HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-6-1, Page 2fit rattans/At Just 1, 1918 TH$ SIGNAL PRINTING 00., LTD. Pvu.taaw Tea 81Unal leaeklr,f ed err^i T salol 1sr the orate la itrlwetsl Ureal 6.114 as, KWh 4,,et. tindertck • Telemeae .o. ser dune. mom Thane---f1M (collar and Fifty wait. pet year : 4f paid strictly in advents one t�o.lar wig be eeoepted : to .ub.criber..0 the belted Note. the rate t. use holler sod rift, to .trietly 4n Meaner. $Ub.cr4bere who :onto lesiva TAR 1510,1 I. resrularly by mall *Weenier • favor by anlaaluting the t•ubtbh. se of the Not at err early •dater poesi Wa Whys a chrome of settee- Is desired, bah old end tae new addrew t, old be given. H.mllteeeer ray be attain/ by bank draft, entrees mosey order. wit utaoe *0441. air regAter d letter, ttu4a-rtption. 'nay cnlnweooe et any time. Antihero's,. 1 gawa.-asses for d4.play and contract ads fat w.riiirtilA will tie .4ve• on app,. Hausa. Leal and other .Impar advertlelnent., lee *seta per Ione for torn tn.ertton and four `este per line for each sbre.lurnt nominal. td.s.ured by • ick of solid nonl+erell twelve .lase to an inch. Hu.lne.a card. of lx linea sad under, rive MAW. per year. .Advent... went. of bt, round, Strayed, 8atuattoo. V•saot.844 ort Ion. Wanted, Fictive.. for Sale t r teasel, Yvan.• lar Sale or to Rent, Article. fee tale. etc., not exceeding eight Ione., Twenty- eve Cent., each (nowt ion : One Dollar for Ilnt mo•tb, Fier t'tint . for ea. ►sahe.ourn t month. Levier adrertl.emeut. no proportion. An- troeneament, In ordinary reaMnir ceps., Teo Cant. per hoe. No notice left than 1 Aeory- eeeOwu.. Aey ..pee4at soles, tn• ob)scr of which 1a the perunlery benefit of any laadh-.d- *&l tar amoeba ion, to be conddered an ad ver- ttraarent and charred se,ordlnsty. To Coaaxar.,ucars.-The eaOppeeratios of OAF wotHerlber• and reader. 1. eordlally invit- ed toward. ma k4ng THE $ o'. AI, a weekly record (dell local. county and dl.trict doing.. %n coin ervnloation will be a'lended to unto.. it oon- telne the nam. and addre.. of the writer, not sece•ear41 for ppuWkrtlww , but .n evldeoee of good faith. New. Item...bould teach Tn. Henrys. Mace not later than Wednesday oouu ofsece week, THURSDAY. JUNE 1, 1916 EDITORIAL NOTES. Why can't we have • little rain for a change ? "What's in a nettle ?" Well, the people of Berlin (Ontario) are finding a tot of trouble in it. The North Star complains that the lockup at Parry Souod is unsanitary, Then eV doesn't The North Stas behave We could not understand why the citizens of Berlin. in naming their city, refused the obvious t l...tce of "Waterloo," until it war gr0tly sug- gested that Berlin. objecta to anything with "water" in it. The Ontario Agricultural College is. sues a atonal( against dealers in seeds wbo are loud to he selling "O. A.C. No. 11'1" oats under the name of 'Im- perial" ■4 over three dollars • bushel. while Nrat•class seed of the same variety can be purchased at one dollar a Whet, Judging fruw their elaborate efforts • at explanation, The Toronto News and The London Ere Press ate greatly disturbed over the Allisota •-.ndal. They dot.'t mind a bit how big the "raket If' is, hu' they are teirihl 'n y afraid of the- atm t' of the revelations je H stead of tagging along at the tall -cud of a project that 1. waa*Rad la the big cities for the benefit chiefly of the Lig cities. With • 'Duthie independent spirit (lode. ieb utigbt now be owning and operating its own power plant, in- stead of baying it 000trulltd trout Toronto. Here la erne.. plain speaking from The Mammal Daily Mail, • Conserva- tive j turned : The Tomtit, News, di -cussing the fuse enquiry at (Riese, comes to the cuoclu■ bat !twining of importance has been proved rgare1et those rccinted and read. Mr. O. W. Kyte, M. I'., a Isrturefor having ma& hie charge. in Parliament. lno•ber party orKatt., the staterueut is fr.queutly wade Out the charges of Mor. Kyte have bevu proved up to the hilt and the accused ate condemned in uumewaured terve The Drily M411 has no particular use for Nr. Kvte who male the charges, and it his s' ill leu tor P. It Carvell, who is exploiting thew. The fact remains that eneugb has al•eadv come to I Rhe et the Meredith -Doff enquiry to prove foal Mr. Kyte would have done the country • disservice 'if he had failed to tiring to the atboation of Peilia.nu-art and the country the in- formation which was placed in his hand:. Enough has beets brought out to Irud credit llity to his chargee and to the inferences which the public drew from them. The disclosures thus far have proved the imperative necessity of delving deeper into the Allison transaction.. That is enough to warrant Mr. Kyte'a action iu put- t ing hisn:tir before the 11 nue. It is not enough to justify positive or sweeping conclusions one way or the other. The tease is atoll "orb iodine," &ld it it strange that the party ph.. is pormittrn to draw such poerti r conclusions which have no other ob- ject than to ulirleul and b'wilder the public. If the town of Berlin. Ontario, is not the laughing -stock of the Province before it gets through with its name- cbangingagitati)n, it will not be the fault of some of its own citsens. Some thounaands of names were re- ceived in response to the invitation for suggestions for the rechristening of the city, and there, after a process of sifting, were reduced to I11. Then a committee was appointd to choose, from the 111, six names 10 be sub- mitted to • vote of the citizens. The six nam.. so chosen are : Huronto, Bert -arm Domed, Hydro ('ity, He- mline and agnoleo. The war des- patches bare been accustoruing us to queer osiers, but we see no neces- sity for saddling a Canadian city with any such monstrosity. Ilurnnto, we will edam, iv a decent sort of word, and po,sibly has Mn.e •ppropri- elsYegsltoui the 1u•tttut, lietatfiig.itye to which it i$ ptoposell to present it, it is half -way beta -reit Huron and Toronto. Stay: there 4+ the objection, from the ataudpoint of the people of this ci.nnty, that it n ght lead rue cunfu.ion, std the further ob- cli')b that we do not want the name ft, n A) 44,c0iue cheap and common. The Torun., Stir h1s th. fdl,wing ccutmrutar, 114 ti a par I.o.ed names : Domini -Not pronounced Dun - hard. Berlin's credit is good. It warm w 111..111141, Hydro City - "Hydro" means "water," but this would obvtu,tsly he* mi.nnnovr. Reference i.,rvideut- ly to Hyd.u-Elrctrie. Thele, are notisherof other "ffydr> cities' in Il ost40. on the C'Anedianehctnrate. .Cones .1 11i11, lbs great tails -ay, builder of the 1Veeteu.litatee, is dead, u after a long and sdern'rous life. 11e was a Caunt. aro, l,i'. 4o t44place bring Deur Guelph, and it is 4PC .11.4 -d of Lint tbut he cop.Menerd his caner with ten dollars s - hit 4 he honored to take' high to the States, t'ul,ke ft we other "self-made" men, he had a good deal ( of human feeling in his wake-up and bet tosined 1t to tt..• end, nod as a noise- fln urnt•t• WAS s ewe, ded with genets. le- ;41 sprat and goodwill. .Ynother Provihciel Government is on the toboggan shine. Ott Tuesday last Hon. PAL Mahoney, recently appointed Miutster of Public rinks in the New Brunswick Csbinrt,• was defeated by a large Iuaj.-rity on his appeal to his coin itto;icy for re-election. The turn- over is regsided as a sign of general tliseatisfaction with the record of the t:urertmert and to accumulation of scandals, New Brunswick, like.% it 6h ran Columbia, Is waiting for aeneral wit g rah election to render i s veidict against her the present Governmen(, gal: 3rtcanio-F.,rmpd from the fleet sr 1 - de of -the present name and the t two syil4hlr. of "Couple.- Poe- vely not 'intimate -eel "Beer -con -n." et Pno* Kill he rely pnpuiar with the Large 41sittinny wb.l favor retainine name Bel lin. Hurouto-Comb:n'tion of Huron and '4'orunro, fwitati„n is the sin- cerest form of N /terry. Ei'aropie. of hne: "I1upe'Huron to' thrilea ivet ion. " Agnoleo-Not,to lie confused with `tapoho. Derived from Latin '•Agr... 4a lent) but not from oleo 1 -host for tiler -margarine! Has no reference to Berlin's mat kat such A. above del iva- lion would indicate. County's coat - o1 -x41415 hag larch and lion ( inn. Hemline-•'Ihr,' again, and "Lorna ' rrJ-renamed. Iles nothing to tdo b renoma-ostlers. Sounds like at the maiden sunt wants to cell Hist piety. Nur a breakfast tel- a fad, nut a food, In the general election which nearly , (xtmguisheti the Conservative party in the neigbhoting Provir..-,, tlurl.ec voted for Laurier -so Consecrative jouruals in this Pi ovince say. How- ever, then- were other nestles. The Montreal Sow, a Conservative news- paper, puts it this way : 44.. Province of llnebee has re• uewed 115 expMwton ut confidence in the Bouin liosrtnutent in a tinted striking and Hattetnng fashion. Wo complete It 41mam ate' to • liivernment could not be oa'cused in this or env other Provo -ye without a pretty gen- eral uhliteratiunuf party lines iluehrc, having bad a lung slid painful expel i - tome in antrual deficits and in piling rap toe prize Mown -weal debt of the Do- minion. hes is hearty welcome for a Ionone,,, &duntosirau,rrt : sod the party equalndee which cost tss so dearly in the past base been forgotten. The town of (billet' has declined, hy a vote of 517 to 119, to hand its power plant over to the Ontario Hydro- ICSietric Commis►ion. Orilli& is to be cr4gratulated With a good deal of tr.iuble and at great expense it has built up a plant that i.wing the town excellent service. it evil continue to run its own plant in its wn way, instead of being under the dictation of the Hydro office at Toronto, and any profit accruing will para into its awn treasury instead of going to help pay the big eatery list at the Toronto of. Ase. Ori141a is blessed with a public- spirited element that i,N.ts upon the town's managing 4ts own affairs, In - WHAT OTHERS SAY. THE SIGNAL 30D&BIC8 : ONTARTo Only Fine, Flavoury Teas are used to produce the !4►tnous blends. Every leaf is fresh, fragrant full of its natural deliciousness. Sold in sealed packets only. It to, 111311pp•'r year. At the prearn t raw' the Governsment of Canada pays oar its bor•rowinits the interest wilt rust motet than the torr( the r-yrof a THE WAR.the 111 the fi woval rho arises of the rcaretaker and the hills for fuel and • light will mean a direct loss to the counts y of half as much wore. The erection of sueh a ►•liidtng to notbiog less than a .scandal. A Cali for Leadership. London .tdvertl+sr, Is it not time tart the "big orators" of lath pasties should join to arouse the nation ? Sir %Motrin Laurier has given he lead by resolving again to earry the cross of fire into Quebec. Could not Sir It dint Borden j tin him ? n'hy should not Foster and Oratorio, Mrigben and Clark. Carvell and Cochrane go out A+ "teams" to chow .bat they have ideals &trout .bei. politics ? It would heat ten the people and increase respect for their leaders. What Canada Has Dow. liocbe.ter 1'e.t-8.prena (',nada has Bent I7O,000troops across the seer ; 140,1101/ ,core are now in training and recruiting still goes or. As • matter of fact the patriotieru of the Dominion ►howe no signs of cool- ing. for more men offered themselves during the first tour months of the year than in any other equal period since the war hegen. It is a very re- quare markable achievement for our north- ern neighbor, a country of les/ than Two out of three war predictions ale tributed to Lord Kitebener have al- ready been fulfilled -the defensive of 1914 and the "draw" of 191:, What of the thfud-the successful adeapt'eof 191t1? A reply to this question ie essayed by a tuilitary officer in the May number of The Fortnightly Re- view, in an article marked by tett much gbt and step nbiions tech* ability thct ib signet e, "Special set ve," might well cover the ideotit a famous soldier. His reply to question is comprised within twe words. "i look forward," he ser "with absolute certainty to clear France and Belgium of the !funs foie the 70ar is over," He puts forward regent argument.• in support of his conclusion. and these are military and not rconowtc Argu- ments. The tc000mt: argument, ieal Re- 7of th 0(7 ye. tog be- in- deed, he dismisses as wholly ioade- 1 "It is impossible for: this country its allies to depend for vtctury right million people, to have called so nothingb huge • host to the colors hwu•tioo of CM Crr.,ral Ewpres. 1'without cats- art economic or pares. Tl scriplion to light in a war which b th se moat points. Finally, the assist aunt be mads on a sufSole sly wider front to pretreat the victorious s'e♦pOeate being hopelessly enfiladed frost either fiauk at the very moment. of their triumph. Keen then every- thing is not kainrd unless the attacker* still retrial sufficient strength and eie hesion to repel • comae. -attack or to 4o straight on as the circumstances ictatr. t'ti, Anted all I his and !be Germain front will be hopelessly broken over a fiont of, say, ten to twenty mike. such a breakage in a line over three hundred wiles long means far mors then the retirement of the defending Voice to • new position • few miles in the rear. The ablest general stag in the world could not guarantee to get its whole Hoe back intact such a abort distance, In the pe11-.nail and onofus- ion of retreat in which attackers and deletecleets would b. hopelessly mixed up together• without risking whole army cocoa being left bebind, smith ceded, out/Staked, or even surrounded." Can we do it ? We roust at any r..te attempt it, and if we fail the Inst time we must try again, and if we fail the second time we must snake a third effort, "and it British soldiers are what we think them to be, they will sm:eyed before they- have finished and victory will crown our ef- forts with peace before the year has run out.' • • • "BROTHER JONATHAN." (Dr, Richmond is well known as the president of Union College, ■t Sche- nectady, New 7<'ork. The following verses, written in the vein of Jame* 1 Russell Lowell's "Bigelow Papers," I were read by Dr. Richmond with gell- ing effect at the recent diuoer of the Rea) Estate Board of New York City. fleotberJosat'ae sat by the titch.° ere, Niambi' by foot on h/. anew "11's • turrible gest they're Mole out tberv. Hitt they can t git of er to ma,' sad Jonathan Jingled the coma In hi. had AO'thanked the toped Clod for tete ora "Tb -7'u be wand,' nay cattle an. bots. and earn As' powder and gun. **ebbe, But they'll pay oo the nail ' ea.b down, by guava ' Pft earthey git from ewe. or Aa be etwtled kinder .low red floated the aro 1 ruin. ex- "W. Rord Icy 00.Ines.,'..., '.e. ere -They're killlo' em off :Ike rein, the( 041, ne It onto me, eat It ain't my war. rel I d0 fee) teal ea ler them poor lielgiun*,' .e. re. nit- And he too► . flew donors out of boa fete* d .415,1.4,4 it isl04 (1.. a, ay I LA Then be heard they'd dn.woded a thou -,r,,1 seen. .\„d .see from Amerikee. he Wild right oat. -If > ou do that air In r- You'll of use rd,' .ex 'ee, is .4a' he lett ea jiaylin' the toin. In hi. Ano' e , As' ttarkis' Clot for the are. e,' i- They di.I it arra and thee q in. "You quit that nos,' sex see,: her ;All etre roe fellers • piece my mind 17 If 1 far o ye,- " a• Ao wick. one eye wilt bis tongue In tis 1e cheek art I in too proud to fight" era tae. be Then they got to puottin' acid Wowlo' up things, ee An he a x i ' You tet me be, g- I won't .tend these fur, In tricks o• lourn In thy. briefing Otis, free. - rd And it gut old Jonathan all bet are, cr .41. he 'co% hi• tet front his knee, ., le he got tolhinhir. and thinker' hart, I- Wet .)11. how i w,nJd be; Au wondertn libel In Sam Hill he.1 du as If .11111. petty enemy ra With all them dreadnought. and .nhmarin •a ' is no record its history ut any tree P 1.1/1 1111/y Power which auff.red clef ncandiesthrough purely economic candies lung as its fleet and armies and (tonal spirit still remains c intact an active, however 1111 h sucl nausea in have contributed u. .tie lung rut. to military duwttfalt, compelled e could not have hero com r to nd a man. Most Guard Against Plotters. tiuelpb Mercury. Another case has of cured, this time at trodrrirh, where mysterious 114011 have been seen prowling around in- dustrial plants, the supposition being "Tbrrrwill /reser be peace in Euro that they were preparing to plant dy- until tbe(fenue° Almy bra !area utte naunite in the vicinity. It li rt a f ly drlrated iu the.iron, An en,nuw grlesttCaned'nthif at regitai. l -ss iorrll a o&o1eensnut 15unin vtctury woyhl sero outhrng but a t t? f - crewel 01 the cooly.. ata Inter oat known people to travel at will in and He goes on to discuss the imposts out of Centres where information is to I+iht y of leas fog everything to Russia Ire 'ot taitawdsend. where grist -damage :'ugfar.. it. jg. alaeir,-d .to _eir1Wd .1 care very easily 4s. done. Much better. 11ei ion. of awesfloct yW lay...roan. IY to cause a little incunve(ience and ureven 1915'; *hover that Kuno. h worry to innocent parties now and 'alto -tidy borne mute than her fajir she then than to let plotters and spies slide of the war, and contends eftst witbo through unobstructed. resolute help on the western trout t coming tutuut'iIle ill not ere ber artai further advanced than her own on Mal frontier. This brings the writer to his t4i genet al c intention -that en (Wean rale. I bail no « of ifs and children nom the tint ttli. eprirg Is the kr none but myself to think of : end Ihr 1*hulr wilitery •ituaU"h Prw at They eau He Wanted Peace. Two soldiers were conversing. One asked the other what mule him en- list. beside!, I I ke. war. Hut how. ccomeWiser dentate lbrt the GrrnlAu lir you to j ein the army?" \\'.11, yr❑ see, I h-od 8 wife, and i j lined ilia army hrcause 1 likes pence.' unbreakable, ,and this argument h been euppin ted et by rxpIenced officer t at the pont. The writer to:s forth a phalanx of entwine against th prop eilioi : ('ams .,..4ppiu ncrow the -ea. it An' he thought of the army he wi.hed he had, .len' he 4-. tuned up ht- .navy, "1 eve•- Ile .et here ices enough, 111 hate to sit hut.), .•z'. -c, - Hut the last 1 -.w he w:ua a -..tri°. there )!t % Au'-:rokiu' hl, :one goitre, coo men would be content with "What is 'Isar at least. i. thHt Ger r lot -If it '.rte • 4,1 of money. many is coming to the end of her first line troops -that is to say, met e]who are competent to go anywhere and do anything which efficient .i. d.era ale expected to du, in th course of the last five month(' nothio 1 but her interior lines of railways hav enabled her to place her efYrctives now on (Jul' (root and now on the other . ... 1'be attack on Verdun has taker its full tol1. There trust come a p1er iod when the •pearbewd of the Ger roan stwirs is blunted or destroyed and an insufficient number' of hit /soldiery trend for any given (r•ont " A Little Job or a Big .One From the repairing of a faucet to the installation of a complete plumbing system, we are equipped to do the joh. A small pro- fit with a customers favor is more to us than a large one without it. Two for the Farmers. The Fernier . Advocate. It it. encouraging ro meet an old- timer woo relates stories or several eptrngs which were later end wetter than that of 11)48. Every farming community this year should be formed into gawps of fat met. to change work and facilitate farm operations. A Warning Needed homiest 1'., niter see. The far-sighted manufacturer who valuer his trod* and his tariff protec- tion knows it is -not good Mea neo to raies pt toes unless he ran furnish . de- gnate reason for doing eo 1'ofbrtun- lately. all manufacturers are not far- sighted, and sortie of them have en- joyed tariff protection so long that they regard it as a divine right to he uee.l or &bueoed according to their own sweet will. For such members of our industrial community there should be • stern warning from Ottawa. Now the Mosey Goes, Mode Reformer. A new Government pnetofflt.. in Burford wise opened tibia week! with quire • flourish of trumpets The buliding is said to have coot SM,(%io And w casual glen"• at it as on* ride• hy justifies the estimate. 1t is a gar ing example of the .wstragrous lengths to, which Government spending has developed In Canada. lierfeied is not even so Incorporated vUlago, and an statistic* ars available ere to its popw tailors, but SOU would h. • generous estimate. fiber!! • gross paetal reven- ue is 1915 of CAWS. And lath al- lowance for heat, rent and fool who UMW ntle" -.1111 W. R. PINDER Phone 155 ilamilton Street Baked Dainties,,,, OUR baked dainties are dainties indeed - dainty to look !upon and dainty and delicious to eat. What's the use of expending yr .strength and time oy},'� the cake board when you can get the very nicest and choicest of fresh -made Cakes, Cookies, etc., at our store. IOW sew eim DAVID BURNS Th. Bak*' K in,,ton (Street e ` It ain't ne tinea to be meal* rennet. g I kit tell yr -no .itce. - e He better be .tear' up out o' Chet, hoer ' Au* Hit muckier -,1°4 .ee. Ando • hi. shore* an rax (hing. V{. I! The way they ouehter W. He tn'ght be helper, them son -4°. o hien To fight ft, liberty, ei .1,' he might git in a few li k. hie..lf lie.' for humanity. A. shots. t ' lift bel ' . 44 jinglinaben. coin. .4n'thankin' Clod ter the ren, -p) t harp • Alexander Rkhitieml 1° The Outlott 'New York,. On trap other h and, our own person- nel has inherited in full measure the api,it of the original expeditionary force, while the Territcn•ials have be- come war -hardened troops with which anyone might le proud to eel : '' rhe main facts seem to to that our troops are now supetior as tactical and mobile units to those of the en- emy, and that we should possess a great superiority of force. the Ger- man troops on the sweeten, front are ususlly estimated at Y,ttt),Iaa), but they c.uld be, and no doubt would be, con - eldership reinforced in view of an at- tack being directed against them shortly. None the less. they would still be very inferior in point of num- hers. ••••••••••••••••••••••••, W. A CHESON & SON • • •• • • •• • •• •• •• •• • • New Dress Poplins . and Taffetas • • 0 J ust received a range of shades in French Silk • Poplins, beautiful weave, good weight and superior quality, 36 to .}o inches wide. Shades : Copen- • hagen, browns, amethyst, dell alice, greens,. blacks, at per yard, $i.00, 84.35, 81.5o. • Duchess Silks and Pailettes • • Thirty-six inches wide, blacks and navy, at per yard, • • 145C, $t,00, 84.25, $1.50. � Velvet Cords,, • White, ivory, greens and browns, for suits and •, • coats, heavy superior quality, 68c. S • Cream Serges 0 • Fifty six inches wide, suiting serges, all pure wool,• • • at per yard, $I.00 and $1.5o. • • fNoravy85chl.ue serge suitings at old price, worthh 81.25 0 • • • Wash (foods 4 Ili • •Forty to forty-two inches wide, dark and medium • • ground, new designs, voiles, marquisettes, ninons, • • at per yard 25c, 35c, 50c. • • Twenty -eight -inch krinkle crepes, ginghams, prints, • • in mid light and dark colors, guaranteed fast, hun- • • •dreds of pieces to select trom. Regular 15c to 18c; • at per yard 12 1-2C. • 41• • • W•. A CTJESOA chic SON i •••••••••••••••••••••••sae Printing'_ the % g JOB AND COMMERCIAL iia� • An Excellent Medicine for Childhood Ailments. Baby's Own,Tahlrts are an excellent remedy for childhood ailments. They regulate the bowels, sweeten thest/>n.- ach, banish, colds and simple f and cure all minor ill.v of little ones Concerning 'hent Mira. H. N. Etsam, Owl. Head, N. S., writra : "I always USO fi ab,'. Own Tartlets for my little one. and And them an excellent medi- cine for childhood ailo.enta." The Tablets are wild hy medicine dealers or by marl at 2,11 c.nt. % hos from The i)r. Williema' Medicine Co., Bro,.k- ,iIIe, Ont. "At the lowest estimate, then, we should he able to put three Anglo- French soldiers against two Germans, while it concentration of two to one on the sectors selected for attack cwld he made with complete safety to the rest of the line." The three conditions which must be postulated for a successful advance are : Unlimited shells, greater num- erical force, and an army not inferior in courage, skill, and administration to the Gelman. The two first condi- tions have been fulfilled. What of the third ? The pessimist contends either that no army can break through modern field defences, or that, at any rate Dur array cannot. The answer to this Argument has been given at Hoene, Neuve Chapelle. Loos, and elsewhere, though these ac- tions have been often written down as "partial *worsens 0t incomplete feilursw," The German front has been broken frequently up to the first 1it.e, several times up to the second, sod et least once up to Lbs third. There remains the question as to the form of attack : "The ideal attack must conrl.irse a Street variety of operations. . .In thef4at place, the enemy on remain urteertain err to the pansies point ref danger, in tbeleennd plates, the 1sr. lathery preparation nowt err far abolish the r..lotane• d machine grins, infer - sty gee, and wt's entangI.. '. r, not on nn• iler of Ills defeats, but Oa anti* linemen tic• dsltsase, as to m&k• the advance of Infantry practicable at • The light. economical Ford vs nit its .tn,.,lli-n%fiu;; engine acrr,tges shout twenty-five miles on a gallon of gaud e. Compare this wit!) the gasoline c.'11sunt4)41.5111,.4.11.' Sixteen-Miles-tothc,Gallon ca , Then figure the difference, baying .n1 eye on 411e• present price 4.1 eas.!ane, • -Six thiwlsan,1 )piles is a fair season', travel. The Sixteen-Milesointhe-Gallon - car, •going six tltoasand miles, burn% ifll one hundred and thirty-five more gallons of gasoline than dots the F,",nl gning.ibe same distance This means that the Ford owner •ace% en.al8h dur- ing a single %ea...(1 70 p,tv fit his gas..line fin an addi- tional thirto-thee hut•,,lred ,old seleI tj' five utiles, "MADE IN CANADA' Free gasoline for thirty-three htajred miles the Ford owner's saving in one year. Logs Wanted •We will pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of logs delivered at the mill in lioderirh. Custom aawinfddone promptly at any time. in We will andso 1y Chopping graiin at our elevator and will pay the fleet mar - tet prices. Orders for (-hopping or rolling grain promptly and carefully at- tended 1(,at our chopping mill. �tJ1lE OF' Tim BARGAINS J. E. Baechler ICU sod *levator worth of Mae- Bwaa'e coal yards, Goderieb, \\'E .44144: t1F'FF:IBINIG One 4x4 Iron Gate complete with hinges and latch, worth $3.50, now$2 Two 3x3 1-2 Iron Gates, complete : worth $3.00, now $2,00 One $10 Mower Knife Grinder with two Ernery Stones : now $5.00 Six Round -point " Silver Dollar " Shovels : now 60c Six good Stoves at Clearing Prices All kinds of Lowe Bros.' High Stan- dard Paint at Bargain Prices Everything must be cleared The Howell Hardware Co., Ltd.