HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-5-18, Page 5BICYCLES 1
Every One Fully Guaranteed.
When you buy a Bicycle from
us, all necessary repairs, includ-
ing punctures, will be clone
free the first season, and next
winter we will overhaul it with-
out charge.
llwnrd Anal ..ix ruta.l by a ',until -el Oman.
',Home 243
Rebekah Lodge Officers.
Rebekah Lodge elected for follow- U S
ing officers un •I uesday evening : S.
ii.. Mrs. %V11m. tial.le ; V. 1... Mrs. I
Nubs. King; recording .stinaly, Mi.d
K. Gundry : financial a her -'Ary, Mit& l
Lizzie liib.un ; 'or.atorer, Mt.. S'Ist
Public Library Hoard.
The public library board met on Sat •
uday evening with 4411 attendance of
• Goderich to Detroit
Excursion and Return
GOING --Leave Goderich
Tuesday, June 13, 1916, 9.30 a. m.
RETURNING -Leave Detroit
Thursday, June 15, 1916, 1.00 p. m.
five menthe's. It war urciJrd to close
the book exchange for "tock -taking
and cleaning on June S., 11 and 7, and
that a notice lir inserted in each ut the
local papers that all h silts in the hands
of the public t be returned by that-
urd.iv, June ad
Knox Church's New Organist. •
Mr. T. Sunbury, - of Guelph. has
been engaged ins orgrnirt anti choir-
master of K n, x church. Mr. "duo•
bury at present h ado a similar posi-
tion in ht. Andrew's church, Guelph
Ile presided at the organ in Knox
church last Hebb ath .and made a very
favorable iwpteasiou. He will assume
his new dutirs herr on .1 ulv 1st.
Improvements at the Scotch Store.
Important improvements have been
completed at 1). Millar \ Sons store.
The basement has been drr,wurd and
a cement floor laid, the result being a
large addition to the available Hour
space, a pot of which will be used for
displaying sonar ct the heavier gouda• I Special Council Meeting.
A new furnace Also is tiring installed. I ec a e +ecicmeeting of the town
Phe Scotch Store, to ably conducted I
the \leoptMillar, is keeping p councweek tion Thursday evening the finance committee t
with the timer. t mended that the municipality interim -
Miss King Appointed. tee the nrvtuent of $2U0 to the Huron
The hoard of a entree of Alexandra War Auxiliary, on condition that any
hospital bat engaged Miss King, of part of this amount paid by the t..wn
Kincardine. a soprrintrndrlt to nuc- be refunded Grow any grant which
teed Wes Chandler, who has resigned.
Midi King will co11,wrnce het new
1 duties on Tuesday of next wrrk•
is a graduate' of Guelph hospital and ,
she has also taken a post -graduate
. MissK ns
King's parent, I
residrutl e f Goderich.
This trip provides a magnificent opportunity to enjoy
an all -clay water voyage on the BIG STEEL
to visit your friends in Detroit.
FARE $1.50 Round Trip $1.00 One Way with Baggage
Children Half rate
I 1. • i • I'. ,I \Io.ntlit;ht.JUNE 11th. sash l.. n,.
FARE ONLY Sc2\\'Herr: 'T.\tt LINE. Detroit. \r,",.
are the /only
awdicilte that
will cure Dia-
betes. L.ke
Bright's Dia.
east this din.
eas.: wits
c urable until
Dodd's Kidney I
cored it. D..
thcroselArs .o'n•
that without
K dney l'ills they :ua
powerless at;a:..t 1)..
heirs Dodds Kidney
Pills are the firm medicine
that ever .'and 1h:thetas.
Imitations.- box, n. l)Ie44na1
`)ill, arc ad vert road to do t.,1,
but the mcdu;ine that d.s
is Dodd's Kidney pith.
D,:dd'. Kidnry p:Ila ..rat
Env cents a boa .t :,.1
"'my be wade by the county council.
"We are .1 the opinion.- the report
continued. "that this expense should
be pa.d by the county. but as the \Vsr
Auall dal y it in immediate need of
fund. vie make this recommendation,
thin y to be 'pent under the
supeavision of and with the approval
of the committee ap,x,llll•d I'y the
county council." The report Willi
New Dental Surgeon.
The dent •I plater ice of the I.tr Major
Sale has been purchased by in. H . 1i.
\Is, Don't!. who is now in , 4.4.01610'
Ili. MacDonell recently graduated
fr the. Royal College of Dental Sot -
grunts, Toronto, an,l he is Alen an h
or graduate of 'Toronto 4'nlveroity.
1hr Signal weleoulee Dr. MacDonell
to liodericli and bespeaks for hien a
share of the public patronage.
ever since. The Signal ecoid like to
hear from any other snhs,•ritk•r' of
over fifty years' standing.
Mr. J (.ilia Sutherland of ':u: m.o Was i❑
lialrrich for the wrrk Sala. ,,,,al of
Mr wet:stap of Londe'. n- the g
her daughter. Mi.. W.14. Hsrri-oe.
Mir Florence Moue -peat the Latta, 1s,rt of
last weak vl.aiag ,, friend In Toronto.
Nr. tJokn T. D„-44' s. of Torun'.. wee in
(materiel' this week oa ., a t -It Jetta vadat Ire+.
Mr. Kddbe uMt n.' . of the railway ts.ut •r
vice, vi -,ted blend. t. &lode,lch for a few
day -
Warren 1. Hot ledge. of Itetoit.,in visit
1,,11 .t the hone of Mn.. Breen, Tralal'ar
.t met.
Mr. Jean Graham left on Monday afternoon
en an estendell vasIt to her daughter. at
Mr.. It. M. ('ss•,t-. of Hamilton. r 'at art a,
the h,ntm of her brother. Mr. t'. H. Humber.
over duuda)'
ustom Hatching
We have only a few trays left kr \1av 23rd. 24th and
25th hatch. Parties' wishing space in this. hatch please
make reservat' -,n now. - -
We have a numham Incof gulvanized bator for sale. Brooders
These are
and one 2•N1 -egg Cha
real bargains.
H. Keith Revell
Truly an Old Subscriber.
Mr..l. IJrrchrnridge,of l; ode'iche
enjoys the di.tiectiun to[ bring A sub -
scattier of 'Thr Signal for A longer
penial 4H+evihly than' anv other person
living. Oa'l'uesday of this week het
left A lit/11A1 at this office wliich peril
his notetcription for the tlfty-Seventh
year. 1t is lifty-right year* since Mr.
Breckenridge because u resident of
tiouerich and one year later be had
hi. ram's placed on The ii,tnal'a sub-
actiption placed
it has remained
N1 AY 24TH
Good going and returning May
FARE AND ONE-THIRD- rd and zith. \Good going May 3
Return hest May 25th.
Retttru tickets will be i' -tied le:-
etweet' all station, in Canada east of
( l'os't .\rtliulr ,nd to Detroit and
Port Boron. Nijch., Buffalo, Black i
Rock andV..
Niagara Fail-, N. '
Ticket, and tui:l parti.ul.,r< on al, I',-
IncatUdto ticket,!' ket '
T. F. Lawrence & Sons. Mae 8.
Printing? %i nal
'EN �
i0el!-ighted Y�rne
is pretty sure to be a happy, comfortable home
for those who live in it. What can be
more conducive to a proper home at-
mosphere than a cheerful light over
the' family table? Perham` however,
yoy do not realize the gr
in the quality of light. 1f you did you
would understand why we have in-
stalled the Hydro -Electric Lighting
Service in hundreds of homes in
Ask for an estimate on wiring that
house of yours. We guarantee satis-
fattion, and remember our promises in
print are always carried out on the
9�bt. gait
Olin 11242
Rae. 113
Thn,k of the man,•:.nes you can
visit on, a hold iy at this time of
the •ear.
4'.,nn) May 24. teln.
Return 1Aimit May 24. Nom,
Going \Liv :nand 24, 1.111..
Return 1.t11Iit May '.'rat, 1!,111.
1'arttrnlat• from ('an.olIan Paris'.
tPa•roa , o[1
Just Received a Large
Assortment of
Hartt Shoes
for Men, at Orli Prices.
Tired Eyes
If you knew what relief
our well -fitted glasse, are
to tired, strained eyed you
would be sure to
Visit Us at Once
• Satisfaction Guaranteed
W. H. Harrison
Jeweler and Qistician
Mr. U. Shearer. wanar,r...t •ho Hayaeld
branch of ore Sterling liank. o- : tku.i h.didty-
asd is +pending a few day- in town.
Mr. James Mit,•bell and Mr. C..1 Nair., are
to foronto .r delegate- host the tiodrri.h
1'ql riotlc F1tr,d A. o,-utlon to a ,wnvrOUou
which L• being held there ilii- week.
Mr. and Mr'. Jaw"- MaicV war have returned
from a 01.41 to braid Iota. Their daucater.
\Il.n MacVIrar. was up from Itrantford for ..
brut . l -it last week.
Mr. and Mr-. 4.'),.ule- Ilohnet•, of e-hicaro,
a1114041 ' the eng,gement of their dearhter
Maud Alice. to Mr .1. M. li,cckeu.iilate. of
fnruterlt of Godrnuh.
Mr. Thomas H.t•r.-. .her -Lending ...Tema
w,,•A+ in town. irft on Tueeda) to vial ,Slat tire.
.ilial(,. -ter before returning to to. heitie
Denver, 1.'04 In -pate of nava/1411.g y.'•' ware
H ►tri- i• in cA, rllent to..L•b and -pt. • -
be maim nein he wade .care uupruoemrul-
bt-b+,'a u. -.arc- ,:
Ile. Wllli.mm Green ww the 'recipient of
many hearty ,00(r.' ula110110 41 1101 Iww0 o0
Tantalizer -deet o., \t'eatnesl.,v evening of l+.t
w..I ea tho'M'MIo11 nt her Moots *Mid l.irth
d..4. In spite of her ed. ..need tea:+ Mir-. Greco
.till ewer' a fair a.c.c-uie of health and
.t length. aed a liras cirri.. of. friends hose ,he
will be-1'al.d to them for many noire 1,'.44-•
filtPue0aY, MIT 1 81914 •
Are Your Children
Learning lo Save
Each maturing son ant'
daughter should have d
personal Savings Account In the Union Bank of
Canada, with opportunities to save regularly, and
training In how to expend money wisely. Such an
education In thrift and saving will prove invaluable
In later life.
Godericn Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager.
death of her bueh'end manly eevenl f t' ederirh when she mussed Away
years ago. A nti"ke of Ir, rtlhrr+ sev-
eral month. ago
lest' and no doubt hast rued the end.
The decrlkred'e maiden moue was t'lat-
inda Anderson And her birthplace was
Keipieeing, near Georgetown, where
she Was born silty -seem year" ago.
Five years atter her 111111 'age to Rob-
h h 1 her, husband
to 1 on the tllyu.,rr
Nrine•mlwr it'• th.• -h,.s, that
count, not mywspall"•r talk. We
have them in any weird you
may 'venire.
V. h,4\.• an en,lless variety of
\Vo •n'• 1Yress 1' tr. and
Slippers of all kinds at ole 1ri,vs,
while the ,t,rk lasts. Abs, the
new high -rut Il1",t, f; inch leg, for
A big rIo' k of westing Boots
mail children at
for men.
pri'f"womensat .1.. n..1 ,, •tile k
the fact that Iotther isallvanring
every week end lemele will Ise
very much higher Now i" a
good tion• to sr. mat your supply.
We troy for "lot rash, taking
advantage of every dire -mint.
Your ge•t the advantage of this
by dealing here.
A fulletock of Trunk. and
nn hand.
Repairing neetly done at a mod-
erate price.
Walters & Co.
• s3:nl
TM o.,,rn.' F.
.1., }rraLTee tern..
44 a..q. JI ..1•• e"•
.),. _l, •nd"•• T►.
....1••••• amply cora P
Doane rn,el• w
Me .I,-,. .a a..•ee.
Ow, "• the goy l
waa Tas was.
Y••lal fin• d .te•es-
•s••11.a for s.we..1
Dailey ire .i
R.bh.r Gss4s
Cs-, Leila
1• n
As above .intra, Besides her
two daughter«. to wh refer-
ence has just Iwen made, \int,.
Mtatolish i. 411rvtreat by nue +torr,
If'nhert A., o* fort Dalhousie. Mr.
John Arwetrnng, of lioderich, 15 a
brother, ms Mho is \It . Robert Arm-
.arong of Dungannon. MrHenry
Itia•ral, of Port Albert, and Mrs. HOD.
art St,atidir she :am -e a j , tires,are sister". 'Cho
Inuvwl eo Ashfield and-ettlPtl on r 1ark,t►wrr)•, . ( _
farm near Kintail. Seven years ego I funeral took place Irma Thursday
ithey 'ed to Uaxleiich, where Mr.1 noun to Dung 5••
Strndi.h died three nlamths latter. Two I J. R. Ford condom log the services.
years ago Mrs. Standish went to lieu- 1 The p.allht'nret, were two hrothrret
lin to live with `!he remit net there! strong, wuof eon,
1i1Hlrri h Robert Arm -
until Squires. strop of Dung,uenol, : Chris. Sand -
whentwo we re prior l.• her death, , K• and 'Phonier
when .hr was removed to the home of Praon, of O,rlrri.h,
her other daughter, \Ire. Manderson, 1 Simnel., of Berlin.
Ia/aALI) till:\\ART '40.)W::ALL. •
Atter• a week's illness., following A
paralytic stroke, Mr.- LMnald : t .*eAtt
11c1)oug,Jl, of Goderich town -hip,
near Portei's 11(11, p.iosr.l •, :AS y 11
Monday last in his "vis')-niut t. • '..I•
Toedetteasedwawa natty and : f• tong
resident of the town.hip, lit .,.l,tttn'n
tc the 'solroavrng nits AfA11. Iv • f seyet
sons and three daughter-, ale left to
mourn their great lo•.. 1 i.•• ... •Inters
of the t'1.r' don. with t. I t 13it at-
itoba : , '-Id .. . „ I' at Stan-
ley ; Itr. end l 1 .uta Palk.
Ivy • Mrs. l;'h-„n, ,•f tly� o
erns \I 'w.te \\'hiss. Bruce,
Glad). Orel .I .-i ..tl ii i'". The fun-
. r"1 take" i 1..,1r 'fmn-da' Afte-
r x'11 to 11.6. 11 411 1 ,.,.,,,...., :. It v A.
\l:oawrlup e, poet n a r IL''l;'1.* w.111,1. t. ,u ,I'J y'111 4* the set vices.
Cameras, Films and -
Photographic Stock
as we intend to discontinue ?hoto Supplies
Folding Cameras, ,;• 1�.� x 3 1-2, SIS.5t', tt'r $1.}.00
1a at 3. X 4., $10.00, for ,...._S 7.50
2 1-2 X 3 1-4, ;;ti.00, for ...._$ 6.00
2 1.4 X j 1-4, $5,00, for $ 3.7;
BOX L linnet;*:, $ 1. _0
11 '•
., 4.
2 l -.l X 3 1-4, 2.31'., for
2 1-4 X 2 1-4, 51.5.1, t.\t
:also a stock of
The heat .'i\r. rtun y'you will. ever have t,) bu) •1
Camera and . tpplie.. 1')on't delay. The first t&
come Vets the bargains and this is the Camera season.
James F. Thomson
Music and Stationery Store
Iia.. t Ill n;...a. t ::ghly. 10-10,•1•i
rat-i.lru' Ut \\ Iog11 con. and a 16.1!1%, '
(',*4l. 1 " 1,4..11..11 p, /4. 4 AL 11441 11'.1110
A6 \\•or.h.ore 'o SInd .':, May (Il.
;writ fill. ':.,ur yeah-. 'tr. 'I'hurlow
rul4'ta•t,d .1 ...Artie cola -4)40,11 three
eke - ago, av high p ..Ae l 10.10 when
peen iitom•a ,tevr1. ped. I'hr tl.•cea•eil
..a burn 1n t ..lbolnr :, Wuship. whet
he ',tent 1ti+ early Lir. Later he lived
in %Vest \\'awr11o.h :and Ashfield,
mitring to \\'ingham ten yr.ar+ ago.
Ile is .urviced by hi• willow, who wive
Miss Tena '411 NG:Donald.Aniltined.uaghtrr.
Mabel ; also five brut here : .Mint t .51111
\\Tilton' in Nerth Ds knta : Timm.. lir
\Laoitoba : Peter. in Illinois. rt}d Ililwh
on the boniest eat' in 4'olhoenr, 141111
one .istre. NI re. \1.1iti., of IMidoe.
The Niteroi took place on Tueedav
afternoon. \Isy !1(h. to 1C rnghsur
remelt.' y. the ser'nrs ieipg rondo. -ted
isy Bev. 11. 1'rrrie. Thr i'4* Iron,
w Ji.tau,,' Attended the funeral Mrs.
Miser. Mrs. A. Hopgoo', \In-. 1,1411114,
\\'mson ; Mi.. Smite H.tlul' . Hamil-
anelton : Mr. John \lardonald, Pie. Albert
Mar foliald, li,xleric11 : Mr. and \lie.
11.'Tbluluw•, t'uIVaunr : \1t. at.y1 \II-
itich:udeol.. Port Alton t.
1.,•. \ -Is.\ !•:1411.11 • .
After a -holt ,;lures Rev. las. sieve -
tight, A well-known Irtr#J I'ar.by-
t":ran nrint'ter. dt•.1 rt his Ie,idrnce,
170% Delaw.ae avr1111P. 'torontr, on Sat-
urday. \I .\ Il, in his eighty•aiied year.
Biro in Aberdeen, Scotland, in Ititt,
th,• late Mr. Sievrright received hie
early education there and came to M.
country when /shoot eighteen years of
age. Shortly after gi,ul11atolg Ilam
11116011.4 l'nlver•ity, Kingston, he went
to Melbourne, tldetH'r, where he Limit
over his first pastorate. 110 cams
to tioderirh in IMO .*.1 pastor of the
t'len existing SL.,Andrew'e cnngreg0-
Lion, in aucceeaitnl to Dtev. Mr. Paine
Ion In 1`t7:i St Andrew'• congrega-
tion united with Knox church, mud
Mr. Siev.right become joint pastor
with Her I)r. Tres He resigned in
lied* and went to Trines Albert.
While in Goderich he Wan lnetru•
mental in having St. Andrew's 'nano@
)shote removed) built. and congrega•
tions organized and churches erected
at Smith's 11111, I,eeburn And in liode-
rirh township. In fact. wherever he
happened to tw he expended untiring
energy in organir.ing congregations
and building chin rho.. He continued
active home uusaiunary work in
Northern Ontario up to the ago of
eighty, ofte l walking long di tsnce
to preach. H. kept p his ate ice till
the attack of gi ipre in the ws
from which he never lecoverrd. IIP
i+ survived by his widow, two Ann.
Meagre. A. P., of Waikwttnm,and Bred.
W., of 'Toronto -moil
t hit ddaughters,Mims l
Ms. W. U. Macdonald
cel S,evertgh'. rI home.
NRa R.lnt{RT HTANnla11.
One of the early residents of Ash-
flrld was called to st her regret o Nn Tues-
day of laweek. wben
vtandish ;mimeo n•ws, at the home of
package Cbnr. Handenon.
KDIToa-Please iwA ibis bete* In gnat street, Goderich. Mrs. Rtandish
health situs the
Misery in Back, Headache
1 and Pain in Limbs.
HooseesMs to 1. H McClrtee
Dear Mr. ',Astor- For more than a
year I mattered with misery in the back,
dull headache, pain in Ole limbo, was
somewhat constipated and adept poorly
at night until I was atalnt ready to col -
tepee. Seeing an account of the won -
1 derful timelines of "Anuric," prepared
by Doctor Pierce, of !tonalo, W l
sent for a box, and bef•)re tieing the
whole box I felt and still feel improved.
IMy sleep u refreshing, misery reduced,
and life is not the drag it was before.
1 cheerfully recommend this -remedy
to sufferers from like ailments.ltOBE1lT:
Yours truly,
FOTK t You've all nndoabtedly heard
of the famous Dr. Pierce and his well-
known medicines. Well, this preserip-
I tion is one that has been ruecessftillly
used for many year* by the physician@
and ,pecialisu of Ilr. 1 ierce's Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo,
14. Y., for kidney complaints, and dis-
eases arising from dO7'�� f the
kidneys and bladder,
weak back, rhetlmatiam, dropsy, con-
gestion of the kidneys, inflammation
of the bladder, scalding urine, and
1 urinary troubles.
Up to this time, "Anarlo" has not
been on sale to the public, bath the
,yea 'on of many patients and the
` demand for this wnnderfnl
healing Tablet, Dr. Pierce has finally
decided to pot it into the dnig stores
1 of this country within immediate reach
of all sufferers.
1 I know of one or two leading drug -
in town iwb ; have, a„ t
prrooenre a .app 7
I entices customers le and around alis
locality. 11 not obtainable eyed one
dime by mail to Dr. Treses for trial
50 cents for hill treatment. her daushtrr. Mro
,ams oo�pionous plans b rat paper. . ad not been in good heal
A BRANTS:1RD SUS Ari -Fahaltibre
Paw 2-Piea•o
t etini hum. 4.-.
\ -Sas-cola-owing of A•pha
coat oa ce rtu-' y J stat
Yesterday and To -day
Wool: n shingles of twentleor thirty ye-,rs alio were of splendid
go any. and answered tt.e purpose very w. IL There was rn•thing
better et that thine. In tact no othertt4,,t, ahs pate -material
was on
d t Yet who f 44,4 dunk of Iles became not,crable, efforts were
madea dct to invent of iofiui, . that
invent n rwfiui; that w,wk1 not only be an economical
and rermanent-,suhati!"t' for wasien shingles, but one that would
outlast them in service. The
Brantford Roofing was the result. it has -made good."
se is
felt of its success thoro thos roughly
eat,,rattedthe with asphnitt purr, long-fihred
a r mineral pitch.
felt which is crystal
The aslpti•tlt and crystal roll routings are then thickly coated with
crushed rax -k particle% which adhere., tightly to that base, and the whole
forms a permanent firepoad, water -tight roof.
Brantford Asphalt end Robber Roofing are mad e i three
different weights. Crystal is made in heavy
In m1 or green natural colors. All three grades are pliable and
well suited to either flat t.r steep roofs.
comesin rolls with protected ends. The layers do not stick together
and the roofing is easily told. h requires no painting or tarring
when put on. It hoes not crack with the cold nor melt with the
summers heal.. It es., not- girl split, rust or blow off. It gives
permanent weather and tire protect Hai rt a rcaaon .sal !cw "'fel cost.
May we send yrni our roofing hook and *amplest They
will show you the real value of these roofing materials.
Brantford Roofing Company, Limited
Brantford, Canada
Sold by W. R. PINDER