The Signal, 1916-6-15, Page 6i
,lwasena;me IA UIS
Spoils [icy Trouble
There's et. et. •
ptllat ea -ansa-red
pleet•rs s tem teat acts is yaw bye or beck
tastable Y nada Year kidneys sorest
of order. GIN PILLS go rrg►t to the earn
of the and heel and regulate the
krlecy sad bladder scala limns yue get
Mat. parsrest relief I
Mas a ran ewd wear else W bees
deemed up with sirsaYag pleas is the tank
Meng to Map twat ..d ts dor ■ soget a tittle
nisei, has bead non health ad ceasftrt
Ties beam d Lower •odA neon As airy
leasable with daybeds tic•." he rya
If you Yaw • Inns back -or say sago d
Kdse freebie Gan d
PI LLS saa d
start t e 4.urs osc. • bele. ea beams
foe $4.30 --sod ewes
tiefactnyear m
o et yeassy be -k. Tref=
sweat bee d you with
National Deng & Chemical
Co. et Canada, Limited
Tower - oma ' t3
The offer on lease of Herta. t or o:
the smallest cf the btaa',I1.d Channel
Islands, prustdes a chance to house
rich man of hemming; an taland-l-iag
on his own accor►t. There are advent
monarchs of that kind 1n th., ts!auds
adjacent to Great Britain- Brusasea,
Ute picturesque little Islami' it Poole
Harbor, b in the possess on of t::e
Van Itaalte !_mi!y The Maraueta o!
Bute is the owner a:id k!ng o: the
Island of flute, one of the garnet
Island kingdoms n and uur roast, with
an area of ova. 31.U00 acres and a
population of 10.000. The talant:a o'
Culonsay and Oronsay belonged to Oa
tate Lord S,rathctwa, and there are
generally one or two of -.he Hebrldas
for rale. Sark Itself, with several of
the smaller Channel Islands, changed
hands In the 'sixties, and the ('all of
Man. which has c coast line of five
miles. was sold to Mr. Samuel Haigh.
of Huddersfield. Pernaps the :noel
absolute tuwtarthy b to be fogad on
Inulshmurray, off the coast of Sligo,
where live etrnv Inhabitants. many
of whom have never been on the main-
land. There are no police on the
island and no clergyman. and the tea -
collector is unknown. The "king" 1s
Michael Waters. who succeeded to the
"thr-,ne" on the death of his father,
phi reigned for thirty-five years.
Honor For Swedish Woman
(1) Specimens of Banff Buffalo. (2)
IN the (atudlan Zoo at Banff. Alber-
ti. witb:n the Rocky Mountains
1',trk and :.lung the C.P.R., both at
the r ,u adp,uunlp the museum and out
at the a fir it paddock about two
miles ea -.t of the town, there are tine
ppectniens of buffalo, [noose. elk, deer,
l'er.uin sheep Angara goats, bear.
wol.r.a, coyote -s. tan:, badgers, mar
tens. and a number of the smaller
RI: yak, ortginaliv presented to the
Dominion Government by the Duke Of
Bedford. were tendered by the former
to tke ltocky Mountains Park. They
Three Good Fellows. (3) A Banff
were brought to Banff from the exper-
imental fartu at Brandon. and are now
la a healthy and flourishing condition.
Their quaint appearance, causing
them to 5e ob)eeta of much Interest.
Thepark commissioner suggests that
It would be au Interesting experiment
to attempt to cross on• of the buffa-
uffyto bulla with one of the yak cows.
In the Zoo, adjacent to the mus-
eum. may tw seen the following lied -
male of the Rocky Mountains:
Black bears. Ctnnamoe bears, gris-
rinsly bears, red foxes, kit foxes, thee
ber wolves, coyotes, Walt. Ameeijis
Polar Bear.
panther (or mountain lion), badge
pine martens, porcupines, moun
gopher, albino gophers, marmots, toe
squirrels, black squirrels. Canada
geese, hawks, golden eagles, black -
beaded eagles, owls, pelican.
The tolbwing animals. from Waged
parts d the weld, may be seen la the
Mtngtaa momkey, !bases montes;
polar beer, rapoa•a, orange mq
Waver phe semi, golden pb.aamn
Amherst pheasants. reeves
ee111m011 Jhesesats, pea fowls,
Doubtful Recovery.
'1be lusty -lunged 11inetent auction-
eer was holding forth to the market
Taking up a box of cigars, be
shouted at the top of hi. voice, "You
can't get better, gentlemen ! I don't
care where you go, you can't get
better r
No," came a tyuical voice from
the beck of the crowd, 'aeon c.n't. I
smoked one last week, and I'm not
better yet."—Answer..
The Swedish Academy over -ruled pre-
judice and admitted a woman to
Membership Selma Lagerlof. win-
ner of the Nobel prise for literature
to 1999• will In future have a voice
to awarding similar prLps t, art-
ists. time Lagerlors story. "Jeru-
salem." has been tsenslated into
Irgtlah- '-The Wooderiai Adven-
ture of Nile" which won the Nobel
=I for the Swedtah wetter, has
jeep tnt:elated tato many too -
Five Cents is
all you need pay
for the best and
purest soap in the world
Sunli ht Soap.
The inducements offered with common
soaps cannot make up for the purity
of Sunlight Soap. It costs US more to
make pure soap; but it costs YOU less
to use it, for Sunlight pays for itself in
the ciothea, as it does not wtsas and rte'
the fabrics like common soaps do.
5c. a bar at all Grocers.
Printing? EIX %tonal
(1) Orchard: and mighty tides. (2) Autorlo! ile traveller is never out of sight d bleaamnaallow ogaigui.
tbf blossom -embowered highways. (4) This tree has s record of 32 barrels of fruit.
BI,OSt•',ON ftunday', have you evert may have an opportunity to share with
heard of it that Sabbath day ofithe orchardists themselsrs in the rare
en. Lentil -lent and poetry In Mel beauty of the lands. ape it.. Ring's and
Eland of E.augeline In early June, whim I Antuipolis l'ounties. Irrre number
Wile upon mile of fruitful orchard Patronize these excursions. especially
ste is white -and -pink with roust from ilaltfax, the capital elt7, and
milllun..of apple blooms, said ai many find a double pleasure in watt-
sevsaty-r^41' Inng valley is f hl ti through the petal-rar71{� d ore's-
to end will Intoxicating fraTarda and 1 of wghw t (orote
v1 ll p ate
Brest n. ears of white from I pearly
• that res ails the orange groves, bilis.
d Florida or the glorious hellntrope Apple culture In the Annaprllaltl-
mt Ilei Monte' ley through which the now famous
Beata Berbera is. a Flower ?vett- minion Allan le runs. nogrown loss
sad the happy der -Hers In the ch Immense proportions, had Its la-
ta Clan Valley revel In the beauty option a col pie of centuries before
lu:urlan-e of their peach and 5. horticultn al possibilities of ('ail -
a, blossoms. bet only In Nova ?leo- fornla were even dreamed of. The
Is there an annnal tease of bins- first apple trees were pignted there by
sora that Is worthy of the same the early French settle about 1033.
The tourist In Nova Scotia, Imager- sad there are still existing trees that
eatll weld-$eplemb.r. goes bele are thought to date beak pretty near b
ten.r the marvellous color- that lime In a Mag-abandored torch -
that Rile the valley daring the and In the lovely Talley w
town of Pa
rwt hth
time: bet . little realises the flee, not long ago. e writer saw ros-
ecolor sad d fragrance he has end gnarled apple trees that yawn
y sat Wag there In .arty have Deet at latae a couple a humane!
„num .e . are as a day In Joas years mid.
whoa 1t "‘ @peat la the Aaaa- Ihwm the await beatnsings a the
seehl A•eadlaer ham developed eteM
pemenrs(ome are arreagd of the largest and most profitable a►, �' Bat X1104
at. the railroads. In order that the pie-growlag I.4.M ass ea the namr-
r w ewes sad larger asene .air ter Neva Scotia maps.. modal w r!!E-11tH ..gelds vmr1Ar "1111 &
famous net only for their quantity but'
for theft. flare Ryer) tamer
in this gnaw. vIlev flans
Ms delirious Notal, wen thoogh be
does It on • small scale. There ars
scores of tr'e•arde with from 300
1000 trees, and this largest of all. locat-
ed near gmbavf le, costalna 10.000
The mare eras d uM valley aver-
ages betimes Man and 1.oeetle0 bar-
rels a year and hale th. grnwers say -
when hoe 01,600,000 to 03.10•.000 ac-
eordiag b Mae d crop price, and ether,
eoadttlort& The greater part of OW
owtpet 1a mist to the Rrlehah market;
and the from • hlawsom-cover
ed ne partcularty attracted
the admiesttoe of a June bride him
summer may Mew hale r.pooed b the
cellars of Windier tissue, or hem dis-
played la the ram weaeowa of some
lmadnn freeness
Gravemahra. s1mw pare white
bkraoms are the (test to roach
tam a Scored svetl
et mm . Basiwiaa. .II ierte--
e Rao -
> are
(3) hoar hnndrod mils
Voting trees bogs to base Ole lli
alt years after wtflag oat atttil omit
harmer has packed 12 barrels from a
simile tree The orekeirdliets hers hi -
haw the moat approved aaaebei of alt-
►pa. celttwatlos. allowing &host 1M last,
19 @weir between the trees, plowlag ray
ggpgree=teLesraytaa os the most
Some of tae Swift of the Nova Sea -
tie orchards are sheeted at the out -
ern end of the Ianagearr Talley. In the
vie(ntty d gemtvillek Wg1vllle and
Grand Pre. ao that the wry rroamd
whirk'wlmawltme tied Gabriel
posed to lave trod M sh the
v ted+
before fief la etlealsd
blows snails; sad the mighty currents
of the tide -rare nw&Ia bear
themes& of b ewer the wars
s vee
eosinof the verse that bot the lar
leas Anaemia tato smite
1f ILvamgaMeo mold emir retort to
earth Masi and lama lar abet for the
first wet et Jame. atilt tl sew sad
M ebbe at Wirral Isla w•id
Sim let wee amdlmt elan
ems 'The Bassabo elf Slut Ideals°
Wel ail bevel la laser/ Pea." "& hob
IM Orel* ae tart. sae
Of course, you are going to "Paint"
this s spring. There's the bedroom, parlor or
timing room wall to be re-6niahed.
There are Floors to be painted, stained,
varnished or waxed. There's the Oil Cloth
or Linoleum to be made Spic and Span.
There's thelFtaniture mod Woodssorlesto
be brightened.,
Here are six " SPIC AND SPA
FINISHES that we can freely recosamosi
for this work :)
111/1111011r Flat Tints for the tfetllW
"WOW UC•' Varnish Stains
, lO Flooryarnish
"MUD WAX", for hardwood Gangs
armours ISM 'err, the (lid
'WAI IIE11r. to beautify sod prior(
Cloth and Linoleum,
We know that these, gam,
best of their kind. Tilly
(leads"—rod we guaranteB
p•ciaatl, ltatbsllied with
when you see any, or all. of thins
Taw* reser bepmtW! up
T•/, air Ma.
• all ot