HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-5-18, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERIOR OWTA RIO
You feel safe
When you've washed
with Lifebuoy Soap.
No matter how grimy
your hands -no matter
row germ -laden they
may be from the day's
work, Lifebuoy cleanses
and safeguards your
skin. The mild carbolic
odor quickly vanishes,
but its benefits linger.
ACs. 080431•a
1 County and District
Seven ,rrruile uttered and five were
tiler pied 4(1 11 Ir4I44. Ieetuiting Curet -
Nig at .1.1111•1;00 n.
William B UI.1. • roomer resident of
l .1inl•y toesneltm. is theta at Detroit.
at the age of wvruty vest...
V.A.'''. Ate try, eldest son of Mr. and
Nis. John Ylrat )'. of Herman, hes 1.11- I dry ut [les wrrk.
listed wuhthe G;7,h Battalion utUr Mr. and Mrs. \Villi.aul Smith, of
Stephen, announce the ettogement of
their daughter, ChrisWna, to E Brace
Mitchell, of the range township. The
mart Pte. will take place this month.
While engaged at edging at. the B
1 4asbwoo1 wwmill, Wm. Nadiger bad
a linger amputated, one ',token in
four runs: Joseph 1 times, of '
Mortis. township : t'h+(tlre, ..t Itiyth, ,
and '.1 r, ou the home. least in
Il(Met t.
Ttw inertiake ..f \lir• \1 ire..laugh •
ter of Mr. and \L s. Tn t•. Sat t h. of
J aueaWwu, to Pr,vea• .1 ,hr. M. Miler.
1 he lluionv, took 1.14x us t\'edue•-
I illia.
The \Vinghntu Advance moults that
a ben lwlougiug in • Morrie township.
fat irr is I. tug 'l.rpprlin-shaped
Joan Ilam•, ♦ red ;drntid'luruberry
towush,p t •r many years, died at his
bulIII et \\'r0xrter, aged seeeut)-one
The montage of Misr M ay Merlin,
formerly of Hensall, to Charles J.
Green. war rolentnIz,d at. Cmlg.ry on
April 'a..l'.
!).►Iron Evan', •Ideal son of \%'illi.10
Evans, of the Seuble line, Stanley,
has been reported wounded. He en-
listed with a Winnipeg battalion.
Miss Jessie I.. Wilson, daughter it1
Mr. and Mrs. Davin Wilson. of East
Wewanoah, h a&ITete I her set vice. and
haal been arc• pied as a Ked Cross
Mrs. Jau1Ps 01111411% • former resi-
dent of I1u11.•tt iownsh'p and a native
of Iteland, .li.41 at the 48...40 of her
s',n, Joseph. in M.a'rie township, aged
righty-nlhe yea.... She is survived lly
To Builders and Contractors
\\'c have a large stock
of Square Timber up to
1'. in. square to lli tact
ileutl(rck, Spruce
Jointing and Scantling.
all widt'.i't and lengths
up to '21) feet long. •
I.ath, Ontario White Cel.tr
Shingles, fine, Spruce. Hemlock
and Oak Lumber. All grades.
Hardwood and fine E1(wring.
Dressed Pine and Spruce. Cali-
fornia Siding. Always in stock.
Mouldings -Sash St o c it on
Sectional Poaltry-Hoases--all sixes.
Estimates cheerfully furnished.
"'~ P
tory'27aPaget Grain Door C
tl•.Iw• .U)
two placer and another partly wry -
Dana complain *bowl palms is your belch
reed, Whew his hand ceuue in contact I wee■ the remedy lies right to kaad. Gr• nits
with the saw. slop backaches. sed tleg
kr do the in
d ui
watural .•y by snag rig
It ,b -rt \Veir, a pioneer resident of truat'lc
Turnberry, paired to his reward ou
Wednesday morning of last week.
He was a uatite of !rebind. For
forty years he had leaded on the
fano on which he Med.
Rev. G. F. Brown has closet; a pas-
torate of five years at Zurich. Prior to bladder. 41►1.e They nowise eti �� tw . 4a.ed
6a 666
his departure from the village the ••g•••. �w•karaw sire utriag the stamens.
snimbrn of the Evangelical AI.00ia- Plnleca�•ara� cess and lens to atedium
lion pr. -tented hint wish a eompli- fowl serrates so Pok Is ware eras • aa•esd .rf
m y addressd &purse of money will t their • "us.
en tar an
pais. You rn wbes reed
At the clrrre of itis eleventh year of wta•t yrs. 1. P. . eirdge, 01 hen y e Trod
the pa,.torate of K•'v. H. 13--verley r.L.l.write•:
KetcOrll, of M,•Nab street Presby- i -Gia MIL are the greatest at all Cid-
terian church. 11 awilton, the cuugre- ' veer remedies a•d a medicine whit es •t
e.eet doing et�a • world 04 geed. They
autiwi biles,8ted Mr. Ker hen with an : e wowtib (be1r weight is stmt to ••y
automobile. The pastor referred to aerer.
is a native of Brucetleld. Get GIN Plait bd•ZilLyar dealer's.
Oar. • Iva. or a hoses for 1 -JS. Trailtre.t-
nt o William JAcgues, An Ag d resi- meat FUN rt you wrtte U
deet of ;'slot ase township, Brad mamma Dreg & chemical co.
the tage of seventy -there years.. Shhee
waw tx,ro in fsuglsnd, but for sixty- I Tomato
h had been a irddent Of C.ataada, moioned
hating lain buried for perhaps' half a
century, bas a Rood rouges edge tied
• well preserved handle.
\I r. 8,841 Mrs. C. M. Hftiethall an•
nueOCe the enttsgwtent of their eldest
dAoghter, Iva Jesus, tc Arthur C.
R,Iry. B \ , of Toronto. son of Mr.
and Mr.. W. Riley. Loudon. England.
The marriage'.. take place quietly the'
third week in May
Following a etre Le of parelyrle Mn.
Joseph Ruddy died at her Mune on
Nhulrr stlert on Friday, May Nth.
Mrs. Ruddy •pent her early life in
Morris 10wnsbtp avid after her mar-
riage she and tier hush ted wuve1 to
'he. tenth eniveraion of Kart Wawa -
nosh. w bete they ...sided tor several
yeas* before wuviog to Wingbaw.
She war fifty-two year. of age.
o., Ltd. II
� �ry���\)
ties at+ r
A o
�ll l n'. ,: t; •'}sees _ Vt�\: ,�
+r Tie creat Ship 'SEEANDt=gis
The Yeast sad msec easel, .teem ea ear Wiwi ..me et KA .vld !hewing am..merds-.
tees tie int EWE' - 3 Mag.Yte•ed Stammers - -QTY Of aUFTALO"
"QTY OF EWE* - yA-rwaare
BUFFALO -Daily. May 1st to Nov. I5tlr CLEVELAND
leave PofOl /-1' P. N. L .. NC rad urd • - . 1 •• 9 0 A. N. i
Ara.. C4,eI.•d • • ` i - 7.34A.11. Tinel
u o:'t, I Ilton P.1d. Tole4a. Oebak spat •11 Iowa pawl amA-
Sma•ee. en••t fteesla.d fr rt.o. ,es f.. lreaesrt.u••
ti...• -r I .e. K,a:r A. totem eget rest.«traria sawe tle.e1 a .e..
n ,.-r .:...r -r,, Asa s•.•y eeiel .:+at t..r traria , uC. & N. lesser • ... t lar ...nut
OI 1 e, .,sea fleet ,..all -a. 4.!rr' clew --e *truer VMa.. sad s..:. Alm W
111•rev2apar.e-I -,t :.arse., tow a.,•,- .
M T'+' r-•,QVLLAtID'h CUr'F� Lr/ 7 AN- 1��'=� ��
Mrs. 111ai kwell, of Kan Francisco,
is home on A visit to her father. Alex-
ander Davidson.
A. A. Burgers', of SI eldon, North
Dakota, a former reridrrt of t;eafortli.
1s al candidate fur the Stale L.egisla-
Dawson, the tbinl son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Reid to enlist, is now a
member of the local detachment cf the
1Hlet Battalion. resi-
Trott. one of the deed oldest
the age
dents of !leaf 4at
boon A
residf ent of Canada for over e N[ay yearn.
Jas. Richardson. formerly of 0eN-
fortb, has gone overseas with the Stith
Battalion of Edmonton. This battal-
ion was recruited to (all strength in
eleven days.
('apt, Geo. Lynch, of Winnipeg.
who was recently reported wounded,
is • son of Mrs.(br.I Lynch. formerly
of Seaforth. He was on the staff of
the Dominion Bank herr several years
The village count it has raised the
poll tax frotu $1 to $lit.
Mrs. (Dr.) Moore sails this week for
four years she (first Britain to join her husband,
u( •s1xlm,I Her death it mud
two who is on the staff of a hospital I( -
by • family of fete sons Aud two Icated at Hastings, England.
d&ugbterv, J. F. Rowland, for ten years mana-
fnr following etatietice ere taken = Iger of the StanJard Bank bete. hoe
flow the assersul'a roll for the town-
ship of fiery : N her of acres •e-
se8se41,I44,44:4; number of acres cleared,
51,:114: value of real property. $1.921,-
:3511 ; value of building*, $4'7.l$4. :
total lax4b10 assesswPnt, $2, i99,`C11 ;
total population, 2 1112 ; birth... 35 ;
deaths. i
John McElroy, tone of the' early connection til b r bti.nnes. hm w z
settlers of McK,llop, died on May 5th wbereoergrwluste.are tegul4rlr rm. 7 While excavating fora cellar uniee
AL the ripe age of ninety -:fight gran. ' ploTed. waste for pamphlet. las❑ in- the. kitchen of J. W. Senders' home.
Ile wase native of Armagh, I: eland, i IVroMUVu4 l4%ttW.po•ppllcatlop. the kitchen took a leap, wrenching
and came to this country til'•re awlKt-n.. the tome so
C. A. FLE:NING. A., . oudost: 1i Nutty the proprietor
sixty years ago. Aft441 leading for.i = ti. D. RLBbINU. trecreasrr. • inoses_! II Its. t1 l0 pull it down end se-
a short time at Galt. Alla at Halters- i I build. Moe. `Tan�'ers was busy 2.--
ville he reglavetl to \IcKlllop rod set I ing at the tour, tint the danger of fire
was 60011 averted. Bricks falling
from the !'hiwney frightened (404).
Heuder•eon'a team. which had ht.n
l busy with plow and &realer. causing
' them to run away. They fell no the
eidew-alk near theCentralbotel, inflict-
ing • set injury to the shocldec of
one of the animals.
7z/ i�����/////%//Ii '�
The 'Winter 'f'rrui now on at
1 (INT
W 'V 8l
1 NII. O ).
Three Vnaa-u.ul. (vruD'eU a,..l tip-te-
d..le cuu reel of stud) : Bu+lie.•, slhett-
bend k Type,*. U ing mid 1', so•ratory.
Worthy .lade•'- ,.--i-ted to amsedv4v-
Ing position`- we here All nuns
w ,
accep:ed •a promotion las the tow
Tillsouburg, to which place he will
move shortly. •
A company of local actors p.oiucrd
"The Temple of Fame' 011 two .ucces-
ave evenings in the pawn hell. The
proceedo, amounting ;., i%l:il were
handed to the tyeolsyrer 0.1 the Red
1 ('rose fowl,
fled in the Roxlt,ro diettict before
Ssofotth had an existence. A family I
of three duu,(hteresod ole son survive
Exeter Adv( c ate : S.rmething ap-
pr0:tct. ilg the prupor:ious of a tidal
wave e. rto k the lake shore at Grand
Bend on elonday, when a wall of
water Six feet high rushedinto the
shore, moved the fish house from ite
post •. hoisted the meat. high and dry
on the Borth hank of the Cut, and
pushing up the Cut destroyed a por-
tion 4;1 the abutment 0t the big
bridge. Nothing of lite nature wee
ever before witarssed at the Bend.
.Iohr. Masll, an old and highly te-
tte-teed resider): of the 3rd line of
Mot sir tow0ehii., .1;ed suddenly on
Wednesday, May :Sed. He lest his
hOtue to go across a field to where
mewl -era of his family were fixing
teeters and on leash* thew he walked i
Along the fence to A point where re-
pairs write necessary. A half-hour
trier be wag„ found (lead. The exac-
tion of climbing over a tenor appar-
ently had here too touch for hit heart, ,
which had lolbeied bins Nit. wane trove.
Mr M e•on was in his eighty-fifth
year. Hr and Mrs Mason crlebr.ted
the fifty -filth anniversary of their
welding last su401041. Braider his
widow he is aur vwed by three eons
and five daughters. They are :John,
of Wsw•noeh : \Vlllia•n, -r( Hullett,
and Alex., at home : Mrs. Jetties JI.
Marto', .'1 Clinton : \Ire. Hugh Moses,
ul \; orris : Mr. John 11111, of Portage
lo l'nailie : Mrs. .Io-rph Hogg, .•t
Monis, and Mrs. Hugh \IcE.cnern,
of Ilulrtein:
Car, Secure a Position
If you take a course with us. The de-
mand upon us for trained help is many'
timer the number graduatinv. Stu-
dents are entering each week. Von
may enter at any time. Write at once
for our free catalogue.
P. A. 3.IcLACHt,A5. Prinelpnl.
MN tie
Sem- _ . p Tailoring
THERE is no substitute for good tailoring a suet is
either right or wrong. It is possible to get perfec-
tion don't be satisfied with anything else. Good tail-
oring is simply putting thought and skill into evebuys
part of the suit not into some parts. If you
"SEMI -READY SUIT at the try -on stage" you
know in advance just what each style and cloth and
color effects look like upon you. This foreknowledge
is practical insurance against disappointment and mis-
fit expression.
To feel itropet'l) dr. --.•11 %teas a SEMI -READY sUI'I'. x FIT\VKL1.
11AT end un.• of our .\.411 t3\' ('4)1.1..114M of lett,•-t shag-• and 'a
t'KA\' AT. 8.11i.h.tillluta theInuit tonrhot-urutn.- 1'ouwill
not only feel prol.•rly aro-sed I+ut you as.4) look it.
The Semi -Ready Tailors
C.,nrnn.d fr''n r ire 2.
prises or else whet Pt to he genet ally
expectedwhen g.•11.): against great
(Atte in hitherto 1.1111iraf rxpetweulr.
'Evers lhing nowt I;avr the defect of
itw qua lit 11.S. (:.1.1481.'4 i9, by common
celaeen1. the most eitterned tlal10e.
(!tan stir. At the ,.x1414 live, be th.•,lest
4 4PI tied % She Legit- her every rad!
heroine charged wit* el ctricity and to .dtan' a err >1,trtes•" by An 11,'rras•
much of the wiring ,was Hester yed he ing text. Ili -ion 411 1 1rfFtowret of or -
fore the currentwmsscot. gani4atue and administration. Cara
.he at 11.e 9:unP. Mlle 1 e duiug the nowt
-- • tin drve.l.,ptog 10 i;;inal.ty. initiative
Steon(rl ILecon mends
Baby's Own Tablets.
mid pet smolt rule, pulse among her
1. J "L ,'.1 %ells : (hit ing tl.e last twenty
I fear., by au expenditure of endIe 44
labor in mastering details and the di-
\Irs. Alonzo Tower. Johnson's dills, rection of her activities by or
N. It. writes. "I can strongly recon- less competent but cental zeal author-
,mend Baby's Own Tabirt- to all tooth- ny. she has rapidly progressed. Will
let's who+r little ones nue pullet ing the training which the generation
from constipation, a. I have proved' which has grown up in this . nviron-
Itrouble.-us an excellent mie I.elne forthis anent ha• recti Veil Ilieof a kind which
trouble.- B shy'4 ( hien Tat blenog is Ie•st aalapted Io drvrloA sntllctrucy
! 0111y cure constipation, but they make I ln of men with originality ,end gentile. to
act as c patent Traders of the next.
If the -e que8tiousanswer,theinselves,
as 1 believe they dr, we may well
hesitate Iwtrire par hllndly follow tiet-
ensny's lead in developing so-calird
efficiency by *41 iiiifl#t 1-4(1444- pryer'.",
and we .11401 be wise if we study, a
I \\'(\liltA\1. I•t'Ie more closely, the English people,
s •i•hl
Lieut. C. 11. Kerr. who was wounded
at St. Elm France, is now in a hos
pita) it England.
141 l •
Shoe t 11111°1 ea
►�111�'►I;lil,' , ' „i.,11
1 i� I 11 Iii,�h,f
t 1111111'i' b. Q . I''
ale ' jN! � 1*
teething easy : break 0p .v,ukiw,11 rape
Iworms and 1eKbotAIe the stal,A0and
iowels. They are s.'I1 by medicine
1 dealers or by mail at •a:' cent.' a box
from The Dr. \V1,1.•usi Medicine Co..
lockville, Ont. _
Rev. Prof. Law, 11. D., of Knox Col- I Owing to Ivor heal! n i'rovine'nl who cnulJ never he n. (ns. d . f IA Y
lege, preached s h d t the fifty-ninth snni- ;Constable Pi.ippetr bill leave on an following s)'-trut lett Ate lather 1u -
ti 1 sI H J. 1h parol is now m pt sura . f teaming air at, r••• lo becoming
tem with the Koval1A
Kruk atandon•recently pul(hts(.l Ur,NI"' u li pane hate art 1,1,14 to xcr•nviphrh
1 A I PoaliR principal oI the public 1 its. pati Ino'f1v r. frnPd lo. 11 par t
Sum' sy.
Fred Khall hrsigned hi. oil& I sion of the er.•cery• hnsiur9s whteh he , u,rl r „pp, t+ ill A get „jai schruir And
I the a1' oe•4' her r• toot 1,411:et welt s bet e -
snot will j•,iu the IC .
t 1 Howl tzee
slim., to &AI on its mei it, at i h each
vecsery services of \\'ollia church last tended holiday.
umu ep question at it R1i.r•, nth., by crvitu.es
Battery later
rt (sue ph.
school, hint evili•'rd with the Hurons. have Dhra9rs t ' g,tidr u., tnpp 4-4.
\\ ,Ilirul (ileo, ex -Reeve of Stanley, g say that v.e will ity t.. drv.•lop (fritish
Thetru.oe•w tAntra leu, I,AVP rf sb-
has decided to retire 11'Jw taint Ire saner until hes relit, 11 (emu ter front.
eupxcily ,aoher than 11,1 Wall . ct-
nClinton.anew humriur himself I;u.tnv Biasing. 1r. The t'ui
.n Clintn. Dr and Mrs. I: l'. Wilford and racy. -
A troop of B.ry Penult h.4 been or- child are on the way h•,,,'. bon, the versify Monthly (Toiontui.
ganizetl in Clinton with lieu .1. A. misefield. of China. 1 hey 1 meted The Kinds Me Knew.
t \'sac serer lAel parrs. 1)e. NN Ilford
Kul ipxon, irctnr ut `lt. 1'.ul's church, at is w brnther of A. 11. \\'11fut J, of One of the goeati0ls in an rxanlina-
rs scoutmaster.\\-inghem tion on the Wiest inn of stork -raising :
• Name four different kind.' id sheep.`
You are cordially invited t0 \isit our store on
A "Roll of Honor." cont aiming the Workmen in Pxraeat'rg far n hiR
DAltlrti of (otty who have enlisted frons. Iva this for the
the ctngreptwon, was unveiled on 1)n- shed which 11r. C. Lnppal.I It ethIM An &spiting )•oath g.
ratio eet Methrxliet chinch on a re- to his hotel herr have exhumed sumanswer : \lar s
cent suoday. I connecting links between the present I "Black sheep, white sheep, y'
pant the early dove of the lover. The little lamb and the hydraulic ram.-
EXETEItothrrday they tuned 11p pan ass with
Rev. ,1. A. l'rumper. let. of Chet- I& hickory handle, which, in spite of
ham. the new rector of TO vitt *.-
mortal, chu.ch, has token over his
duties herr.
Mea.IM, followed h)' pn►nmoni',
ended a young life nn "Thursday, May
4th. When Mat )• Jane, third ditughier
of Mr. an,d ,
Mn.. (ierge Eastrrhn,ok,
roamedAtapy •4 the rail. Age of seven-
teen yeas
\Villiati \V Walper died suddenly
et his hems here on Saturday. May
.ash. Hr was A native of Hessen. (: r -
many, he.ng born (here !1(1v four
yeah aR•+•
six yews.• age And settled with his
parents A Hill. Green. Ile married
Mims Caroline Willett. and she with
(w0114.t511 And one daughter survives.
hydro -electric power wet turned on
in Exeter by peeve Tayl. r on Thurs-
day. may 4th. Only the .term lights
were ready Inc use. but the houses Are
lasing wired 'aridly and will soon he
ready for connection with the service.
As the result of who. Ming eroae.J at
the home of Frank Wood that same
evening he experienced & .tioea whirl's
oto l h, Paally herr ''Pen fetal A1) the
metallic substances about the bouts
He r•me to Caned& when
NO A -.-UM
►•''7.1k2 Yr.v r
tsatl7a '.0 �t Trl•
Tlltieu rtsT.lr
Friday and Saturdyy.
MAY 19th 2Oth
how to .,refinish floors; furniture; etc
and learrt
A representative direct fiom- T111': 0111.• VARNIS11
Coau'.\N\' will be with us with a display of
beautiful colorings and finishes fair
wooJ work, floors, furniture, etc.
What Impressed Him.
Hr had just 1.4tu,ned to his rurril
home alter a visit to a great city.
where he hewed, g other even)-,
some -pial did singing. +tying asked
what impressed hula mo I`. he said .t
nos this same singing.„On *" iii,,./'
tut nnshin'," he 941.1
this b14ildui was •eveial hundrest 01.1
minds who kept singil. 'end stinum' ''rt
the top o1 their voices, 'l'ut / us ..
child ., born, unto tie a chill i" Nom'
amt on the other side of the huildin'
wait .s ninny nevi ;who yelled hark
31181 .46 I i, • \Vondrt (vii, wotwlrt-
td,' •
othing 10 Complain About.
e 1111 ail k at yo' honer. M.-
(.41 it i ' inglnl ea IIIA. "Ah 841..3 .1.•
d(e'tah a kyea et onn' tet yeat Oily.- '•11
win. for 1114 brother. Lila. ; "Kb.' '
SWlr tt • he done got dr molter of m ,
"Nofsway amnia to know who the di..
raise is. He con 1.►t. add •'ren wt w' 1I
an e4••. he •sayson,t. all day long ant,
the veranda to the son 111)41 seems *so
well a9 anyone 1 tett be cant do any
work At all." •'I.aw. Mi8' Carter', dot
ain't no 411619 SSP what rill' brat her got !
11,11'1 •,t u' 1"-t scryhod) '4 M,agaxlnc
ll•sa .,•.. .. �,.,..rn e.r o . e.,a
acase! I',nt 1' S. Standard )tra.uta\\+
Tl.e (rho Varn,sh CoMPa•y
Containing enough varnish to cover 25 square feet of surface
is good for one 20C Can of L lII-NAME!.
VARNISH upon the purchase of• one new-.
• roc Brush (merely to insure a fair trial) during
our Chi-Namel Demonstration \lay 19 and 20.
if larger on is desired, Coupon will
.apply as 20c. against purchase price.
N a*11C
\Ve are in a position to give you Ideal Fencing
at very low prices. Gall and see what we have t.,
offer you.
I)o not neglect your orchards. Now is the time
to spray. Lime Sulphur at $6.5o per barrel is a snap.
We also have a quantity of Arsenate of Lead.
For Shelf and Heavy Hardware Our Stock i*
We have just received a fresh
carload- of Portland Cement
We ..ire\ a full stock of
,u 1 CHAS. C. LEE