HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-5-25, Page 3f ..M•..,..,.k... .�- y ... er Js•6/a. olyVsrt.+� _ v ..., F
TUVIYDAT, MAT a 1$1b a
bound or repaired.
All terdsr. prem Y i em 1.avtni
cess at TUI $IU.
A. lit TAYLOR. fit luavonn.
04)41•4144e40r M s 0A06•1'16.0.04041,411
Ottawa. May 311. -Lest the public
mind should be confused by the
wrangles of lawyers, the quewtloning
along many clues, the rulings of the
emu t• and the mw of perplexing de-
tail published by the newspapers, set
us go over the main pullets of the evi-
dence io the Shell Committee inwti-
gation. What ha. been brought out so
First,- -The Bertram fiber l Committee
so far as ita manufacturing members,
were concerned, was simply a quar-
tette of contractors for the British
War Office, whose agent was Sir Sam
Hughes. the Minister of Militia for
Canada. This group of contractors
hada rum of money placed to its cred-
it by the British Government, out of
which they paid themselves when
they manufactured any war material
and paid the stab -contactors to whom
Lhry let cont reels. In three contracts
and sub -contracts for the British Gov-
ernment the Canadian people have •
definite interest, because when the
accounts are adjusted after the war
Canada will have to pay her share.
This admission by the Finance Minis-
ter, Mir 'Ihomes White, if pressed to
its logical conclusion, not only justifies
an investigation of the Pure contracts
now being pr, h:d by the Meredith -
Duff Commission, but also of all the
trenuctione of the old Shell Commit-
ter, which, as has (wen said before,
was not little band of superpatriot.
doing it for love of the British Em-
pire, but simply- a very Much limited
and highly impromptu boatd of trade
fishing fur war bu.iuers.
Second, -By quoting rollers to the
British %Var Ufftcr, (molal• hared
on tilt fat prices of the armament
trdst dui ing times of peace, and stick•
ing to those priers long after general
competition by thou.a11ols of munition
factories had brought p1i.•es down to
more reasonable level. the Bertram
Shell Committee accumulated over
and alcove the amount credited Lu
thewby the British tish % ar
Office a
profit" of anywhere irn VI.-
to $IIMINI,1Ma1, which etranlrely
enoiigh they kept hangi"g around in-
stead of turning it in to help the Brit-
ish tovernment to finance other trans-
act 1011 i11 Canada.
Another strange thing about this
"paper prortt was that, although the
Shell Committee profe.sed to regard
thrrnsrlvrs as contractors for the Brit-
ish Government and Sir Sato Ilmgh.+
as their agent, "ruule.neactually made
a proposal las hand thr Eau -plias over t.o
for Canadian Pali iptic Fund. Just
herr 1 he I tett{un arises, W hat right
hal they. as cordraclots f o the Brit-
ish Governuaelit. to hard that surplus
over to anylealy but the British Gov-
ernment?.- Ait rgvally pertinent
question is, What right. did they have
to accumulate a tiuiplus at- all? 1f
they bad cut prices down to the point
justified by the increasing e pati
OAtoe-Aterling Bank Block. HamUten 8. test. tion and cheaper pr,vluctwn of war
3edstM:h. 1etepauue xt.materiel, they w;tuld have been able
Ileal Fsi.
;.tate Ia. end In.oraeos. to. show no such swollen surplus:
PRUUUFOUT,KILU)RAN &COOKS The belt wily to help the Nritieh Guy.
eminent was to save clumpy for it on
•RAJUII$TX104. soLIIITOR$. NOTABJkli the pricer low' war watrtisl. As a
PC15L1('.ITC. matter or fact, the Bertram Shell
lligoe on too $Quare, second door tram Haw (7•mliuiittrr pn teas, mere present ly ed-
• ttto.uert, l:o*icrM•h. ilea by Messrs. Thoma( gild !lichens,
rril.1* teat. to roan at toee.t rate • who were ••r.t ay«, f England by
N. Pxul o4Ia.1, 6.( . J. 1- ism., saw!' Lloyd Irene g.- to wit *it i111 it. Atte-ti-
tter11 J. their T1.1 tet.• 4',nut11 ''re sea. trvn-
�li. CAMERON. K. C., RARKIN Raniz•.l awl prigs ts.l. a Uig drop.
That, wucltot, outaty public. Uahce_ IR,dden:+Iry seat after Messrs.
0.0111tos 01IreI. Uuderich. U.ud,dour dr • Tliotua•' ati.1 11irhens. visit that the
Suuare. At 111144011 lb,.tefay u( carl, we." in ultimate -uestmation of the ='pater
other ua Arteit too.; ie. upn.1 by ]It profit we, d. -..d. -d ren. It goes hack
Buono. tOh, e- bout. a...m. to n p.n..
to the B• it -h W! (1t1I r where it
1UAKL8f:S t,AitKUI. , LL.H., bAat- belongs anti ' t !Cotes lawyers tusks •
lJ Mt, iuoruvy.,raid:.ur.OM, Uud.-- great votive. .•1 r1. han.ling uv,r,`a1-
rech. Lowly 101. r.0 a 10) P.1 Isla. though the l annmuneettient climes
4 1 SEA(iElt, BAIIHISTEK, SOL. 1441,11111•W 113 14tr in the day.
eyanoer. Both these res-eletiomm Were outside
4012111 and iscrum ( the Kyle charges. . They
\K. 11EO. HF.Ii.I':MANN, OSTE-
1/ PATH. .pectalbd In 4,0114e1L and call
�nrndimears. tate. :brook end nervouidla-
ordern e(0. ear. snipe pad tnruat. partial deaf
aim., lumbago and rheumatic ooudit/ua. Ade
told. reuse, r 1 without the knife. °Moe at
dwldetear. corner Nel-on and r Mt. Andrew'r
Si n -.de .
tmrtela. At Dome OlaesM ed r
ondal .
seg tielnrdye: any animism' by appointment.
i-� F. .1. R. FURBTER-EYE. EAR,
i)ss and throat rich Hoone.
. raraeo
sou Tork Ophthalmic sad Aural Iurtltate.
:91.10.1 Ar•1+t., liar. Nowt a•d 1 hroat Hospital,
tauidwa !Situate. and Moore*eld Nye Hospital,
Boden, England. Office, 'die Waterloo Street.
Stratford. oero+ih* Knox Church. Bonn. Y,
sI9a.EL. IItos0.to- 7to8p• w• 1elepbooe
drat 16• Uodertch. A11 it..traction. by mat
(oft al Signal office soil fen 1,ualt;y .
red w. hesideoue t.lepaoue Icy
11-k 1
1R BARttitlTCH etILIcirr'R, MOTAltli
l•t:u,.it, hitt-.
l/ kucr, \o;try Public
••Kr- air) Iluu-r lioeleri
S. � ntav he taken as good measure.
prea*ed down and running over. The
scan linguf the old : Shell l`ouuuittee
tK►iAlg MUTUAL was apiterently J •ctott'd before -the
,w t! U,e t N l' ti (°.-Farm .led 4olatad
t len Dtwpa rly Insured. .Itoy*1 Colas iulanMn 6o Y t0 give the
t.lm..•r.-J. B. Mclean. Pre.., deeatorth 1'.n.: (inset nuwr,t n chance to drop Sir Sam
10"1'014. Vine -Ire-.• Uudench i r °., it his -mat ball- germ bila 1ntu t.xo
lruecwn.-1..1-.Mctiregor.:4..•afortb; John Much ttorthte• In ether, word*, the
.. Urleee, Wwthrop: Witham lttun,lou-t.u,re; Govt -t1111)0-11 pate it right op to Mir
Julio lbnrwel., rolb4Rr" ; Jaws. KI."., SAM anal for Bertram Shell Committee.Peachwod
Peachy/ow Robert Ferri., Hat -luck: Makolw
Vire new eon), to the Kyr. charges*0 kwon.
Agent.: J. M. Yeo. Hulme -vile; Alex. and 1 .. it contingent revelations.
1. art , 1 'warn: ; %r ill+atm . 1 • y, .1010111 ;
Third, - -=Thr lies -tram Shell Coln-
tnittee, through ita imported expert
and factor Cuh•n.•11laeld Carnegi.•,
the 1114t1 will, a Kit• honer salary, whlrh
is, we 'whet e. r n,a!ney than he.
evt•t .'*w iu u 1 p no -fine in his life,
-the Bertram ShellCornmittee, work-
ing through Colonel David Carnegie.
was highly successful in *caring off
Colonel F i i•den it k N'chola when he
first proposed to make loaded shell's
in Canada. It Was not 1.0 xucces-colo
however, in *raring oft Lloyd Harris
and the Hti.si11 Motor Company wlvn
they wanted to make (:m0- fuses.
After these Canadian manufacturers
had been strung along until they were
thoroughly sone. they were given an
order for five hnrdred thousand time
fuses at reventy•flve rents lees per
fuse than the American contpaniea.
just to make diem be good.
It was III 'hi+ connection that Mr.
Harris, was told to ••ser Allison." See-
ing a roan. as every good poker player
khows, costa more money than any
other part of the Ramo It certainly
cost The British (4oyernnlent s lot of
money to wee Allison -he kept on rais-
ing 'eel all the time. Ap ropon of see-
ing Allison. it was Mr. 1'. H. Cadwell,
of the Arueriran Ammunition Com-
pany. one of the favored fuse com-
panies, who testified that the firstp
time be saw Allison was in comany
of General Sir Alex. Bertram and
t•o{onel David Carnegie at the Man-
hattan hotel in New York. From
which it appears that Colonel John
Wesley Allison was close enough to
the Bertram Shell Committee to travel
with a couple of its members and take
part in their conferences with United
States manufacturers.
Fourth, -Contracts for graze fuses
at $4 rash were awarded to the Amer-
ican Ammunition Company by the
Bertram Shell Committee at a time
when the British Government, through
Morgan & Coman was awarding
them to other United m•ndhc-
tunrs at $2.7t) each. The British
War Offlee kept eabling to the Bert-
ram Sstsll Committee not to aempete
.Ratemissing Morgan by ing the prise
on Atm is the United States market,
but the Bertram Shell Oommlttee
kept right on handing not the softrs
soap to the Aeriean Ammunition
Punta.l 1 0.7. clec.-Tres.8.afortb 1' °
K. Oluvhly , twofold.. Polley hunters rata pAy
a.ass.uauto a,.d get their card. rweelpted a;
H. J. )lotrl.b. l.'k,thu.,l Slurs, l'llt.ton. K •t.
1•stt. Unrrre. Iting.wu •[.test. Uoderkib. or
3 H. Ya•id'.It. , ra"urn. Ms) fit
'Ld v lure.. Apply to M. 0. CAM-
SBON. u..rn•ter Hwu,tltuo.treet. UoImlch.
rune amu Learnvisa: 13,1)1.0, tausidfan •ad
Ag01wsT, 1.. a!'sa,t a*D ItMart
PLOra' 1.1 AHI[.
ITT 1 hr (oean Aoc(d.ot and Uusraotee
'or1'ore°on, Limited. of London, Eng.
Fbt•ttrr *1111 Uc•RAKTa0 Bo*na : The 1:.8.
Indent, *sad Guarantee Company.
U6oe at rood -nee, northeast corner of Cho -
Meta and s.. (pates • st reef. Moos 17i.
UooMu H, OST.
Patents, Trade /arts,
Secured in A11 Countries
Writs for fns book "P.ITENTnn PIttiTlet•.
11O1s. 1.111 all shout and how to get pat
cot. RAW;(X'K & BONO. e.tablIshed 1077
formerly Patant I;ae. Examiner. Master of
nitwit laws. Rtwf.tcrwd Patent Attorney.
ore-, W dt. Jamar Sweet. Mont nal. Brunches -
Ottawa add Washington. Reprwnetauw In
an foreign owatris•.
Brophe3 Bros.
lie Leading -
Funeral Directors
sad Embalmers
Ordure eaeet.Dy at$seded to
at 611 hoer., sight sr day.
What They Do
DAvlsvttL1, Owe.
"I had trash's with sir Kidneys and $ladder
00 1 Rax • sample of (on Pi1l* and hollowed
due. len.. I (alt better alter the fest dams
and 1 kept carat thaw kw a mssot&
One ay. Mr. Slmpmora of this townatdd
me about the oruobid had with Ms
and 1 recueuaead.d list to G1N
wad gave him one to oaks. This wit dad
he bought mete for hi,uel(, aad both be
and hi. wife have derived groat benefit from
Gin Pill. are pr. a box or six booed for
$J.ya at all druggiad. Sample sent fres if
requested. t7
National Drug & Clionical Co.
of Canada Limited, Toronto.
Company, wh ch was Colonel John
Wesley Allison's particular pet. This
cuwpeny gut a contract for two and a
half million fuses, tem -thirds of which
were grace fuses, un wbicb the profit
is large and the work romporatively
easy, whereas the Inlet national Arms
and Fuse Company, which had behind
it the enorwousty rich American To-
bacco Truer, but no Allison connec-
tion, got two million and a half time
funis. -a mucb harder job with • much
smaller profit. This enlightened ac-
tion of the Bertram Shell Committee
in paying over four dollars for a tote
for which Morgan mai paying $2 71)
had the Meet of souring the British
War Office on the Hrrtram Shell Com-
mittee and stopping the Haw of orders
to Yamada.
Fifth, -The transactions of the
American Ammunition Company
were revealed las the Royal Comwi.-
sion by E. B. (',dwelt, who is the
practical wan behind the compel'',
and at present an righty per cent.
stockholder, and by 11.-njau(in F.
Yoakum, tine of its chief 1'iuwuters.
e ,
'! henr two men and E Basaic
k• an-
other manufacturer now .liurinated
fr the •uwpony, divided hooting
thea/ a comiuinslou of one million dol-
lars on an eleo en-ruillitiu-duller order
for fuses for their services in landing
the contract. These three represen-
tatives of American "big business,"
type. of their clays, bold, enterprising,
courageous. big in vision and also in
arpetit0, believed in profits going ant
coming. That is to say. they took
their p,otts out only in waking the
gu.sds but also by way of c :lesion.
Naturally the commission came
first and was the k-a.t trouble, so the
dry after the contract was signed they
sat down at the Chateau Law ier and
split it three ways. Cadwell, who in-
tended to wake the fuses, was setts -
fled to take 2-1 per rent., :t strait
11827/4,1410. but on that point he we as
firer ua the rot k of (,b,altat. Accord
ing to Yoakau1. who.* barmy cynicism
to the witu.•'w la,x provided much euter-
1 Lai uluen'. j`%dwell wis no neutral on
this nut j -rt. He waw "it whole block-
adr." Naturally Cadwell got the,
Aare he C131 1114,1. Bes.ick, the other
tuMnut.Ictu t'r, who, by the way, had
nu intr11t 0, , f wxuulactturing, stood
MIL fast 7,.'k rt. girt If, slid' >hrl llv
thrri'sftrl sailed away. Beiia 1•j.
Yoe ktem, Wall ti•I4.L piivet err aril
soldier .•1 1. r. tine. at 1.1,bad several
l'iui.di1411 11 )1417 c I ,t .la 1.r •yuck
after," pulled down $(7.:.,(10
The -e erre pretty good ptcfi a for
w/•n who lead bevel lilted a finger to
make fuse., bur they ale said to ire a
mere tulle leside the•peofitrit) MUM.
fyrtn, i:lg..\'hi -h allow plel.t y of i-oonl
tut rake -offs in bet weep. 1u far these
margins or profit between Shell 'Co111-
wittet', actin s.1110 the Itrtu,al
' 1- .t of production have not been it:
vest tgtte•dbythe' Royal ('ouont..ion,
Air. '(.on:. is is ycr. 4r. Nesbitt, toeing
that such t ischmottea would only serve
to gratify the llmh and betray our
Math, - Benjamin F. Yuakuw'+R175.-
1aN1 a';tya.plit withili a .op lit. Post
he handsel out !ct),tts) to Mr. ('raven,
who did the introducing -the, man
:who s1 -.-red him up against the Shell
Cou,utittee. After that lirbjamiu de-
dected $5,IN41 for versional rips -nate.
This left $41O,IN)I, Which Yoakum pim
ceettett to split two ways-$ld),1M111 for
himself. $20t,IiNI for Colonel John
Wesley Allison. Colonel John Wea-
k)* Allison also had people to "take
carr of." Acetuding to Allison's in-
structlooe, Y:.akwnt paid out of Alli-
' non's *hare of R'-?1,1NN1 these amounts :
' $,it1,IN111 to Kim/gip Lignanti, the fl'te
player, $1(ti,tssi to Mehel (:. Edwards,
Allison's si•tet-in law and secretary,
$10,000 to Honorary Colonel George
Washington Stephens, of Montreal,
land OM In Homo/it y (lodunel 11411.
ham Mrliain, of Valcart,er Camp
boo-. Thin leaves $2.,,1100 to be sr -
counted for. It probably rem*ina in
the Allis m tinily -the Colonel will
use it as cigar nay,
The $1115ani, to Min Edwards, Alli -
Iron's sister -in law-atcrelary, in a more
i toothsome amount. If Miss Kdwarda
did not have • good figure before, she
rert•inly has one now. We can well
Imagine with what tender an eliun
she will le regarded in the Allison
fancily and how carefully she will ter
guarded front fortune-hunters and
people like that. I'rivate secretaries
or the gentler sex seem to have found
this war a bountiful jade. Miss Rna
McAdam. Mir S*nl's secretary, it will
be remembered. hal 14 shovel with *
hole in the middle patented and forth-
with Sir Sant ordered $ai,.Nal worth
for his department, and now comes
Ilia* 14dw*rde. who pulls down $I05,-
(Il)tt for oteeretari,I work of even a
lighter character. Their sweet.. can-
not fail to c*uac a spirit of unrest
among lady ,nunuensisthe Dominion
over. Hereafter $15 a week for type-
writers will be counted • mere bags-
This evidence also disclose* the func-
tion of honorary colonels lionorary
Colonel George Washington Stephens
seems to have got $10,(1(0) her*nae he
WWI a rich man aad could therefore
stand • little more. Oohttlel William
McBean, who is also a rich men, get
$,Op) for no other reason than to
keep his smile sweet Sir Sam his al -
way. admired Colonel McBain's white
teeth. Judging from the evidence,
the Honorary Colonel's ditty to to re-
e.lve • eommiesion from Bir Sam in
the first dace and to take one from
ev*-yhody be mut ever afterwards. A
real colonel does his bit, but an hnnor-
•ry colonel gets his. H. F. O.
1 RAW Qum=
Toronto Cattle Market
Heavy choke seen ...$11.10 to $.II
(teary good steers 4.01 6.04
Handy choice etre: ■ .. 6.66 0.21
Hutchsrs', good .. ..... 6.IA 6.16
do. medium 0.10 3 60
do. common 7.60 0.00
Butchers' ouwa, ellolce7.60 6 26
do. good 7.00 7.60
du. medium 0.26 7 00
Butcher bulls. runic7.76 6 50
40. medium to pod7.00 7.71
do. bologna 1.76 Si6.
Feeders, 600 to 1.000 lbs. 7.76 0.71
do. balls 0.00 460
Stockers. 800 Co 000 lbs7 50 0 26
do. good, 704 to 100 7 00 7.60
do. used , 660 to 700 4.25 7 00
do. common. light . 6.60 6 50
Cutters 6.00 6.76
Cannons 4.26 6.00
Milkers, choice, each 76 00 116 00
do. medium to good60.00 76 00
Springers 00.00 110 00
Calves. veal, pal . 0.60 11 00
do. medium 7.00 0.60
do. common 6.60 7.00
do. gnu 4 76 6.26
Bob calves, each 3.00 7 00
Lambs. cwt. .... 10.60 13 76
Spring lambs. each 600 13 M)
Sheep, ewes, Tight 0 00 11 00
do. heavy and bucks 8.00 0 00
do. culla ...... 6 00 6 00
Hogs, welghed off cars .11.S0 11.66
do. (ed and water!d.11.35 11.40
do. f.o.b. country 10 75 0.00
-oronto Grain Markets
Manitoba wheat -Track, bay ports.
No. 1 northern. 81 23; No. 2 northern,
61.211/4; No. 3 northern, 61.16%.
Manitoba oats ---Track, bay porta.
No. 2 C.W.. 531/4c: No. 3 C.W 5314r';
No. 1 extra feed. 521/4c; Nu. 1 teed.
51 %c.
American corn- No. 3 yellow. Sac.
Canadian corn --Feed, 76e to 77c.
Ontario wheat -Ne. 2 winter. pet
car lot. according t • freight outside.
No. 1 commercial. 81.04 to 61.04; No.
2 commercial, 11 03 to 01.03; . No. 3
commercial, 99c to 11; teed wheat.
92c to 93e.
Ontario oats- No. 3 *bite. 40c .to
Peas ----No. 2. per carrot, 81470; at,
cording to sample. 11.25 to 21.50.
Barley -Malting. outslde. 66c to
67c; No. 2 teed. 6.:e to 64,.
Buckwheat -70c to 71e.. -
Ilye-Nu. 1 commercial, 93c to 94e.
Manitoba lour- First patents. in
Jute bags. 06 70; S.,onds. $6.20; strong
bakers'. 16, in )sat, bags. .•
Ontario flour -winces "track. Toron-
to. prompt 'hien, nt.. according to
sample, $4.40 to t47,0. In lute bag::;
bulk, seaboard. 84.41 to 04.55.
Mllller'd-('write per ton d, !fret!
ed. Montreal in a ,s; tea: - t
shorts, 626; midi rgs; $2.1 1 .
good' feed flour. 1,r. •. '81.70 to 51.;
" Wholesale Produce n
-Toronto rrh-lcaale •pric.s to th
Eggs --
Special candled ((art' 2'• to e
New lards. rax- art. . _ i
Mutter- I
t'reap,er)- I r • •. t , PHONE 56
Beautiful L
for the June Bride
Beautiful, Rich Linens Direct from Ireland
We feature the celebrated Old Bleach Table Linens, and
happy will be the bride who gets a good supply of these choice
Old Bleach Yrable Linens, sets consisting of tablecloth, size 2 by 2 I-2 yards,
-and 1 dozen dinner size napkins, in a variety of handsome designs, at the set
..... $10.00 and $I1,50
Special values in Separate Cloths and Napkins.
Curtains Make a Most Practical Gift
Handsome Lace Curtains, in Marquisette with insertion and lace, at ;111 prices
from $2.75 to $8.50 per pair
Beautiful Curtain Materials by. the Ward, now so much in demand, in the nerviest
patterns up to $1.25 per yard
E brordered r Beds
A rich Embroidered Bedspread
with openwork design, Targe size,
very handsome only $4.50 each
Special value in Irish Embroidered
Pillowcases, in designs suitable
for initialing, 22 1-2 inches by 31)
inches only $1.25 per pair
New Waists
Just to hand, some very smart new
Wash Waists, in the latest designs,
very, stylish
from $1.00 to $2.50 each
Niagara Silk Cloves
11 cCall'- Patterns
Choice tiatry I r
Ordinary .' i . :rue
Bakers' ..
Cheese- N. w', IargP..:
twin, . 19s, :$r ,,:,t
:teptenit r 1 , .. 1_ . ,1
Honey- 1 eat bate,
;tic; tins. to '8c ;•toot
tine, 13l_r; 1, ;1, tins, 14t
14c; coin'. . , . y No. 1. •
82.50 to 8 N••. 2, par, d.. .
62. •.0.
I'oultry Live ' fires!
Old fowl, l'' 1 .: _ 72'
('hirkets 1`r 2,r 2r
Milk -fed 1 2•14' 2'c
Meats --Wholesale
Toronto a-hrlro,te houses ars cunt.
Iag to the tract^ ;.s follows:
Beef, forr•neart•r.. .6t1.Ik►fo; t^
do. hie,.: ;usr•• .. 1.; 7 s
Carcase?. c:,ou • 13 7.0 -1 t
do. corhmnat 12 • 1
Veils. cum: ton . i.:,0 :•
do. nvxliu;., 14.70 1
d0. irawc 1::.5 t 1
Heavy hogs 13.00 14.,
Shop Ionia 15.04 13 i• ••
Abattoir .logs 15.00 16 c '
Jlutton, he::cy 10.00 1
- do. light 14. 10 1•;
Lambs, (coling 20.40 :l
do. apriu4. ,:,.h.,1.00 1:
Cheese Markets
Wnt,•rtnes .1. .N 1•---Pape,.-
7.300 boxca at 11 •+r, a rd4trif 1'
for spring c'u'es••
Cow•anayhll, Qu, .-14 fd'dt ori. ,
ed 1.7:70 packer. - of putter.
factories sold at J31,c, talent.,
at 26°lttc.
9t. Ilyacinthe. Que:-200 pick
of putter offered. All sold at
225 boxes cltcci.e sold at 1111c.
Belleville -1,117 cheese boarde.l.
1.500 selling at 114tsc, wafture at 19
London. Ont F.levtn factories
boarded 1.09. of cheese; no
saleshide u'rn' Its.• to 19 1-t6c.
Chicago Cattle Market
Cattle -- Recr'^'•. 100; market
steady; beeves. 14 10 to $444 25; stock
en sad feeders. 86 to 66.00; cows and
helferit, 84.40 to 81.60; calves, is to
Hogs - Receipt*. 6.000; market
weak; light. $9.00 to 610.10; mit,
89.70 to tin 15; heavy, 06.45 to till
rough. 81.05 to 09.00; pigs. 67 50 to
19.55. bulk of sales, 80.56 to 810.
Sheep -- Receipts, 600; market
steady; native, 8".75 to 610; Iambs.
f6 to 110.60.
East Buffalo
Catle-Keret p'• 600. steady.
Veab-Re alp' 100; active; 84.60
to 111.60.
Hob► --Receipts. ;.000; slow; bees y.
110.46 to 010.60, mired. 010.31 to
810.45; yorkers, Oft 66 to 010.40; pigs,
10.76; roughs. 6910 to 10.15; stage,
0460 to 1760
Sheep sad lam b.,e�-�-�131uLt•, 1.6001
active: prlces onoheaged.
ads a
Exceptional values in Satin Ouilts, import•
ed direct from England, beautiful designs,
at 52.25 to 55.00 each
Special values in Old Bleach Fancy !luck
Towels, in handsome designs, hemstitched
and scalloped ends, at
51.00 to 52.50 per pair
Rich Crepe de Chene Waists
Handsome Silk Crepe de Chene Waists,
which are so popular for dressy wear, in
pink, maize, flesh, (white, hlack, peach, at
53.50, $4.50 and $4.75
Perrin's Gloves
Millar s
Kayser Silk Gloves
i1TcCall's Patterns
Scotcli Store PHONE56 I I
MODEL 49.)
F.O.B. Oshawa
a5 .
- The Wizard of the Hills
ase ase
Do not forget that this "Chevrolet" climbs the hills and gets over the
roads like a Jack Rabbit, and always runs quietly and rides so delightfully easy and
its high-grade Carburretor (Zenith) and Vacuum Exhaust give an average of better
than twenty-five miles to a gallon of gasoline. Three speeds, forward and reverse,
and can he left in high gear 95 per cent. of the time and also that it is easy to
operate. It has a Foot Accelerator which does away with shifting Throttles or
levers at the Steering Wheel. Left -Hand Drive, and Centre Control with two
sets of Brakes operated by the Foot Pedals. Plenty of leg room hoth in front and
rear compartments.
Including speedometer, ammeter, mohair top. envelope and side curtains, clear
vision ventilating wind shield, electric starting and lighting system, valve in head.
and completely electrically equipped.
Ol•s' ,- • on -•ere paw s'ra.s -•0 • 41111111111
NOTE Owing to the g'teat demand for this car we would suggest plat
ing your order early to ensure delivery.
M. J. FARR, Agent