HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-6-1, Page 1444-.-44/440,44. 44, - ow. itri441"914.. _Beirtosi sweesesen2 w naL 1 to reaew 'verb* Signal for life. We thank those subseribara who I have &brandy renewed and promise all a greet big dollar's worth dur- ing the coming year. IMX1f2-111011T11 Taallt-$. E STERLING BANK OP CANADA CIODICRIOH. ONT UOORRICII Tatar. lees 11- • rise Is the price of beefsteak Is re- ported today. Rotted Moak now sells far 116e and sirloin at 98c per Pouted. Wsieu. tess• II he te 1-11 Mr .ai ke Milk 1.4. SO is 1. awns ...... 1.11 1. mews ILle to te SAVE, Because --- A saving habit is a certain stepping stone to success. WANTED. rratii_iiiims WANTED. - !DIALED win he realm4 br the eader- r• ID stro prise per how at Idly, mediae limilirt siett; reek . AIM It foe Man ma 1 testa P4 ismilee ;ler IOW Price p I i these while min Is. The &ewes ixs Weiler eta peres-arNy areepted. Ad IIIhteslaTiummEWAKT, Maim el AaideiaL IL NO. Ill n URSDAY JUNE ram 1011MaL7,10.14TING 00.. LIMITED. Pratimmais Good Luck, Victory and a Safe Return I mete, .... ...... ,.... .. 0.e*. 11.0 sas. tee. / 14.40 re sae* 1.01. 1.45 =I: megteier: " t: se us ll 4.0 _ .aste essler. rersd•Mb .126 tio 1.0 to :rd.. Mr ellet........ $31 M NI t5 to Me .. . .. . .11; fe el Tallow. Ntedlt per Ib .. . All ka 0.1 FITIILIC /40TICL NOTICE OF CLOSING. We, th.s undersigned grocers of the town of Oodearieb, hereby signify our inteetdoe to dear ',ear stores eve' y Wedseeday afternoon during June, PIANO AOT/014 RROULATORS July wad August 1 (Iwo/ lrnwl°4 °I "..47 °M! W. J. Pt:matt. P. T. ORA aed good woes, a taws west. see ;,rea.zriodsratol:iink.WrIt• SOX No J. J. RotwitTeoN & MAIR pANO SUBBEIUTIVO)W ANTED sawecutellst woad illekitregara.11=4kr, VOMPE GIRL WANTICD.- Pinaor•rrini. AIWIT MRS. C. wry 'WANTED..-INTIILLIGENT VI ream well 1. imam idal r SAINT at geed MM. n A • TENDERS WANTED ElealM tenders will be received up to Saturday. June 10th. for the erentio• of a brick dry -kiln. Plena and specifi- cations may he sees at this Mlle,. Doherty Piano CO., Limited, Mak out. . YOUNG MEN. Young tnen tir Others who are tomtit, to join for overseen serviee can help . thorir King and could ry Ily helping on munition work. Apply to The Robt. Bell Engine and Thresber Co., Limited, • Seaford!, Ont. • Over One Hundred of Our Men Have Enlisted for Overseas. - ws geed irl- to keep going .5. tiveal Moot to 5 35, p. ns. ' tractors • 'orsdittona-ihe tre.t in Canada. Wage. -ll4. • „ NI, MANUFAI 'Tt ItING t London. Ont.. WOOL WANTED. MOMENT PRICE PAID -CASH OR TRADE, BEN NIII.T.ER W001.1.F.N G I R LS WANTED APPLY WI/MICH K N1TTING FO! SALE FOR fiALR.-A LAWN FLN ( E. -eventy feet loos and three feet high. worth about Met Will he gold for e?.3. For ftwther particulars apply at THIO SIUNAI. ORICIC - IKi1(ll FOR SA LE. -TH REIS W ELL- 1 THAINKIs honed. fuse 501* hooter. in le:15151 and three pupa. Price. freer 10 to a. 14. iii, poWNMKNIII. deeds etresit it -------- UtOR MA I .E. - V ICTROLA, IN GOOD r r,„,,,,,„„:1141wenty4h15s termed, AP ply 05, SION A L or,i,.E. FOR HATCHING FROM 14 Hen. that 1.15).. -We are premr5.5d to asp ply n large ncialber tat mon for has. hied per posts. from the ramose Ussuld bred to lay unite el Mogi,. 4'11Mb N AIM Lenisort,- !Gelling. se per 001 IS per 1,,,..101 pen of • a yeor eV hon. mated soil. Tom Homo ends cockerel. t per I:. IlleIllletol'1014; 1.00516.1t HOInte5511 rnultry V111150.., I. I no It2. N W. notwatitit.i. Propels . tf. R SALIC.-OEDAft- ,ALSO Itra. lett .511u.. Apply W. T. IRIDDItt.L. LOST AND FOUND. =-_-_ - - NT -.A DARK -SPOTTED HOUND k()with tan head frayed frohome neader avoided May MIA. Any Inform - m on Wien ae *obiss hereehoota will to thankfully mad wed W. RL ACK 1511141). Marge road It iaORMISMTRAYRD.-FROM PREM. WIN of the ondereireed. on Ma Ith. rk key drIrtne Illy. dales t lim a ; Mar teresemom. Jura ea NM Isg :All he gratefully received. If . _Any Fee Weir Feeble .11or Mall wool la sets Moral rowan' arSII be rap 11111dMsgZat.P.Assmitailleit. Drew 1 R. EL CUY? 0. C. W HITILLY JOHN taw J. H. PIPS W. HIM JOHN HPAHR Damn Num. NOTICE OF CLOSING. We, the under -waned butt -heel of Use town of tiodericbbet eby agree to Mom our shops a% 1 o'clock every Wednesday alteration during the months of June, July end August. t4t4 ed. D. M. triburat W. J. ILticka H. T. Limo. II MUTING 01 HURON flOUNTY IL COUNCIL. el Waren ertil sow le tia=11. . le temine d (leder*. ea 'ape mitteell the donamaliklmaedearznty y. ata day of June nest. at 3ca Agit new 111; LANE. CONS. Dated Nes Wed.**. -11fig)) STALLION WAL. Tkl: 111515T. WAlt Cal 11111lAst: I'SMAND Nit oi:lertei. If.•,•, wet ' ' .-.• f... • - A operl.1 rrtotit. A051 1,t '10,5 .1, 0.1.-1 breed 10 .1',.. at -(0.5. 15... „ and thr .Withee . rolls 5....he I. 5.1.1(1. 4.5 "4. I AY) res/0", 0 e4 nrifi-10,1 55 -ch so .5c...100. 15.000. 1.T} It 1.1.010V -how- retnarkable and 5. u,,,s.,i1c.-diy .51,.• of the re - teed t'itocc.14. • WALTRII 1.1s111. e:i .1 for the PAK .0a• 51...wo do..4r %.yrth •••!teet, flour. ich. e t.' OUly. IJ ...M. lin 01.1.1-. V. I)U. 111.1C 1.1111t.1111" NitTICE..-ALL • book- to the hero!. • f tsr publie 0015T be retnroni 10 11. bins ry 'wrote natlinla). Jone .:ol. a. the look est harme lai,1 be clowol for • uck •.ok I:01 et5-341nd GII Juan 1, nth and 7t b. 1.1,t IR 0001 irk MRS. A. NICHOLL, ,0 do all :incl. of hair winds wide from cut or caws Lamm *est -01.1de • hair fur °etre-. spotlit, treat- ment. eloone.g.115.. N114 .l -o ha. for aale toilet requiritee. rhampoo teordes-, erns,. 11., H....ode or 1111105.5401, cream. Herbe. sod 4;!.....-.511rie. • • t f - - r FOR SALE OR RENT. - - T0011041.. 555. a 10.5 5,.' lactase:no to RENT - I ROT I'LASN STIJR E (.0.1.er a Appls ( It xittlus 11.xitRiow. (sorietien. 11.4 L'014 mAI.E Olt ) RENT -TWO ✓ rr...011.11 kesee-lntnsd wadi! len oos 'ono 1.5tat dd. 00 Laet 50rue% There 4.4 ss•I.4t 5SVI45In 55.0.1i home and a Aare plot gr015,01 01114511'.5 Is4$ /1•114.11 eonnee !ion with ea, h. sery dealrable {Wow erue. Information a. to rent, etc, may he obtained from IHA14LES LI AltittIN as 11104. • A It LEToN. Lad ..trait. 11:f poa BALE OR TO RENT. -TOWN- If SHIP OF 1:11h1:11.1.11 vs.nrp three acre.. eisevireseictly located :010n4 00.05.5. frame ban,. etr., kg 10, *intone ornieconion : Inane - Mate pe..e-eion For further pert kunst, ruddy to the N. .I1TION .11. EltUST COMPANY. 1.1 M • ITED. Toronto oe M. K. I %Num HOWI1T. iWoolpP. 11.31 ti()USE FOR SALE IN 'JILLAUE g MS Alt Ill'ItN. -8eVert more.. wa.hroorn. CarTiner"dt 7aingle.h-el„Wrfk"Dge 4::7.e.1}"r4a:Ternbliltdh. Ind I A2N : ?red tree. and garden Apply on 14171h144.44. MI 1114 P NT 11.R.540,•;. 1011, 1134 LIVE AND LET LIVE lam ItieopeoinAsii tte King Edward Bars and will be prepared on and after JUNE 1st so amply the purslic with acconsersodeoon for Horses and Auto- niobiles. A RESTAURANT .01 be opened next doe, where the best of meals w,11 be served m right poem. I will also handle tea, coffee and Ids cenneetiCn. Joa;oh Murray 1 WIWINWela hied& Contest. A silver gsedal contest owlet the aus- pices of this W. C. T. U will 5. held in the Temperance Hall oe Friday "•101•11. Inas gib. This will he • double ons. • metope is Assists 110 well as 1 reeking. and eery wejoy- able evening is expeetsd. kdosisrun 15c, school ehildren :ie. DENTISTRY pit. H. G. Ma(fa/NELL- HONOR lineditate Torpedo Coirorefty. Geod... eye! (Whig, of 1101e1.4 Ilecceeew to the lateg4gParo!Ssle mem end r Square and Wrwt went. O04s,I k. AUCTION SALES. AO A CCTION Sk LE OF FARM liT0t.71f IN1 t'LliMENTs...,, Et itNITCH.E. ETC. Mit. CHAPS. GIRVIN bar In.t.:550t01 the anyienianaerl to aell bY poWis aerator. .5 5*. fa, ni lot It. eoocedatelp, 1. Wed oaskalf =lb earth of Nile. an THUftrIDAt. JUNK Mk. at one treks*. the fellow/as searrez . Trristre.rat k ioram.r.teact".17,jt. i ' t 5105.. iloglsaad bauble: I cow. 11 year* ma • 1 orrw 7 Ivens old ; 1 row. 3 eases old ; 2 two -year -oil steam. I oce-yemold 501001*. '1 one -year-old Mita ra, 2 yonng calve.. a imansber of yourag hem, 1 Plain wagon. 1 Jia ;while bey, 1 rellobrr;tired buggy Om arty 10501, 1 inewies Machine, 1 walking plow, 1 150y r -e. 1 bay rale 55.510!) neg.. 1 pa 1' bub•hrig0.. 1 rut le% 1 1.000.•. 1 .cli111, 1 grata rr idle. 1 rititilt1 Pun . gtbrr 4,4 coronets - tool- b t-. wane s. Mn chill. yet Me harrow, .hos e a og 5,ittman:10 Lag% tenni. a mill. we Oli rack nod amine.' double. t of tont harry...1 double 511 iMat, harm..., 2 .ingle .o(a of karmao.M) belies It 455,5.1 k tc5,n .tove to -:arty moo 1, ease plain 1555,4.1.15.*5.1Itheihroom woe. eb dr. and tee!shine, hisagVigh=dt eiri 0. *We 551 le 5 nogg ;reser. c. at the lawn la 4514. ' Trims.. 5 1 . ;roe 51 .5:55 .rd Mee'. ca -h oxer ,s .et ta, 0s rr.r•. credit win be wts • tu rdi 15.5 ro.tsisag .sppio,..51,1caltit holm o (110•010.1 nf gr.? vent. Lw, .1.11.1111,0f1 -r 111A14,4,11A IV. , " THO- (.t•NOI:N' 1'50101. • . .1.4wer. .55 Huron County • in the of Canada.- and *.vithin the tenind• slf this garden we know of several spitmdid Niue- for sale on easy terms- If you want to buy farm you can make no mistake in con- sulting its. NO, we spf-cialize 111 Iluron 10 tinet preperty. If xto. have 14 fall:i Iso me 15. 1114 11 W1111 us. Every patron who has 511 11 sno to, yet. either miying, selling, 'entitle in exclising 152 tipough been ;a r,ati, fled pet' oil and it is our aim to eve' have it to. • REAL EsTATE. %%".• base .s 1 ae.a,5.1 Litge io• 00 Perk qrsoet for nalr at si bet* 1,44.011ilill, girl, If l411141/11•,t *nu Somebody will get a . este ter.. nettles tbe nett tett day- • *Ottani. 1. 10.4 We base ., couple of for -ale on Ittitooni.s rnad. lite pile, - right and the lentos can he arranged to- •isit per. t nucbridge 'trees.-11111an might buy a Moo, till!" se-idet.ce on thl, •trert. Moue:11 14.y. re...wee-es ••. everytairg ealikplet, thiamin ..orret -t oosei,icht to '1 letoria 614•41 lhr • 'ollegio,e and locality anodic' to nose. Geed bon... and tot. Snag. tot .5111f11 ,4115. summer cottage near. ae. A little beauty and can be hough, traaonably. Orme -tteet. e hast an excellent re -i dame for ...do 4rer:. .%11 Modern 4.1111• )1/111011.1114/ I .1.1 Ilfil)/11/: opte-clo e Ideal 11/11, :* rislesultd Mane for emu. nue. • - 'floe MID hot a few of tee propert •e. 00 01'r 414. 11 you intend buying yeir. 'amt. 11‘0.0100rt 101-V. The In.inela the war mime., reel estate will advance, r** thonotr cla upon tbounand. of people are bound to look (0 4, aI ada ler .5 11x1'11.1,X61.:. Mr. Farmer. would she smelt town or city properly a. part IMO 004.1 0.. that Luria whit% you are offering Mr ; *1 51. let tax know; Why 001 11-? that vac sot sow.. with gej you really,. that every clny that oweesiv mein. vacant you are at low f Our motel.. elm for meting 5.01)) 0 ;seltioa 4 veitt- ren- ermobie. If we can't reet your bother It 0,001. (set yea oent. Cane In todsy. Rementher the oust" Jo.: off the Susan.. O'NEILL & '03114A N Y, The Real Estate People. North street. Bodes ich. NOTH TOTH Hiving been desirous of enlisting for some time past. I have finally succeeded in making arrangements with the Goderich Coal Co. (P. J. MacEwau, manager) to take over and carry on my cartage business during m. absence. I have therefore signed up with the 1111st Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, and I would respect- fully solicit from the public genet. 111y, and from my old custotneril particularly. a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as I can again resume my occupation. Any businev. affairs entrusted to their care during my absence will therefore be thankfully- appreciated by me. Telephone all orders to phone 44. ALFRED H. JANE Goderich Detachment and Bugle Band of 16Ist Battalion leaving Goderich mobilization centre. Lieut Hetherington in command. for WITH THE 161st HURONS. fey TM Signal% 550 on., ea pondent A public farewell waa tendered the oaken, and mess of tilt billet Battalion by the people et Clinton on Monday eveuing. The ',idiom paraded at 7.:51 and &tier • short mar b were lined up before the bandstand near the post -- office. Brief addresses were made br M&yur Thouipsma Rev. Dr. Rutledge and others on behalf of the citizens. to which Lt. -Col. Omaha replied. It. wan KILLED BY HORSE'S KICK. Bert Haloes. a Well -Knows Young Man al Godsrick Township, Loess His Life. An unfortunate accident occurred on Hamilton street on Tuesday n4in. ing which coat the lib- of a highly _eeteemed young farmer of Ooderieb township, in the. petsms of riesmuel Bertram Holmes. Mr. Hotness w•sdlivisic 5 ream of horses. one vrbich was a -colt. He left them standing In frost of A. J. Patti idge'a hareem ship. and was abut Ls enter when the ltiisicals shied at kka automobilk standing so.. r. ioutoded io malts a ple.eoustion to 114.101e111 ran to get bold a the Roe. the battalion. but a hltrn occurred in the program and the presentatin wait Ind in ha' action •losirentlY deferred. Cur' het its it ated the cAt. which kicked at hint. [he blow 1,n I Mt left tesidee-uf he aleilesmui, reseiessrsg him On ... si members of • unen.,...•f; the Liptieticla or the 141 't As-i-trutca wes at hand num-411w I s' Batter were 'met on the petiole end (liemnfoi too:de- if.co, tug limn 14round at Clinton And each peered.% ed into losiirs.'se's. ro, whop, • h pair knit. by the ladies ft 14I4n4. h • were At (if Uoderich. Tho -t' ho made , he nte.- „In 15Atkeipi,.$1.,1.51 1.1,,55.. elluitten Were MI', . Vt 11,..jutal. is tot e he • Mrs. Rev.) Hatuiltott. Mont Millar, Mi. J. 11. Colborne, MI. It.' .1. Medaw NI . 1 P 141,l --l 'ton of I and Rev. J. B. Ft.ttirriughato.• The mi. 41,4 m,.. Holm. -. ; soldiers gave rousirg t'beris ata a token 1 A, 1. and 1.. ti,, of their apple eriation of the Limo.... gi I5 1,i5,n s (15,. !Lim., 1 on; of the I i Airsick lad ie.. . one , Ile. -.1 t .0.1ei 5.11. :,..his I • !!4.4.141 osw03, of the 'Ili' Fore .neellentra 1114 dreem.ed's e it - g ra f,i t het, ' the I. U. D. E. to the tionerich soldier tifjosevh %tilt. 5. %%it,. have moved very Uneatielactor y."10 510. I 1,11., II il4•1 441 they ternished very The. 4011,1 in the 6,ephity -5.11 • ladies have asked that all the fatiV y li geondfathee war; $01101t.1 HA:Imp., • 1511.4 tetiernel to them, whin ‘%4„, „I.., they will he shipped' back to the eat I! -et! lei .. 0111.1kt5 1111 /1141.1 tcjl,t .sl by new otter,. ',A leo win• (11 • • hi. hir y -t. year. lie- id( The Idlet. left 1111 p etas 1,... untimely death fled .Theiglay nine I.! London The 1.s• wit 1,1-,,t1o.r.,., And! ew, of • bran- 13attalion petalled si. 7*. ill. 441,1t.t.i, et.' Ili 'let% of th.• 7th kits and rifles. Arno, Were need on the nitro et towns -hip, all- 5-5 main 14(4 set 11/11t1 Mr men earl ied 1,,. j(),;,“ 4.4,-inintilly .1 kits to the (dation and aftei•waids marched hark for their idles. Retort.- The bit eta! will tote f 1..,•.• 1. oni -getting alviatx1 the train Peril e 4,11 1,1,1,,y alt 5511555,55 was given a large orange by a, child HI .2.0 "'eke le, to' Mei' hoof retttelet 4. bore the public (Timid. The trip,1•0 Toe -ea) the•grat, will I1 55 London was mails' without ineitient chmg.• s 1 11.'. . Nino' old and the camp 51 Hillcrest Mikatrached A... e % \) . of wlsi,h llie about 510041, The nf .ernoon was spent .,„ 5„ ' •. in allotting tent* .and serving Out blankets. Eight int•n sleep in each PERSONAL MENTION. tent and each 'man is supplied VI kit _ _ two woollen and one rubber blankets. . . or IT, field; %kited The camp of the Idist is just wrist oil 1.,••• ,•Iooss- los Is•v* shs.)••• 1t..s t etureed.on Mow the new McCotruiek factory and is 1- high and dry. 4..1y11.1.01. !rip 15. emsden.,, 1.1r.1ni ...I. W. 115t5r11. ..3 of Itattob...5 al chn on,...pent Monday at hi, SERGT.-MAJOR BARRETT HOME. Mn w k Ipol rick. of Mbedden. Another of the Heroe- s of the First Cana- 14vi..tenr .5 .5,10)111•....f 5,, parent.. Ste. 6411 adian Battalion. Mr. J Mr W I.. Rutledge of Detroit wa. in 1:051, Regimental Set geant-Nla jor %V. .1. ‘4, 501,,. 51 aruliiIOLbs-i. Barrett, a veteran of 55. early Isilt lee M•a. NN en.lref direr .treet, of the war in which the First t'ana- Mi.. T1Mo te -pending a few clay- at Mt. dian Battalion Was etiaagekl, reached!' Th;.,:17,:tr.. sindetilh on Tiles...lay noon, on • short visit to Li. family. the new. of hu '• NI, %N. W. !Can't...1.41,mi amain after H. re. expected arrival did not reach Bode- re... ..es etc dine- front frstt. lir Ofe yell* rich until about 111..19 on l'ireeelay s‘tt.sint•e' ee sthei to -.1 e. now um - morning. Consequently it was &Ill- "11* 1"r". cult to arrange nn sispropriate ei vie ,, ▪ „„*.-'11 51,.fat:711,117.e. welcome. Mayor, Mclean was &Invert ,Tr.5fala..r .51,51 1155.1 ". 504 5. it, Was found iniposaili .10 Into- ' Steeratl WIII tottlib; k. 11" • • the council to full ear igth on I ?_tr• Ethridge Tweedie, after a y'tweilostte 5 -it short notice it remained wi h Reeve Nairn and Councillor %Vigip to meet Tweeto before neutrons tub.- home .5 (04 hreotntlieroed hem Ano il escort him t; asibio. I Mach regret i- expeev.ei 40.'1000 .11 Serat .-111 jor Barrett left et ich in I ;;;;;;,„"f5tri,",:,....2;01;e-'„"•,:hech 5." "ntin71 i.etacholent W. - to pee him is.. ii=ar -"kireilLIMi old August. 1914, with the 1 which proceeded to Valero tier to form 1 -100111- 110455., MK. the nucleus of the tiro Canadian con- Mr, NO ton Mst, hew• and Nlloocr 1400151 tinRent • Thiel di v talon reached the 1noritilitir111e1r tr;r00.• 11.0fl Ai• nhev.rr :1,1.641ffi,.. 47. .15i firing line nn Feint's! y 7511. 1111,,, and 14.,.glat after passing through von', of the Clerk( Wahseet .tree -1. bloodiest battles 01 t Ile war Unreel I. Mr. owl Mo. T. 11.1411 Of 24, MektkriP was pot nut of action 1-,rtreveral week • "7' wi ' • •say .‘gr.• . to • If. •••I10 1111111.44111 Will taker part of Jim.. 5. German gas, loiter he returned to Moeller. England, where he ix as employed as Peter tk• instrusior in the training ramp., whirl, Rev. .1 1' MIA Mr-. IN/WM,. e4 Nouns work he will take lip in Canada at an ‘1"0.4.1.,11, early date. Ile has applied for • C.51111.. pamm-sto et 00/00011113001 00nrch and comment+. Idvoek 00 lionday arld. ti 5 M. Moir, of nettles, Slots . called on fr1rn.15. in 10110 het a low boon eatoirdow. sniasion as lieutenant 111 hoe nld battal- ion and may biter let tit n to the firing Sae. mr Man owe ea.? on a be-inee. trip and eillift--MilVir Barrettsay. that m (savior parad ay •ity at 51.d the original nit l'anadian &Memos .r.•••,.•Lburk,...adv,....,••i•a• 1=111•••=Ilo In ••its May 126 members are still on the Sr- '• ins lino. He is of the opinion that the beflogking of the great allied oils remit), is not far distant and that when it does commence "rest results will he achieved. . Jalatea mil Mrs Hemmer,' left nn Wed. fessik=ewr he pmentret at the meet. .tswesei et the swim the THE LADS IN KHAKI. Mr. 11. A. Ws lose is one of the latest Li get into uniform. Ile hew received a comMission a. lieutenant and is at- tached to t hr Rattan," . Mr, ia a son of Mr. and Men. Dow Walter. of Colborne township. Nearly all the men o the Gederich deiachment of this Hufous were home over Sunday, for t last time helmet leaving for camp at London. The sue. tr on Saturd night anti Sunday were lively with the khaki -clad wen. Mr. Norman 111llain, recestly of the Bank of 1:ononerce staff here, has en- listed in he,jt5th Bat whoa Tilleon- g, isle 1 etre sotto. Pt ivate Chas,. itotserta. of .the tInde- ▪ ifth I, .•fineent f the- flume... ha. Amen en Mimed kne,c,ii, mi.-. 1, him until L.. - '., , - 15.,' • to Pte. Alex. C111.0h0h11.. 7Ist Battalion. writing home says tihst a (ppcliti ji,s,eed over .t heir vamp loit 4141 5,5.5 0. p any bonni14 or. 5 loin. Tilt. 1.31 • thoit exp.'s -t, to go to France as 54 unit. Watson St( .,it,0u. of ihe 1151 5'I,'. .igIl!tlIiIug I. II II , l`• 1 551; k leas ••. • II ind.iliatt Harry ‘Vntson. of the nal fiction band, 664, hodie Ltolehlti 11;e1 0. few 1.1.1v.. thi4 week. Representatives of the AN'oeiii 11'0 \Vier Auxiliary uf tioderich went to clinton on Monday in Mr. R. J. NlefisW. c.." and distributed 58 pair 14 . molt, to etieh of the 11)511 is the (hat.- rieti detachment of 111.5 161-1 1114114611..11; The Auxilitst y hope-, to keep the Chale- t tell nien supplied with sled:. through'. out the War. 'I hat there should 1-1- three Naftal- lwaring the ...one ti ..... het -that three of the ties' the 1112n11, and so tvn • 1, he interesting euggest ion of Nlajtsr Tent. Ranee, who ' luta net ived Engleml, whitlier he went with the :tit.1 lint - teflon. 'This. 'seems to ftp an idea tY°r 111145814 uot tintat nt three 1,15 .111514M1 111115 11/51., 111(1,4 1111p. plying the original hittat at the front, one In revere.. in England and another training 111 Camel... This,, lie believes. would Winn. the unite re- teining their identity MIA prevent i then' Iwing broken tip and divided among ether battalions until t brit in- dividuality has disappeared. Eon it corp* is valuable in the array and the battalion a recruit joinsu from choice le certain to be his favorite, and the one for which he feria affec- tion. To go oversews with hin picked unit only to find *11 5)111.11 drafted otT to another HI disappointing and injtiri .... to morale. Hy asloptins, Major Itance's Wee, as tar as posed -1.1e. the authorities. might improve recruiting and make the outlook 1/111r0 •11f0r1111;e. 11 10 NEW pity this suggestion dui nooc t ens.. erly in the war, when there would bare been fewer s'ls'tael,' 11, its adoption. It may t that to pot .11 in (liver now if not it will commend iteelf to nanny who take pride In Canada's army. -London Advertiser. t, ice amain the kind yon want more of. In bric kr or intik. k, deliveted. Phonf • GUNDRret AUCTION SALE LIST CHURCH MOTU. .1. R. Ford is at Elageville this week le au. ---i,- at the snamil meeting or !ha Unica" Confereace. Mr. O. M. Elliott is als;t:riattrodeoce as lay delegate from street church. Rev. W. K. Hager preach at both an vicee In North Alien Metho- dist church next eseseltp. 10 the mot nine be will speak as the sattieet : **Humility, the Open Door to tied la Men's Lives." Hie 111•01g214 di=e - will hems "The Olsoesa Peepleof Gad." During tbe vacsnay, the duties of organist at the Suudsy services In Knox church are being performed vet y acceptably by Miss Pastel Good. She will continue w utfici&t• dories the month of Jone until Mr. T. Sun- bury arrives from Guelph to 112402110 his new duties. In addition to Rev'. E. A. Earchnum and Rev. Charles E. Evans, who were the speakers in Ream church on May 21st and May 2Stb, respectively, the tollowing are candidates' 10 the elm. of the mouth of June : Phis% Car- michael, M. A., June Mk ; Rev. W. McDougall Hay, B. A., Jugs 1 Ith Rev. C. F. Mclu,oab, B. , June lath; Rev. D. K. Foster, B. A , June 25th. 1 he annual con•ention of the Loudon branch of the %V ..... an's MM. 1154051y Society tet the Methodist church suet ea St. Thomas un Tues- day, Wednesday and Tbuseday Of thus week. Altn), from Noitb attest chinch, and Mrs. C. M. Robertalon, from Victoria street church. me delegates from tioderfeb, while MIP. Y. K. Hick, in the capacity an organ'zer of the tiodertch Distriat W. .1.0 ia ill &I tendance. The pulpit a Victories street Methos dirt church was occupied lee; Sunday by Mr. A T. Gegen.. of Clinton. Next Sunday, during thee sibseece of the pastor, Rev. J. E. Ford, at Conference. the morning (service will be in chats@ of the Pucket Testament League. Mr. 11. M. Elliott, the preeident. wilt speak 0)1 the Subject of 'Prsypr," While the bervice pripuie' Wilt be fed by mem- bers of the langur. The %venous ser- vice will be In charge of Mr. R. J. Beleher. The anoualmerting of the 'Walker- ton Aseocts$1011 of Baptist, churchen waif held M mdwy, 'reausilay and Wedneselsoy of this week at Clinton, atuf, deepite the somewhat turbulent state of the town consequent 144100 the soldier& &pal t "le e. the wettings wee e well assev4ed, mealy of the getter 41 =$sk1iim *deem' age of tem Mem. eel Mg. to 1...ets • (k.ossie talent( d Ir teeki s. A fIlt.11 kf olt5105g41.55 f runs the 1;144qt la fitly, 1-4 fruit wee e Rev. G. %I. .ereet Nit,. 11 hie Mts. J. 11. Mar.t...11, Mi.4J . 11.'. obli.1..11 and Mrs. Rev. !Crown, Is syd- ettlian. •4 n 1•• 411144/1 I• 111111 AI. 1,!rt!ter tottst..ter street chili ..11, 1;1 .4e1 1,1., hi. been in e - velel to 111110111 111 111. K114(01015 VA.- 1.0 01.5 ft.lr A 1511101 ...11. Rev. NB% Ittioets lin. the tIndlio•li.sn of le tug (lie that paot ntto tension the full term of four year. in *hi. elnit 'di • 1)u.' it - pot t• for the i ear violin,: ,1,111Al 11.1,11 Alt Me., 1110 he eog nreswa gat ts. ft '11H:siting in all department,. In the giving.. 1051, 011 111.1.•....• .51 *1.50)4 ;IV .1' 11051151-5-.1. 11- year mot ;to iticreare of (went, li.s• 111 the, in.„n•beir.hip of t h.• y11.11..11 ei...1 Th.\ i•got Ion meeting of N.511.11 -41. 31115111.0115.1 . 11111ell 11151.1'1V.5.110-rday thir•week. with Ft 43''. '.1 Attend:tore. :411pplin Wats served by tho ladies *2 11 o'rlrect .and sva., nite•li enjoyed. Afterwat de. with the pastor:: itev. %V. E. Hager, pre- siding. teports wet.. presented hope a the vrioo us rtnusiz stion. the 11- gregat showing that llhe yea, work 11.'111044.n .tiee rssfucarried o lly n, tit ispite of many renewals,. Ninth ..1415.51, 111M 1' 1•• an Bowie Boll of neer 40rly y151111..: 15.401 tit ained 111 the 11.51 431 (lotion e are in the ranks of the ',mei ....•t• • a. farce*. Mr. H bong, rep' ted • .r the Sabi -nth sichool, NIr..1. II .1..1 •toti for the Epworth League. NI, I: I. Melrose I've he tedn I set unee a. .1. • the elem'' ., '51,'.. Sin - elan.. ler (1. I. dot('r.%'. borne Aid, Nit..('r.%'.borne to. ‘Vo'us, iso Y, Mee-, - II. E. Illoclifera, 's,Prialintii:at4.1 NI. Itobertaon foe the financial Ned,. of (*54, church's work. DIEU. Al • \ 11T.- ti .%Itoci,.. N155nitnt“. 1..146116r. Nity 1.-515e1 ‚5*.. Vicar. wife at r. 11. gr MA11,51.)....1 IttrItitIV..-InIfodericti, Thoreday..1,51e 2*..,.' Kronur. ItotrIrin•. thekiderr di Mt. slid Mb K, aged. 1 year 5115.1 11 M0,11h• 11111..‘1151. In 150.1. 10515. on- Tneelay. 3.. Samuel liertrAm Molnar'. mos ..f Mr. and Mr- John llolnw- ;1 siederica' tow, phie. in no inth yea, NIchesrd ritl,t.. . New W.tai.eno r. Surdcr. NIA) st Ang. yuk M11 ell. nit 15. tires of 1111111111. 46*,.,ell. 5.,...r., ar.,1 .4111 of the late San Jaettee McColl. of 01-11 Colt:Mete. would c ate too much confusion. hut ADVERTISEMENTS -June 1, l'orty. , itnit no- speciali-il J. Y. Matto a. 1 Wild Aithea.1 Shoe .. . ... ..,. .. . 1 %tat ., 14..14.11. - l'. Klorpfer. 1.1d.. Tern, .1 . 14010545 of Cksdng- 1:00.14.. h 0rortr.• , I Store 1.1111101-4, tO !tent - (1.... flatten I Tender. Worded -CA., SI.ii,n44. . I 1.::, onion to On ten- Ns, -, Heron 5 erten - Imi it .s?.' ... . a.. t 1 t ePan. Tender,Wantd1llPiano ..., i..... (theme ..... .. I ()psalm pat Weller kt ellu s t Negev orichtear -Ooderk• !hitcher. 5 Teem Men -1teht . Nell Engine it Th.5.twr (0., loci.. Sea fort h ft OIrt Wanted -Mr.. (.Marrow ----- TitthalU• Jane 11.-hiert Hose et ntred-Andrew sem eson..lo.iste• II 1 977 I Phan° Rubber., Welded 1515 11. The s'ess: north of 1411.', . Plano .tetion Regulator. WWI'. 41 I1l/1 le Th, Signal Lawn Fence for dals-Theeiginal . The peace talk might be a little more medal contest -44'. C. 1'. V ... . 1 encouraging if you got your clothes Reader -D. M. (Enrico from Pridham F. 3, There sv -mild at 1110tote for Kele er re Rent Clant. ()taw I least he more peace in the family. (41,1. Wanted Met ormick Site co., Leeks I ' tor*, implements. of Mr 1 haw (mon, • kyronner.h on* half mend., at 1 o'clock.