HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-6-8, Page 711 HE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO
Tal or lied fours with utmost ease owing to the
gra mmull dSOftf--$0 scattering of fuel and
room to !Most big chunks of wood.
It 7'u !awe eve at ten minutes to spare comb in and I711
show you the other advantages of this splendid furnace.
Sold by W. R. PINDER
Nohow tltaalske bee'iieposed of pie
IUt-teen f.nu, in the towns rip of Hey.
to Ina D.us(ure, of the toe whip of
S ieith•*.
George Simpson. eon of Bev. J. 11.
Simpson, termer ly pastor of the 1'ree-
hylerian church •t Ilrao.fi.I I, died .t
Grimsby on Smut d.y, May'_ th.
Hev. D H. Melte*. t i Areuow, Brut •
county, who was pulite ut Craubrook
Pse.bytsrian church for orrr thirty -
rive years, has applied for soper•nnua-
t ion.
The member* of the %Vroset•r de-
taebineot of the 101st Battalion were
leach presented with SS prior to their
departure for the training camp at
On Wednesday evening of last week
Thor. Lott, an old resident of Grey
township, died after a best( Ulsees of
peritonitis. He was in his eighty -
r fouttb year.
Private M. J. Slemmon, who j.uned
Brussels nomwr o ot the 101st B suet -
lot', hes been granted an honorable
Annual hours' "Ii•ebarli
Bary the, e fasarWao( w
ssnie wen netes-
Revv.. H. Rersbe was ilducted as pea -
tor of St. Peter's Lutheran church,
w f Zurich. on Sunday, May IN h. His
fa.ber, Rev. Mr. Renate, of LL wanton,
had charge ot Lbe terrine,.
Mr. and Mrs. John ILatbwell, of the
FARMltheaid esiun Stanley, au0M
encoocegagementof of their daunnoghter,
Valet May, to Albert Horner, the
marriage to take place early in June.
$atorday, June 10,'16
West Huron Farmers' Institute
The kennel Eacursloa seder the auspices of. the West Huron Farmers'
Institute will be et mimeo l interest and profit to all who avail themselves of this
opportunity to visit the Model Farm at Guelph on the 10th of June. •
Tbs special testa leaving Goderkb at sten a.m. and stopping at all stations
to Wa1lsmisets, teelusive, will arrive at Guelph at 10.40, thus allowing plenty of
time for delibeseing is Ike city and at the Model Farm.
N. &odes
llltl bank
Adult Chilli
$2.25 s1.15 ,mss 12tit
2.15 1.10 "
2.05 1.05
1.95 1.00
1.75 .90
1.65 85 June bah
1.55 .80
1.35 .70
1.15 .60
1.00 .50
.85 .45
70 .35
8.00 a.m.
9.45 "
9.55 "
Arrive Guelph 10.40 a.m.
Sc. War Tax on all Tickets co•Un.; at. w) and upwards.
Tis limier raters(* fres G.J7a .ill be aaaseais/ M the train.
flyer 10,
Pack'![ o`
td- )EfIIESTi,ea
• N OF AM',
d by all Drug -
and General Stores.
TIP*ttOAT. Jenne & 11& 1
Mew York hospital.
John Neely has enlisted with the
Ia1•d Battery at titwlpb. He satiated
shortly atter war was dsetered and
after drilling for a time wee re)•eted
ars physically trent. This is tie third
eon of Mn. Neely who has dowsed
the khaki.
John Habkirk received word tads
week from the War Office, statist
that his soa (Frank, who joined the
Army Medical l'arpe of the fent coo -
descent, was seriously t11 in the British
General Hospital est Deere, iu the Per-
sian Gulf.
Mies O.rtude tiuloane, daughter of
M. B. (iulnaoe, of Superior. Wi.con•
sin, formerly of McKillop, became the
bride of Albert Malone at • prettlly
appointed wedd inn eeremor y pr rfornted
in that city at the Named (Heart Cath -
oral, Rev. Father Fagan officiating.
Dr. W. L. Argo, of the University
of California, wbo, with his wife sad
child. has been .i.iting at the home
of Ma father. Rev. Junes Argo, in Bg-
mondville, for some weeks, left on
Weduesda for North Bay. After
• *bort visit they will return to Cali-
fornia, the Doctor being lecturer and
demonstrator in physical chemistry
in the university there.
Susan Mary Van Egmond. widow
et the tate Henry R. Jackson. passe
away at the family home ink m1Std-
villa on [Sunday anorning, 7
aged seventyonC years. !Mrs. Jackson
had been a sufferer from heart trouUe
for a loon time, and her death wee not
uDexpeeted . Sbe was on.of the oldest
ton, and W O. Medd sod George residents of this district, having tri-
!sided in Kcmondville prartically all
Jacques. botb of Wlsebelrea
Rev. Henry Kenner, for 01117 yeah her Ute. She is survived by a family
of five eons and two daughters.
an active Methodist minister, and b
was united In ynsrrLage to Marie, In-
gram, of the sante line, and to them
were born eleven children. BT
E. Treble received a cable aboutble lasee
stating thet his eon, Leon,
to leave goglend for the tiring line in
A quiet wedding took place in Tor-
onto or' Monday of la.t week. when
Albinus E. Moore. of Exeter, and Miss
Ella Maud H-ywood were united in
J. H. Scott by disposed of his
creamer business to n cumpan com-
posed of Me re. F. B. Medd, of Clio -
Before they left for London camp,
Privates John and Elmer Willis and
Victor Hoggartb, all of Stephen town-
ship, were presented with wrist-
watches by their fiends and neigh.
Gottfried Mangnus, of Creditor'. re-
ceive l the mad intelligence last week
of the death of his daughter, Mee.
Clark Ball. of Winnipeg. The de-
ceased was thirty-three years of age
and • native of Crediton.
A pretty church wedding was solemn-
ized in Central Methodist church,
Woodstock, on May 24th, when Mary
Swale, youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Maude, became the bride
of Wilbur Graybkl, formerly of Dash-
Mr. Fred Eckert, of Manley, had the
misfortune to meet with an accident
while plowing. The attachment broke
freeing the bone, and he war pulled
across the gang plow. He became
tangled in the lines and war badly
shaken up and bruised.
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Hugill, ot
the Huron road, Tuckersmitb, an-
nounce the eng.gement of their only
daughter, Plonence Myrtle, to Mr.
Norman HenryJones, eldest .on of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones, of Hippen,
the marriage to take place in June.
former pastor of James churc
Exeter, died in Winnipeg on May 34tb.
of pneumonf.►. He was eighty years
of age.
W B. Ballantyne. editor of The
Emerson Mao. Journal, was a visitor
in town last week.
Private Harry Mooney, youngest
son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mooney. tined the animal an it wheeled and
of Brussels,
nee Manitoba, formerly of lunged into the ditch, upsetting the
B rvice. , has enlisted for overseas 1 ggy and throwing both occupants
service. I out. Both were badly bruised sod
O'ynn L. Gude son of Mrs. An- shaken up, Mrs. Geary being the more
drew Cousley, of Gladstone, Maoitoha, seriously injured.
formerly of Brussels, hts passed his
final examination iu the arts course at
Manitoba University. 11.' specialized
in political economy Loci English.
An interesting event took place at
the home of Mr. and Mrs H er•men
Bender, Goshen line, soutts.hL Lttaicli
on W dessday, May disk a4.2.oaloek.
when Rev. H. Rembe, pastor of the
Lutheran church, united in marriage
their daughter, Miss Amelia, and Solo-
mon Schroeder.
A pretty wedding took place at
Meadow Lee Yarm. Thames road. the
borne of Mr. and Mrs. James Monteith,
no Wedoe.day, May 24'h, when their
daughter, Jew's, was united in mar-
riage to Peter B. Gardiner. of Far-
quhar. Her. Dr. Fletcher officiated in
the pretence of about 125 guest*.
While aasiiting to run a manure
spreader out of tbe barn at Mr. Ed.
Doepel•e, near Fordwieh, Johnnie Tot-
ten had his right arm badly twisted
and cut by getting it caught in the
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas teary met
with a serious accident on a recent
afternoon. They were driving
down Main street, end Mr. Ovary's
driver being • colt, he turned on to
Mill street uutil • train that. wee stand-
ing on the siding sbould pull out. Un-
fortunately the gasoline engine at um
clothing factory was running and a
sudden explosion from the exhaust
hey were o 'Le it fright -
Holeproof Hosiery
Those preferring to remain over Sunday, or wake a side trip, can doe°, s hire of one of the revolving wheels,
orad mem-
\`: Iselualve. altos, her, one cut requiring six stitches.
tag by any regular tr ain Monday l hr, applies only to all stations west of The doctor dressed the int
Maser will be piovideil free of charge to all oho tart in the trip, and i Howard and Laidlaw Strachan, sons
•..,11 be served In Lunch Pavilion on College grounds. 1 of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Str••seban, of
Special courses of Lectures and Demonstrations by the Professors in Ethel locality, have collated. They
ctarge of the various departments have been arranged for. t !have 4MU acres near Lonhutta, Alta.,
and had seventy acres of wheat sowed
Then will be ample time to ace the live Mock, addition
the Horticultural when they responded to the Empire's
1(eparttmeste, Museum and other places of interest, in addition to the Demon- ,call The hove ded have a month
•t rations, etc., which of coarse will be held in buildings and [:rounds appropriate l cgall.
them to harvest this year's
Mr the purpose. I crop.
Let this occasion be your Annual Family fluting. Take the children and A quiet wedding took place at Bond
e o:)nger people with Soo: there will lie plenty to inters'.[ thew that will be in.'street church, Toronto, on. clay 23rd.
tructive also. when Miss Charlotte McDowall and
i George Wanner were united in mar -
The engagement of Miss Pearl
Sharpe to W. H. lbberson, of leaska-
Loon, Sask.. is ■nnoonctrd. The wed-
ding will take p'aca at the home of
the bride's sister at Dauphin, Manitoba.
on Juoe 21st. Mies Sharpe is a for-
mer resident of Brussels.
Several farmer, in thisneighborhood
Clarence Wilson. son of Mea (Dr.) tory which bac been r pored there.
Wilson, has enlisted in the 53rd Royal i R. -v. J. ` K. Fa7rfall has. been
Mounted Rifles of Hamilton. (hi ten as moderator of e Walkerton
Mr. mid Mrs. Join Agnew, pioneer re' i- i II tpt:.t Association .tor the arming
dent 4 ttih�•a �sctioo, have gone to year.
Vancouver'rerr ide. They were ac- and Mrs. T. J: WatL,Cla1Ms
finished seeding on May 24t
"Resell Ordx4ies see the ntoet
pleasant and sure remedy for constipa-
tion." Sold onlyat Re=all drug stores,
loc and lir- . IlC. Dunlop, God., icb.
Mrs. Janice Shepherd bas retnraed
from a si-it with her daughters at
Dr. J. S. Keane. who .,stained
severe injuria• when he fell from •
hay loft, is able to be cut egwlr.
Albert Palmer has gone'o Srafntth
to take charge of the new J.s^kaon fee-
The Animal Nesting of the West Huron farmers' Institute will Le hell l fiage by Rev. Byron Stsuier. Mies
Annie L
wise the best nisei. The Wanner fami-
Ittle was bridesmaid sod
is Dmsgansos, os Friiay, June 16th. at 2.30 p.m. David d towner brother of the groom,
ly are former residents of Ebel.
W M. BAILIE, Sec.' The death of Charles Snits+', a for•
Well-Vghted Ytome
is pretty aura to be a happy, comfortable hone
for those who live in it. What can be
more conduciveconduciveto a proper home at-
mosphere than a cheerful light over
the family table? Perhaps, however,
you do not realize the great difference
in the �t. If you did you
would why we have in-
stalled the Hydro -Electric Lighting
N. Service in hundreds of homes in
Ask for an estimate on wiring that
EmeOf yours, We guarantee satis-
and remember our promises in
we always carried out on the
gunl, Jobt. Fait 1
rompanied by Mks Maty *geese.
The home of Mr. en l Mr.. A's's.
Scott was the ii/ewe of a pretty wed-
dinlf OJ '1'uerdlly. May 3J.h, when
their second datlgbt.er. Gr4.c. H., and
John F aireervice were uuI&edwed '
rime.. Rev. D. Petrie pe
mer resident of Grey township. took
plate et his hnme at Kelfield, Sask.,
on Thursday, May 18th. Mr. Switzer
was born al St y
Gist s in 1849 and
' when quite young he removed with
his father to tbe vicinity of Brussels,
where he spent the greater part of his
life. He went West with his three
ton. in 1909 and had since resided at
On • recent evening the members of
Or Y lit. Nn. 4, and R. B. P. No. 333,
Fntdw ch, met in the Orange Hall in
that village to show their appreciation
of the loyal stand taken Robin Waltersandh
y Alex.
Erie Cor-
bett, three members of the flret-men-
tioned .ociety, who have enlisted. On
�f tefdtwith an societies
W ingham Advance : Mr.
Johnston, of sear Jamestown,
of the really loyal Huron county Pars-
ers. He bas `tat) aeras of land t�� culti-
vate not p his
vats but that dot ka
hems when the eosetry needs them.
He has two sons is tie 1(gat endow)
In traintug at Tomato for overawe
eerviee. Mr. Jobseton ourpo `h re-
nbnag�I his farm with the help
seaming yotltsg cos.
Miss Olive Cru:cksbailk, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Gem g+ Oruickehenk,
who had been dieti-t in the Agricul-
tural College at Hegina for the part war. Ur. Shaw has just completed a
..aluta a accepted a bimd
ilar position poet.grauate course •t Ann Ailed-,
on the staff of the Winnipeg • cgricul- Mith.
tural College. While , art di iving with his wife and
The board of S•. Andrew's Presby- family on V ictor i.► I) ty, Jas. E. Doher-
Ler{rn church pirrpoted Private David tv met with an untortunate accident.
Currie with a safety razor and steel His hone because (tightened at en
automobile and threw the occupants
of the buggy into the ditch. All were
very badly bruised and Mr. Doherty's
hand wee sprained from endeavoring
to control the horse.
reuted their faro( lin tLe-Huron
east (•t t inn, and I .n week removed
to Wingbaw.
Rev. Father Blair. of Walksrville, a
former iesident of Clinton, has been
promoted to a potitton of great re-
sp 'risibility in Wort (lege one of the
largest parishes in the West.
\I .j it Shaw lits secured the service•
of Dr. Milton Nh iw,who will tike charge
of b s 1 ttetiee 1 1 nig his absence at the
mirror, prior to the departure of the
local detachment for London. Mr.
Cowell'. Monday school class pre-
sented him with a set ot military
brushes before he lett for the training
A very Qntty wedding took place
at the Methodist parsonage, Wing -
haul, on Mty 11th, when Rev. Elmet
Jackson Harding, of Bethel circuit.
Huron township, was united in matri-
mony to Miss Frances Rachel Cooper,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
Cooper, of Minto. Rev. J. W. Hib-
bert officiated . The groom is
est son of Reeve Harding, of
Lest week Mn. F:. Aitche.on re-
ceived a photo Irutu Kamsgste. Eng-
land, showing the were and headstone
erected in memory , f her son. the
late Private D. Loc►ie Aitcbeson.
'i'be inset iptinn on the stone is as fol-
lows : "In memory of Private David
Lock. A'tch 1 t l'wadiao H i -
have been bought by
millions of people for many
years. That fact akyne is
proof enough of extraord-
inary value. It means prac-
tically absolute freedom
from darning -and you
have the choice of pure silk,
silk -faced and fine lisle.
Six pairs of the cotton hose are guaranteed to wear without
holes for st'. months. Three pairs of silk are guaranteed three
months. I f any pair fail 'ith�n the specified time you are gives,
new hose free.
We Handle the Genuine Article.
PRICES -Three pairs of silk hose for $1.65 and
$2.25 and six pairs of cotton or lisle hose for
$1.65 and $2.25.
McLean Bros.,
Stats of Ohio. Cit? of Toledo.
Luce. County, 1416,
Frank J- Cheney rake. oath that he i..eoio r
partner of the firm of F.J. t ►eney a t'o., doing
blades. le Oe City of 'Toledo. county' and .tate
aferewid.and that saki arm will par the -um
ofONY HUNDRED DOLLARS for each •„d
ovary este of cotter* that canna be cured by
the o.aof HALL'S CATARRH t
Sworn to before me and .ab••ribed in my
presence. tat. I61b day of Doo.sber. A. 1) I1Mt
A. W. G1.Y.(9tiN.
Notary Public.
Hallus Catarrh Care la takes Intoroa 17 add
Acta through the btsod oe the mucous 'reduce -4
of the system. Bend ler tee Imoninhw free.
F. J. CHENEY t CO.. Prop . TaMdo. Cblo.
Said bean d ta.
Hall'. Saitly ,1• for coo•Uption.
The Western Fair.
The grounds and buildings at ttueen's
Park, London, are being put Into shape
e i aeon.
went, aged twenty-one year, w o as rapidly as possible for London 'e
died at Ramsgate of wounds received great exhibition, to he held this year
in Render., July 1o, 1913. 'Thy will September 8th to 1(tb. The entire
be done.' " perk ham been in use by the military
The people of NVingham werestarlled authorities since last September and a
earl Wednesday morning of last
week when they teamed of the sudden
death of Mrs. W ti. VanStone, who
had paved away soddenly late on
Tu ay evening. Mrs. VanStooe
had been in delicate health for some
mouths, but of late had been .ojoying
fairly good health and had spent rev
end days with her son at Clinton, re-
turning home on Sunday. Her
maiden name was Minnie (4. Moot -
'ornery and she was in her fifty•will be two speed events each day end
four (year. The fatuity resided tor it le expected that the entire program,
many ear's to Bowels prior to nom -
both aftarnooa rod erasion, will be
several Sean ago Be -the best ever offered prise lists, en-
ables her Mney'd husband, she it try forms and all information {free
snowed by nae eon sod three deso le (es apr4ioetlrsn to the seeretery. A. Y.
ten. vis he 1 ('. O. ttello 7. Mew
Bunt, London. On=
'utast of the 101st Bettalio� •Yew
llorsster, of jyiesouti, Gad Miss" lire- Some Reasons Why Your Garden Does
ma and Freda, at home. Not Appear.
SEA FORTH. (As supplied by Your Friends.)
John Rankin bar sold the Howard toI You pleated the reds too deep.
PrwPwriy oa Victoria street, reeeetly You didn't plant the triode deep
...mused by el. Coo.lgney, to Mr. I any a ptanfad tet. we rad,.
The Semi -Ready
s! Calmat nip
sad stet mar dr,mw sa gar hired vela of the ws,t J wawliia semem�-.
floes win r•wwpsa t k ' Mme -.• Of furrow!
BUFF 71st to Nov�..1.wwl5
•ie•rsesr.ls r. £m.s b.tMe . • I ��'- rMA ie.
till, Y.eseeepet et owes.. . t m' ma .n sow w..t
..r. rr��-.+----- .1Ct..ir.r. pool fns ueeq.•UI
ser Marg ter law Whet agent M ti,k.a .- 0. a 11. Lao.
I � .1 d Gert wt�y eMy y,► sated•• W rt..,. .4 7 ..
� l
Parana tiod too•aa. Alm ma
C',-.-t-ed. t)t
THE ltlp a aUFFALfI TRAN:,I�O���^
Os Sspda morning. May M tb. ad
ell �of 'be fird
�; known f Riebard
• Aressereme. pass* WILY( sysissiej'
Mhad Mw k/vtttbros bnator nearll• y
two years Mekong was born
in the county of Oavos, Ireland, and
moms to O.ste� with. the other mes-
hew .t bbs family when abut two
�sae They a, In [Klee
ince l •wd thea le Timilarura tow*.
.hlP, (least eounty. mewls. from wiles
{atker nye• to Iftofll� $owa.hip wbes
.the woW. f was
IFret n,Tiblimaul hof.
Mr. Arssstronit
��� A bast MM-tb s. yarn aro deceased
lot of work will hove to be dore irk
order to he ready for the exhibition.
The fine new steed grandstand will be
in readiness W accommodate the large
crowds expected. The management
has under consideration now the io-
stsllation of • new system of admis-
sion turnstiles for both outside gates
and grand.tand. The amusement
program this year will he the hes'.
possible to secure and the Midwaywill
he away above the average. en
Leave Toronto Union Station 10.45 •
p. m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday
For Parry Sound, Sudbury, Port Arthur,
Fort William, Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina,
Saskatoon, Calgary, North Battleford,
Edmonton, Vancouver and Pacific Coast
Ticket., and berth re•rr,.'Ion. from J. W. ensign.. A.-". or
write It L. Yalrbrtro. General Paa,dhger Agent. .4, King
8t. E , Toronto.
NEW TRAIN SERVICE, Daily Un and After June 4th, 1910
:,o,... en Dally
9 71a m
1 (•.m ..
11 1 i p. art. •'
Le.TOKONTO. .. .11A'r.m.U,.11y4fC TI
. UAI.T ilea. m "
Wt$(KIMIIR 78 . iter•. a,
•• LONIION. .. . 4.41. m.
CHATR5Jfi 7111 a. in
Ar. W IN DeUR4Mt'p a.:s, a. m.
PICTNtrtTigeelP Wins m. '• n',-
.• i,KrKonI MOM 7. foam.T
I.v. it#:1KnIT a.r.ta. m.
t'Hll'AO(l1 WCll11' p m.
hr* ash Ne- mid- *bud •tar d.td •teepina
car.'Iorsatei-Dr Uclt... ud Toronto I'Aleaeo.
Le. itltI Itl)ITtro•t St.1 7 On p. m. Dwtly
•• \yiNIM•rK ,t•I'itl 7 (a p m
•• 71LNl: HY ... n31 p. er. "
. CHATHAM . a.e r m. "
A•. L'm11ON ... lo,.n p tit. .•
I'artice:ars from .'y ('..•udian Paol c Tie Tomato. gent or from W 8. Ilou•rd,
homed' Daly.
us • too ea y
' joo planted "Di! too late.
Mex F. H. [.grain kit as >wo.a.yal , see Vaguer has been too wet.
'lie weather has been too dry.
You did sot spade up the earth
on spathe** earth too much.Yon pleated to wrong brand of
You planted lige flight brand of seed
hes plaited them w,osg sed sp.
Your haft yard &so ores, 4,00010
in. 4,0001
beft needs hash gats tee eeb .un.
• tpsll tit year yard is set rich
• TYs I&1 le your yard le ton rich. -
afpeg Metre.
to visit with friends in Geelph
Galt, and Miss listen Larkin loft the
rima day for New Yolk, when eM
will take • coarse of traishg {s tad
Ideal Fencing
We are in a position to give you Ideal Fencing
at very low prices. Call and see what we have to
offer you.
Do not neglect your orchards. Now is the time
to spray. Lime Sulphur at $6.50 per barrel is a snap.
We also have 'a quantity of Arsenate of Lead.
For Shelf and Heavy Hardware Our Stock is
We have just rests: ed a fresh
car'loaci di n� wand Cement
We carry a full stock of
"'on :