HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-5-25, Page 1"Softs of theAliet" containing the endosac goings of the allied nations. livery Signal subscriber when pastas for his paper for lin may have his choice of this feNo of music or • 11110 calendar. MIXTi-Z1ttHT! Y*AY--Me t>R3 -.414 44‘81 - 80D► KS. ONTARIO, THURSDAY MAY 25 1916 �y x Now Is die Tine ito resew for Ther bignal fur 1916. We thank those subscribers wbo 1 bave already renewed and promise all a great big dollar's wrath dur- ing the coming year. a THir NIOMAL PRINTING CO.. UMTTZD, Pv-sena THE STERLINGBANK LOF CANADA SAVE, Because --- Fortune favors the careful saver. et Z WAY TRY. WANTED.--i1tM:MIDBNTA01NT I'0 rolleet work. Nuthirg •o.ell. Liberal commh..lun. .lp(ly to Ix►MI\ION PLATING Ch.. Rerun. Ons. 12 a IA/ANT/At-1 NT EI:i.I0ENT 1 young men to learn abliotositnIng at good wort-. .Many .hap. twrdrd In ur f• le. Apply (:W.LINOW(x)l) $MIPHUIUJIho 0l►3l PANT. UMIT)<II, t elll.gwetd, 001. li -WOOL WANTED. HIGHEST PRICE PAID- -CASM OR TRADE. BRNMILLER WbOLLEN MILLS. (GIRLS WANTED APPLY GODER ICH KNITCIN(. CO. FOR SALE Dolt SALT-Vt(TROLA, IN GOOD r menton : al n twenty-three re.ard.. Ap pi)..: SILIN2LOF11 F. kili(i`I FOR IIAl('HING. BKKU•s TO -\V Marr. -.t Ito.1.-.Guild .n•.1 Pitt. fi-train-. t wo m( It, 1...r le.' laying strains know r. E.oco ill for 11. /a tuale<n 0mb white Leghoaa we kale m�aat rat a pen of ((acid a.41 ielemerr fee•a1e. 10 6rroo . eae.rrel•. ,cart .,rod d arra frun. Gal land. w fere dsrwe baa 1 !eland of :7s ewes i er year. Ft. at riper 13. IYn L'. 1 k1.,,nre bma!er mat. 4 to Build reek. n els. Keg- .t r1... ler 1.., Apply t► A. 1'AJ.OKK. Gyle.,. -e Il. tea. • E1.(i1 FOR IIAlY:IIIN(. FROM Hen. that Lay --We err prepared to .up- �pon. from 1 he Pontos. number of Guild hred.lo-h.o fee y'.t,aln cal Single 1'o.uh WbUR ehorn.. Settings Sac pet 1'; c r 13 per W'. 1 hoe -notal pen of .A.4.4141'- 411 'bee. w..yebFeN'ben. wand nit k loos Hanon tOral's. krrr4 e1 per I... Incubator too.* 'specialty. rotted. Pounry Yards, Phone 1 ow 112.• S. • vr: IHLWARiHA. Prrrprn-lor. •1r:tf. iAOR SAL!.-k1EUAR POSTS, A1.S0 r RrC. adagio. Apply W. T. I(1t) ZLL OS tf DENTISTRY. It 11. li. >IAcIN)NEL1 -- HONOR I orad,,..;r• Toronto liniycr.lty. Uradua•e Royal ('..Urge of Dental Surgeon.. • Hut ce-•or to the late Major m+Ie. Offices carnet tl•mt.re and Neer stmt. Gisler Yeti. PUBLIC NOTICE. If FETING OF HURON COUNTY 11l uoLNCIL The count it of ti. corporation of the county of Huron w111 meet 10 the courocil rho:ober, lu 1M low n of I:oderch.. 0 Tn••.day. the Ikh day of June un 'Lt. *t 3 o'clock N u,. W. L.t V F. • Cloak. Dated May Vtid, lilt `IVILKMN-$RED STALLION WAL- T`. TER BODY. • • WAR CAcend 11111MEN'Is DICI(AI(D FoR DRIVING HORSiM, If you want 'o rale cult. that will show good speed record. and be firer -els-. nrlvers, y.,u mesa breed to a Itee that -boa- three q.toJi.te.. and the Wittier ., ram 1. I he br •r_ WALTER. EDDY .a S. Canadian reebler ; 37.41 ata. oral. regi.te i i. I, aper•&. enrolled and rest -voted n. loader! -bred to Canadian book. WA LIES. EDDY show. retnark:.blr .lwe.l and is ureto0btidly one cat the 0..,-twe.1 .taluot• h. t'anad.. W *LTal: EDDY w111 .'and fer the leis -ea roe at his owl. dab e. near North -tree. Gear - rich. Prices! .ere toe to nano). Indy $IWA1. 1171 A. M. PULLEY. DUBLIO LiBRARt NOTICK-ALL balk. 1. las band. , f the puh:l • mad be returned tattoo public ubtary befu r Saturday. June 3rd. ■a the beim earhuyle wilt hectored for ....c►taku, w.dcleaning on Junco 3.13 ash and 7th. A POND FAREWELL HAI It GOODS. -MRM. A. NICHOLL, Ntrlasttatre.peepers-it no to do MIttad* ..f it our genet nude faun. u, hair or combings. shad .upplles pair for order... .r•la•tllle troet- luent. eleahlsg..te , and also boa tut snip [Met teaWttw. Aiaraprev erMot creel lie Omuta or ma..mte t'r.ant. herbed and ukr•.elloe- Ulf IANO TUNING. 11 w•- t', TAA VIA ht. South street. Dodctk•n. KIP. Hex mt. anions,: tedieuo,, d- its town. Tuning in lean. tn•.ide Hak accent incur dletai•ce. FOR SALE OR RENT. OODERICH B108 GOUO-BYE TO HER SOLDIER BOYS. Local Detachment of the Hurons Leaves for Mobilization Centre at Clinton --Sig Gathering on the Square Sunday Afternoon -Gifts for the L(`OR SALE Oft 10 RENT. -NICE 1' ('lrl'rAt:F: on Warren street. convenient w batbne, Very .naao00bk. April), to F.• 0.. N'EIR, warren street. - 11 tf VCR SALE OR To Rl NT. -TOWN - 1` SHIP OF li(H,F.HIr H estit•nty -three *rows, eoar.nlentl located ; -tone douse, hussy bars, eta. lot M. 3I aItla,.d oorltw.don ; Immo Mate ',wise -mien. Foe farther parti/niaro ape)) to tbe N ATiON.il. CRUST 1'UMPANY. I.IM- !TEI►. Toerrqgeto. or itft.ollchor., Mt'KINNON & HOWITT. Guelph' . II R HOUSE FOR SALE IN VILLAGE OF Al '1111:133:. --Seven nrtn., wa*hromn. LOST AND FOUND. ` • pantry and we.dehed : good cellar : barn with _ bike -lined stable ; smoke hgo�ursed, frame b ,lid - OMT. -A DARK -$POTTED ROI ND 1 new,' jrUltItAY P \TLIt SUN, Apply with tan Marl rented from home on oat, Id& 'ednr-d• ',enlon. May loth to infor,, ' &Oen a. lobe s hereabout. .111 be lhankhdly t • geesive.t W. I$LA('KFOHI'. Huron road It 1.HOUIsiE FOR SALE ON., BRUCE t _-- _-- - . _ _ - . Ls street:4s rot 1n.• gaud cellar and wood- .1wd, niter peril", and email garden. For forther .rt)eulars apply at THE SIUVAI. vF'FICIC p12 -'2t NOTICE TOTHEPUBLIC Having been desirous of enlisting for some time past, I have finally succeeded in making arrangements with the Goderich Coal Co. (P. J. MacEwan, manager t to take over and carr%• on my cartage business during my absence. I have therefore signed up with the 1lilst Battalion for active er- vice overseas, and I would respect - full solicit from the public gener- ally. and from my old customers particularly, a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as I can again resume my occupation. Any business affairs entrusted to their care during my absence will therefore be thankfully appreciated by tee. Telephone all orders to phone 41. A1.I:RED H. JANE LIVE AND -LE ND---LE T LIVE I am L -.penin( the King Edward Hotel Bars twill be prepared nn and afar iM to supply the public with �asMtHorns (or and Auto- � A RRSTAURANT will be opened roast door, where the' bug of mesh will be steed Y riots prisa I will she heeds tea, incites ad 1 & In cannewise. Joseph Murray Your Neighbor Khaki -clad men. Goderich officially bide farewell to her soldier -eons of the local detach- ment of the 101st Battalion last Sun- day afternoon, the town turning out en unease to do honor to the kbaki-clad lads, prior to their departure to the mobilization centre at Clinton. All preparations fur the event were mode on short notice, as 0 was late on Saturday before the order reached the local officers commanding the (lode - rich detachment to proceed to Clinton on Monday morning. Announce- ments from the pulpits at the word- ing servicer iu the churches, however, brought together at 4 o'clock one of the largest gathering* which have ever been assembled in G Jderich on a Sal - With Afters neon. The bandstand. gaily tetlecked with bunting, was placed in the craw t house park juin upt)0.it'• the recruit- ing mouse to this ll'orton block, and W441 used as the speaker; Meal -nun Rev. J. B. Fothruugbaw.acted to chairman. Af er the National Aotbew had been reverently sung and the object of the meeting hod been explvined by the chair Wan. there fullowwl epeecbta by Mayor McLean, Sheriff Reynolds coil Mr. W. Ptoudf.x,t, K. C.. all of w hour voiced the regret of the citizen's at the expected departure of the sol - dim, and bespoke the pride and con- es truce which the citizens had in the Gods, ich detachment of the Ililat B•t- wliun. A feature of the program sea, the presentation of a picket -mirror to rack soldier in the detachment by the Daughters of the Empire, and of mili- tary • wrist -watches to Lieut. A. F. Swtdy sad Gunner Alex. Straus* by their fellow-wrtubets .if Huron Lodge. N.•. tet, 1.O.11.F., MI. fl, C. Munniege snaking the latter presentation on be- lie': of ii tarots Ledge. 1t was also an- nounced Vert the Ladies cat the Wer Auxiliary i',iendrlt to Ineeeut each Man with w pair of sot Its, hint w* the.e 'vette not quite t wady they would be mint ID 1Mi-rben lata.r nn, Lire'. 1 -awe Helixes i ngton-replied on behalf M rhe soldiers, tb,entmff the dt's•as . f Godericb for lire many klndc,ese* reeefved at. their ben ir. Three cl.r.•fa. for the men in khaki wete given by the a.arml4eg., and the et1d,.•,+ rrrmru'•.i three heady cheek fur the ieoplr of Giodrtieb. Alter the national anthem had been reverently sung ar.d the (Alert, of Abe ninetioe bad been explained by the chairuen, there followed speeches by Mayne Mclean. Sheriff Reynolds and Mr. \V: l'roudito t, K. ('., all of whom voiced the regret of the citizens at the expected departure of the soldiers. On Monday morning at. 9.1.i u'cbick the march to Clinton was beitun..thr route around the Square and almost to the end of Kingsu,n street being lined by citizens, young end old. owns hts home,1 He goes and comes when he p:eas.,e. 1f his house nerds rypeiriog, he sees to it. 1f hie lawn needs digging and re -sowing, it is done. If a new fence is needed, he erects it. All there end different other things doe* he do and all is to his advantage. Why ? Verrone be owns this property upon which he dwells. One day he found money as scares as you do, but he gathered together what little he had, probably$ , protahly i:idl, and he bought a TOWN LOT. Each month he inside a small payment and very swan he found that the Int was his, clear of all encumbrance. A little Inter he built a home and today, by setting aside a portion each month he is "landlord" *4141 not. "tenant." You can do the Mame. Come to us. We will tell you how. We have town lots at a bargain, ea well no hours and lots complete. War time is the time i le buy. Mee us today. REAL ESTATE. Our 110 1. too oamprehe•e-Ive to nnhll.h. and. believe .1 there err -oma people 11 .Una moth em now who are offering properties et .nth • sertrkw that they dont went their nrighMr. 1 r* knew It therefore we w a t hbold coo 11.1 from p.blk-.tlon. het 1f )o0 think we are j.tk .ea *hoist the match, nail and w us : let es • w 70.. 11'* have Ilse good. te deliver end aro bete to deliver them. DO YUC want to root A bonill Come toe.. We have thorn. 011 1 \NOle. We kww of a grad .repo.( baba antornnbW to b..4 .+ft.sa lr which ma be bow ret Asap. or might 'eoeb*age •. town pro l', Wb. want* 11 1 FARMei We bate bad enlri� g.who ken for i far rata t Oers Is. 1kgMamMr IM apes. Jai en tie minae, O'NEILI. &COMPANY, The Real Estate People. North street. Onderieh. Map. s Ia i bort and Me. , L Horton b eilesaan•. car. with Mr.(iee. Parlor acting se "chaperon." Shortly after the detachment • left Tray int'. Oarmese rain Iowan to 1.11, and_byi the time ktoltmeeville was reaced w were quire wet, as they Ilsarcbid with their gteatoata rolled. At Holmee,IHe bot tea and biscuks bad been prepared and were served to the Jaen in the basement of the Metho- dist church, and another orange, teem the previous/I mentioned supply, !wiped to refresh the wen for the Inst stage of the journey. Before leaving Holmwv(Ile • item ties cheers wets given by the men in appreciation of the kindlier. of Mrs Horton, 'Mrs. Elliott, Mr. Porter, 1)r. li.ilemaon sod the Hula3eetrllle huller. The search from Hulmesville to l'lintor. was made in downpour of rain, with the road in wretched con- dition. Clinton war rraehrd at Y p. en. and upon arrival the wen were immed- iately taken to their billets. At 5 Wel irk "fall in" was mounded and in- strurtIon impacted tor the guidance of the troops during their stey at Clio - ton. The houodery of the corp.'ration i. n111de "out of hounds" for soldiers, so that any man in w,itorw wishing to Irate town must hey, a pass. All w en tuurt be in their bidets by flip, 01. or have a pass. A bill tilelo.n1 of fifth -five men is told oft daily to act as picket for the follow il g night and military police use pet.olting the .u•relr night and dry. "Iieseillei' sounds at ,0.3) a. w. and "lights cul" at 10.1.1 p. w. Men a i-htug to report . ick sumo, parade at 7.I:r a. in. and un- less they receive a medical sertifi`ate of untituras must pat ad.. fur di if). THE 'MARCH TO CLINTON. Half of the Trip Made in the Hain-R'e- treshments on the Way WTrtt Tnti(inoE.A1ru,DFTAr'H3f1 er, 101ser BATT.11,1oit. After leaving Goderieb Monday morning the trip to Taylor's Corners waft wade •'wit lout a halt. At the Corners the detachment broke off for ten minutes and each man was pro- vided with an orange from a supply of a couple of crates brought out by AUCTION SALES. / 'LEARIN(i AUCTION SALE OF . HoesEHuLD FURNITURE A N D FURNISHINGS. MR. J. W. IIW(k - will sell by public auction at w re,dieaee. Elgin avenue. Goderleh. on MONDAY. MAY lath. commencing at 1111 riders .harp.4fe con - tenni of the hon.e. r•rn.lrtlna In Pc 1 of : One parlor aulte. 4 complete bedroom. -mite., 1 flow.•r d nd I a . I ball rat k. I dining( cable, w db, mg chair.. 1 Radiant home heater. 1 goal kitchen range end tape.. 1 bandrsg Lely Y par ler tables, I whatnot. 1 .IdeboaM. a klteMm chair•. I rocking cba.r•. kitchen tables, wa.h- Ing machine. rug••, c*rp••t•, r,tr1*,n• certain .t reicher. kitchen Mosul-. pictures and numer on. of her art Ir le.. I'bere will be no reserve. as Mr. black Y lois Ing (%odrrkh. Term. (-soh J Proprietor. TMU A GOBI s,r U(1TiON MALE OF FARM MTO(3K, J`1 I341%10 ENTS. Ft RNITCRK, RC, • Mlt. CH.Va. Ull(VIN h.- In.rrtcted 1 be nn1erdrned to .ell by Imbue e anetlee at lib farm, IM 11. r..nroalon. 1. Wont w aweno.lb one bolt inlb our, h Of Nile, lie THURSD.%Y. JUNK' 413 •1 one o'clock. the followlnt penperrs Two general parpo.e n ,ter.. 3 and 1 year., matched 1 there year old da ah sole. broken •ing a end double 1 one, blear. old 1 new, 7 yea, obi ; 1 cow. 3 year. cid 1 1 woyar- oIA r.. 1 mos ye•rold wean, 1 me -roar old her.. f roan rnIssa. • number of young 1 Rain -aeon, 1 Melmugk)In beery. 1 robber tired be r (warty 0010). 1 mewing *115 l bine. 1 milking dew.. 1 key rack. 1 bay rate •nearly newt 1 pole brebRleR11/LM., 1 cutter. 1 t.rnlp .ower, 1 waffler. 1 In Caudle. 1 err h. 1 pelper, 1 grain Arlll. eel Mee Narrow% • •smlrr of eoreent.r • took- -kknry��.. farka, cisterns, crowbars, amides. ebeeels new kettle, grain bade. fannlag aql, wood rack abs emeriti, 1 Aoub$. est .01 fano 1 drew Met Mehr hareems t .Inde .0N* Irf keratel. of oat& 1 ltd. -144m Leve owner, met 1 bad re om .Ire, chair. table... 1.11111041..leer lame plash and lege lumber and ether .mea Saw .1 n be without kmarve. •e lbw tarsi r aoM Tzars All •nuns lit tN ted ander, 93Mk I Reduce Tinter investment, and hu over this ..o•mt. a msathe bnoredk wig be �tsom m rernrgr *perovwd jelnt omen: =set -fitting garment• from Pr A .ereent of 3 per tout per aeon= off fear rasa. P. J. -road.. in Gcd.rleh 1f you CHAII O1WV1W1, TUOO.om*D7tY. like. 1r* by our .=pert nutaid. wboN- Rgassfsr. AStbeew. t sale 1.0110 . Rs a glee .amyl.a . NORTH HURON LIBERALS. The annual nteetiug of the North Huron Liberal As.neiation, as consti- tuted for Federal purpose., will be held in the council chamber. \Ving;law, ori Tuesday, May 90th, commencing at"2 o'clock P. tn. There will be the an-. nual electiou of officers and other busi- ness. All Liberals are incited to be present: THE TOWN COUNCIL. Liverymen's Petition --Settlement of Rail- way Switching Difficulty. The regular meeting of the tour' conncil wa* heli list Friday evening. All the members were present, Mayor Ye Leat+ In ibe ab1F7► j :, ..r' • . s Tn. local li.eey raven --Berry $towe, T. M. Davi. need Taontae Sweets - pet itiontd the council to trace o bylaw prteseJ*1ipula•,tr.g ,fiat "anyone lin - l Ing any hitter anti rig 01 x1110 Jnr matt)orpay' he rrq•sired-:o lase met a Ir - cense. The petit Meets rxptes-.dtheir willingness. to pay tin •apnmal lee .it llt.ti for such a benne. The reejne.i wise referred to the special committee. A letter fr Fred \\'; Doty. man - suer of the Ihdy •Merue'Engine k Buller Cu., L' 'tett, with reference to payment of *2,1011, due en May 1st, was referred to the Soignee committee. The public works committee re- ported that a "towline tank hod been installed on the Street at the('hevrulrt garage and that Mr. Fur had given a suitable tamd to the town. The re- m a o d. Boort as d p e +• The cemetery and parks eommittee reported that it had given Mr. G.Ihert peruliasion to cut down a11.r in front of his re.i.en"e un Hineks street. Adopted. The ial committee recommended that Joseph Fisher be Mowed a re- duction of all) on his cold -oil license. The report was adopted. On the suggestion of l'ouncillor ?fitter the clerk ens instructed W write last year's lessee 61 the town freight sheds at the harbor in an ef- fort to secure an immediate settlement of the rent. ('ouncilor Manning, made refer- ence to the recent tweeting of the hare hor eom inittee with Mr. Arundel, of the C. P. R.. and repented the tower. minces which the c„mmittee had re- ceived, relative to an early settlement of the switching artangeti,eets at the town freight sheds. Councillor Mans flings oleo stated that Mr. Arundel approved 11 the plan to glee the West Shore Rslilway runniog lightsover the C. P. It. bridge. Councillor Wilson made inquiries surto how the work of the eo..ensnr wasrngree*ing. "We are generally a little behind and it is well to stir up this matter," he Reid. The e.sr*sor weft not present and no infnritiatiou from any other . -re was forthcom- ing Councillor I'altridge penlight up the duration of the arreedoweo of taxes and a motion was pawed instructing the sa.ra,or to have e, .tatement pre- pared to lay before the council at its next regular meeting, showing the names of all ratepayers who have not paid lip. O uncillnr Wigle directre! the rosin - cirri attention to the feet that In 1017 the waterworks debentures would fall due and AA the Hydras -electric deben- tures had been purchased iron. the sinking fund it would be nes-emery to sell them to meet the waterworks de- bentures next year. The matter was referral to the finance committee.The mei works committee utas in- struct to make arty necessary re- pairs to the sidewalks, The council then adjourned. Pure fruit flavors exclusively are used In th.'flllinlr. for 1.{ sett'. Cimino. rates which are .old wnd teed ' by all Rexall drug stores, Q Dun - ilop, Godes-lob. Senior Judge of Huron County • LEWIS HENRY DK'KSON was born at F'wkrnbaim. in the county of Lanark, in IMOD. He received d his .early rdncaturu at Pembroke and later gradtuttld fent Kington Collegial.. Institute. He studied law in the om.•e cif Thomas lesson. K. C.. of Pembroke (afters arils Judge lJe:Leon), and attcrwanls in the oilier. of Hector l'a$urmn. K. l'-. of Tonna t.. H.• gratlnatctl in haw in 11744 azul in the earns- year ciao rrene.d the practice of his (ir+Ifr•atiton at Exeter. in thin c.rttnt�j where be ptpthtn/•d until hie ap- pointment to the senior judgeehipof Hums cemoty'In etn•cewsion to Judge Doyle', retired. Judge. Dirkrwt hots taken t oath of office sod has entered a at the die- charF''e• of hie new dut�ieIat,, a lkell o sot. , taken ftp Iunidence lb. town 'flabby intew1a b the moms attwtls,rrao. -- KHAKI WEDDING AT WATER-jTHE LADS IN KHAKI. FORD. e a lifter's -minute rreonllang addrer, his reasisa. In wbk made it wan n1 for 1 be ebirkere. He is evi- dently at it, and always at is. Mr. ■lid Mrs. ft. J. H. Di Long te- n ived rrtrhtly a letter from their eon, Wm. DeLo,.g, who has been in the West the pest live year*. stating 141st be hiss enlisted for overseas /seeks 4m til.. 175th Battalion, Medicine Hat. This make* one cos, two sone -in-law, one grandson and seven nephews of Mr. and Mr*. UeLon who are sow serving their Sing sod country., WHY THE BOYS WALKED. To the Uttar of nut Sigorl. f-x►s,-As our boys in uniform were about to lease Godes tell on Moodey morning large numbers of our citizens Iwgan to gather to hid them farewell and tiodspued. As the weather war very threatening a few gentlemen in- terested in helping where help in !r- ewired atnsulted the officers in charge an regard to taking the men tai Clinton iu autowobilr.. Us deriding flu matter the gentle- men mentioned gut busy to secure the can nquiled. with rete gratifying succew,aud wash t.. 1.e.fir: ily thank the car -ower a for their very generous lied pa- pt cc -operation 10 rhe effort. Many of these owner's quit Lly agreed to menet, at great permuted lnronveni- encr, while others owning can, but unable to go tbenorelvee, tendered the use of their ears if suitable driver* could be found. The generous response of all ie deeply appieciattd by• those active in thy. matter,. Our tri*nks are also due to the young Indies in the BeII selrq.bone office for their assint- noes in quickly rounding up ear- n*? tier*. How ever, it is to 1» d. eply n grt tttd that the energy and gencr.»ily of the - automobilist. of the town i1d not meet with the approval and assistance of cosi thin people who probably thought they should, have been.- conaultad, though their twain effort at 'assistance during ail these wnxluurstilues has Leen latge,ly of an onioniral tU'n. Through their instrumentality' the loos were obbtiged - to hilltop the entire distance, while • we are oath -Heel a lift on 111x- was' would boor been very--ar•rl.tat.le iu the and a privilege as well as a pie t a r the geotlrwrn who furr.ishwt their ear,. Gett,iuly the pestles blocking 14i undertaking did not weer the uni- form, and ser Ines tfine do not ucd.,- 'tend the assumption of authoi try. Neither did they lute a twelve -mile tramp over lieu remote and ander ons • plrr.ant ss.a'her cuutli pen-, and we holm that , Ley Reef *.Lends lit *al isfac- t .•n in the I321 that the .boys would I r�'el\-.• a..lt l'itrty• n,. Wet ing due to the fool Whlcn•h.lt heavQ;y dal mg tie day. If. J. Moo.'m W. l[f 1t'a,wllly you want, nee Hlieck-- storie'. dish -toils i r clean' for till occaridne.. I'tutt,e _0. ---- Men of sedentary hallit, find Rexall Orlrr.liri the idea, lexative-their ac- tion to•ins gentle and natural. Sold . only by 'tiered' drug trot es, hic and S;c boleti. II. C. Dunlop, (iod..ricli. FOH Mlt F:.-1'h.iltr potatoes, Beed bt.in. at d L',Olg huohpla of gond teed barley. All kinds of Held and garden seeds at (to.ts.•1'4 warehouse,li,dericb The Next hest Thing. ' A ho.l'ilal fluter Woos testing a rol- unteeron his ptacltcal knowledge of first-aid w cat k 'Now, what would you do in Cane a man collapsed - ' she asked. "(iiv. huu tome Mandy, mien," re- plied the Hui. "But .up t►. you had no brandy 7" '•Mute, then," .be answered cheer- fully. "I'd ptouoi.e him otos., mis&" GUNORY'S AUCTION SALE LIST. Liept. Walter Saunders Takes as His I - Bride Miss. Angie Gibson.' j Private Fred Hiitre•ttsan. of the trrvm The 8fmc..0 IG flit nlvr i (iud,'rich a psbj of the iltgnn,, 10119 the peptone wit* very much 1 I.i'.rwl he his frticay•wonlrrn in the 1 1 bitmli of liteciv,l .rt elf* est Ottawa in rvidrnce at the u*,,!intt"lit' iiwr, `whi•It' hr WI9.eu•ployr.l 'p10rr to his %V, L. Mainndrra find Mi.. Angie Gib- 001101iII, lit, holo Helium h... received h(.Ii at Waterford. Wednesday. the 1;1-t' work n rnngrnhllatiey' letter lir•, lith inst.. at 3 o'clock . The gnsnm 10 I peeled lye a military 141 1st-watl:h .one of the most popular and ..Mcient' in a silver ra-r. 4)111011.14 in the 133,'d. Notfolk'o Own. 1'hnugl hi. boliie 1?1111.• i* (ioderirh, i wrcbim hint by right of adnplinn and 1 Mr.. William,, St. Vir.c.•nt 'strict,. now -in rrlar,•tugyr Jur 1ti, bride 11 Te; ha,,r•r•r,iv.•,I w cable pdvialtlgt that het' yf W*'ertord'.. fair,»t and ' rase• The neplrcw, 1 tudley (`, 1111) rant, i.f the h of the bride'N father. Mr. 1t. It •;anti Ih*t•alion (Vane iiver) retorted Gibson, the principal of rGra . public !missing auApril-bl. i, a ai..eiet of school. w;,. ettra ,tir.ly „ de.nratdd : ear itelirrwany an.t ie well. With- 11 tg- and bunting. aN well as choir rot 11 twine.. The ceremony WAS Thr Icc*1 delachm,•nr, in rnnuuand pred•wn.rd t,y Rev: R. 1t. 1'itoh, -{' °trite i 4 Major Remnant 111.4 hrnJr.t try I rte 01 1h,• hc'vle, beneath an arch domed ' bugle trend, paraded to the station on with the U • .lack, Miss Jean Mc- i Felinity id 2 o'clock 'U• torr[ Lieut. Krnt.i..of Niagara Fa1L, pi tying as the • flu 11 G. Rrew'er, she of the rrturnt•il wedtlu,g march LwohengItria "tidal here, lit the war. Lieut. 13resver, song. Dueing the signing of the reg- • who went over with the lith Mittel - later Mee, Frank Maw,Jrr,• Nang maNr ion (Muuheall. is w nrphrw of mu.. L. acceptably ••0 Poorni•e Me." The wed- E. Uancep and crime up to taste a ding party consisted, i11 a tdittnn to ' brief vieit at the Dsnery home, ami the shove -""'"I rd. of Mr. and Mr.. I he was g•ratty rnrprised on hi. arrival X. M•utl•le,a, Parents pf ;he groom ; , t find the' midiron at the station to Mr. Ftark Maunders. b,nrl.er ; Misses'trceive him. Josie, Alix and Agnes Maunder*, vis- i Lieut. Brewer WAS in Frrarrcr sliglat- 1en. ell ot(iodericl;: Mr. \\'m. Gibson, ly over a year and .vers given c\ (ur- grandfather, Mr. and Mrs. F. McKee-' lough on account of. 'shell shack." zfe, undo .n,•l suint, and Miss Alar- Heft nl,ated a* a pi irate .o.1 won his guerite McKrnzir, cwll4itl of the bride, I way to the lieutenancy he hoc Is. He all of Niagara Fall +: Mr. and Mrs. An- was in most 4)f tato itinerant logic.. drew Oliver, Galt; Mr.•and Mrs. Joseph I in whirl' the Cwnadiaus w.•r.• engegod Wrigley. North Uumtrie.:.,\fr, wnd I -8t, Julien, Featubeit and cohere, Mrs- K. App+. Parity ; Nes. Kna Irving, Of the or igtnal 1101) men of his bat tat- Mimcoe ; Capt. and Mn. W. L. Health, lion 1'3i are all that are now left at the Miwr.w. and Mrs. E. R. Fitch, \Valet• hunt, many having Niel grounded The ford. I and other, to aallrd Jur vat ilius ppur- T11e luncheon was delicto. and was e11, while M • have given Ihet1- isreed -in splendid .tyle by Hosed' ivrs for clic causeHe .tate* that the Bro.., cat et ere, Brantford. 'roams held Lt Canadian division and this 7th ,w'Ny Jur * time, when Mr. A. MAur'-1di, i.inn 00 the iiriti►h at nay ate now arra, NI'. 1t. 1), (iiha,n, ('opt. Heath' 1 the nlde.t divi.. at the front and Lieut. Maunders and Mr. Fitch in - Bulged in quips and (-ampliments. Mr. I the hit Canadians with their taper- \. Mwnndell ani Lieut. Maund.•r. ►r• fence and their splendid reputation as A.Smrly Aiaingui.he.1 themorlyre. a lighting force will 'war the brunt of tieuwith their speech-mnking abili1 e,. the heavy work .trop to be done. Cha t tidal couple, ahnwered with gad Lieut. Brewer is w net bre of Clinton and left on Saturday to visit friend* wishes and confetti, left for iroiroftto and other points, the bride wearing a in that town over the week-wnd, In very breoming gown of navy Mur tai. 14.11 he he was a newkltatter main and feta silk with white Milan hat trimmed he has been contributing Home very with roses. On their return they will Padahle w it articles to fee Montreal �ftar with which paper he was eon - reside In Mimr.w. fleeted for • years before enlisting. Wake UmMan t Wake Up i 1 He ha. • hrother al.o in the ranks. The town rolrnril hu, o Tprrd Monte finanr{wl barking for the innpn.«I The announceul..lit 1. u.ade of e First July r..bhrwtinn wnd lin. put wedding, which took plae,• on Mature rat mattercat an the hands of a rommatler day last, of Gunner E. 1'. Webb, n( of the council to make flirt her belong,- the o,ith I4•tterp at Guelph, to Mis* mints. [in INt thin r ane hag dant Mite (ray, of Clinton, w -h . sews for - nothing. 1. it sink to to •. in previous mercy • none at Alexanilt r ho.pitel. years- rivetythingt left until ten day. t(3,,derich. Congratulations and growl or on before the faint ? 11 the e"mmlt- wishes to "Cliff" and hie bride ! tee of the council does not want 10 act, s - Henewll 1)1leerv..: A rather wmus- iog innident took place at the dance on Friday night, Capt. Ihanct•y hap- pened to be in Blyth addressing • re- cruiting meeting, when Learning what wait going on in Herman he determined not to let n,eh a golden opportunity go by unimproved. Mn he reached here In an auto alter midnigbL Everyone wise eur•prieed to to. him. but he mounted the platform and ea let it at (east call • general meeting of citizens and Meer the celebration in their hands. Get a move on, gentle- men ' A thrill of delight- that i. what Kdwards' lee (-ream gives yon. That "good taste" 1e11s lit whsohtte purity. Orders delivered. Phone Bin. Particular people urs illackstone's d.11eione lee cram. Get the habit. be particular Orders delivered A 144711401Y. ,lean. 1 3lortg,g.• .lit,• of three pa100') el ignp,rte in Hay town -Mr. at rho 0051, hoe•e, (.a• n. -b. .1 1: .. link sows, Hlb.aw. & tab•*•. - cotter. for owrtaraee.. ad - - ndot.lratnx Mocnsr, al:•y -Clearing auction este o hou.ehold fur.:nn and funn•hint-. the 'runt eny of 31.. J. w. .lack, Elgin urruue, tio.l.• rich :ONumenrnut ..1 T111'Pella V, bier r.- Aue ion .:dr 1.1 faun .1.1.3. implement.. foredoom Nr., the prose' of Mr. t'h.... Girt In. lot 11. runt,...o. 1, t\',-.1 w'nwu.o-h. One -h.tl1 1011e north of s. lie, rou.- n.enc i ng at 1 orient. BORN. DOTi'. In ((..cense. on Wednesday. May to Mr. mot Mrs1 trines N'. Rory. a -on IEdw.r I Franklins. ' utItRFI.I..--Intbderlcb.on Ltondai. M.,y to Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. J. (3etrelI, a daughter Itreue Herrletn. O'WUGHI.IN.--At Kin` h.idg'. on Sunday-, May 7. to Mr. n ..1 Mr -..t. H t. Loughlin, a .leek MARRIED. wean - ((RAY. On Saturday. May •)l, Mi.. olive (:ray. of .'into., t., thinner E. .', W.bb,uf the 3Jth therms. Irstt.ry,liuulph, Ont. CANTWF:LL-JURNSToX - .V 1.•eb, rn and 1'141ou man -r, 'intern -h. on F'n4ayy eirenine, M. Vs h. by Iles. J one. l'omit,nn, MI-. Alt, May Jnhnstoo. d*'.rhter of Mr. T. J. Joh,.-ton, of the Ith .'onse..to, of li.drrich town -Mt. to Mr 1 ,t Ill John Coo to ell.a the'an,r town.hlp. arc(..%1 uIII l♦ Rotll\t'FLL nu- unlet', Mar -v' 1 y Nev. At F.. Powell. of Nonni. has. churl h. IMnfnrth •., nu., .rents,, Helen Ir., rya d*ugh l. -r , 1 Mr alai Mr T. H lka*won, to Fred N. Mrlwughto,. o Toronto. 11U )M(1V. - 10 ,11041 0. Walter 1w,ona1 Ir. Hud Mr, h .oath - .and 11 A:. ►IED. rr rh ,.n Thnre.l. - \I*y 1 ,.,,lom.n., tof.ut ra of �.•.1. II. Solomon, nerd Y H.\t'OHTUN. alt 1,1'rny Sin •.fie rv.nnty. on Teasley, May LL Agar Hanoi .m. (.rentiy of a olborne town•hlp, *g•,1 7y ear.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -May 25. Page- Reolwning of King Matadi Aon-Jemee Murray ... l Coenly t moven •W, lase 1 Wool Wanted Ileamillee Wolin lab_ t Eeeureoro le (hwdpk- Root ■w I. ...(trots r... "aA uct ion Sole -J. W. Mark Asrl lsn .t.1. toes Olein • rr a n