HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-5-25, Page 4NI s40ty, MAv 26. 1916
Buy Your
Don't wait until
you get poor goods
at high prices !
Even if you are not
badly in need of a suit,
it will pay you to buy
now and save the suit
for later wear, and
when you buy, buy at
this store—we have a
large stock of good
clotting --the kind that
fits well and gives good
We sell boys'
good clothing at
fair prices.
Walter C. Pridham
Society Brand Clothes, King
Hats, Headlight Overalls.
In a'l c�•Intr!rs. A -k f r o.:r
TOl. S At VISER,w:.ich a i.: b•• serf tree.
2114 University lit.. Montreal.
MK. N. .1. \VIIYARD is
..u.t fur THC anti N A L at D fnenno ea
ender" kr' with aim tar .u0.rrtptts...
atastirrer". or )e► artat.iaa wW tw
1a11r prompt &troilism TOW/bowl .
«I demes Rural) r x
WNON taws t, Key"11.
Mr. Chas. Elliott was et Woodstock
this week, attending the funeral of a
cousin throe.
Rev. F M. Rowan. of Toronto, a
representative of the lewd'. Day
Alliance. will preach in Kraki.e'
church morning and evening Sunday. I
June 111,.
Mr.. N. WVbyard ani son Harry
have returned honer after visiting
friends at $rafooth. They were ee-
ct.wp•oi.d by Mliw Trot, Mn. Why -
ard'e aunt, who Is now visiting here.
Mr. Rainey Benniger is the ptrsa..r-
or .of a new Chevrolet r ar, having
pnrchasrd it lett week. From all in-
dications B.rney will wake • filet•
class chauffeur, being fea.less and yet
cautious. We wish him success and
all tee pleasure possible from his in-
The funeral of the lite Mrs Irwin
toot[ place here on Sunday, front the
home of her daughter, Mr*. Edwards.
'Ah concerto.' ut Ashfield. The d. •
ceased war a reeidtnt of Paieley,
whets. she died at the age of righty -
two years. Res. Mr. Hridgette, ul the
Ashfield Methodist circuit, officiated
at the funeral services.
ON Tui FAKMS. —Seeding is a slow
process. %Vitae we 'tear of *owe
being through. (others are tepoited as
not having done any sowing yet
Those whose tarsus are or. high land are
fortunate in a wet year like this. How-
ever there is rNnu for ontimism. The
country i• fast becoming rlothed with
verdutr. indicating luxuriant growth
and promising a bountiful hu vest.
Courage ' 'Chris• will a1w•ayr be a
time to soar and a time to reap.
Erwu).Tlt LE.tot tt OFFictous.—The
Epworth 1Atague of Dungannon
Methodist church has elected the rol-
1 lowing (officers for the ensuing year :
I President. Ifarery Treleaven ; first
i.vicr-president, Miss Lillian Mclean
second via -president, Mists Celia Pent -
bend ; third rice-presidrot, Miss Daisy
Ryan : fourth vice-president, Cecil
;Treleaven; fifth rix -president. Miss
Clain Sproul ; secreta' y, Miss Esther
Hasty : treasurer, Ralph Dirher : or-
ganist. Miss Edith' Treleaven; a+ei,tant
organist, Mi., Aurelia Bellamy.
(-N+Y.T ANfr IN.rt'RKD.—A very pain'
Ful acc,der.t occnted in the village on
Sunday. \chile Mi. and Mts. Wm.
Robb and d utghter, of the lith con-
cession of \\-cal \\'awanosh, were re-
turning f the funeral here, they
were met ►•y an auto at the edge ttf the
village, which frightened their horse
se badly that be suddenly made a
hound into a very deep ditch, taking
with hint the buggy and its (o•rupwnts.
It is miraculous how th-v reaped
from being killed, but tot -timid -1y the
worst did not happen, althoogli they
were vett' Pauly brei=,ed. 11!. K dm
A Specific
for Constipation
Rexnll Orderlies are a
specil.t for constipation for
;•copse cot ail ages because.
n.rving a toric elect on the
`o,we!s, ''u -&r use tends t•'
r, store iU se o-hans to their
normal activity.
F vin the molt delicate.
ch,'d can het given Itexall
lhdor'iea, for they are sate.
easy to ad ' 'stir and mild
in: action. Ao other laxative
is so go '.1 for children. Sold
on'v i,:'1••':•rt:aiDrug Stores
-- ISc. and 2:lc.
Ooderkh - Ontario
Tuwney% May >.
MAITtANn VoNcsw1o,l Nadas.—Mr.
and Mn. Aoa•r McLeod, of Cliatoo,
were guests at the house of Mr. Ed-
ward G. i g'$t Ntgday...ti
.. Mr. an
Mrs O. R Vonleeepent Bttnd.y with
frieud. at 1lrumil'et ' Another of
our y°uos urn. in the person of Mr.
J..usre White, j.".. donned the khaki
Una week ... . Mr. 1i. Armstrong bad
the tui-L,rtone t r h ewe Malmo: burned
down on Monday morning. The canoe
of the fire is a mystery as yea., both
Mr and Mr'. Armstrong ►eiog absent
110111 too zee at the time it took place.
Tut'RasD.(i-. May 21.
DgAril n►' A Fultif=R ltgmIDICYT.—
Re.idrute of this tuwuship w ill ram
with legiet of the death of Mr. Agar
If .uglitor, w hicb occurr. 4 at bis
home at l.rfrt:v, Siuncoe county, on
Tin ads y last. following a paralytic
rtruk*. Mr. Haughton was fornietl
• much -respected resident of this
township, removing to Simcosii county
about t -n years ago. He bad reached
the age of 'seventy-five year'. He
leaves, besides his wife, four daugh-
ters and three sons. The daughters
are Mts. Chas. McNeil, of this town-
' ship : MG.. Chas.. Asquith, of Auburn:
Mrs. Clement. of Toronto; and Mn.
Rogerson. of Lefroy. The sons are
Charles Haughton, of Toronto ; Rev.
T. K. Haughton, of Richmond Hill,
and Rev. 1•:.lwatd. Haughton, of
Springfield, 111. Mr'. K. Svmenall,
of (.odericb, is a sister of the deceased.
bad a few ribs broken. The injured
people were taken over to Mr. Si11i1i s
house in the village, whete they re-
mained a few days until tbey were
able to go bone.
Evert, 11 'over, of Grey township. is
spending a few days in this vi-inity.
Mr'. (:rant and one of her children
are seriously i11 with pneumonia. We
hope for a speedy recovery.
The stork arrived at John L Me-
Dowell's residence and left a little
daughter one day last week.
'l'ne continued wet weather has a
very depressing effect upou the farm-
ing cowwunity, as. many have very
little sending done yet.
The members of the Mist"' Hurons
who have heen hove helping with the
farm work have rejoined the Battal-
ion and today went to Clinton.
Atr inr:NTe.—When returning from
a funeral at Dungannon, on Sunday
past, ND. and Mrs. Cherles Rohn were
Severely injured by being thrown out
of their rig when their horse ran
away . Mrs. Thos. 11uuford noel
with a W4'101111 acr•ident this wcrning.
She had 'aken her Irtle.son to school
and when turning aroun 1 her horse
became frightened at a Kiel, dressed in
red. ‘• ho rr.n nut of the school -house.
Thus caused the hone' to run away
and Throw Mrs. Bamford out. She
wa.4.everely Gut we hope not danget-
t.usly injured.
Tt'te:uA. May 23.
HRtKF.a.—Miss L. Kearney Is the"
guest of Mn. Gilbert (heaves this!
week . We are pleased to know I
that Rev. Father Dean has recovered'
from his recent illness and is able 10
pre out again MIs Win.McAllis-
ter a under the doctor'. care St.
Augustine school is closed this week
on account of the measles ....The.
:dwelt E A. and }1 -'Ion M. Thompson
spent the week --•d with \Vingbam�
fruiend+ Miss Mary Staff'rd is the
geet of her aunt, Mi -s. Jos. W. Boyle,
this week.
Assent. M KWrINtl.—On May lith
the annual meeting of the 8t. August-
ine \\ °web's Institute was held at
Finds Hostth In Our Vinol
Collinsville IIL—" I suffered from a
nervous break -down and terrible bead -
aches, and was tired all over, totally
worn oat and discouraged but as I had
a large family I bs4 to work despite my
suffering. I saw Vinol advertised and
decided to try it, and within two weeks
I noticed a deeded mimprove ent,
now I am a well woan. "—
We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod
liver and iron tonic, to strengthen and
build up weak, run-down,
i. l' Ihinl' �, D Rist, ('oder
Silk Boot Hose, in white. black and tan, are here for you in three qualities, �att
Silk Boot Stockings are very popular for summer wear.
Ladies' fine Silk Lisle Hose in many qualities and prices from . 2Sc to Sec a pair
These Hose come in 8 1-2, 9, 9 1-2, 10. and the color is fast.
Buster Brown's Sister's Stocking is a beautiful fine Silk Lisle Hose for girls. It
comes in all sizes from 5 1-2 to 10, in black and white, at 2Se a pair
BOY SCOUT.—A very heavy cotton Hose for boys. Just the thing for boys who
are hard on their s2Sctockings. All sizes, at
TWO PAIRS FOR 2Sc.—Black Cotton and Lisle Hose, sizes 8 1-2 to 10. 2 pairs for-2Sc
New Wash Materials for Dresses and Waists
Read the following items and note our prices.
Printed Holly Batiste in 4 colorings, fast .....1Sc
Dainty new patterns in Organdies, in late pattern 23c and3 Scc
Printed Handkerchief Linen, something very new
Printed Voiles, a maker's special .....20c, 3Sc
Printed Seed Voiles, a great favorite 30C
Plain White Voile, wide widths ...., 25c, 35c and `45c
Plain White Seed Voile, wide 40C
Indian Head, at last year's prices ISc, 20e and 2SC
Black and White Voiles, in fang, neat patterns 40C and S0c
Prints, in light, medium and dark colors, 31 to 32 inches wide: every piece
fast in color, all Blues, Indigo -dye, at less than last year'• prices. J. H. COLBORNE
the home of Mrs. T. O. Finigan, lib
concession, West %Vawanosh. Owing
to the wet weather the attendance
was not very large. Miss It. Tboinn-
snn was re-elected president, Miss M.
Mason vice-president, MissJoaephin el.
' McAllister secretary, Mrs Sant
Thompson district director, Mrs. Tom
K,h'nson, Miss Olive Kearney and
Mess Mary A. Brophy, directors.
During the year eight meetings were
held, with an average attendance of
twenty. The financial statement
sh :rem teceipta for the year !including
a balance nt 3:C 'est from last year ! of
S '2, fll.-'and expenditures of tltll8.tt7,
leaving a balwuce on hand of $!.!:.1J.
Thenext meeting will he held at the
home of Mts. \\'m. NieAllist.er on June
7th, when alis Joh, of freeman, will
address the meeting. At this meeting
a ^t:,wel shower" is asked for.
I f R
\VguNgeiu.tY', May "1.
'NOCHEK RE-RNo.telF1) —Th. trus-
ters of S. S. N•'. tt have r' -engaged
Miss Edna Mar.Ewan, of Godericb, as
teacher of their echoed for another
year. The people of the section are to
be congratulated upon retaining the
services of so • fluent a teacher as
Mli.s MacEwan h.s proved to le.
PATRI"11.' \\'o Ki:. -The [TWIT berg
of the United Patriotic Society of
Oodericb tnwnehip will have a sewing
afternoon at the honer of Miss MI. E.
Salkeld, Havflrld Road, on \Vrdner-
dav, May :;1st. at 2..11 p. w. All
ladies err cordially inviter) to attend.
Anyone h.vtns finished garments or
!socks will kindly b ing theist so a+ to
prepare for the next shipni'•bt. The
Society is in need of old ulagsvin?sk
papers, rags and .r blwre. Don't .for-
get the ,'Idler Loy when houseclean-
lac s..IO`' sad Oscura' alit l. i Meets
Drina r. War doer vas bo asallarotm
w rier is Wa'sla.•
be totes try essrre-
sp odeocee br Arts uta.i orse mars dleurusi to gray.
.le mast .ttesd rase .res.}lta.
SUMMED 6C►IOOL .so cstovvr
*USUST saeasvlw
purpose placing in the Public
Archives of the County ,.
a com-
plete list containing the names of all men of
military age who have not enlisted by June
ist, together with the reason as given by
each man for his non -enlistment.
This record will be available through all the years to come and
will be open to inspection by the public.
Will your name be shown upon this Record and will your
"Reason" stand the searching glare and severest criticism of parents, of
wives, of sisters and sweethearts who willingly gave of their ren -folk that
an Empire's life and a County's honor might be saved ?
14111 your Name be l3andie4 arid your season scorned ?