The Signal, 1916-6-8, Page 8a TRTNUID kV. 3 t'1 Mapleware Lunch St1s, volt appropriate f•.r all octI wr.r1., camp or cottage. Just th thing for the auto, done up in uc lots. containing the following : K dimer plates 3 large segetil.le or salad di.he- 2 large pleat to sandwich platter. t. bandy side shale+ 6 ,.it and pepper ,Itnhe- 1'2 aanitars 10. .i.:- 6 wood fibre n th:ir- 1 w•siwl fiber table :over All dishes. 111..lr frout one piece genuine sog.tr maple. They won't leak -They won't wilt -- l'tsey ate strong -Thr) are awn - nosy. 1,►, .. set alt•! . onthe.r.reeytlewml F'a. .:un. 1'n clxr, ,,. ... THE COLONIAL ROOK STORE Cee. Poi ter USE PEN SLAR TREAD -EASY Foot Powder for tired, tender, aching, sweating feet. IT WILL GIVE GREAT COMFORT. 25c A TiN at the Penslar Store only James A.Campbell Pian. B CE.\TRAL DRC•G STORE N..rih St. and Square Goderich se rIfu.stti 'PHHONES. Res. MN MacEwan Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON iCOAL ifor Goderich j and District. Best Coal Mined. THE SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO THE TOWN COUNCIL. Mmicipal Bustaess Transacted at Rets• tar Meetrag on Fr.ray. Ali ti.e members of the town court- ed. with the rxcep.tua of Mayor Mc - Loan, who was out it tour. wt re presrut at the trgida' mart mg last Finlay lay rvruisg. Reeve N ,tui wise von. d t e the chair. The report of the ,tort iuspeclor for the u, 'lith of May was x I,t to (be public woi les committer. A rep.ut of the tax collector shoa- 1 tog the names of all taxpayers in arrearo swat refrirett 1u the finance conwu,ltes. • The minutes of the Nest Shore Rail- way meeting at KIot•ul was read, and with the .uggestiuu of Councillor Musutngs that all the timber ou the tight -at -way should be sold was re - felled to the special committee. Coun- cillor Manning. alleged that it had be- come the (0,1001 to • lion t v. ' thi+tim- ber and lit many rams petsoms bo do- lor eietlleoted to return it A it,luest from Mi. M. L. Alter, - smolt. tot a I.etllat's license for ail utenth- wan Islet -tett to the special Conitmttcr. A feller from the 1111 TrlrpLoue Cott. f• illy it -led for veru Ruston to creta ta•i,e and w 11 rs on cel 1 tilt streets. t;.0^cillots Palttidge and Wallis moved that the matte& lir referred to the special committer: Councillors Mont -Inge and N ikon moved in awrndwrtit tbat the request lie grat.led, the poles and wires to be erected under the outset vision Of lbs idlest iu,M•ctor and the chairman of the public wntka eoWWtttee. '11.e autendment earurd on the fol- lowing division : 1'..i'oiIlis Wallis, Wilton. Moser • ---' and \l onniugs voted ),-a, nod Couto- rill, 1, t\ 1gte, Patti idge and Deputy Reeve Laitbweite voted nay. The original motion was lost on the salmi diets teversed. J. It. Colborne requested permission to use a portion of the sidewalk for eight or ten days during the time alteraliens are being nude to his stole. The request was granted. W. J. Lanoan asked permission to enusttuct a garage and coal shed on his property. The iequest was granted, the work to be done under the supervision of the street inspector acid the chaitwan of the fire commit- tee. J. T. Aiundel, C. P. R. superinten- dent. wrote the council concerning the leasing to the town of a portion of the company's tracks in tront of the towns freight sheds. The letter -was referred to the harbor committee. The finance committee recommended in its report that the Collegiate In- stitute board be paid $1.lA) on the 11116 levy ; that the Hydro debentures is- sued under bylaw No. 23 of 1913, now held by the sinking Lund, he adver- tised for sale by tender, all tenders to he in by .Thursday, June 13th ; that the sum of $ ,ii1.9i, due the sinking fund Jot the "ears 1914 and 1915, be paid,itr full, T6s- -report. wan -adopted, The special cowtuitlee reported that artist's tents had been made with the La Tena circus to exhibit in ('tderieb i on Saturday, June lmtii, for a license tee of $I:' and for the use of Agricul- tural Pat under the supervision of the street inspector- for S:30. In the ono tri o: .upplying new uniforms for :hr pistol- it W , tel" otuttrended that, stir iL.et mud sergeant be allowed the sum of 111:4' etch. for cont and two pairs of Iron-e•t- each, the design and cloth to meet with the approval of the 614n -torn of the committee. The public w el 1• „ -s committee recom- mended That cows 1•e' nllnwed to pasti- me on Agticohnl.sl Path at *1.'24 per il lu•mlh, cult• at all times to be tiel to it I .- eke. Th,• vomm•i:ter Reported • : further aha• i had otdered _ii feet of • •tx•inth sew, 1 pipe and recommended that the ulat1,1 of -nnatt acting „ tinder walk. n the west sitar of M:uk•t -tire t and ,r- planking the lace tea, t. Loi June,_'" h re Ictt with the (bait man of i1,.• ..risiiiitter. The repeat wit, ad. tor,'. • Deputy- 'trey,. Laithwkiie wade s ,1,mt ion, whlt11 was •tc„nrtrd by ('ouu- edloe Wigle. that the eh+titnom of the tat k. -rt. lllll Wite and the rat tinker of the ( 1 house pas k be iti•ti uctt11 t.s retain thr oath hem Iu*e in pw1 nth• ss het e tl.e Lew grits"'wooltl to; 1•• damaged, 'iii. . introit •s(re it that „evel yMui K i� ., d 1� dnn e ii a. s. Fatin event tePulsri; erentnall the cotiw: '• :t, td wink of. lie,.uti R y ly. duan kvinrf trouble in aomv tnrm iditi-or 7 x lirik A beautiful complexion -how to Insure It - The regular use of Lifebuov .oap insure:; a healthy, clean glow- ing s'sin. And because it is healthy. your com- plexion wiil be clear and velvet like. The mild arholic odor van i.�'ie. after us:, leaving a sense �t ut : cy.1: anliaas r. U Gnaws iris LIFEBUOY HEALTHY SOAP �. Any quantity hest all Maple Slabs. Mixed Y\ t (sl, Hemlock and Kindling ter dal or Pine.) TELEPHONES office residence • 12 or 6E \.A -DRU -CO Toilet Cream CREASELESS An elegant 1 t• I swt.etly jtetfowe .l w'i'.I ,.i. ..t May ewes.. lmttnediat,•ls n 1 .,'11...,1. I*Asiuga mels•s It•t't1y harenl. • t delicate -kin. 11 ., oli•n1c)i.l 1•n (bap. ntnl ,nnl•urn, PRiCE - - 25c and 50c SATURDAY WILLARD'S CHOCOLATES f..rkdipt. rn ('mads. Regular 40c for 29c Ib. A. L.CaId%eil,Phm.B. C. I. 1 Cwulti.. Phone 1:. Sheet Music Music Books Less Than Cost. 2000 sheets vocal and strurnental Music to sold at 0 cents per copy or 3 copies for 2 cents. As space will not permit the name of each being published, we suggest that you call and look over the lot. Music Folios, regular price ic. (1 C. A great opportunity for musicians and .•m u s i c teachers- Sale• of Music to be continued untif all of this lot is disposed of. Two slightly used Piano - case Organs, good as new, at bar- gain prices. and in - be THOMSON'S MUSIC . S7',•!TIf)NER}" STORE EAST WAWA1'IOON. )Jo!lDAT. June S. D[AIU t;+s' MRs. J. B. Trtutexx. The auoouocetueat of the sudden death of Agnes, inhered wife of Mr. J. 8. Tyreeme, nu Sunday,ey Mat. was received throughout this towo- abip with deep regret. Mrs. Tyree/en had not been in the best of health for some time, but she was takes to bed only is Lew days prior to her death. I)ec,ased was ut • quiet diepoettion and was respected by everyone who Mid the pleasure of ber acgyaint•ocr. She moved with her husband from HuUett township to Bast lVawanosb about seventeenears ago. Besides her sorrowing husband she is survived by bee aged mother, Mn. Denboo, who resides in Huron township, near Kincardine. Mr. Ed. Dawson. of the Lake Shore roal just south of Kincar- dine, is a brother. The funeral, wbich was held on Tuesday to Kincardine cemetery, was largelyattended. Rev, U. D. Thompson offciated owing to the absence of her pastor, Rev. Mr. Hibbert. who is attending Conference. IN TUN Dort or THE Pttw[>ta,-It is sixty -Ave years sines the origin- al Woods family t •f which Mr. James Woods of this township is a member) look up their residence in East W awe - nosh. They came from Carleton county by way of Hamilton to (lode - rich and thence to Auburn. At that time it was a dense forest Irmo Auburn to the homestead, and when the family arti.•ed at the Liver they had bo being their belongings across on simmer a1 a point about where the dams haw h. On the night of their at - rival they witnessed the severest elec- tric atorw they have known in all thew years. The original Woods family consisted of eight metubers, of whogt three bull live and reside on the homestead, namely, Misses Jane, Mar the and Eliz t Few families have ex- petieoced such bitter hardship• of pioneer life: M••oey in tb.,e early days was extremely scarce and the mode of conveyance of the necessaries of lite meant ouch time and weary travel. Flour had to he packed from a mill near tloderich and at seasons the supply became dangerously low, but notwithstanding all these trials incident to pi 'neer life the sun of prosperity. shone Nightly upon them and they are now ee.j lying the fruits of their early labor. LESS MEAT IF BACK AND KIDNEYS HURT rake a glass of Salts to flush Kidneys if Bladder bothers you -Drink lots of water YOUR OPPORTUNITY The %l inter lel to now on at THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE hitt-1.551) NI'.ONT. 1 herr practical, eatlt• eta eu.l np,n. 1 to con ower Aid&Minot.. Naar. band t TTMwt1(11/ = MMratnrr. week,atwMeets ��ei�� N sem ts•r InR 1,o.ili41411-- We oar! 61 Sari' alt el ronnerlbl with Mol Meanest Or llintea srP ass... �sd. awr.•tor patnphM 1 Vas erinaUen .ver tree es eptillratten. ( A yt.gtllSn. F. C. A.. Prinrtsal. 0 h. rl.[MI so. asren.r. irg the 1'' ►. other, Bays a well authority, be - Connell!, : N‘ ighr asked for infotnt- at.n• 1 , w h. n the ;tsbrssmr + ,„3 rause the uric act d in meat excites the world br 1.1,11 ed. .\•srssor Camp- kidneys, they becomn overworked; get bel, when a II' d tato d he ehauuhei , sluggish: clog tip and canoe all aorta of stated that the toll would Is• Siam- distress, particularly backache and mie plead tit,. week. It wa+ Ihrn d,. er^int he kiheadaches. ey e ; rheumatic twin• •i led that tit•• .1 ,t.• of the rout t of it - t tion, Int herr, mote ch. o n• vision alto,.l.1 1..• set and aderrlised I'a t P s. diatrl'-els 1. (rcpt t1 thetou. s bladder and urinary irritation. '1 l c • I t hen u(1 nutted. nrd. The moment your back hurt. or kid• net's aren't acting right, or if bladder bothers you. qet about four ounces of Jad Salta from any goo•1 pharmacy; take a table•pnonful in a glaze of water before breakfaat for a few days and your kidneys will then act tine. This famous salts 's made from the acid of grapes and lemon j:iice, combined with lithia, and has been need for generations to lush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity: also to neutralize the acids in the urine sn it no longer irri- tates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Ralts cannot injure anyone; hakes a delightful efervesrent liana- water igatewater drink which millions of men and women take now and them to keep the sad pus lei y Organa shears, thus • sarios h damage. 130DERICH TOWNSHIP. Neu uAY, June 5. The Taylor's Corner branch of the United Patriotic Society will uteet at the home of Mr. Edward Noakes, on the 7th concession of liodench town - snip. on Wednesday, June lith. All the members ate requested to be present and to bring to the meeting all work that they htee completed ru At a festival gatheiing,tn the hese- tent of St. James' church. Middleton. on Monday eveuimg of last week, the residents of the south end or the town- ship presented a safety ratof' and 1s pocket mirror to each of the following se.ldiess,t Cot p..Xctlaugett.-P'rirstss O. Hammett. T. Hammett. Millet, MoD or. .I. Smith and Hat - .•:d Whitmore. The presentation was ade by Mr. .lames Sterling, pier'' nt of t,h local branch of the War. Au IIIitrryy(( Several uthet• mem- bers of this corstmtunits-, besides these men who ate' connected with the Hurns, are now in the service of the Empire, and it is the intention to -up- ply tach one with a safety rt z r ar,1 mtrior. KINUSbR;UGt. Ti -t -nus . June it. Miss 11 N. i' i- %i-iting at John •1 i Aril',. Mr. J. F. Sallivau, u.spec•or r•f sep- arit+seho.•1-, psis his visit het. last week. He «a.,itecompuni.it by Rev. Fa'her MO?. t •, of (i. del Joh. This' plus n! King -bridge hasn't been (, -.l - ,..•d tit's 11111e, so the K.•1) 1'. win none, ti. nut as el 1 he mystery al Lind Bolton's .tulen eia- monde at fu :;it sh,i p on June t, 1•. 11 t- ter h• thi t•• and h• sir ,suit" hung en- tirely new t • • In a 1.1.t plod 1, tion. ASH FIELD. .lusn,ty, Jure v. 1. l t t6Ry Atn lilt( I.e.-The Ash - tit soldiers' Aid and Hrd Cross Circle - ss ill hold its next regular meeting at the home of Mrs. W. 11. Maize, con- ce.,.ion t, on June _tut. A bale will be packed at this tneetir); fpr the Ittd Cto+s Society. A tea will Le served by the ladies of the ('iicle that after- noon A large attendance is teque•ted at this tweeting to discuss plans for the baster and garden party which will he held at Mr. Wilt. Cat ey'a on July 31b. The ct mtuittee in charge of bazaar goods ieque.ts that all the ladies of Anlifield interested in Heil Cross watt donate something to be - eld ett this h int, all articles not sold to be re- t 1mrd to the donors it is requested that all articles for the bazaar he Jule 1st to y handed in if possible by J Mr...las. Hayden, Mrs. Robt. lffigginn, Mts. W.H. Maize, committee in charge of bat tar goods. The Circle requests pro4.ic to save their old pelvis and roar's till called tot. AUBURN. WF:n :r:+DAV. June 7. Mi W.1'. Iliddell is erecting a new tenet 0n his lawn. Jlr. %Vm. Sturdy is able to be around again after bis illness. Mr. and Mrs. John Medd and family, of Fergus, are visiting relatives here. Pte. Murray Fingland arrived home on Saturday from Niagara suffering (tum shock received during an electric •torneek. Min• JoIhtnwFingland. having iwen re- cently appointed clerk of Mullett township, Intends to remove shortly to Lnnnesboru' He will be greatly missed aroA The ,\ubuurnnd tiraseulmrn. land Is-hwksng forward to another au season under the leaderahto of Mr. Harold Blackstone. The boys are practising w11h commendable zeal. and expect to fill the usual number of engsge- a:entP for lawn parties, etc. Ths tnasinaw plates of Auburn will close this Yammer as usual on Wed- eesd. afternoons. commencing June 11 and until Rentembrr 13. Patrons nee ,,•quested to bear this in mind and Allow the merchants a weekly halt - holiday during this period. \V[DOWD.-The home of Mr. and Mn. Joseph Johnston. 2nd nceesion of East Waw nab. wast seems of a pretty wed ing on Katt ay last, air their daughter, Hens L., became W e of Mr. Colin Vino - land. eon of Mr. and Mrs. John Ping - land, Hallett. The nuptial ceremony was performed by 1tay. W. Conway. The Wimpy (mople letthe same day on •a trip to Toronto, Buffalo and other pointheir return will take hoes an theFiingsland farm In h HwWtt. best wlsbes of missy friends .Mad them. Mei line=[ Boort. -Real estate in Anbsn le eery active. Mr. Charles Asquith hue purchased a lottrotn Mr. Ws. Noble overlooking the river, And already ` s the sellar dug for a ooef000fe40 ANEW MODEL IN THE Corset Department WE have added a new Corset to our stock. This Corset particu- larly meets the needs of ladies requiring a light yet strong sup- porting Corset. This new Corset is called "Coilene;" from the exclusive boning material used in it. "Coilene" is an interlocking woven wire, bendable in any direction, flexible as the body, ventilative, resilient, rust -proof and unbreakable. It is used in both heavy and light weights. As a boning, Coilene is particularly adapted for as never before has there been such a demand for a now. From the health viewpoint only, aside from from the flexible Corset, it is a boon indeed. ''Coilene" Corsets are not cheap. but they are good, and will be found less expensive in the long run than lower-priced makes. They sell at $3.00 and $4.00 per pair. Come and let us show you that they are really superior from every standpoint of comfort and durability. the present fashions, soft flexible Corset as the comfort derived Summer Millinery Stmt isl chow ing of attractive Sunuwer Milliner) Style. all through the es - g wt's k. New uuilels .on s iew for the drat t* • tofle•cting the latest fa pion fattens, Hats that ore right up t the m•iu.• tuts. in .tyle yet moderate in pric. �'ou trill Ip• intro• -117.1 in spring thrill. • -The Special Slate at $3.45 A +picial sole of Tr. sl Hats at $1.15 vont t(oo.l till thiw•ww•k. There ars:lltatis- tbaL.see_einsi '.ie.. (he ordinary way up as high to. �rt.a'. 'They has ,• . 14.11 grouts,' together at th1+ Ipgnllar .ri.,•. Ti honied Ilat., forty Or mors• to pt. -k and ((u..u.• (roto. All new and ut..-t..th.•-ntiuut0 style and saltiest up to $6.31. l' ,'ice-... . ... • S3 45 345 • Flouncing and Corset Cover Embroideries, 25c , -.•t Co* • r and 1'louneing t:ndaoiseri.•-, i . %''t -t r mugg uuterial w Alt pretty. dainty de- sign-. .\ late slii 'ii til ju•t obs ued up, Assvty is hos 1 .d iy. Saint s. Special lal Ie•r cant 25c New English Chintzes IA•nlly beautiful path•rtts in English 1 lnntzi•- just 1,•ceiwrl. 96 inch to ;slim h in n nit h. suitable for hanging- or covering',\l..' +••nn• %.l %' alt111 11re .\mle1'6111. 0.411.. (o1.- ,l,..d', utns to -t. Pri... Ip,,. Y'"'' 40c. 50c. 75c .$1.00 Grey biose raattie: Milk lost fir.., in the popular -hart. . of grey. A strong .r"rvici-Able +tr. l.irnK• .All 500 '1z.•. at lx•rllsir....... vJ\Jl Our Special Silk Boot Close 35c 1..1i.•,i 1.;.t 11..s.•, she.•t '.j t -trrmg w.•:is. , Amierieari turtle. black ur %% hit,. A splendid elat- ing •t.w.kiag S�er+•iat valor at tier p• air 35c • • • • • �1 1• t i. e- '(+entity at figs and rs . homier sgs•r ern•• Maw: Stockings for Children l'hi'dra'n'• t ibta•d tt.ttou Ilse.•, fait black. �sc all sin.+Tier pair ......... . . .... ... Children's ribbed lisle Hose, very fine, 25c black or white. tier air L Ft ,c heusy rills+l (l,}..•. ales..lul,•ly fact 115c •I••t. All size- at per lair. ... y11. l'hilsn n'. Hole prta.r Illi -e. 'fh.• mule that d•e• - heay with darning day. S pairs in a S1 1t,z. fully guarauu•..1, at 1,.•r Is'x .00 I I. A Black Silk 5 ; 3 t:xti 41. .ltlalits• lila k Ilio hs• --c Silk, futlt yard win.•, .35 heavy quality and rich Aui.11. Special $1 let yard „lily ... .......... . Awning Time Nothing :yids to tin• nptwau.t i s• noel comfort of a verandah like g,ssl .%1% We We can supply you with any kind of an Awning. either Iwuib..0 , wood slat -.0 eau's-, and con make the canvas in any sh h• yon ‘‘j..11 t.• at any otw•ning. 'V.• it ill Ito glad to incn+u r. your wmduts+ or verandah and gdsso:i an .••tinutte..f th.• 1nie.• 1 1 itt•y till,.•. Umbrellas Re-covered \C.• (an ptit a n.•w toe 'ti your t.l 11'11111111'1111 nn.' Milk.. itvisa tirally it- good as now.Icii . - eta. y.•ty moderate. e Hodgens Bros.. DIRECT IMPORTERS ammossmemostosamoseseassaseasasseassamsassida GODERICH, ONTARIO • new resilience, Mr. Martin Dyer has purchased Ed. Ilelwig's house aH will get possession June 15. twig has moved back his shop building on Main sheet and h.s commenced the excavation for a new shop and dwel- ling. Next Here is another persona experience of an officer at the front. An army chaplain was conducting a funeral not very far behind the A►ing line. and had reached that portion of the service whirh reads IN mewhat like this : "Oh, Lord. receive this Irby servant Oh, Lord. listen to our preyerv," when suddenly • bullet wb zz••d between 'hint and the gravedigger, who re- sponded with a heartfelt sigh, "Oh, ',Lord, listen to that. - Apiary Demonstration. 1 An apiary demonstration will be given at Mr. Peter ('lark's, Rt. Helens, obi Thursday, June 13. at 1.30 o'clock. `A qualiAed apiary instructor seal by the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture will conduct the detuonstration. which will include various tnanipula- tiona. such as finding the queen. re- moving trees from supers, operating to prevent swarming, etc. i.adles are especially invited to attend, and all are advised to take bre veils, so they can go right out into the apiary with comfort. On \Vedneeday, June 14, a similar demonstration will be given at Irving Bros." Clinton, at 1.111l 0 clock . flIINLOP AUTOMOBILE TIRE S/Egl'RAC nivi t READ '1/, ••1 war raw int to make a1 sero (1,5-er any Thee' why 1 speak os dee tire I Lava always =aimd fist yss- _ Int is desThr ahailemer antbiag � •gyp• �"Dun{e Dmf W'Riiaasessespes�lwith the same ham of d by •s Qsaiy CYaaat r -sad the r«1 bees Ck b7 Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods of tin-ia Canada. ayou � Rsoord Resits. t else 41•1011 Of Vallee.: the ability to deliver. Notice that el the Dud.p Tin Family -hews Co., LimitedA-ttenonA.•4r• . Co