HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-6-1, Page 3i RE SAL GODIRION, ONTARIO Thvasoay. Jvwa 1, 1010 • THAT DRB( WATER ONLY �n WHEN YOU ARE THIRSTY AND ONLY GENUINE 19RWARs Or IN ITA- TION8 SOLD ON TIM YRHITB Ol' IINARD'S LINIIENT B� 0KB!NDIN(i MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. 901.1) LETTERING 013 LKATHSR 000DS "°.7,171'17171M."'"" a ceder. prumpsl attndad u os 1••vine nom te T H Y til() N AL• Qaderfok. A. R. TAYLOR. thea.T ons. MEDICAL EaK. (4E0. H1111.EMAKN, OSTE- PATH. rpemlali.t to women '• and chit d//eenee000 . dmires.. acute, 'brook and nervous dis- orders. ineorders. aye. ear. nae and truest. partial chaf- ers., lumbago and rheumatic condltloo.t Ads aeYa rtmu,e l oft hoot the kutfe. utnoe .1 g oaiesce, turner N.I.es sag Bt. Andrew slte.tr. At home oars MNdsy•. Wed.. -data gad 1ata1Nre: say wreaker by ,ppdot areoL i�R F. J. R. FOR TER-RYB, rk.oEAR. �J jmoo Yd Italy. Hoose inaction. Tell Openbalmie sad Aural !mai..u4. Asi4„ Sur sad 1 enter Hoapttal. y�.te��o.�� aOItarIt. aM� Id bye Hoepttal. l.gg/ea, 2yodeed. Mos. tg tl Waterloo Street. tSIzstrerd. •paw Knox (Aurch. Hunrs v, S 9 to 1 p. m.. 7 tot p. m. Telephone IL AUCTIONEER TM Doctors Theory on the Tints to Partake of "Adam's Ale" -Helps the Comtitution The proper time to drink water le when one Is thirsty, no matter under what conditions the thirst may arise or when. Such. at least, Is the present pantie° of lb. more progressive of the medical fraternity The old superstition which forbids water at meal -time passes. 1t was a superstition which had much show of reams., to be sure. 1t seemed quite evident that the drinking of water with meals unduly diluted the food sad so hindered the mastication and lassltvatlon that are essential to Its proper preparation for the stomach. The doctors seemed correct in stat - Ing that water, when introduced Into the stomach with food, diluted the gastric and other digestive juices, w essential to the digestive process. and so very materially interfered with assimilation. It was confdently stated, too, that a quantity of water In the stomach actually flushed that organ, and that' the food wan thus carried on Into the Intestines before the digestive changes that should be brought about had been .atia(act(ytly inaugurated. Before Science Intervened On these grounds, to which the lar. man could not demur, we were con. demned to thirst at mealtime by the edict of our physicians, although it Is pretty safe to say that the majority of us heeded Vie voice of. appetite - just as the doctors did In practice. All this was before science had en. *bled men to actually see the diges- tive mechanism at work or to appre- hend the delicate chemistry of the pro- cesses involved. It now develops thee in so tar as the digestive process Is concerned. the principal effect of water Is to greatly stimulate the flow of 1. at essential fluid. the gastric juice N•, other agent in our hood Coes this•so quickly or as effectually. More ..Ignlhcant still. the gartrtc juice thus secreted has a higher concentration of acid than that produced previous to the Introduction of the water. That tato nay. water is quite ts:en•l tial 10 the free pr. ductlna of the most Important of the -e-agents which na- ture uses in trat.::fortnieg food Into life. 1i 1�al1OMA8 OUNDRY Jit Aut-Tioscliff Hos 87, Oodertcb. All fo.tzuetiooe by teat Ieft at Mt.t..rl once nett be pinmptl) . ended tc. tteoasaw 14fep1051 Un LIGAL U c. HA 1'S HA1tRIgTICK. 8I.L1('ITUR. NOTARY Pt. out • kit. "dlin.o" SMNiaf Golda-ats.1.-1 t•a4ltesfJ.aesi-'rt. • tV� ]edssii.3ier.OsnIrN14... ,,, , .. Iteal Estate Leser sad Ina reao.. - •, PROU DP001', K ILLORAN A COOKE HAit1USTLltd, SOLI/ t7uHB NlrralllliJl Pt; I*LJ(. ETC. folk • CO he Square. -econd door from liana. Ott n ...att., (iva.r.ch. r tit at r Imola to loan ..: luwu.t rate.. W. t'.n.turua•r. 6.t. -. J. L. KittVIUM 33..1. D.. -ona. 11 0. CAMERON. K. C.. AAltK1s UL. Thlt..dkttu r., 00 uot.sty yut.l1 . .o- Isa5llltuu 5,1.1E uudencb. thud dour tr• Zre. .1t t I.n.uu !bund.) of each eau.. its e0 un A.be•1 :trrat tecupkd b) ).r. iliouse t, nisi hour..., ...n• tu'- j .111. ABOUT YAWNING Yawning is a' peculiar mt. and one that has net. r yet been pete:er'y ac• counttd forit is not by an/ means a sign of (atir:e only. although it is sometitne• [ 1, Bleed by uver-e"ertton. But an. attacfc of yawning colic, u t much lig!" (14j5,4 il- 0;(c. ,,a I:.tenaelX �aQret}.,,1-nt1J4; tatlilx-.i. irtuf(X. atau0.$i. phere te.l•.s t) protho- • it. It is a}» noticeable ti. .t when one has gun' considerably. 'a-1 ofre's usual meal tine, tLe tr•...1 c to jaws'trey"^atl be owes Ir. A \e -y' p.-rhliar ieaturP• ; , .M. . •1. ... ,1 •.• feet:wise, s«t hal.* a , \\h.n 1,-. •t., THROUGH THE C''_':.Y : ELT HAKLI:y (iAHI(O\k, LL.B., ts.an- •'Tt a t, a H:.:. t7peced LI" a srV3;cc 1.1:/1 kit. attotuey. rd.,acr, eft., (hale- ttic^' d A t .ve G'... t c` Canada b. lions) to hal 0 at lultr.t I.1.4..•• 6 `I sEAGER, BARRISTER, SOL- , ,, V iclttr, Notary Public and (Ion%ty'.ua ex. •thee-l'ourt House I:udrrit-h. .bl_m , INSURANCE, LOANS. ETC. MIIcKLL1OP MUTUAL 1. Ott: I� 4U. S C H A N (' k t' V. -Farm and n.olatod Own croakily tn.ured. Utmter--J. B. McLuan, Pre.... Seafortb- 1'.V.; r. leCo! grotty, V% a-1?t4. tloderlch t U., rooms,• k Itaye, lioc..T , ... Seatortl, ! V. Uu-ecton.-It. }. Metirege,r, *eater(3. John 3.(irlc. r, Winthrop; N Ulmer Rini., coal tar e.; Juba 11ct.ueweu.,• Brodthagen; James }.,an-, larch wood ; itobert Ferri., !Garlock ; IWcolw alcheen, Hruceaeld. Agent..: J. W, Yeo, Bolme.vale; .ti.'.. Lelteh. • linter. ; William ( hese,. tlrefort lr . L. HUN CM), neatot t . Policy -holders cru v..y w r.•.urcut- laud get their card.. nrclvter a 11..1. Ilurn.h'. 3.lut1.11.g Stun., 1:11n1uu, It. Pail.. 1.•',., . t. Iting.lun Itelt, 3.pderict . or J. H. Heid t.. mcral gild,•, 11a)21..1.1. 0,000 3o .. A pviy to1TI•: v. uti U.CAJoI TO Its,,. 1[. N. Liu rtrtat Hamilton street• Ooderioh. WrK. ROBERTSON . LN81.7I1.AN('g MIEN !. Irma x10 LtuRTSTNa: Brltlah, Canadian and £O0lu.11T $1CSNS.W SND kMPLOTaas' L.1at1. ITT : The Ocean Accident and Overmnt.e :;orporal ion Limited, of London, hog. riost ITT AND ion, BONns : The U.S. Fidelity and (Guarantee ('ompsoy. (Mie at readeno., oortbeaat corner of Vic- toria lateria and tit. David -..trees. Moos 178. MARRIAGE LICENSES iiipALTER R. KELLY, J.P.. OOU1RICH, uNT. ^t8el ItR Or kIARRUAOP( LiCLNBA!(. Patents, Trade /arts, Designs **cured in A11 Countries. Wr1•e (•,r free book "PATENT! !MOTE.' T1000. 'lila all about and bow to get. pat Mtn BAH':OCR & SUNS(. Mabel -bed 13177 formerly Patent t Moe Examiner. Master of Patent Law., Keendered Patent Attorneys e tc_, to tit. Jame. Btre.•t • Mont real. Breaches Ottawa and Washington. Itepew.wlattvee In an foreign mantra. e Brophe3 Bros. 0O0ERICH 1 ae Leading Funeral [Anders and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all boon. night or day. f I • . t!O%% L'rttvrrn `:..rth 11:1e,,and Cochrane the Nation:'I lire.. the lines (J: the Temiakam'r.e !: Northern Ontario. 11a11way. o'rncd by the Ontario Gov: (sen.;font and scrting another section cl the great north land. Here (here is room for (tile of thousands of farm.- l ere, mhter^is for the prospectors, pulp lands for the lumbermen. a para• dire for people Who love sport in the open, including famous Timagami re- gion. The National uses the Grand Trunk tracks between Toronto and North Ray panning through the' Highlands of Ontario. by way o' the Muskoka lakes. Lake of Bays and tate Algonquin l'ark • ••r:,ll it ser. + mute. be. .3.: I t \\• .t appeal l • t., Ins' ; •. t •..••try and the 3; future int i•'. 'clic Natinnl ll r \Vinnipeg and Coale I Transcontinental Line,' , '..'ed by the ('anadian ...r a d.stance of 7,6 jhe traveller mi 07- t '•:•!,:ing the.• quality of r::ilway. It is a finely till': ih:; . ivers and providee In.; • '. Intim the train win. PARENTS AS PUPILS Haw to Interest Children In School Work at Home 1t is not •'talo g an Interest In the children's work lto command them to sit hour atter our over their tire• some leesons. and to act 11)5 martinet gcnerelly I1 Is not of the leas' use, from an educational point of view. to pump a clilld an to what he has learn- ed each day. The Information must be epontaneoue to be worth anything. and It will always. be forthcoming with the average chit Onee prove that you, the an into sited Ilateoer,menet*Ming to learn met tng, and your child will certainly take the oppor- tunity of Instructing you That you are able, now and again, to set hint right on sofa point will not matter in the least lie will still be undeif the Impression that he Is teaching you, and that without the Slightest danger of his developing info a prig. Hard KIDNEYS Perhaps Your KIDNEYS are out of seder. Make the doom's ts.L Csamise year urian. 1t shod/ he • 1ig1 straw soler -If It la o ee.d. ridded' or deep orange -ilial odor r woe( ase eausaa4 41 •'bride Ire or maacui le piassat, Moir to the �7a They are out adl order. Go. GIM !!!ILLS at oats, amid W Own Sciatica, Lumbago. pi ▪ to the back, gram or kips-.sY pimit to eek.. s.io the kidney or Yaddor w action, aid tkr pe.14ag Racer sky for 01N PILLS. Gm Me are worth their weight M gold because they drive these pains clews out of the rotate. They a 3y cost 30 tests • boa, with the absolute eetsatis6ction or your mosey Mie boxes for 6..o, or a free treatment if you writs to National Drtils & Chemical Co., et Canada, Limited Termite Om. 14 ..... 11 YOURS FOR Good Plumbing A hap}.}'• n.an or woman is he or she alto engages us for their j lnrnl iny. Wt. re}'tun to tit3i?, nd for hcrry,TX.S,-ant that 'p01114.• rhtire"tttrcirtiaeti,m re- d f• r Lt• .hundred. of please.! ctt,totnrT1. Fred Hunt I1 \till., '. SThl:I:T 'I'Itf)Nl. Constipation -- ft bass c! .Id a$e isnot to be cured by b:.r-h purga- tives; us a- tives;the.trather aggravate the trouble. Fnr a fetus. beat •.ire laxatc.e. u.. Cbamberl4;n • for -orb and Liver Table •. 1 ne7 stir up the 11,..c. toeo the and re, hen the attena-3. and bowels hurt like an internal bath. 11 N cr CHAMBERt_h TAB CET• /7 Woman's (test friend. From girlhood to 04 are. three hole red health re- amers are lie entrliaqg rude than active liver aad • clean. health anneal stnmar h. healthy. • Chum nrrla,n's Stomach 1.b:et at u.ght sad tic sets stomach an -i fer- nentabon• •r.•1 the 34.44.he. h.v• •11 none by morlong. c All drogtns•a 21.., or by mcrl trout Clialing• inn gmell. tip.l,11 00000000000611 ROBT. WILSON \iassr� Harri. Agent Hamilton St., Goder.rh w 7000 Rods of STANDARD FENCE rrtn.t io. cold by July 1st, 110015. We harp t car loads of the 1e -et ferry that ennney ran Ivry and we have I.onght ao w con ern right. 1'411 in and our stork end get our rice before you hey your encu. We need the money and you seed the fence. Farm Machinery We carry • full line of Farm Machinery always on hand. Genies ad Carriages We have them• all shape.. and sizes. A large assortment al- ways on our floor. 1f you need a few tons of tFat FAMOUS 0 1, 11 H O M 13- I11TEAh FEH1 iLIZKK, we have a carload just in. or Soft Wooed delivered to any part of town. Phone No. 165 • Bridal. as meaning • feast to eels bels a wedding. Is really "bride ale,'' "ale" befog the ter formerly cued to Indicate any festival to this counter, 00 0 0 0 e0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MAY 30th Toronto Cattle Marteet Heavy choice steer. ...$11.11 to M.76 Heavy good steers. ... 8.16 9.26 Handy choice steers.... 9.10 9.40 Butchers', good 8.76 9.10 do. medium 8.26 8.00 do. common 7.76 8.26 Fletcher,' cows, choice., 7.76 11.60 do good ..• 7.11 7.76 do. medium 6.00 7. Butchers' bulls, choice8.80 r. do. medium to good7.00 0.11 do. bologna 6.16 1.70 readers, 900 to 1.000 Ibe. 1.00 6.11 do. bulls 1.00 0.11 Stockers, 800 to 900 lbs7.76 1.60 do. pod, 700 to 800 7.60 1.11 da mod , 650 to 700 6.76 7.11 do. common, light.. 6.60 6.00 Cutters 6.00 6.16 Milkers, choice, each 80.00 111.00 do. medium to Iood60.00 76.00 Springers ... 60 00 116.00 Calves. veal, good 9.60 11.60 do. medium 7.50 9.60 do. common 6.50 7.00 do. grass ... 4.76 6.26 Bob calves, each .... 3 00 7 60 Lambs, cwt. 10.60 13.76 Spring Iambs, each 6.00 13.00 Sheep, ewes, light 9.00 11.00 do. heavy and bucks 7 50 9.00 do. culla 6 00 6.00 Hogs. weighed off ars 10.90 0.00 do. fed and watered .10.60 0.00 do. f.o.b. country 10.15 0.00 Toronto Grain Markets Manitoba wheat -Track, bay porta. No. 1 northern, $1.19'x, No. 2 nor- thern, 81.18; No. 3 northern, $1.13%. Manitoba oats -Track, bay ports. No. 2 ('.W., 61c; No. 3 ('.W., 49' c; No. 1 extra feed. 49',c; No. 1 teed( 49%c. American corn -No. 3 yellow. 7Sc. Canadian corn -Feed: 7lc to 72c. Ontario wheat -No. 2 winter, per car lot. according to freight outelde, No. 1 commercial, 81 to 81.01; No. commercial. 98c• to 99c; No. 3 com- mercial. 93c to 95c; feed wheat, 91c to 92c. Ontario oats -No. 3 white. 4Sc to 49c. Pea. -No. 2, per carlot. 11.70; ac- cording to sample, $1.25 to 81.50. Barley --Malting, outside, G6c to 67c; No. 2 feed, 63c to •i)c. Buckwheat -70c to 71•-. Rye -No. 1 commercial, 92c to 93c. Manitoba floor -First patents. In jute bags, 86.70: seconds. 86.20; strong bakers', 86. In jut.. bags. Ontario flour-Wtn:er, track. Toron- to, prompt shipment. according to sample. 84.30 to $4.41. in jute bags; bulk. seaboard. 84.75 't0.14.45. Mlllfted-('arloads, per ton. deliver- ed. elivered. Montreal freights. bran. $23, .hone 85; t:4ddltng :, to. $2,164 'gra fee.( lulus• tag...81 i It. $:.7:,. Wholesale Prcjcce Toronto whul'tsaie 1 rices to the trade: - •. " Eggs - Special candled 3 art's.$ .2G t,, $ .27 New laid.: ex cart .. . . Butter-- t'reamery prix '.. •. . _ reamer}'. t'hufct• dairy 1 r.:. - ordlnary da.t) l.', • Rakers' Cheese- New. _sec 20>.re 0331. June ;1 .21c; twit• , _ rt,., ;.. 1 .! i Homy-l/uc kw o„ :It, herr..., 71.,tins, .712 1.. ?( ( ut, r. tins, 1%t -e; , lh. tin., 11- 1.oney No. 1, 1...; dozen. f2 S t No. 2 per dort n. $. to 82 . Poultry 1.1.. t'-. Spring I -roil -rs 4 , • J:.c 5•.c - (11d fowl. lb... 1' 0c 1.2c _4e Chickens 1 • _0c _ tc 2,c klflk-fed 1: _Oe _tic Beautiful L for the June Bride Beautiful, Rich Linens Direct from Ireland We feature the celebrated Old Bleach Table Linens, and happy will be the bride who gets a good supply of these choke Linens. OId Bleach Table Linens, sets consisting of 1 tablecloth,.Je 2 by 2 1-2 yards, and f dozen dinner size napkins, in a variety of handsome designs, at the set ..... $10.00 and $11.50 Special values in Separate Cloths and Napkins. Curtains Make a Most Practical Gift Handsome Lace Curtains, in Marquisette with insertion and lace, at all prices ..from $2.75 lo 18.50 per pair Beautiful Curtain Materials by the yard, now so much in demand, in the newest patterns ........ ........ ....up to $1.25 per yard Embroidered Bedspreads A rich Embroidered Bedspread with openwcrk design, large size, very handsome..... only$4.50 each Special value in Irish Embroidered Pillowcases, in designs suitable . for initialing, 22 1-2 inches by 3b inches only $1.25 per pair New Waists Just to hand, sone very smart new Wash Waists, in the latest designs, very stylish ` from $1.00 to $2.50 each Niagara Silk Chigoe• -- •- 1\1( -Call's Patterns PHONE F.6 lVlillars Satin Bedspreads Exceptional values in Satin Quilts, import • ed direct from England, beautiful designs, $2.25 to $5.00 each Special values in OId Bleach Fancy Huck Towels, in handsome designs, hemstitched and scalloped ends, at ..... ......... 51.00 to 52.50 per pair Rich Crepe de Chene Waists handsome Silk Crepe de Chene Waists, \\hich are so popular for dressywear, in pink, maize, flesh, white, black, peach, at ......13.50, $4.50 and 54.75 Perrin's Gloves- - •• • _ r -Silk Gtaves - NIcCall's Patterns Scotch Store PHONE 56 JI QJ v._ -.4e - MODEL 49t) "Chevrolet" NN41041‘ $675.01) F.U.B. Oshawa East 6,.)'a o Cattlet ('aUlr lir• 1 1 'u i; 1: r live', prime -t r'- .. ! shipping, 10 Sle.7.; butcher.. 6,4.00 to *9:. heifers. $..:-,n to tit _:•: cows, .$4.33 to 17.75; hulls, f3 '.r1 to :'9.25; stocker: and feeders. 87.00 I0 $5.23: Wye Leifer.. 16.50 to 17 A1; fresh ('law's 51.•1 spring. rs, steady. '^,.in.0•l t0 4110.o.. Veal, Iteceipts, 1.s, 0;' active; to $11.50. - Hogs- Hrt•elpts. 1:•.300; fairly ac- tive; heavy and mixed. $9.90 to 89.:'.;: corkers. 89.00, to 89 7'); stirs. 89.7 1,, 19.037: rou e's', 18.0') to 19.75; stag.,, 86.00 to 87.25. Sheep and lambs Receipts. 9.80• ; slow; !ambit. 85.5*' to 69.75': a few at 810.00; yearlings. 8:3.*'0 to 89.00; well. - erg. $l MI to 81.2"• .wee, 84.00 to 17.5'); :beep. nixed. r: 75 io Meata-W r,olesa:e Toronto wholcr-.ale 1. -uses are. you: Ing to the trade ; a follows: Reef, forequarters . 11..00 to 112.00 do. hindcdart ers... 16.50 17.60 Carcases, choice 13.50 14.30 do. common 12.01. 13.00 veal., common 9.50 10.50 do nledi.uu 11.50 13.50 do. prime 16.00 17.00 Heavy hogs 13.00 14.00 Shop hu.s 15.00 15.50 Abattoir logs 15.00 16.00 Mutton. het.t•y 10.00 1:1.00 do. Tight 14.00 16.00 Lambs, yearling 20.00 21.00 do. .prIi,*, ach8.00 12.00 Chicago Cattle Market Cattle-- Re•-elpte, 220•00; market strong; beeves, 88.20 to $10.90; stork erg and feeder,, 86 10 $990; cows and heifers, $4.50 to 89.75; calves, $8 t0 $11.60. Hogs --Receipts, 42.000; market steady, 10c deeltne; light, 89,10 to 9.70; mixed, $9.30 t'1 $9.76; heavy, 49 20 to $$ 80; rough, 81.20 to $9.35, pigs, 87 to $* 90; bulk of sales, 11.55 to $9.70. Sheep --Receipt., 23,000; market weak; native, 87 to 13 •s'•ot!M; IambIt, native, 81i to 810.25 (shorn). Baled Hay and Straw Merchants are buying on track. Toronto. at the following price.. Baled hay, new, 1'4o 1.$17.00 to $10.00 do. No 2 .r.. 16.00 16.11 Baled straw, ton 6.60 7.11 f From Sir Lyman Melvin Jones, President and General Manager. Massey -Harris Co., Limited. • Toronto, March 16th, 1916. Chevrolet Motor Co.. Limited, H. Horsman, Esq., Manager, Toronto, Ont. Mc Dear Sir With referents to the car which i purchased from you the (•n.1 of January, i have used it almost daily and 1 a':,nt to say to you that i ant very pleased with it. it is, convenient and light that it is notch more comfortable getting about in the had roads of the winter than the heavy cars which I have heretofore used and it does make such a large saving in gasoline. It rides splendidly, better than i expected from a light car. We have had no trouble with it. My chauffeur i. greatly .pleased and is always remarking about its good qualities. He is certainly enthusiastic. With all good wishes. believe tn' Yours truly, (Signed • Leman Melvin Jones. EQUIPMENT Including speedometer, ammeter, mohair top, envelope and side curtains. clear vision ventilating wind shield, electric starting and lighting system, valve in head, and completely electrically equipped. NOTE -Owing to the great demand for this car we would suggest plac- ingyour order early to ensure delivery. W,E AE NOW HANDLING GASOLINE, OILS AND ALL OTHER AUTO- MOBILE ACCESSORIES AT OUR GARAGE ON COLBORNE STREET. M. J. FARR, AGENT COLBORNF. STREET, NEXT CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a