HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-6-1, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODE'RLOB (MARTO
il1vt11aDar, Juxs 1. llild 7
No less than four radiating surfaces gather up almost
every scrap of heat and send it through your comfortable
Drop in some time soon and hear about McClary'f
special installation servicethat gets out of every ton of
coal all the heat there is in it.
Sold by W. R. PINDER
I '
F1r TL r j .) ;'WEEN
- gO FFAL,O &
LE i ELA ja w ie
The Crest Slip "SEEANDBEE 1
The Waal. r Ertl .8111 r1Yer es .ter stand ware 1 tar W. Morphia ..seta esAs-
ease tee CA reinrowers.
'QTY o1 Rte- - 3 Maasifte•at Steamers -,•'QTY or IUVTAM.O^•
♦ • ..r kr.-rW Wl
CJFFALO=Daily, May 1st to Nev. 15t1h-CLEVELAND
:•,.? •andte • M•,.IS. K6ter
' . tseetraa td-.. r. Y.
I-7.....card • • • ..11 A.11. Ar. s. !Jadeite • • f". ti A_ a.
tyre. Eda,l,d i sol -
1 . - - • r;rrrlard err ( s -t. eta -.r -acts i.di.-It lendDettare sod .1 Wit. wet .ea
nelane'seerl•drate dif ..ts w•, • b.rrp •t.t..n
.carit .afe rfii'8rs§re'rswete.,rrtt.rt.e.r.•
--•t -t., t --r. J....r real TM .ars: ra
I, - `1`, t,..-14411~.,4 wa-as. Abe ma Iso
\y, isd Hi tit a tot neer i.itlru: tf OF DYSPEPSIA
they, is demi rt P. a"•::un, 1.1. C.
Major DA At.nr, of 1'.l 1 ieh, is
home on six .lbs' furlough to te-
cover from gas pi.isoning. h
Wu.. H. Word, of the '_cad 'care.•- • Suffered Tortures Until Sks
sion of t .h..n.e, hof 11.1 uu.•" roar
10 have hi. Iry broken the other day
when be was ki r! by a c)w.
Tried "Fruit -a -tires"
I i orgw McRi i le, who h cal conduct. d Sr J £A$ cat lhruA, Jan. 'rth, 1914.
the flout and feed 'lore at 4'rich, "After suffering
for a lung lima with
has di•puwd of his stock and is now
on active duty with the Hurons. Dyr,Okjria, I have been maple well by
\Ire. Joseph Stulib., a lifelong res- "Fruit -a tives." I suffered so much
dent of the lth line of Mot tit ton- that at last I would not dare to eat for
ship, died in London on Thursday,
May lath. She is survived by a fam-
ily of three sone.
Mrs. L. Wa•soc, of Owen Ft und. an-
nounces the engagement of her 'laugh-
ter, Alma, to Mr. F.edenek E. (less, of
London. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
( Hess, of Zurich. 'rhe marriage will
take plane on June'21th.
1 was afraid of dying. Five years ago,
I received samples of "Fruit-a-tivea"
and after taking them I .felt relief,
Then I sent for three boxes and I kept
Improving until I waa well. I quickly
regained my lost weight -and now 1 eat,
sleep and digest well -in a word, I sin
fully recovered, thanks to'Fruit-a tires.'
1rv. hdwn, pastor of Kippp n Merz. CHAnHuxxE::\C.
and Hills (iso en rongrrgviuur, has re-! bOc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e.
seised a can !tom the Prrrrbyteeian
tongregat ion• at ttrigden and Bear At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of
Creek. The call has been sustained by price by Frit -a -Uvea Limited, Ottawa.
Sarnia Presbytery.
A happy event oecnred at the home
of Mi. and Mi.. William Smith, of
Centralia, when their daughter. Mi•a
Christens, Iwcamr the i ride of E.
Bruce Mitchell, of the .' of cnnees+ion
of Stephen. It-v..lr. Co .k nftteir.ted.
on May lith a pretty wedding was
solemn zed at Highgate. at the berme
of \1r W. J Situate, sob •n his +t.nly
Lieut. Stockall, who bad been in
• cheese of the local Salvation Army
corps for the last six weeks, has en.
listed with the Hurons.
Lieut. Broder McTaggart, eldest sou
I..f Nr. G. D kle'1'aggart, bas been pro-
( suotrd to the rank of captain. He is
on the Intelligence staff of the artillery
( at the flout.
i Tits Irene Harrison, who had herrn
on the office staff of the Knitting Com-
pany for the past three years, has 'v-
ials/tied CO arerpt a posiliou in a law
office at New Liskeard.
Miss Margaret Davis, daughter of
Mr. rod Mrs. George Davie, of town.
has graduated fr the Methodist
Deaconess 'Training School at Seattle,
J. A. Wilson, who is a •on of Samuel
W'ilimn, of town, is now in charge of
the looking department for the l'uu-
solideted Aulusements. Limited,
agent. for the National Film Service
of \'ancouver.
Capt. Kent Manning, son of Itry.
11. M. Manning, of Toronto, formerly
pastor of Wesley church, Clinton. was
married in Toronto on May '..1' Ith. The
bride was Misr Emma Georgina hunt,
of the Queen City.
Owing to nerve strain Rev. V. E.
Deakins, chaplain of the nth Brigade,
has been obliged to relinquish his posi-
tion. He will.taake up the work of an
English bo•pital chaplain for a time.
tote, end in Tar?. on the resignation I Rev. Mr. Jeakine is • former rector of
of the isle vv. 11. Jenkins t become St. Paul's church, Clinton.
registrar rf the 1lepartment r.f Educe- ! Dr. Gunn, a•ho had been engaged a1
lion. hr aecep'ed the posi• i .n of prin. i'urgieal work in connection with the
tip J, which position he held with Scottish National Red (Aoes hospital
ability until his death. In 191X1 he at Glasgow, Scotland, hat thinned the
wee married to Mis• F..li•h Herein, khaki and h$. been given ehargt of
who survives him. Five brothers and two wards in the hospital Mi.s Isalwl
tau si'l'o al -o survive. Minn is a nutin the same hospital
daughter, Miss Eva, wee united in
marriage In Llovd B. Hodgson, of \VINGHA:►nurse
Centralia Rev. 1'. '1'. George, of Twenty f.etr appeals have been reg-
, 'l"hawrsville, 'ICI formed the ceimony istrr-d against the assessment roll. .I
Wntie a„s,sting in Or.erectinn of a Frank 'Wiley, son of .lames A.
shanty on ('rarer t\'alper's farm on Wiley. returned from the battlefront
the town line. Stanley. Jac:At Deichert last week. Private Wiley lel t. Canada
bad the misfortune to sustain a com- with the 1st Battalion and over a year
pound dial tcatiotn of the ankle. He sago he received injuries when he we+
was working on a scaffold when it blown ...it of the trench I.v it shell.
gave way, allowing him to fall about 111•• bas ince been suffering from ern -
rix fret. • ;coalition of the ',pine. He wse given
Mrs. C. E. Watters, proprietress of a rivi', reception nn his arrival. .
less .A. • fra •
It Pays to Advertise in the SION,AL
The Fordwich Record. has disposed of , EXETER.
her business to W. J. Roberts, who After an illness of a few weeks Mrs.
hat been in the office as foreman for
Thomas Cornish died on Sunday. May
the last fuer years. The sale was
made necessary hy the enlistment of •Slat, at the age of ninety -'lore y tar:,
the proprietress' son. Robt. C. Wat-
A social evening at which five mem-
Iter of the hilar Battalion were pre-
sented with signet rings was held in Private Pied Mallett, the. 9rst Ex•
f'urrie'r a: pool honer, Morris town- eter boy to enlist in the :Cinl Bast tltoti,
ship, on Monday evening of last week. is now in Feence. He was the first
The soldiers receiving the rings were
Psivates John Kerr. Harold Carrie,
Itiiseell Salter, Frank Robinson and
W. E. Toinkius.
H. G. Taylor, lis ense inspector for
South Huron for several years and
clerk of Exeter for thirty-five years,
died at Wyoming on May
The Walton correspondent of the
Brussels Post writes : "Hearty con-
gratulations are being given to Rev.
Mr. Lundy for his fine practical help
to the British Empire, assisted by hie
farmer friends. 11e has reared thirty
flax beeves , and itleing sold titern! hes
donated the proceeds to the war funds
of the itritish Empire. May others
follow his noble example."
%Vatter Wilpeid Evans, for nine
- -- Tears manager of Inc Union Trust
Company of Winnipeg. died at Long
Beach. rsl'forni I. on Saturday, May
2, th. Mr. Evan.. was !sit It 11 Ford-
wich fifty-one y ars ago, and when a
young to tr. h•• enteral the service of
the Moron It E: ie Mortgage nCorpora-
tioe. ids left this company seventeen
years ago t , assutwe the posit130 he
mogensememesummoseeessees. IIPi.I at 11'+ death.
a Jahn Dimra't, a0 old and highly re-
apee'ed ve.idrnt of Ushnrne township.
died on Fri.lay, tt iv 19th. He was
tarn in Se Aland righty years ago and
when altPtt ssvrnte••n years of age_ hr \l ty 'S ith, when Miss Kin t i:. Shirt+,
ratite, In Caned I. He settled .n C naught. r , i Mrs. A. 1'..ltyllt, was
htrite *hoed the yeti. ltiii and hstl wedded it Wilfred 1.. Johnston, 01
leen a continuous resident ever since. De, roil. Rev. Jaw's Argo officiated.
• His widow. four sour and two daugh-
tete turrets!.
Mrs. George l.ibsm, a former mei-
dent of Me Wort, na•sed, from Chit
life at Ludington, Mich., on May lthh.
She is survived by her hus`.)and and
alio hy her father, whn n lives at
Eugenia, (int.; a mister, Mil. .lames
(Swann, of Clinton, and four t rother
Ihinran, at Constance ; Thnntws and Mre. Turner, mr., fell on'forestay
David, in Toronto, and Henry, at morning of last week and bloke her
-Eugenia. thigh
WeII=V.qhted Y(ome
is pretty sure to be a happy, comfortable home
for those who live in it. What can be
more conducive to a proper home at-
mosphere than a cheerful Tight over
the family table? Perhaps. however,
you do not realize the great difference
in the quality of light. If you did you
would understand why we have in-
stalled the Hydro -Electric Lighting
Service in hundreds of homes in
Ask for an estimate on wiring that
house of yours. We guarantee satis-
faction, and remember our promises in
print are always carved out on the
WEST /aitt
Phones :
Office 82
Res. 1!3
Exeter tory to reach the front. '
J. Knarr 'end Keith Ford t eceived a
severe shaking up the other day when
a scaffold on which they were working
b k d 11
ro e an 1r .
A Message from the Steamer Price.
Port Huron, Mav '2). - A bottle
picked up on the Canadian shore of
Lake Huron near Blue Point a day or
two ego was found to contain a small
sheet of paler -a leaf torn fresin a note-
tatsk, wet and almost undecipherable.
1).1 one side wall written :
"Finder. please notify wife of Capt.
Ifltek of steamer Price."
On reverse side was :
" lir. Black : Dear Wife, -This is
my last few lines to you, 1 guess. We
are at anchor, but the boat is just
about at its last, so good bye." Signed
"Captain Black."
The Plies went down w1111 all hands
in the storm of Nov, eider .1, 11115, :t
few miles itt Blur Color. Captain
Black's pathetic farewell message haul.
no doubt, Isom imam isoned inside the
hull of the sunken boat .until it was re-
letsed by a unset meta cal water te•
tenth .
Reid. of this rile: ie inclined
to believe t1,• u1• . -.ug(. is autl.-otic,
W01.1 11... brew s. tarn Nl:r. Black,
wit r list . il:l' evPLucd.
The death took place at London on
Monday sunttg cat last Werk of Ada . • tat , s r
Tretrte, wife *tit Adniplius tram'., weld mtri ;ring
daughter of Mr. and Nlrs, William
Treble, of Exeter. She wv. in he:
tbirrMsi>tth year.
The Kinford t"nil i •g 1..rrlufy has•
,e .lwt.rd'Itr 1.et ,ey In 1. ten.
it. E. ('ress•%ell and the \uses 1'. es--
t‘e irlu•u•el f :t trip t0
F1o1i.14 and uthet Sten hen' points.
Thr .I.t'•k•olt \la,u.f .ci tit iug Com-
.t .pany h.• '.1.11.1 twen'y 1,.•%%.1 toa-
rhint •n ; t Amid...1 1 I. t anti tell!
cootie. nee t•i rtaunu• . '..•Itt r.
Nils. Olga Jane Holt-. it .lied at iwr
horn,- in h'arp's' hey on \Vrdnwday,
M. l i h. 1.5.- t At in het -ixt' - idhih
year to tl 1041 lwru w p'ie'r' 11o0f
atute/n i-. over .4 tear.
A 'dr..; int event took pleee at the
m•tnae, E.:woods•111e, rat Sat n, day.
The engagement w announced of
Harriet Charlotte, all: and deughtrr of
the date Iron. N. CIatkeanJ Mrs. W,tl-
I'iee, \Ni.slbridge, to C'pt. O. J. S.
Little. murdi••sll officer of the• 'lith Bat -
C' E. F. son el Mr. Chatles
h lllr, Seaforih, the to carriage to
tate place the middle of inc.un
(' L i N fl) N.
Nlr=. Janie% liroadfo.tt, one of the Arth'r Carlson has purchased the
olde-' settlers in Gladstone district. hou.e he has been tiring in front E.
',Manitoba, prised awes. on May i1'h. 11, Ivhauer. of Pre',tor..
She was itt her eighty-flr•t v.nr. The- Mr. and Mai..Nluttay \lcl:wen an.
deceaped had resided in the \Nest since patine.' the ee,gsgemen• , t their arts',
i the year Iiia. I revione to that time ?li-s Elsie It air, ti Harty 'fait•:bell, cat
she and her husband had lived for "moo
twenty years in Morris township, not
far front Brussels. Her husband, one
brother and a family of six eons and
two dwghterl survive.
Nervous exhaustion. followed lay an
attack cal brant hit., ended the career
of Choate• Murray. principal of Owen
Sound Collegiate Institute, on TAPS.
dayof last week. Mr. Murray was in
the forefrtt qj f among the teachers of
the Prnvinc! He war horn inTucker-
smithtownship and was educated in
Clinton high school, and graduated
with honors in arta in Toronto in lrar2.
Atter attending t he School of i'eda-
Rogy he taught for a short three at
Georg•tnwn high school, and then
went in the ltratnp'on high 'who'd,
where he taught for two years. 111
lien he wan appointed mathematical
muter of Owen Sound Collegiate Inst i -
Tea Cu Secure a Position
1f vote take a course with it.. The de-
mand upon us for trained h. Ip is many
times the number graduating.a..fnK•
dents arc entering each week. \-ou
may enter at any time, \'ante at once
for our free catalogue.
1). A. MCLACHLAN. Ponelpal.
Holeproof Hosiery
TtjeTeirtIbT1T7116 to Nerves
Starved fear 'sack of
Good Blood.
An eminent medical writer has said
that ''n,-,nair iu to the et of starved
'let Ver I. r t,et ter ol,at I. ' 1'he .'carr
'treat t yutnr•.tie of t t t, tru.t'ile is p11!1.
tier..', •.tab1 i .Ir 1 •t n,• that a11110s1
d1itr. the s..1i 1 1'anti,. The ogle
e.utse i. p•• tc Moi .1; the uula' .'ore it -
t t rut i.•h the 1.1 .,..I. Ht• tt apple • 1 to
the 1. tl tined net yes will give relief.
trot do, • n•r rare. 11r. Willi:up,. Pink
P.111 tut t:. -h the Nord all the needed
••Iement-.ou.1 the blood conveys theta
to 111' net yrs. The only way of get-
ting toad of medicine to the nerves is
ehfough tris I.I.uul, and the only,way
to ens tell the ht.:od is it lough a• fair
use .of Ur. t\'illisuts' Pink ('ills. In
this way nem algin, sciatica and other
;lei pc .iisutdet•s ate pr p:ly cured.
and. the whole cyst ern beta -Mid slid
strengthened. Mrs. M. Memoir*, H. 1(.
No. 1, Oxbridge, Ont., who less a
' great scatterer for months. ray.: "I a111-
(rrrd iutarnsely f'nm ueuralguu fur
(oat years. My 1,10..1 was thin and 1
down. rtrd
•eel i ui 1 1 scat f
1W/111-7.11 t v
intense pain all the time. At diITrrrut
rimes 1 consulted therr drtnr., but
their tteat turnt did no more than give
rue trtuporat v relief. T1.. n 1 tried
ditfererit' medicines, but lite result was
the e•.'r-they Feigned nn good in my
case. I was growing steadily somas,
sed finally could not leave the house
'tett d•t a bit tit trot r. The Lf.t dart •1
1 consultt'tl world d0 t ittit,g for me
hat give toP rintl ptline tapeta to ease
the pain. and by this titter 1 hall about
resign. d rtiv•elt to a Iffy of it tin. 11,1n
line of Dr. \\-illi nus' i aitiana,•s 'Serle 10
o'er hutist', and 1 lead of •iwilar cAsee
cnrcd thrt ugh the ueR,pf Pink fill... 1
got three boxes and before they mote
' 11 gone the Iain began to decrease
, :di
f began to here abetter appetite.
1fy the time I had t lken tie b.txe•a 1
mss nsain a well wont to, and me
neighbors 'told handl)• reaht; that
sorb :. change could be wade in so
short it little. Later 1 was )otheie.1
with eczema and lir. \Villiants' Pink
Pills cured me. 1 have found lime
pills worth their aright in gold and 1
cheet fully trete a,u,end them to all who
are ailing."
You can get these pills from any
mrdielne dealer or by mail at :a1 cents
w box or Six hoNfel f'.r *2 ;01 from I'he
1)r. Williams' Medicine Cn., Ilrttck•
ville, Ont.
have been bought by
millions of people for many
years. That fact alb it
proof enough of extraord- •
inary value. It means prac-
tically absolute freedom
from darning and you
have the choice of pure silk,
silk -faced and fin, lisle.
Six pairs of the cotton hose are guaranteed to wear without
hokes for sit months Three pairs of silk are guaranteed three
months. If any pair fail taithin the specified time you are given
new hose free.
• We 'Handle the Genuine Article.
PRICES -Three pairs of silk hose for $l.65 and
$2?5 and six pairs of cotton or lisle hose for
AI.65 and $2.25.
McLean Bros.,
The Semi -Ready
The Doughty Patent
Process is an exclusive
Dunlop Bicyc leTi re feature.
it keeps all wired -on tires
absolutely uniform. The
Doughty Presses simply ,
cannot go wrong.
t Dunlop. &elide• There
have always led because
--they art- the-ess•ly-ori•sitral'••
bicycle tires. Try either
" Traction " or "Special."
You'll find them un-
equalled for general
Dunlop Tire &
Rubber Goods
Co., Limited
Head Office aid I a.tortes:
Benches be
f.radtna Odle
• • oMrrLY SOUR
In m1 r^..'.•. . , 5 r •.-,r 1'-'. '-
Tem: 3 1
Tem:3A1 1111.1La a.: t- s•:.1. free
L64 University St.. Mor• -±a1.
"I''»•• v anglais. i1r h:u.ker.
king for a ra.htsr." "%Vila(
.'¢sin ' Ile only sngase.t w nen• '•n•• a
lilt) • wlnlr eg, ," 1'',44 ; 'fats the
one La's looking f•'r.
.\ loafer tunfeel funnv wleu
holiday coca»s1 along.
••••••••••r►•••••••• •• •• fNer
Th.- %v.nt, fetor 1,-,V. ., 11.
Three t.r:.rti..,,d,ttng,' .0
.1 .4111^uwi \ Xl. (INT. oL,ehd-,&o-•peosof''nttiy ...set 1t r•utrKUnry
\t'. r'v ttl hpM
•1,1,, - ..--i•tri tsty
s n irtun. '5':• hip an nrt,..51.1
., tine wi•h h.•+t bu.irw-.. hoar-+
1,...• oar cdr
,' .at •44..1.0 r g. larly stn
• i.:t».al. tt • for pndphh't. lull in
.. f„rm•ti0' on apptir..tion.
.1 1 • \II'..- i ..\.. 1'-i..ciea1
• .. . r • \ I I , ,
Ideal Fencing
We are in a position to give you ideal Fencing
at very low prices. Call and see what we have to
offer you.
Do not neglect your orchards. Now is the time
to spray. Lime Sulphur at $6.50 per barrel is a snap.
We also have a quantity of Arsenate of Lead.
For Shelf and Heavy Hardware Our Stock is
We have just received a fresh
farina of Portland Cement
k. .It\ .l cull er',k at
Oi JE 22 CHAS. Co