HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-6-1, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GOD
TIDISImOAT, Jute 1. 101* •
(tenet! seed (pie -abet by a prw'ti,a1 loan.
P 4ONE 24 )
"Johnny." asked the Sunday school
teacher, "do you ray your prayers
every morning?"
"No, ma'am, but toy father does,"
said Jol y, whuar dad is a hardwiue
"And what prayer does your father 1
say, Johnny i•
" He says, 'lib, Lord, how 1 hate to
get up.'
1f it's quality yo'i want. use Hlack-I
stone's delicious ire cream fur all ,
occasions. Phone 214).
1►ou't believe all you hear -or better
.till, don't hear much of that which I
you do not believe.
Fort MALK.-Choice potatoes. ,seal
beans sad .,fat bushels of good teed
barley. All kinds of field and garden
reeds at Coupe, s warehouse, l:Aericb
We are not here to go to sleep -ho
more are vitt. lief on -Or get out,
that i, for irw of today. .
The hand• of man are like the hand•
of a .lock. They move mn•r round
the dial of life and grow roll.
Perin -law people awa filreketeoe'r
dehrioua ice ere. in. (.rt the habit,
he particular. 1h-dery delivered.
Half -rate
gill provide a magnillccnt oTp()rtunity to eniOV'
An AU -day Water Voyage to Detroit
TUFSDA1', J UNF 1 ;th, 191()
Thia-ii.a L1;bT dtamer..aiLayt
date at at 9.30 a. n.tali wa the
yea put ei two
days Ill tilt city- it tie %Mk. .•e - --ser -" --
The return Voyk h
age from Lent will be commenced
at 1.00 p. m.
THURSDAY, JUNE 1'$th, 1936
%\ 1111 E ST.tH LINE:
Will sacrifice if called for
by June 7th.
pith (1.?.' Several Galvan-
vetl Icon 1%roteler". Chick
Fount. and Calllitell's Baby
Chick Fecal
H. Keith Revell
NEW TRAIN SERVICE. Daly On sea /Wee J.,ne 6.0. 1916
LT. TORONTO 11 's' 1. m. t'..dy IC T
•' OA1,T tie •. n.
•. Hunner t K
• tJ)NIN)N. 1.43a to
clIATB AJt r w e. to
Ar WINneolnei'Rs171►m
HI%Motto •I'R.:n• an
DETROIT( Vat t+.s•s•• nk
1,KTKOITIM1'RI? !b s. s. .i T
IA. DKTHOMT " e.t%•. m. ..
A. /'HICAOtSM('Klalle • to.
eaar Toronto Detrot and '1k_Teeents' kaao
..n.,. m h"tly
" ra n,
'. •. n,
Lr. 1 ()Stec:
• Woof". of". la s i.
GU' J. T
tr. TOWN
I: ii p. m.
is. p, m. DOC,
.31p. m.
•t at p m. .
5..41p m. ..
1. •IT
• %%Pal ''•rt .. 1'H,
1I11.01 KY
111 SIM AM
Ar lir:S00%
}'srtk•atar.. (roes any t'.na.I nPeelAr. Tread( ((ewt. or from W B. )low•rd.
Leave Toronto Union Station 10.45
p. m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday
tor Parry Sound. Sudbury, Port
Fort William. Winnipeg.Brandon. „
atltal loon. Calgary. North •' d.
Edmonton. Vancouver and Pacific Coast
.TirsrC�earwryFre}wr �t. ._
Another Old Iliubstriber.
Mr. Wm. Stewart, Trafalgar atrrrr,
who has been a resident of Uoderirh
for slaty yeah, has learn s sultrerrber
to The Signet for over ttfty-thaw
years. %%'e ►hoop like to het. Ir
any others will, have been •eadiug
The Signal for tlfty yetis ur wore.
A Little One Taken.
Jessie Frances, the baby ,1 unghterof
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hobbits, Nang its
starer, wbo had had a great deal of
illness and suffering in her brief life,
pa..ed away ',his morning. Site was
not quite two year. old. The remains
are being taken W Brantford tomor-
row for interment
The Wednesday Half -Holiday.
Following the custom of former
years the grocers of tioxderich will
close tbeir •Gore on every Wisdom -
dry afternoon, during the months of
Juste, July and August, The public
i• requested to govern itself accord:
The butchers al... will observe the
weekly half -holiday on Wednesday.
Look What's Coming I
A circus i• beading for U.lderich!
tiladsomr news for the email boy, like-
wise for the grown-upe who have not
quite forgotten that they once were
small Mayr. LaTeua's Trained Wild
Animal Show is who• they rail it, and
like every other allow that ,•ver.truek
town it it tit" best ever. Auywry, it'd
A remi., so get t he dm a ri¢bt in your
wind -Saturday, June Inth-an ,pre -1
parr :'p tette the family. 1
Accommodation for the Public
One of the arrest danger -
cm. and repel..ye tor... of
lid.1.-y thsease M
for which Dodd's Kidney
Palls ore the oely c: r t.un
cure. In l)rop.y the 1.,.!-
I.cys are actual.: de",wrd
ap , and 1105 water, w lush
should be expelled in the
form of urine, &m' back
and kedges in the eel!. of
the flesh and puffs out the
skin. Remo%.. the filth
which plugs up the drain.
Restore the Kldncv, to
Health. There is only one
l .dn, y Medicioo
George Johnston, who is well and
(favorably knowh to the people of
I:,aler-iota. Mr-. Walker avid three
sons will prove to town in the course
of a month, by win 7.b time Mr. Walker
w ill have all as ruigemwnt• rou)pleted
or the opening of hie undertaking
The Ransford Salt Plant.
Work has been resumed on the new
plant of the North American l t:r'uical
Co. and will be partied through to
rntipletien: The remainder of the
machinery ie expected in a tortnigltt,
and in a month or site week. the plant
should tw in full (meta:iuu 411,1 tun-
ing out "the best salt 00 rat! h. Mr.
J. S. IP. Lloyd, said to be o tP of the
uw•t capable authorities on the new
sy,tetu of evaporation, hat 1 • •n en-
gaged tor this work and there , • evrt V
contdence that in his bard, it will be
It perfect success.
How Is This, Ashfield ?
Itrv. Father O'Neil, of P u hail, was
visiting relatives in town Sint in Ash.
Held last week, travelling in his motor
car. He reported finding tete lake
Shore road in Ashfield in very bad
condition, and expressed the belie'
it will be in better shape later on in
the summer when he coupe. .lp this
way. The roads in this district are
naturally so good that comparatively
little attention is paid to keeping them
in good order, while in other di.tricw
out so favored the roads b.tve been
built up seientilk*lly and are now tet-
ter than ours, which are getting worse
every year.
The King Edward hotel barn war
te-opened t11ir week under the mar -
agement of 'Ir. Joseph Murray, whore
policy. will be to give tete hest a'cuur
mcdatiun for Mopes and a first-rate
service to antoi,t•. Mr. Murray has
opened s restaurant next door, where
a firs'. -,lair meal may be &meshed at is
reasonable pi ice. Tea, coffee ,cud nth
atilt) will be kept for -ale.
A Police Court Case.
In the Police Coutt, on Monday,
('harder 11x11 appeared to answer to a
.barge of aggravated assault on his
wife. A. it war the third offence
Magistrate Kelly war not inclined to
deal leniently with tbe accused and was
about to impose a sentenceof imprison-
ment when Bell pleaded earnestly for
another chance. His wife alio pleaded
for tuerey and it was finally arranged
to bind bim over, with three sureties
of 51(1) each, to keep the peace for
twelve months.
Wel Address Uanadian Club.
The Canadian Club will have a lunch -
en in the Ma.nniri Temple on Mon-
day next, et 1e :ill noon, and after-
wards will be addressed by Dr. A. L
Mc('riyumon, of McMaster ('niverslty,
Toronto, on '•World power and tbe
German Menace." Dr. Mc('cimmon
is • man VI scholarly attaf.wants and
his addre sr will be well wuearing:
The ('lub is tonna/tut in securing him
..tar thin ocsasion ezaeutiWOre
would like a large attendance of the
Furniture Store Opening.
in the advertising rolumns of The
Signal this week Mr. Wesly Walker
announces the "'toning of his new
furniture eture in lieorge Huhweiet's
old stand on the west nide of the
Square. The formal opening will take
'place on Saturday, when the public
will have an opportunity to inepect
the newly renovated premise, and the
choice Tines of furniture which have
been placed in stork. Mr. Walker
has engaged es his assistant Mr.
The Grand Trunk Hallway System
will run
8omeseeters' Excursions
March 7th to October 31st
Tickets valid to return within two
months inclusive of date ot sale.
WINNIPEG and return 535.00
EDMONTON and return $43.00
Proportionate low rates 10 other points
in Manitoba, Saskatchewan
and Alberta.
Tickets :oei hill information on .ti•lie•tinn to
F. F. LAWRENCE. K IONS. 1'111 ssi1:
Just Received a Large
Assortment of
Hartt Shoes
for Men, at Old Prices.
Remember it's the shoes that.
.room. not newspaper talk. \Ver
have therm in any width you
nifty reenlrr'.
We have an endle"r vat•iety of
Women's i)rr'w' I'1nn[aa and
Slipper,. of all kinds at old pricer,
while the .t.iek beets. Ale. the
new high -cut. Hoot, flinch leg, for
A big stork of Nearing Route
for Men. women and children at
old prices. Ilut. do nilocerhr.k
the fact thatleather is teaming
every week and gnn.l will be
very much higher. Now ix a
good time 10 w•cuye your mtpply.
We buy for spot cash. taking
advantage of every discount.
You get the advantage of this
by dealing here.
A fullstork of Trstnk, and Vali..ei
on hand.
Repairing neatly done at a mod-
erate price. -
Walters & Co.
Someone. to 1. H. McCBMea
A stern Plant has been installed by
Mr. lira Newell, of the Feat street
The annual church ppuuadc of the
members of (court lioderich. No JS,
C. O. F'., will cake place to Victoria
•treat Methodist church on Sunday,
June Ilih, at 11 a.tu.. when Kew. J. EE
Ford will pree.h. Visiting brethren
are cordially invited t.o attend.
At the meeting of the water and
light couUWiseinn on Thursday of tart
week it was derided that the water
main on the lluroo road should be
extended to Maple street and a hy-
drant placed st the corner of Maple
street and the Huron road. It was
decided, also, that the solo .11 water-
ier. o11 Piston street Cart fame Vic-
toria street. lee replaced with a t wa -
rrtch pipe.
How 1t Struck Her.
A lady, who had met received an in
bito new., said to her idle
terretl lig t 1 w . I
daughter :
"Marjorie. dear, auntie has a new
baby, and now mania is the haby's
:aunt, papa it the baby'. uncle, and
you are her little cousin." .•4
"Well," said Marjorie. wonderingly,
wasn't that arranged quick 3"
Why Manitoba Man Praises Dodd's Kid-
ney P.11t.
i'lea,ant Howe, \I r'., May 22nd.
ISpwcual).-\Ir. Max Ilan) i•ik, a well.
known resident of tile. I'I'o.', who,
after an extended period . f ill-l>',iIih.
i, feeling stt•ong and hearty again. le
spreading trroadca,t the good news
that he found a new lease of youth in
D.ald's Kidney Pills.
"1 tried all hinds of other pills, hat
they didn't help mss vary mw'h," Mr.
Hanjook says. "Hut Dodd'. Kidney
Pills have made me feel like ,c young
fellow again. 1 want rv'e•ykitty to
know that D.al1 s Kidney Pills have
done for cue everything that has Iwai
d for theta."
Dodd'. Kidney Pills act directly on
the kidneys. Ily putting theme in
icondition ti do their proper work
:bay ac:ompli,h the cures so regularly
reported. Healthy (iidney. Make
pure blood and Lite td In or woman
who has pure LIn.nL c niraiug tk,ough
their veins can laugh i'. 4'lnt-tenth4
of the ills of life.
State of Ohio City of Toledo..
Ievety: w.. „ '
F'ruolc .1. Cheney make. oath that he is .enio.
•artnrr of the limo( KJ. Cheesy k. t'o., doiee
Ipaa. • no toe `'t'
.yea-a1d, an,rrl ,t "ifd'arm wyf!'('17 • r.n
of ONE Nt..URIID DOLLARS rash end
suety 44.1 of cat ass -h 111.' .+•'no' r•urr.1 oy.
thew, of HALL.. ArAat-'Il' 1,;:'s:
4'KANK i yj1LNFY.
'twit* 10- bwhar nM and atiMr!r�sR In my
taenias, lb'.+ 4t h dry el Deve4bret a D Pen.
A. W. ULC.tiliY,
(55*1) No wry Palate.Han'. Cat soli Cure is taken n.tem:die no.:
.u•'•tkrnu111 the bleed u, the saaruu..,tf.c.-
of Ihr. ,rn,.am•
end for tr_ i1u . i.al•a f• •
J �It s;\ F \' A l'U........ ,. Toledo. • "
Solt e y all deinnet•t•. 7 r
•11..;, • .-..wily for..
Worth a Million.
"11 1 carne in,n *1.1e11.,r.1 " said I'4t
Ito hi. w o !tamale, ' I'd K•' to wan "'
thiui big hotels. nod I •1 tell the b'y.
Harr toe .•'ilei at G o'. lock tomorrow
lnorniil'.' Then I'd go to Inc r11141
(end null down the blinds, and whin
first they called one 1'd not answer.
and whin they called me louder I'd
say, '(:n away wid yrz ! Tut not oh;
Iigel to be wirketi . 1'vr gut Money.'
"Asa '" 1.11141 ked '1'4111, as he ooze
more began work.
"Well, what would you do if y
were a millionaire %.' (I. -molded Pat.
"Me'" said Tim. "I .1 have ahalf-
fut more len'th 10 this pick bindle.
and save we p:wr hack.'
F'or a clean scalp and glossy, healthy
hair use Itesall '114" Shampoo Paste ;
�1ic at Hearn drug stores only. 11. U.
Uuulup, 4..Jdericb.
Had Terrible Pains
in Kidneys and Back.
Dear Mr. Editor -1 want to write yod
about "Annric." I was very sick, could
hardly be up; I was in bed most of the
time. Had terrible pains in my kidneys
and back, so much so that I had to
scream sometimes when I was sitting
down and wanted to Pet np, the pain
was so great. I had tried a well-known
kidney medicine bit it didn't belp me.
1 heard of Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets
so I thought I would try them. I took
only one box of the Tablets, and my
back is now free from pain and i can
work and take carr of my family. I
feel I cannot say enough for this medi-
cine. , Sincerely, Mae. War. KELLta.
NI- E.
%VFIX&"li.tY, May :il.
NILE NorFtl. -Mr. '1'. (1. Stannard
had the mi -fortune to hieak his collar
hone this wrrk '\Err. t'..l'tuystal,
of Sa,katchewan, is wadi ,g her pa. -
ent., •Mr. and N ss.'%Vm McKnight.
Mr Isaac Currie 11..5 pot chased
Mr. %V. Jatkmat.'r 1 4114 at Nile.
Houeeke•p"r want,41 .. Ma J. JI.•-,
Briar and >Ir.• \V hon, , f Catmw, vis-
ited at 11 .al'. (:iiau.r on Sunday
tart . Mies t:'n,a t;lrvin .petit the
swag-e•.d ii.atrr eh .. .Mr. and
' n (
VV." m: r WitG5i await -iii-ClioCoir
for Empire Day.
ing:1.1.k1 :1• Eek 'j.. , 1e to -n M
held h.'-rr on the•ming In May
24 wag pronounced try ail to be • de-
cided suceers 1 hep .•gram was ex-
cellent. 1,1.. D. Niel; ll. of \Vanden',
re'ndrlwl .otnr in w ver y pleasing wan-
ner. alae. Alam:"., riny. 01 1wm•
don, AN reader, deell,tht d 111. ;.tidienee
in every nntu)wr, -hawing herself to
be a 1e1.,ttesa of the a. t of portrayal in
tragi., 1 .'•.1ur 11,.1 dramatic .elec-
t, ,11•. tir'etlt•gr 1,,1111 the Wltllrtere
plrarnt, R"1' Merger.. Goblin, McKel-
vey and ('•.n.vey, a plated the pro.
grain. The p."rredll of the evening
awuuuted to $I (v.
Bore: This "Anuric" is adapted
especially for kidney complaint! and
diseases arising from dieorden of the
kidneys and bladder, finch as backache,
weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, con -
pion of the kidneys, inflammation
of the bladder, scalding nrine and
urinary troubles. The physicians and
specialists at Dr. Pierce's great inetith-
Nos, at Buffalo, N.Y., have thoroughly
tested this preeeriptlon and have been
with one accord enece.sfnl in endkat-
ing Nese troubles, and in meet eases
absolutely curing the diseased kidneys.
Patients baying one. need " Asan •
it Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, have re -
=,1 sent
sent back for more. flneh s
has bees treated that Ile. Piero.
has daeidld to pet "Aisne" in the drag
stores of this eoeotry, in a ready -to -nee
bras. If sot obtainable send one dime
by trail to Dr. for trial package
or ii0 ease Inc tall d
Dr. Plnree's (fold.. Medical illse+rrveey
Is a blood amnion sad alter:re=
Mate the liver and Bion ash arise *Igneous
settee. 1t thus amides the belly to make
dells, red Mad. whleh Pude the Kean,
urvea, brit amid mow of M,. body.
Ten Mf Mos. t1Yot11s and streesoas.
Highest a ash nrl••. n (d for ail kind+
of h de by U. \I t)'Br,en at (.bee. 1: tit
'Alert meat to .1 kat .-a.
B1\ \IIl
Bank by Mall and
Save Loy Drives
Mall us the cheques or cash
you receive, with your Pass-
book, which we w111 return
with the Deposit credited. Then you can pay your bills by cheques,
which we will honor, or if you want the cash yourself, send us a
cheque In your own favor and we well forward the money by recur*
Drcp !a and talk to the Manager about It
Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCO\1BE, Manager.
emberIkh. 1111)1; graduated fr the Thomlawin-•:See that portrait of
(ioderich I:r•amnl4r 1ru.a.l ; 1100a100 a Brown 1Isn't it a ssp•+king likenrvs Y'
barrister in IMG, and in lei! married !Johnston -••Yee. it is -so %twee Ing
Caroline 1, l:. Nort hgreave". niece of that it 'light lw asking one of or. to
Very itev. Dean No,thg tie bend hon a dollar !"
interested hiuurlf in the municipal of
lairs of tk,.Ierieh and lweawe a 'WY111
her of the town eon', ;1 and was Mayer
of the towu in nee. -el, In 1,47:i he de -
(limit the l'..mierc,.titilrt hetet dna
for the representation of South Horn
in the 11r1u,e of l' nu,tIon'. Ata alreaatt
stated, lie war apgpolr11t'd junior judge
o! Huron county tit 'he year IaiK1 and
the .,ppointiurnt•. .1. "+•• r jlutge,
luras master Of the Supreme Court
and judge of the Snrn.g.ue Court fol.
lowed. Judge I)' 1.• war also for
114,1 4' years, and until his reeigltatiun
ju•t prior to his leaving town, at, mens -
tier of ties t:..dei i -h Collegiate Ineti•
title 11,,:11 d.
He and Mr.. 4)••y1•• leave lioderich
with the gisslwill ,.l citizens of all
classes, wit,. w 1•h f „ • b.'ni uutRy )'"ass,
.till cl h ggpy and n•• t .I life.
Judge Doyle Retires after Thirty three
Years of County Court Bench
Hie 4Ionor .lodge Doyle and Mrs.
I)ovle left on \Iona ay. III Wiling ter 14,..
stile, State of N'a.hingrun, where
they will cis' th.•'1 two daulghteis liv-
ing thele and nl+kr their 1 cur at
least a ,onside al,le portion of the
time. Judge Doyle ie interested. with
.fudge Doyle I, 'terra the fol
lowing letter to :1 .• .• letur y of the
11. C. 1. barer.':
t. 1l
Dr, H.J. R. Ilolmre. 1:
tier'yy tio.h' ia. l oak .e 11.,,..1,
D4:Att DI) Hota:r•-mntlq
vary pjea"ant 11.111"til.l.la.n,4\\' of tilt 7V
lung association, lath to, member and
as chairman, with the 4144411 ('. I-
legiate eoard, 1 beg to tender my rre-
I: is ane to the teachers on the "tali
14' •aay that n'reluties were lightelyd
very non by the cordial relatia.ns
with and generous assistance of the
staff, and especially ..f the principals,
at all tiun'r.
1 sha11 ever feel it .'rep interest In
the Institute and .-hell look eagerly
for all news concrrnrl K it.
With the wont sin, err test wishes
for all my asocla'.•• Witt) whom, 1
believe, 1 always lia.l the t cordinl
relation.., and for the nienhers of the
stag -and ,es for you, Mr. Se^_retary,
.was erre nl.. say;, fellow�itndrl`t"
in the early days of our gramma.
echoed here. I beg to remain,
Matt sincerely)-,
and lrcannot refrain ftotri'addiilg
Most alien innately yours,
H. 1.. Dn'rt.lt.
who retiree. after long and distin-
guished tweeter on the County Court
tench. with the space and goodwill
of all clarifies of the community
bis son-in-law, 1)r. Bourns, in re fruit
farm of Filey ,acres In the Yakima
Washington, about Ne) miles
from Neat tle, •nd will *pend part of
his time looking after his interests
Judge Doyle'r career in Ooderieh
rovers halt-a-centnry, and he occupied
a position on the County Court bench
for a Inr.ger period than any other oc-
cupant ot the bench in iharem county.
He wax appointed junior judge in ISO
and senior judge In 1Nrt, making a
period in all of thirty three yeare. Ile
thus doubly earned his retirement
- by attainment of the age limit of
seventy -Rye yeare and by servingIsnd,
Indeed. ..reeding by three years) the
period of thirty years. His career on
the bench was marked by the impar
tpallly, feiroes•, ability and judicial
dita'.,nment which he brought to hear
on the eases which mime betnre bim.
Bernard Louis Doyle wax horn •t
Matilda, D'tndui county, Ontario, One
J. T Roan, the f'auadian rupture apt,l1-'
Mite aperiai.st, w:II soft town,' Inrutwn,+
low. Nr. Y..y1(al.s latest hnrnWa.', th,' ) uM-
Irue" and Y.. •(lrrauvr•' firm,, r,L.ln sur/ -
lure perfectly sal ,.r.• :ht.:Kt..1 to not Lateen
to rke,e the ele•nllac in the %Iw,rt.--t time
tan„wn w1Ywdn ul
Ianun•ly cd.plleera�rU�utnThew,
lew,y) 1Aake.w
apptalwhae m
world) herr ro.'Iv.d 1844 41><tuwt
awards wherever exhibit.d. T,-.umoolata
frust men women and patrol.. 1ewnrtw are
IteeomplIsbed witt...ai isle nvnnenee el Sneed
WOO . Why a,annue to el r.wramen{ win. as -
caned *+ail order sure. when you .: .a,td.
brt4f ,'rev law nicht Orr. •t ems l coat 11 Nerer
mead past failnr.•s - 4 ta.r.• na a ream.. tar
a11ra. Tbrre u.• maty *room way 1.1,1 .111.r
i mss rl t41t way. It ,',wtw you uotaluy to in venni-
tate my way. !witty* fray be danx.r.,w now
mike limy 4. make .yearet.(1 phrueany et fur
your waaon'5 work. Tear et ee+O5 maw.
Upon�•rrsssentatirm to J. Y. [ems aprelatert
NSA Y.a.se %tryst, ArntiN, who wr Weft
the twwl.e below en lass
serum sad e.- '. n el Ari
at teasel ogee for ream aw*bsr.
('lintuu, - i141t.,abury Hotel
(iin.letich, - 13:1.1 fool Hold
Thursday 1..11 day aril I'c1.1
f)tfervis> oTr(r•.,i me 1:I .- -... • _
Male n •
showing •• R.w4 ".nveted
wllh IIront/.•rd slates
In .•.Ifd
There is Safety
Under This Roof
liave you ever had rt fine job of decorating spoiled by a leaking
roof! If you have, you ('.11 inly are in a {{position to appreciate• the value
of a roof that is pnaitivrly water-med. Some of the Irnuhleacornmon to
wooden shingles to -day are that they are apt to split. warp or blow off a*
well as leak. soon after they are put on. Years ago they were good, but
the quality has since gradually depreciated as the available supply tri
suitable timber became exhausted.
Brantford Slates have none of the faults of wooden shingles.. Th. y
annot rust. They do not allow rain to be driven under them as do
metal roofs. They do not require rigid supgpwting as do the common tile
or slate roofs. On the other hand 'Irani ford Slates afford the utmost
protection with little weighs. They are made on a long-hhred felt
"hese" which is thoroughly saturated under pressure with asphaltum or
mineral pitch. Cruahe,t quarried state pnrticles are then deeply embed-
ded in the surface of this "base-. making it water -tight anti fireproof.
Brantford Slates are made in the naturnl elate onion of green. red.
black and grey• The colors never fade and the slates do no require
painting nor repairing. These slates are pliable and fit readily around
mbks and into the angles of any roof. This means a continuous roof
Nithout seams or Joints. Sparks die on Brentford Slates When you
have these elates "oil" 'aware done with the )ob. Remember they dont
require painting or staining and may he selected to harmrxlire with al-
most any exterior color defiign, and the price Is not beyond you reach.
We would be pleased to send you samples and our Roofing Booklet.
Brantford Roofing Company, Limited
Brantford, Canada
Sold by W. R. PI N D ER