HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-5-18, Page 8i♦ ThV1taDaY. Walt 18..94 rHESIGNAL QODERICH ONTARIO Note Paper and Envelopes Wonderful value In Note I'aprr and Envelopes, nice linen finished paper, at tractitely boxed, regular- ly sold for 25c per box. Special this week 1 7c per box Khaki Linen Note Paper and Envelop.. The popular Writing; Paper of to -day, with the Allies Flag, lithographed in - correct colors on tooth paper and enyrlolte. Special 25c per lox She our special inducement: in Wall Paper llepart- tneut this week. THE COLONIAL BOOK STORE Ger Port, The Soldier's KODAK will tell the story of the great war. Be sure your friend has one =ASK FOR BOOKLET - James A.Campbell PAat B CENTRAL 'DRUG STORE Corner North St. and Square Goderich Bus. 1111 '('HONES Res 4 1 AfacEwan Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Any quantity last all Maple slain., Mired \Vood, Hemlock and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.) TELEPHONES, office 98 residence -tz or 68 NA -DRU -CO Toilet Cream IGREASELESS An elegant11. l'''''' sweetly p•rfunosi with odor of May 1144w,•,,.. 1lnin,.liately it1..44t hell. Icaying a vncoy eftcct. Pr•r- t, th' h:ulule.. to the rennet .i.licetc ..kin. Reconnn,•ndl.l tot , halm. and r.111114411 11. PRICE - - 25c and S(1c SATURDAY WiLLARD'S CHOCOLATES I. Regular 40c for 29c Ib. A. L.Caldwell,Phm.B. �....,.... ,& t,, C. l.. Coilultis. &'hone i'1'.) DUN(OANNON. l MR. N. J. WHYARD is Nreu t for ilia .IU N al. at Irusnaases. (*de, tea ailh biai for .ober rimers. adi ear trMaot. or job pnutins eta re • ire prompt attention telephone i &lode,lel ttur.h r mt. WEUNrtaoA Y, May 17. \WoMHN'M INSTITuTR Nom -IL -The Women)* Institute u.Iluwiug another week to all who have not had time to brim* in their old newspaper* and magazine. These will be taken to James 11. Johnston's barn and n. rig will be provided to take them to Luck- ucw for shipment. In twinging in old useless looks cut oft the'hard hacks. as they are of uo nor. Fifty cent* per hundred pounds is what we ars get- ting for them for Red Cross purposes The ladies wish to again remind those who can contribute. .ecoid -band cloth- ing for Belgian and French relief work to kindly leave such at Dungannon po.tofice. 1bese people have lost all they had and are in Runt nerd. Leet us give more and still r until we feel it We wish to thank alt who have contrihuttd either papers Ur clothing. We rite planning for • lawn social in the near future. -DuN- ti NNrN WOMEN'S IN4TITCTe. CARLOW. • WEttNNsi,.ty, May 1 .li.,. Cora Tyndall is borne from Monttral for a nuorith's holiday.. Mi. Andrew Green has purchased Mrs \\. Maedel's residence at Salt- rord and will move to it probably in the fall Miss Wise has been c. 'opened. ow ing to ill.bealth, to give up her ovork as teacher in S. S. No. 1 111,111 atter the midsumtuet• holidays. The homers are greatly concerned about the backward weather. Owing to the wet condition of the soil hardly any work has yet hien done on it and everybody is anxiously waiting for a (lir welt. Practising is going on at the church for an entertainment to iso given short- ly by t he members of Mrs. lf. \I. Voting's clams of young ladies. We under- stand that June 2nd Las been chosen as the date for this affair, which will be given in the township hall. Mr. Milton Tyndall, B. A.. was at the old home last week, having com- pleted his course at McMaster Univers- ity, Tot -onto, and received the degree of bachelor of arts. He has since left for Regina to take charge of a city mission. Mr. Tyndall has worked hard and deserves the success he haa had in his scholastic course. He is • credit to our community and we all wish him a happy and useful career. i COL BORNE. Wltongsu.ty, May F. Rev. 11. Koppel, pastor of the'Evan- gelicsl church in this township toe several years, lett this week for Naper- ville, Illinois, where he will continue his theological studies. His successor here is Rev. W. H. Campbell, B. D., late of Kenaston Sask KINUSBRIDGE. MONDAY, May lfa Not much seeding yet. but lots of rain. Mr. Morgan Dalton spent the past week at Brantford. Clarence,loye and Pat Murphy. who tient the Ia.t few months in Detroit, have arrived honer for the summer. A P.tTHIuru Et ENINo.-The patri- otic tweeting which sou. held here last 'vas largely attended. The speakers weir Rev. Father Mc. Friday evening { Cormack. w,ho occupied the -chair, Mr. M. G. (':t a-rin, K. ('.. of (.00derieh, and Lieut. Sturdy, of the Iilist Botta- TINE ISM :am -But t. The nss et ter It 'Rey Is ta.ta`s Ur equal Lam - the rimy little accidents tel to a soldier's life. wt► pain sad draws out laden - se gslekLy. _ aa I*Jary is anatataed. If la ■eglected and lett ex- ts germs, teeteriag is (table fellow, se that eves a very miner kaory. selected. W have serious mama If. however. a mi- kesmi- kesa box of Lam -at la kis et mama, to &idly at the right me- t. muck uaaeeeseary augertug be avoided. to It. therefore. that year eel - Mead is kept supplied with sake Remember, too. lane is last as motel la tis} komet druggists isc., sr Zan-fttk Cs. le, ter price. lion. A good program was also given h♦ sic ierich t *lent. The huniorous dialogue, -Price' Post,- by Messrs. Pas sons and Sturdy. was greatly en- joyed by all. as was oleo the vocal music by Sergi•. Goodwin and Messrs. Pauotu and Sturdy. 5100 Reward, 5100. 11 .• •• .d, -r. of 1 ,lo,'r will be plea -ed (0 le..ru (1.1 (bete u. .,t cent one dn•aded -ed , tb+t -deo,* hr- been ..isle lar euro u„ ell IL• .&sae.. •rd that 4. + .,tarrtt. l'atarth bring greatly le tluenceit by count It utional condition. tenpin,. „ r-Uu,ttonal Uen,ment. Ball'. Ca. torch 4.141e t- tela n 1t ,'rl r.lty and .u-tr, t htough. the blood 1,,i the mucou.-urfaee-ol the .yete•m, therby de,tro>inn the foundation of the die- e•i e. giving the patient .trent h b7 building up thecou.tit utlon and ari.ting nature in dote it. work. The pr.prielor-'ha', -n much falth to the. urrtive pone-. of Half, ((.1,4 lute that t hey offer one ba tot ted dollar. foo ..uy c+4•e that It rail. 10 cute. Mend for 14 of te.t itnou • Lala Address.: Y. J.. GRIM YT k CO.. Prom.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by all draggbt+ti Baked Dainties OU R baked dainties are dainties indeed - dainty to look upon and dainty and delicious to eat. What's the use of expending your strength and time over the cake board when you can get the Very nicest and choicest of fresh -made Cakes, Cookies, etc., at our store. 111P. "NO DAVID BURNS The Baker i:i:g.ton'treet YOURS FOR Good Plumbing A happy man nr woman is he or she who eng.tges us for their plumbing. We are yours to comm tad for hurry job., and that we give entire satisfaction is voucher( for by hon &reds ,of pleased customers. Fred Hunt 1(\::tLTt1xSTREET 'Plh)NE1;i.r Spring Styles In Footwear liutlt fashion and good taste demand suitable shoes for every occasion. The new shoe, for spring enable von to indulge this taste without extravagance. And with the charm of var- iety and correct sty le they combine moderate price. We want you to see the beautiful creations we are now showing. REPAIRING Geo. Mac Vicar Not t1 S.: le Wluar. (if)1)KRII'H CHURCH NUTEB, TM t of the Baptist cbureh was last Besaday by Rae. Mr. Utark, of els. Rev. (I. M. Holmes was at Sarum pre•chiag anniversary sermons in his old home church. The basement of the Baptist church has undergone r xtenstve changes and oa Bunds it will be e• for the Gast time for us Sunday sc►oul set visas. In addition to a large assembly room with a stating oapaeity of about 200, there are thtef, room well -lighted and od a kite. The coo- gregatio n btu be congratulated on its prug[wsiveoew in providing such modern equipment for church wort.. At the morning service 1. North street Methodist church sent Sunday Rev. W. H. Hager will .peek ow the Subject : 'The Mea Who ()sent MB against4Ood.' In rho events '1b. Weapons of Out Warfare" will be his theme. Rev. O. M. Holmes will preach seat Sunday at both services in the Baptist church. Toe ntorninit service will he a Mothei'b Day `ter%ice. to which the mothers of the church and congrega- tion are especially invited. The sub - Oct in the evening will be. " So•a. Es• cow for Not Enlisting under King Jesus." By an open ..,ion of the Sunday school the opening of he new basement will he celebrated Friends are cordially invited to this set vice at 3p.m. The demand for Blackstone's deli- cious ice cream continues to increase on account of its superior quality. Orders delivered. Thome _MI SUING FOR $ o,000. Cate Against C. P. R. for Alleged In- jury to:Cadwell-Fleming Property. The non -jury sittings of the Sup- reme Court of Ontario for Huron ecunty were held here on Tuesday and \Vednesday of last week before Mr. Justice Chute. It was expected that the action of Cadwell and Flem- ing versus the C. P. R. woald keep the Court sittirg for several day.. but the evidence was all in by 10.:11 o'clock on Wednesday night and it was agreed that counsel should submit written arguments. This was the action in which ('has. W. Cadwell and O. E. Fleming. owners of the former Attrill property at the north side of the River Mait land. claimed $;J,tttl damages from the C. P. R. Company for injury to tbeir property resulting from the construction of the tailwav embank- ment at the river. .1 H. Rudd ( Windsor) was counsel for plaintiffs and MacMurchy t Spence 'Toronto and C. (farrow for defendants. The witnesses called by plaintiffs included Win. Coat., county] registrar; Messrs. R. H. Sallows, John Thompson, Frederick Johnston. Robert Johnston, Geo. Fulford, John S. Platt and i. E. Dancey; John J. Newman, a civil en - RHEUMATISM AMSTED Many people suffer the tortures of lana muscles and stiffened joints because of im- purities in the blood, and each succeeding attar setimamore .carr until rheumatism has invalid the whole system. Ta arrest rheumatism it is quite as im- portant to improve your general health as to purify your blood, and the cod liver 41 in Scott's Emulsion is nature's great bloal-maker, while its medicinal nnur..h- ment strengthens lite organsto expel the impurities and upbuild.your strength. Scott's Emulsion is ht'lpiug thourimpis every tiny who could not find other relief. Refuse the alcoholic substitutes. A Little ' Job ora Big ,.One From the repairing of a faucet to the installation of a complete plumbing system, we are equipped to do the job. A small pro- fit with a customer's favor is more to us than a 'large one without it. "Or- -elle R. FINDER Phone 155 Hamilton Street sesissasataissewrisai 1 hardware Sale Still On WHILE some lines are somewhat broken, we still have a large variety of the best Hardware to sell at prices away below their vvlue. it will pay you to get our prices cn Gates, Hay Fork Rope, Nails, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Scissors, Knives, Stoves, Floor Waxes, Straw Hat Dye, Alahastine, Muresco, Hones, etc. The prices are placed so as to clear the stock as quickly as possible. Newly evsryeei hes wailr 1Lw.esilsbet iwaa.r.db AIM iesee t b.,.. w . ..4 *sant-Cisms.riats•. Thee• ass•aek earl Lw . Tales'*. as eme/.Ma le arts, Mall twos Vie etween sad bewail $ L OmMftmtrr Mssslas Co. Tenor This Is Your Opportunity to Save Money Howell Hardware Co., Liftea SUMMER HATS WE are making a special display.of charm- ing Summer Hats which we are sure you will find Interesting. Late novelties that have Just appeared In the large fashion centres are here, for we arranged this season to have a regular supply of the new styles as they are produced. Fashions, favored shapes and styles for Summer are now on display and we heartily invite you to visit the show -room any time during the coming week, when we. will be pleased to have you examine these new models at your leisure. New Materials for Sport Coats Opened up this week • shipment of new (sluice for Sport Coats. These promise to hoe the popular outer gsrmenta for spring and summer wear and you will find three materials particularly adapted to tbetn. of many of them we show but one or two c -.it lengths of any particular style. Fancy Check Coatings $2.25 N.oelty ,Rests in fancy Check Coating, designed for summer wear. Fancy broken chicks on cream ground. New and novel. three or $225 four splendid designs. l'er yard only e Polo Coatings $2.00 Pure woad. white Polo Coating, floe even weave. An except tonally good quality a: per $2 ,al Velvet Cords 65c .W Special make of Velvet fords for coats and suits. Full 2: inches wide, thick pile. In cream and near- ly all the shades suitable for these gar- 65., meats. An excellent cloth at per yard V An Extra Special Cloth at 95c Thu is a beavy English Cord Velvet of super for quality. RI show it in both hrigbt and dark shades It is made specially for coating and ou will flnd it exceptionally good valise. Per yardonly 9 .0 Good Values at the Hosiery Counter... There are good values at the Hosiery counter, for contracts were placed early for our requirements for some time to come. at practically old prices. You will not get as good qualities at this money for many a day to corse and our advice is to lay in a supply while they can be had. l'hildren's ribbed cotton Hoe,. lilies trip tole. feat black, seamless feet. Per pair 1110. I.adirs' plain Mack cotton Hose, seaaslessfeet, fast dye, 2 pairs for SSo Ladies' fine Lisle or eotlnn More. seamless feet, in white. black and tan. l'er pair 25e. Ladies' silk ankle Hose, black or white. per pair 4So. Ltdiea' cashmere feet, black cotton (lose. per pair tam. Very tine Lisle thread Hose in medium and light weight, full -fast , .ned absolutely srawlss, ex • ceptional value at per pair San. Ladle. very tine quality L .1. three I 11...., also silk ankle Hose. eery tine and sheer. *placed heels sod toes. l'er pair Boo. Ladies' silk Hose in black and white, per pair 754e. Ltdie. silk Hose in black and color at *1.25. $1.50 and $4.00. Hole -proof Hose far !ache.. and children. SALE OF UNDERWEAR CONTINUED The 'aleiof ladies' sample Underwear will continue until the big lot iS sold out. We have a full range of sample; from the famous "Watson" mills and while the lot lasts you can buy knitted cotton Underwear at a liberal discount from regular prices. Serges at 75c The .Miser day a traveller said he could sell our whole stork of this line, at this prier. inside of 21s hours. This is a real &petit English Serge, one we rannot get again to sell at anywhere 'hear the Hgure. Navv. green, brown and red 75c shades. Splendid wearer. Per yard only Lace Curtains $1.29 Extra quality Nottingham Lace Curtains. 21 -yard length. Two splendid patterns suitable for almost any room. Sprrial at per pair only ::.$1.29 New Chintzes in Pleasing Designs Just opened op this week a large shipment of Chintzes and Cretonnes, for hangings or cover- ing.. Some of the test and most attractive pat- terns we have ever shown. 'Light and dark colors. Per yard 50c. 75c. 90c and $1.00 Do Away with the Hardest Part of Housecleaning The Eureka Electric Vacuum Cleaner will banish the hardest part of housecleaning from your home forever. Used regularly it practically banishes dirt from the house. No need to lift rugs or carpets if you have one. The Cleaner takes away every particle of dust from them and raises no dust doing it. Free demonstration and very easy terms of payment if desired. We make Window Shades 1,• order -any color. any size. Hodgens Bros. DIRECT IMPORTERS GODERICH, ONTARIO %11/4501150/ 4111061.141111001•61141011111 gin„* and land surveyor from Wind- sor; Isaac E. Boomer. a dealer In gravel and sand ; O. V. Fleming and T. W. Cederslk Witnesses called for the defence were Robert Youwg. R. R. Watson, John Oakley, Albert Wileos; David Dick. a dealer in gravel : V. M Roberta, C. E.. Breast Heaton. of Toronto, who was formerly 1s oowtrol o iagg at 11= f the poreoperty.tgCIof sett �e nU Ivenity, and aishella 5. Lea. a hy- deawHc engineev frees Ottawa, it was sons* to be shown by the plain- tiffs that &tie erweios lath. north bask of the Malden/ was the remelt of the building of the railway .astraakssst, while the defines .nstght to Prov that tale .,.elan was Use remit ef ceases epees** before the .ashawhesw was constructed Other Maraud v. Cantle was an action on a promissory not• and asortgags, the defendant being Napoleon A. °antis. of St. Joseph. son of ((arebea M. Can - tie, sad the plaintiff Jemspk.1 Pber• and, of Ottawa. The sow wheitt d .ipiag the sots awl asaelgage at the *•sweet MAD 01 ate roebet delie. h . spent wee even for the Ise 15.1011 mad &toren with e�Sak upon the preesiasory was t int• clad mreindles le thief erthurshatffre Waft In m- opes& of Oho mo.1811W mhos by ISM pry seta es Mr, Meme t(0S Iwrd-_-isensei_ I fer pkeins f : Wa Proudtoot, 1[. C., for defendant. Deride et al. v. Nedlya Ltd. et el. - An acting to mover moneys paid by pWstiffe to defendants toe lands in mains&. Pending a aetJJ.w.et of the a ase, the Wal was adjourned to the !ext sittings of this Court at Oode- Sagstn v. the Canadian Order of h,.w.. w. --As actino nn as teerrranee Ogee postponed to neat sit - of the Overt et tioderteb. v. Moue et aL-A motion for jndgaewt 1%s plaintiff, M. ti. Qaallesw, sued ie behalf of himself and all other ehareheldete of the (M- arie Weal www Railwa Un. L. R. Deaeey fee plaintiff1 dbe not �oodirod esentee' ase Jad�eet dwtL1.W. hayed tar oolotrod whys de► f. aw►«.�+..ot+.a► .'--arew1' - IIJl' 1