HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-5-25, Page 8TwoRaoAT, 1 ' t7i, lPltl
A new hook ever lady is reading.
by Kleanor 11. Porter,
author of Pollyanna loots.
If you want to 'stele • life-
long friend buy and read
this soot y of !)aril, who
brought happiness to •
whole village and who will
bring happiness to you.
!'['ice $1
Another widely read biol.'
The official story of the Canadian
F;i1weiitionary Force, by
sir Matt Aitken. M. P.
the Canadian "Rye-Wit-
rr..t Introduction by
Kt. Hort. Sir R. Horden,
Premier of Caned,. Pr•r-
f4e I.v K'. Hno..A. Baum
Lew, .M. 1'.. 1, L. 11.. See.
1'1.141 v of St+le for l',doilies.
'lot 11 :s1• net.
G.. Po.
Fresco, Calcumine
and Wall Paper
It works wonders on Wall
['aper. Calcumine Walls
and Window Shades.
15c TIN
,lames A.Campbel
Piss'. B
• North r, . Sirs..: e
t lidera:'!
Itis. tai i :1 `,!
MacEwan Estate
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
Lad District.
Best Coal. Mined.
Any .0 ( • • : best all Maple
Mohs, t; ix, ,1 Wood, Heml"1 •
ui l k,odlu,g ('`fleet 01 1'in, _•
TELEPHONES oft:te 7$
residence • 2 cr fib
• •
Ttlitan.AY, May ti
A Asquith has received a car of
flout and feed this week.
Mr. Martin Dyer is looking up •
house to pelrcba.e In the village.
Our soldier boys were b for Sun-
day before Marling ou the n trip to
London camp.
It is reported Mr. 11. H. Hill baa
purchased Win. J. Parke' house in the
village and intends moving in July.
Nr. Cloy Patterson left on Tuesday
morniug for Vancouver, having se-
cured a position there at his prolrs-
Mr+. Dooald Pattensnn left on Tures-
day by the houleurekers recursion to
wit her son• in Alteert• and 8as-
katchew so. She was accompanied by
her daughter, Miss Hera, who has
taken a position •a teacher at Fcur
Ways. Alberta.
Private Stewart Knot liss been re-
newing acquaintances tier` and wait-
ing his aunt. Mrs. Oro. Hamilton. He
tells some of his expel truces of trench
lite in France, where he h:tv hewn serv-
ing los King and country. His many
tti.nd+ ere pleased to see hien 50 well
after sotto' ung from shell .h.ock.
Ws;IIl(rt+uAa, May 24
Ann -IAN'S "BIT." Auburn and cum-
Mlleity is well reprr•ented in the goat
world struggle, as is evidenced by the
fallowing lot of men from this *vet ion
who are wearing the khaki : Capt.
• Nam. Fiui;land. Benet. D. M. Vetter-
-or 1'irrates.F'ran.k Fingland, Mut ray
• F'inwlal.d, Roy Mum 0,Geo: gr �I,•Nall,
1'1 u4nce Symington, alert Marsh,
1';:,1 ••nee ('ox, Cheeks Niven., '!'trews
A,Len. Nelson Itabieci. 04111 lamp.
11.•4 Lett I.'iwaor. 1iliv.t Lawson,
1; .,1 King. dames Intens•, Fiar-k
Bushell V. tela, :\ : , • t liter.
Fa11 Bentley. It -.Al l entle• . Fara
Nicholas Pi. lid,Fred
t raw fold, J. A. D ckenson. David Mc-
. lrieliey. Wesley Mc('linehry,
.ogtun (food, %% imam land, ('Metas
Mills and George Ilailern. All of
these wen have been presented with
uulitary waist -watches by the citizens
,•t tine community.
NA -1)R -CO
Toilet Create
.11 W. r , ,1
,A1•1111 i,. I':oot. i n,1'11 ,�,i
(.1 May ttou'et•,
Itntuodi:N.•l% i I .1 1. .1.
toasting.** velaety
fertile intra I .. 1.1 the noose
deli It. .tool • 1 .1
ICE - - 25c and SOc
,1V1 L RDA
Regular 40c for 2cfc Ili.
A. l..Cal d R el I, Ph m • B.
A Queer Rion
Alfred Austin's ignore cep( the fact
(bat the word "byre" means "Coa-
lmi ne" led him into an causing Nan -
der. One of the verses of his poem,
'To Awns,- runs :
Prem F,rllsh hamlet-. Irlah 1 4:1-.
Wel•h heart to and t4 nal heli byre -
They throng t• .how 1h..t they oe 111
Sens worth, et their -1n•-•
;'Mr. AuItin may Ito info' tiled,'
wfeiyte • Scottish critic, "that Dons of
sires that pas. from byres are found
oftener in knglish rattle shows than in
foreign battlefields. The poetic license
ale great, int N does not cover slender."
It Is These That Bring
Wrinkles And Make
‘L'omen Look Pre-
maturely Old.
Almost every w(11140 at 111e head of-
fhouse-rnrels daily many little worries
in her household affair.. '('hey may
1•r ion small to notice an hour after -
winds, but it is these tante crest&Il
little worries that agect the blood and
nerves and make women look pre-
maturely old... Their effect may be
noticed in sick or nervous 'headache..
tickle appetite. pain int the beck or side.
.allow complexion and the coating of.
wrinkles, which 'every whnlan dreads.
'1'o !hose .thusaf tieted Dr. Williams'
Pink Pilt. offera•4pee(ly- apd certain •
cure '':,n rest"rMinn -of cold! to the'
cheeks. brightness to the eye, a hearty
appetite and a reuse of freedom front
wear rose•.
Among the thouilands of Canadian
women who heave found new health
Bough Ur Williams. Pink Pills is
i,- N \\, .1 1H, Ittloghdale, Ont.,
ln• _,.:- \•' ' the birth of my
-.•curd .1., .1 1 11..- -., weak nod inn
down 1*, I 11 1- 1:41,1e to do any.
thing. '111,.,vc1, n -Aid I h.id scarcely
.Inc 1.14. 1 1n toy I,,.y. Ieouldnot I
walk hall is t,!,•.-1 11.t1t, i; being Mw-
{•lrtely exhtol-ted ;old all the treat-
r:,ci t (.1 tL.• 11, 't.i did Ilnt seem to
.o tor. 1 ettiled in tougher doctor,
• oil. 1. 1. -.et 10bult. My fret
r..I. - u. frightfully swollen. 1
, , a.• pails its my hack
1 'it ..:'d. be oil day thee-
.! -buy hou.ehold tom k.
„!.i I „ ,. 1,,.);u,e.in4 t8.. give up :.11
I • . n ,,N . ' I had.• been urged
t it: Dr \\ 1111ain-' Kok !'ills, bol,
I i,., 1011' refit,-, thought they could
..,t help no' 4' hen dnrturs had failed
t.. do so, bu-t alter much' urging I de -
.aided to tt % thew. To iii surprise ,11
a few week- 1 frinnti my,tlt getting{
1 ettet. 1 !het: gladly contorted their
1150 and t..1111.1 u.) st11 coubtautly gt ow-
ing.tto:.;;•,, :.n.1 rvw.tually tilde to
.1.. my Lt, te,•1 i wilts ut tatigur. 1
stltlrtg.r :"11 i-,. rt sty N.1,k NI titan to
give Ili. W.Il1.trlts' !'ink Palls a fair
liiol i mn i;rt 'item! Pill. tluough al.y
medicine• .,..Li ..1 1,y wail at ;Y4 cents
l•ox o.six• i..x.•. for $'S.:+i from The
Ibr. R•illi,i - Me•dicitte Co , Brt'(1 .
vill... (lit.
tY, May's
.i. !. l'. Helton, 0
all n f Detroit. il,i.
spending [t t.•w (Loy. in Ashfield.
Miss (::r, -r.• tYConnuI. who spent the
winter in De 1..14, rets rase tows t •
!Hiss Maty (:arvt•y,ef St. Michaels
hospital. 'I m oid4.. is spending a few
days' eaention •under the pucnti l
A • VI. : or. Pyi.i'u,N1t.--1'ne11-
monia has elan -nett another victim in
the person o f Eddie Smith, the fifteen -
Year -old boy who fired with Mt .K !tul-
liven 1,•r (lir past eight years. Three
weeks ago he to .k a bad cold. which
finally develofml into pneumonia, and
although it was thought. that he wee
tecorering he .uecuntbed on Sunday
rimming. his heart feeing weak from
the attn-k of pneumonia. Pi tor to
coming like be hoed at Mount Hop.,
London, mid r 1- believed his immesh
air `daft•.- lw.• in Dahlin, Ireland.
The funeral will take place tomorrow
to the King,hriJ/re cemetery.
Sheet Music and
Music Books
Less Than
2000 sheets vocal and in-
strumental Music to be
sold at 10 cents per copy
or 3 copies for 25 cents.
As apace will not permit
the name of each being
published, we suggest that
you call and look over the
Music Folios. regular price
75c, for 25c.
A great opportunity for
musicians and music
teachers. Sale of Music
to be continued until all of
this lot is disposed of.
Two slightly used Piano -
case Organs, good
as new, at bar •
gain prices.
W e'n,4.4IAY. May 21.
Mrs. Sam. el Snyder, who hal spent
the pant couple of years In Detroit
and Indiana,,has returned to lint ari-
and will spend the sunsntet on the
Seuble line with her brother -in law,
111..1 acol' Snyder.
DR."TR(IYKtl 140 Fina. -Mr. Daniel
McDonald met with a minus loss Ire
evening Inst week when his house was
burned t" the ground with :all its con
tents. '1 hete was no "Lienors. The
ranee of the fire is unknown. es Mr
and Mrs. McDonald welt' away at the
Dino I' 11u•nta%N. --An old red.
dent of this village, in the person •f
Jane Holten, widow of the Late Wil-
liam Login. passed away on May 7th,
aged sevent)' seven years. and •even
month*. Her death took place at the
Good Plumbing
A happj' u..+n ,•r 4400.41: 1- he
or the who enttages t:+ for their
l;lugfhing. We are . ur: to
command for hurry yobs. Anil that
we gne et:tir, . i':.1 dC ta..t` 1,
VOW 1lei l t •r to. r•, n.!re.i• ••f
,please I .0-t. •:1
Fred Hunt
Don't stat Cray! Here's an
Old-time Recipe that Any-
. body can Apply.•
• Tho tint(I c , ... In 1 Styli.,,n1
r ,r. re-
storing it 1 I, c. ay hair '•, its natural
'en+or •tate+ hark tai grandmothers time.
She va••d it t.. kr,•p !„•r hair beautifully
dirk, glosso- and attra,ti4P. Whenever
her hair to•; on that thin!, faded or.
.treak.J *;,l,- ranee, thin simple mixture
wan •poli, t !lith U. On ierfnl r°Lti
But 1.1..wir_ At -lnme i4 mossy and
out -of (lite. NowjJara. lay aak.ng at
any drug .tor.. Gar a :01 r bottle of
'•\I'yet4'a Say, and S-:!p1":1r C'mpound,"
410(1' 4111 get t 11171!)414 old.pr•paratioa,
imi.roven I.v Co. .1.1litieu 1.1 other io-
gr.,lie•nt+, wt,'.•1. ran be d"p•nd.d upon to
restore naturel ro::.r and beauty to the
A well-known downtown druggist says
ft darkens the hair so naterally and
evenly that nobly ran tell 1t has been
applied. tion .imply dampen a sponge•
or soft hni.11 M!t!1 it and draw this
through your hair. taking; one strand at
a time. By morning the gray hair dis-
appear..and after another application •t
two, it becomes beautifully dark and
'% ill's `.:e and Sulphur Compound
is a delightful toilet requisite for those
who desire • more youthful appearance.
11 is not intended fur the cure, mitigation
or prevestia• taej•ftase•se.
home of het eon, ler. Logan, Trout
Lake, Michigan, with iv) elle had
been living for several year. Mt-..
Logan was linen a1 Bannocklll[rn,
Scotia if, in 14:08, and rano. 101 ngqwin
with r patent- in ISAThe fathily
Pelt' •in (bidet !eh slid in !trident ier.
1 417. t e anlject of this sketch was
married to Mr. William Logan After
their marriage they took a trip to
Scotland. and on their return they
took op their teeid»ler•• in H•yfleld.
Mr. Logan died In IMM. and Mrs. Lo-
gen continued to reside here for a
number of y ars, until she went to
live with het to nt Trout take. The
holy was lino gl,t to It- yfteld for in-
ter men.. Iles dr. het .nn, 1)r. 1' W,
Logan. of Ti •poi !Ake. the doreas•d 18.
survi•ed 11, 1.110 daughter, Mts. Sam-
uel ('leave. of Hayfield
Transferring . a flattsry, as He "Weed!
Rathsr Fight Gemans thea Germs.'
The bellowing is • portion of a letter
from Howard time to his parents, Dr.
'1' K and Mrs. Oasis, Dungannon. 1t
was written et Hramabott Damp, Rag-
land, on the 26th of April. lore his
broloer, Henson, • letter from whom
wee published in these coluww
but week, Howard is trywg to get into
• fighting unit
A. the ()median mail goes out to-
morrow night, 1 heti bettor get bus
and writs • couple of lettere, 1 think
I told you in one of my former lettere
that 1 was trmuilerred from Sed divi.-
loeal train to No. 4 sanitary section. It
appears when we errfyed hen the poet-
irun assigned me in Regina was al-
ready filled. our duties, In pert, ane
to inspect sod analyse the water sup-
ply for the ramp. to make a daily in-
spection of the camp, etc. The other
day 1 marched s hunch to Use di•in-
fectine tent. They evidently acme in-
to ouutact with the enemy coining
across in the luxuriant, sweet-ameih ng
steerage. It is not too bad a job but
rather prosy . 1 would prefer tome•
thing more to accord with the spirit of
the •tames, su 1 have applied for a
transfer, as gunner in the 43rd Bat-
I tried twice last year in Regina to
get into a lighting unit, hut it appeared
my eyes tailed to see me through. 1
hope W meet with better success this
Dene,"aa I would rather tight bromine
then germs.
-Hada letter from Benson the otherday.
He is now in England to take a three
mouths' course before qualifying for a
(UwWIMlon. 11e thinks lam in Fiancee.
as he searched the records at Stilt',
chile camp and could find no trace of
me, so concluded I had gone civet with
the third division. 1 wrote him, but
hardly think the letter will find hint.
u he intcudeu gulug off on a tour..
However, 111 an. case 1 will see tutu
before I, 1 i;, a, tbet e will be no trouble
in my getlmg a wr. k•end pa. -s once a
month. I will certainly be glad to
meet hits.. a, we have not seen each
other for lour year.. .
My friend 1.'4 xwotth and 1 had a
trip to London on our six days' leave,
and ws had a most delightful week.
The city 1. ui•t one that would impress
a person as tar as be•au1 y it concerned.
as the buildings are for the most part
41118.11 and the adverts ualrow, rimming
zigzag its 50 dinette tits. N'e engaged
a tourist guide to show lir tie burg.
\v a proceeded to Buckingham Palace
to see the old and new guard change.
1t was a great sight hod the hands
were petirct. We next visited St.
Paul's Cathedral and Westminster
Abbey. It would be fully tot ire t,t
attempt to describe the architectural
beauty and design of these greed old
historic alt uctutes. The Tower was
our next --topping place, and"it was
worth the trip In itself. on atcuuut,uf
the bistulical coune•ctitirrs.-
Next morning we went' to see the
Old Curiosity shop and from there to
the Zoo. Its the oriel noon we went to
ere the \•tet,int and Albeit 31u.euu-.
and to ser it thoroughly would take a
Meant h.
We •pent an interesting time iti'the
Courts, ch.etviug-the mode of ptDced-
ure, rte. Rae wrie disappointed at not
-rets,,( the Ilouse of l'ommors :n sea
•1110.. 8.e 11 ``null . hare • Leen 5 rare
,'it t" scrum! hear Dome of Etagl.ird
;tit ,t' uo11,.a privilege' trw Canadian.
ha'.e. \\'r e:•it`d othet places et his-
t. le- irtteteet, mud 'did not fitful 1.
att., ud at trust hall-atli ten good
eh, n We f will_v art iced aaiely back
Pit • •:t.p with oor load. filled Io ieet
11'.•w:11,1 with the woi,tlrta. but out
oor,ito kete-not enough left 10 wake
1. -launder 111/.1nieg-.hul,•b set •
1.1, r at aa4 held •411. the pAI ads gtouwl
Ir -t a !.posits itur huts, And' all the hat
1414• r.. in e411i11 Nele their,. '1'h.
Bish"p of Qtt'.\f p le, fr. •nl Regina,
trrorted.•aIt was w nispirirg right to
see them march in headed by .their
band.. 1 WA, sorry- 1 las not in the
naiad`, as otir rgg14•gatiort 14 riot at-
tached to any etweial battalion. but
t.1 thedivision, but 1 wee proud to be
in khaki when they marched by. A
nurnbersrof lutttalinns hate come to
camp recently 1uhml'at:ada. 1 often
ser Charlie McArthur, al.' met C. H.
It. l:nson acd Walter Huchanati. 1
am feeling floe, having gannet aeven-
t••rti pounds sten a coming over. Love
to .11. •Hary AltD.
$100 Reward, $100.
r..td,r- o1 flit.. 1.,01- will be plea..ed to
k."It that there iw at Iea-' 01.e dre adrd AIA-,
11 . -tier re h.,- been ..hli• to rineu, n11 11
-tsar,. mat that 4.. •-.,tarrtt. 1: ata.rh.. beano
greatly foilsenora bye•oh.titWhirls' ro thein`
few -0.•- 1011-11,rational t4. 101111? . Wan'. (':.
tank Care i- tak.n niers ly and ,. +:hr„',¢ -
t he Mood 1111 the mut uu.-urfa(•e.. of the q
.herby de -troy' it 11,8.• funndation
t►r nen re t 11 1.1
r n I N n h r .
ea -e. 1 I {•s ■ inn t
K D r o ,'
I hr cumtit utfon nand 44.4.4 tog n••1 are to doing
it. work. 7 b1 r•„t rflfter• have .o moth faith
in the eara111- Is,w.•r-rd 11+.11. r •arrh ('sre
Iliattheyofrrronl,Lnndreddullat.fo: an)'ew4.-
th., It fail. to cu?r aeud for Int of to-t:ma1
i.41. Addrea-:
t'. J • 010.1•:4' 1'( n.. 1•101" ,. Tolvr:o. llh1o,
So1,1 by all drug,• -t.. `r.
Godertch District Woman's Missionary
Society Convenes at Auburn.
The twenty-fourth annual conven-
tion of Ooderirh District
Missionary Society was held in the
Meth.di.1 church st Anhui n on Wed-
nesday, May 11111). The district me
ganiz-r, Mr.. Hick. of tloderich, pre-
A "model auxiliary was conducted
with Mrs. C,ollxorne, of (ioderich. as
president, who, with her staff of oftf-
cers, illuelrated irony 4My how wt1
auxiliary meeting should be con-
Owing to the inclemency of the
weather a great many were presented
frust being present. Very interesting
and enoottrsging repetrt• were read,
however, from the anrltiaries and
bands of the districts.' The organiz
.4..'4 report showed an increase of 8106
over last year; The solos given by
Miss Aitken, Of Ooderirh, and Miss
Patter'oo, of Auburn. were much en-
joyed by e11. Mies M. Bailie, of Nile,
gave an exceedingly int/resting talk
on "Miry i should hear. me a member
of tbs. Ml.sionarySociety.-
in the evening Miss Courtice gave
the eowMatlon an outline of her work
ampyg the glrla Id Japan. Miss Grey
Rias was , prweot and spoke of het
work croonR the Indian■ of British
Columbia. She told of her transfer to
the Ruthenian work at Rdmonton.
An Invitation to meet nextear at
Loodesboe0' waa accepted by the eon-
.y„.. gram.....«,», .it •-•-__ •r...•.+....,_.ns'ir.w.., 8.,..r
►, j.
O' 60660660044ad•
See the
Summer Millinery
'•1 si
MANY charming stylesin Summer Hats are
now being shoe n, Fashion's latest fancies
are here displayed and you are heartily welcome to
come and see them just whenever and as often as
you please.
Special Sale of
for Saturday
;o Trimmed Hat, at $3.1);
Here is a Month -End Special from the Millinery Department
that ought to keep it busy all day Saturday. 5o beautiful
Spring and Summer Hats, every one right up-to-the-minute in
style, trimmed with the best and most fashionable trimmings.
Great variety to pick and choose from. Values up to Q 2�Gr
$6 and $7. Choice of the 5o. Saturday morning only 4Pd•VJ
The Big Sale of
Vests Still Continued
Our big Clearing Sale of Sample Underwear will
onti+iur until every garment is sold. Vest., ro111-
liniitions. dlawe,rs from the 1,'g -Watson" Min.
Are cleating at practically factni y price. Some
are rli4thtly ."i10d. Burne are practically in perfect
condition. A11 are travellers' batt plea and all ate
1.41 gain..
-A Shipment of
"Nemo" Corsets
:,illi or t of these famous comp, rt ('or.et. jai -t
, -r.1 through the cuafouh• this Werk. A toll
-t.e k of the popular makes we early. There is a
"Nemo style for evrty figure ao.l if you rme
select your right style and riglitsixr you will have
"`set comfort and are not likely to' 'want any
utak`. The fan on, ••\row too.lelr now in
52.75 53.75. 54.25 and Ri.R0.
Popular Taffeta Silks
1'hr rage 10 r Taffeta Silk.. vuinue•s. There m.•
o won] gn,•lities 110fe 111 1110 wanted shades "f navy.
green. nigger brown and shot etferh, with a
idrudid rang•• 1.1 Hack.. all one y.ird wide, at pet
Tat 11 . .... ..... 51.50. 51.75 aril 52.00.
A Black Silk at $I.35
splendid Black Silk, flirt' satin finish. soft.
1 "1 V durable., full v.,til with•. "uitahle 1,1
reser., 141013 Met `nate and bet. it Air 1,.11-' -
1.eally 1•xtta •peci1l value at p1•i
,.std. .... $1.35
Shantung Silk 45c
Sp.rl ial1v tine quality n:uural Mhontnng Silk, a
{.Irudul w.t.her mold wearet. Pupil it for
was. 1-; width, par yard.... 45c
Velvet Cord Skirts
All (*.Wm out herities agree that Velvet Cords
8.111 be the popular "Wring motet -hitt this season
We are showing a Velvet ('onl stilt made in one
of the season • tent outing styles in pr•actiraliy all
sizes. White or cream (ou1y. perfect titling. sty;
i+h and durable gat anent,. Specially $3.50
priced tit only.. ..
Summer Hose
Big values at our Hosiery counter. Just
as good as ever, we have shown and dyes
absolutely fast. better than you wilt ,get
once present stocks are exhausted.
Children'_ Hose in black or wbi'e, per 1
pair .
Many good style.. and 11i1 tlit1», in Loth.
Hoer. black or obits-, pet p n
Nice fine ribted li-Ir thir.u1 11.n- fol _ . ,-
and • 11014n-1, sirongerwrove t.•r Ie 11.
Nies. sheer 11•I.' thread 1.1 silk ankle flus
for lathe. in black of whoa, Ler pair .. .
Ft• quality .lehea-1 ••r sL
Husextra intin1.11 s..'r. for1iladiets. rblackoc
For the Verandah
Full 41 .1 complete ...net of Verandah neces.itir..
Matt tags. r, g., 1 anat..) shad.,., awning matetiala
if 11 'kind... Let us figure on your verandah
Heed.. 1\ e ' u supply theta at tock -bottom
Awnings Made to Order
We mike a specialty 11 Awnings made to or,l.•r
8.117 totoi. any size, 'tor any door or window.
Mc.'. -menus t..kra and to t.euates cheerfully
tut 11 kited.
New:,Silk Gloves
Wrist xeIbor.lset
length fol;rt
per paw SOO. 750 and
51.00. -
Hodgens Bros.
Spring Styles
In Footwear
Both fashion and good taste
demand suitable shoes for
decry occasion.
The new shoes for spring
enable you to indulge thiel
taste without extravagance.
And with the charm of t'ar-
lety and correct style they
combine moderate price.
We want you to see the
beautiful creations we are
now showing.
Geo. Mac Vicar
North Hide Square (MJ1)KKI('H
so)MF:OF TiiP.
\\ F: \HF: 4)I'F'F.RINt,
One 4x4 Iron Gate complete with
hinges end�ju�.w«tA E3.50. now &2
Two 3� 1-2 Iron Gates, complete
worth $3.00, now $2.00
One EIO Mower Knife Grinder with
4x4 Gate with
hinges and'jntch,worth $3.50, now $2
Two 3z3 complete :
worth now $2.00
$10 Mower Knife Grinder with
two Emery Stones : now $5.00
Six Round -point " Silver Dollar "
Shovels : now 60c
Six good Stoves at Clearing Pricer
All kinds of Lowe Bros.' High Stan-
dard Paint at Bargain Prices
Everything must be cleared
The Howell Hardware Co., Ltd,