The Signal, 1916-6-1, Page 4e 1'tOsieOaT, Joel. 1, 1911 ME SIGNAL. GODP;RiCH UNTARiO IN TIII MONTH OF tune yuu will Inquire many changes In Wearing Apparel We ate seedy for you with a select stuck such as Straw Hats Negligee Shirts Country ClubShirts Combination Underwear Holeproof Hosiery, Etc. See the W. G. e' R. New Marne and Canterbury Collars Lime four Order Jo, a Society `grand Suet Walter C. Pridham Society Brand Clothes, King Hats, Headlight Overalls. Spring Styles In Footwear .11Dththultig443d &Q&& , demand suitable shoes tor every occasion. The new shoes for spring enable you to indulge this taste without extravagance. And with the charm of var- iety and correct sty le they combine nleklevte price. We want you to see the beautiful creations we are now showing. REPAIRING Geo. Mac Vicar North Side S11uaI. 1:1 WHICH DUNGANNON. MR. N. J. WHTARD 1s abash sir TUC SIONA1. at Ara•aaase. orders le t with hist tot whin ripsases, sdrert(esmante or ).b pristine will r.- , eye prompt atomise. Tensaw.* ibodsrtsb Rural) r lee Fether-••\Chen were young. enw .on, we think we know ev►tything." ton -"Anil when 'we get older we k now we 110 -eh .'.' r." Clear, Peachy Skin Awaits ne DrinksAnyoHot Water Says en Inside bath. before break- fast helps us look and feel clean, sweet, fresh. Sparkling and vivacious -merry, bright. alert -s good. clear skin and a natural, rosy. healthy complexion are assured only by pure blood. 1f only every man and woman could be induced to adopt the morning inside bath, what a gratifying change would take place. instead of the thousands of sickly. anaemic looking men. women and girls, with pasty or muddy complexions: fastest of the multi- tudes of "nerve wrecks," "rundowns." "brain fags" and pessimists we should see a virile optimistic throng w-alran Bice. Leena Watrwta• of rosycheeke'd people everywhere. W 11.sort 11•At kV. AIiNII Har An inside bath 1s had by drinking Mr Koppel, in behalf of Mrs. Flop - each morning, before breakfast, a Pel and himself, replied In • 100.1. glass of real hot water with a tea- touching and appropriate manner, 5: - spoonful of limestone phosphate In it tending many sincere good wishes to to wash from the stomach. Inver, kid- all present. After the presentation neys and ten yards of bowels the pre- lunch was served by the ladies. Mr. vlous day's lndltteatlble waste, sour and Mrs. Rippel purpose leaving in fermentations and poison.. thus the near future for Illinois, where Mr. cleansing, sweetentn„ and freshening Roppel will resume his studies. the entire- alimentary canal before putting more fond into the stomach. Those subject t0 elek headache, bll- tomness, nasty breath, rheumatism. colds; and partteulary those who hay. a pallid, sallow completion and who are co.atipated very often. are urged to obtain a quarter pound of Ikneslone phosphate at the drug stores which win oost but a trifle, but is sumelent to d•pettsM the quick sad red's*. able chines hl both health sad appear- ance, eweftlee deeper who emetics In- ternal ea.ilette.- We must remem- ber theft MIMS dM.limes is mom lm - than eassow. i► alt1ss the to soda set eo to ow tarabew mem wine the pores le Frwsostw., will address the eke goggig *•t oat Nemo' da • A "towel shower" is asked M. toderich SATURDAY JUNE 1 Wguxtt+naT, stay M. Mr. John Nevem., o' Blyth, is visit- ing bid mother. Mr•- Nrveue. Mts. Welker. of fort Arthur, is vi-Ileng her 11,. tide bete. Mr. liuchindherel, of Uhi.., is vi.it_ ing her friend.. Mrs. Palau." and the Bellisiuy family. Mr. Frank donee (bowie to \Vingha.0 last week to ser his friend Mr J Johnston, formerly of this plane. Mr and Mrs. H. Horton, of Kteter, attended the funeral of Mrs. Hortou'd mother on Tuesday of this week. Rev. Mr. Rowan, of Tolontn, will occupy the pulpit in Krause church two morning end evening next Sah- beth in the interest of the Lord'. Dsy Alliance. Kiev. 1. McKelvey- is away attending the London Conform -se this week. Mr. A. M It .I.erteon, of (ioderielt, w.11 conduct services in the Methodist -hurch both tie r S and eveoiog next Sundae. .J tVurrt:N s INSTITr'rIc -The Dungan non branch afthe Niemen'• Inr'iw'e will writ in the 1'reshyi-rig11 chino) ole Katurelay afteinoteo, June 3rd. 1' • meeting will her edJreseeel by Mt. .1o1•. of F'.eemAn, who will •peek o. "%% omen 'V,nl iu Weer Time- " A geed pieegrant i. elru bring provided. Everybody welt •110•. We weer 1)!0/1s1,1 11/ greet neer atelier. again beet week before theer drparr urn for London, where r more strep• mats coons 01 paining will Ito cou- ducted. Pies, lielleiuiv, Killou�;h. Wotelley, M.a,, end Mc('Iutkey weer en our et reels Saturday and m he. %Ve wuh the boys a splendid stunt -r of vigorou.hrellh and .strength. A Goole 1'ostenos -Mr. ('LIT Rivera, son of .Ir. AH1-lt !livers, of Seema's, Sa-k , visited hi; peerenls here I est Sunday. 11.• wag ecrowp+.nied by Dr. Newton, eef Lucknuw. Cliffs ft lends will lee glad to Leow that he has tained R vet y lucrative p bit ion in the West, .being 'teenager of a farmers' supply cuulnsny at Seamans at a salary of H121111. Atigll'CL TC t.g DAY. -Last Friday was Agriculture Day at the publi,' school. All pupils from third clans up took charge of experimental 1Aute,' and succeeder) in delving and planting twenty-one beautiful plots. It was a busy and pleeeant •fierno in for the lope and girls. Iospectnr Tom' visited the echo .1 here on Tuesday of this week to ex uuiue and report ou the school garden. InetrH of Mee S. H. Sat'sllY.- Mre. S. R S by died at Altone. Man., on the :a'i h best.. aged seventy years. She was formerly a resident of Dungannon. and was well known by a large circle of friends. ' Her ho land predeceased her some nine or ten yeah. The remains. were brought here fen interment, the (Meerelire.ving the residetne of her daughter• Miro S It lac ': Yeti concision of Ashfield, nn Tuesday afternoon. It.,. G. ti eff i'iat•d. Her Ron, Mr. Mortis Satin - by, accompanied the tees -ons from she West. 1 LA'ENA'S 1GW'1l,DA\NM. SHOWS =III I l _ � j . 'r,, - i�I�a ■%i: I • Pte. Be.Nan Case Makes Good Mie Pttdoagb. Dr. T E cud Yr.. t;a... of Din- gennnon, have recoiled smother letter from ebur eon Beepsou, of which we are permitted to pubti.h • portion. This letter is writhes from the C. A. M l'. 1'. •foul{ ttaM,ed rt Dibga t. ('am ., bburncliffr, KnglenJ, and ie dated M •y :1.11. Mr. Core waiters : It i. •w.y p.+t my tante for writing, Mit It wetted while I er•s on toy leave I never (could get settled down to du much,' writing. Atter •butt wren months in Prance, it was great lit be over in Keigland again and to Ito able to go just where one I,ked, w .Islet I made a b. most of toy oppor- tunities and had a glue lou. Lima. Allot/ether I had about risteeu days and spent •bout eight in London, four in Wales and then beard that Howard wits in Breinshe•u. I then came right down and war able to get • week -end extension to go duwu and see him. My railway fere, except to Hrawebott, was absolutely free, so it wee well worth while goiug up to Wrier, but I missed the excitement over in Ireland. 1f I had gone over there 1 would likely have gut into the trouble in Dublin, sl e10 lust as well .ati.ft d 1 didn't snake the trip. 01 course, it would have been better to hive ped someone with we, but I managed along pretty well and I was well used fly the folks on the te•ine. and wherever I stopped. They hadn't sero many Canadians up in . that pert and fur then reason the people were quite friendly. A fellow in the train going up mapped me out • route to take in the (wet *genety and 1 followed it. out pretty well. au 1'.tr ervon 1 stayed at a tenowrauce hotel end 1 owed theta beaten shillings tor Ind *Lel brrakf**t for two bights, 1. it they would only take four, su yuu ..e 1 was in pretty good luck. 1 had better start with what I saw in London first and then go right through. Of course the drat, and most ,important thing was drawing toy un,oey Irma the pay ultlee and theta 1 was ready to tate in the sights. I raw throt.gb' the abbey, St. noire, the '!'ower, Parliatueu: Huildiuge (expected W bear Me. Aequith'r speech out it was postponed -nothing much going on), the Eat End, including Dirty Dock's saloon. which gut it. urine from the fact then the ceiling had never beeu cleaners for about lU) year., and there were skeletons of 1 rats, doge and eats hanging flow the brain.. Also the t •nemeut dish act, and Petticoat Lane, wheats the Jews sell their stuff on Sunday morning. I give an obi chap a couple of s6111- ing. 10 .hoe me•ruun l and got every- thing firsthand. .% As 0111 to Hampton Court,. which was pace k royal 'talace in the time of El-zat,eth and rd about 1,o'J) acres Df woraw, on+e dating backts and the •.neirto Henryardens lVIII. Kew hardens were also sexy fine, (wing lite a great peek with needy every kind of tree you could thin► "f. spent &Dotbevytatfe• t l'•da eat -th .o and another abe KAdtlf Ken- eiuungt.ntow xcvwsem.•+V.ae $ out ae lu iI44d Use e[ amen es es taw anm.ssmemwee Immo Etta e0i, u,oe ao,Co ACTe ave. taPtC014K 41 want tewea neatewa aespae • e nags LUOKNOW. ' /CADAY. M 31. Russ Johnston hes enlisted with it ine.Manicel transport corps in':orot.to. Rev. J. %V. E:cleetote, of Branton, is the new rector of the Anglican church See here. Viola, daughter of Mr. and Mr,. - Ashley Blair, is critically 111 at Owen Sound. Miss Frances Midelall Inas returned ' n41ut Toronto, where .he gave a suc- cessful graduetiou recital in the music b e11 of 1 he Toronto College of Music. Mr. Noah Ilewitt, editor of The Oh- eerver, et Holland, !Manitoba, was a visitor in L.lcknow Inst week. Mr. Hewitt went. 'Fest lofty yea.. eve. His isreulewberedhy Many oft he olds r resident P1 as a trach•. at. Paramount 111 the early seventies. •••••Meitellit twee gieaeinener OWL entre Fitt 111111111111 Ines aitirril TAYLOR'S l.ORNER: Treeo.ty, M ty :tl. F.4 NEWELL PIte+N\T \TIIIN. - On Tuesday evening tet last week, Rev. H. Koppel and Mrs. Koppel were by spec- ial request present at Zion church, Taylor's Corner. white a large number had Assembled to bid them farewell. After an opening prayer by Mr. J. Schwarz, who had peen requested to take the chair, and a sung service, Mr. and Mr.. ltoppel wet, asked, to crime forward. when the following madness toss read by Miss R. Keys and in be- half of the ccngregettiun they were leeesentnl with!• purse by Miss 1. NV/titers :_,mss .s.R R AYn Me.. ltner►i.. It 1- with (rep regret w. n Aliso the time near al hand when you will **ter new loaner i .n w Inn 0. Though di.lan,e 11e between, we dl +•111 few 'trot you In Mart and thought. Your !stars ..mor mit u. bate ever been uut trier and oonat- rested. let the Sunday-ehool. a. well A. at the cored de -k. you have been to u. more than we can 1u wont. fully esprit,. You stave both 1111 err.-( upon no deepl) in tow le..on. which will I1.. on and in,pere An sir yon hate departed from nor midst. tat a w.'1 not forget your 0101 twAetr.nd deep Intrust .hewn In e.. A. a l:u.phle ,•v {dance of our oewtw Il. ,trees ion and .ppr.niatlon we a.k yon to tweopi till. purse. th. v,ntrot' to 1.eu.e( u. puce ing tato thing of your nob choice That nod ma) pare you 1011g to M to othm rebut you hare been to n.. that life'. pathway for e+trh of yon mar et er be paved with 10u1 • blessing. and that .hound 'loud. pas. your way you will ever be ahle to ser the silver habit. I. our united when. Signed Oe behalf et pew friend. and co - tweeter. of 7.fon ebureb and Sunday .shad. ST. AUGUSTINE. TI;S•nwY. may :11 News Noires. -Mr. and Mr.. lobo Shanahan. of Clinton, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mr.. J. W. Boyne. Mr. RoIsL Glen, of ('arlow, called on friends in this vicinity re- cently..Pias. David and Wes. Mc- Clincy visited their sister, Mee. ('hsa. Itobinsoe, before leasing for London. Miss Rehreca and Mn. John Tholepins attended the tetters{ of Lbw late NM. $.unby 0w '11a•a�ay..... Don't forget the Into {tuts ineet1ea •. VYdaiedny, June 71.h, et the bean Of tin Wm. McAllister. Kist Jots. 05 FIying Joe The Highest Jumping Horse in the World, Jumps 7 feet in the Air. EMBROIDERIES 1 New and dainty patterns in 1 8 -inch and 27 -inch Embroideries for children's dress1 - es. Fine sheer lawns and cotton Embroideries that make beautiful dresses for the little ones. Prices 25c, 30c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 a yatd Corset Cover Embroideries, in many beautiful patterns on fine lawns and cottons at 20c, 25c, 30c. 35c and 50c a yard Narrow Edgings and Insertions in all the needed widths, in fine and heavy cotton and lawns, at from & to 20c a yard Underwear Ladies' Summer Underwear with short and long sleeves, in many qualities of fine cotton and lisle, at 12 I -2c, 1 5c, 20c, 25c, 35c and 40c each Children's fine Summer Knitted Underwear with short and long sleeves. in all sizes, at . . . . 1 5c and 20c each Fine cotton Underwaists, beautifully embroidered and finished with lace, at . . 25c, 35c, 40c and 50c each White Cotton Underskirts with deep dust frill and daintily finished with fine em- broikery, at . . $1.00, $1.25. $1.50, $2.00, $2.25 each SUMMER DRESS MATERIALS Our stock comprises the very newest and daintiest of fine sheer cotton Voiles, Dimities and Muslins, in patterns that are exclusive and very new. Many qualities and at different prices are here for you to select from. HOSIERY We carry everything you need in cotton, lisle and silk Hose for the children and ladies'. Boy's heavy and girl's light -weight stockings are specials with us. J. H. COLBORNE the Fifth Field Ambulance also apply- ing for a commiston and as we get along well together it is tine to have the c rwpany. The count'y'is Inking pretty line just now. like it did a year ag e, and l will send roma fi rives by next letter. A NIGHT MARCH. Pte. Roy Munro, Tut Battalion, Writes from Bramshott. • (Concerning his trip scross the At- lantic Ocean and of life at Bramahol1 Camp with the 1st Ilatla4On, Private Roy Munro writes -We left ll slif *x on April h reached on April 1116. two deyr'we were in a thick fog e. suede verg..Ji1Na. prugr'tes. made gond time se • yowl as the. PORT ALBERT. WEDN6i11.\Y, May 21. I'KKSo1N.\L MRSrbw.-Mr.. Ho'z- kamp, Miss Alfred& and Master Lorne are visiting friend. at Stratford this week flies S•reh !twines slwnt the holiday with reletiees At Clint en end London We ale glad to see Mia. Nellie We leiter out egain after her recent illness Miss Es'vl'n Hayden, of S'rarf , l• steel Sergi. 1)1 - way Hayden. e f the Ariiiv Dental Corps at London. stent the _lith with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. II. Hay- den ayden Rev. .loteph Deacon. of Kidgetown, hos been, the emelt .t Mr. and Mrs. H. Hayden for the pa..t week. and KINUSBRIUOG. For Treetea . May :9'. his wife. &slighter and orphan niece. a servant girl, two sierra ley funny negro comedians, a typical 1. ohwan. two un•rxupulou4 villain., a detective c t Scot land Pard, a ul.gtst1 ate, pollees man and en 01,1 sailor. There will be gond vocal cud iastrutuentel is s b •twerp acts, also some gIRel vaude- ville stunts by those athletic "coons." Admission 31 et.. Remember that the money you in- tend to Rave doesn't draw any in- terest.. and Jos. 0. Dalton returned t . Detroit ''''A'Sts.t'week-sitter • sbeve•eis,t io- eh- 4%cr'g 4, . „tatted sod on April 111.6 •trait 3 or 4 its. RN1he. U'\ea( d Peektaill, T o'clock we reached the coast of Ili.' r Pa. k and saw R,tten Row where all i land. the big guns go out riding, St. James "When we landed at --- Me Park, Buckingham Palace, .:nd the boar'de'd a train bound for Hrarnehott National Art (i}•sWry. Aliso took In several gond show*, but they weren't much better than lou you would tee in Turouto. 1 liked to get up on top of the fuse, and go for wiles through the streets. I don't think 1 would erre to live there, but the Cockneys themselves think it's forms halt the blooming wutld. Going up to Wales, 1 had to change cars at Chedler, near Liverpool, and spent • couple of hours about town. It was a tine old town on the River Dee and bad a wall running around the old rart of the city. Some of the buildings were very old and the upper part projected out over the sidewalk. 'There ars also afine cathedral three. They claimed, that thee, along with the wall, were necessary to make a city, ao not man of the Western "cities" could qualify. From there 1 went 10 Colwyn Bay. getting off there to si.itotfettw.y-coed (Station in the to keep together. We went single file %Voud.). I stayed bete a couple of dn'i*n a hill along a nae row path and days at a lodging house kept l,y an filo Welsh lady, Mrs. Davies. Most of the people I meet were called either toner, Davies, Evans or Owen, and Welsh waa spoken far more than Eng- li,1s. in fact, some of the kids io the street couldn't understand you as well W. some of the youngsters in Belgium. I then went on to Carnarvon, past Conway ('.atle and a little cbutch both in :,i4 whose name had fifty- seven letters. At Carnarvou the principal punt of interest was the obi c,a.tlr, wield; 1 took in pretty well. It was where the investiture of the Prince of %Vales takes place and was built by Edward 1. when he conquered Wales. Next day 1 took strip around Snow- don. 1 walked up Llanberis Pass and down the Pais of Nant Owynant through .nme particularly fine scen- ery. 1 passed by several small lakes and got some One views of Snowdon. 1 came to lbdd-Oelert after walking about twelve miles tend thot.ght this was one of the prettiest little villages i ever saw. It was surrounded on all sides by hills and had a pretty little river running through the town. with three or four stone budges crossing Th• e ShoW1hat's Diligent Presents More Wild AnImal Acts than all other shows combined. PONE BETTER. NONE AS NEW. NONE WITH AS MANY NOVELTIES. Spedal Cheap atld Canniest Excursion on at Railroads. 111E MUT SMw TUT TILL TIM TN Test SEAM Two Performances Daily, Rale to Sine. NV Minh TR MAMI STREET CAUSE AT ISM A. ML And the BIG FREE EXHIBITIONS At ens elbow Ors•e .. 1mma- - i. sit , tea P.rsda ' Wanted-- Camp, where we are now. We left at 5 o'clock and at rl o'clock we .topped at U.rniinghaun, where we hall plenty of coffee gird ell the bread and hotter we could rat. We reached Lipbook station at'2 a. tn. and heel to walk two utiles to our asmp, carrying cur full equipment. . "'iVe went for a short route march this erten-mote and we tore going over the sante grouted .getin t .night as coon as it gets dui,. The road is • very crouked one And very muddy and wet. it started raining shortly after we got hack and we were hoping it would satin all night, so we would not have to go. We had a route march last night and a). •uta half the battalion got Suet We left camp at midnight and after we were nicely stetted we left the toad and went through fields and over trenches until we reached the forest. \Ve certainly had a hard time Men in All Departments - DRIVERS, GROOMS, PONY BOYS AND TENT MEN. pp(y� at SHOW GROUNDS DAYOFSHO over. From here • fellow gave me a ride in his car through the Pass of Aber. glaalyn to Portmadoc on the sea, where 1 got a train back to Carnar- von. The train took the to Oric.it6, where Mr. Lloyd George bra • sum- mer home and, where there is • ens old castle on a cliff overlooking the sea. 1 had to telegraph to Mr. Watts and got word back of Howard's letter. I came right down, although I had intended to climb Snowdon. and found the army life agreeing pretty well with b{m,althouggb he hadn't grown much sines i Wet saw him at Virden 1 met Oozworlb and the rent of the Regina chaps and Dr. Arnold. He seemed to like his job pretty well, which means 1n the army that there isn't • groat pile to do. Oe Sunday we toot • trip up to the 411rd Battery to see Charlie McArthur, Aod Lane bomb • quits a bsb of Know fellows. We had a great trlptbereand thought it would he nen If we could both get In it toyetber, i will have to get per- mission from $0. War Office to do ea, and if they Ij me i would jean as soon do that as go as with the other lewd - o wn There is another asap here Noes then up steep bank almnetw* straight as a wall. We got separated from the rest of the battalion and es Kenn a. we gut 1n • road we kora we headed hack to camp. We reached there abut 2 a. to Nom.• were In before us, but a number didn't gel in until 4 a. w. and a few gut in et M.:11 w. ni. 1 hone we have better luck tonight. even if we do have more mud, and 1 ran tell you there is lots of it here. "When we got here mime of the Englishmen were telling us that April watt the rainy month of the year. To- night i heard another ',eying that May was the rainy month. 1 asked hire if June would he the rainy month about (Our weeks from (sow." visited here last week. He we. acont- panird back by his brother. John. who is just recovetmg ftotu a severe attack of pneumonia. A orrMen DRAMA -flu EVENT. -11414 local Dramatic Club has de -ester' to present the cont..' --Brant., "Th. Hat- ton Dienionel Mystery." on F'r:day senting, .1 one (1 u, rnnuuermine sharp Thi• play. who•h pro sr• 10 lee pop,tlar, Is composed of the to'lose- ing ch•etaclers A retired genlaenleu, IF HAIR 15 TURNING GRAY, USE 516E 1G ROW/ Gr'andmother's Recipe to Darken and Beautify 'Jaded Hair. That beautiful, even shade of dark, glossy hair can only be had by here/lag a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Your hair is your charm. It makes or soars the fare When it fades, turns gray or streaked, just an application or two of Sage and Sulphur enhances its appearance a hundredfold. Don't bother to prepare the mixture; you ran get this famous old recipe im- proved by the addition of other ingredi- ents for 50 crate a large bottle, all ready for ur. 1t is caller( Wyeth's Rage and Sulphur Compound This eau always be depended spoil to bring bark the natural color and lustre o1 your blab. Everybody um. ' Wyetkis" Sageand Selphwr Compound now brown it dark- ens see naturally and evenly that Nobody can tell it has twee replied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through the hair, taking sae small strand at a time; by moraine the leaf bait bas disappeared. and after smother applieaties it breams beauti- fully dart sad appears glossy and los- arena Tide read chess preparet{se fi a delightful Millet requisite for thew wee desire dart Mair sad • yentbfel appear - owe. i1 is sot lateed..f for the sure, m111gatio. or pesveaihn of alma! QUEEN'S UNIVIISiTT KINGSTON _'Ot9T''R111OON. ' XRTS APPLIED cr lactudiagareal aid donee eoctrraChemical. ugtats iia. MEDICINE Dat a =row saw wosism ka•dtc�will M molowo Tee HOME STUDY be taken by mgr.*.poo(enee Arts itt1estudents drwlag 10 stem - air oust ached ore scum°. SUMMER SCHOOL men io. co tow JJut. r woo A UOUST w C. KLOEPFER, LIMITED, FOR Auto Suppl es, Paints, Varnishes. Top Dressing. Auto Spokes and Rims. Handles, Locks. Hinges. Coverings. Carpets, lock Washers. Celluloid. We also carry a heavy stock of Bar Iron, Steel Hoops and Bands. Bolts. Nuts and Rivets. KLOEPFER'S service is the best serv,ce. anti means immediate delivery from stock. C. KLOEPFER, Limited 44-50 WELLINGTON ST. EAST• TORONTO, ONT. ALSO GUELPH. The New Furniture Store Will be OPEN on Sa,urday, JUNE 3rd, 1916 While our stock is not complete w.! have a sufficient amount to make a suitable display for our opening on Saturday. We extend a cordial invitation to the general public to visit us and inspect our premises. Many spring designs, have been delayed in reaching us, but that which we have has been carefully chosen from the best factories in the business. Everything has been marked in plain figures at prices which will compete with any of the dealers in the larger centres. The main floor of the store is given over to a display of bedroom and diningroom furniture. On the second 'floor you will find a pleasing exhibit of living -room and den furniture and house furnishings. while the basement has been fitted up as a showroom of Iinoleums, baby carriages. iron beds and the cheaper grades, of house furniture. The Undertaking Department will be opened on July 1 st with an equipment that is new and up-to-date in every respect. In our various depart ments it will be our constant aim to prove to you that we I are in business to give a service that is genuine. Whether youlave an entire house to fit out, or just a single piece of furniture to hay. it will pay you to cone here, as nowhere else do we believe will be seen such an excellent variety, such originality and beauty of designs, anti such good nevi and quality at the price. Indeed, your furniture buying will be done most pleasingly and ec•nomically at WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE W. WALK<R. FUN PINT UPI, OCALCPI ANO UM0EStTAe(all s.oas « •G001E1tiCM. OeldT.