HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-5-18, Page 4TnomDAT. Mita 18. 1916 rHE SIGNAL GODERICH : ONTARIO Buy Your Boys' Clothing NOW 1 • Don't wait until you get poor goods at high prices ! Even if you are not badly in need of a suit, it will pay you to buy now and save the suit for later wear, and when you buy, buy at this store—we have a large stock of good clothing the kind that fits well and gives good satisfaction. We sell boys' good clothinCr at fair prices. Walter C. Pridham Society Brand Clothes, King titYTH, \ TR the TUESDAY, May lite The order of the day al prevent is gardent)g end housecleaning. Meser.. i . \\•main A Sons whipped ear of cattle to Toruutono Saturday. Ur. J. A, McTaggart attended a: I convention at Toronto last 'work. Th. e-mne';1 his purehaaet a drag ro{I� for the street. and It has unproved ticru thew w1 t the ti -ed a' Irtfull), to y cwl.idrrabI. au o.in1 id gravel. The Myth Laud is going Lo h ave •utulld(iunert 111111. .\. i ii1l1u1- a1 Hall on Thursday evening. whets the Itll.t mail aty hand will furnish the music. Lieut !Scott lett on M.,dsy torten• -a-tires" Is the Standby In This Ontario Home Teener -see, Ont., Aug. 25th, 1913. ".1/..r. wife nisi a martyr to ('owili jati,w. We tried everything on the calendar ing for L..ndon to take militwi y train• without satisfaction, and spent large ing. During { b its a inttic r l trot +gI thoauy herr a'Fruit••tiyes'. \Ve have used it in the ranee, "f will f t 1 bacr ch pes o f sums, money, until we happened on eeoIIl The Iron howlers are finding it 11it1I- family for about two years, and we cult to -retire a caretaker this year; would not use anything else as long as and in consequence, so far, they ate I we can get "Fruit -a -tires." doing the worL themselves., bol it it J. W. 1sA\I\IO\P. tint very omit isfectot y. Ttw farmers ate still hewing a hard "FRUIT• A-TIVEV is made from tints to get in tlieu' owed, es the ground I fruit juices and tunics—is mild in grow ecnies. Icy' when another heavy:action—and pleasant in taste. +.ton. titin voted. tiolur ot term afhraid it heal I bac. a box, 6 for $ .5O, trial sire 2 c. 1 D• R. C. Weir bas commenced the h r. put 11 Lot we are aurid it not Ifoundation for a new verandah at hie hese. put in when the ground was At dealers of sent on receipt of prion I rreidr)ce. in tit c lit ion. by Fruit•a-tines Limited, Ottawa. \Ir. H. H. Hill is looking up a boiler! Duvis Court was held here on _ to pun ease in the village, with •wire Thursday- before . .lodge Ilult, but u usual there ase.. only rlightdocket. A wrist worse t.. hurl Dexter, the latest 'to`I,rtJoseph Lesson went to Wirtg- Ier of canes were mailed out of seer nit f Hly,,th. Capt, Dancey court, .o that t 11.re was only the +one vee. then Riser the best h t r m intimd ; Myth. h. h horn for tban on edday stores. fa toad of seed • case which value up, Jaa. Cunttuul that hasrII for hvillagewas oheerved in the ' Jas. Hebron, 11i which the pleintiK He is a powerful speaker and twenty Day tern to understand the nerd of our young churches on Sunday and the Kennon' 1 the victory were appropriate to the place the!• nation h 'club for the portions. of recusing re- LANES. IC ,v. J1tildrn. H. Irelrfull, pxrtor of the cruits for the Huron Battalion. They M„NDAY, MAY 1:, Baptist church, attended preyrr-mart- have 11641 r badge printed with the ; , ing on Turedey evening in khaki, has- words on it, •'Knit Socks or Fight.” 1 LANS:14 1.tf1'Aui.—Mr". Phillips is inti rnli.trl! on Uuuday in l'linlu Their object is goon! and it is booed visiting her daughter., Mrs. T. Frrgu with the hilar Battalion. \Vs. than !that they way- meet with success. c sou A. recruiting meeting is to he rhumb in the Presbyterian chub this evening The fanners are anxious- 1 Iv looking for a dry time w get their needing dote. ..air. Ju. Hackett, tit . has not been well for a few day.. We hope to see him around .gain he - fore long . Mr. and Mre. O. W. went1.ine mot Sunrise with ft tends at Port Aliwrt Mr. F. l'unuifKhatte of Putt Albert, visited at the bunter of Mr. lieu. Lane and Mr. !toy Alton one stay lino week.. A number of young p Porde from Sheppardton spent ..n enjoyable time tart Friday everting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Alton.. A number of the people bete at ended the services held in for f.ncknow Pre.hyt.erian emueh last Sunday ..The country is aYritt le - ginning to loot beautiful in its sires. .1 green decked with many -colored flowers. AUBURN. %VgpN.A .itr'', May 17. Mr. \V. T. Riddell received a car of rah. last week. The I.'. P. It. baa several extra 0)00 on this rection putting in new ties.so Mr. Roy Pattern is borne front his studies at tureen'' l'ntveisi_y. King. K. ITRta la:olt Fu:uT. The young men to help on to gain mothers hold in our homes and es lathe. of the town have orgapiz•d +a over Germany. miss hire here. Mr. Jonathan Bentley's i•oungest 1tg1'gl ITIN1• RALLY. -A splendid re- sop, Leslie, has donned the King's uniform as a meta et of the Blyth detachment of the 'dist Battalion. This makes four sons ot Mr. Bentley in 1 uniform, while some others have not spared one to defend their homes and (01)011 y. UNION C. E. Sot-tin-v.—The officers of ter union Christian EoSuI re one day last week . . Mrs. Iet3! 0f the Auburn Methondeavdistr ri- and he _ - - Pteshyterlen churches for the entreat term are : President, Colin Finglaod: i vice-president. Ralph Munro : trees- ! met', Miss May 1)en-tedt : secretary, `Gained 15 Pounds By Taking Vino! Miss %Villa Stranghan : assistant ser- retery, Mi+s Ellen Phillips : organist, Norfolk. \•a --"I suffered' from nen Mites (aura Jackson : C. )Neons ottit. mid was very j vousness, had no apps youu't tfer—prayet-mry, g, tee ice I thin. Nothing i took seemed to help me ma Pfeffer ; wt.ri . M i \lis« Alice until one days friend told me about\'tno4 F'u:gland : ei.g1, rc, Mise ltargsret 1 have now taken six bottles and have Irck.tin I aocial� stirs ie•ttir .Iackv00 : gained fifteen pounds: have a good ap- petite and can eat any thing."- Mtrrta ALBERT. DENNING, Norfolk, Va. PORT Vinol is a delicious cod liver and iron \%EIINI'•uty, \Isy lis. tonic without oil,a constitutional remedy Hfttt:s's.—Mies \Ixrgatet Hawkins which creates anappetite•aidsdigestion t th ho ns. f \Ira \Vm and makes pure healthy bkai Tryit H. l'. Dunl.•p, Druggist, (;oderich Ieruittng rally was held in Industry Mall on Friday evening at which them !Was an immense crowd. To wake the meeting at ill more attractive the ' 1111+t military band, from Clinton. ar- hived on the 7 p.m. train and after 1 playing soar splendid music on the street they went up to the hall and certainly delighted the audience with prate choice .elections which were al great credit to their leader, Sergt. i Brant, who is a first-class musician. Rev. tiro. Jewitt acted as chairman. !Miss McColl, of tiodrrich, rendered a ni.lr of 1.attiotic selections which wear heartily encored. Another Hats, Headlight Overalls. I pies -int; lttrsetiog WAS two presenta- tions, one being a beautiful fountain pyo to Lieut. N4.•tl, who has hewn the recruiting ,,mer hrrr .ince the start- - ing of the ittl•t H- ttali0tt and, who ear enlisted over fifty for this Battal- ion. Resides this he has Mao had the h i hr was i of the men, but, s training bracing to take course At London the c"muiit ler thought ohs" a y1aa1 In a•1 en,:ntr!.s. A,k b r our INVENT- time to show their appreriatioo of T)1t3AIA-1S a,wLichwi:l be sentftse, bit). Rev. W. H. Hawkins read. the MARION it MARION. maitre.. and Reeve Dr. Milne mule the 114 University tit.. Montreal. I presentation. He also presented a PATENTS �t 1`t l V-f.11tli • tM , The ,ae1ca_ S•.. chocolates "Your Sweetheart's Choice Their exquisite de!icioutfhess is obtained by the skillful use of absolutely pure ingredients of the highest grade. to hoc . so, end SI 00 per Ib• fr..A a.oere mea' Coda r. H. C. DUNLOP. GODLRICH tr t MaterialS New Wash FOR DRESSES AND WAISTS THE VE['.Y LA FEST FROM THE NEW YORK %ARKI:TS Read the following items and nate our prices. Ise Printed Holly Batiste in 4 colorings, fast Z• and 15c Dainty new patterns in Organdies, in late pattern 5 JS Printed Handkerchief Linen, something very new 20c, 20C C Printed Voiles, a maker's special 25c, 35C and 3 3c Printed Seed Voiles, a great favorite 05 Plain White Voile, wide widths45cc Plain White Seed Voile, wide ISC20C and40 Indian Head, at last year's prices 40c and 25c Black and White Voiles, in fancy, neat patterns50c Prints, in light, medium and dark colors, 31 to 32 inches wide, every piece last in color, all Blues, indigo -dye, at less than last year's prices. STOCKINGS—Come here 'and get some at last year's prices ti {_, 1-2 and to 2 pairs for 25c 25o pairs black Hose, , 9, 9 A sh1p/tpent of seriNEW11CURTAI1NS1An ,ND CURTAIN r%tock. iii •laint pattern-. tUSLIN5nd ecru rtnK, These 2'3- m sour If yard Curtains are just what h needed2.5to brighten n LSO.he ow. and room. *4.00. Woo. *4.00. $4.00.s54.00 Per ran f ecru. i sa.so, SILTS. t;s \'r have a large .tuck of ecru, crnlm and colored Madras Curtain sloven., Ther >lu.lui. are the t-rn newest in design and coloring. Anil are well adapted for bedroom.. i'rf yard 150. 200. 250, 300. 500 Scrim Curtain Muslin by the yard, in different designs of borders,'itinch to 4o -inches wiseat Ser %as. t White Lace Curtain., in many gwlitirs and price.. 1Mn't forget to e\antine the pew Silks we told v.,tu alsait 1.i.t seek. J.H.COLBORNE ........... Mrs. Menary, Sherppar.ton, on Mon day last Seeding i. progressing very slowly in throe part. owing to the wet weather.... -.alts Roy Alton and Miss Rae Alton called on friends VIRGINIA GIRL :a ctatttng a e . 1' nn Out gyarantee. (gray at pr5sent . A ti unifier feom herr attended the funeral of the 1441-' Harry Kneeshaw and children, 01 Don't think Itemise she tailor has tiaa(rrich, •pelted at Mr. F. Cunning- your measure that he iv the only one. ham's last week .... \\'e are glad to ver Mr...1. Burrows out around again 1(1.51 err recent illntas. evening Mies Sadie Carter i., the guest + 1 her grandparents, Mr. r even \Il. is soil corset day QUEEN'S .011Iv'uSiTT KINGSTON ONTARIO CI CATION E AgTPPL1ED S I"ct iblintnic'Mora. .arc and kincalhngowen. MEDICINE Daring ik. W. theee will he coldnow1. ..nine is Meeew.. HOME STUDY Tl,e Arta Cour a• maybe lak.. ^ "'t- rp"1r..e bet arodents deavraato {'alt ate roust attend arc ...tot, SUMMER SCHOOL oleo risme r naw AtlGNST • MEN OF 11117110N The 161st Huron Battalion has been ordered to mobilize onJune 1st AND AT FULL STRENGTH. Will your County be humiliated by having the first Battalion she was authorized to form and go into camp UNDER STRENGTH ? Will the word "Huron" ever stand as a word of reproach throughout the Empire ? Or will the people of this County rally to their pride and to THEIR HONOR ? THE LAST CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS TO THE MEN : The business of the young man of the County today is the completion of the 13attalion she was asked to form. Kitchener urges "men and more men."' Canada has promised him Soo, too. Will you be one ? Are"you content to remain at home in ease and reap business advantages while other men take your place in the firing line ? Wiil your conscience remain clear and clean each day of the long years to come ? Does the sight of your chum in khaki leave you untroubled and undisturbed :' Make such sacrifkes as may be necessary (the Empire is worthy of them! to enable you to take your place in your County Battalion.' ENLT and ENLiSTODAY. with the knowledge that at last you are playing the part of ahf' ' an. TO THE MOTHERS, WIVES AND SISTERS: Do you know what is happening to women in Europe today ? Do you know that the women of Belgium, of Serbia, of Flanders and even cif your own race in the old land have suffered by the invading Huns ? Do you know that thousands and tens of thousands, with their little ones, are driven starving from their homes to die in misery ; that they are being violated and slaughtered ? Do you realize that if this war is not fought out in Europe, you and your children may be forced to share the sufferings of those in Europe ? Do you realize that if Canada is to protect her people, her homes and her liberty, her men must be given without stint to take part in the struggle ? Thousands of glorious mothers, wives, sisters have given their dearest to this cause of Hu- manity and of Empire. ,\ Can you meet this type of womanhood in social intercourse ? Are you content to see other *others, wives and sisters,proudly sending off their manhood to pro- tect you and your menfolk ? Or will you meet the burden of this generation with COURAGE, "the highest of Divine virtues" ? IS YOUR "REASON" ONLY A LAME EXCUSE? 150 Huron Men for HURON'S OWN ---and in 15 Days