while
with hr walked Meader Nordheitner
Kirk, wearing a blue satin suit and
carrying in his Fetnitleroy cap rose_
leaves which be and the little girl seat-
_ tenet in front of the ',tide es she pro-
ceeded up the aisle. l'he bride .n-
on the arm of her tether, at -
grant list 1.. Lls y •tinouncirig that 1 Miiir:d. &jack ht
tic Fund, now growing more conspicto their son, Private Jioeph Alb', 1 Dor- I of white satin aud Limerick lace of
crusty urgent every day, not to men-
ti .... the discourtesy shown to Mr„ oilootio ootio., sr
don, was missing, and will, inAleiftbly i mid-Victotiao petite; and, wearing,
AiYilltkaillt"'•-bY . ( Iasi" "Liaaral OD 0)"."'Cierningilirr h''...st 7iCletnese-117-ialwk".-o+. .'1'10-, duke bki 'fiteh ' gferfis . of her great -
way or another. vats. Gordon enlia•ed at Montt . 4 ii --4." P''- 1 st, irehlt-giran.weduttbit trig' if., and the beau.
Don to his tem/este for payment, otte
June with a McGill Utiiver eiry Corp* ' tootber's, which wee surmounted
roAlit...°60"1. tHrlicay%ot.ps, ---------7.- -- , by a wreath of image blob-
C1:41:rod.e:rkytAb..Tsiluistitlfkrvzh. 101,16htirtat‘.Chairia.e.::13. , • lovely old-trobroneri Hower•bolder
lama and white heather. Ste- carried
1 tb.filled .wcituht Itilhj...-.....cfr-thoehu-v.slleuy,adn.wl a jw.cfli,o.
Mr. and Mrs. Jame. Gordon, Light-
house street. God., ich, received *mho
Engineer simnel Wyatt, Famed, at
Gadaritb, Victun of Radway Accident
Stratford. June 17.-s • result of
brmg frererely burned, when hiseogice
west down a twenty.fot suilunkates.t.
at Port Clborne0o Thursdisf, the
death created ahWelland ho•pital (11
Friday afternoon at 3p. w. of Fasni°
er ht*Intiel Wyatt, Hi East Gore
street, in bile thirty-winth year.
Deceased was born in Goderich and
came here when he was About eight.
ern years of awe. Ile has worked on
the Grand Ttunk for sortie time.
"Kinn" he WAS -well known in ril-
way circle-. Wall ft very cheerful young
men. and always had a kind word for
all _with whom he cante in contact,
and bie death will be kenly- telt
Among the railway inen of the vici-
The late M. ‘Vyatt WWI a pronttn-.
lilt rueful er of Romeo Lodge, 1.0. U.
F„ and Sitat trod Lodge. A.. F. & A•
M. and &leo belonged to the hirolbe•
bond of Locomotive Engineets.
Besides his wife and four young
cbildre. . H•zel, John and
Charlotte ha thotp. Mrs. Ttionuse
vitt. of Londo, anti four le others
a ter° ti.t •18 Stirtrive. They are
and Jame', of Stratford
Thomas of London. George •.L1 St.
Albans, Vermont : Mrs A. Smith of
finder (ch sod Mrs. J. Shaw of Battle
(,..k Minn.
The ecrident occurred et Prot Col-
borne nta Thursday. Engineer \Vyatt
was merchandise train which
left 11,,. tearke, the engine being
bowled over into the ditch, lhe de -
erased sem burned about the arms
and legit, •nd be was rushed to Wel-
laird htepital. Him wife and daughter
were summoned yesterday, bin he
passed away ere they arrived.
Another Fatality on the G. T. R.
Rohm t William Chalk, • Bresnan on
the (band Trunk running out of Strat-
ified. wait almost inetnntk, klIted at
Pali. et/talon &omit 7 o'clock Wednes-
day morning He had descended
from bis engine and watt dumping the
withal' when train No. 14, the Eastern
Flyer, came around the curve. He
idently did not notice the oncoming
train tomato° late and be woe struck.
and hulled through tbe air. The
home of the deceived im in Brantford
Helots. going to Stratford shoot two
months ago to work as fireman, he
wee employed At the G. T. R. room&
house in liodeeich and hoarded At
King's hotel. HP was well thought
itf among hia acquetntances here. The
train on which Fireman Chalk was
working was in I -harp. of Condoetor
J. A. Allen, who west th. conductor on
'he train on whicb Erfeinser
Wyatt lost hi• life • how davit bfore.
Both antieeptie and cleansing,
'VT' R'hempoo Porte leave. the hair
smooth, 18. scrap clean : at Reran
rictus ice cream of superior quality.
Orders delivered.
drug stores: C. litini^P • (inde-
Everybody eata Ftlacketnnet'e
The Daughters of the...miry in
London hare established a be house
on Orford *tram, near the Military
romp grounds'. The people of 1140de-
4.,4r. visit then eoldier friend. si
• camp in London will And iLp
iniont plane to have Ina01f7-7110 ceo
t la • moss worthy one. the Wnetonils
genii to 14. 8.411.,.' Oonsforts Fod.
Regales Missing.
and had Owen Eig Praio-. einee beet
Steptenteo ARM- goidiroing 1, ....
l•i•Pr.fry MUNI receiving hie
. 1, degree, he. h.41 I.11411 Plepliiyed
III ft Idle '.MeAt Kin °woott.tit he
answered 1 he 'II pi b....,ntly. The
Signal hoo., thatinone f, .4.4-' new•
will ..'.,n 644 Will ailsy
any wpm ebermiongts to y.
The Canadian 113.snk of Commerce
Lake!. 1/111110ftfttl pride ill 1 Ile reit t
whh icemployees the Bank Are tak-
ing in the wee. 0. er 1.1., in1411 from
the Coontnerce have 1.4.-o tip militery
iny. represeneing 01 er lillO-five Pei
cent, of the ma/ steff betoeirri the
ages of eighteen 11 fui tynve. The
lateat honor bill tied by the Bank
MI/lift* the tome" hrty-'ntir for
mer employee* whit) leen killed
io •etion or have died from other
caner* whi!e Oft mill airy duty seventy
who hero. been impended Gene Dia-
log, five prisoner* and eleven ill.
Third Editioa of Division court Manual
Edited by Crowo Attrowey Seeger.
Th.- third stlitIon of I'he Di•iion
Mai te Act, It getber with Ilse General
Hulett and E.' uset, itiol Additional
Porno.- of whieh Bieltriell and Seeger
aro the ant him,, ha. just been pub -
Imbed. It ie a most elaborate and
comps eheneis P V41101ler whieh involved
a east amottett of work en the par
the author,., Mr. Jettis.. iticknelli
C., of Toronto, and thoWn Alto
Seeger, of tinder++ When the It rk
w•• •can-ey balf onrophierd Mr. Bick-
nell died and tbe burden of 'vino
fell on Mr. Mesmer. The pretsee state.
t hat for many soomse.peoviou• to
his dear h t he late Jame* Bicknell m
and the present wrhokoollahoratea
in the primer &tient of the fosaserst third
edition. The maamterlIK of
had he n prisoarod *01 41, re largo •x -
tent reviled, and die Weir k was ac-
tually here" pet threngh thla perm when
Mr Sicknell'elementad dainties *eed
its progress and delayed ita puling-. 1
rtmri:Tno. w deceased. • bentbilif Of Crowe
Tbe weond edition of thee blank smut
published in IMO, Mr. Edlesed R. reem,..
Amoy Mingee„ lerivorr:gated
with Mr. Blekreil In its Meek
& weptIneilniberwmiearrlapparrele4...._ _ _
etle t. the gift or hsr fatfie: •
-After the cereromy a Large reoep-
tiro) took place at the home of the
bride's father, la hete Mr. and Mra,
received the gueete, the
letter Weariug m tieillfttlfUl gown of
lashes 04 rt les in moire mad georgette
Oath tourbea of pale Cho.
pine, and CAI ry mkt A 'Anil.' let. 14 pi
rocm. Later tn. the day NI t. .4nd 41
MacLean left 101 • h,nrytuo-n t rip 40
etitrlit g.nm- *tat of putt y-cril-
g the 'nide westing •
used crept! wi' h totichev of pank and
pint hat with blue dowers..
Amongst itt.. "to • of -14)a n guests were
Mr.. Theo. though. Mi.* "trough, Ma
Bet ty Itt ogh. Moo. Nordheimer Ift
end Mr. Cfteill, Miss Oats
t ow. Mr. Kenneth MacDuall. Mr.
and .111,•. 1lialter /trough, all of Tor-
onto; K 14. Ferri.., Mr. Kenneth
Fero ie. Itarcolton : Mr. tend Yrs. ('. ('.
Morriacm Miss 4de14de Caegrain,
Dtroit ; Mts. George Metrill Doe,
Seer Yort: Mts. and Miss Atkins, Dal-
las. Tex..: Hr. R. Mitedilnald Ottawa:
Lt.•Colonel C ..... 0. C. 101.4 Ilisttal-
n, end Mis. tonal*, 1.strido0 : Mrs.
M. Y. Mel,par.. of Senfrth nor.hee Of
the gr000 Mr. And NIc• Keith Mc.
An of 'Mrs foe 11,, I N . 'tn. A.
McLean, barriser of Guelph. The
wedding,/ gift• were numertitm and
moat'( 'he,n being a large Oil -
ref tray lee ritqc the iLee and rnscrip•
tiOn from II, 441 '141)'. in Other-441,1ns
161.4. llmti dainTincicleate ni thi•
charming iceeid 4 *Oft the reading of
the eighteen 0. twenty entilegnatna
and telegrams congratulation ant
to the popul•r ring couple ir • ;else
Oyes in beittland and throughout the
The Eurek• Bode class will give •
social evening, on Thoreday, June 20.
in Victoria street Methodist church.
If it's quality you want, use Blaek-
stoe's delicious ice cream for all
occasions. 240.
RIARLANILlo Detroit. 11..'higtn, on Friday.
Jane yak ra Yr. and Mr. 4. T. Harland.
a daughter I 11,ary FM200
MatioN-Rowtoo. kr NnrIn •trp.t ho -
Met pa 4on•inr. frod.r..1) on TT,inni.ky.
Jiro* IL by Rs,. w. K. Moor,
thopiod or Onnerich to Mr. Joh,.
Kari kileann 141c1r.
liodprich, ‘Verlee+14..1ne
R. Starry J Morrie, aged 01,'..r,.
74. fonerol ours vinrat fiver, bi• lare rewl-
donne ‘nrgieeis teeter. on via cy • Anson. et
to V0ltam-1w 00 sA the
Pat* at 1)40. rn
()nava Moatay Juno I). at lite
redeem. a atmiton 4.4,41. Peet Heron,
John Aniseed Iles, lineDeld
of Andrew Omen. Loral.
',OWN INH A, lesindrarton '/,l The,
de,. hub, josn.oi Iliarree 4 ifs ,if
Itplustra 146.1111AI Me merit (eyed/v*6k
• rip eral in 1,4rninrn se ttataw eon.
Rader Trend,
New Dbeetney Roll Telopkor•
etessoserer Mine is Niagara Ira tivsiec•
{17680; I Pliesamer Coo . ..... .. rt.. 7
SW W. Apply at Weal 01111!ft4„
irt. Talley Oal- Tbe Iratako OM Co
Tiepin resold The
•ollabgeligle tor Pole -T. 0 501480s8,,,,,
Drertmet Herm ter te. 04*8.liftel ..
OW Wowed -)InkOak.
Oeterees Deur te 0010
Ileades-llertawe Oshigs .........
It -1.1" eh,