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Overt ad opets ai by a practical men.
A. M. GLOVER Pf1OPK f4.1
____ - --
Record TroRIG at Yeah Canal. pealed titr'e's. the American lianas.
saint Ste. kiwis, One., Juoe 1.-Tbe I sod 2.126,911 tbeeagb lbs 1'seadi•n.
etatistie.►I armlet forIla) b of traffic Iron'tere, graawl wheat ceotioue
e at t Mee Mute to lead the abipltlMg list, showing •
through themes '
Niebigw and the Mauft. Ontario,
shows the brevleat traffic inr one
montb yet received : LU,104,6RJ loos
Yes Can Seems a P.Mis•
:1 , uu take a course with us. The de-
mand upon as for trained help is many
times the number graduating. Stu-
dents are entering each week. You
may enter attaa77 title. Write at once
for our free utalogot.
11. A. MoLACH1.A3. Principal.
tremendous immense nese May of Int
year el iron ors. May, 191:r showed
4.993.7laf ton.. aneompared with n.141,-
665 tone in 1)16 ; grain, 5,40,0 ;1 in
1915. 13,837,114 in 1910 ; wbra., 13.-
157.497 in 1015. 37,:''33,41113 in 111141
Soft coal aro shows err increase,
1,248.447 tone in May of last year, an I
1,1113.352 tins year ; 1,7541 y.tmeagers
panned through on steamers, an in-
crease of 412 over May last year ; 3.2:5
vessels were locked through, 77d of
then through the tbeadien Canal.
The &mou•.t of touraAt locked tbrook b
the canal for the past month was
mon than the total aatount handled
in a season through the canals twenty-
four years ago. Of iron ore nearly twice
as touch was bandied last month as in
that year, and 411,640 tons more tbac
in the entire year of hili. As many
locking* were made during May as in
1144 1.
County Coursed in session.
The °purity council is to session this
week at the court hour-. A report of
the pr. erdir.gs will t..• given neat
Mrs. W. L. Hortor.'s Girt
The comWlsssoners of s4•. Patrick's
Palk wish to lbatk Mrs. W L Ih•rton
for her gift of • Uniu•1 Jack. which
eras deployed at Om pork for the first
Unison June :led. tie Kiug'. Birthday.
NEXT WEEK ailmomumw
The popular trip to the beautiful
Steamer GREYHOUND leave, Goderich for Detroit
Tuesday, June 13th, at 9.30 a. m.
Rtturniug, leaves Detroit for Galerich
Thursday, June 15th, at 1 p. m.
Fare $1.51 isr nand trip One way with baggage, $1.00
Children half -rate.
Band Monday, June 12, 8 p. m.
Moonlight e
E xcurfaon
Dominion Day Celebration.
Mayor McLean has tester 1 a call for
a public meeting to be bald at the
town hall on Friday [light of this
week to arrange fur • Datuinlou Day
celebration. The meeting is c died fInr
8 o'clu_k and it is hoped there will be
• large attendance.
South Huron Liberals.
The annual meeting of Cis South
Huron Liberal Association will he held
•t Heaven on Tuesday, June 3l)tb, at
1 3U o'clock p. w , for the election of
officers and other business. Thomas
Marshall, M. P. F., and the Liberal
candidate will address the meeting.
All blends 11 the Liberal cause are
Invited to attend.
Dr. Macklin Returns.
Dr. A. H. Hacklio. wbo bed been •
surgeon in • military boapit•l at Dub-
lin, Inland, for the past year, arrived
home on Tuesday, accompanied by
Mn. Macklin and family. The Doctor
no doubt can tell an interesting story
of the stirring times in Dublin during
the rebellion, but as yet The Signal
bas not bad an opportunity of inter.
viewing him.
Death of Mrs. KllRallin.
Mrs. Bridget KllRallin, aged ninety-
one, for sixty-five years a resident of
Mount Carmel and vicinity, died in
London on Tuesday after • *bolt 111 -
nese. Her husband, Thomas Kilgallin,
died eighteen years ago. Mn. Kdgal-
lin had been id London for the pm -t five
year,. She leaves three sons, Walter.
of London. Petrick, of lioderich, and
John, of the Agricultural Department
at Ottawa.
6i I
A gaAltretl*D SLATE. t -Fite*
Dow L-itiw sayy of Soohaltus
-Mma/matiingyd itsphenum. ♦-
iM d mashed slur.
Yesterday and Today
Wooden shingles of twenty or EASY Yearn The0 re was Motuere of ld
*sante. sad answered the purpose material was on the
better et tint dais In fad no other roofing mas \Mien
market Yet who would think of putting h to-days noticeable. eff(rtn v„ e
the dstwlorntion of wooden shingle+
made es invest a toping that would not only be an econnini aA
and permanent substitute for wooden shines. but one
that ratios them Is .e rvloa. The
a,�,/ Rloeflfn) was the result. it has "made goord..
secret d its wools r this �hba is of pure, p�t or mineral pith
TMtY llw sad yroil roofings are then thickly coated with
Q tee! particles. whkb adhere tlgMlr to that base. and the whale
bras a psnsaaent fireproof. water -tight roof.
Mbar/ aid Robber Rooant ore made to three
led s1 • fyewsAlk is mode la heavy weight only. and
lb oases. Al greets we pliable sad
r led seismal
wdl sited s starer est w stet. resin
enia The Were 4 tart NM apolar
°oast h tit wY peifir b h as prey err t
telik Oa odd mar telt
ar the �r esti! res. with
Won rs dm trM week
es ■ eeelt w eslbwk sot ost. d tlw�t_•ia • mat
or Ww et It !kw
yew Initial east
sod yes err mime bask Gad sang -i TM'y
Brantford Company, Lissited
Roof4is .'
$old by iv. It. PINDER -
cher sten lbs teal valeaat chew posing nimarlal►
I}!ou have Backache you Lave
Kidney Dasearve. 1f you orb e.t
Racine. he it will develop ludo
.simettun worse--»righi • Dia -
ease or Diabetes. There is no
u.c rubbing .e4 docturiug your
back. Cure tbw..ioncvs, There
is only oto kidney medicine but
it cures Backache every time-
cheater, 27c
county, :17c ;
Miss Chandler's Wedding.
The marriage was .olennnixeel on
Wednesday, May 24, at 8t. Jaime,
church, Stratford, of Miss Alma
°bendier, of Goderich, to Mr. Ernest
Raymond Eaciett, son of Mr. and Mrs.
°arse. Eaciett, of Sarnia, the owe -
satiny being
s onbeing conducted by Rev. W. T.
Chaff. The bride is a native of Lake-
view, but for the past three years had
been matron of Alexandra hospital,
Goderich, and is popular and highly
eeteemrd in a large circle of friends
and ac(tusintances. The groom is •
well-known Sarnia' young map.
U-.. ,' by Nellie Parnham§ ; folk
dance byseveral girls ; resit..don.
What akes a Nation." by Mary
lowell: tdk dance by sweat -tour
7tis : address by Rev.. Y. lager
milling by senior boys and sire •
ytwler., thisty-two girie; NatWM1
ActaLeon. The asoeipgo of the atter`
noon amounted to 896. which was
snfficieot to permit the teachers and
pupils to make their last paytneot en
the poorhouse pa ice of the piano which
was placed in the school a few years
G. C I. Notes.
In the list published last week o1
successful students at the Faculty of
Education, Toronto, the tomer of
throe retailer G. C. I. student. ap-
peared as having secured interim first-
clase teachers' certificates and interim
high school assistant's certificates.
The succeeetol students ere bliss Vera
H. Duroln, of Dungannon, Miesi:olioa
M. Clerk, of Bt. Helen., and Mr. Hec-
tor McKay, of tioderich.
An error was made in The Sigoal's
reference two weeks ago to the atamd-
Ing of Mies Mary 1. To.. in bet exams -
filet tons at Toronto University. In-
stead of receiving third-elase honors in
,donee, as reported, she won filth
place in first-class humors, and if else
had obtained tea oral ke more abs
would have come fiat in the boner
Examinations at the Conanines lo-
stitute commence today ITbureday1.
Nine students are writing on the Fac-
ulty or Entrance examinations. Oe
June 14th seven students will write for
junior matriculation. On June 15th
the lower school Normal entrance ex-
aminations will continence, with thirty-
hirt -
nine students writing. On"June 29th,
eighteen students will commence
writing on the middle school Normal
entrance examinations, and on the
following day upwards of nibety
pupils will commence writing on the
high school entrance examinations.
Woodstock, I 1 • : York
London, 7c. All t'anada,
Contributions Acknowledged.
The Women's War Auxiliary
thanks the following ladies who do-
nated .u:ks to the 101st Bsttelion :
(:oder iib Township Patricide Society,
31 pain : L'wburn Red Cross Society,
31 pales ; Women's Ine(itute. 10 palm;
Mrs. F. J. Pridh.w, 0 pain ; Miss Gib-
son, 4 pain : Mee. Strang, Mrs. Nairn,
Mn. O. F. Carey. Mrs. Thom. Mrs.
Anderson, Mrs. Holt, 2 pain each ;
Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. R. J. Acheson. Mrs.
H. Martin, Miss Walker, Mn. Fraser,
Miss Le Tonnes, Miss Dickson. Mrs. O.
E. Rose. Mims Millar, Mrs. H. Palmer,
Mrs. 8w afileld, 1 pair each : also those
who knitted socks : Air-. Howrir,
Miss Burnet, 3 pairs each ; Mn. Mc -
Math, Me.. Morrow, Mrs. Clifton,
Mn. Reynolds, Mrs. BwaAfeld, Mi•.'
Millar, 2 pairs each ; Mrs. Jas. Dick-
son, Mrs. Noble, Mrs. Bell. Mrr. ll.
Williams, Miss Hays, Mrs. Kidd, Mrs.
Killoran, Mins Dark. Mrs. H..tidy, Mrs.
C. C. Lee, Mn. Macdonald, 1 pair
The Greyhound Here Next Week.
On Tuesday next the *teenier Grey-
reyhound will take the annual excursion
from Goderich to Detroit, leaving at
9.30 a. w. Excursionists will have all
day Wednesday and Thursday mot's-,
ing in the city, leaving for the retie=
t.ip at 1 o'clock Thursday. The fare
is only Ill :10 for the round trip. This
is the great holiday excursion of the
season, and Detroit will be at its best I
for sightseers. Everyone who can
should sake a port, oft insie doe
delightful voyage by and
one of the finest tripe oath* aoetineot.
Tlb,White Stec --Liar im!I' ruins
fling this annual esgarekin far ninny
years and has carne• splend' repu-
tation for the coir awl
n. en ofe�4a pas-
aeneeThe (fray rd.,ali Iwtial
in Goderich know.. a Ligs,pa
steel steamer with elegant ii&.oIunto-
Remember also the moonlight ex-
cursion, under the Itlepites of the
Goderich hand. on Monday night. The
Greyhound will leave the wharf at 8
o'clock. Fate pule 2:t..
Public School Board.
At the regular meeting of the public
school bo trill on Mind sy evening of
thie week the re-ig•istion of Mts.
Bettis Clai k, as 1 etcher in Central
school, was acceptesl with regret. The
choosing of s successor was lett with
the school management committee.
The secretary's repot' sbowed that a
totiLof 11,1316d: had been paid out
for current expenditures during the
month of May. Mies Sharman's re-
port for the mouth of slay for Central
school showed the number of pupils
on the roll to be 191, and the average
attendance 1014. The :amount de-
posited in the penny kink during the
month of Mai was 43".I./. the mem-
ber of depositors being D7. Princi-
pal Johnston of Victoria school re-
ported 398 pupils on the rail. with an
average stteude•co of 3L during the
month of May. The deposita in the
penny bulk during the month were
41:,.98. the number of depositors being
212. The epid.ni�c of measles Ind
mumps kept fi(ty•three 1' ipibe absent
in May.
The Popular Excursion to Guelph.
Saturday of this week Is the date of
the annual excursion to Guelph Model
}Farsiseder the auapicea ot..tbe West
Huron Farmers' Institute. A special
train on the C. P. it. will ieave.lieis-
rids at * a. m.,.Meneset 8.06 a.�m
Metiaw 8 14 a. eh. Admire 8.26 a, is,
and stopping at all other stations to
Walleoetein, and will arrive at Guelph
at 10.40. All excursionists from points
west of Walton. inclusive, bees the
privilege of remaining in Guelph over
Sunday end returoirg by any regular
train on Monday. The time for re-
turning from (itelph on Saturday will
be announced on the train.
County Court and General Sessions.
The June sittings of the County
Conn t and the General Sesiioos will
open at the coast house on Tuesday of
next ween. His Honor Judge Dick.
son will preside. There are four civil
eases on the docket -three to be tried
by jury and one without jury --and
three crui.iral cases. David Brown
will appear to answer to a charge of
theft of furs, end William Bender will
face the accuetion of subornation of
perjury in ccnnetU,n with prosecu-
tions under the Liquor License Act in
which he was involved. The third
case is that of arson against Roy Met-
calfe, who is accused of s. tting fin to
some buildings t.1 Se afol th.
Wlil Address Women's Meeting. •
A meeting under the auspices of the
Wcmen's Institute will be held in the
Maple Leaf Club rooms on June
13_b4 at 3.3) p m. This meeting will
lie addressed by Miss H T. Joh, of
Freeman, Ont., wbo has bad extended
experience in both public and high
school teaching. After graduating at
McDonald institute. Guelph. she
taught household science in the West-
ern Provinces for three years.
Job bas also had experience in demon -
titration work in Ontario, Subjects :
"Eliminating Ibe Doctor's Bill." "Diet
in Disease." "The Charm of Persona!-
4ty," -The Beet Taste.' "Economy in
Vi re Time." A suitable program of
music, etc.. will be provided for this
meeting. All are invited to attend
No charge.
Tauasaiv. Jolts 8, 1014 s
Keep !re fanny
Sa isst Is a
Aid Accent
In the names of two
or more members -
Husband and
Wife, Brother and Sister, or Father and Son
It Is an all-round convenience, as either cap
deposit or withdraw money, and In case of deans the
balance goes to the survivor without any formalities,
forming an Immediate source of ready money.
Goderich Br,inch-F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager.
*me year' ago, when she was duly i 6RAy NAIR BECOMES
seven years of age. At that time Vg
Goderich was only a scattered eettle-
est pod of those early days d'. was •
greet pleasure for the departed one to 1
recall many bistro it reminiscence,..
Her husband, Henry Bel!, died twenty
years ago. One son and three deur/ti-
ters are left to 11101.10 her departure :
Mr. Jas. H. Bell, of Oelwein, Iowa
Mrs. E. 1'. loner, of San Antonio,
Texas ; Miss Emily W. Bell, of Cal-
ifornia, and Miss Jane Clarkson Bell. of
Chicago, who was with tier mother
during her last illness Mr. Joh•
Kirkpatrick, of (:odriich township, is
& brother. The funeral took place
from the late home of the deceased on
Monday afternoon to Maitland ceme-
tery. It,,. W. K. Hager, of whose
church Mr,. B 11 was a member, con-
ducting the services. The pallbearers
were four old friends : F. F. Lawrence,
J. H. l'olbs*ne, JA.. Yates and John
Robertson. - -
A Link with the Pioneer Days.
A link which hound the present age
with the pioneer days in Oodericb was
severed on Saturday Lae' when Mrs.
Henry Bell was called away et leer
home on Cayley street. Mrs. Belle ill-
ness was of short duration; in fact,
until a few days before death claimed
her, her condition was not considered
serious Mrs. Bell was born at Bel-
fast, Ireland. ,evenly -eight years ego,
her maiden name h•ing Isabel Kirk-
patrick. With the other members of
her family she came to Canada and be-
came • resident of Oodernch seventy
If it's quality you want. usa Black-
etooe's delicious ice crests for all
occasions. Phone 240.
Tired. acbiog, swollen feet are mads.
comfortable and kept so by Netlike
Tread -Ear Foot Powder, at Camp-
bell's Fenster drug store. It
FOR SALB.-Cb0i(e potatoes, seed
boons and '1,(100 husbel. of good feed
tsrley. All landau( field and garden
seeds at C'ooper's rya: rhou.r,(ie erica.
Try Grandmother's Old Favorite
Recipe of Bap Tea and
Bniphtlr. p
Almost everyone knows that Sage
and Sulphur, properly rompou
brings back the natural color and lustre
to the hair when faded, streaked or ,
gray, Years ago the only wt.] to get this
mixture was to make it at borue, wbieb
is mussy and troublesome.
Nowadays we simply ask at any drag
store for "H yeth's and Sulphur,
Compound." You will get • large bottle
of this old time recipe improved by the
addition of other ingredients for aloes
50 cents. Everybody uses this prepara-
reparetion now, because no one can possibly tele
that you darkened your hair, as it dors
it so naturally and evenly. You dampen
• sponge or soft brush with it Gad draw
tbls through your hair, taking one email
strand at a time; by morning the gray
lair disappears, and after another apps I -
ration or two, your hair becom••s beauti-
fully dark, thick and glorsy and you
look Tears younger. 1t'yedh's Sage and
Sulphur Compound is a delightful toilet
requisite. It is uut intended for the cure,
atltlp;iie or prevention of disease.
Death of Mrs. R. Raw. Hamilton.
After a long illness Mee. MaryA.
Raw, widow of the lade
who predeorwsed her seventeen
died at her residence. 51 Markland
street, Hamilton. on Saturday last.
Mr.. Raw was the eldest daughter of
the late Joseph Middlewcnd, of Greet
k Middlewood. and was born in Cin-
cinnati in 1841 Fine came with her
parents to Hamilton when a child, ltd
had resided there ever since. Sbe bad
been • member of Centenary church
for over fifty years, and took a great
interest in the work of the Aged
Women's Home. She is survived y
her three none, Robert M. W.
and Edwin P. of Robert
Re Co,
and two daughters, T. Wrighttori g
(wife of Mr. T C. Wright. famerly of
Oodertebi and Met. W. 5. Duffield.
Former Resident Dies in California
A native of Colhorn, township. in
the person of John Kerr. died at Hunt-
ington, C•lifotnia, on 'Thursday, May
18th. Mr. Kerr was I,•ni an Colborne
seventy-three years ago : he farmed nn
the 0:b concession ret that township
until abaut four years ago, when he
retired and removed to Gndericb.
\Vhlle employed At the Ilia Mill he
met with an accident from which he
fully recovered. About a year
and • heat ago Mr. Kerr decided to re-
move to California, where one of his
sons was lo•,ateJ. The tensity took up
their residence at Huntington. at
which place death claimed Mr. Kerr
•fter a montb's Illness. In addition to
Mrs. Kerr, the following family sur-
vive : Mre. Robert 1I. Reynolds and
Mrs. Alex. McNevin, boil of Gode-
rich : William Kerr and Joseph Kerr,
Roth of Toronto ; Mrv. Drummond, of
Detroit : Florence, of Chicago ; and
Freak, Gorge. Lizzie and Jessie, all
of H•atington, California. The re-
mains were Interred in the cemetery
at Huntington, the (oilers! emirs
heimg conducted in the Methodist
church of that plate.
The Penny Banks.
According to • recent return the
average penny bank savings for (ioie-
i niche iTbo liowiag i* s comparative e(ate-
meet : Barrie, Idle Belleville. age
Berlin, 7e ; Bowminville, 9e ; Brnep-
to n, 17e t Oesephei tosrd, ibe : Carleton
Place. 9t. : Onllingwood, 19e ; OefUmg-
wedd (sem ), IIf1c ;Galt, SJt . 6odesieb
ilot Otselpb. 21e; Goelpb toww*►Ip. sae ;
Lbedeay, 9e ; Midland. sae • licaeesal.
Ile ; NewIea diet, gar : New Toren. as?HomaIlls
Canlral School Entertainment.
The animal entertainment of the
pupils of Omtr•I sclwol was bend on
tbm gebnel grenade lest setarday after-
n osM. The woether was idr for the oeea-
d4ni seordlsg a goodly n sober of shi-
n ers as npportewit to at .ed and to
tboresghly enjoythe bright and clever
�to�t� flims y the echelon. Mr.
J. iL Tbwt, piddle eehnol Ieepeeler,
presided while the following if b.re
w on reederei March ;
Anthem m ; ebalrsaai • address ; a pant
by the Yeoeoi Clear ; a woad
ret ea Fe11letertle�39e 1 No �a is/.iIA
t n ley wew'al Mete bora ; ,,i t tlos,
Oe t we ale ; Irarla.' ISG t Rieskeeing." M 19eetriee Todkod
hie t Peirce •1 1M t 4drese by Me. A. Muedese $115e ; Stains i lge : tT �� ewes by primary :~oboe a b7
..n boys
Illp Ktetl ttt ww�g. les *. a- Wheal eboenses t recitation,
it Tip for the
SoldElegi Lads
Take the advice of seasoned chaps.
They will tell you that the secret
of keeping fit and hearty is - an
occasional piece of
It's the best little refreshment a soldier
can carry. The sealed package keeps it
always full -flavored, fresh and clean.
The delicious mint flavors sweeten the
breath, prevent acid mouth and make
sacking doubly enjoyable.
It cleanses the teeth, aids appetite and digestion.
Write Wm. Wrigley Jr. Cie., Ltd.,
Wrigley Bldg., Toronto, for free
eery of Quiet "MOTHER GOOSE"
book illustrated in
Chew ft after every meal