HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-5-18, Page 2• T1ttneete T MAT IS, 1916 tt: ►upportedtbe resolution in nae I of en rn tytee simplybaro 1Q 1 I teen described a one of the mostwhat 'lo- edee,ess liermand ruthleIsss suhj.etlwing of • quant and moving addresses of his everything else to the one chief end, career. stir Robert Burden opposed no matter who might suffer ee whet THE SIGNAL GODERICR ONTARII► THE $IONAL PRINTING OU.,Tn. pIN L it,takingthe ground that it war a wrong, might be committed tier - 1 Pi'BLtaHtBB iqur.tion with which the Legislature tawny ,'y will les letter ruunuy Lo live of Ontario, and not the Federal House, io when it thlnkr less of •'.fflcieucy Tare tlwsat Mpc MWM seer `meet t odrrkA ThurdRh ( should decal. Ilan. Frank Oliver Ind and mare of buuummv. .ewthe.AntaT a Hui Mg. Son lMtarro Telephone No. 31 the N'r►trtn Lilwral+ in opposition to 41:1es nirru,n I aRta..--()n. IMnar and rift, .-eats ur.r ?vat . if prod strictly In ads mice 'hie l the resolution, and in the division l�U•r wilt4 eeeePted: w '"b"ertbers in the a hick followed eleven Wettern 1' '- t:ter skates merate MUuelub.c and Fifty trots, in, 'dr.•L'ruax, Certs .treouy In advauee. nubaeri ers who 'rale and our 1ems :an tora.+tte ins y&cote. uting sly by mail South Bruer) voted against the rrrul- wiuoouter •tarns tlr . satiate as the WbWh- erofthe fRctate.railyadrleopo.+lGle-When 1111440, while eight tlirbrc l'onservs t change of .ode._ i. desired, both old and tae neo eddrrs suot,la be given- Itemlttaw+s, t twee supported it The resolution was ejected by a vole of 1117tofCI. The Signal has already stated it■ opinion that it was a mistake to bring :his matter up in the Federal House. 1t 11 A question for the people of On- tario to .,tide, and advice Prow outside, be it ever .o well meant, isnot wanted. The French people have no tights in the matter .'a ept the right of hav- ing their children properly educated, and the prol Ism is to devise and to apply methods by which that tight can be reasonably •sauced to them. Bilingual .ehools oy. they were cou- ducted for many years resulted in the deplorable conditions which were brought to the attention of the Pioe- ince by Ili,hop Fallon, and it is in 4he interest of the children of French Allure years. origin that these conditions should be Law vs. Education. remedied. Whatever extremists on Roche -ter Toner one side or the other may say, we believe it is the will of the people of - Untariu that every child in the Prov- ince ',hook' learn to speak, read and write English, its older that be (or she 1 tnsy not be handicapped throughout life in a Province in which English is,. and will be, the dominant tongue. tear bs inane by bank draft. eapro letter. post orrice order. Or regt.tertd Subrrlpuons may oommenne at any mein. AnvsKTtaiso Tann.- state+ for display end owtrect advent...went. will he Riven on appli- es/Ion. Legal end other similar%deem temente. OM Dente per line for first tn.eruuo and four -eat. per line for each .ubse•t„ent insertion. Mee.urcd by a wale of sand nontarell twire naes to an inch. Huaue." cant• of tax linea and under, Vise Ihiller. eaper r.s*r Ad Situations vertime- E t. of Lost. Pound. Veeeat,tKtuatmn0 Wanted, Wows for orale lar Rent. Vvrios for Mer. etc.. for to notexceeding or ight Imre, Treaty O ve Cent- each insrrtlon one Dollar fur deet Largermonth. Fifty Cents for advert niement es•E.0 roturt ion. weititent G«Au nouncements In ordinary reading type. Ten Canta per line. No notice l... then Twenll- liveCents. Any special notice, the object of wbetehir the pecuoter bonedt of any ludlvtd- wit OfI.roNat100, 1.,e oon.ldered au advtr- tbement and charged ac,-ordlnii1• ratfor of To l'onsuraeornavrs-The coene our .abtertb.re and readers i. cordially Invit- ed toward. making TNR Neural. a Racily record of all local, rounty and dist net ddnR Sore e mun/eation will be attended to uole.- It con- tains the name and addreee of the writer. not neoproarilt for publication. but as an ev ideate of od ws nesse should reach Teta t+e0' rofane notait h. 'laterht an WOdneadal DOUG of race *Mk. THURSDAY. MAY 1S, 1916 [Tiw WAR. 1 BRITISH CAPACITY ANDOERMAN EFFICI ENC Y. must do w in spite of what Mem to be her faults, for she too has sed must forever continue to have the defects of bee qualities. The sucrate man is constantly Ig. poring all this. He reads of the tre- ,t.rudous efforts which IJ.yd George weenie coorlanlly to be c pelted to wake to *peed up his workmen to do Rabat would ,ecus to 10• their manifest Throe is usual present-day talk duty. but be forgets that in Peat we of WHAT OTHERS SAY. „bout • fflcieocy. The newspaper,. Ale the Cuued !)tales weer tow{ellyd 10 wake • fight quite as revere to gel our toll Li it. Naturally we all wish to he people to vole to pay their debts in When Ontario Goes •'Dry unease IAt.,noo'. I Iectively, both physically and mental- He peruses columns of daily reports In future all streets roust be sixty'- which indicate that h:ngland sr rharply- rix feet wide. Hut why widen them Iv. 11 by efficiency we wean what the Jivlded uu Ib..ubject ,d e. u.coipuuu, now) Atter Heptrmlwr 1:,th they will ,lictionarirs say and w•b•t, until ie- hut frits lar rr,tlite that, Ly cuwpariwso he wide enough as they are. cantly at least, the hi -tory of the with our own experience in the civil Excep'iooal. lal,guage has connoted, it would be as war, her leasers have handled this meeireal Mail. uutortunate 10 le inemcient . W le matter Inc manner that is rnaslelly, An ex'hangr speak. of Mr. Bh cell, going just slow enough to educate lair Chief Secretary tor Ireland, as an ill, for to be efficient weans, to be public opinion and yet rapidly rnr.lgh except' 1 politician. He is. He ad- effective, to have the power of pro w Rest the soldiers when needed. It it witted (lankly having made atuistake. during the desired result. Hut the tow early, ie it said in pawing, to word efficiency has recently loeeowe render a coteplete verdict at the A Hint present time, but anyone who bas tiuelph Herald. endowed with • neer sense. It now closely watched the career of Premier Canadian papers are issuing "warn- piiwarilydenotes that type of ability Asquith for the last three years, Ings to tamest'.•' The only proper to accomplish objects which Nows through all the Howe Hole crises and advice to give r canoeist is to keep his trona administration, organization, •t• the events, of this war, will have grown heoul down when he reaches the trenehrs. tentiun to detail and the strict cuor- A Stift Tax. dination of all activities under unify - T, ruoto Star. ing winds or authorities h,y • sort of Under the new war lex the man in mechanistic proserr. So we shall not England who has an income of $l'_,aro will pay a tax of g ,tele. John Hull go far astray if we suggest that in the due. '001 b direr in charging up the public mind the word efficiency, now - Whole cost art the war to be paid its outlays. implies such fairly complete d.- vutlun to these characteristics, in themselves not undesirable, as is prac- tised in Germany, which has. in some way or other, grolwn to tw looked upon as the land of efficiency wbeo attained principally by these means. That this carries sub it the implication that we are to avoid whatever may to the Hritish counterpart of thew attribute we nerd hardly add. • It is ti.e put pose of this paper to adduce some consider- ations which natty indicate that this advice to cultivrt.. the (irrroan type of efficiency. however well m.aot, con• fain. substantial error. The re.son the 4.-.ioin variety of efficiency. ii now quoted at a premrutn is not far to seek Her mili:ar ma- , nk east, loth individually rod col. • hoorsr coin instead of debased metal. WHAT DOES HUGHES SAY? ('ol. John Wesley Allison,vouched for by M.j .r General Sane Hughes as the soul 01 honor. as a man who was doing magnincent work for Canada without money' and without price, warns old to be a grafter of the tint water. Sevrtal transactions c a doubtful minute have Leen (raced to him. and the investiga- tion of the Kyle changes has show') him up definitely in his true colon. An amazing story of war piolteerir.g has beenirvealod in 'his investigation. Yoakum. Hawick and Cadwell, three United Statesets who somehow got in with the Cansdisn Shell Committee, - received • contract for fuses amount ing to between eleven and twelve tuil- licio dollars. The that proceeding after landing the contract was to agree on the division of a commission of one wilion do Ilan, ('adw-ell, the only re of the ton. who was a menu- factufer. was content with it quarter of a million. es he ' erected to make some profits out of the utanufactutene. Yoakum's share wan $47:.,tssi and Baseick•s $275,''51. After certain de- ductions. a ting to $3i,(Jll4. Yoak- um split bis share with Allison, who thus gets 152.21yes) ea part payment for sere ices r. nderrd, according !o Major- GeneoNl Hughes, without menry and with my, ice. Reputable Canadian manufacturers were refused this coutratL One of thein, when he called on the Shell (ominittee, "FAR told to "see Allison." It is not easy to wage the world Fetter by legislation. Wise laws are violated unless deer is a healthy pub- lic sentiment tack of thrid. It is in the presses of education we obtain the best and wort lasting results. The Fighting Canadians. Hc. hater l'a,t l.xprr-s. Splendid intrepidity marks the con- duct of the Canna -both contingents in Necessarily, in some cases. French the British armies. No home scandals will be employed for a time as the of munition, or equipment purchase language of instruction to young chil- can dim the lustre of their achieve- wents or rob thew of hard -sou glory. darn coming from French homes,d AIM there can Ica no reasonable objection to the further teaching of French along with the other studies of the echool course. the first req,tiwite, how- ever. toeing • good working knowledge of English. There is nothing in the situation here outlined tyat calls for bey Advice fr the Province o! Quebe•r. We regret- that Sir %Vilfrid Laurier has given his support to the resolution of Mr. Lapointe, which, though in Reel( harmless, hos A squint in the direction of outside interference with the edu- cAtionAl affairs of this Province The chief 'stilt of the..discuesion will he to strengthen the hands of those in this Province who are intolerant of the Big Enough for Britain. Brantford Expositor Mr. I'oyd learns has leen sen: for by the British Government in connec- tion with munitions work. This is the gentleman whom the Shells Commit- tee treated in a cavalier wanner. he- caese they did nr,t think he was big enough .t warn to handle a fuse con- tract. Proportional Representation. Wood -tock "entinrl Itrview. During the evasion of the Ontario L••gi.leture which has just closed a hill was introduced to allow municipalities to adopt propmtionel representation. The introduction of the bill served the pump we 01 bringing the subject b •fore the public. Perhaps it wan not in- teid.d to accomplish anything more et present.' When the people ot this couutiy twcorue as much interested in claitua of the French-speaking the real problem: of popular govern- { g meet es they ae in ,Lr faction Nghu and. to discoueage *hoer who bre nI the political parties it will not rte so eatuestly dewiness cf finding a ,elu- (ion of tbe vexed question which will result in efficient ,chops and in peace and barmoey among the people. hard to get a heat ing for a proposal for proportional repterr uLation. The people will Inst -t on a change trout the present mr.ltods, and they will be so ttoorh in rerne,t that the politicians will be glad. to fall into line, as they usually are when they ser that the EDITSHIAL NOTES. • people mean busineee. The unsatis- tactory results lullna ing the working of the prernt system of reptesenUt- The hetet Battalion needs a few tion have lwen demonstiated again mote men. Will you he one i and again. :acme inner it might Neem He refused to J44 this and le g„[ no -- as if the system were designed, to Where war contracts are ronee•ned, present the proper n prrarntatinn of cuntiact. Yoakum, Bewail: and Cad- I the p'eoplr, ti timer i[ utterly pre - well appat,ently had Alli«u,s influence l John \\', dry Allison it it recular yenta the representation of IIIinnrittes. ie . . instance 4.i les) votes e-► onto for instance, -n - h o r .rash nu n t 1' 'Toronto, p'o y 'r t 1 ,t ( sit d they y K to for rxtrut -u u_s', he r r elect eight representatives of our poli,- ia•rtirs he del1 u elect a 'urines t wartills fail l cat. F too arch party.while -1 U n lou m icedh t(• con ) worry • t t n s 11 I on't I under the cuntiact bac, been very weather. Ontario will to dry tor a singly representative slow. This amazing tale. given in the we - new box by well who wets parties to the transactions, calls for cleai-rlit explanations from the Minister of Militia. It be sees n0 harm in the pocketing of, fat commissions by hie friend Allison. from Contracts of which ht Ithe Miui.tei had supervision, he does not see things in the same light as the cast majority of the people of Canada. Thr Shell Committee is de- f,tnct, and it looks as if the Mieister of Militia had outlived his ,Iaefiilrleed s.s the head of a department of state. There it nu su+pici•tn ot his participa- tion in any "profiteering." but he is A little Wo good to his friends. THE BILINGUAL QUESTION. Ibe resolution proposed by Mr. La- pointe, of Kamouraska. in the House of Commons. directing attention to the bilingual school question in the Province of Ontario, was the subject of a notable debate. The resolution was as follows : Ion{ while alto r September next. Mr. Laeetgne is1.. icing from p dife to have a rest. The public will enjoy the rest no lest -than Ar- mand himself. The 161st Battalion will have its share in the fight for humanity air .inst. Prussian ruthlessness. 'I'hete it still room in its ranks fur s few more good men. John Wesley Allison, as pictured by Major-tiener•l Ham Hughes, was al- most'•tm good to be tier." It seems that the picture was not exactly true to lire. h:very man who takes, the unifotm adds so much weight to the pre.ute that is being steadily exerted against Germany. Even if it t.ever gets to the front, the organization of the Hoon (Battalion is an undeniable factor in the issue of the war. A Scottish manutacturer is quoted as way-ing : "To toy wind there is something absolutely revolting in any- body making profits out of the na- tion's agony." John Wesley Allison probably does not call it "profits." What ke gets is • "rake-nlT." The Toronto Telegram haw bees clamoring all 4t long for Sam Hughes' dismissal and iotas used up columns without number in reproving Premier Borden for allowing so much of the war business W go to the united States. The Telegram is such an Pr retie journal that apperently not much attention is paid to it in r fllciwl chiles, but the revelations of the Shell Com- mittee investigation go a long wet to- wards justifying its campaign of the past year. y The article on this page under the heeding •• The War is patticelarly well worth reading. Ti,, writer is resident of the United States who evidently has twrnm0 rather tired of the talk of 'Yiennan efficiency" and who sets out to show that Germany ban no monopoly in this respect, and that "British capacity" should have '•1t has long been (ho settled policy of Great Britain whenever • country passed under the sovereignty of the ('town by trenty or otherwise, to te- spre. the religion, images and lan- pu-ge et the inhabitants who thus 1+ec British r,lhjeeIe. •'That His Majrstv's injects of French origin in the Pr0vi a of On- tario complain that by etc t legisla- tion they have hostile to a large extent deprived of the prilrilege which they and their Dithers bevy AIWA!. enj'yeJ eine. Canada passed under the sover- eignty of the H, it i -h Crown, of hav- ing their children taught in French. "That this House tepee%sliy at. this Lime of 'tele.i .s.1 wacriflre and Anxiety. when all energies should be cortcen- ,mrd on the winning of the War. would, while fully recognizing the principle of Provincial rights and thece necessity of rarely child being giten a thorough English education, respect- fully suggest to the Legislative As- sembly the wisdom of making it clear that the privilege of the children of French parentage of being taught in their mother tongue be not inter feted with.- The diacu-sine, which occupiers two Wttinstant the House, was rondtieud lhrouabrnri at w vert high level and I 1 (Invernment for levying the special with a roiwimum of the laugusmoment.ge of its dna moment. of appreriati • The one -mill tax, which spill rgna ly all people if it had managed the finances will torn not to he simple. Any Jur at partisanship Sir Wilfrid Laurier fact of lbw matter .s that "efliciehey over the Province. Mayor Church mete ernnomieslly. familiar with the law of potents will twin ed that to one res t ter t , our Minim Lincoln, •••••••••••••••••••••••••1 W. A CHESON & SON; • • 40 Ladies' Wash Dresses 1 Yarns • Knitting 40 • • 25 dozen 'Women's lineae Dresses, 2.'131YK n i t - • 41 made of best English prints, in med.ting Yurrarn,wool, '.u- • • tum dark and light colors. Well- , per p • • made and perfect -fitting, full skirt, ills shades of • :grew for sox, • splendid style, colors warranted. in I It per pound • • all sizes 34 to 42. Special, each $1.25 $1.25 • • heni Aprons i Mill Yarn • K tc p• • I Soft, 2 -ply natural• • 30 dozen large ty\ craft size, made undyed Yarn, pure • • of English print, neatly trimmed clean stock and • • makes most saris- • • and pleasing style. Sizes med- factory sox, at per • Willy, he equal. • • Those, then, who do not understand • the English, their fondness for self- • depreciation and the way they have • of magnifying their venous and in- evitabje differences became of long practice in the frank expression of opinion on all political subjects, and who expect a thoroughly free people, because they ate living in war times. to behave as though they were, all mere cogs in • nrll-oiled pace of machinery arcording to the accepted formula which obtains in autocratic countries, will naturally find much [hint looks like muddle its England's recent conduct of affwire. But when we exawioe what England has done in • the light of the necessary lituitati. us • which her fonts of government and the character of her cit z'us impose • and o1 the kind of results she hes wc- compli.hed in view of bee preptrat lieu of • an teat las w rue ,,s, patience which is infinite. • • • •• • • • or leek of preparation for and the • d clines y has seemingly moved like consequent. rmculty to securing thew, clockwork. 11 was utade long ago, there is Abundant runru for the couten- has been carefully improved and held! tion that Great Hritain has shown • abreast of the time., has been kept int greater capcity to do things and a perfect repair, well oiled and free of higherquahty of mind in arcowplish- rust, has been tepeatedly tested, and' assent than has Germany. Fur when all provisions for its rapid enlargement I we get to fundanietntitle. the fact is were adopted well in,utvauce of actual I that Gerwauy has rtcrutty barn carry - needs. Such break -downs as have un- ( ing on the Activities of war according doubtedly occurred have lwen largely • to long -pet fected plane)aod with long kept from our knowledge 1.y a centaur- I siocr acquired pieces of apparatus. ship which long years of practice have ?She has Wren continuing to tun an wade petfect. The apparatus of her estahluhed business: Great Hritain civil life levitate the same state of ap- has not only being doing Ihie, as in her parent smooth running. All Germans. navy. but she her built up what is, in partly lwcause of their national eff.c', • new business. namely a great temperament, partly because of arun• and all that is ureded for it, and their two arse' set vice under this, all 11 inge considered, its en in - arms, have been impregnated credibly short space of time. wittl the need of suhwissi.n to Few of us yet real ze the magni.ude authority, especially its war timer, in' „f the task which was origin*fly art consequence of which unnecessary Itont of (treat Britain end *s now, we friction in the administrative mrcbwo- .nay feel confident, behind her. An ism has been reduced to low hwits Awetiesu aru,y ufflcer the other day and such ad takes piece is not pertuit-' testibed h -tore a eowwi:te.,oh to wake a noise. Now it rakes • ._ .t.... rifled built according to Euro- piece a t.uy to run a car - ,u' � Dean model., a, w is were ordered piece of twul.inety when it is of the i a year ago in American factories, were size of that represented by present I just beginning to be scut abroad. He THE AMUSEMENT TAX. Would Not Be Necessary If Provincial Finances Wue Properly Managed. Toronto. May 1B--\Icnday, May 1:. h. LAW the c ' g into effect 441 thr new semens tax levied by the l)ntal its Government on patrons of all pieces of amusement. It is estimated !bat the tax will prndtier an annusl revenue of at least $ ss : ,i,tl, The teal meaning in that the people of Ontario who visit theatres, and especially the hundred. of thousands of Ontario citi- zens who. in cities and small towns alike. go to see the movies, will have to pay the Ontario (iovetnment hall- s-tuillion dollars a year in taxation in addition to all the other taxation they err now payleg. While there is no objection from the people swains', p"ying the 'minutia'minutian1ent tag, there is a presslent feeling that at least part of the neeessity for the impoaitiun of this tax is the fail- ure of the U,►ernulent to adutinitt,-r • •• • •• • • • • • iumand oversize, at each soc, 6oc ; pound .. 9e' • I Staple • Specials patterns at old values. 2 1-2 and 3 34 to ;6 -inch • (;leached • yards long, at per pair, special Cheeie Cloth • 39c, 50c, 65c and Si.00 •„5c 1141, 2$-inchsuper'131-cached • Japanese Rugs Flannelette .. • IOC Matting Rugs, heavy and double 13b -inch White • cotton warp, neat designs. Size flannelette .. • Curtains Nottingham Lace Curtains, new 3 x 3 yards, at 2 X 3 yards,- at 52.25 ...,,Si.so Special values i estry Carpets.. suitable for any Wool Carpets, 12 I -2C 7o0inch Sheet- ing...... 25c • • • 0. • . Carpets • n Tapestry and Wool Carpets. Tap• • 27 inches wide, good patterns and • room, at per yarJ........ 6oc, 63c, 73: • yard wide and reversible, at....... • Roc, 9oc and $1.00 • Union Carp_ts at 55c, ooc, 65c • • .• Dress Serges • • • Guaranteed hest. Indigo -dyed Navy Blue Suiting • IP Serges, alltt'ool, at old values, ,}e to 56 inches wide s • at per yard, special - b3,;r 75c, 85c, 51.25, 51.50 • • • b h' 11 1 int cid 1 which d red over • • • Getman activitterj� "ecen if you have j was trylog to show hnw long it takes • • millions of skillestaervatit• trained inteven for factories with nothing else to ••••••e••e•••••••••••••••• the halite u[ obedience to look after is,. I •do to equip themselves fast' nlaki�'g this it implies the faculty to successfully one requisite of land warfare. Let us r on an rxistin business on pre -'i try to one ine what it means to trans W. A Cel ESON & SON • cat y yiouely determined lines. Tills in its' form. in eighteen months or less, the hold at once that this will only ir- relation to war, which is what we' are indurttie. of a country into a state in crease the merit of those who have ir,- here conrideriog, liermauy chatty has. which they can pr, duce nut n,eiely this minted term. Si far, to good. '1 he point that so one article but all those couutlrtr things many of usseetn to so frequently forget which are needed for an at of one. But rut 0l c. (hear it waist, the Erie - man that Ureas Bntatn has ely the or two millions of your own mer. the fish did Wunder et Neuve ('het; tr•lle. st her power to d0 precisely the earuei mere enumeration of whish objects Lor.sand in the l)udar.e!Ies. \Cell; its sort of thing, to successfully tun thei would Jo.IbUrss fill a book, and flea the fall of hill a handful .,f British. business of wase along those line/ (ort add to that the extra plant called fort who for millenniums willhremain a aioo 1114 en(n sb inm 1 •► e n h e re -• s her vire- pe 1 wedleast, t previously part at she P I ine sh p u su which I Y t b I� „. sir p y•b... r t pr ,eructed defences. Ir Id 1 , nn erly aration, and this in the practically � torn[, art your A.lies. and we begin to faultless conduct of her naval affsirs.I diul'y realize the scut of job this little yet of action sever 1',.yrs, in (ti.- '11.05 11 then we are invited. by those wbo 1 Island had est -eyed. ('ponder that the their num' wt., "f theme.... At Neave preach to us the acquisition of eflici- 1 woi k was done without previous plan- Chsppelle roti Looe, the 1bolsi. weir rncy.totake Germany as a model1e-'nit g and a appeals as • monster going against a puree, owl ,Ity equal cause u[ her aucce5s in the conduct of trnoemtakeng, which Is without parallel number of the enemy. net tog t.eh.nd the present war, and that, in effect, is , in the history of mankind. 'Those will the hest-knriwn type o1 well-intik shout what we are asked to do, it is be best able to appreciate the gigantic trenches. The oafs were tremendously k b - b against them. Now, when one is en. char we most find a support fur our choice in something more than the ability to efftctivcly carry on an Ps- ntagolttKle ani the Larwu tetesu 'es leen connected with the rar rl gaged 1111-n it vc,'t,ire in al Writ the building art great enterprises and chances are strougly ag•.1n•t roc- ye hlar. n' ro t I,t''Inshed military entetpriee tier- yrs no known quickly devised entry- ccs*, tt a easy, after 1 r nla,,y and Great Britain sr.) each do. prise has ever approximated it in size. point nut the reason for (atlore..itchis irg this, the one .n its army, tbe other with iia navy. Bat, we shall he told by many intel- 1 gent readers of American newspa- pete, %hen this is said, all has tarn veld. Britain's efficiency begins and ends with her navy. All else abut her is bungle. There are a variety of reasons for this state of mind. First of all there err few who have the Uur captains of industt y or thine who took leading parte in our Spaniels - American war will be the first to mnrvet that the mistakes made were 60 few. 1!, then, the man who creates what is in effect N new industt y de - /wives mora credit and is considered W he endowed with a higher quality of mind than bit successor who rnerely successfully continues or enlarges it, 'risme to read the daily press in the there seems co escape from the c. o - only way possible to teactP safe con- clusion that England has already elusions, and that is to relieve no shown herself not less but more statement of any sort utiles,. after re- efficient than Germany -in the matter tle,tion, this seems to harmonies with not alone of the navy. be it understood, antecedent probabilities. There is but of that institution which is sup - little attempt to edit the news in the posed to be Germany's specialty, the United Stales and the journals become army and, what hulks quite as Targe, all that it takes to supply There is another point of view which emphasizes this conclusion. All will agree that the .1,ility to meet new situations is of a higher order than that which is implied in resolving what are in effect oki problems. 1f we ask what new and effective instru- mentality the Hermans bane devised since the war began, we are at low for • reply. Shall we say the tree of pois- oned gas? Or shall we speak of those '•wMututes” which she so badly needs. tiles to tell us she bac, hut hes uot, using instead, as The New Yoek Evening Post recruit)' pointed nut. lbw vibe Oath of going without. But the answer In England's case instantly comes to mind. They have conquered the perils of the subu.arinf. That was a new piece of work. T). discussions in -The London Times of June, 1914, ere strong) persuasive that the eppro- priats defences against submarine at- tacks upon warships had not been in- vented and certainly not tested and they are convincing that the means to frustrate attacks upon merchantmen had not even been considered. Had there been any pretence on Germany's pert to abide by established rules of war. there would never have been a reason to consider them. Yet these means have now been found. Their crucial importance is manifest from this single consideration: had they not its finances on an ec0notnieel 114.18, cattle -411N for euro y fact and fancy and and alto its failure to erect just take- linty opinion. Then Lhe English are tion fr some of the wealthy corp .r- ((never finding fault with tbeuoselver. attune. If the liovernment had been That seems to to a national character - as anxious to tax these plutocrats as astir for which we Americans make no it is t , take toll from the r proper all,waneo. Most important of man in the streets there would have all, we are constantly losing sigh* of been no teed for this wneeiemPnt tee, this fundamental principle that a nation 1f. for example. the tievernment like an individual must have the de- leviori what it should levy. under the [wets of its qualiti„e, Vere expert lbw Mining 'fax Ac'. on the Canaria Cop. British tt, hong on until the crack of per Company, which mines nickel, doom, but fail to realize that a people it would take fr this compeny'some with such a temperament cannot be $441),1441 this yearinstead of the pa1- aroused very speedily-. We honor try 5441,444* which it 14 actually them for representing, in • political taking in accordance with the five acme, about the most free of all cont- rite flat rate agreement entered Into uiunitieM and at the came time rusk by Mr. Hearst in 1912 as Minister of them. as scan as war breaks out, W Mines-- all arrangement which react as 0 their history were one of a Mr Hew st admits was not authorized continuous training in unbroken nhe- by the Legislature dienee to hither aulho City It is is Sano Clark, M P. P. for East ',norm to hate expected the supine Northumberland, elated the CROP to a Berman Soci,ilists on August 1.t, 1911, nutshell when he said. "The liovern- to have inaugurated a revolution for meat taxers the poor man who wants ;ware as to have••xp.cted the intensely to ere • nickel Amer and lel. the pint- independent British workman t0 hat• corral. of the nickel companies off With suddenly become docile because war e snnga4l, under the 1'on.enativP M1- heti been declared. Those of us who In really believe in Mistress Democracy ministration, the etpenditurea of the I'rovinre were eight and A half mil- lion dn114r. ; today, under the seine not only declares that the tat is illegal administration, the expenditure and unconstitutional, bat claims that amount* to twenty-three million dol the Ontario Government is not even lane spending the money so raised *echo Fight ng the One -Mill Tax. One of the leis 'imprisons in the pol- itical situatlnn is the violence of the at.tark road, by the Consery *di vP Mayor of Toronto on the, Provincial steel for war porpnsra. Whether or not steely Church is right in his eon- been dieeoveied, the war would tie tent inn. the important phase of the over today and democracy would be matter is that, agwin in this ease, the under the heels of the Central Powers. lio.ernment worts not here hu( to it may he that the recently found lay this heavy •err• burden on the mhos of squelching the indornerine a.bortno•sa of ammunition beer, a lick of reserves there. For s.'1 tto,, ,t the president of a great raile•e system once said. th■t won e.nly wins tweet profit who takes long chancre. w bo Ir)s his 1(1,11)814.4.411 not lout i unrs in tivx but three time. in five. 11 • w. o.1 have tided wish feet wing „f the CAN net whish vote d far th•• . lar,• di: len to the Dardanelles, w hiell mutt now is put down as a military (adult., though pwu hope, the greatest poll. te.0 succus • of the Wet. For prior I.' its under- teking the nnr'vital thing the friends art hi,KI and awl France I.a 1 1. . fear . u., was the poot, 1,1 yr r( Bitola** ears •ion. When Hasten t,.•ops l.r.nrd rt the li.l1.ie•1: t5u,n..,I-, tl,.t 111.1110m MAR ,woo -had nod the r,l ,.n4i.• ss..•. ass et the Allies was *hetety seised to a . newel certainty 1tu ,.is need rower be omens to friend. ►clop.' The A-1stTakata who yielded up their lives thrix did not die in trail,. Th. y clinched the ultimate vi -torr. That Great 14iitain will lis found lar have wade her share of noistak.•n is 11, spas..,i gied, The point is that most o f tbe.wc■Il.d west wi-t, k'i which .he *s rssuni«I t,. have mote Are with. r the 0 or Ie.s met i,eblr e.mcomit- ants of all eewlv•evolv.d g•eat ricer- , ..,•meed on *'..ie 7. •• r .a` ter ' -� w,+ _.J e''1 ''MADE IN CANADA. ,rffff"- /A IN strength is motpr car safety—dura- bility economy. And proved in actual service, the Ford is the strongest of motor cars. Many of the first Fords are still in use. One hundred -thousand miles is not at all a remarkable Ford performance. In practically every country Fords have es- tablished unusual records for endurance and satisfying service, under the most trying conditions. Climate or roads hold for it no terrors. it is the king of cross- country cars. The Ford's world-wide re- cord for economy and efficiency is in no small part due to its unequalled strength. W. E. KELLY (et)OtelINCH