HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-5-11, Page 8A sew pipe organ lumbers installed In the nvemaelh•i emoweb at &a4 6. Mr. awl Mus. W. P. Bray, of Reoe- eak haws is ma • pleasure trip 10 Cehmdo sad Calico roto. Mee. Wtulatto McNeil, a resident of t town.hlp •lout thirty years •amo died at �' Francisco, California, es April•r. and Mee. S. Dodd anal little Of Barrie. have taken up .mousses DD the t Bron farm ea the 6th Yoe of Morris. Oa ths.w.i bar removal to Walk- erton. Mrs. J. H. Oromotheeh, ut D.ah- weed, was pses sated with a handsome rya by a asemb.r of her lady meads. Wriseter lost ogre of its oldest le- beleitaate of Saturday, April 29th. what Mrs. Jan. Walker passeti away at the advanced age ot eighty -Ave yaws. Capt. T. 1.. Blatchford, whose name appeared kat week in the casualty list., was • woe of Rev. T. W. and Yrs. Ratchford, of Browns/vale, formerly of Rtpky. . Roy Stewart. son of Mr. and Mrs. Pater tltewart, of Brus.ele, kit last week for Maidstone. Souk , to assist his u.cio in farming operations fur the eegsiOg 114111.111. William Buchanan, son of Council - kr Buchanan, of asst Wawano.b, wbo masted in Toronto recently, is in the hospital suffering from ioflamms- Iory rbeuwatism. Privates Garnet Ran, Earl Heiden sad Gordon Appleton, of Creditoo, members of the lelst Battalion, were presented with wrist-walcbes by the citizens of their village. The death of lin.. Fitzpatrick, wife of Cha.. Leach, took place ce at bee hos. at Detroit on Monday of Inst week. lin. [each'. arty Ute was .pent in Bast Wawanoeb. Daniel McMillan died at hie borne M Tookna nitd on Tuesday. lay god. H. sea. fifty -Dine years of age. and seast born on the farm on which he tied. Hl. aged mother, wife and six two brothera sod two sisters, e ttedre . Mr. sad Yrs. Edmund Brewer. of the 4th Yee d Morris township, have woos/ to Brussels to reside. Prior to Weir departure from their ole home wars the recipients of • music as parlor table from their Meade ani neighbors. Mr. and Yrs. Jame. Monteith. of Meadow Lee, Thames road, announce the w palement of their only daugh- ter. Janie. to Peter B. Gardioer, eld- est moa of Mr. James Gardiner, of Farquhar. Ont. The marriage will take place the latter part of May. A pretty wedding was solemnised at elle house of Mr. and Mrs. George �f/tlh.ls, Milverton, on Tuesday, May fid, when their youngest daughter, Mies Mali lis, became the bride of Mr. Chador L Smith. of Zurich. Rev. A. D. 13 1st performed the eer.- nonny. Atter a short honeymoon at Toronto. Mr. and Yrs. Smith will commence housekeeping at Zurich. tremens Bernath. aa., • native of ftwiteerland, sod a former resident of Grey townebip, died st his home in Wallace township on April 21st. II. was eighty-five years of age. His daughter, Margaret, died twelve hours previously is Palmerston bospilaL Turoberry lost one of it. early set tiers on Thursday, April Pith, when David Hastings passed away after en Illness of several week'. The deceased w*. born in 9cot1aod righty -three years ago. In Match of this year be and hie wile celebrated the fiftieth an- niversary of their wedding. A family of two daughters sod three son. sur- vive. During •o electrical storm the other morning the chimney on An- drew Pollock'. house. at Jamestown, was struck by bgbtnine and the bricks scattered an all direction*. Tho light- ning went down the chimney, knocked down the furnace pipes and burned the telephone witty. Forton.tely, the house did not take fire. Mr. and Mn. Pollock were badly shocked. A bore. belonging to Dr. McLeod. of Wroxeter, experienced a cold bath in the Moitisnd River at that plane the other evening. Dr. McLeod went out in a boat to rescue the animal, but the boat was upset, leaving the doctor in a perilous position. He was rescued by Private Thomas Watton and tbe horse was landed after .pending over two hour' in the water. It wee ap psrently none the worse for its ad- venture. Thomas Higgins, • pioneer resident of Turnherry township, Awed to his reward on Monday. April 30th. He was born in Brucefield seventy-three rears ago and moving to Turnberry at the age of twenty years be,,cleared and settled, witb all the hardshipe of piobcer life, his farm ou the duh eon - cession. where 6e resided for almost forty years. About twelve years ago he moved to the boundary between Morrie and Tnrnberry, but later re- tired to %Vroxeter, where 6e spent the past four years. His widow and five sora survive. Mr. George Hlaskwefl, 16e assessor for Hay township, has returned the completed assessment roll for 1916 to tire clerk. The following 'toadies are gleaned therefrom : Number of acres assessed, resident, 52,579; non-resident, 14o 1.2 ; number of acres cleared. 43,- b77:woodland, 2.325 ; slash, 21); swamp, 5.540; value of real property, exclusive of buildings. $1.725.155 ; buildiogr, $674.515; total taxable real property. $2.999,e70 ; rail property exempt from local improvement tat,. $.,1,100 ; budnese assessment, $14, 15; taxable ineom411750: total assessment. !t2,415,- 21t;i: number of residents in townsbip, 2.767 ; male persona 21 to Oil year. old. MI: number of children between 8 and 14 yea», XV ; number of dogs, :iib. Spring Personals • Fbmmlaaat Osla.+• Wens Welland, t'1a<.-'1 tum .1tld I heard about Dr. Tmserltas PtsAlfh was tiradoat sad wore -out I used 'Golden Medial Discovery' and 'Favorite Pnetrip- ttsa.' 1t is true that they are wand remedies, sod I bund that they built tee up aad loads erne fed Hui • new puri. 1 believe I seed ewes bailee ia I boot roaamo marl liar cosi dim to @steal of ma sagwiatemem. "I have cue of the Common Besse Medical Advises sad Week verb holy State Sts Wdtaad, Oat. l Cue:, lli filePierce's (hides Mediad Dir eovery. is a tame sad builder that brine Mw activity to the livor, stomach and bowels m a abort time, thus causing sselloawnass, iodisation and oaostipatios 30Usod bbod ewe good health; pod hobbit fan d svigor eem aadambition, with men and minas alert sad mumble wining. wAa medicine dealer wincerout Dr. Pirr.e'. Odd.. Medical D8.,,'ery la either Zooid or tablet form. Seed to Dr. Flame, lnv ids' Held, Buffab, N. Y., for tree medical advice. 11►. Pur'ee's Common Seam Medical Adviser -ii great doctor book ---cif 1008 {ass, cloth bound --answers essay im- portant queetions. Copy will be amt, customs prepaid, for 50 cents (ase stamps) to wrapping and mailing chargee. Dr. Pierce'st Penes regulate sod invigorate maniac , liver and bowie.. 8spe•-maied and easy to take as wady. EY STIiR. A .on of Thomas Ching, of Winni- peg formerly of Exeter, named Rieb- ard, has Alen reported missing at the front 'Inc. Apri14t6. Two little daughters of Mr. Charles Bander'. of Exeter north, wandered off to the bush Monday afternoon of lest week and got loot. They were found on the 2od concession of Col- borne Ctborne and were drencbed.t y the rain. Mr. H. E. Huston has resigned after • continuous service of twenty-four years as superintendent of Main street Methodist Sunday 'Mood. His suc- cessor is 24r. B. W. F. Weavers, who had been associated with him in Use work for some time, The engagement is announced of Vera Ada Etheline, youngest daugh- ter of Mos Agnes Campbell, of town, to George &tweed Judben Lannin, M. D. C. M., of Hamilton, eldest eon of Mr. and Mn. George Lannin. Scab Mountain, Oot., the marriage to take place the latter pert of June. MEAFORTH. Norman Hill. a former resident of 8eaforth, is dead at Penticton, B. C. Nine coos of r toe which the paper, substantial esm of Slit was rsaim& bas bem said by 18. Weftwo'. War Auitll, fltversryd. Loonies Dyson. a 8.01 of the elaaai trod la tit. Josepb's Academy ab Atha*Ylaa., passed away oa April lib. The 4e - combed was a satire otionlorth, where her mother aad family .Wl rsisi.. The death o..tueed in Orals boo pita, Detroit, as Ihida , April Rath, of Dr. Albert McMiebod. peaked( of rte education board. aad one of the prominent pis atdaas of that city. Dr. McMicbriel was a treyumat sad wed rkaown visite' at the bolos of he nook, the late James McMicbael, to 8eatorth. He wee bora at florae. Oot-, Doc. 1118, lfllb, sad was tae soon of Abraham McMichael, a pbysictan of wide roominess*. After finishing school at tarries Dr. McMichael at- tended 16. Upper Llamaia ()oIMj. Toronto, and later went to 2iiojty College, from which he was graduated in 188a. 11. than took a oodles) course in the University .tf Penesvl- vuwia, after wbicb he took post grad-' use work in the Royal College of Surgery. Edinburgh, $cotlsod. ' CLINTON. Mr. and Mee. Charles 6'. Libby are away on a viot to New York. Boston and Lowell, Masa The municipal counell may decide to use oil ibis summer to keep down the dust on tbe u.atn thoroughfare,. Mies Edna Lavin, who graduated recently, from Hamilton Norval school, has taken • position on the staff of the Brantford public schools. Mr. E. J. Johnston exhibited his two American foxbuuods at the thir- teenth annual show of the Toronto Kennel Club, His entries took erary- thiog in their class, winning first and second in the limit elaas, first and second in the open, and two .pedal priors, Malcolm Louis Aitken, a native of Clinton, died in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, after a long shams.. He war thirty-two years 01 age and was the elder an of Mr. and Mrs. James Alt - ken, Main street. Besides hie wife end little daughter he is survived by his parents, one brother aid four eir- ars. W. H. Perrin, a resident of Clinton for over half a century, died on Wed- nesday afternoon of last work, at the age of fourscore and five years. Througbour 6is whole business career he was engaged in the purchase of A{iti. YSATTliS LEI , Y! T. Za-Daws Norms wows Ledsvule, y.-" I was a nervous wreck. din • weak, rs•dwrp con- dition when a friend asked tae d9 try Vinci I tlfd s o, and se a remit I have gained in bsalth and etrssgt . I think Vivol hi the heat ataisi la the world fora west, rpa-down .7sc.m (mei for YroottsaM, I��� --lir W. G View! Is • delicious eon Naar .ad fes tonic without all, guaranteed to over- come all rm-dowu, week. devitalised and aad tor drunk caegie, colds s old 1 H.O. Dunlop, Druggist, Godericb flk p.) ILL Niagara. (2) Queen Street. Auckland, N.Z. (3) leaori carved boos. at Wbakarawarowa. (4) Maori war esaoe. '8 DIS l see fades from Atntralta- es br adarow relative -New L. head is probably the moat neo rt IMAM Melee fa the word, and Me realm that meet of theme wee Owe there •6e oK the same tare as oer- aea.e. we ehuld be s.pertally Int., - 30 fhb beawttfwl country and her ised M made ep of • � Mgr $w .f 1Msndm e.t•prtatag is all abet 194,161 share Wire The coast Mem GO eery fat pMsrstly. aid w Wet jrs alMuae..t the three male tlieis t. l.11 twee. Tho Mater r of Mew ne•W ls bauet pereod with hills. amenore ani plebs. on el resear8aele bearany. 11 gas leas wild that both the .eller Anita of them fair lanes aseameipla Oahe K Italy sod Meth. Where le aloare =We rale 8. never daporsbsoigew et tt: moire le the !townie ever were by the soy, end hale lisede are Ills qllserald .M Il* diem Mit In the Mote area of the }bow Syms fon • ,_Moat, anon AM the Swot Awe ani moors ".ttwud es fay et6a ,LMeap..si mem wad mane ere grebes he Alm the 1Wiee lees cow Moab. emit heals of deemed vegetation that is of commercial enamel n ever tall to grow plants that are de ItgbUul to the sight of mag; so less than 144 ,pedes of wild okra are to Del fogad in New Zealand, and many of thew are 40 het In height. There are volrano.s on some of the mountains, and •down the sides of others Dols; Hes take tear rapid rowrse.. Par- rots chatter nnerrily on tkie tree tope, aid pigeons .-m, in the ramose, of ohm woods. The.. are practleally the only n ative birds. Native animals ars alio am but 8urnpeai birds sad eabeale. sad eves ask have bees IscrodseW with sueetwe (lold, eral. topper and milpbar are the thief et t8. New Ur had minerals. Gold was first AM covered fa teff and store that file ewes .thug She *1110,000,060 worth we famed Awenesd la tbe p tnetpal geld arlatag arta. The Cease tan A astral - OMB tine has a regular awake .f fish 1tl6asagar steams" totems Melo Red OW ted Veae.wv.r. At present the pop.laW et Noe td.Iged r semeth3g 11te sad Marty all are et RAttab 5„t theare WON emit Mks. Mn a away belahltemte el .iwtry IMO the Newt tribe: In the fourteenth century. In 1842 the Islands were discovered by Abel Lee- son. a Dutch ..sloe, and Captain Cooks vatted the place In 1766. 1t appears that whoa the tenuous csptata »turs- ed to instead he gave the English pweple a wrong Impreeston M lbs plow be reported that the wands did act .sem to M 01 mach take. ale that the Maori people would be a tea mtdable rasa hue attempt to conquer. Anyway, for 111 years after C.ptals Galkas vtaft t8. British Oovewnneenf ant think 1t worth the trouble be the pr.wt proud pos..ealos, 1 we he itel that obs Mks leek wee arse heisted ea the sheen At that Mme the Maori foils sembwree 11,1M Tbe berths* to tthe rams stem then is ss to demes sad to war. tar bath lave played a lig part le the bb tory of the Maeda Motors the Mill ems three peetple warred agleagat themselves. .N later they warred wheat the Segues. Up to 1770 they haw .et8Mg about pillory sr metal, wad math that ported OW battle In wtrememes Imre limb lin dabs sad oho mrlelasA dont >iws�` d)8! ownelen Inn 111fJMO 11'w .s1 �. Immrdlately atter the fnttodsetfea et guns and swords amongst tbeea NAT o.►foerth of then' Warne no maws.• As time progressed theme of the Marts ego were left progressed also, nal be- timesand ILO of cams am.is m (''brlrtstfan. Now the Maori dren go to school aide by side ehlldree of our Southern eowoiam. Maori representative* take their part 10 the government of their e0watry. Sense , of t8. Maori, people are *Mail at waw-e*rvtne and dyeing: titer arm an Imaglaative rare, anti have ding! . ht paltry tad take to melte sad tea. 'heir bonsai are pretty and th.ar MOM IMO ample. New SealaN has many thleae le ragmen with Cassia: she d • new romp, Medi? Ieveieptnc ere b visit: she Is potreette: .8. las mesa tbsomade se brave sealers w hills ter the Empire ti tib great ser, le New lashed therm ant mere mor them W RIs MDs Illy that atter ser ea. wl le • men ter memo 6* -w w•Nbls..i woo et the elft may. As, useable to lave fbe ageorluslty et Ymslag some lame at >t _` me filo alias df napl�q • I t Walter C. Pridham, Goderich Ontario grain, and... In the early days Clin- ton was • gnat motes) market, par- ticularly during sloshing p.riodw Mr. Perin'@ yearly turnover amounted to many tbotemods of dollars. The de- ntist of risk in the business we garter the.e days than at tiso present sod, as did more than nee other of the local dada%, he woe eaug8t by • sheep in the market ane neonatally crippled Mr. Perris was ant rprie- tng, and built the floe residence Dow owned by Wm. Jaime; the block on Retteobury street. now occupied by the Jackson lianutact.tring Goespaa and a couple of cottages. Mrs. Perrin died aeveral yaws ago, the sok enr- vivore being two ebildr.n : W. Gor- don Perrin, wbo was associated with his fatter in bmei.eee, sod Mrs. W. H. Brownlee, of Gooding, Idaho, wbo reached the old honk • few hours be - Nee her fatter passed away. WINGBAM. Witgham will celebrate Dominion Day. Mies Alice Simmoaa, formerly of Wingbam, was married at Winnipeg to Mr. W. A. Campbell. A iuist wedding was solemnized at the parsonage. Belgr•ve, on Tusday. May 2nd, whoa Mr. Hugh McBurwey, a prosperous gest Wawaao.b farmer. was wedded to Yrs. Margaret St.ln, of W Ingbam . Mrs. John Awake irk .old her may, pr- ty, just scout of the town. tort. Alex. McDougall, of East Wawanouh. Mime Mo•tges.ry baaof her residence is Lower W to Mr. B. Thompson, orf Wbitec urcb. The death of Wank. the twelve- Eyear -old ddaaoup�bter of Mr. and Mrs. lijah Mamma, took place at lealord oe Monday afternoon of last work. Spinal meattagitie was the cause of CO1BSAETEAIN HJRTODARKENIT It's dread wahelr's Zse1p. M k.sp ser looks Dark 186 bid -time mitten .1 *up Tin ani Bekaa for Marsala(�e-A�'!j, �atrwkhmd sad faded bar is onimetas realm and folks are oasis wing it to asap thele batt a pd, ems male, *doh l pie emaibls, as we are'Oleg b me y@ when a youthful apparent* Get W grads*grads slraww�ge. {hash, we isn't have 6he troublesome tam114 the onary to M the as drug shies sy the Al heare the addielea of etbm= to 01lei "Writ's rya mai Ithvee • �•0 shoat lir 4 a heath dWw1 shame It has Mapp ie.p6r maidnis s. your .ase •8. be will k est draw thio t1rwgp year bah, fair lagone r.11 dread aa etaNamears. by teem. te Zigtte ger:: dhe .4ii Iet what sad Pietas Oenpuat, be I- - le= � fully darbeel1 gth hair air a polka self bubo and .ppeslrra i-' whish le se •It»etiw 11b msdrte'ge is a dell8 .I telt ..tresis whe • mere •L iswmkomind •powillmi al aim - • death. Tb. family formerly "resided inn. Mr.. im obd3rr. C. 8. Blackhall. of Wingham, auoounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, iva Jean, to Mr. Arthur C. Riley. B. A., of Toron- to, eon of Mr. and Mrs. W. Riley, Lon- don, England, the marriage to take place quietly the third week in May. Mrs. James Weir, • highly esteemed resident of Wiegbam, died on bunday, April 50th. fiber was born In Scot- land .vesty-.ix years ago. Three sons and am daughter survive : John and Mary, of Wingham; Willies, In Howiek, and Thema. in Turnberry. Her hu.b•ad predeceased her three years and a son, James, died last win- ter. Several changes have been made in tbe staff of the local breach of the Bank of Hamilton. fir. A. H. V. Little, who bad been teller, has gook to Toronto, when be will enlist, sed his place is taken by Mr. S. A. Bae. mister, of Southampton. Mr. Ales. McKee baa been transferred to Bur. lington and Mr. Robs. Arm•trasg, d Teeswater, takes the position- d j unior. Private Russell Taylor, of the' ham detachment of the lelet bon, had a narrow escape frogs serious injury one day last week. He w.s driving a team of horses aitaoh.d to wagon, when they bolted. The rem* was broken, wad the horses, parties company with the wagon sae away and fell a short dist.•.s from t8p3.M glam window of Pel's b.6eh.e .hop. Private Taylor was thrown Mavny a tabe pavement but, fortembely, woe Dot very badly hurt. The hones es- caped with a few seratebee. 44F4:11' 471 • Summer will soon be bee and you will want ail the time you can get out-of-doors. free from work and worry. Get a house Telephone to help you I Nothing can do it so well. ▪ sad it will cost ore, a sew twills a day ! No ins tion charge. • Add play hours to your day Let us call and talk it over- fill out the Coupon below and mail it to -day ! 1111111111111111111$0.01011SOHNI M11101111II Flap Men lsiMa.r d..4' Cane& mw eras .401 Reslebwe. foss s e...■ t,. iovsdrws e.: . Lat tal Tollaphosso /erebgt 1 i