HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-5-25, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODKRIOS : ONTARIO
Every One Fully Guaranteed.
When you buy a Bicycle from
us, all necessary repairs, 'includ-
ing punctures, will be done
free the first season, and next
winter we will overhaul it with-
out charge. •-
, (ferried and operated by a practical Ulan.
ExcursionGoderich to Detroit
and Return
GOING Leave Goderich
Tuesday, June 13, 1916, 9.30 a. m.
RETURNING --Leave Detroit
Thursday, June 15, 1916, 1.00 p. m.
This trip provides a magnificent opportunity to enjoy
an all -day water voyage on the BIG STEEL
to visit your friends in Detroit.
FARE 51.56 Round Trip $1.00 One Way with Nom.
Children Hall rate
jinn'* f„cam, , . i„ '„sl.rich Hand '1.,,.t '. Iit..I lN f: lsh, $.11[I lt. tn.
FARE ONLY 25c • WHITE: ;'*_tit LINE. Detroit, Mich.
The County (iounc.l.
The June session of the county coun-
cil will open oa Tuew/ay, June ff.
Excursion to Guelph.
The annual excursion M the O 1•'ph
Model Farm, under th.. aueo:era ..1
the West Huron Formers' Iwoo ore,
will take place un Saturday. June leltb,
by C. P. It. F*n'.., etc., will be an-
nounced next were.
Autumn Assizes.
The itinerary of the autumn sittings
of the Supreme Court of Outatvo was
announced at Osgu(de Hall, Toronto,
last week. The sittings with jary
will open *A the court house, Goderich,
on Tuesday, September 'Ait.h. The
non -jury sittings will be held before
Sir tileubolw Falconbridge, curuwrnc-
ing Tuesday, November 21st.
to the
At Guelph
under the auspices of West
Huron Farmers'
will take place on
Saturday, June lOth
Time of I ny ing li,nlerich and intermediate
intermediate 'dation. will 11 ,
announr-.sl next week.
111, usual low railway fan, for Nalso remit trip ill ale, an-
m.uocwrnr•xt we•k.
Those referring to remain mv•r
Sunray nr- ke side trip, can
do w1. retro g by regulru-
train Mon.Liy. This w'ill,tpply
to all stations west of %Walton,
Ivaybl'lycorn-••c'nd enjoy
Sl Farm trip at this
delightful season of the year.
Further particulars will be an-
nouncedby posters. hand bills
and in next e.k's pap•ne,
JUS. A. \IALI611,
l' dreeent..
Se rotary.
Un %Vednesday: May 17th, Miss
Pearl O'Neill, eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank O'Neill, of Moose Jaw,
Sask., was united in marriage to
Lieut. Launcelut Edward Carter, son
of Mr. and Mr*. John Carter, of Hire,
don, Devonsbire, England. late man-
ager of the Bank of British North
America at Saltcoats, S*.k. The
bride is known in Goderich, having
resided at Clinton a few yratr ago,
and is • sister of Mr. James H O'Neill took tint place in first-class honors in
of this (dace. Mee. Carter will accom- modern history, second place in first -
p any her huel.and oversees next clam honors in moderns and won the
month. class prise in English and history.
Mr. Roy A. Walter was successful In
A Double Bereavement. his third year in arts, winning third-
Sympathyis extended to Me. and class honors in tuathemuics. Mr. W.
Mrs. F. . Solomon, -St. David'sHoward Walter passed his first-year
street, in the death of their infant son. work at Osgood., Hall, and Mr. Pfeffer
which took place on Thursday last was successful in his second year in
after an Moroi of several days. Odle the arra course.
a few days before ion May 1303) Mr. At 1lneen's University Min Augusta
Solomon.. father, Mr. James 1'. Solo- McLeod posed her third year in arts
moo, of Lucknow, parsed away in his with honor* in science. Mr. Edgar
seventy-eighth year. The late Mr. 'tswarts took high standing in hie sec -
Solomon farmed near ltiplry until and year in medicine, while Mr. Harry
eighteen monthago, when he moved ('ulortse, in flret-year medicine, and
to . L kn w to live His wife and Mr Robert Carey, in second -year
are simply kidney dis.rt.crs. Theki.f�te�s
filter the bloodof a:.t ll thsh,'0.J . l kle
there. The Mood pas.es t:,rouhh the kid-
neys every three minatca. It the kidneys
do their work no. impurity ur cause d
disorder can remain in the sir, ulatiuThereforelonger than that Therefore it our
bkxd out ut of order your ki.l,eya have
failed in their work. They are in need d
atimulati n. strengthening or skit -luring.
lite medicine will finest
do all three, the nest
ar.d moot imitated blood snedit;itoc there
Twin&litiAT, NIT * rim •
1 ioderlcb branch d the Women's la -
Istituto will be held at the home of
Mrs. Beattie. Brithout& road, on
Thursday, June 1st. at 3 p.m. A Food
atteudaut-e is desired. Dernoostretioc
on strawberry shortcake.
The welfare of the baby is the fond
I>•athert's greatest aim. No mother
warts losher little ones suffering
frocolds, constipation. colic or any
other of the many ills that ►u ninon
afflict little one... Thousands of
mothers have learned that h giving
an occasional dime of Baby's Own Tab-
lets to their children they can keep
thew well Concerning the 'tablet.
Mrs. Richard Boston, Pembroke. One.
says : -Baby's Owe Tablets saved
say little girl when nothing else ap-
peared to help her. 1 would not at-
tempt to raise w baby without keeping
the Tablets in the house.” They are
wild by medicine dealers or by mail at
2 cents a box hvm The Dr. `Villiuns
Medicine Oc., Hro l kville. Ont..
Are you
e s r
Dore t let it run
too lung, it will
lead to chronic
ittdigc.t.,m. in
the mear,wbile
you suffer from
numerable, sick
headaches, ner-
vousness. depres-
sion and sa11ow
complexion Just try
TABLETS. They re-
lieve fermentation,
indigestion — gently
surely rely elegem Oa .setae sod kens t)•
stomach and h roe
is perfect ratline* sedge.
t dewier.. 2se.. ur ko mai Iran t 1
Chamberlain Medicine C.. Tanabe
The Baptist Sundry whorl will be
held in the newly -equipped basement
of the church at 10 a. w. during the
summer months.
At the morning service at North
street Methodist church next Sunday.
Rev, W. K. Hager will 'perk from
the subject ; "One of the Sins that
Drive God out of Men'. Live.—Pre-
sumptiou.ness.” In the evening hie
direness will be on the subject "Phil-
The officer. of Victoria et a• et Mis-
sion Band, elected at the tecrdt an-
nual meeting, are : Superintendent.
Miss Sturdy ; president, Ruby Knight;
vice-president, Lizzie Adams : record-
ing secretary, Dorothy Smith : corres-
ponding secretary, Doris Harris; treas-
urer, Jessie Wilson ; pianist, Olive
Rev. S. A. Earthman, 11. D., of Tor-
onto. occupied the pulpit of Knox
uc a church last Sunday. At the morning
three sons survive. The sons are : engineering, who have enlisted for servic-, Rev. Jar. Hamilton, who was
Austin, of Lucknow. Frrd, of (:ode- 1 militar • service, received 11:rir stand- appointed Ulterior moderator b the
rich, and RicharJ, of Teeswater. i ing id heir respective year.. Preshytery of Huron, declared the
pulpit vacant, iron called upon the
A Mysterious Affair.
LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEFimmediate to lake imediate steps
Mr. William Morrish, the night- to have the vacancy filled. The
watchman at the Doty Engine Works, 1 preacher next Sunday will be v.
tells an intrre-ting ,story of what may The W. C. T. U. will meet in the Char. E. Evens, of St. Pauls church.
have been an attempt to wreck the Temperance 11 ll on Monday at :3 pow. London.
plant on Tuesday night, While the `Superintendents are rxpec:rd to give Some Revelation« el the War- is
workmen were at their midnight Inoch reportr. the subject of the address to he given
Mr. Mortieh saw two men enter the Mr. Andrew Porter is now acting by; Dr. A. L. McCrimurm, of Mc -
shop and hide behind some machinery. p1eventive officer, having been sworn Master University, Toronto. in (lode -
He accosted them and after tiring one in to assist the staff of the least cu.- rich on Monday evening, J•tne 5th.
or two *hots they tied trorii -the build- toms ontee on account or the illness of Dr. Mc('rimmnn is to pre-a••h the no.
ing. Mr. Morriab followedthem and Mr. James L Brant. nivrrsary wnnnns of th• •Bap•i.t
emdtpptied bis revolver at them as they
The 'lith of May was a very yodel church on Sunday, .Inns 1. and his
fled p Ne
wgat when they limbetrace
oa day in Goderich, but the we otter be- t 45 1°"'d b,rwwrd to wit'i int+i -
fence st the rear of the Colborne ing fine and warm the holiday was
f h
diately ramwencrd, but no trace o[ went to Clinton, where there was a
the u,eu .,,old be found. big military day. ever receive the proper ia(lance of fol
M brain during the growing period when
A-Vahabk Feature.
Sgt Account'
openedn__--LL'with the Union
Bank of �a la the
names of two persons,
Is that 11 one dies the family funds are not tied up
just when they are likely to be most needed. The
survivor can withdraw the money without delay or
'Blink It over—then open a Joint Account
Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager.
Hun*.. Chi -t Po•itlethwaite was noti-
fied and • thorough search was imm.-
much enjoyed. A great many u the NOT ENOUGH CHILDREN
townspeople Iprohahly earl at least)
I The regular monthly meeting of the to sufficiently nourish :'doth body and
Huron Old Boys Coming.
The Huron Old Boys' Association
of Toronto has for several years hien
in the habit of running ati annual ex-
cursion to this county., thus giving for-
mer residents an opportunity to visit
their old homy, and msny pleasant re-
unions have thus been enjoyed. Last
year it was found inadviralile to run
an excursion and many were disap-
pointed. This year the executive has
decided to resume the excursion, and,
though nothing definite has yet been
decided upon are to date, it is intended
to run one ou 01 about the S:h of July.
if sl rangements can lie ,dads accord-
ingly. Forwirtly the excursion was
rnu to (bidet -lett and Kincardine joint- ,
IF. the latter b•-ing to ace date
persons who had reridrd in the north-
ern par t of the count y. The destine- '
lions this year will 1 r (i detich and
Semis, the ..outhet n part vf& the coun-
ty being served in this wap. Itis ex -
i pectrd teat low rates will be secured
to both point.. Arrangements will,
also ire made ao that those who wish
to take a bat trip from Sarnia to De -
trait --e delightful tide will he able
to do ao for a ,.,,,all additional amount.
The ticket,. to litdericb will be good
until Monday evening, anti to Sarnia
(int.' Tuesday.
Successful. Goderich Students.
The results of examinations at Tor-
onto University recently published
contain the names of Mit. Mary 1.
T , Mies Florence A. Smith and
Messrs. "lt. A. Walter, W. 11 Walter,
Arth ur J. Royce and Muton Pfeff+r.
former studenti of the (indench t'o'-
legiets institute. Miss Tow, in her
first year in the arts course. obtained
fifth place in third-class honors in
sci lnee and wo-1 the Wellington
matt iculatton scholarship in wxth.-
nfatice, awarded by Tri .ity College.
Mir Smith, anot her first -vete student,
WEThe Grand Trunk Railway System
will run
Ilmeseekers' Excursions
March 71.h to October 31st
Tickets valid t0 return within two
months inclusive of date of sale.
WINNIPEG and return - $3S-1111
EDMONTON aid retire $41.16
Man toba.rates
and Alberta.
Tickets and 1511 oitocommo on swine •t(a'r to
Leave TorontoU
p. fm.Monday,
For Parry Sound. Sudbury, Pott Arthur.
Fort William. Winnipeg. Brandon. R4na.
Saskatoon, Calgary, North Battleford.
Edmonton, Vancouver and Pacific Coast
TI aro tvati �rswp oasedelfer' Crewe. Aopot, al It r
Suffering from
Ener troubled that -Oki' If so.
better consult a skilled Optician.
We will be glad t., attend to
your caseand guarantee the
best results. Eyes tested and
glasses sctenttfical(y adjusted
to relieve the strain
W. H. Harrison
Jeweler and Optician
n.dure's ct miands are greater than is
mature life. This is sia.nn in so many
pale faces, loin t,o firs, frcquedt colds,
and'lack of ambition.
For all such children we • nay with
unmistakable t-acnesturss: 'They nerd
S;ott's Emul,ion, anti need it now. 11
possesses in co,Icentratsl form the very
food elements to ennch their binowl. 1t
changes welkne'n to strength; it stakes
theta sturdy anti.strong and active.
Scutt a Bourne. Tomato. Oat.
away to • bicatto un a
31r. lett a . . r r,.,niek , f t'ie Pre --byte: i.e.
chu.,h+t 1:1, r... t- bonne for a few dost. -
Mr-. T. 1:. I.:ao't.114 Iaondo.'. is eremites a
4, del wch )lir. 1;. tt. Elliott; l'obourg
V.' an VC reed to :er! Vier. F'. J Pridhaun
at✓e t , bs ot.l .tomo after an Mile -s of a couple
L'eo..IL N'. Crow. M lergu+. spear the telt
day in town the gue-t of n: -.roe -nn-. Mr•.'.%n.
:Atrneban an 1 Mi.+. Lily Ferou+on.
\Ir. and Mr. A .1 Johnatom. of Whitt:ler.
are in l;oderich on ., vi -it t.. Mr..lnhn-ton -
luother. Mr- J. 1t. t'raigte. Montreal -ltee).
Mr. l'. O. Newton has her,. on the -or t ii -t
Lt oleo He dors not very often : t►•• a holidar
of t I,- kind .ua1 wr hall be glad to -,r Into out
., win
Mr. J R Reynold-. of the King 1 Iw.rd
hotel. l;nejph. w.,•, taken-uddrnly 111 M -t
Tum -day .end wa• removed to the ho -pawl.
where he underwent an ot•'ral ion for append I-
f ie
Mr. Victor lk•an M a patient .t Alexandra
bonritnl. hrebrw been npr rued nosed on Man
day fat apnendiettis. 31r 1,• an - friend+ will
he glad to burn that he ,e making Caul trod
Have You Got Your Crop In? 1
lF NOT, bring our eggs to the big Hatchery to be
incubated. your
eg%s aro now httchin3 95 pr
We have a number of galvanized brooders and chick
founts for sale The brooders are a "^bargain. The
founts keep the chicks our of the dnnk
Caldwell's Baby Chick Feed for Sale.
H. Keith Revell
1 _ WIC Kdna 1'rldkam. daughter of Mr. •1111Mne. yl'.l I ridham. .- .n Ioree.ti. thw Werk
undeoing an open.tion for aplxudn'ilie. NM
was'. cement ied by her p'ee'd', who will re
main with herrn the Ci , for a fr. . d.,y-
Just Received a Large
Assortment of
Hartt Shoes
for Men, at Old Prices.
Remember it's the shoes that.
(swot. not newspaper talk. We
have then) in any width you
may require.
We hay-.• an endless variety of
Women'', Drees Pant(. and
Mlipprre of all kindsat okl rises,
while the stock hods. Vino the
new high -rift li.srt, :M-inrh leg, for
A big stork of Wearing Boot
for men. w•onwn and children at,
old pricer.. But ilo not ,verlx,k
the fact that leather ie advancing
will b
every week and gond*
vers much higher Now is a
wind time 14, secure your supply.
We tiny for spot tenth. taking
advantage of every discount.
Von get the 'vantage of this
by dealing he
A tallotoek of inks and Valises
on hand.
Repairing neatly done ata
erate price.
Walters & Co.
Bseeeeran to 1. H. McClintee
Ontario Women.
(katbam, Onto—" ems time ago 1 hes
a general breakdown. minated it
quiteittera bad race
I h. Pierer'' Favor
ire Prescription war
me by • friend whir
wed it and received
much benefit. 1 be-
egan taking it and in
six months 1 war
completely cured d
my ailment and
have never had any
' return d same. 1
ran recommend tbie
medicine r being good, if one will give it
a fair trial."—Mea. Joe,' Amen'. 67
Edgar tit., Chatham, Out..
\Ir. 1.1„rd F. l',rthbert-on, or the=te•ling
l(.,ok. "ehringniM. ha. been appointed tat to
hr, e , he r.no.v.. mous's'e *1 the One If u, • lea
torder*,h.h-tri. l while they tale tb tr+nmwrr
..tel ton- He, - a( prv+enl relieving the man-
ager of the M..yne4d and Var.... branehe'
Monday , f lad week Ni.. ()I4s (told -
thorn, nriBerwrnl se oirrat 44,4 a(q-•n,llell w
at P,•'leaiey Iw+pital. rernntoHet 1. tenet. n,
(aoder,c4 will be glad to I,srn that then.. ra
lion erne .,vtie...t.,l *cd that her condi' mu ,+
rei.ert.d aa quite far orable to a -peed], 1,
cal w y.
At the first uymptome at any derange.
went at any period of lila the one safe
really helpful remedy is Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Pt..t. iptioo.
Thousands of waren in Caaada run
taken it with unfailing success.
Dr. Pierce's Favonte Prescription is a
inn friend to women in times of trial.
Tor headache. backache, hot flashes,
mental depression, thinness, fainting
�pd1s�aexhaustion',ltud. and exhaustion', women
isold sever fail to take this triad ad
Vin mamas'' medicine.
Prepared from nature's roots std
barbs, it coated= so sieved
nor any �r•det
tablet at . Write Dr. Pees,
larnade a Hl viell �, N. Y., te•day tar
Dr. Fiends Pleasant Pellets not may
es Meisel but the iwst Liras Lien P
het pet ftp saw 40 tis ere, by Dr. R. V.
Piston, hove bees puma imimied bot ewer
welds{ es timer MUM. flay'',
/may enplyyg, beim feria up d nor
*Ma emended ham the *vets d Asaerlean
pt ota De am gripe. One at two for
stomach emnsdte, tires et lett ler
The late Henry J. Murney. whose
death took place in lioderich on Fri-
day, May Soh, was the eldest sun of the
lase W. H Murney, of tinder ich. He
(.5011 10 (ioderich from Tor out o sever al
weeks ago in the hope that the change
would brae tit his health. which had been
tailing for 'tome time. For many years
Mr. Murney wasaresidentot Montreal.
In which city be was man ied to hie now
bereft partner -in -life. For the last et 1 -
teen years he had resided in Toe onto,
where he was employed with the
Turnbull Elevator Company. Resides
Elie widow, a family of oneon and
lir daughters ate left to wrn his
failure. The daughters : Misers
Untie!, Marjorie and Helen Murney.
and Mrs. Fred McDonald, all of Toron-
to. Henry, the only son, is on the fir-
ing line in Prance as a member of the
first contingent. Means W T. Mur
nay, of Goderich, and Fred. In the
Weal. are irothet., and Miss Murney,
of tow, , Is a roster. The funeral toot
place oo Sunday afternoon, May 7th,
from he home of the deceased's
mother, Huron road, to Maitland
cemetery. The services at the hose
were conducted by Rev. W. K. Hager,
and the nfllcer, of Maitland t.ddgs (of
which deeeaewd was a member) eon-
docted the ta.t teleran tins at the
graveside of their departed brother.
The pallbearers were : H. J. D. Conk.,
H J Megaw, t'. A. iteid, ('apt. Mal -
rolls McDnnalel. Ales. Chrystal and
Ales. Straiton.
The foundation is not the
most important thing
True. you cant have a i!ooi barn without a Cored f.undo tion.
tut duri t i::,a eith_ tt t!:^ rc.rf t..:3 t') :tar!d st t,f the
1H:ai3O•clin_at. Upon it fa::s the to :.n of refuting the
desuu tive Milt:taci3 cc s cathher and cl:irdrifg 1.ecsona
New, L?e question is "A./here am 1 gc.iiig to find a roof
which will c:ect thc,e c::ditiorl^?” Certainly not in wooden
e^inglcs wai(h have ral.idly deteriorated (?t:':r;$ the 1>vst few
years. N;'t in an%V.-.:4, so perishable as wood, nrr yet iron,
which lets in driv.i rata, but rather in a permanent mineral
composition such s3 Ilrantfor,l r;ciof ng.
Now, let us look at e tterticn of Brantford Roofing. First,
yea notice it hoz a pure. long -fired felt base. This is
thoroughly saturated 4. -4th a filer coat of asphalt or mineral
pitch. Then it is f,vt.' another coat. Finaly, the surface is
thickly covered with crew;hed slate. You can ima,a;ne what
- a job rain, snow, fire or heat would have penetrating a roof
like that As for cerrparirlg
with shingles on the score of permanency, or protection, or
appearance, or even economy. there is no t'ornparison. You
put a Brantford Roof on once and it will last as long as the
Wilding; it will always look well and it will never need
wet tat .s seed mai *amides "deo a raps rt awe booklet which omptg,n.
Mew p«.10, w.av use es theme ♦- 0, d gladlywEefl(4Mt,al.t ,
diene lase of peer Ilion ar Mane rod
without disco to ellisntiou
Brantford Roofing Company, Limited
Brantford, Canada
Sold by W. R. PINDER