HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-6-8, Page 3ant of battle:•hips, which never was more than p.gtinl. This phwas in- cluded a runuing light, as the German Dreadno.'gilts tied toward their beer, All the big ship lighting was over by 9.15 p.m. Chen came one of the o Of t writd features of the battle, as Berman destroyers made attack slier attack. like infantry following artillery pre- paration, on our big ship.. But these onslaughts were singularly futile, not a single torpedo launched by them getting homy. "With the morning these attacks ended and the ecene of battle was swept by Jellicoe•s fleet. Not s single enemy vessel remained in sight. "Until we get. Admiral Jellicoe•• complete report idents of twe can he g eaonitj fragmentary inc battle. Among them is the torpedo- ing t f the super -dreadnought Marl- borough, which i• now safely in har- bor. She mutt have struck a verit- able hornets' nest of submarines, as by skilful manoeuvring she avoided three of these 'before rhe was finally hit. ••Karly in the engagement, accord• ing to Admiral Bratty's report, a German battle cruiser, after being hotly engaged, blew up and broke iu two. er-• 0fft en of the fleet also upon passing a clo.ely-engagd battle cruiser which was lett behind while the British pursued the Get- JVNB «, Tweets Coatis Marhst Heavy c :� stews, . • • M: 76... ,. 0.11 Rash choice .lases9.06 1.10 9.00 1.88 D s��teekees'. gobs p 00 o d. coma� 1. medium .!6 D etcb.r, Dews. choice7.60 8.88 daC /sd O. 7.00 N . 7.76 de. laetntta/'ss choice 6.76 0.16 Feeders, ftf too 1.411 lb1 .76 do. balls .. 0.00 Mockers. 941 to NO lbs 7.76 do. good. 700 to 141 7.60 do. mod.. 060 to 700 $.76 do. common. fight.. 6.88 Cutters 1.00 Milkers, choice, sack00.00 do. medium to good00.00 Springer' 00.00 Calves, veal. good 10.00 do. medium 7.50 do. common 6.60 do. grass 4.75 Bob calves, each 3.00 Lambs. cwt. 9.50 Opting lambs. each 6.00 Sheep, ewes, light t .60 do. heavy and bucks7.60 do. culls 1.00 Hogs, weighed off cars10 65 do. ted and watered10.25 do. f.o.b. country 9.90 r - 7.76 7.00 6.6• 7.71 6.71 1.76 0.80 6.88 7.0 1.tg 118.88 76.80 116.06 11.0 6.66 7.00 0.26 7.88 18.00 11.60 10.00 6.50 4.00 10.76 10.36 10.00 Toronto Grain Markets Manitoba wheat -Tack, bay ports. No. 1 northern. $1.16; No 2 northern, 61.15%; No. 3 northern, 81 11 Manitoba oats -Track, bay ports, No. 2 C.W., 60%c; No. 3 t' It , 49 c; No. 1 extra feed, if%c; No. 1 feed, 48%c. American corn -No. 3 yellow, 76c, track, Toronto; 73%c, track, bay ports. Ontario wheat -No. 2 winter, per car lot, according to height outside, No. 1 commercial, $1 to $1.01; No. 2 commercial, 98c to 9/c; No. 3 com- mercial, 94c to 96c; feed wheat, 90c to 91c. Ontario oats -No. 8 white, 48c to 49c. Peas -No. 2, per carlot. 70; ac- cording to temple, $1.26 1, 91 60. Barley -:•tattle( ontsld.. 66c to 67c; No. 2 feed, $3c to 6rc Buckwheat -70c to 71c. Rye -No. 1 commercial. 94c to 95c. Manitoba flour --prat latents. In late bap, 66.70; seccnds, 16.220; strong bakers'. $6. in jut., bags. Ontario flour -Winter. track. Tomo- to, prompt shipment. according to sample, 94.20 to $4.20. 1n }lite bags; bulk, seaboard, $t/5 to 1446: -- ^ )Ne.' --Carloads, Bar. t .•ti deliver- ed, Montreal freights; bran, $23; shorts. $25; middlings, 9'l.; to 926; good.L•ed-Amur..b&4.9l.fie W•:11- ... W holesat. Predilaj - Toronto wholr la prl to the trade: `fit �r Eggs - Special candled (cart's)$ . 1) $ .27 New -lards, excartcns ... .25 .26 - Butter- Creamery prints. fresh.. .23 .31 Creamery, solids 18 .29 Choice dairy prints ,26 .27 Ordinary dairy prints., .24 .26 Bakers' .22 .24 Cheese -New, large. 18%c; twins. lk; old. June and September. I.:rg: , 21c; twins, 2114c; triplets. 21%/- Honey-Comb 1' eHoney-Comb honey, No. 1. per dozen. 12.50 to $3; No. 2, pet dozen, $2 to $2.40. Poultry Live Drese.ri Spring broilers 40c 4;c 6e• 55c Old fowl, lb19c 2 ,c 22, 24c Chickens 18c 2tc 24c 27c Milk -fed 17c • _..: 25c •26c mans, On their return this vessel was miming. Judging from her pre- vious plight, she mud now be at the bottom of the sea. This accounts for two of the enemy's battle eruisen, and we have their admission that they have let two battleships. ROBT. ■"`r SON 'Tice Admiralty has • t of the �l,/ it sinking of four German BOIL cruisers I tL sod the Germans have acknowledge Massey -Harris Agent the loss of six destroyers. There is Ham SL, Goderrd very good hope that the Garman loss is even greater. but we do sot intend meow emu to make any estimates until we bays complete official reports from our commanders, who dr not report abs loss of antagonist* without definite evidence. Zeppelins No Use. �TIUT. I /Tilt COMET 1t�TAL FiO91T. einimil enOak ships Chan comma Fleet altar A Hooey OWis, Load.., Jess 4.-1Le Bret official aoaoust 1a detail of the North Bea ONLY bride was give. yeeterda by a high official of tie Admiralty, It was ,1E G NUINE iviioiMs $Mt awns Admiralty offi- Nwhod � hors m to .11the the opinion was Kestrel twat tae depression caused b the Ind a••a••aam *1 of the result of IM estommeasst. was not justified, In the sight of wbsegwot details. It Is said that further detalb will have even a more heartening effect than the news Oros prbtaday. The Admitting is oapadally esuNon' about swim Mamas tomes, gtvia o.l tbos Whish are reported offi- cially dallWhishy or admitted by the Germans, to the meantime awaiting detailed re- ports from oMlerere who participated in the action. It would have been possible to an- ticipate tie (;.roan announcement in mord to the battle, received hen by wtrelees ye.tetday afternoon, tut. the HriUsb Admiralty did sot have details until after Admiral Jelliooe reached port, and frankly issued the informa- tion which wise in Its possession. AND BBWAR1t OF, UUTA- TIONtB BOLD ON THa *SKITS 0) /IIN�'S ga MILls a BO O KBI N DIN G MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES repaired. SOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS AO sedan. ateraa 1 to ss wvtas ism at Tat IIQNAL. Be/.t.& A. E. TAYLOR. fht•Tvono. RIDICAL GEO. BRILKMANN, OSTE- p IsATI/. -- .sWist la meow. sad Mill Weeeses..mew. *reale and aarvew dta- ayos nod tarsal, Darnel dew( .s . I. begs sad rbeesmile eoodtttmaa Ade - asks removal without the keit*. Odloa et ssrdMac. .obese Nei mg and St. Aedr.w• stie.la. At Imes eines M..4., . N'eda•.d.ye sad aatar'eais: say et mine by uppeleimeeL F..1.11. FORISTE R -BYE, EAR. threat only. Haw ova. TTaark�Opkth s4e ..01 Aural Amen.. K Nel1kr..t ameplt 1. iea. Seama...Meareas14 Ly. Bandiat• gaglaa4. 011e., al 'Malaria" Suo.t, .pp.NM Kiwi Cusick. Basis R e tl a. a.. f to 4 p• m•, r te s p• m. Ton :Woes If. _ AUCTIONLEI ijHOMA13 UUNDRY AUCTWNiLR Sex el. Oeleetek. AL I*Rraotloar be sat dart Week am will wbe promptly a inn ie. lfrdeame Meows 119 U. HAYS LEf1AL Expurgating only such portions of winless reporte ar might be of as- sistance to (heat Britain's enemies, the Admiralty official gave the follow - Ing details of the great nasal fight : Leekiag for Piglet. •• We can only say that we Vorere looking for a fight when our fleet went out. Stories that It was decoyed be the Germans are sheerest nonsense. In a word, with an (nfetior fleet we engaged the entire German nigh sea fleet, interrupted their plans, and drove them hock Into their barbor.. "In carrying out the plan decided upon we ruataioed hew.y turbos, which we expected." ibis t fficial oak:, "but we also attained ihr expected re- sult of feeciog the eaecuy io abindue bis plan and reek refuge, after we ham given battle in his own waters neer his coast. "With the exceytim of two divi- sions, port . f which was only parti- ally enaged, the brunt of battle was borne by theb.tttle esuirer flee. and, with one exception, our bottle fleet is ready for sea service. i must adinit that we had exceptional) hard luck with our battle cruisers, but the It es of these tbrae treat ships does not in any measure cripple our control of t'te SIGNAL ; (}ODERI What ear They Cured w a Rw•1<aeirad "1 we mice a Ii.u*ls misrer with !Hairy and bladder tsa.Wes, sad at etm..1 would loss the we d my kip. sad mold net go army bora borne with- out some one with me. 1 wee trealad by Menem doctors for 3 years, sad only got temporary Mkt My ean advised s me to take Gin Tilla,•d altar liking this Int $ or 3 demo I gdsstid. I oentian- me lake them t i Ot ut cared. I azo my t.orr06sara?t1 _�r 1 11 T p� sssadw. V. S. GIN PLS .is Or.. a bee es . bowie ler *Mat all dr. 10a. bungee tante eat fres Vestillswa.eftwoles• Os. et esissedle Illuesee Beany'. repeat, teadl.g bis 'division into action with the most 1.eptrina courage-' Hit Beg captain, Oay, went down wltb blur. "Capt. Illowerby, former British naval attache at Waebingto., per- ished with hie ship, the Indefatigable, while Capt. norm) oww died on the Queen Mary. "With a Birt like Wedeeday'e actioo occurring every day, we could steed the loss pinch better than lire Germane. Our battle fleet is still in- tact, while we mill have oonsiderah ly more battle cruisers than the Ger- mane. "It is in'er.sting to note that the w.ber st etetnent. In the Reichstag do not eoust ret the greet victory so jubi- lenIly announced in the Clef man preen, With our battle fleet Miser. we still bold the No t b Se., and we have pr• - veated the enemy from accomplishing any definite ohjtet." sea. -The great battle had four phases. The first opened at :115 p.m , when our battle crui.era, at a range of six miles, joined action with tiertnan' battle cruisers. Shortly afterwards the second phase begat. with the ai- r iral on both rid.. of I•attleehip., the Germans arriving first. But before their airiest cur three battle cruisers i had t�hea ��''d� blown upp...uppppiy the re- sult oIAunnre, £TUloitgh pcesitll'y they curt their fete firma torpedoes. it ••Sucb• close-raoge lighting withl the cruisers might be entire. v 1 tie fesult had actlee, - hu* our 455.l. tenoning ' ' 1ProAli dura ' he traditions of the navy, went out , 500ve ft box, or Zar yourself. Co , To- uevgaee�tbeenemy mod on account' esti• To- t weather conditions coati do so ut,ly lease, for price. (short range. Germans Fled Away. "rho tided phase was the engage - t.. ut:rrtK.let1TAYY. ba s {fsiii'lBiek. Basuto. sloe. ma 111.1 Liam Lases .aa lnmexnoa PROUDN'0UT.IULLORAN a 000HE • Ng'C. OMoe ea Iii •. ee1.d bM frs Brae- m Ohre .canna„retiree. feeds to lose st lowest rata.. W. POOL 0500r, rl.t. J. L. KILtOnrn b. J. D. t'.waa- IC:se sRON. ILe0.... HARRRR sIS . votary Ea. At Masa Thursday et sorb week In oe Albert blast .00gMdm by Mr. r.' OM* bean' s NERE'SA GRET If yeti want to ours that skin Oa Mee of yours, you eat only d0 se by using an olatment so refined as to he capable of penetrating to the rut of the disease. Zatn-Buk is eapabl• of doing this. whereas or- dinary ointments remain on the sur- face urface skin. Besides its wonderful power of pmetratfon, Zam-Buk is suck a strong germicide that germs cannot live where Zam-Buk is applied. Thus. all germs. both on the surface sad la the underlying tissues, are Iestrayel_ Then the borbal essences. of which Zara-Buk l composed, pro - mete the p'3wth of new titter, and • aoopiete and permanent cure is ONTARIO .*IO RARIE[ Q JOTA110Il3 TflRUMAT, Joint 1, 1/66 I/ L• A,1tLE8 UARROW, LL.H.. BAS - UN -11W. a•er..y. sehcltoe. els.. Gallo Meese to iced ea Merest ratty -. -- sKAalni. HAtRIBTIR.MO- t Weerrt 11 WderM` ' "Les Pulite Ind C ixuUUWa. LOAM IITC. OBLLLOP MUTUAL F1AK IN /QAAMCB 0. -gym sat �a� 11m1---. Pres.. g clank blase Sea-Trisea. asainta P. 0. 0Pres.. ddestskataeee: h P. o-; �'•VY Rtaa.l7es James Iva.., • BNset,fasefs. iiaetsoa : Meiosis J. Tew 4: Ala:. Witton : LOO R. t a baaan sod pm o*rI* at M�s�.�MChittiesChittiesEtre. eerisbl Chitties . or e urecery. [barmen street. Reid'. Geueral"ors. Soy Mild. 0, 000 MfUU4CTM •Hsrtiater Hamilton street, Ooderke. W 11, BOBBRTHON. • INSURANCE AGENT. gum em. Lexgvatee t lirltlst. Canadian sad AmerlemsOpgyrrs AND bsPLeta Yw 9 ,'>jk. 0ss�a ass CeaM!se3 I/asMsA��y' Ua sh y �ly,2' vsas�.. . a� of Tb ��- Daval'a.snehr� tTa )WB1A'S LICENSES WALTR pppg 0661.P,. ng11ER or MARRIAGE LiCZNsm • ?melts, Trite larks, Designs V•eured in All Countries. Write for tree book "PAT/PITS PBOT/C- 11101e. Tens all abet and Mw to gib pat seta. BABCOCK at SONS. setabitabd n17 termer,y Pma.t team gxaseiser, Master N papa Law., /taeatered Pater'( Atter.eys sea, eta. Jamar West. Vestees. 81wn.aas-- Meows sed Wasateot•ie. ReersesetoMws ma moms. eee.teles Brophe) Bros. OODIRiOH Liss Lema$K Pound M sders aid Embalmers a m y eQyalgaa 1Msdsito or YOURS FOR Good Plumbing A balpy nutn or woman is he cr rhe who engages us for their plumbing. We are yours to ccamand for hurry jobs, end that we -give entire satisfaction is %curbed for by hundreds of pleased customers. Fred Hunt HAMILTON STREET 'PHONE 135 0000000000000 "Zeppelins did not play the Impor- tant part watch had been attributed to them. 0.17 one appeared. it re- mained In action a very brief time, reoingg underheavy yather oonclition. badly damaged . were such that it la doubtful whether bey .Ircreft would have been of much service, 'Phe .es,ft sprang no serprieee. Ws saw nothing of any 17i•ea gene No tricks were used which wees sot already known In naval warfare, '•Tbe wet conditions were the hardest bit look our fleet .•eo..t- seed, as mal judged from tae fol- lowing paryPWh from the a heist re - porta : Regret misty wsatMe eyf Beat saved enemy from far more severe pusishtm.t. Dig Lan al Mao. 'thorn the standpoint a actual stra•/N, the savy's loss la parwonwai. wbW t, woo not serious, as twoMv+ ty of mss to e.pialsa "beam �{ dist!. of so marry t Eand Isis save irts1 1. law etervie . wawa doors with ' •vladMer In the words 01 IAdmiral Hosiery Gloves Underwear The Scotch Store is famed for Hosiery, Gloves and Under - .wear for the whole family. The present situation is unprecedented owing to the great scarcity of raw materials and shortage Of dyes. We antici- pated this many months ago and have been fortunate in secur- ing a fairly good supply of our well-known lines. "Penman's Hose" "Radium Hose" "Crown Hose" Penman's Pen -Angle Hosiery ie too well known to need any comment. Our stock is moot complete in lisle and silk in black, white and colors at 25c, 35c, SOc, 60c and 7Sc per pair. Women's fibre silk ankle Women's lisle Hose, extra Women's super lisle and silk super quality, garter top, Ixxit Hose, Radium and Crown double sole, black, white and ,rands. Seamless double soles one of our net) t pop colors. A splendid Hose at sheer quality, black,,,white and a popular price:15c, c, color..' At iter attar seller, At purr pair25C pairs for . ••• • •�T•00 pair 50C Women's super quality Silk Hose. all colors, 75C, $1.00 and $1.50 per pair Misses' and Children's Hosiery Princess Rib Lisle Hose for misses and boys. Black and tan, all sizes 5 1-2 to 10 25c per pair Buster Brown's Sister Hose, silk lisle, for children's wear, in black, tan, pink, sky and white, all sizes • 25c per pair Boys extra heavy ribbed Cotton Hose, "Buster Brown" and "Invincible;' will stand all kinds of hard wear. All sizes 25c per pair Infants' sox in great variety, in the new cuff tops from 15c per pair 7000 Rods of STANDARD FENCE East Buffalo Cattle Cattle-Retelpt a,. 40 0: fairly ac- tive; ahlppfne. $s.50 1o. $10.80; but- chers. 17.7 5to 99.95: heifers. $7.30 to 99; cows. 84.50 to $`: bulls. 85.641 t0 98.25; stockers and feeders. $6.55 to $8; stock heifers, $6.7.0 to $7.25; fresh cows and springers. slew, $45 to $100.. Veal,-Reeetpt., 1.G" : active; $4.60 t to 911.76. Hogs --Receipts. 17..400; active: heavy and mixed. 89.; to 89.75; york- en, 39 to $9.10; pig=. $8.75 to $9; roughs, 98.60 to $8.60. stags. 96.50 to $7.25. Sheep and lambs-- Receipts. 3.000: active; lambs. $6.60 to 910; yearling t. 55 to $9; wethers. 87.76 to $8; ewes 94 to 87.25; sheep. nixed, $7.25 1.t 97.60; spring Iambs, 7 to 912. Hose, in black, white and tan, Gloves Gloves Gloves Women's lisle Gloves, super Kayser and Niagara Maid Kayser two -stay, extra heavy Silk Gloves, double tips, guar - quality black and white, two silk Gloves, black and anteed black, tun, slate, navy white, all sizes. At r`5 dome, all sizes. At per rOC and white, :ill sizes. SOC C pair 5 per pa ..... pair. pe 7 Kayser 12 and 16 -button length silk Elbow Gloves, double tips, fully guaranteed. Black. tan and white. All sizes $1.00 and $1.25 per pair All our Silk Gloves are made in Canada 11 Women's Summer Underwear Women'seapecial lisle Vests, Women's porous -it nit ¥ ests, Women's silk lisle Vests, short super quality, short or no low neck, short or no sleeves, or no sleeve, neatly trimmed,' sleevearneatly triuuuetl, ca very popular Vest, lovely quality, aC,.0 S tat, e:acri.. 25C t!gclt ...,.. 25C-.. e9e�......._�. _..... _... IJV ' Women's tisk 'Li ead Combination -s", slfortar-ti r steeven,-'k a or amide length -savior ii.5S a,aait - Children's Summer Vests and Drawers, all sizes at lowest prices. McCALL'S PATTERNS AND PUBLICATIONS FOR JULY. • PHONE 56 !VIillar's Scotch Store PHONE56 J nitwit be sold by July let, 1916. We have two car loads of the beet fence that mune can buy and we have Nought so we sae sell right. (' ill in and see our stock rind get our rppiimoaa before you i.uy your et:. We awl the money and you surd the fence. Fars maeeemir y W. carry a full line of Farm Machinery always ern band. arriages W el Denise Chem, all Mapes and .1,.s. A large assoetoont al - war ow our Moor. 1r yon ..ed a few ten. of that FA610UB O L i) HO 16 11- EFRAD FIBTiLIZBA, wo have a carload just la. Hard or Soft Wood delivered to any part of town. Phone No. 166 Meats -Wholesale Toronto wholesale koalas are quo ing to tho trade Ls follows: Reef, forequarters.... 711 .00 to $12.00 do. hindquarters... 16.60 17.60 Carcases. choice 13.50 14,59 do. common 12.01r 12.00 Coals. common 8.50 10.60 do. medium 11 .50 13.60 do. prime 16.00 17.00 Heavy bogs 12.60 12.60 Shop hogs 14.60 15.00 Abattoir hogs , ., 14.60 15.60 Mutton. heavy 10.00 1'.00 do. light 14.06 11.00 Lambs, yearltng 20.00 11.00 do. spring, each7.00 11.00 NUM! 00 11110.011111 Chicago Cattle Haricot Cattle-Recelpts. 16.000; market un- settled; beeves, 98 to 811.16; stockers sad feeder. $6 to $9. Vows aid heif- ers, $3.76 to $/.N: oalves. $11 to 911.26. Hog.-Rsoo1pts40000; market low - Mi Batt. MIN to 18.95; mixed. 1018 10 90.M: basvy. $106 to $9.06; 0.66 to $1 20; pigs. 84.10 to 59. , balk of salsa. $.16 to 59.66. /beep-Reeetpta. 16.000; marten an - settled: astive. 11 to 16.10: Lobs. lathy. $7.00 to $10, spring lambs, 98.116 to 911.66. Seeds Tomato wholesalers are soiling to eosatry Undo' 1 rr6 clover. cwt 9 to $$7.90 .,,... .. 37.10 116.00 20.00 00.00 11.00 21.00 111.60 1yy% t1.N 1 .1 i MODEL 0 "Chevrolet" $675.00 I / F.U.B. Oshawa From Sir Lyman Melvin Jones, President and General Manager, Massey -Harris Co., Limited. Toronto, March 16th, I916. Chevrolet Motor Co.. Limited, H. Horaman, Esq.. Manager, Toronto, Ont. My Dear Sir :- With reference to the car which I pnrcha..ed from you the end of January, I have used it almost daily and I want to say to you that 1 am very pleased with it. it is so convenient and ight that it is much more comfortable getting about in the bad roads of the winter than the heavy cars which I have heretofore used and it does make such a large saving in gasoline. It rides sp endidy, better than i expected from a ight car. We have had no tronbe with it. My chauffeur is greaty p_asel ant is a ways remarking about its goo.( (lull ties. He is certainly enthusiastic. With all good wi#het, believe me, Nrburs truly,' (Signed) Lyman Melvin Jones. EQUIPMENT Including speedometer, ammeter, mohair top, envelope and side curtains. clear .vision ventilating wind shield, electric starting and ligh 'ng system, valve in head, 4nd completely electrically equipped. NOTE -Owing to the great demand for this car We would suggest plac- ingyour order early to ensure delivery._ MWEO ANO NOW AT OURANDLING OUGARAGE ONUNL OILS D COLBORNERSTREEOT. MOB