HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-6-1, Page 8i Timmkv. 'me 1. its Mapieware Lunch very appropriate for all outdoor steals, camp or cottage. fast the ting for the auto. door up in car- tes, coatainiog the following : 'dinner pieta *rge vegetable or salad dishes 2 large stoat or sandwich platters $ beady aide dishes 6 salt and pepper dishes 12 sanitary inapt, spoons 6wood fibre napkins 1 wnod fibre table cover All dishes made from one piece genuine sugar maple. They won't leak -They won't wilt - They are strong -Thee are sani- tary, Take a' set a13ng on f selleeybouod K.tcuraion. Price per complete set 31' c. THE COLONIAL BOOK STORE Ceo. Porter CLIMAX Fresco, Calcnaiae and Wall Paper CLEANER It works wonders on Wall Paper, Calcumine Walls and Window Shades. I5c TIN James A. Campbel I Plum B CENTRAL 'DRUG STORE Corner North St. and -Square Goderich 111s. WI •:PHONES R,`s ;C.'� MacEwan Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON C O -A L for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Any quantity best all Maple Slat,. Sited tt'ood, Hemlock and Kindling 'Ceder or Pine.) TELEPHONES. office 98 retideocc •ss or 68 NA -DRU -CO Toilet Cream 'GREASELESS At: .d, glint pn•lutrat 7. 1t1vM't•f00000el with p..ior of Mny ft.\err.. tnl•p,ediately 17104(11 I•. -d. Ira ing a w. hv•ty effect. Per fr,dIv l,armb•.., to the at 71rlitvp'•• skin. ltee.xnnntaled tt•+ . I. • and .nnhnrn. PRICE - - ZSc and SOc SATURDAY WILLARD'S O OCOLATES Ilh • or!y lotkdipt in Canaan) Regular 40c for 2k b. A. L.Caldwe11,Pbm.B. . „•..,.r 7,. C. I.. Coultis. Phone lSt snillimwmpppe 000ER,CH TOWNSHIP. tl•rnvttaDAV, /day 31. Mr. (ba•%,, Lovett. who is a native of (hie township. celehrsted hie seveo- °t •second hirth4ay at his home In inion on Tuesday of haat week. t►trtTsn PATRIOT! NO(1RTT. -The genets, burins, and .,wing meeting 1 the United Patriotic !Society will be held at the h tete of Mrs. Walther Hick, Huron road, on Wednesday. June 7th, , aM host p. nae Tb. Society appeals to ' aR who can possibly do eo to come and help sew darts, the shernooa, ae the steed le just as great se ever. We Mg to •allsowledge the receipt of the rite att of lila team the towasb ip ,ousel tar tbs meati et May. THISIGNAL t GOb RIGH ONTARIO 'PT! r rr f A Nation's Watchword "BE PREPARED" elLtate. imemessommis The iJ bet see laxative pleauat taste. Guard the home against biliousness and constipation Is brae. De. as. Re 116 asM.at, al The asset Doe ewe. I1. C. Dunlop, (ioderich tiI 1 Ulu. L. 11LCli1Mfg.. ICllancellor of. McMaster University, who will preach at the anniversary services of the Goderich Baptist church on Sunday nett. He will also ad- dress the l`anadian Cluh at noon on Monday, and on Monday evening will lecture in Knot church on "Some ilevelations of the War." CAN DO MY WORK- PAIN IS ALL GUNE Miss Doli:e M: Clain Tens of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Pergn.nn Flat. . Alberta, May IIP ..- 4pectalt. -- Yr.. 1 and t en' glad 1 elan lav that 1 have vied 11..1('4 Kidney ['ills and foto •l 1 Ii.•in all That is elsinieal tor them."' , h r .ay. I1..I1i. 'lcCtain. an estimable laly Iesidilttt here. "1 was Iconllyd with a sore hack that made me 811.001 heirless. 1 took one box of 111.4,1 s Kidney fills and niy bark i* all tighf. 1 ear' do nil work and tb- pain is ail gone." Every wont ur 81,7111,) u•r hntld'* Kidney 1'111*. They are the finest tunic in the W. t Id because, acting di- rectly on the kidney., they Iona up those organ.. to do their full work of straining all the impurities out of the Mood. Pure 117 ,at means new strength for all pates of th.• i,41y. Nen .t•en,;ih means new clot,' falnr.•. 'l) .( is'shy so many nonan so 1 he.•rtully, I,•4. if? to the benefitre-carved from at.+ing Iktdd'. Kidney fill.. BAYFIEC O. Tr•F.u%v. May Miss Clara RF nerds left nn :eftniday to Il_pend a few weeks at Hamilton. Mr. Pollard. of London. 51871 the guest of Mr. 777471 Mfrs. Jas. Spackruan over the week -. rd Her. A. M,,rferlane attended a meeting of I'tc.l.ytery at Clinton on Tumidity. Our &oldies. boys spent the week- end at their homes, making their farewell visit. as they go with the IF BACK HURTS USE SA[.TS FOR KIONEYS' Vat lee asst if Kidneys feel like lead K Madder bothers you -Meat' forms ark acid. Mast folks forret that the kidaer% like 16. bowel., get sluggish and clewed sad seed a flasking ocea.intrally, rise we have b•ttluet,.• and dull misery in the kidasy region, severe headaches, floret matte Wages. torrid liver, acid stemma. sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder dee orders. t'oa simply must heap your kideeya ' artire and elem. and the mrminet you ilei as ache or pain is the kidasy . regton, get about four mimes of Jed Salta from any gond drag store htea, take a tab! nf.il In a glee , s of water r before eat for a few days tiedd year kidney will then an Sae. This 7 femme Netts le made 1the avid .t1 rapes ..d Iawme juke, etttnbieed with lit►ia, and is harmless flask clogged esr Ml/aa/ iitimaiate es serail f activity. 1t also •eutrathies the avide la the arts. so it ea longer irritates. Moe iodise bladder dls.rders. Jet/ Salts is hassllesN : _ mah., a deligWe1 �: ester drtak which.verybed, shooed mhosew and Ikon to kart r 1i.s�y� date lbw avoidingme meld atl,me well-kators Mai druggist e ha erne 'D4208.144 Sails M Mkt wee Ulmm w, many ir..blt tlbiie tt r battalion to London this week. Tees. 9. R.,n:r!t. tt'. and E. Boyce, who were on ',entry' duty over Sun- day, were allowed to come home to sr, t gond-bve qu \t.tnday. iter. J. E. Jones, wife asst daughter and Mrs ltattray tett on Monday to viva nt yft 11:0•r,i4%1 I,•nlP near Nnis.1.. . I. \f .Jot r, 01'1 attend ('on• (el v, r.• het, r.- tet ,,, p ;Flt, 1ne F.tit-i .' Wi.Ut:.-{)wing to the wet at eatL((. a et ding is in all '.tags.-. Sortie faru.er* with light, :only lanot nave hni•hed and in some fields Ili.. . y t t d nets ate up and gr ,wing n'r.•I, ; others .have a few 'i.i ie. in, wlnie oorh.•p. with lw-lying, may land h.'s. s, arcelt cr„tutuenc,d, There I* nor r .n.olation, however, *onto all have the cin&r %cr ad fall wb••t.t ate !sod ;.q4 pnitieiciatly well, 00.10 to not likely to be a famine. i'1.t yet. LEEUURN. tt voNe;nety, May 31. . '1'Le -+,etas• ss-xt N4aLbath in Lea - limo church arid on the Sabbath fol- , lowing a i11 Is. held in the mnrnitg, when ftes..7. Richardson, of Kippenj , will !wear!). On Sunday. June 18th, )fey. A. (sing, 07 Auburn. will preach in the et citing. Sheet Music and Music Books Less Than Cost. 2000 sheets vocal and in- strumental Music to be sold at 10 cents per copy or 3 copies for 25 cents. w�ceee will not permit the of each being published, we suggest that loci. call and look over the Music Folios, regular price Sc, for 25c. great opportunity for usiaans and music teachers. Sale of Music be continued until all of lot iss diis_posed of. -"8���Piano- case Organs, geed is tem, at bar - 1 prima/. THOMSON'S MUSIC AND STAIONERY STORE 1 MORTII SUNIOS LISA* Ls, AmamiTeel - Ys~ L The imageds���!te Meld at Wieglies w Werth Mesa Liberal m"Ato i 'eat he tsolos mi. Med la the tow* 6.11, Wlttlghtowilr ea Tugela Met. le aseerdasee with the ad tie Asseeiatiess. Only reethee hat nate was trammeled. sad the *Seers of last year won re - Mimed, the aely start,. bele is the Wattles of as auditor to take she plaice of etre R. R. 81ew who is overseas with the Med Matsolba, The esseVag was addressed amide% Obs Liberal atedidaatte Mr. North Mariw who reviewed' the poift- ies!� briefly. interest but e*Mss.ifur dissuades%fol- lowed. flowed. M which opinions upon renset political tnewts were freely pared by several of those present. One of the views stated was that the revelations of war proateeriag called hoe some oe that obe asfr the future t ba iodised tetra tidewater. of their country's aecssity. The officers for the ensuing year are : Ptesideatp-r,Wei. H. Robotism. Cle/e- Rntt vtebn b, deet --John Ome.pie, si filemmai of si prssideat-Jobe H.tae- d v peeeidset-Joseph Dal- Secretary- Jamas Meld urchle. Blyth. Treawrsr-A. B. (bre, Myth. Auditor -Wm. !ablator, Wis ham. Cbeiemeo of municipalities : How - IA -James Hunter. Gerrie. Turu- bs,ry-R. & Muir. Gienaittsn. Grey --At m. Krs;tter, Ethel Morrie - John McArter, Brussels. Ashsdd- Cbaa. Stewart, Kiitail. Colbothe- R. M. Young, Carlow. West Wawa- noeh-J. R . McNabb. Duttgepnon. East Wawaoosh, Jobn Shirk. Wing - ham. Bruse.l. 1'. Scott. Blyth -A. B, Carr. (i.rlerich-u. A. Nairn. Wiaeggbam-RichardClegg. Wroxeter -John Douglas. THE 'first BENEFIT. Mr. Hays, as Prom -sad, Give • Fall Statement of the Expeadsturie The receipts front the performances for the Worth. of the lioderich detach- ment of the stilet Battalion given at the Model Theatre on April 131b were, as announced at the time, *211.06. This mon. has now all loon expended and Mr. Hector Hay.. the comodiaa of the funds, submits the following state- ment, for which he holds the nerimeary receipts and vouchers : W. T. hays, .olr.ist tSeafortbl. expenses.:. $ 4::.; The Signed, printing tickets , 3 till Tb. Star, printing hills 4 yl, Hallway tickets from (Tinton for usetubere of °reheatra :1 yl F. G. {b'ettnure,rent of theatre gal leu J.J..Mckiwen.raspberry vinegar ; Lt. -Col. Combe, for band mush' "'Web.) Al. J. Reach Co. (Brantford) ' baseball goods 17 43 'ien: Porter.- hasettatterrid feet- se. ball goods 11 Lit James F. Thomson, big drum bugles, etc OD ;,n Jas. F. Thomson. on acct. for drum cower, etc 9 50 Hodgen. Bra.... leop,:rd akin apron for drummer :s Yt Bell Telephony l'o., telepboae • reveal for Khaki Club 4 ,tit Geo. Porter. aatroner c and sttpplie 4 73 Howelt Hardware Co , Dust - belie I to Total •$ 211.06 The lirst six items, it will be noticed. are for expenses io connection with the entertainment : the reaainder. amounting to over $173, represent ex- penditures made for the direct hearth of the men of the detacent.at dr for shatter. in which they ars interested, Besides baseb.il and football outtltc the tunnel provided the big drum for the bugle bead. the line leopard skin for the drummer, two bugles trod other stories for the bugle baled : .ad in addition 533 was heeded to Lt. -Col. Combe for band manic. For the successful atanagerueat a.1 this affair and for the careful handling of the funds realized therefrom, full credit roust be accorded to Mr, Hector Hap. who has given his efforts un- grudgingly in behalf of the men of the l:oderich detachment. kf LYTH. Tit' VADAT. away Id. iN Cr•XMAND or BATTALION. -.Rev George Jewitt received the grsod sews last weet from his son.. A. t'.. who went to England with the :Card Bat- talion, that he bed received his pro- motion and was now Colonel of hie battalion, taking the place of Col- onel(,&nad4Yileoo, wbo was returning to a, CALLED IN EARLY LIFX.-Death claimed another of Blyth's young ladies on Wednesday last, when it took Florence Tetuan, wbo had been a sufferer for some time from that terrible disease, consumption. The funeral took place on Friday and her wish was that the pallbearers should he wiz at the Blyth contingent of the 181st ifatWioo, so the men came lip from ('lfatoo. farm - Pry ill this section have about snbbsd their seeding operations atter $ gnat many d.ay, on account of the wet state of the ground. A rather peculiar condition was seem In mete acids where in some parte the grain would be up while the Leet of the said would not be tenon. Bows of the farmer. will be ua abi. to put In as much seed as they impacted to.** the low Iowa is still is a very wet modifies. Uutrame Nosy, -Dr. 8. Wilford. wbo h.e base a windiest aeiseiottary fa China for the peat seven turned M his home Isere last Saturday, aid wie Ilbl .peed the Neat yew is C.aei, me is to oe.upy the ptdL Mt of !be Methodist obtuoh oa 8ao� day eeeeie,g rine, when it M likely � ye 'Ma be a Wigsst M ato Mena Ritevue D. I rDur attended a ae.- iP' lira Marshall ie i. clogoinnee at the Wooer's Mees. •ry R , e.aVMtlea skis week as ad.ltiagte4am the Methodist Sootier ban.. .. 1 v Hes. Jewfts MR ea Tender be enema tie Matbodbt clew• leleere lie 11121111100. Meat 8staday ups �� will shank as �amevl.s is W. D. , who wee eppeiette aI. A SALE of HATS at $3.45 THESE Hats are typical of the smart styles that have won for our millinery dHats at $5.00 to $7.50 reputation nd aret1 for these prices today. New arrivals are crowd- ing in on us and we have selected this lot of fifty Hats_ to be cleared at once to make room. There are no two alike in the entire collection.. They are carefully trimmed with smart ribbon bows, wing's, flowers, etc., and are decidedly attractive. This affords you an opportunity to select a stylish Hat for summer wear or as an "extra" at a'very moderate price. 50 Trimmed Hats every one up-to-date, choice Saturday $3.45 Sport Coats The Sport Coat is the popular outer garment . We show some really splendid styles in blanket clothe or'tweads and velvet cords. No two of them lite alit. and the values are decidedly good. They sell at . *0.10 and $10.00 An Outing Skii t of Velvetal$3.50 •-'Hush, its wwpbadiid ptinRahk,:at% name .&a. gxtwi.. quality velvet cord in cream only. Made in onnee, tt the summer'. styles' hest outing styhewith S?Je5O pocket. All sen, at each only Striped Silk Sweater Coats if you want a Coat not quite as heavy as *blanket cloth or cord, these new SwMter ('Oats will surely appeal to you. Ther are white ground with stripe nt Meek. tureen, hie,, et?. They come in two styles, both extremely gored. and the price., are *7.50 and *t.ls Velvet Cord for Coats It s11 indiratiosie must for anything, the popular Croats Ger sstuwet mod mule fell will he mane Imes corded '.Fleet. For.asamer wear the height shades and *bite will be more in demand, while for fell silo darker ahoads. will And favor, We have a .pleedid aasortasent is three qualities anti pretty nearly every wrested shade in each. Par. tieularlt, good ratty at per yard Sew else and *1.00 Beautiful Cotton Voiles That aNat the right word to meta deeerihe the,, ('otters Voile. 1. white mod colorings that will be found at the wash g'a.d. counter. Single or doable fold and a 'Comm or sloee designs to ',boom from, at per yard !M. See. 80m ami 7ie. For the Verandah Bamboo shades, &tenni matting, and verandah genet sus Maros Iments. dab for you. We can and at reasonable cost. ni+bed. g ducks in fancy stripes end ruga in all iizea,bere in fig Let us Mt up your versa - do. it to your satisfaction F.etiumor, cheerfully for - See Us About Your Awnings pAnnsAwning adds much to the cotmoit and ap-' se tt • c mike 6. a.or t soy ~seer moths. y kir .1 of window, verandah or door in any style and give you a Ildttabsk flout j. i all it- Acttaaise2 tomatia(s,,,tu..unlet glad to stare estimate„ and gout, price, at any tis,.. A Good Time to Buy Lineolum Take nut wo.d for it. its a want to buy Lino- lPatm.. buy them now. in a very short tium the, wit/ he practically out of the setaelevy .a it is timet impoesihle to secure thyro even now and of ie., are advancing rapidly. Still a great sas•.rtment of pattern. in Our latnnw n.-..Idi 1.4noteuen. 15 4. yard widths at the quare yard SOO sad 70a. flow are thoroughly seasoned, Acrd -wearing cloths. Very GoodTIe Quality of Our 2Sc Seschisgsis No better Stockings for 25c to be had anywhere, Match 'therm with the best you can find and you will not better them. For boys or girls, for children and for ladies, we have just the right style and the right weight for every need. Ribbed or plain, silk boot. cotton or lisle thread in white and colors. At per pair 25c Ws can Arai• new top an yore o'd Umbrella sad make a at rood as two. Ths cost n reasonable. DIRECT IMPORTERS Hodgens Bros. C,ODERICH. ONTARIO pi ternate delegate from the Huron Pres- bytery to Wand the General Assam - bly at Whoever, received word last week g that one of the delegates could sot go so be leaves neat Monday for theWester. osmium. No $.-Yost de the people from here skeet to Macon on the Skis to see the soldiers at the military day, aid a, the weather wee ao sw they all report having had a least enjoyable time. Then were is6 takes, sold by the O. T. Rand a groat (many mutoed down Most of the eeldisrrs were home for Sunday trna Ohne,,, leaving orals Monday morning for Ciliates. Messrs. Lentos Hill, A. B. Ow &Nd l Ifielharebie almwded the .,tial r ism .1 the North Bunn Liberals • W Nesse ea Tuesday The saw. will) bee gabbed Its aft for this sea - sou mad hen osis sae husker reedy to be.1eat, These was a good steak of la the yard aide *see& MAO 111 (Utas 1tis�diarist imeeldngi ct she I. 0. 0 P. it to bs bald hen on 'r..sday dteumeoa. Jose eth. whet 11 is fromea w hedraseed Mere ger h ibis A6.1al, be able to het ea the Meete•e thee week. Oa isweusi at the std weather It bee boss • ttils)sels jab elating the green In alt condition Mr, R.M. McKay disposed of Me Ford c.r on Monday to R•v, Mr. Avery, of Lotde.horo' .. , . Mr. John Potter reeefved • car of cora last week from Belle River, which he h•e now for sale at the ele- yatoe Mr. Hoy Sivas. of Tomato, spent the holiday with bis father here. A number of the children here have a mild form of measle, but they are all doing wetL KINTAIL, Tna.DAT, May ars. Worsrrh Iisrttrp•r.. The Thread breech of She Woe.a'u iastltu* will hold its June meellog at the home of Mies Illy Maw41y ob Tweda , June Mb, what itis expected that Mies Joh. et ?create, _ _ tem Sive an address to the ladies.Nagel.-)(r,. Albert Beek,tt enter - Waal some Mends on Tuesday stem. Oeueheld in nsasiioo. service will be reebyterian church here � choirmasterFriday, y 8 Saturday. Sab- bath in bate finished armers meek tossiaft Miura,amoun_meld sot do will take a week Saki wee' hilae sermon Dreemess iutetrsi whew amiss at a 0.0. I. Nb y tits ST. HELENS. TveaDAT, Msy Ltq The coo tractor Nae mads a 'tact on our new school. Private Jae. Baker, of the Brod Battalion, is borne at present with the measles. Rev. J. Ustls e to la KWoos. Klnlong aa4 tee ciambits this week. Private cameras , of )est Rama Battalion, lett for London on Monday 1 seine mush better atter his balkier M hoose. The me�atj�Meads of Reeve Marrs end asses) be pleased to see dent while their a.el- tt church ea Me. lMek,liranisett, w has bees work* for Yr. J. Jit for over te ` tr!esi Ma moved bis familyd house. 'Oq �itare w Huntavimid, waste he win MST be employed by Nr. Joyas, Menne@ under Mnirlms.-A, easeldWast Harem Was w e wiauspices of n be held In SR mersue goblin the enamor of Meaday�, Jane 6th s Mies IL P.1 ami Oat„ a um:, will address the meet of the vtf AU lirMelded at muds. io � feO.