HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-5-18, Page 1"Songs of the Allies"
catmints' the stational songs
of the allied mations- Every
51(YI eubrcriber wise part]g
for his paper for 1916 may
have his choice d this folio of
music or a 1916 calendar.
C. :
NtITY•g1UHTY YLAlt-No to
OF CANADA e1r1J .;
SAVE, Because ---
THE man who saves will be able to seize
the business opportunities that will arise
out of this war.
' ;yt.eas
f•, 'v
PopeI.t Mi.ia W d Kees Chortle Leams
WA>f __
mused work. Neshieg to sell.
asesml.-lon. .Eppy M UuM1NIUN PLI}ntxu
Cil. Berlin. the.
y.0 men to M.am .blpbulkiing at Good
••a•ag�F.� Mao, .►ps uwdrd rn f•,lure. Ap
PAN Y. LIMITILD, t.Dtaawesd,Ont- MI
Ilk ROUT steady_
CO_ LTD , usafort . Out au 9l
25 Handy Men Wanted.
Huron Battalion needs men handy
with tools for the
Good wages and abort hours.
The big final campaign for r.oruits
to complete the ranks of the Harare
M peaking good program. Over 110
have sigoed within the Wt two
wart., and of this 'lumber the follow-
ing are members of the Godericb de-
ttrebment :
Um. C. Rivett, Dungannon.
}ease Gaukv. Crewe.
Fred Rotett.00, (:oderich.
.las. K. Fox,
C. A. Weber, •'
- Webb,
A Change ot offlcees took place here
on Monday. Capt. Campbell relut ped
to N1ngbam sod Lieut. Sturdy went
to Henwll, while Major Hee-nun, of
Exeter. and Lieut. nan, d Heneall,
took command ot the Ouderich coat -
piny. Lieut. Duly_ is engaged In re-
cruiting work •ungannon.
Seating capacity was at • premium
In Knox church lest Sunday evening,
aper Lhe regular ehurcb service, when
Capt. Usncey, the well known soldier
orator, wade a final appeal for recruits
to 611 the tanks of the 161st Battalion.
Capt. Daocev.bed en interesting .Ivry
to tell and throughout hi• address he
was able to hold the (h)sem attention
of his audience.
t.ok, I. tar land. • t the giber amid he
stureed Jump bed. tas ttbbe bock esebilk ae w'twill be chased
ter •. takiue mud ik.nine on Julie Stb. K h
.ad 7.b.
Machine Gun Section 161st Rattalitt•
ofifers fascinating inducements for
ambitious young men. Excellent
sbancee for promotion.
It sou want to note colt. that a III show good
speed vetoed. and be are eta..• driver. you
astot breed be a bier aid he Wheel strain la the be.t yeah ie.,
WALTER RUDY. itx l Canadian regi-t.r
American regi -Oe r i+ le.00rted. ,mulled
. a io r. is w
tilt Moaheal.
The serviens is Knox church last
Sunday marked the close E. of
B pee -
tor ate of Rev.. George
who len today for Montreal, where be
will aseotw bas new duties un Sunday
next as pastor of St Matthew's
to delivering a Farwell message to
the congregattow of which be had
been for overview for the last Sire and
a-balf year., Rev Mr. Koss chose the
same *Oliveto which he used on the
tint Sunuay of big pastorate la Oude-
rich. In the morblug be spoke er
"The M of Hoerr " and In the
evening -Forward" was bis Oxalis.
He made fueling reference to the
many bonds wb%k hod booed taros
together as Astor and people, trod in
referring to ble removal be expres.od
the flew belief that a minister', trans-
lation to another sphs.,e was God's
wey of providing lender litho and
Iliad His peopleMaher
greater acbieveINeta. This wan Mr.
Rose' •'message of hope.. to Knox con-
.les en energetic pastoral worker
Knox church 1 w Ibe difficult utt ister
whom place
As pastor of a cougr. gelion of five
hundred families he iuuk a just pride
in the tact !bet he could call every
meniher of bis (heck by name and wes
so,ffl.'ienIIl welt egqu.inted with them
all Lo share the' couHdences and to
Now Is the Terme
to renew for Tota L3igaal fur ISIS.
We thank those subscribers wbo
have already renewed anti promise
all • great big dollar's worth dur-
iwg the coming year.
THE SIONAL ramie Co.. W MITkU, rvot..e.as
night Holes dug in the earth some.
times tweoly-Iles feet deep sive a
good wacky lives. but there is not room
for all an hundreds of hien have no
cover at all and have to live and sleep
o0 or under the flry steps below the
parapet. We all wear steel helmets,
which give a little protection from
glancing sblapnel.
"Atter the .ix -inch high explosive
shell the most dangerous projectiles
are the rifle grenades, trench mortar
bombe trod aerial torpedoes. But l
think 1 dread a gas attack muro than
any 'f them. Ageinst this barbarous
wee pon we don • smoke helmet and
woe betide you it you do not adjust
this immediaitely and correctly ; other-
wise it is an /agonizing death once the
gas enters t he luoge.
"Liquid fire. another gentle German
missile. is more terrifying than suc-
eessful, for it you crouch down at the
bottom of the trench thr fire does not
reach you.
"The !tuns are mating a great fight
of it, as was to be expected, and seem
to hey* unlimited supply of &mmuni-
tion. etc."
WOUNDED. BUT STILL GAME.I �uroe,w13 o)l 1. to Iitw1� Mitac, M
PW Josses pllaeVicar la Anxious to Get 11 te-
awell known
tor several months nwhile
at the Enemy. employed an • locomotive engineer
Mr. and Mn. James MacVlear re. 00 the C. P. K He wf itiv :
viewed word last week of the wound-
frig of their too, Pte. James Marc- 1 would be ableht htonea wthatriting
lou today
bad my
Vicar, at the front. The casualty y
ncculled April 2ftb, and the parents 'ticket'. but we have bad a spell of
have .ince received • letter written abominable weat.ber,gso that there has
been very
peewee his
in weir* Pte. 1b los "res-�k However, we are le looking f ward days. tor onus
preset. his iuteutiom ofw daps,
with lb. boys '0 a few drys." Pte. Reuel weather soon and flying should
MseVicar is witb the Calg•ry Mounted be cartird on in great style.
Rifles in Belgium• An axtrret from • burst first ot the montb fame in uneh ria • d • few Clay's with
his letter follows :
I have been up in the trenches and floe weather beguiled w to think that
too. too inane matted • bombardment spring bad truly come. Well, perhaps
and one of the *bells (ended and ex- it did, but it is not the spring weather
lodmil just out.ideof the trench ober tett we enjoy at home. but cold, yet
ewar. The trench came in on top of and windy. Today is Eater Mundy
me and a .odbag or something hit and Eastbourne is alive with visitors,
Die on the back. 1 did not feel hurt in fact 1 don't believe there ie •n
until 1 was pulled out. It gave me a empty bed in town, as I kuow for •
jar, but I ass nestgetting over but nusll be apartmerI fact that µine of hinwes*have every avail-
band large
at • with
rest camp,
*ick with the boy agar tow few able cornet filled Fowler is certainly
days 1'w on • Lewis machine
sun at present, but expect to he on
the Colt machine gut) before long.
The Lewis gun is a fair gun, but one
gets tetter traversing With the Colt.
1f you held the Lewis un a man, you
Would put about a dozen shots into
hint leturt be would tell. Tbe place
I wee last was about forty yards front
the Germane, but the closer we get
the .better .. The weather is get-
ting swarm, which will make the line
much more lively I hope we can
mate a drive out of the trenches .are
are to and being home the hectic'.
Hese not art any of the boys from
home yet...
Dnp®on Hoy Is Anxious to Get into
At the r,Rul'r meeting of Huron
Lodge,\ fs:' I l O. F Monday
• u t. , on
o t
eytning. the fulluwina wetnbere In have • peewoasl1 tereet in their am -
khaki were presented wish wrist- lotion.. In his preaching his Gospel
watches :..-Capt A. F. fituriy, Coop.- u always the ptpsrest, for, ss he said
E Fraser and Lewis Elliott and Pus. I in his farewell rotde, be knew no
Alex. McNevin, Harry alc lex. ,Oro. otber. Hie departure leaves • ,•Cant
Ferber. E. Pridham and Alex. Streit- ` lace, not ool in the church of which
on. Hergt. H. Jane and Corp. W. I
pasta ht>R it, the whole cow-
s. Slit past
noel reaistaed a.f d bred (' n.dis• Sneer' received Uddfellowr rlgoet
'inanity life, and hie going is tbe cau,e
boot. WALTER b:UDY -how• nmarkADL•
. peed sad is a.idoubtedlI one or the be -t hied i rings.
w anks. in Caned+ Hen.
I of general \tr Itusregret
s' new address 1■ 111
WALTER EDDY who obese the I:ue•r..on Pie. Fled Robertson, one of tet rt- Bourgeois Mt,
at Ur Clgrit'. stable. Nteraie +u ter. Priem of
,twice to tion. oat) Stout A. )I. POLL[Y.
I'-71 _
Il Nelson et rat • le depend to do all k it.dye
o4 .upytylle-tote hair Mor orders, swlenti or nnIT not
"rent, ciearioU. etc , •u4 alts Me ler .ate toilet
requisite.. shampoo powdessseeemi 11e Scouts
ot aawsge Q.•es, barbas and elseseeae- tq tf
Budd street. (Jester ch. r. h. Hoz tp2.
T Highest teennie
mol. lu town.
igilfal am to}a.,.i ". c.:olds work sect re."
! TR.tl\RD Mounds (the bit Minter. In
Oederiehi and three papa Priors from t'= to
ISA H. H. TOWNSENI►. Soeth.trset
17Tt.e county of Heron otter• pi ..101 of de.
beat uree for .*1i. The debenture . are lira
edam .ecurtt) sad will be offered to the re -1-
1. 11 t. J. 1401.111.:1, Tr.a•ureerr or the usct
t 1401.111.:1,
t'leek .
Dated Etat Pah. )AIR II .h
TeesayNt0; : ole twenty-lhtee record, Ap-
p at LOON ALO►yN'E.
T/ 11..t Y Harrod hock., (Mild and Pitt.
drains. two of the beavtest Wing Arsine
for IS.
kn0 Emu SI n we have
la drrdreomb white Leghorn.
)d • pea of Gadd noel belentere fume, to
s eedme els, imparted direct from Eng
wkMue dare bas m Necord of re ext. ter
r Ib.
gerq pe
year. ger
2.IhMrnere Mantes mated to Guild
osekerel•. Seg.t 111.M req. l.i. Hotel.
Appl7 1.0 A. CALU3K, Colborne
Hsty m taen. rttethat number of foe le•reAte sue-
lteg Vur
pew's. from the famous (Mild bred- tolay sushi
d Single Comb Y. bite Leghorn, Petunia unto tab
pus 19.r Veer Inn. line .peefsl pen of .e e -year-
old hews tasted with 1,m elanon sesta
oeckerels tl pee IS. 1,. abater 1aa s specialty.
�telpreevllle P.mJtry Yards. Phase I OI -n. N.
N. THEW ARTNA,Pw�kiter•
H. C. .tdngle.t Apply W. T• RIDDELL_
i'ItoPt.lt t Y.
cent additions to the ranks of tlae 1311•.
Battalion, gave up i good position in At • special meeting of the Goderich
the civil service at Ottawa to join the Ministerial Association on Monday.
colors and fight for King end country. tbe following re.olutiun WAS uo•ni-
His brother Clarence. formerly of mously carried : "The. Mini.L ri&l Ar-
Ilavev'• jewelry stove. .len is with the. of Godetieh learn.; with re -
101st. ntb are sons of Mr. and Mrs. l K -.
John A. Robertson, East street, and
they are & credit to the nim.•
Coder to A t) '.113 ne of the lower of .ale 1
contained 1. ■ uiertr.yie orale to ter eri..lu:.
t bare wto tor unrrrd fur .,.te e) pu1»ic motinn
et the l atou tlitei. in lite ".SY of G...lert IL ver
e.LTUItilAV. 11 AY tab.
at the hour .if ' °clock in the at,eruoor. th.
helms nig In•<hul•t mower)
lot animus' sort )-t h. es &„d the north telt of
lot numte•r ton) 3„111. m the s l..yfe of Bruise
had rla.e .now knuwu as• Salitord, to the
town.htp of e' orbs ue, In the taut) of Waren.
twin: Elie Aruna:y totmeth' ewted oy Mary
Ant. It sate. -.
'11u -re i- ,. good frame teou'e and -:•.bee on
the plopert) Ana a uuwtier or mot 1 .e...u,d 1 -
suitable for any poi .00 worktog w t.udertch.
fxaw. or SAL►_ 1"he property will b• old
. dgject to :. reverse bid. feu per rent. d the
purvb.se wont •n.11 b• paid to the ieLdbr.
.olicltor on the d.u- of .a.c nod the balm.+• of
the pnrthope n.o, -) within tinily day- then -
after. when .. .4mi t)awe sill be made and the
purchaser Int tofu po-.-' lou. so the property '-
D OW veraot.
For further 1nthcolarw:tppll to
WYTUM 3. DANI'I•:\'.
Han ietdr, etc.. Utdetich. 1 slit.
Dat ed April �)tb. kale, USA
The ce.nalty 11.1ast Saturday coo -
Bret of the InteaUtm of the ay. neo.
E. Ross, B. D r to (rave (iodetich.
\Vbile rongnwlrting him on entering
• wider Held of activity, it desires too
place •011 record its appreelation of his
work as a member of the As.ociation.
tsirlyd the nam c.t Private Meaning. i lie has proved hisssel( to be helpfu
of \\ ipeg, an bating deed of l and brotherly. aLAM itable and faithful
wounds. Private Manning was well 1 In all his rslat 'mihipr. The good
known in t hu section, as be was both -'Heber and prayers of the Ministerial
at C'listot , he.ng s ext of the Lata A.imionf 1!feg'.,iirb go with him
B. Masonic. le( l� town. Be, • vet,I tilt. sl�ltn�'wt=y blamed. dao
uato d in ...demise et Q•i.et. a ,mase- his fatrorw."
,,fey 1rURhad sir opportirnity to go to (Signed/J• H. F'TmKnINaILtM, W.
the floor w.lh the A. V. C.. but per- E. HAt.KR .1. H.1M11.T.) . .I A- E.
ferrel to'•J i his bit' in the trenches, 1..,ofn, G. M. H„Lyl.;x.
He way a second rou.in of KPgi.Lrar Presentation .n to Mrs. Ross.
Cats. of Grdrric*.
_ 1 In ronsidrratiob of M... Copt. /rib -
Last SaturdayMr. Norman McKain, son• who has been an inv*h:1 for saute
who bad beet, otbe 'tart of the Bonk tn.lntbi and who when's Kt l health
of C merce here for nearly two Was w must A,•iice wo.ker on Knox
year*, left for his horse at T,Ilsonhurg, cbar_th, A co,u,i. ttet ttpi.tentiog the
•td in the enure of a few dav+ he will women of the conga gallon met at the
enlist for °err.eas erteice. • Mr. Mc- home of het daughter, Mn .Ins. Wil -
Bain ie to br eongiatulaled on his tie- son, un Tuesday evening. to perform s
ciei n to get int' uniform. By his de- most pleesant duty. hlev. tiro. E.
perjure from G.deti.h, North street Rose andMrs. Roisnos we ethe. whonguiestsn of
Sunday I.cbool loses a worker whose honor
.rrniceo in the school Moto y were ninaty-third yes., delighted the little
much appreeirtetl during itis Port by reciting "etch" trip
in town. Mhakeepe*re and Item/ins in a won-
- 1derfully- charming manner, and for
Private Will Hinscliffe, of tying- the gurete of honor particularly e
cu lr to Godeticb to the' Ieautiful pipit, entitle! "My \Nish."
hem. has u , IThe following eddreos was read and
bugle tend. Mr.. Gibruu gracefully handed the
A tbi ill of delight -test in what' gutta to M,.. Ko.e :
Edward. ice cream gives you. That I Godericb. 11.0 h.. l90:
"good taste" tell. of absolute putiLy. thea Rau.. We.e w
sh'lmen o1 k"°1
nl w you to dr
cannot UrOrdersOrdersdelivered. Phone XANLI church. feel that se n nUl
part from our mid.t w dhow[ In rote form sl
way eesdthe tett' Map parer ece (eel in
Mills Cameron announces s clearing Aps�pin,xpr.4 3,nr .' and ourdesrly belot.sl ps+tor
Your went. calling n. to s more uu.el As1. 11/11
R u •
' P on At rd „ w ere. b•
millinery sf.trr tII
ofspringy. � hod
Irbet s
s qt f ur a
bolo 0
for 'Jif h, and following daps, to make *�jl ip Altar len ro u., anile of tea cnnv:n Ate.t
ready for summer millinery. teal and un.w.•r%mg devotion to duty of our
pastor we will not attempt to •peak A. •
tangible evident, cf our dwfll and affection.
r the bowels loo .se and n.bie
all Orderlies tee t the- Alone r t
Kix l I accept
r c.nr.UEoo Warren street. conse,ie"t
I to Mrbor. Very rea..00&ble. Apply to F U.
Wklit. %Valren .treed 1l tt
51111 u1' t:uul:KICH-easentythee.
.cares. ouover.tent ly l.icalyd: done ho...c. fon,
b»rn. ct.., lot '!t !!•!dans ooncewwn : tmme-
mate 10o00.- ion. our farther particular. ■ y
is the N.ITIUN.U. l'ItUiT COWAN Y. M-
ITF'D. Te rcetu. or It. solicitor., ]h'KI.. siN
& HON' 11-1'. 11 etelt't'. II :5
Fighting Ranks.
Dr. T. E. ('ase. of f►ungaonen. hes re-
ceived an interesting letter front hie son
Benson. who had 1weo with en ambu-
lance corp. in Belgium for several
month.. The -following extracts from
the Inter tell of his transfer to a re-
serve cotuhatsol 111,11 at Folkestone.
1•:nglsn.o, %herr he is laking en oM•
art r tt nluing coulee: IK Lpt
Lodor.. May
'.You will be greatly nrprised to
see the above eddies,, sod to tell the
1' sur )rise to me
truth it teatrM v • Net {
to Ire beta so s0,0. You will also
want to hood how E �IsWetw Lha- 1
Iain over bete. so 1 will proceed with
the explewitiuu. ler of our
•• olive Christmas a
fellows have heel] ti yu ( 10 get nut
o1 the unit into s .thing that we
would he more moils -Heti to In• in. tied
se it wow pretty hood to get a direct
transfer into a comhet/int unit the
Prosiest way out WAN '10 apply for w
commiteion in the infauliy of the re -
water wrtuy. e. the CO,I. i e! rai.rd no
ulrjectinn to that. Aloof twenty o1
u. applied. I sent l.etck the paters for
Pi 'widens F.kt.nrr to sign and isle°
had Bill Fingl.-ond sign for character,
etr.. and wa4 tub -4 before the
Brigadier :lien. otrnnie. *lout six
weeks ego.. 1 did not say anything to
you in toy lelterr,a• 1 tl ght 1 would
wait and see how things went. Word
came last week for rue to repot to
War Ohre after attaching usiywrlf to
reserve unit at Folkestone, and I was
la (Ake `)thy;uwcaniituagins. e in
land. y
pretty well tickled.
"The fellows wht, hod no eprevious
lr t toss
Owning weir tees
three month: course, while thuee fr
Uu'vrraity who had taken the U. T. C
course were to take -t1 *Peke' tootl-
ing in France Sit yr•ii wee 1 w[u in
great luck, elide the y
+,mall! m
at R
rather disappointed K
away. I':a'rtunatrly-, Idose Ituthe,
fotd w•.. i.Irn rrcowwrmled for the
Godench's New Fuer iture Man.
The following is from The Canadian
• holiday time in England. Every -I Furniture \V ,Id and Undertaker :
thing berms to close down trout Tburs- Wesley Walker, well known among
day night until Tuesday morning. I the fun niture trade 'f Ontario, who
while every( ne who can hastrnr to recently sold bie business at Clinton,
the resorto end frshioueble watering- t Ont., is again getting hack intc the
up -to -
places on the coact. firing one of the business. He u stertinr an leading eeauide of tiact'im., Nast_ date furniture .tore old undertaking
parlor. at Oodlesich in Hohmeier's
old .tend. He is aim handling house
turniuhirgo. urus'cal instrumento and
talking wacbines.
The entire Blore is bring completely
renovated and newly decorated. A
fine office Is bring fitted up, and the
basement is being lowered A foot and
cement noun put in. The fittings
will all be in modern style. ad bere
will he displayed iron beds, spring
beds, linoleum. and the cheaper grades
of furniture. When ei ntplrt,d, the
store will be one of the Horst equipped
in 1Ve»Irrn Mario. To Grip off the
hu.iinrwr a motor delivery will be in-
augurated, it being Mr. Walkrr'r plan
to give the beet .rrvice possible to It$
cu.lowos and to hen community.
Mr. Walker ham kern in the furni-
ture hu.inees over twenty yeato. He
lint started in t\ ingbatn, and then in
Clinton. He hat hero in l'lii,ton nine
years. Thier years ago.be !ought the
C. H l'unrry litigates., in Guelph..
taking in ea partner J. B. Hoover
who wan at our time elm r.pposit.ion in
Clinton, a ineober of Hunter std
1i Tb in -May 1 ILre-
1 Threw . �tdv1 , ( d
R'alkrr sedd her ►nrne:ure an under-
taking lousiness in Clinton to J. Dun -
tout but rontinited the Guelph husi-
bourne is ver y much .1've an
promenade and walks precept a very
lively appeseranee, ra the people wan-
der up and down ❑etenilg to the
bands and seeing each other, much as
the do in atlantic City.
• 1 11 .0011 tea here two months, and
feel like a motive. During that period
we have turn gradually acquiring a
general knowledge of a. ronauticw said
its kindred subjects, so That 1 am now
feeling more at home in the work,
although there is still much In learn.
1 certainly like the trying tri far. Of
several nicht e, 1 hive had soar up to
about 6,iAW he4, cowing down in
spirals (with an instructtir, of course).
The last time 1 did most of the work
myself. I expect to go up alone in a
day or two. It is grist to be awry
„up in the ether poking down from
various altitude. upon. the green fields
that look like matches.), hedges and
railway lines that appear se black
strips dwindling Imo mere streaks .s
we ascend, wbtle the church spires
fade into insogn.flcanoe as we soar
awry up w the regions wbere village,
and towns appear as landtasrts and
where osier eil)tior► aigrette far ever
100 mitre' But 'ear at lea gigner yen
have h to do, especially if the • air
it 'bum, y.' 1 did not think that it
Jl UrALKt1t'.-Ssneo room.,wa.hroom.
warypp.&•try sod wt.W.hed : ,rood cellar : barn with
unle : emote boo.,, fume b•ui t
Ing 1SOV: fan tree. and garden. awl) on
remise., MURRAY CAT? at)N, Aubun,
t IS -&t
bischirto Teseato Uslveedti.Oradeato
It •ousts d Darnel eurseau.
P..or o tea. mate MsJox Pale 01aces
sorest desire ant West street. Osdertoh.
A reef ; +i x roan., good sellar amid wood-
shed, wester sem See sad small paedPn. Ter
father pari. alar- &93)17 at THE SIGNAL
Grrx F u-,
The Standard and istered
Trotting Stallion.
AiDIN 38729,
PARAMOUNT 1435. He is a
good big, pure -gaited trotter and a
good sire, told will be staid cheap.
d the undersigned. lot M. eonoersbo I.
'est Wawawoeh. eve bed d year old rattle -
thres Mark and t wo rid la color Any Inform-
ation w. to tapir whereabouts w111 be thank-
fully received J. W. Ul1YluN. Dederick
Rana) Telephone trill. ' • It
w e n.k yet o
regular and healthy. be'r action is linen. 1.', ting that it, you .It .round pito .ix week, contuse. coining
others at Treat
be reminded or ueP I •d eel( are coining here end as
eotle. mild and Soothing. Sold only spread board lois mar beside no
w tea po.estolr to Ire q,i:lr .0 busy-, and 1111-.,1 Until the following f.11,• dt-{oe-
you have to emicent;te, 'An an roror inK of it to \Ir\auto :oil York. sine,
one say or another may means crash
to the ground, and I assure you that
it doeeti t take long to accumulate a
steed of seventy 10 ninety miler. pe
hour when your machine is heading
werde the e.erth. 'Ve are on laud
.,.•hinreat guess -tit and it -la alweye
f eo Aock who thougfi sb.ret I they are heti) pretty de -Pot fellows
I won't feel •t all runt• • As re-
gards the ti ip over. I lett Belgium at
o'clock \Veedneeday morning and
wee in Folkestone soiclock thet night_
yrmsmy or lour
Keiall chug storm, 1, rod ...PC In body. are meant inspirit. fool alto of the
loxes. H. C. Dunlop, Godet•ich. fad tart in old t:otencs here mut .I way, b•
essay tAble-et omen either or both of You will
A rutin who belong* to himself has a stereo he e'er)' wAoemre-
poor time of 0.. He feels •o if his 11.t In tonhe ma) omit mPtnnp,>peou. to lrrP*A[bwhich you
mn YnnA . h
clothes don't fit dim. One of F. J. tars
idham's suits will make hint feel es
other people do.
The "John Stewart" Geranium.
ae talent cwt cern et oon.reration or Ay 1 went down to our grwd ftir
you *111 brine o i•. that God may -m.re you
king to It and to one another, mud tl.si lie may \\ Atte. They are the people who en -
;sad Into the life of each of 10.. "ju-t enough terhtioerl tie 00 often lest Rummer 111
cbmde o m&ae w xbrMw•• •nowt bone earner their beautiful home. They ere ail
good singers and I hall w very pleas.
ant evening indeed.
"It took a day longer than 1 expectell
to get the tienufer owing to army red
tape, fait 1 did not object', am it was•
sure g•wnl to get hack to •Illigbty
again after seven months of Belgian
mud. rder-
'•i came up to Londonyeoter-
day1 am
day morning and reported, n
to go back to !i orTncliffe to get my
furinugh(twelvedays). The course wi11
not start for three or four weekset,
so 1 struck it rich again. 1 am plan-
n ing taking in the historical points of
interest around London anti a tour
into Wales or Devon, or perhap loth.
Mat will 1.e the least expenoive of
anything and i think the most enjoy-
able. 1 wee at • goodd show la*t night
and spent most of the Afternoon sight-
eeeing. Saw West min ter Abbey,
Perliement buildings, two don leidge,
Rt. Per's and West End, Lc.. but will
*pond a week going through them
later Wits at S1. Paul'. thin morning
and the mode wee mnmeing grind
It vias • fine service and cry impres-
sive to such a grand pile
"Weil, 1 hope you think 1' have taken
the right step and are as satisfied as i
•m myttelf. "BY7etw)v."
Fenner Godsrich Yeast Mas in Training
then,' 1ie seq., he hes had hi..y'. 140
Go»tenor*. the twenty print of Coned*,
end it is hie intention to move his
family to fitllrr'ch t hi. f Jt.
When Mr. Walker went to Guelph
he WA. made w annular of the Board
of Trade, ('anedien Club, and Re-
a qua -tion whether we will goo onems-
all probability twilrrs' Arw.ciatin11, lir srrv-rd in the
pi sore not. It we don't, we will in council At .r Enron, belongs to probabilitylie taking part in some
soviet tett. and it reckoned on all side.
..1 the bind operations in Fran.,•, in a "good sport.- He 'a a progressive
dile tinct. lilt that will 1e smile time roan, nape merrrsl hou.rp, end bus
yet, as there iv much t' learn And w converted s lone hotel at the G. T. H.
great deal of practise i. re.lunrrd• A slatfo1 in Photon into one of low hest
lesson may Ko to France alter .•prod- hnsfnewe colleges in GntA, ift. He has
inK thirty or forty *min in the air. also given lit»•.Ally to all good coo few.
That doewn't sectu vet y much, dorm; it its i,1 A ueenller (Arlie County of Huron
Arad yet It might rover a period of nix 1 \Ver Auxilietry, is a patriotic (iatls-
months, depending largely un the df.„ rd L, •al to Any 11tr, where he
weather, ass 00 Milne daya y.nu neVet
get up. Other days you might only
be up a few minutes.
"Six more Canadians have ar-
rived at the •[•tion, four of whim
were at Halifax with u» and who
have leen at Pot temouth for w�
• few week. taking up uavigitnor, etc.
The rent of the boys who carne over
wt the same time are now up
in Re -d-
ela. can Yurkshirr, whom is
Kenny Boyd. I haven't teen him
since we left London. \\'r were glad
to per the fellows arid we will now
continue our geed tones as in Halite:.
•'1 lied wont today from A 1.11411 who
is in the trenches. He eey»,he knows
of s caws where the t:.•rmanqs took off
the bootie and sox of a raptured Brit•
i.h officer. placed • l.mt. under him
and blew ban to piece*. When you
read 11 that out of thing firsthand it
makes a person's lined toil and want
to get at the devils.
'•Sense of the boys are • bit home- rou.r n•.''
sick at time*. nut • the' Ight of it has 101b"un a lilb„oo. eolk:uur• for mortgagee- set
minl.l rslnx.
,.CArl sly entered n, r hr us, sm ! here t
The new geranium wbich ban been Ste"ed °A bPbaff of ute women °e I:nnx
rharck. Agne. N. Ulbeon, Lombe U. \yU.o^.
developed at the ljenmiller Nurseries I.sbsh D. A. Key. �y 1•. NsinL Don.11s
has now been given its name. The -
proprietors of the Nurseries adver North Huron Liberals.
tised in The l'anadiin Flirt iet, asking
that neuter he submitted for the new
variety, it prize of one dozen of the
plants being offerer! for the person
eroding in the moot suitable name.
The judges were Mr. .1 Art her Moth-
erhood, of Toronto, trod Mr. W. H.
Robertson. of The Signal. who after
taking into consideration all the
n ature .obmilted chore "John Stew-
art" as the most suitable. This name
w as proposed by Mr. W. G. Mullis, of
Brampton. There was • bed of this
new geranium on Knox church lawn
last summer, •ody will remember
the mess of hesI1%jagnt pest let color
which lasted tb batt the mason.
The late Mr. Jobb Stewart wan the
founder of the Benmiller Nurseries,
and the "John Stewart" geranium
will appropriately comn4ewra
ote his
a la,
Hiving been desirous of enlisting
for some time past, 1 have finally
succeeded in making arrangements
with the Goderieh Coal Co. (P. J.
MacHw'an, manager) to take over
and carry on my cartage business
during mi absence.
I have therefore signed ftp with
the 161st Battalion for active ser-
vice overseas, and I would respect-
fully solicit from the public gener-
ally, and from my old customers
particularly, a continuance of their
valued patronage until such time as
I can again resume my occupation. bui
Any iteas affairs entrusted to
their care daring my absence will
therefore be thankfully appreciated
by me. Te all order. to
.phone 44. ALFRED H. JA Nit
F ling hair and dandruff can he
.topped and the growth improved b
Rex•ll "9H" Mar Tonic, which a1
Rexsll drug stores guarantee. H. 0.
Dunlop, (lodarIch.
The annual meeting of the North
Huron Liberal A.w,cialion will be
bold in the town hall. SVinghani, on
Tuesday, Mey :soh, at 2oclock p. to.
All Liberals are invited to attend.
Private lid. Paley, of the 170th Bat-
talion, Toronto, who pleaded guilty
to the charge of attempting soleld*
and of eeesplag from an oeteer. was
released ctrl suspended sentwnee. Hie
ease was disposed of in the County
Judge's Criminal Oosrt on the Sib
Inst. Pansy has rejebid his battalion
In Toronto.
Tbe name of Mr. Howsrd Jones, of
(lotteries. appeared this week in the
list of successful third -year students
at Toronto Medical College. Mr.
Jones is • son of Mts. Jones, Napier
We are plesaed to notify the Indies
of our town that the "chain tea- hwa
already nettled the Patriotic Fund the
sum of 1M1). Let the good work
continue. Will you not help us reach
the $100 mark ''--tine,.
The weekly ra ner of
be women
be held on
of tbe town for pye
Saturday afternoon from 4 to 4,31
o'clock in the lecture room of North
street Methodist church. An urgent
invitation N extended to all women to
he present.
Friday evening of this week is the
date of the patriotic aversl tea he given
in the Maple Leal tluh room.,Hamil-
ton street coder the amperes ref tbe
Women's institute. are eu-
chre, followed by In the
mow above, will be the program of
the evenl-g. Music ail be fsrsisbsd
by tea Stewart Orebestw.
lives. 11e Iskis. the (:'derich people
ed Rapt he will spend the rest of his
burliness lire in that town. Ma.
%Valker waw Zorn prat• 1'1/Ingham
forty year. ago, and ha. not cele-
brated hie fortieth birthday (riund.7,
13rd .\pril).
`ley, do you know a good place to
show? BI
wck»tc n
go right *
o e
rl r .
popular ice {'x
Fort SALE.- Choice potatoes, need
iwsrn* and 2,to • bushels of good feed
i.•rley. All k, ,1e of field and garden
sectio at Coiire, • warehouse, l:udericb
SATs ariA'. Mar at-Monttsae Polo of vtltag.•
property At the U.ton hotel. (iodcrich. V
Drente .Ale of tete,
Prrra.A T. J11110 a. -Mortgage
parcel. of property in Hay toormhlo: at the
liuderieti nt 12 .irio-k noon,
an an Aviator.
How it feel. to fly like the birds
"away up in the ether- is deem -Med In
an 'sweeties manner in • letter from
Rub -Flight Lieutenant James L A.
Sinclair. of tbe Royal Aerial Naval
will to no homeward journey for MY
till I've done something to minor'. up I BORN.
with the German. -es the boys mime- 1'IyrHERINGH.Am. InUtsseeteh. or. `1,10d.0.
Meiy 11 to lb,. J. R old Mr.. F'otheriner.
ham. s daughter.
B(IO(1 stint ..NUttFW'. In Uisterich. on
Wrdreeie) May 17 by. Geo. E. Ito--.
H I).. Mr. J. W %,ser, w. to Mr. John
Hnggerth. all of liodrtleh.
ILY.t'-OKIFFIS, In St Peter's cheerio.
lio enek, on Monday morning. May 1.5. by
her ester? Netter. Mr.. Udma. or King.,
beets*. to Mr. P. J. Ito an, of Godench.
tkh Battalion. Roy.l Irt.h Kegsment, DIED.
TH1-RU)W It Winehu". on Sunday. M.Y
who 'i on anti are .marled in 'Manna. 7. (Meld Thierk.w, formerly of (olboni e
to hail hki the permitted The riignwl township. in hi. wild year.
to publish the follow mg rxa r.ct ys,el))1(IALI. - In Goterith town•hlt'. ern
M to Ironnld Stewart Me•
times say -for all Ibis early morning
rising, te reel reason teeing ohvione.'
Col. Curxoo Sias Signs of the Expected
Bntisb Advance.
Mr. A Curzon, of (••.denrh, ham re-
ceived an interesting letter from bis
brother, Cul. N'itzr,c 4'urxon, of the
"Our army out bete i. intent one
and a quarter million Honing and hokle
• line seventy-six miles long. Half -a -
million Russian infantry- are now
landing at Mare/ Mee from Japanese,
Kuaean and French transports end
all our French interpreters who can
talk Kossien bare gone to meet them.
This 1. • splendid scheme, as they will
take the place of the Frveleh who were
lest at Verdun. '1rbe holt judges Out
INKY expect • great move to cone Oft
very soon now and In any opinion it is
shout time nomething on • grand
scale dig happen y division •r•
rived in Francs* last December and
sines .ben my battalion has kat I(M
men killed and wounded. besides four
'lids trench warfare is • very lurid
and the enemy rain big
explosive shells on us day and
_. , aerod m year. amts mont hs.
Massa '+ I'nlverolt)..
Agent Wanted- Donsinioe Platte( Cd.. Ref 1
Ka. chat - 1
NiIklabors-Pnbbe la.r1 ..•.. .l .burn 1
8..,. for teals- Morrs4 I'ster.oil,
Twenty Are Heady Men Wanted -1st* It&t t
Winn.. 1
Twenty -Eve Gunner. Wanted Ml.t est
ration _ I
House fee gid --TM deaddead... �t�wlw I
Mee Wanted -O.gweed
('a. Limited •.....r
Rader Wm ('sesenee I
Dental Card -De. Y. Y. MesDs.M 1
forayed -J. W. Abhm I
Dego fee n.1e B. IL Tawas. 4-
Walter Gid/ A. tf. Polley • . .
• )