HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-5-11, Page 7• THE SIGNAL : GfDERICH : ON'T'ARIO RE6RwoRLDef• ANVALLFJY. t ?tused•T. YAt 11 MIX 7 • i, war of herb* b Ptaradiso Valley. LW Tyr 0•rsbs Awing >DidliW SA Gists•••• ..+ 1111to Drier. Slook Douglas. (6) Weak i� !' ii,o Woe, .snappy Trot Lake sad UM Illsooatr ▪ bore •t >> Peak. feeder M dpi maim world Catuidesommts. sclries weeder peat lase �p 99aa a val- whi the Ptarmldrm �1ve ale broad irtee+n the asetber ken her _ !.elms breed sal where she of the diger at straw . alm•le known as mos. bet she M premises to protect vies mem who give places love ,larked tkle portion- e s rt1on'es Ptarmigan Valley. acid Its peek wild sAlphas area. thus • bled. wUl le kcal sea biota Meta rd wiz •wMmdead. emery that te a mems.111111. - malls et mighty euanslta rivalling each ether in litweringto ur..e11 MlwUl be at Lake Lodes et culler will be lamead-kltew saNd Addle peals. monated. Hed1•i C7r.sa hisdas the way sad dwaaad.O.ert�ae AM ell eosins el Wadley with the water 4asklu1 ever fMttsad lsr MA aster dessel meat ea the . ,tail. whether ft wet fest sr • dews - Mer IMP Ole 111. for warmth and &Y- amsK ek tea eel e MU. And eas simians trail It Is, like ea un - fiddle; aseee'eua with •.1 steam at Oed^s se - every taw. a seeeessim ta...a a the trek s•1lsrl .1 the epee air l tt is on uphil ler the fret Sages eT swe� AL mob w.OaMteg altitude • tare 111 OA Midis held the .•T, spell- Wind pmWind trim the seam tr retire south mils of gloat peaksMid wad secs where. Ithe sadism es paled% M a etetetul •idea: the Tea ray� �{�ij 1 r I ts- eeded Labe Leeds. Tleldrta's Wader, tL1.6..1,11t • J Opasteedsilliales. We ere il•• �wp•e�•t d the world ell mea mid - Mem te take Lapis° 11 le truly as ap belong to araall�K j utma at avers wit earl dost whew "YMa peep • •r 1111• •a! � gs septa Me Amides et the Met alps es tike• ariseNew It Or Wad forward •s a sew sit et eaters marvels. W. canis ter weed Maar revealed. Tender ie • One Tree P. where the Mermen et wpm at tellgte be as h esissety et east haw hem a ghat Isola were epees 'I weals M, it le a teat as/ • freshly seMe. De set the very mom cert et mash.. Sew the heart of the d 1NMffla_ 1•he awl listas estlat Awl tittle Labe p,swto Miami tt gir•se. mesa Maeda 1. a ministers labs pedes awarmth. et ' el sal so ism besstlhN. dammell up la a plea.,, pares et fesd bask what bada teemed by the Oldster if the bre anti Th ! esell al mkttits bath e[ • river. The meat day. and • tea leder My in Wald et Jericho, ter epi ashes to M Th..arts seirelmeires. Tidier rho the bNd� la their back ale trswatsi sea ethers b a day es w+MeY the qty Talley we charm that ..ors eery dietera t • aisles a Mbar. etc isg a elapse et with the slid of Ht. es espl r m.mlw Neter t. the west. with Oda - Ws se every haat Ieteeo &ere mesa its Isrdltasas et . klsmM•g .aseaib a.k deem epee wool Peak ...etl.g e s as gleets urea rl M° meads, hdOt • slat rapids dig their seg at the VIM. _vel` one% ~Mil glVITidely Soft w >O marmots test ebMNw .lavade lest sad larder se e ▪ peremplaw walls ea bossy or s b*51 saga add is the sesestalee seet•. • htestetrell gr talle ef tfo Geis where may be viewed d IR ler- ash. gad variety. aid where Ile who re bile Ms Uemd slides cel ersleg for deist that vesib� s her. T' ed ue ey mp- st• SUM. 'ail 1 Do I leek se it .Begat. thio aloe• ler e� PAT E. NaT. E :TTS 1I Ti r ;1. A Clever Retort. The amenities of w temperance cam- pawl in Newark, New Jersey, are ex- hibited In two edvertaemeats in The Newark News. The first was In the in, e•est of the beearl ies: "Alexander the Greet drank beer and conquered the world before he was thirty-two. Perhaps he could have done it isomer if he bad not d. unk beer, but you'd better' take no. chances." A day or two later the temperance party reprinted the whore sdverti.e- went with this effective adjunct un- derneath : "Alexander the (creat died in • drunken debauch et the age of thirty- tbree. You'd better take no chances." -Anti-Saloon Learrue of New Jersey. NOVA SCOTIA MAN HAS GOO D NEWS. Bods in Dodd's Kidney Pills a Care for Hu Rheumatism. Greenfield, Queen's one wh'autism May am -(tipeciall.-•• ro a from rheumatism 1 say : Talcs Dodd's Kidney Pills. They will be sure to give you a release from pain.' This is the message of Cornelius Hirtle, a well known farmer living near here: "I was in bad shape for four years." Mr. Hirtle says in giving his experi- ence. -My beck and bikeer troubled ori so mucu that 1 was not able to do moat without suffering. 1 also had I vtitinta, in the joint►, my mus.;lee cramped and i felt heavy and sleepy after meals. 1 had • hitter tote in toy mouth. especially in the morning. My appetite was fitful and I waw often dizzy. •1 suffered from shortness of breath. Ivan often dizzy and I was depressed and low-spirited. I took six boxes of Dodd's Kidney P.U. and they did me ■o mach good that I aiu recommend - log thew to all my friends. They aro better than any d.,etor..' teemeirees ewes deolisla ea asdatthews 5m bridges ase triads 1st, Mg meed la a MMus maim ear Illst homy � gablelitothe s/d the dal berets M les saws we Medd te .wether camp • the Inst= fit/ the les of the Meek id Ws 1 blm•et'let .weer 11#1911 fele sieve m• level aid enders Mewl Misr Mae the der ammo will Ow esellblike semeett. Ilea wee mew Mkes. mere lemmas. mere treat strews aim awe Illibead de demes, tar a tall is rarely masted Is wart es the level. Be the apps oaf sled —. w the ale can cam, the het camp ems wilier 1. and the Sad tilt el mit tweet as the retss hexer wee mr aid • asst dell—didmoo on E--. '• carer r err • —� all count Ask ler ear EMIR• mu:trot • MA 411 adducted >tar. els eaim..ynf t14 Yrel4rb Railway Girl As Orator iEs It�t aegis et1 •.M a b et a les e aerial* 1" A df the h e N 1tet .. her ••l hem her ad- mit actu- ally . so •a eke daon. A elf Ido h • Ms the most 1•a e I - the W - MOM N�ial �•f t'ala- mese Ws lad, has welede fel lied ir Medlam• ,., NM �w ,. ntOm medlar 1fl Doris t rie g *4 WIlh•diddrmr .1 le • n5 Maas at the Mhldelt to the Mena -e sad lir . e •erg Mel vas, ked. eM • k.samen • �1 aU OS , wool r �gM�a� f re le veer Meet �t abm%MM Will tkir • w feef►.y, dee • sane livedo taaol sad emit melt o N w . • Igo CROSS NOTES. The work of tM (leder' eh knitters re- solved dee r.00gnition in the daily =last week in the following item : +�taan asy cit and its knitters best the resod of Ooderich 1 One home Mess bas eo.tribeted t 0 Bs lusters b•hmete. 14 bell, 100 pairs sem (13 hakes Ioeig1. 15 •cart+. Ili pairs Rorke berg bees sent is by Ma fdMwin ladies : Mrs. Oso. Jam 145 pairs : Mrs. Elliott (Huron wadi, u1 , Mrs. Robert Young. IS pairs; ]etas trick. 1� keel_, 4 d( • J011 �aaaals�t.s�D; Mrs . 105 t1 I t A r.54 *5• berlkboMs'. Robert Mat wed re. i00 pairs each, while ...woes. of others ars searing 11.100 mask.. Om society dem resited SAM pales. All these amounts are to April 1A" Ileay tbaaks are doe the following s.mtr'ibeter'• of the mach -needed seeks : hiss (hark, 10 pals : Miss watsom.ry. No Name. A Friend. 6 ��se gash ; Mrs. J. Dtcksoe, Mrs. W�.. la. h, 5 pairs mob t ata. n Mr... Hay, Mrs. Oballlea. ISo llama, 4 mire each ; Mrs William*. Mee. Thos. B.. Mrs. Hee lits Wm. Howard Mrs. Woods, Mew Cameos. lee. Gorda.. lire- Baerltt, Mae Laois. Mrs. Jordss, Mn. W. S. telly, g Mire mob; Mea Robt. Clerk. Mn. Thos. Jobe.ton. Mrs. B. Mr lmmpblia. Mrs. Foster. Mrs. Ute. MM- •bedew. lies. IMO, Mies Aussie dda•Olay. lire. Jolla Baker. sr.. Mn. Mame of rettware. la steisl.s eh• hs. salmi extraerdfe$ry enema law a s ed Meter 5NS.WN Ise uMrall 8gl- ow.s•-- 1feet (tea pda4ja�wl iM t so eer �t Mari The heaped t• weigh Maas screw sad mass � her M •tor �>fiBhlw miteeregaMtv ellrartly s a Ma wren "flair air '- lama earitl ollre4 rely M 1r r h Sow Joie Stewart, -Mrs. I Y dW on, •..sesta. and after doctoring for eons g1.1{K Mes Hags. aim Iw.eks without setting soy relief, 1 lees mole. Mrs pang• S �s�e� swan decided to drop the donor and lake muss. tt, Myr Mew fJrawioM. Mrs IDs Williams' Pink Pills. Very moo Hard Working Women Will Find New Strength Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. C Il is neslew to tall a hared -working woman to take life easily end not to iSvery. woman at the bead of • bose, every girl In offices. shops and factories is subjected to mors or lose These cannot M avoided. But it is the duty of every woman and every girl to stave her strength as much as possible and to build up her system to meet u demands. Her future health d upon guard against a break -down in health the blond must be kept rich, red and pure. To keep the blood in this con- dition nothing ran equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Theyrs.gb appetite. bringthe�ofhealth psUid cheeks, and r.mewed energy to listless people. Women cannot always rust when they should, bat they con keep up their strength and keep awn disease by the toccasional U.S of 1r. Williams Pink P111a Mrs. A. Rhodes, Etemiltoe. Ont. says A few years ago on com- ing to Canada, working long hours, . md dos confinement began to tell on Ma. 1 was completely run down and B n•lly oneki do no work 1 wee pale, sffer.d fwni headaches, did not rest well and fell altogether very miser- abl.. The doctor said the trouble was tlresMrst, Mee liameher. Mrs. J Aaydw. Maelieres. Mrs. Mrs. Will tads,. ern Yea Howe* Mee. Noe. Drew, Yea Milia. Mrs Oemlthseet, Yds lets Weasel, Ma SadW Mew A.ebseek. Mss Wit D. Morenci. JIM. Idle. Jabs Mirerecraho, Mee. Don. Qty. Wes Ahem. Mia �a Se (Vi $ar� ia 0l). Moe. Fle re ace. Pleat. Mrs. W1Mm. Me.. Alas. Ma. 0. Rhyme. Mise Y. A. Bereset, Mrs- Il. MIMIC •mmeedd. Mrs.aaedere. e. Name, 7tm N, moi. Mrs. William 1to notice • eb•mgthe • for t better. by the ties. I *ad used a MU deem hoses of the pills 1 was MNespying_ the Met of health . 1 smut sed say r.of the sick- wes awl sever fedream Maw h ve life thee i de mew. 1 ave -y esp.r+•me.. tkse.M.., that it may he Mid for tot basalt •f ethers. Teams got Dr. WlUMamid Punk P15. hem say mndiel s. Mast er ay nail at A wets a boa ea els beset for Kin hem The Dr. William' Medicias 05.. IlreekVUlo.Oat. - we are and we -IN— Bread Buns Cakes Pastry satisfying others can satisfy you. We have plenty to attract you and everything to tempt you. DAVID BURNS Tb. Baker Kingston Street ROBT. WILSON Marcy-Ilurris Agent Hamilton St., Gedeneb sem 411•1m 7000 Rods of STANDARD FENCE U yes ego's be happy with what Mew teles.. liW r loss have. IM aliases. sire ea e that y(11 )3isaaltl, Mies Id law 1 o % ps hew with vim yea dal pair '` .-_ 1i ?zoumreaitely Evers• TufrailliMi Every Mr asesde. During Sores Niailedinis ee Great Lehk.s floesewhe r. ant o: Ate weighs Wheat Crop was peedasd there le CANADIAN PACLtIC win tabs von Ogre. t>ive yes Alla krtt.aHeaid the WI places. and bdp you In siemts, • • • w • Partteulars from say O•malaa Pars Mast Alien. or writs W. 1. 1ionard. DMAst TesmilOW Agent, Toronto. FARE $3 22 BETWEEN BUFFALO & t11• '�•Q:atUr-1 'iuu: . A....-. 41" .• -�--s . :,....4050.1'......... -- - - "s..r�t -nr 71. Cre.a !ii'SSCANDQs • Warei•=of es/ON`• slaimw ss vas W seer et Or •awl& - ii_. essimsib'. MITT OF — —,3 Ms allisset�wsi ' — '"CITY Op R%WVAL0's BUFFAIA-D$eMay atwl Nop.15 1.a..rt..uw"trr"rjr:.'lSi.�.r ' TNg ChiVgtAND a .UVVALOTRANaIT CO- Cleo Oble • . 1 JOB AND COMMERCIAL Printing. tbe %tnaI must be sold by July 1st, 1016. We have two ear loads of the Crest fence that money can biry and we have twilight eo we can sell right. ('a11 in and see our stock and gel our ti;e before you buy your ae. We need the money and you need the fence. Farm Macltsasry We carry • full line of Farm Machinery always no band. Ionia sad haherm, all shapes WWe i and Mee. A taxer assortment e1 - ways on oar Boor. If yore need a few tons of (Eat FAMOUR OLD Hod S- RTRAi) FERT1LIZRR, we Mw • carload just in. Hard or Soft Wood delivered to any part of town. Phone No. 1145 The Top Note IN THE matter of installing Electric Fixtures we always aim to reach the "top note." You sometimes want a job done in quick time and on short notice. That's the time to test us. Send in your hurry call to telephone 82 or to 193 and note how quickly, accurately and satisfactorily the work is done. The very "top note" of good service is assured. Our store is Headquarters fora In Electrical Appliances, from av POC'CET SEARCII LIGHT to aa ELECTRIC STOVE Beauty and Utility are combined in much of our stock, and— ------PRICtS ARE RIGHT. ---- ROBT. TAIT Mow Other U Rev 1!3