HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-6-8, Page 2• TIPPRaa y 701111 11, late
that Caaada ba. net her owo Scot to
convoy her own heave soldiery across
l0ntla, the orce*o, and that to perform this
iI177�e''^^�� duty the ships d our sister colony
PRINTING 00 LTD.I bars had to be diverted Inion other
L work. 1t is The News and it. party
Ftl� - ( friends 'bat are responsibt• for this
"""i•s If slate of Mfairs
Tea east Is SI&b.4 =las. *ort`
,pmtMs,•lo/a71• No. S.
os tlYara--Oso I ,t...
Mowat- (Roderick Or tarO Telepb0 Bind .
he Por year
peldstraitly la advance
.e : u accepted In the
.Jests p t11 be aoo.Wed : to ,ub.nr(ben
stud &Wo. the rate 1. 1)0. Dollar Ft tky
Cents strictly in advance. ty by ibere who
fah to receive Tna erex.t regular yuletmaid
a favor by acquaintingthe
a1 of ti• fact eta. r-.early1. cleaned, both old Whim
t echeesedf an tae., elven. Remittaoo•e
tea new made ban be RI
may be wade by rant era resiotar.• �
order. po.tomoe order, or reglrterd
Subscription. ,ha) oowwento at •n time
Aovaarww Tasha . -limes for denies end
e•stra.t advert teeniest. will be given on spell -
cation. Legal end other olmilaradvert entente,
rep costa per line for first Ineertlou and four
-mots per line tor each eubeeque1t Insertion.
• scale of solid mannered -1 rel ve
Measured to a by oil !Mae
apes to.o took• Ruches+ cards of
ase under, rive Dollar. per year. ASlusitloa.
retire -
mists .t Leo.. Fouad( Ntnrd.
tom tor Sale cr
le Vacant. tilt rioatoful bale or Ho hest, Artld1e
to Pete.
Par Pyle, Cont. o., not closeting rtIont One Uwe. tTwenty-
« a
eva 0.Fifty
Cent. t•form .. neer month.
moat\. adverbstnre►n ion. A
Larger advelIn ordinary reading type.
Cents per h o In oreTwenty-
A No notice Ice than object of
eve pelta. Any "peolel lery benefit of any individ-
ual." is the ltc , . to oohideted yrs sever
•at ment etaa.4 rho a1accordingly
t o Co ase showered
To Coraraeo�Ioaxra-The cooperation of
our sabr•rlber and readers b ooedWly Writ -
ed toward. making Toni PIOP.t • weekly record
o ems
of all local, county and dtcriotdoiwR
aranlratie0 will be attended to *nitre It eon-
detse lie noise and widow. of the writs•, not
necseertl for publication. but r euld rneevtdeeck �oce
of aced 0 1 1 later then ems shWeddnesday 0000
ewg.t oleo not
01 earn week.
Canada and the Empire have had a
week of stress hardly paralleled since
the commencement of the war. First,
the news iris it first reached to) of •
naval disa,ter in he Northd Sea. fist -
lowed -
happily by
counts showing that Bt itaiu's navy
had in reality won a great victory
Then a cabled paragraph indicating
heavy ft1bting ►•y the Canadians on
the Ypres salient, with later reports
that again bore a tale of Canadian
gallantry, accompanied with the sad
intelligence of the lou of many brave
iive.. This hardly realiz td before the
.hock of the news of Lied Kitchener'*
traffic death.
War is piling up its terrors thick
and fast, and who knows hot that as
them liner an'tirr'kten ogee•' wat4d-
@baking events Ate under way ! But we
• know that our.eauae is just, trod must
prevail, thwgh the sacrMces be
grievous, and while our be -t and
bravest fight our battles at the front'
How many )'"`roll ladies In Canada,
in this year of Kraus 1918, received
from their until Iyer, a bonus of $10.ir
000? The only oue we have beard of
Is Mies Edwards, secretary to Colooel
John Wt+ley Allison, of Aril fame,
the $1iki3Our being part of • total cons.
mission of one million duller• on a
contract handed out by the Canadian
She Il Cowmiittee.
This million dollars, paid over and
above the legitimate price to the mabu-
faelurers. might have been saved to
the people of Britain and Canada if the
Shell Committee had dealt directly
with the manufacturers, Instead of
playing into the bands of bloodsuckers
like Allison. Ila jor-Generel Sam
Hughes may talk himself black in the
face ; but he will not convince ill'
people of Caned* that Allison or wry'
other wan of his stamp is anything
but a grafter of • very menu sort.
The people of Canada aro nct sub-
mitting to war taxation with the idea
of providing big commit* ions for
munitions grafters.
"German efficiency" is illustrated in
the way in which thousands upon
thousands of German soldiers are be-
ing led to slaughter in the vain assault
upon Verdun.
Rick Yet
Cly and Full of —
mpg ONTARI(►
Is blended dir�o thkcr� hill-grown
teas, tanme
qualities. Imitated yet never equ�
,teas out that betadredr s! .•.'rase
may have heed destroyed Mad the fast
VossSomped more bb{os, ssed t tew retreat shotoe.
But our pint le that each egeeptional
be they few or mase. have p .foemedll
affected Obs Briti h a,Idier.Tobins
Om fact of survival has become to s sym-
bulic, aad he le prepared
that there was more of the divite io
the Cross of 0brbt than petbapv be
would have admitted in f•eriuer days.
Another ghat "realit • to our sol-
dier* is that of the slululoeea of sin.
Mr. Kipllnfl s grsotatlon of a French
officer to the effect that "the Bosch
has saved lb world by revealing the
reality of sin" meats with a
re yd
dorsement on their part. They
not known that human beings oould
be so wicked." It boot, alas ! that
drunkenness and murder and rape
taus been unk.owWW forms why
It is rather the gross
hese sins have taken that has made
— — " ---- the soldier feel that while we may be
bovine, as • fatuous
calker and breeder. Now a "little less tbaa divide," they may
she is more famous than ever as an also be more bestial Iliac the beast.
argument in favor 'of votes for THE 1100
awfulness of the deeds they have
women. Arthur Brl.bane, clever L
journal's' and lecturer that be is, evidence of thecae into startling
of relief
so ' the idea of a (lad of righteousness and
k kicked ore• (ince'• pail ► loo, bad tbo solder. like mann others
w aIle'
of milk as mals fodder when he said
"Why, l..•k wt h •r out t here on the
ter,. • She has tarnished thousands of
„10 1/1 milk and putter to the
p... p e .;he hr+given them velu•I•le
,.Iv - 11.1.1 tete ore.. iliac. id old
111'. CIn hr -mrs *r .t Whatwvi
u d7 u
• r,\ , f bet •-ioiue bull if he .aid
Li. m.. wast.'. good .mougb tJ Vola 1"
Wei vote that •t&teeneot unanswer-
able, but there is stilt room for argu-
The weather man at Toronto has
been knighted and is now Sir Freder-
ick Stupart. We are soured now of
a fine knight, but we should like also
a few fine days.
Berlin, Ontario, has discarded all of
the six names proposed by the civic
committee and is inviting fresh sug-
geations for a new name. Hour would
"Kitchener- do ?
When the story of the Oreat War
comes to be written, one of its most
faseinatlag chapters will be headed
"The Miracle of Repair." 1 have been
deur a 4 at the triumphs of modern
surgery. Limbs 'bat bave been ,hat-
lered until one wondered that any
ettempt should be made to save them
hays been restored almost to perfect
use ; an one is left bewildered with
the daring and skill of surgeons who
bare given of their beat In the service
which the day demands. Not lees
wooderful has been the tenderness and
the skill of nursing sister., and it must
be confirmed that their gift bas been
met by a reverence and affecUon on
the part of their patients which iv al-
most too sacred for wordy.
I pas*, however. to speak rather of
what I bave gathered from my inter-
course with the men themselves. The
lflrst and the inevitable impression has
[ h 1' bl hearted the
Mr. Carvell'* Informant.
1(0.14oal HeraM.
�Vheu Col. Wesley Allison's lawyer
demanded to know where Mr. Carvell
got • cert sin communisation produced
before the Royal Cotuulissron on Tues-
day. Mr. Carvell announced for the
Um time tire source of some of his in-'
side information on commissions and
rake-off He declared that be got "„
whole pile" of documents from Mr. J.
R. Remote. edi'or of The Providence
Journal, ".be man who bee done more
tbao anyone else in the United States
to destroy the German propaganda."
Mr. Rathom ho. become famous for
some of the most startling disclosures osmao
ever published relating to pro-
activities on this contineot. It was he
who charged that the Sayville wireless
was being used for enemy purposes,
and supported his charges by leolue-
ing copies of every message passing
through that ,tstiou blood the war be-
gan. 'I he United States Government
thereupon took over the station. It
was be also wbo exposed von =fit
and his schemes and broughtof the
the recall of that ewibery
Kaiser. Other remarkable work
m wane the
tbe•aeme linea done by
vwaaing that as attempt aro.id be
made to bust Ottawa's Parh•meat
buildinggss� t Aestralis.
MT llasf*o its a tai&1 .g
but baa lived ina the U head Staoatutes for'
ral led
twenty-five year", and
American citizen. He wap born in
Melbourne on July 4, 1863. He was
correspondent in the Sudan In 1896 for
The Melbourne Argtm ; Cube, 1868, for
The Chicago Herald ; member Bun-
bury expeditieo to New Guinea. 1888 ;
Schwa k. s Alaska expeditloo. 1880.
He has been editor of The Providence
Journal since 1906. He is widely
known as a mag.aine contrib.ltor, end
an authority oil immigration and to-
ciolugical subjects.
Kitcbener's death will be avenged
on the battlefields of France and Bel-
Ritlm _ Th. British Tommy is root
overly demonstrative: but liehlod the
keen point of his bayonet is a good
est mory Kra a strong riots'. •re.--.
The only mistake in connection with
la+t week's great naval fight, a. Lord
we must wait' With patience and 1)111• I ebb, lee Beresford has pointed out,wei
trade for the final victory and in the
that the (}erwan report of a British
meantime "keep the home fires burn• „water was allowed to get a good
irg.• start over the true report of a great
- I British victory : and it is proverbially
difficult to overtake a lie.
Every day that the French forces
hold the enemy at bay before Verdun
is a fresh victory for the Allied cause.
The French could retire to stronger
lines and yet told Verdun. but they
refuse to do this until the enemy pays
a still higher' price for his advance.
Already it is e.tl,itat.d that Germany
has lost a third of 'a million wen be-
fore Verdun, and the slaughter still
goes on in what is virtually the most
stupendous defeat, inflicted on any
army in this or probably in any war.
The Britirh troops are eager to inter-
vene in relief of their allies, but the
spirit of the French is high and they
evidently desire to hare the victory of
Verdun recorded as their own.
" osuch - . b'be prob-
••passing-0vK stn.
leo of pain and sin b much k elore bis
From such "realities" there is COM -
log to our *oldie's • new interprels-
tloo of life, and of this I will mention
two instances, though the number
might be 'greatly loe'es*ed. I asked •
thoughtful man bow be would answer
the queen ion : "What is t be religion
of the sono at the front r He replied t
••wall. sir, to some it will mean more
tad to some law, bat it I am to olive
en •newer which will Dover ell. I
would say that it ie just helping one
another.' That is an answer which
should set us all thinking. It it u a
true answer it would seen) to indle$te
that men may bring back from the
army a definition of religiou in terms
of service. After all has been said
against such a definition. it will still I
:New Dress Poplins;
and Taffetas,': -
• Velvet Cords
t 'main • rendering of the second
clause in our Lord'. answer to the
question "Which is dro.gre test com-
mandment of the law ?' 1t is for the
church to help the reedier to see that
there is avital connection between the
second climes and the first In that
historic answer.
J ust received a range of shades in French Silk •
Poplins, beautiful weave, good weight and superior Am
quality, 36 to 4o inches wide. Shades : Copen-
hagen, browns, amethyst, dell alice, greens,' blacks, t
at per yard, $t•oO, $1.35, $i.5o.
Duchess Silks and Pailettes
Thirt -six inches wide, blacks and navy, at per yard, •
85c, t.00, $1.25, $1.50.
• White, ivory, greens and browns, for suits and
wool, •
$1.25 •
. •
• coats, heavy superior quality, 68c.
Cream Serges
Fifty-six inches wide, suiting Berges, all pure
at per yard, $ i .00 and $1.50.
Navy blue serge suitings at old price, worth
for 85c.
• Wash Goods o
• Forty to forty-two inches wide, dark and medium •
• ground, new designs. voiles, marquisettes. ninon*,
• at per yard 25c, 35c, 50 . •
• Twenty -eight -inch krinkle crepes, ginghams, prints, •
• in mid light and dark colors, guaranteed fast, hun- •
• dreds of pieces to select from. Regular 15c to 18c. •
• at per yard 12 1-2c. •
been that o e rg •
irrepressible gaiety of oleo who have The second instance bohd �a•
TT f ^ e 1 -VI
cue 1' hospital .Ty o ton I► . !� V! t a��JO/ ♦ Va SON • •
of bappy•laughter,and of fun which Ina •
cr Bever bee o careless, eors bitter, m '• I wp recover * quotationmid; Oil pthat has • • • • • • • • •. • M • • • • • • • ••• • • •
cruel. Nor is this wen reaction from beep mo quotation
for some I
the nervous renin in
lite e the days. runningdoo't neem tn o ret all the lines
trenches. There ,s b it a deeper,
more ethical note, which is Dever ob• quit. rights 11 b something about
truded sod it often digui.ed. The 'iron dipped in betbe of tears.'" The
merriment of the wards 1s rather ♦ liney are familiar enough. but the
envie warn! Rimless@ of beart•ts the' will bran repeatingw we recall
they -haws Wm time tolsbet that < ��'WU
the sweet .. ,v. - a --- , ... -
my visite [ terve beard no word of � ••tyot!4fe ie not *s idle oe�;`-
Sir Robert Burden did biwself and
his party no discredit when be de-
eounced Foster and Garland for their
part in war rc►od*ls. Coreertal IVs
journals of the baser sort that refuse to
see anything wrong in the revelations
of the Shell Commitee investigation
are not doing either their party or
heir country a good service.
Fustiest Wilson.
Ouelpb Mercury.
Woodrow \t ikon. being the cham-
pion letter writer of the world, na-
turallyresents ars interference by the
Britiswith the United States' mall.
A New Defioit'en.
Ottawa Otis a
If Samuel Johnson were alive now
be would feel ronstrwined to elaborate
one of his famous sayings and declare
that patriotism was the final refuge of
politicians, munitions middlemen,
lawyers and some partiaso news-
Hint to removes'.
The k'.rmer'° Advocate_
A Canadian farmer recenttly said
hat to
u.: "Is i{t, not atrang
�edian fartuets were egainet buying and recently
side their own country. the Govern-
ment lets its contracts in another
country r Politicians should remem-
ber last farmers are alive and awake.
relleents Ostsee.
Our worst troubles are those that
never happen. last year Ib. rains
that sabered in and monopolised the
montb of August threatened dire de-
struction to the ripening crop. But
none the teal Ontario harvested last
year what wee by far the greatest
grain et op in her (story.
History ma repeat It.rlt In a Wad -
liar manner tole year. in sty event
we would far rather take our cbenoes
Ina et. that was esossalvely wet
than to oma that sou reward? dry.
The Medd for Canada•
Maws Claw•.
The British policy of tree trade has
gine two bubo islands is the ell I North
Hae a marshes' mamas ose =tog ins
to all the rest of the weeY'
1s,,a 'w s t la ship -
1 • amid lsaehal■iml
trui tmi� Ztie
IndvatrlN Amt nespilr� $
reliable Mortals a the slkirysrda
TM BrttW envy, sed malty bawd r
•Rain•( (imroiaay, i peadble Britain
teteee t pa*4. Wig shatoday mainly batmese d O•med e
Begat, k. smi►.eeslosettee,
leek te the with tan
limmem sw .blpbaild-
is entree arum IM w debt Polley
cud melataie hrdel me aI1m1Mtt Oen
ads e a ,tmiasi ars m in se...
sensSte twa•lt• -
• ' tamemet Med.
The letillked Mk a.
is that of • ler-
t from New Zealand w
reed every horror of war. The gear a. 00
of of 1 badly wounded it w
ward. a military. 1y too ap-
• sad *Isles of pain," though pain bas{ parent that the magnificent young •
been In 1u11 evidence. They are boozes I *tb maimed
on forallthe beside
est of his was
to •
men who know of ••shape sod 0.5.w
demand -of darty is _all (Imam -
ft Pays to Advertise in the SIGNAL
el d loom central altemm
war. --
ter -islet their recent experience u And dipped in barb. o[ biasing lean,
"Hell," but the istatetneet bee Reser- And battered with the shocks of doom.
ally bees followed by • laugh or some To shape and use."
quickMtameIous token of acceptance. IThat such • faith should emerge
at tit towards the enemy 1 trout the turoaoe of affliction tbrougb
ho. o tall ignihcance. 1 have! which Ise' bad pealed is emieth1og
neveeto��llhest d word which by any which may well shame those of us 1
strata of the .imagination could be, who flinch and cry when our turn 1
edsatrued es betokening hatred. They cairns.
brave allowed freely the wonderful I It b will known that the diff -rent
efficiency of the Oerw*n. For fair- ..,gligions" in the bospitals•remwlked
teal in fight ated for personal courage by colored disks et ribbons attached'
they plats the Turk far ahead oft to each cot, nailer
o w to facilitate the work
Liftman but the bitterness of hatred 1 o[ ., - .bapaios in vbitiog thi wem-
hull lacklu from tbtle f their several coni
war. lb berates of tbankly cheese-
Hutiess► miff reser suss :--
Tb. wen have frankly cbarac-' And bested bot with burning felts.
Rosie --"Mary Smith was merried
Ibis rooming." Jamie -'•Who's the
harpy man? Rosie -"Her father."
W ifs -'•Would you be lonely *od
miserable it 1 went away for • week i"
Husband -"No, not a bit. deer." Wife
- •Then I wont go."
1t is to the eternal shawe of Canada
that then were no Canadien dread-
noughts in Ibe North Sea --Toronto
The remark is doubtless prompted
by the recent navel engagement off
the coast of Denmark. Prerumably the
idea of The News is that the Canadian
dreadnoughts -if they had been there
-might have been used as decoys. It
will be remembered that The News
and its friends did not propose to man
these vessel* 'the Nationalist wing of
he pert y,would not allow that) ; but
they might hetes been towed to the
middle of the North Sea and left
their. empty, tolure the Germans from
their hiding place. Then the German
warship would have been pounced
upon by Sir David Beatty's fleet and
either captured or sunk. if the "Cana-
dian dreadnoughts." too, bad been
sunk in the encounter. no low of life
would bays been involved. for, es a1 -
ready remarked. the Borden Govern-
ment had no intention of manning
The Government's proposal was, vir-
tually. that Wee war vessels should
be built in Greet Britain on Omega's
order 'the moony to pay for thews to
be borrowed doubtkes from Meat
Beltato►. and that when eeMtremod
Masa vem.le should he banded over to
the British authortt as without• single
sailor on board of them.
0sUtraat Ilii. with what the Ae►
Melia Government did In buildieg.
eymlpping and manning • fleet of
epimidld war vetoers, as the Laurier
Aevmeseswtt proems! to de. 1a the
allseiaee of a Oanadlwa filet, Anet ralMMS
weemblps hays been patrolling the At-
bate t)esas sed protecting rho tense-
�r eosvey(ng Oanadl o ...01 me
case.... r
p there Is say -martial t e `t ossa–efibiet Ilte t*elme tinea.
Osawde be the naval sit.all.n• Tears
A Little Job
or a Big One
Frorn the repairing
of a faucet t' the
installation of a
complete plumbing
system, we are
equipped to do the
job. A small pro-
fit with a customs[ a
favor is more" •t0 Us
than a loge one
without it.
inie. -Nino -es
Phone 166 Hamilton Street
ha' been ` wun(oos. 1t
dice pions. ' hen, however, tMy I b amwing to watch the good-natured'
allow tbeuseelves to speak of the en- k,le,naod• the •miring indieerenee.
namable deeds done y Oerm•n col- I with which the men regard these rib-
diers to the wounded and above ail to I hors* perpetuating distinctions which
women and children -things which for them bave been swept „way by
theythemselves have steers -these is a he whirlwind they bay. passed
swit and unmistakable change. The
through. 'Wm know nothing of these
brow becomes seed andeted. the lips are things out in France.'" they say. "we
Merrily and deliberately
the words areare only too glad to worship with any
•lowly deliberately uttered. 1 am chaplain wbo may be bolding a service
aware at such times that 1 am In tae in the trenches:" It was • am iet
presence o(a moral a became
atioo, all wbo voluoleered the remark :
the mon solemn beccause 11 is urs- are all ons out there." One of the
spoken. And while our soldier. speak mac appealing es le tbM of a
of /such delicate
with reluctance sada Rabbi. Merving a0 astorichaplain in FIan-
oiodt delteste reserve. they eeJrd such dere. M was one day asked b a dying
se abundance of evidence from a e- French soldier to unbutton by
witnesses' that it is impoesible to �is- and to bold the crucifix he wee wear-
them. log so that in his last momenta his
Another letter of which they speak eyes might rest upon that symbol of
with corn greaser reserve b that of attue humanity love uotodeath- With
their own deeds. 1 have heard no the Jew bald up for the comfort of the
word of brag or self -laudation. It b dying mita that which stood for the
of what their
only when they speak alodenation of bis owe people•
me th es bave done that one comes to ,� mBishop of Birmiogbam has'lie
see that courage, chivalry and self- ited the arnr in Primo", and many a
sacriflod bars never 1,5.81 more wooer- wounded soldier not of the Anglican
ent in t 0 111.14 eoidier than they told, has had 000aafon to bless him for
have hereo lo this war. a ministry of love that brooks no see -
The street of their experience in the tartan difference. H. has now pub-
spbere of religion is certain to be very limbed the story of his experience, sod
At present it le somewhat) these are his closing Ovoids : lied 1
vague and lamas anything lite definite nay way, I would relegate to obecur-
inprwiow. But in he 11 lees held lir. for at son Tyle the period of the
io the hospital chapels It i eon tehe war, every religious divbtoo ; 1 would
from the strained ex orosslemi la this ionportact matter fall gladly
tames of do meas u t�\eey listen that into line with all sides of Cbristiaeit.
Baked Dainties—.
OUR baked dainties
are dainties indeed—
dainty to look upon and
dainty and delicious to
eat. What's the use of
expending your strength
and time over the cake
board when you can get
the very nicest and
choicest of fresh -made
Cookies, etc.,
at our store.
MP' .111111.
The Rabat
Kingstos Rimes
they an seek log for a religld= inter-
nterpretation of their e�hey
sento be trying relate that whichthey have felt and semi to those forms
of f.itb wbleb hitherto they have
taken for granted, or perhaps
nta! live
dismissed as {oMow-
oiled. The burden of
the rsladol of their eoe*cious life
to Christie& truth now
rests opo chords
though S waOhrlatioa shers be abl le to ria to
the meadow seed Cwt this deemed ?
ppeeeeew e simpler and more
A\eee ol.
forma Me
of Miele, aloes to ban
beehtm through the teems of coons.
dowel plstF I as taw saw's usy. 11457 01 What DeimosUp
' Utr � Pias Ars
have 'Iwo ep r�gaaleet
What an these "nalitl« r The
Area le ilmedakes a hoses of Mrs inose 01.isr Omsk, vis Mimeo, Yu e,
sad el Oaf: and ed ohs now yer Needs, praeads, Jae. 6. -/ flpecist))..� M
1& their sweetish toe Hies. 0ms Islas what the hatrapper.
seDodd.a I<Id
id set e hew atheists amid go Ptlk y, has to my of ney
deem& the war with eaeb a end as P111r fall," Pllksy .tato•, "t
they W" Be lheetgb that ' ooeYp! was tio Wit I did sot t\Mt 1 acetal be
they are mist *malty atWrlts, list eem&&&1itMdm
they were, from mesa bravado Ilk." able to follow mw ooeinrtgvatiou trap.
At say rata It a esmmme to lane toa per.Deere
_,Set M ammy Pills ! 1 vi to
1t�bMov that
W teemed to prat is maks a meed et my tra/s. se.
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our judgment tfollowers of Jesus
cannheir leader
understand ngeady to give,It needs
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wtekednw." This unifying process le
strange fruit to grow the amidst 1battlefiethe
TheviolO disruptions wins' (London).
The poatemporarl
Free proline for thirty -gree hadred fatlles—
the Ford owner's saving im sae year.
The light, economical Ford with its smooth -running
engine averages about twenty-five miles on a gallon of
Compere this with the gasoline consumption 01 the
SixteenrMiles-to-the-Gallon car.
Theft figure the difference, having outage o* tt! "_
present price of gasoline.
Six thousand miles is a fair season'sTsvel. Tbrit-
Sixteen -Miles -to -the -Gallon car. going ,
miles. burns up one hundred and thirty-five more gallons
of gasoline than does the Ford going the alone distance.
This means that the /lord owner eaves enough dar-
ing a single seated, to pay for his gasoline for an rela-
tional thirty-three hundred and seventy Eve miles.
One -64 Iron Gate complete with
hinges and latch, worth $3.50, now $2
Two 3:3 1-2 Iron Gates. complete : '1
worth $3.00. now $2.00
One $10 Mower Knife Grinder with
two Emery Slone.: note! $5.00
Six Round -point " Silver Daihr "
Shovels : now 60c G�1
Six good Stoves at Clearing Ptie
All kinds of Lowe Bros.' High Stan-
dard Paint at Bargain Prices
Everything moot be cleared
T . Howell Hardware Co.,