The Signal, 1916-6-15, Page 5THE SIGN
L : G flDKRIOH : OWIA/110
T1117aaDAT. Jaws 14 1$14 g
! Vulcanizing !
1laned and operated by a practiced titan.
the ritderich Invnclt Iced Crus.
Forting acknowledges with thank.
the following don itionr : Lubes Guild
of l'br•iet church, Port Albert, Ills :
fall Can Secure a P.sitisa
If you take A Cutir a ttrth u4. The ,1e.
mond upon WI fon trained help ri of in!"
times the number graduating. Stu-
dents are entering rich wee -k. You
may enter at env time. Write at once
for our free catalogue.
1). A. McLACntA\, P:t,,.lual.
W. J. Thorohl. S2i.OJ I want collec-
tions, $"1913; Western l'anada Incur
Mills employees, 06;5; Sergeant M.
1'r it.•1rud. $r) l)). Tn.. regular month-
ly meeting will be held in the Red
l'ro.+ r'oo.u, on M )onlay, June !9th,
at . in.
Mans thtnke are due the following
ladies for .ticks received tiring th •
pa -t week : }lis. Montgomery. 1.1
pain: Mts. I3, faults. Mrs. Murray.
Sr , 3 twir, each ; Yrs. Peter McDon-
ald, t'i,u M. Clio k, Mts. Thos. lull,
Mrs. P. McLaughlin. Mt,. Goldthorpe,
OP., Mn: Daniel:, Miss EVA Bark,
pairs each.; Mil. tinkle", Mar. .Law,
Miss Loftin Murray, Miss Augn.ta
Ilunfslvv. Mrs. W.11••r. Nils* Dark.
Miss Rhynes. Mr*. 11. Young, Mrs.
II Melts, Mil,. McKinnon. Mitt.
t arliul, Mrs, Cert. Mr+. I1.' J. M..
Ewan, Mr.. W. E. Kelly, Mts.1,Mtrait-
00, or., 1 pair each.
.717e )Yew j-rulr t Store
Fruits or All Kinds in Their Season.
Fresh Strawberries
California Fruits
Fresh Vegetables-
L_•t:u, c, .\ajau•agu•..
u.lw Cabbage. toadish.•,, ere.
Imported from Italy. (;ooI) FOR VOCR lfl-: 1I.
Imported fnnn Italy.
Goods delivered to any part of the town.
JY. ,97essand ro
N. 11. ---Our store is open all day 1Vt.ln.•.ttaya.
The foundation is not the
most important thing
True, you cant have a good barn without a good foundation.
but don't forget either that the roof has to stand most of the
punishment Upon it falls the burden of resisting the
destructive influences cf weather and changing seasons.
Now, the question is "Where em I goi.g to find a roof
which will meet these conditioner Certainly not in wooden
shingles which have rapidly deteriorated during the past few
years. Not in anything so perishable as wood, ncr yet iron,
which lets in driving rain. but ether in a permanent mineral
composition such as Brantford Roofing,.
Now, let us look at a secticn of Brantford Roofing. First,
you notice it has n pure, M i -fb ed felt hale. This is
thoroughly saturated with a El:er coat cf asr halt c'r r.:inera>I
pitch Then it is given another coat F'Inaly, the surface is
thickly covered with crushed slate. You can imagine what
a job rain, snow, fire or heat would have penetrating a roof
WIZ that. As for comparing
Water-a Roofing
wllf difyee nn the score of permanency, or protection, or
appom lee, or even economy. there in no comparison. You
iri• Illeatford Roel(on owe, and it will last as long as the
os will always look well and It will Dever need
Mt in wsnseaeyd Y istw.T.. waY..wit ic
daOMNneWo w ht k,hs..xur...
g.f cwt kora w Mw teal w will gladly sealedsealed.sunt. s
Wenn w.kisser•.
Brantford Roofing Company, Limited
Brantford, Canada
Sold by *. R.' PINDER
Loses His left Hand.
An unfortunate accident occurs ed at
the Paget grain door factory ors Wed-
ne. day •nes noun, when Mr J .roes
Steele, of !Ultima, had his lett band
aminated easy. Ike wrist by a ow tug
cut -oft saw. I)uerors were .utoewut d
and toe injured tan reeeivedfproutpt
attention. although'uiwisg roost 1•
erably from .hock, Mr. Steele'. a G.
tion was ieptuted tut* to ,rnu.g as
The Guelph Excursion.
Threxeunion to Guelph 1.,t Marur-
day under the auspice. of the West
Huron Farmer• lustitite carried VI
pa'sengen Vt ttte Royal City. Lite
wratber in the afternoon was very
favorable tit a thorough inspection of
the Model Farm. A few of the ex-
cursionists" took advantage ..t the
privilege of remaining over Sunday
in liurlph, but the in.joruy returned
on the .awe day.
The H. O. B. Excursion.
It has bon tie illy decided to hold
the excursion of the Huron 01.1 Hoy.'
A•„rr iationr of Torun[. on M&iurdey,
July Sib. The trate will base Turman'
at about 7.15.► m. arid will lie divided
at e)ttatfued, part a it going on to
Sarnia. The tiotjerich section will
arrive at its destins! ion shout 12,noon,
.and the Salmis ....-t' ab'tt 1 p. nt.
.peanut train will I••,tvefi • terich on
Monday ev g A: tl ...-I .:k for Tor-
For Motor Boat Patrol.
Mr. A. M. Glove., of the East street
gat sire, i,t proper. -d to receive 'police -
tions for enlistment. in the service of
the It.yal Naval Auxiliary .Mot...'
1.11•11 Patrol Mix hundred turn with
a knowledge of gaierline engine.' are
wanted from Canada. They will re-
ceive a thornttgh training in ibis par-
ticular line. at 1'..: tssivaa' h lwto.e gu-
oat active service, ti.ut.l pay and
other rxcel'rnt inducement* Carr of-
fend all such sec" unit
Death of Miss Wright.
Thttraday of last week witnessed the
close of a young life when Leah. foot th
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
%Villiant Wright, passel away at the
h,.we of Mr. William Johnston. New-
gate street, with home. 'ohs had made
her home. She had been i11 for sev-
eral months. The funeral took ul*ee
on Sunday afternoon to Maitland
cemetery. Rev, 1V. K. Hager conduct-
ing the services. The pallbearers were
Wm. Tait, deo. Beacom, H. Smith
and Leo Deteuery.
Another Old Subscriber.
Still another old reader of The Sig.
nal is Mrs. James Rome, of Axe Lake,
Muskoka, who will be eighty-eight
veers of age on the 20th ot this month.
!Mrs. Rome was formerly a resident of
Colborne township tut moved to Mus-
koka thirty-thee•e years ago to• live
with her sons. John and James. An-
other urn Brew at ',bronco and her
only daughter is Mrs. \Vm. Bogie. of
the Lake Shore road. Colborne. Mrs.
Route is well and hearty and reads.tbe
Dews in the old home paper eagerly
each week.
Who Smashes the Lamps ?
For some time past the water and
light a aunnissionei a hays leen an-
noyed by certain vandals who persist.
in smashing the tungsten lampoon the
Salttord hall. These lamps have been
replaced several times and at the meet-
ing of the commission last Thursday
evening it was deckled to offer a re-
ward of $ln for information which
would bad to the conviction of the
pen Aro guilty of this offence. The
cnmmiesicners expressed the hope that
the residents of Saltford would co-
operate in the efforts made to stop the
contemptible practice.
The Greyhound E•cural i'.,
The annual exc,rrsion hiF (.1 the
areawrr Ureybuucd iron Uoderi_ s (.0
Detroit pan patroalzed by about 3*)
trnm this section `00 Tuesday of this
week On the trip to flotWich on
Monday upwards of 'Sin residents of
the City of the Straits, many of whom
wets fossoetly residents here, took ad-
vantage of the trip to spend a few
day. Ib Use old town. The moonlight
excnrtioo on Monday evening was a
vety pleasant outing and was enjoyed
I.v ago dly number. Wet tickets being
sold. The weather throughout the
seek was ideal for such an outiug.
The Sautts Coal (:o.
Messrs. McLnnagh A Gledhill have
sold their opal heroines* to Meson.. R.
J. and Walter W. Sauna, who will
continuo it under the style of the
Mantas (',nal Co. The new proprietor.s
ate both w.11•known residents of
Goderich and the erns will nn douht do
a go.,! boniness. They will handle.the
celebrated Lehigh Valley coal and
other article§ dealt in by their pre-
decrsforr. Mr. Gledhill it now inter-
ested in the -production" problem.
having taken the MacFarlane faro, on
the Hayti, -1.1 road, UMlerich township.
We have not learned what Mr. Mc-
Donagh'• plane ate.
1. 0 O. F. Officers.
Huron Lodge, No. It. I. O. O. F..
has elected the following nfllcerw for
the ensuing tax months: N. (i., Thos.
Wallis ; V. li , Waller Pinder ; te-
rording secretary, Hairy Martin:
financial secretary. Dr. W. F. (:lark
treasurer, O. C. Whitely. B C. /dun-
ning., 1'. U., was chosen at delegate to
the meeting of the (Grand Lodge, which
meets thi• year at Chatham.
A memorial o-rtice in honor of the
members who have passed away din-
ing the part year will be held in the
lodge rooms next Monday evening at
ti .: rktrk. Rev. .1. B. F otheringham
will he the speedier for the occasion.
1. Rheumatism cf the back.
1!e caw is 1 r•.• .\cid
in the blood 1t ti kid-
neys did their we, k there
soit, an L•ric ,1t :.! and
no Withislw %1....- the
k-ilateys woe;.. The
awe, *h* and only
c•:r.s for Lumbago .,
For the Dominion Day Parade.
All the merchants and ueanufaetur-
er. of lioderich are reyu. -•rd to mart
with the committee to charge of the
:u r.ugeurents for the Dominion Day
I, 'rade in the council ch (tinier nett
Tuesday evruing. The tradrs proces-
' can be made the newt interesting
and e•fT.ctive part of the procession
411.1 the committee hope, to interest
all in .1 general aebeme to have the
bn•inrs''J every sittesrchant and Mann -
tact tat rr reprewuted in the par.tde on
that date:"
Death of Mrs. R. R. bellows.
The announcement of ti..- ,bath of
%Ir 11. It. riallows on tit, [•day even-
ing was ieard with deep ,..t by her
many friends. Fur arae, .
5411•.ws. health had not , , 1, iobua.
Just a week before her dru.ise, after
returning from an entertr.inment on
the lru:ral school grounds. she w..•,
eIricxen suddenly with a tui:n ot para-
lysis which affected ber ,torch. On
Sunday she welt removed to Alexandra
hospital. and although she rallied
somewhat she was .uddeuly called to
ber eternal rest early on Saturday
evening. Mrs. Sallow'' maiden nine
was Flora McKinncn. Her birthplace
was at Tiverton and ber '..trent». Mr.
and Mrs. John McKinnon, were framer
resident* of Saltford. B.•aiders her sor-
rowing husband a family ,,f one von
and two daughters -Dario., Mrs. C. K.
Saunders and Verna -mourn the loss of
a kind and devoted mother. The
funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon
to Maitland cemetery. Rew. MacDougal
ILS, of. Elora, conducting appropriate
services at the house and graveside.
The pallbearers were Dr. W. F. G
low, Messes. A. D. MSLewn, .lames N.
'hoseson,l W. E. Kelly, H J. A-
cwan and George Stewart.
1W. C. T. U. Medal Cont.*t
The silver mrtl.l contrt under' the
*pic,. of the W. 12.-1P.'1i. in the
Tempe; Mice 11A11 on Friday evening of
hut week was a vett' tntri..tIngrvrut.
The toots -et. which was arranged by
Mot. (i. M. Elliott, who i♦ in 'merge of
this department of W. l'. T. C. work.
consiated of iw3competitions- reciting
and .inging. Moor who recited wets!
Mud 11 .welt. Elsie Reinhart, 11; rothy
We•tinreik, Vera L,tiw,r, Gladys
Murray and Dur i. Harris. lu the s DA_
ins; Agnew Smith, 1'%raaeu M t.hell,
Helen Howrie, Try Hunt. Aithur
Collie, Frraer Newell. Cecil Lynn And
E Iswood Robertson took part In the
reciting the judge. -,-Miss Clif-
ford. Miss Mc(isffey and Me. O. N.
Holmes -decided in favor of Maud
Howell as the winner of the medal. In
a.nouoeing the verdict of Use judg. s
Miss U,,f[or'd took occasion to compli-
ment ell the Dasa ij sots for their
splendid effort.. in ate stnr;iog con-
test, Mrs. W. K. Elliott and Masses H,6
dyed Mc(.'all and Ada McClinton, who
acted as judge., sw-atded the medal to
Agnes ISm,th. The pu'ticipanu in
both contests received pine of a pat-
riotic design as rmtsolatioe prizes. All
the songs were of a patriotic character,
while the recitations were expressive
of temperance sentiment. The wie-
ners in these two contest* will likely
take part in the g,•:,! medal Contest
which will be held at Eseter in the
near Tutu' e.
Cadwell and Flem,ng . C. P. R. Co.
Judgment was entered last week by
Nr. Justice ('lute *t OAgoode Hall,
Toronto, in the case of Cadwell and
Fleming • C. 1'. H. Co.. which wit.
Word .t the Supreme Cou.t sitticg.
in Uoderichearly in )lay. The action
woe W recover get'.*) dam•g.e en
abs plainulTs lands on the not thee!!
bank of the MaiiLud River, which
was alleged to h: cauttrd ty the diver-
sion of the bed of the river by the de-
ferdants in the construction of their
railway ■cro.s the liver. and f••r ir.-
jnnctions. The following i. tate ju•tg-
tnent :
"1 Pete' Gain no doubt ,ted find that
ale flow of water to the north and
the of ill., nr.rth rliAnuel
. and !he . to►i.:n of the north shote
Iwere each and 011 a,', ,'.rated and ir,-
deased by the molding 01 the err -
benkwent. .judgment for plaintiff
and damages assegais' 10 date of judg-
ment a1 1141111, and in a ,•e neither of
; the p...ti•e elect within thirty day.
Le bare a ieferenr.• a• to future dam
;ACM tea, then 1 a... -g etch turn,, dwm-
!ages at e3,Y0) In either case plain-
tiffs are entitled to (sato of action down
to and including i element. 1t-fer-
ence. of any, to the Matter at tied.
rich, ir. wh h as, furtherdireetion.
and coot* r f rerre reserved. 'Iltrr-
ty'days' eta ." •
Th. Circus.
Le 'Iona's big wild animal .hong
wee. thereat attraction in Iin•lerieh
last Malnt�sy and threw who attended
had the satisfaction of wwein„ a .h .w
o1 real neer it. Pei hep, of all the r., -
forgoing animist. the trained *PAIS
were the most interesting. The per -
(Arming noir, [.ears. lions and de-
phantg were seararly lees interesting.
while the horses in their high j)ump
ing and other "-levee arts, n .t forget
tine the ret,rnttioni.t and the trapeze
arum., predle.d a program which
fur is :realistic* email sot be s,
Ay the larger ,bows; The rural eon-
tpsuq ay melt rj.hs town, were
OstW• rehrewsnfeif of the afternoon
allow, while the ttreatenin g weather
in the .v.ning nn doaht pr,,ewt.d a
larger a•Ntwlaarw•
Beetwe's church. aesiated by Miss
Seeger. next Monday evening, June
19. at $ p. w. Silver collection.
dome of the boulevards -on West
street, tor instance--reyutt• eurpsoee's
attenttob. It is too had the appe r-
anc01 a whole street should be mar-
red by one .,r two bud patches.
Nr. 1•'. H. Martin, whd intends
going trrto hu.m.ees at Detroit, an-
mollove, • rale of hes tailoring good.
to commence on Saturday next. Nos
t by Aonuunrru rot in um' advertising
An incident ee•scritrd-in a privet*
letter that recently reached tlo.Ieriob
was that of a soldier reading it copy of
The Mlgna' In a trench at the trout
and i.ieut. Ernest Jordi., catchier/
sight of it, dropping Ids gun and -mak-
ing is rush to see tb. "old house paper."
A mother of Signals gu eae-b week
from ltd. ettlee to the addressees of
soldiery on reuse service. :end nodoubt
rn*nv more are forwarded by relatives
of the [nen.
A luso who for many years had a
pt'oluinent purr in political lite, Mr,
J, J. Hawkiu., of Branit'.rd, died re-
cently at the age of ueventyA•it years.
Mr. ltawkin. took a re. v active part
in the National Policy campaign of
the late 711', and afterwards war
known fu. many years as one of the
t`nnservative "war-horses" of Ontario.
Mr. Rohert,Henry, ex -M. P., of Wind.
sor (at present of (ioterilh), was in-
timately associated with Mr. Ran-
kin* for a number ••f years and he at-
fe•nt ed the funeral of Itis old friend.
Penslar Tread IKrssy Foot Powder
makes your feet forget. their l.••.
2') cent.. Null only .it t'asapis•II'.
l'enslar drug .tore.
OTes s&eid .tsars kap a
bottle or Ch,.tsb.rlsW• r
stomsal,.ad Lterr Tal
ea the Wit The littlefolk
w Alva a..d • IOW rend
safe eat*•rtie lad tAy de
lammed ofaau..wselle earl
misr..• w
teFor st.waak
troubl.saad cosiest adore
pine to lead. A eresds ca sand to
IJ1M111101101111 CB.10
w. Cab
Tao Ca lay le
You know boar eesaytlttng
costa moss nem jRrael?aec !O
bay on cess& gay exit
practice sed -denial for a while IInecesaaey, Nana Sayings Account
In the Union Bank of Canada, and with the moray in hand,
buy at Cash prices? The (::womb WO h, to swell your bank
balance, and you wall have mads a good start towards (amental
Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager.
CHURCH NOTES. I lltrutation of a yourg litterat.ur intros.
- - leeuterr*nt is worth reading an itselt
j het .penial inter . -t *tea chn to a
Rev. Mac1)uut 1 Uty of Elora. w. • thaua.. ralrewwew wised be tt+ewke of
the preacher In,Knox clturch Ltat gun- I ,e Dte of 1 he other ruamt,•rt of the claw
day attd Dr wan basad with great m-' wit!, whom h•• rook al the
tensa and pt.wuw. Hr remained in Itoyal Mchcul of Artillery at Ki, ttslun.
town until W, Jtir•day morning. . Mr. Dawson ware
The Rendon Cunforeauf,the Met h- I The old..( titan in the elves wan
Mist rhttrrh will 'siert at D las t't•n \lajor l.-wi., the •tenors %. 1'. for
tee church, London. text year. Toe , Guelph. lb. i- the man who intro.
choice of uu•rlitlg place was iwlweeu 1,ducrd the Ilavli;ht 11111. lie enlisted
London end lie*lerich. las fifty-eight years old, hitt he wall
Raw. R. J. Mcl'.,, rrtiek, of Ilnlnla.. really .it:ty-unr. Ile remitted time
sills, weal b• the sp2441ti,. al the Ep- hatter ie,ehsm-
worth iragu, in Ver 1, St:.•.,t Chorea j inq yonng 1' inatta, lir g .t .,it at live
Dext'rured ay evu.t,g reel y utorrciig, neve"
Far, • etteudancr i. le.irvsh never shirke.1 He Si t.l never ,o,.n
military life 1,`ft•re.'
"Thr ..t) ally' a •f sen•tialily" will
1 e Ker. 1V. K. 11 g .'s moo.ime sub-
ject in Nutth ..t,.e• \Iwihedi»t church
next Smithey. 1 the evening his sub-
ject win be • i1.... unriet Teach, 1'r
u Knoll: 11 ,.v ,l '1..y Ito in
Our Live-. 1i •i. ,t .ruing sera iee
Mn. U.11. 1 sink(, that old
faveoite sur ; . ..• 11
Major Lew .. :.--ran (?, M. P.
A recent i.sur , .e enaaAz'ne w-, -
tion of 1hr. New Y, • 1',,pt•s i'nnlait.•al
an interesting int. , • eve with C'oreings-
hy Dawson. the is It -known y ' )tt
novelist. Aft••r . v••..r ..f war curry.-
!ondence and fre.l..,•r sr•.r l•''rr•;,l
i• m In Hyland and the United States, -
;11r. t).,n•.on .u,.. . 1 •nada snit oat -
steed Ler arose ,et stet. ;'1 th • u.,o,
inn artillery. Tn.. .t.,, y of the i nor., -
Ahmewk tJhapte., 1. O. D. It., will
hokt it. register monthly meeting on
Mosday afternoon at 1 o'clock la the
soma hoses.
The ear ref Sal haft fess re alitwt!
Now ih. chain tete held del* the
Iain two months in ail of be Patriotic
Yuad. me twine promoting these
events hAps tea have 1 he eneNwned eo-
1fperetton elf rittno 1uttee of` hie town
lune,' .curt hasbeefreow,d.
j{ Art organ recital will bw Oven Ay
Mr l' P. M. (;arm.'•, o'g,nl,t of 131•
You will find relief In Zam Bt,k I
It eases the burning, stinging
pain, stops bleeding and brings
ease. Perseverance, with Zam..
Buk, means cure. Why not prove
this ? dfl L-agy N. clad St;,eu•-
aus oda
�a--� m�8�.
in the
Sealed lagltt-!rept right
t -•- 6.1
is sealed - that's the thing I
like about it. No matter when
or where I buy it, the flavor
is there -- u1I strength, and
it's fresh and el.. . An.
So i always make sure to
get Wrigley's in the sealed
package -- it's the greatest five
cents' worth of beneficial enjoy-
ment I can buy.
Officer Seel
be keep* thin
goody gout.
Write Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. Ltd.,
1'.rigle> Building. Toronto.
for free jingle! k by
the Spearruen.
it atter
every meal