HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-6-8, Page 4MI Iltesdareasee, Jure tl, 1010 riy 1'Hlt MONTH OF Pune you will .squire many changes in Wearing Apparel We are 'eddy fin you with a select stock such as Straw Hats Negligee Shirts Country;ClubShirts Combination Underwear Holeproof Hosiery, Etc. See the W. G. 6" R. New Marne and Canterbury Collars (Aron ran Order fa, a Society 310101 SUM Walter C. Pridham Society Brand Clothes, King Hats, Headlight Overalls. LUCetIOW. • MoleaaT, Jerre Mt Mr. Frank Tate has mound a posi- 1100 110 (orewau Iu a shell -factory et Pal orersion. i (Jos ;oral A. E. Mortis, who enileted from bets with the Ilbh Battalion, is among the wounded tie a military hwpi staking in i•'ranot SATURDAY Miss A. \['sod. bas ,old bee dress - e. Muerbalsa.. to Miss Edythe dMc- ress- Drogue. Miss Woods has gone to Dungann en to "aide. Mr. W. L Al.ckenre by gold bid re.idunce on Havel .ck street to Wil- Ikm Struthers mud his p4rchese.l 1'. Cor: igen'• 'untie uu Outram street. George B.rnnan, who "pent the early years ot Li. Iles In 1.'ukoow died in Mo .[real last we k. He was In hie thirty-fifth year. The family left Lucknow about sixteen years ago. Constable Joe Armstrong, the well- known Kinloss sleuth, is now westing the King•• u'tifornt. He has enlisted with the litSth(St. Catharines) 114ml- ion and has the office of regimental police. Mr. Robert R••aburn is recovering (tom the ettecte of a fail oo the ride - walk which be suateined a few days ago. His head came in contact with the concrete and h- was rendered un- conscious for several hours. Cat ^:Iii. DEATH OF MR,t. S. HOI ERTu.rN.— Following an illness of six weeks the death of Mrs. Samuel RA- ertsnn occurred at her hc,ue on Stauffer street on Monday of 1ISI week. A week previous she Sad un- dergone an operation for the removal of one of her feet. 8be appeared to rally from the effects of the opera; tion and for several days hope for her recovery was entertained, but in Mon- dry there was a turn for the worse and aha passed away in the early afternonn. Mrs. Robertson's maiden name was lassie Clark. She was b,rn in 11 iron township sixty- four years ego, and she had lived all her life in Lucknow and vicinity. A husband and grown-up family survive. The funeral to Kinloss cemetery on Wednesday afterwron was largely at- tended, the business Wase% in the vil- lage closing for the hour of the funer- al as a mark of respect to the family. oderich PORT ALBERT. WeelerHDAT, Juoe 7. PEIwo?(.IL MKNTIO i.—airs. Elliott Drennan and Master Raymond have been out from Oodericb for the past week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cousins .... Sergt. Otwey Hayden was home from Lonion for the week- end Mrs. W. O. Gray spent sev- eral days visiting her brother, Rev. Walter Hawking, at the rectory. Blyth Pte. W. J. Ruddock paid P. flying visit to his home here before leaving for his home in London e .'Walker Murray 's'eta=oed home from Detroit last week and was ac- companied by her aim., Mist R •to IitLellan3 lir. f3. Hayden the week-eadt• with his/ /laugh:at, bila& Evelyn Hayden, at Stratford Mr. and Mr. Richard W. Hoy and babe, of Walton. were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hoy for a few days Int week Mr. and Mra. Welter Kingswell end children, of Carlow, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Green iter. and Mee. Reg. Burrows are visiting at the borne of Mr. John Burrows. Spttng ,Styles In Footwear Both fashion and good taste demand suitable shoes for every occasion. The new shoes for spring enable you to indulge this taste without extravagance. And with the charm of var- iety and correct- st3 le they combine moderate price. SVe want you to see the .beautiful creation; we are non showing. REPAIRING Geo. MacVicar North ?side squat,. GOD F:RI1'H RUp U SPECIAL T IIE JUNE 1 LA1eENA'S IG All •i‘tilti SHOWS [SIGNAL a0DERICH t UNTAR BAYF1El D. 7uruair. Jame*. Mn. Js. F. Glace. of beadoa. le ss- P7'Mug. AYeseuvs4ys .b.,,flterth,feTbn" toot the services IS lies s'7o• by tortes abash last 1tabbe b.. In the absence of Mr. M,r-fss last. w bo wail preaching at Y i. nen and HAM Grey u N1 r Fdntrd TIMOR SHELL-BROCK — T1le ea.s.eity bets f•'•' June let o..o slue., t) s Is... of Jowph Dalton S v.0-, ...on of Mr. and Mrs. Wss. S ten , of ' be 8st.ble I tie. Stank . A t.lrgrsor float Ottawa, received by Mr beans, stated that his oro wa. suRri ire from eht l' sh. t k. Tills is the 'toned ar'ilent of the kind he has met with ibis spring •as be was In ata-plt.l a week er ten days in Ap.L at a r taint of shy. received la one et tl a rue s;emesii. at Bt. Eloi. As be has bet n is the lreoebrs for EOM MOO lis his friends are hoping he may g. t • holiday and be seat home for a [tat. DEATH or Aaca.lfALsRAITtt.--The dealb of Mr. Aiob. Galbraith occurred on 1'1 iday Oat the boof bis . ,phew, Mr. `V.igbt J. Stinsornen, of the Sauble line. Mr. G.Ihsatth bad bees In falling health sincelut tall and dur- ing the winter became so i11 that he bad to leave his home in the village, where be ass living alone. and remover; to his nephew's house, where he re- mained until the end. ler. Galbraith was in bis eightieth year and had live 1 almost all bis life in *hie oeigh- herbeod, heing one of the pions era. The funeral, which was held on Mon- day eftertr000, was conducted by his nsinlster, Rev. A. Macfarlane, of St. And. ew'S chs,eh. A TRAGIC DEATH.—The entire com- munity beard with • thrill of horror, on Faiday last. the news of the tragic dear h of one o 1 its most tst eemed a lee, young ladies, Miss Marg vldeet daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Clerks, of the Goshen line, Stanley. Miss Clarke bad lotto in Berlin for several years and for some time had beld a very responsible position in one of the largest stores in that city and was very successful in her work. On Thursday evening of last. week. witb several othergirie iron the stole, she accepted the invitation of one of their number to go for pl. &sure trip In a motor -hat. on the Speed River at Heepeler. The journey up the river and tack was made without accident and as the party was enjoying the ride the bo.t was again headed up stream. A large tree was growing by the bank with its b'aoches over- hanging the water sod ',bile the man in charge of Ibe b set ase attendit.g to his engine the heat ten.in among the branches, which caught its canopy and overturned it iwmedi&'ely. All of the occupants were thrown into the water, lett something to the up'urned boat and some 10 16r trancbrs of the tese_artd assistance cowing at once the gills wen et scutd, with the ',reefs, ti 'n of Miss Choke. As soon as her at settee was flogs' d a watch a m- meneeA bast eriehoue asa►1. and her. bed! was bet roc to imed *ninth* west d,y, when it Was fund some three- quarters of a mile dos c the river. The tuners,, w6beb was cbnduc'ed by Rev'. J. g.• ].•nil►, Lt the Methodist took place from her • r" 11 a r l; l t • 1 i ,_IP' ' III. 11.! / f4 a s. 1_ •aT! ft steams r Soo& ASTOR. esmai AM saes. ISLYTH. WEDNESDAY. June 7. PATRIOTIC' ENTKRTAINHETT.—The committee of the Red Clow in charge of the entertelomeot given in indus- try Hall on Friday evening deserves great praise for is success. The pro - gran. consisted ot a number of selec- tions by the otelrestra, followed by a play. entitled %'Teddy, or the Runa- w..v•," which was all perforated by hsc,al talent, and to esy that they all did their several pacts in a very mas- terly way is putting it mildly. A number who were there state that tbey have seen many plays iv -ted by professionals wbic'a were not done es well. The re eipt• amounted to $73 which will be used for patriotic pur- poses. PER.0NAL AND (iENERAL.—Mr. Rock, of Mitchell. who was here last week chilling for water at the C. P. H. station, struck &good stream on Eli - day. atter going to adeptb of eighty- five feet .. Dr. F Ilford. who has just returned from the mission fields of China, where he had been engaged as a medical missionary. gave a very good outline n the Methodist churcSundh evening There was a large attendance of his old friends to beer him. It is his in- tention to spend a year in Canada be- fore returning to his work in China. Anumber of the soldiers from London spent the week -end with their friends here...... Mr. A. aft Cartbew and family spent the ehwk-end with Mrs. Cartbew d smother at Owen Sound The Kings Birthday was not observed bore at all, the only place r( business that was eloped being the Bank of Hamilton .... Reeve Dr. Milne is attending county council at Orderich this week. foe. r. alare.t eves and uy sod a reseeded rg� I. G. G. F. DISTRHT MErsr,NA.— e tors ashy swat opening I a E s b� ems District Lodge of the I. O. O. F., com- b - the "p"� tete lodges from Brussels. �..a.nt u eloraYea. ,lass }pan txl.lwg J. T. xoe tae CsOMus ft�re5 dose aMtr((a,Iair, will T1A; On sae ow tree11 n *en ivsU Snse me seems -mi 74' •rr,t r&SMm�aglnmeM��sr ae.t aallow n,i .'r `: ran `'C VOMITS tllatpt tarts tat M JIB nearest See affillaaral (.,limy dltere.e Iran se w r lbs world) bars received M swore. wbereve5 exhibited. [tan seat, qw.+and Mese veMense et otyth. Do�sj� ° 1'eeserater. Meg- ham ls - ham and w,ulU rr, met in the Oddf.i Sie lows Wi here ab Tuesday afternoon oa with a good debrigation in attendance • M., called tebte��tt r weer s�*s wtswall salsa? 1t I the ETiissees go • n. n. G better serum somber* at go order and after the ems yert heerea_.a.r =lib a 11•••I trammed= aminwerrastoo of .1111110101r aur` Tien ear assns) wes.g ��E psetalnln4 to the welfare sY eat. :e*saw. asmdebt way. it ,se . W IN Laryew ae seeeb akefe M I bylaws fee the new district. the follow - of Om Gloteket It was added to draft Ing committee [+sin appointed for THIS race RUPTURE COUPON that purpose A. W. Robt01100,Thos. Vstiosesetallses1.1f. se and H. B. Elliott. p �ss� This soeeaaltlsS brought In Ice re - Blown, Jas. Jots ,�sarebee,mwisefees irse t ad It was decided to �v (t ail the next meeting giveet haat same ha rem asineer. esambienee over tat the various Bodices a chance to + lnqu r • Clinton, — Ratlanbary Hotel into 1'. it wnaM.Nd Jule 13 of httrweekte at the sett dot rict Godes itch, — hfsadfo►•t Rotel vs lob . �R• k o nsmok O Oise Tt 1 11 day and eight iyeaand Mr. (�de,'de,',w1y—Jane IS Meow for the earns* taiet "t.s. c...p. Seer- dry. Maids ► 13‘1414•4 ioe The Highest. Jumping Horse in the World, Jumps 7 feet in the Air. g church b_._ father's boo. op day afternoon and was t Stags egely attended funeral es seas at a Bayfield ceme- tery. Many Mends f.om Bet lin ruotored up end the eotire neighbor- hood *trended. Two automobiles carried the flowers to the cemetery. A p.culiatly sad feature of the accident was the fart that Miss Cletke was en- gaged to b • tnarried to a young busi- ness man in Berlin and the marriage was arrsnged to tate place in o vety short time. The most sincere sym- pathy of the whole comtnunit s Is ex• tended to the bereaved ones in their revs re affliction. New Lawn Waists We have dust put into stock a new line of Lawn Waists in sheer voiles. embroidered in dainty patterns .$1.25 to $I.85%each Silk Waists in raw silk. silk crepe-de-chene and Jap silk, at . $1.90, $2.25, $3.00 and $330 each Gloves Shim Silk Gloves, in black white and cobs, with stitching onbillck. double finger tips, two domes and good weight, at P air Two -dome Silk Gloves with stitching on back and very heavy silk with double finger tips, in black and white Long Silk Gloves, in black and white, double finger tips, $1.00, stitched $l•2 a pair at Linoleum Linokums are very popular floor coverings for kitchens, dining -roans and bed -rooms. We have just what you want in Linoleu n , in light and dark grounds, in a good�quality (NAIRN'S SCOTCH UNOLEUM), per yardFloor kloths in all widths and in the newest patterns, at per yard . • 40c • Stockinfatwo s for 25c Ladies' Stockings, in sizes 8 1-2, 9, 9 1-2, 10 . . Pam Girl's Princess Rib, in all sines, in black, at 25c a pair Boys' Buster Brown Stockings, in all sizes, in black, at . . 25c a pair Ladies' Silk Boot Hose, in all sizes, in black and colon, at 25c, 35c, 50c pair 1 /...01.0%"0•0100,4%."9""kek#6."414."1"411~1.4.APaPPARISSOSP. J. H. COLBORNE The Shand' sDi ierent t ATENT S Presents Mere W1Id Asthma Acts Uwe all ether stows cestahtaod. NONE BETTER. NONE As NEW. NONE WITH AS MANY NOVELTIES. b,ys "bowing his hravrry Rev. J. Richardson, of Kipper, preached here Inst Sunday morning. end v. Swillr. preach also next Sunday. Rr milton i. at. Winnipeg attending the General Assembly. LEEIIURN. Temper, Jun 6 LO AL..—Mr. Ed. Shaw is sporting a new rut,bet ired buggy Mrs. Percy Stewert visited h.ends at Clin- ton last weak .- .. Mies M. Clutton is 'mending a few days In ttladerich The seeding has been greatly delayed on account of the severe electric storm end rain which passed over here last Sendsy Mr. and Mrs. H Horton, of Exeter. call •d on their rrlatiese last 1 Werk. Mrs. Holton was oo her way to D rrFannon to attend the funeral ot her smother. the late Mrs. li.unby.IMr. to Horton has enlisted and gym Lon- don this week, soother of our Leebuto -riot-MESVILLE. �I WEDNraereo, June 7. is relatives in the vvil age thisbweekiaitiag Mr. E. 'Yeo is confined to the house this week with an attack of bronchitic and nroacular rbeuma' inn'. Rev. R. J. McCormick has returned from the London Conference, The Holmeeville pulpit in his absence' Clio -weal occupied by Mr. A. T. Conee ' n - ton, and Mr. A. J. Courtiee, Holmesville. War has at lasilt ng in the des h of s toll from this vicinity. tel the serious Homer Cantrlon and wounding of Ernest Holley Tbesym- path; of the community is extended to the stricken familiar. Min Holme* and Mise „V. Jervis attended the W. M. P. V. Thoma last 'week. conventionHol eevil o Mission Circle gained high boons% coming second to being the banner circle of the London Conference. AMBERt EY . Specht Cheap an Co reekat Excursion ea el Raireeds. TR UMW AM TAT WILL VISIT TN TMS SEAM Two Performances Ratty, Rah er Shine NU'T MRS TN WWI $T1EV PRUE AT ISM Ail r. And the BIG FREE EXIUIBlTIOHS At the Pow Or*aae. Ira',- -4l dean ta. Purees An �leleb�oaa S • m PSelealost shah In stoats sop chest lar rfith� l .em hit la the uad wise what r. en - "Welt � the sit I li 11141 ea`aAet fM Merge a ewsarw 1811 trs.ahs fb Mleastel. he , a.m e M wee` Mat i - r11A/g • 111111111011. 'Tel- 'Ain smite �Ma b eta slot MI6sr . 'rat the beet mad, Wanted-- Mean in All Departments -- DRIVERS, GROOMS! PONY BOYS ANI '•• 11ENT MEN. Appb' at SHOW GROUNDS DAY OF SHOW. Of all oarwerked warned probably ths housewife is the hardest worked. Illat teas so mush to attend to, with very bait help. Her work an be lightened 1f she bowe the vane of /lets and es should try Ind take a non rest the daytime * boss flaws mail wend the Doctor Pierce. N. T., world, specialist t y elsie., felt many 7+s HeP °ed meth - thee elssitee le • 1 �atri�. served the leek ey sem la the OWN of hm work. if it is a beneeln a Meas, • eM' 140euee, Juoe b. A L'oct+LE BttREAVEWENT.—For the second time within two months death bas visited the Core of Henry Courtney. In the fleet place the wits and mother was taken and on Mayy 27th James. the one. passe d after an illness of two weeks from ap- ny pendicitis. The deceased w lite was o popular young man so full of much promise. He was in hie n ineteenth year. The funeral took place on MoodaytoPinelRi River • It.,. Mr. rety Pl Brett, the services at the home and at • the graveside. Baldness is caused by a microbe which destrnys the hair root and closes the pores. The Retell '1111- Hair Tonic eremite this process. Sold at all Rexall drug stores, 50c and t1 bottles. H. C. Dunlop. Ooderich GOOD! Will be Better We take this opportunity to express our apprecia tion of the many complimentary remarks on our open- . ing day display of Furniture and House Furnishings.• As vet our stock is scarcely halt complete, but by August 1st we hope to, have everythins in readiness for a grant opening. .when we .wriU Give the people of Goderich the privilege of inspecting one of the finest Furniture stocks in this country. Preparations are proceeding apace for the It. -ass.,- �► OPENING OF OUR Undertaking Department which will be the last word in efficiency. Walker's : Furniture : Store W. Walker, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Phone 89 GODERICH ,Z. W oe of irritability or lanasoil uscoetrollehle st��servwser, «me brag nth the hied or bank • wowdarts-► •aye's but e/ the tine the reel trouble w'a'y dila .stators la the assess. 1a sloe casae est of We the seat nee r bore, e, and a an Wpm' ywatm . ff .d owe WallyInd with Dr. Plowes's Favorite w bema wow ado !!Ter fir..-/Wa b . parsed *e• e leretivabeelin �MP ball j Rweed has Tarhein n ode el wenn 110 Pdw. way NSW ouidlotroe Wel by duvet Own aeaft Ione« pyei�ere ti >iphs k t.YM ►efh►, '71ea • •d a arta. CARLOW. R/EDMtttIWAT, June 7. CAnLow No'rtt$ —Mr. J. McBride. wbo wag on the akk list. M feeling non better The bay and wheat crops leek very promising on some of the fame aremad Carlow Mr. A. Twit Is proposing to std an extern - slat to hie tees ... , • . A number of In aa��� of the burg are writing whilstlt sebool teachers' tratn- on tale week. Our I v. A. Laing. had been [hie coots last winter .. . Idles Gallagher Yeo been vidtlag In Mn. Agnew orgelby. OMeo it bine for a visit We are We, » Valeer the siekreras et two of erste Woe neighbors. Mrs. Thomas eanStea le very ill, sod we would be to boar of bee recovery. Mr. of Owner, r, also Is Iadlspeoed.... Mr. -Jas. M.Btrlde delivered several flew bad of eattls .t M.Oew station thir week. Mr. Howdefe.S et Lack- ner. was the shipper. San one ail Mr. 3.It,W sheen he lesnolne 1a the Farmers' lstst1ta$ Mlm Floe - woes Two for the week- aTia i et lo the entaWa.- near �levs sada oneenf. t ....rr sass' Dar- nereert L IPtiday owniag bee w ron was g.e- peewg�.s new to over 5* wig s i.voteld to Red C. KLOEPFER, UNITED, FOR Auto Supplies. Paints, Varnishes, Top Dressing, Auto Spokes and Rims, Handles, Locks, Hinges, Coverings, Carpets, Lock Washers, Celluloid. We also carry a heavy stock of Bar Iron, Steel Hoops and Bands. Bolts. Nuts and Rivets. KLOEPFER'S service is the best service, and means immediate delivery from stock. C. KLOEPFER, Limited, 44-80 WILLINOTON ST. EAST. TORONTO, ONT. ALSO GUELPH L- s. 1 JOB AND COMMERCIAL 14 Prinhng? the %tnaI •�� wrl0ewe• 6irembraher~a frirR 1".111— dp..ate. 124115.111r17.11.6.112:111°. I, Macao aa► M a» Yl flertwD - teagm BIACtlr 10 •TAN KEEP YOUR SHOES NE ShOE DI1USfl(S