The Signal, 1916-6-15, Page 44 t'Rvaso*T, Jcrra lbs ISIS ME SIGNAL GODERICH : ONTARIO SPECIAL ! Blue Serge Suit TO ORDER $2 • 0 00 Fine all -wool imported Blue Serge, bought over a year ago. Worth several dollars more now Inspection Invite(1 Special orders taken for Society Brand and 20th Century Brand Clothing See the latest pinched back style for young men waiter C. PRIDHAM About one hundred-' mend) •rs of Court Uoderich. No. 32 C. 0. F., at- tended divine eeryiee at Victoria al reef Methrdiii church last Sunday morn- ing, when the pastor, Rev. J. E. Ford, preached a sermon which was of spec - lel interest to the Foresters. The 1Uueitedarrvi.tltrae nett ttlented'by it trio number sung by Mr. J. A. Adams and bis two eons. DUNUANNON. MH Y. M. WHYARD is .gest ter '1 11 t MOM AL .1 thsapu saw. Order, tart • tut se ter sebsrrlytbe.. elverti•.mauta esu let labels, will It t• ire pruwpe aUealies. Tel.-pLut,e IOud.r t it a two r e& WI I)Ii oroar. Jud: It. Mot. T. E. Durnin and two gra, '- children have gone t, Torouw tilt. week. Mr. it. J. Risco:, of Treswater, i. visiting herr, the guest . f hi, si.tr.. M W.o. t•'prou . Mr. Harold Rivers &reitrd honor froth. the Nest last M.Utrdsy. We err glad to s. r Harold's tiutilist fare again. Miss Ida Weyand reti.rne,l I i -t week 1 New 'Valk and I)rtr.,it, where she had been visiting trieud. recently. A number from our burg attended the eirru. et (i elerich last Sttuidnv, and remit t h oving enjoyed the eh .w very well Tile i'ie ht•'.11: K i-A%vs SOCIAL -di ,, .ler. tarttes .cern to he the Order the day now. Here ere those billed for 1 he near Sit tut e : The Methodist uo the church Lawn on the ere 5 of Jour 2:i.d : the Angfcan on \lr. )'has. 11 oar,'■ lawn on Saturday evening, July 1.r. and the. Preshyterien on th- iian.r Lawti o•IAbe eti••uing of July .a h. It is wed lokesp Ila.• -r dates in mental y :ah i ettend them all. By so doing you help the oburches and help tit meal.• a 'lib -nail sods' spirit. A I'uoseeta,ta Ht'siNEaa.-Tris 1t•vet. \ alley Creamery ('o, repos, ;. tety gored bte,uteee.0 far this 111P1,1', This is rile rel Dungannon'. moat .ret • ces.ful concertos. The company draws c1.•,on froth alt points of the romps,.,. in the t iwn.hips of Auld •Id,('-iIhonir, Friel and Wert LVawauush end lens points moth of Liu:►now. 3t . A. P. 'Usher is the ctpaWe men.ger, Mr. T. 1(. Anderson i. Lite butter-wvket. and :t third partner in the firm is Mr. Ww. Beatty, manager of the Union Bink .t Hillebar.. `i if(A,L EXAMS. -To the _:.eeriee Mind this is pr, bshly the mad iull,url- ant gs•tit d of Isle. IL is at least the teetiug time. when all the efforts and tasks cf the year are to be put .to the test. and when ultimate liberation from school duties arrivee and cares of schisd-life are forgotten. Two of our pupils. Lillie Rrrington and Iva Feer, are writing on the senior grad- uation a1 (iodrtich this week. while next work Elm •r tthacklet on, W. Brown and It. Augu.tiue will write for junior gredn*Lion and the f.,llaw- ing for' entrance: 11. Frringtoo, F. Durnin, M. Oise'', I. Carr, N. Gomm. M. Pentlat.d, 1. McKelvey. J. Mather, A. McKenz e. A. Caldwell and F. Thompson. Miss L. Cumin and Mins K. Pentland will preside at the exam- inations here next week, while Plin• copal Kana will conduct It.:• saute duties at Kimtail. C 11.80RNE. ANNUAL Plestc.-Thr anntiel picnic under ter auspices of the l'nlborne Telephone Commission will be held at !MEM MBUNT= IN? Lrlr !ti learalrsksidm 11••••401"" Darr Rcadwe-If 1 can do say good la IL. world for others, 1 wish to do It, and I fad that 1t is or duty to write about the wonderful results 1 received from the rue of • Anurte.• 1 was suffering from kidney sod bladder trouble., scalding uNtr, backache and rheumatism. and feet ' and ankles swelled so that at thine t could not walk without asst-ta Pad taken several different hied, of kidney melodies but ail failed. 1 stns for a boa of Dr. Pierce's nosiest dis- covery, •Anurle,• which 1 received by mail to tablet form. l soot gut better and am convinced that this popular new m dleine Is good. 1 wish to tee- ommenu 11 to my neighbors and every- body suffering from Itch troubles, Mas. 1L J. SasruEST. • Hari: You've all undoubtedly bawl of the famous [h. Pierce aro( his well- known moitclnea. W.111, this prescri tion is one that bas bn sum_-sfully ee • used fur many years by the physicians and specialists at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Ityffalot N. Y.; for kidney complaints, and dis- eases ieeases arising (tom disorders of the kid- neys and bl er. ouch as backache. weak back, r tile. dropsy. l:•.give lion of the kt a, Intlammat1 .n in the hiadil r. It:aiding 'urine, and unwary trouble.. L:p So t1:* time, "Atonic' has not hese ou sale to the put.ltc, but b the •yy,xr�r,suastbn of many patients and the Nen-H.0d deu.aid for the womlerf•d beefing Tab: -•t, Doctor P:era, has t,::,tidy decided to put it into the stores, or send 1) tents far large trial package ur SO tents for full treatment Simpiy ask for Doctor Pierce's Anttrie Tablet.,- There can be no an:tattoo. Every package of "Anuric • is sure to bel Dr. Pierce's. You will bud the signature on the package Jost as you d., on Dr - J atvnte Prescription. the ever- ; 113 friend to ailing women. and 1- , Pierces Holden Medical Discovery. proven by years to be the greatest goo- oral tonic and rearorutructor her any now besides being the beat Wood -maker. knows I 'tthe Maitland It ver, Benmiller, on • „Poly Is'. Preparations are h•in/t'nude 110 give everyone who attends a good time. FA1tMER4' CLOD MRETINt:.-A meet - in;; of the F,ouirr.' ('lab will he held at the Thum -ranee Hail, Itnnwiller,on , friday evening.: trd inst., and will be I addressed hv a speaker nom the Prc- viticial Department of Agricult ire. A general invitation is extended for this 1 wort inti. ASHFIELD: 1 EVERYIntity- l'I,ME !-A garden party , and 1 suer wider the altspeeei of the l.1-hileld H.•idirr•s' Aid end Red Cows It•ircle will be held on the grounds of William Carey, Division line, on Wed- nesday evening, July nth. Supper will he ort red frost 11 to 14 o'clock, after 1 which • good program will he given. Mr H ,beet Wil -on, of Toronto, hu. morons enter•ainee. the Ringsbridste r retests *.ns& otter fits' -close Labial: •wIWI'uke'part`"Th e pioeeeds'Sill 'he' i used fur Red Cross purposes. Admix - , Flinn, including supper and program, i',• -.i: ; children 15c. CLOSING OUT THE BUSINESS $1,700.00 Worth of the Finest Woollens TO BE SOLD AT ONCE. EVERYON E must realize the scarcity of good cloth today, with the consequent increased prices, which are going higher every month, You can save from $4.50 to $6.00 on every suit or overcoat length you buy at this sale, and have the goods made up where most suitable or convenient to you. If so desired, I will cut and make up anv goods purchased. For e Ladies Do you want a good black I X11 hue Serge Suiting ? We have rolls of it to close out by the yard, any length desired. EVERYTHING MUST (i0. I WANT THE COST OF THE GOODS ONLY. THE PROFITS ARE YOURS. Blue and Black Serges, Fancy Worsteds, English and Scotch Tweeds, Suitings, Overcoatings and Pantings. This Is the greatest opportunity ever presented to buy these absolutely guaranteed old -dye goods. 8T. HELEN& TUasDsy. June 12. Mae Mary Little. of Morniagton, was Isoase over Sunday. Mie. Jeaswtt. ).tale left for Toronto and Montreal oo Monday. Pte. Baser, ad the Bruce Battalion, lett fur tai d.lo on Monday. Wee tl. w wa• a visitor et Mr■. R. 1�, /�, .i . over Sunday. Mrs. C. I t ret slit Maas Myrtle spout the-wwek rad at WLtghem. A wuagker of our cat sen- toot in the airweat Wing haw on Monday. Mr. C. i)tru(n is ettrudsng the Synod semetinn at London thi. week. 3111.11 Nine tVo,.ds Iett;rwrJ from Stratlosd Normal axhaul on '!'bun- d. y. Mrs. Adam' Gordon and Mrs. G. 11, Scrat-, of Detroit, called on friends ou Tuesday. Pte. Taylor, of the 13S'h Batwlion, Landon, 1a *pending a few drys with Mr. D. Todd. Tire Woos -n'r Inst lute I ecsive l it cheek for $lo, the awouut realised from the .sir of otter-. Lire are pleased to know that Misa Clara \Voods, wen has been very ill with pneurnonia, i• improsing. MI*. D. Todd and children left for Pgtoi, Mich., on %Vedneeday to spend a few weeks with the former', mother, Mo.. Neely_ KIPPEN. \Vs:DNF.sD.t V. June 7. Mrs. lticharLhein, of 11rotsl.tocl, is visiting her aur, R •v. John Richard - moo. in the manse byre. Mr.. \V. H. Johnston attended the brwnrh tns'e'.ing of the W. M. S. et lit. Thomas but ori 1. She reports a large atteodanco hath i s vet y profitable Rat he, ing. The tonere! of the lair Mrs. J is. Workman, of tit• Pair lite, pa,*eJ throogh our village on Tortoise of this wrrken the way to Ilene/111 Union cemetery. Her son, Rev, Ilea hert %VotkMae. 11 char Kingston, was h for the louvre!. At o Errs CALL -her. Jim. Richard- son received an .11.110.1. balani nlnto mill from the Reindeer and Misr Creek charg••s, which he h t. e-eroed. Hr is t, r,e inducted int . his new chaige the tit st week in July. Mr, Richard - Goo is a most faithful winker and pis - tor. He will certainly be wised here and at Hills Green. A' a late meeting of the "\Voi wit's \Itssionary Society the member* from 11 11s (green pre- sented Mrs. Richardson with an ad- drest and a Crautiful essay chni • as a token of their esteem and affection for het . \\ EDt5•+D.ty, .tune 11. Rev. E. G. Powell preached an ex- cellent sermon a.1..ng tb.e lune of en interment of the Canada l'eniperance Act last Ruflday in the Metbtaast ehut ch. His top rt is must encourag- ing. M. McARi.ter. of St. Augustin'. motored down , ti Tur•.day and to. k hark it ith Lind tot a few day, visit his sister. Mee. iu1.kilister 01 Woad- stock. his nephew, Rev. J. Itichaed- J. H. COLBORNE Fascinating Fancies in Collars Everything new iu Neckwear is herr for you to choose from. Georgette Crepe is very fash- ionable for Collars and we have then) iu many styles and each one new. Burnt-out Organdy edges are very dainty in the several )hues we have in stock. We have just what you have been looking for. Silks for Dresses, Waists and Suits Silks are very fashionable and Taffetais espec• ially good in navy and black. Ixt us show you our beautiful :341 -inch Taffeta at $1.3.i a yard. Black and colored paillette and mou.nalin, Silks in several qualities, :.(i inch., wide, ani just what is needed for waists and dresses, at $1.2•i,$1.3iand$1.50ayard- Heavy black coating Silk, ::6 inch_, wide, in peu-de-soie at $_' 25 a yard. Cotton Fabrics for Summer Wear White Voiles in stripes, figures and plain cloths fur dainty waists and dresses. Colore.I stripes are exceptionally good for summer wear in Voiles, Organdies and Muslin,. Our stock is complete in these Tines and the pat- terns are the newest. Large floral patterns in dainty colorings on plain and seed \"vales, 40 inches wide, at from '_',c to 50c a yard, are here for your selection. Hosiery That Gives Satisfaction Two hairs for 25c. These Stockings are won- ders at the+ price. Get in line bi fore they are all gone. Silk boot host that are silk,, in black and colors. at 25e, :::ic .and .'glc a pair. Si'k lisle Stockings in black, tan anti white at awl alk• a pair. 1:.o Scout heavy 'Hose in all sizes for boys si, a pair. 1': ince-s rib Stockings for girls in all sizes t 250: a pair. J. H. COLBORNE QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS LIED SCIENCE N oickshne Wetaagg Cb�rw�tcsl. ClibI, ,sees *soca cad taca.r>r Eogiacertsg. MEDICINE devise tt. Woe Woes ..ta b• aesstaawin wise is loesici HOME STUDY carte, ep••oefn tan st ee to �deaanag to ags- .tc mast.etesd owe sea. SLAMS SCHOOL ester. onerww JUL N eco 61.1005T waoutaew 4 sans and Mrs. R ciswsfeees, • .. ••\Va•rInnen, what of the night'?' .... \l s. }, lith (]len, of the (.. C. I.. spent the week -end al borne. MYE YOU WEAK LUNGS? Do colds settle on vour chest or in vour 1 PORT ALBERT. i oochaid tabs? Do coughs hang ou, or are you subject to throat troubles? flush troubles should have immediate gostment with the rare curative powers of Scott's Emulsion to gnarl against consumption which so easily follows. Scott's Emulsion contains pare cod liver sail which peculiarly strengthens the res- piratory tract and Improves the quality of the bloodi, the glycerine in it soothes and heals the tender membranes of the throat. Scott's is prescribed by the best special- ists. You can get it at any drug store. Scott a Boone. Toronto. Out. AUBURN, WEDNE.D.ty, June II. Mr, Geo. Sutherland, of Hen.ell, spent Sunday here with Mr. H. stur- dy. Messer. Ifowion t Lawson have -laced their sawmill, having finished their cut of logs. Mrs. Koury McBrien has returned to her home at Detroit after visiting her relatives the past week. Mts. Helwig is moving ber furni- ture to Mr.. Suiylie's house in order to give Mr. M. Dyer possesti in• Mr. and Mr.. Riddell and children. of Galt, ate 'pending a week with the lady's uncle, Mr. V. H. Patterson. it is retorted that Rev. A. Ling and Mr. ('o,.rad Schultz have each purchased an auto to assist them in tln•ir labors. Mr. John Tewsley, of Windsor. came up on the Greyhound excursion and called no his old friend* here. He is looking well. Mrs. Robt. Jones and Mrs. Stsecbie end children, of Regina, arrived on Friday to 'prod the summer with their mother. Mrs. C. Helwig. Mr. W. 1'. Riddell took an auto - toed of tarruhers of the Canadian Or- der of Fnteatrrs to the funeral of Wm. [see, of Londesborough, un Mon- das'. \VEnntn.-The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson Ives the arena of a quiet wedding on Wednesday morn- ing, when their daughter. Miss Maud, and Mr Henry Fioleon were united in marriage. The voting couple will visit relatives at Windsor and other points helot. raking up housekeeping at Clinton. The heat wishes nI t heir many friends accompany '.hem in their matrimonial vesture. CARLOW. SALE STARTS AND CL SES \\'tz.. .tT. June 1,. SATURDAY l�Ile TUESDAYJune 7 DEATH ns JnnN (Marg'..-- We wets army to hear of the death of Mr. John (green, of Port Huron. Mr. Green wee 5 .on of Mr. Ikiphew Green, of, Loyal, and we unite In extending toi the bereave) relatives our heartfelt) ey moat h v. J.rrTItn' -Mr. and Miss Forman, of \Vootl.ta ek, who had been .isillag at the home of their aunt, al re. Allen Willson. ret•irn.d horse on Ttw-.,lay A nuinher from Ihie neighbor- hood tool in ter exenrsion to Guelph last Saturday .. Mr. \Vm. Warsoo is commencing work nn hie new bowie this week . _Tier W. M. S. niet on Wednesday at the hawse of Mrs. [.Mc- Bride.... . Mr. JN. (1allegb.r and eona are putting a eemwt fonadatiw under a shed adjodiwlts fbefr Lunn .... We ase Rhtd t0 fear that IPM. Thom. Hamilton, oeb0 Isar beau eery 111, Is fhelt g ninth WNW nos. A. Laing promised e� �tg was wMM7. (Eft t REMEMBER THIS IS NO "FAKE SALE. • I AM POSITIVELY GOING OUT OF THE TAILORING BUSINESS. OPEP. EVENINGS. NO GOODS CHARGED. . H. Main Britain Takes Over the Wool S.pply of illi. l�ls•rial ('aMe Ih•spnt. 1. 10 The (Hotel IA, .ox. Joni. s. Int army horsier 1.0,1,1-41 -.I t,slay pnohihlt• the pins -now or vale of British or )rich wool of the 1111f1 'wanner. BEDFORD BLOCK. Ooderich. Tt'ESDAV. June 13. Sias Norte. -Mr. John Nrleon, of Buffet , ia visiting with his ur vie, Mr. Nelson Pearson Mr. and Mra. John Schoenala, of Clinton, nude a Hying visit to the Port one day last week . A number from three parts tock in the circus in town lest Satur- day George Green has recently sold his share of the threahing•uu- chine t . his son Jack, but we may feel slue that when the whistle blows George will 1e Johnny -on -the Spot again .... Mn. Nelson spent the week -end with her daughter, Mn. Taman, Biyth Mrs. Robt. Hey, we are sorry to report, ie on the sick lira at present. \\'e all hope for her speedy recovety Jack Burrows recently received a letter from his buother ).inn, who is busy fighting in the treuches. By all reports Linn it feeling hale and hearty. t3LYTH. WF.DNItaDAb. June 1l. AN OLD RESIDENT DFPARTa.-Thr death occurred on Sunday evening of Jsnrt Marr, widow .4 the late (:eorgte McGowan. The deceased was one of the pioneer reeidente of this section. She was horn in Halton county iu the year 1tC31 and was married to her bete husband its 1Hi4 and came to Kest WVawanosh, Locating on the 2nd con- cession. )ler heshand died in lt4b and this last erten years oh. had been a resident of Blyth. She was the mother of three boys and five girls, of whnur the following survive: Mrs. Arthur Steinhoff and Miss Janet, of A Great 30 Day Slaughter Sale at Walters &' Co. s Boot and Sloe Store We here to redeye rw,r .tock to make rens for other med• coming and will therefore put on this seiigg Sale. Haring bought our grsoo� at the old prices we are enabled to give yogi • big discount tor vonr money. Yon will bay some of our Roots and Shoes at le.s than the maker's price. We sled beet Tonka, Suitcases, L''Iib bagh• eh'. • This .jolt frill leaf osely.10 drays, rommenriste Pritlfry. Jake 1611,, 'rrl.f ewefinuine ntultfl LSa asnfoll..1a111 1. IA. Do sot as thi. opportsnitr. All leather gook are hard to get nod Mt be very mach higher in price. Sawa repairing guaranteed *40.- fettery. We will put on Ladies' Rubber Heir for it and Mea'. for $le. Walters & Co. Serceseers to 1 H. McCli ten OODRRiCH PROVE wit GOOD! Will be Better We take this npport unit • to express our apprecia- tion of the mane complimentary remarks on our open- ing day display of Furniture an.l house Furnishings. As yet our stock is scarcely halt complete, but by Ange+,t tat are hope to have everything in readiness .a for a *rasa ,tpea snit,. -whew tots will•gineslhse pimple of Goderich the privilege of inspecting one of the finest Furniture' stocks in this country. Preparations are proceeding apace for the OPENING OF 01.1?- Undertaking C'R Undertaking Department which vii:1 be the last word in efficiency. Walker's Furniture : Store W. Walker, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Phone 89 GODERICH C. KLOEPFER, LIMITED, FOR Auto S,,ppl.es, Paints, Varntehes. Top Dressing, Auto Spates and Rims. Handles, Locks, Hinges. Covenngs, Carpets. Lock Washers. Celluloid We also carry a heavy stock of Bar Iron. Steel Hoops and Bands. Bolts. Nuts and Rivets. KLOEPFER'S service is the best service, and means unmediate delivery from ,rocs. C. KLOEPFER, Limited, 44-50 WELLIN3TON Sr. EAT. TORONTO, ONT ALSO GUELPH Birth : Mn. Won. Kichmon I, of Win. Puplestoae k (;ardian's store the , nipeg ; William, Hobert G. end Alex- lane two years. 1 -ft oo Monday to tate ander, of East Wawanosh. The fun- a position in the wbol•wala drygn..4a eral took place to the Union centeto ry hon.. of (fordon, Ns( kat A 1'., , Tor - Uri. afterna a, Rev. Mr. Abery, ut 001^. Londetboru', conducting the services. - PttHnv aoat. AND IiPSNENAL - Mr. and 1 Mrs. J. B. 'I'iereay, "Orchard Lodge," Blyth, announce the engagement of thou• eldest dsotirhter, Margam Lout**, to Ur. J. A Mcf'aggar1. of Blyth, the startiege to take place this th. Gertrude, the little daufthter ret Mr. H. A. Th unto, had themisfnrtnne to fall over the htetstrade in her home one day last wok and break her arm. The injured member is improving as spidly as could be ex ;ironed . Miss Edna Carr, M ire Angrier, ('aliforni*, le viarting telatiyte here. ..lean. Lake. of Oshawa, is *faking her stater, Mrs. Jo. Carter. and brother, Mr. Areb. Taylor. ....Rev. W. H. Haw- ks. is at Lente:uw this week attending 1 S nosebag of the Anglican Synod. •ra'epatwtiOM are twin mart• 1 ,. sirs Tuve* of July 1wkhralon in Turner tend• ing the Presbyterian l:.neral Arietewhly at W, n.irseg. ]fey. Mr. Abery, of I4.ndees'r,ry , oernpied this ppwulpit of Mt. Andrew's chorrh lot Sunder ,. ..Mr• Roy *none, of Barrie, is •isiting at gm home of her parent., Mr. and Mrs Win. Moon.• Mise Wady. iwnndy h is I. - turned botse flour the Stratinrd Nur- i anal Oebwok hawing nems reed her ' emerse sucera.fully Mr, Wilton% flMUord. who had bee -a elerking b I Spring Styles In Footwear Both fashion and good tastt demand suitable shoes for dyer) occasion. The new shoes for spring enable you to indulge this taste without extravagance. And with the charm of var het' and correct s1) k they (-nenbirte moderate price. \lye want year to see the Beautiful creations We are now showing. REPAIRING Geo. Mqc Vicar North Side Square GGDRRIrH INV set •i 0