HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-5-11, Page 6• llataattt>yT, KAT 11. 1916 'I DON'T SUFFER ANY MORE' "Feed Lata a New Person," says Mrs. Hamihoo. New Castle, Ind.-" From the time 1 was eleven years old until I was seven- teen 1 suffered each month so I had to be in bed. 1 hod head- ache, backache and such pains 1 would cramp double every month- 1 did not know what it was to be may a minute. My health was all run down and the d..ctors did not do me any good. A neighbor told my mother about Lydia , E. Ptnkham's u egrtable Componed and 1 took it. and now I feel like • new person. 1 don't suffer any more est, I am regular every month. " -Mrs.HAZEL T,HartLToty, fie!. South Ibth 3t w When • remedy has lived for forty year.. steadily growing in popularity and influence, an.i thousands upon thousands of wom,m declare they owe their health to it, is it not reasos•- ble to believe that it is an article of great merit'. If you want special advice write to Lydia F:. Pinkhem Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mesa. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman sad held in strict confidence. T SIGNAL ODERICH ONTARIO Out of Court. The colored defendant who was being tried on the chat ge of keeping a dog without a license, tried repeatedly to interrupt the legal proceedings. but each time wag sternly silenced by the (court. Finally the judge turned to hiss. - "Do you want the Court to under- stand." he said, that ynu refuse to re- new your dog license ?" • '•Yeseah, but -- **We want no 'bate.' You must re- view the license or be Ste. You know that it expired ,on Jaime:y Y don't your ••Yeeeah : but so did the dog. Nib." Childhood Ailments. f 1 The House of the Whispering Pines 0 BT ANNA KATHARINE GREEN &WAST Tl. estate he Mem Barra s a.blr 1 "Help was wkat I wanted -help tic my deter. I de set remember my words." "And them les Met this battier?' "After going tet my Nth bag. "Did you see as, ase then ac bear any Owe "No, " 'Did you pee your deter arab? -I have said that 1 fast gt•mmd at the couch." -Wouldn't yes know if the pll0US bad been disenrbedr 'No, sir -not from the leek I Atte them" -*Then they might ave been dialer► rd-algbt even ave bees reenmget -without your knowing ttr 'They might" •'Miss tbmbertabd. wbes 7e. heft the bulking. dad you leave it •laser -1 did-" "Was the moos ablntngr 'No; It was *wing•" "Did the moos shine ethos yes with ts throw the vial out et tM wtdewr -Yea. ver? briglitly." 'Bright enough for you to see the tinker -1 didn't look at the nuke." "When were you looking* • 'Heisted me." "Wben you threw the vial out? "Yea" "What was then babied your "A dead sister." Ob. the tndeadlb. able tone) "forgive me, Drip Onmbetisndl I de sot want to trouble you, bet was there Got something or some one in the ad- lolnlog room Deaden your dead iter to make you look baekr "1 saw no one. But I looked bmeti-1 M not thaw why." "Too threw the vial oat without Mod bier "I felt It stip from m7 band" "Wber.r 'Over the window ledge.' Triumph for the defense. The peal- Ws eatHos of the vial. caught in the vtsma was accounted for to • very natural The ailments of cbildhood are many but most of them are caused by some derangement of the stomach and bowels. ,Therefore to banish these trouble, the stomach must he kept sweet and the bowels regular. To do this nothing can equal Bisby's Own Tablets. Thousands of mother, h+tve proved this. Among them is Mr.•. Thomas Holmes, Blisstield, N. B., who writes: •'Evrty mother in this local- ity uses Baby's Own Tablete.,as we all consider theta tbei very beat medicine, for childhoodai tuenta. The tablet +ate sold by medicine dealer* or by mail at 2.1 rent, a 1.ox from The Dr. Williams' 1)fe.1icInc Co., Brockville, Ont: A Bad Bargain. "They sty she literally bought the count, and now 1 agues* she wishes she'd bought hint on the instalment Pion " "Why bo ?" "Then all she'd have to do would he to stop payrecut' and they would take hint away." liMilE MOT WATER :illp 11 O U MS= A ROST CO?1I EIIOH Says . we can't help but look better and feel better after an Inside bath. matntna to my aspect Of lite and hey view et women. M'tlte--1 was more te- ethed sow to call it Providence --bad shows me inc beart of ■ greet and true woman. and 1 was free to expend all my tet impulses to mooring bet sad loving bet. water pee ever 1oOk- asray way again. neeived or wren kaewts/ppd grader et w e nds wrier as 1 bad dame bar and Mr u eAetmete dieter. The suet day being stotay. I Ma amply lams for the haptics Mend he Mew Muts of encs aalmttlaa The desire to w her. to bear from ber41 only to leen bow ane ad mattered the bitter ordeal et the day before - ems Means u.bearwbte. 1 most know this mics at any cwt te bet fs.UUngs Or to cause. Atter mazy • straggle with mypett 1 sane up Dr. tkrpentet an the tele plana From kim 1 learned that .he was gal oleally prostrated. bad stall dear 1n. wind and satisfied of bee maedi-_. lesete.t'm "Dseh . I eaasot approach ber-I einest am rerdte-dt world seam tee *'anter. Mr. Fox shifted his tnqutries. "You have Bald that lot wore • bat and rest of your Irotbees In coming le the clobbouee. Did 7O'e keep theme articles on r I.ft them to the tower ball." "R'h.re In the lower baur `Yin the rwct theca." tern,' ynnr candle Me* ''Not then. ger." "1 n yon toned the rack,' n felt fee t I knew where 1t was." "Wm I-umbeltwni, Foe left the doer Unlocked when you went 001 of the betiding r "fio-no. I didn't. 1 MA too key, •rod I locked ft But I didn't realise this till I went to untie my horse; then I found the keys in m7 hand. Bat I didn't go back." "Do you mean that you didn't meow you locked the doorr "1 don't remember whether I knew or not at the time. 1 do remember be- ing surprised and a little frlgbteoed an :imams nos ,..1., silt. lib - es•tiawd Imps • Ow epipaMa crap et the Mg Spew .- �» .ads himmil m hide as `aI wag .Yag ps.thee at doe wry ape( sat se tits wane lad bass tie led et very � 80 meVele be steed sad se matleaMm I meat be. came at this enrg.tept aedt tegn 1. coat eight that I peespally im.pled 1 maid beer bb dins 1• the dread quiet late welch the whets sews had mak. Oda deep* telae alas melee in thee. Mbeelg breath.. •delside was mooroed b scale pas a. 1 ter all ny rumen. wait acus masse as Aad I Oil est kse'w the roma. YYr .st O strange memill te teas, my weeder? I theugbt me and was ea the pint et satisfying this wonder W • pith adva opoe this amp, elms ere sapwood there ppopwc•d u unesaa7 bile woke heed me t cheek best ti. astomtabwsot 1 was so pissed i■ ab .nese to ow et he street lamps I ban aise.dy mentioned that my shad - eve geil bathe ms plainly •Iaag the sea.. Tide had est attracted my ab tsattes tits at th. pant et pini* s 1 east elle eyes dews and saw two abed - OWE WW1, only ODe Mould be. As I bad heard o0 ore behind see and bad Apposed tweet entirety dew wits the atan absorbed in coo- teoplatto. et Adelaide's grave 1 es- p•tMseet a carious ..Delon. which. without being her. held um still for a motae.t with m7 eyes os tie sewed •bedew. It did not mon any man than rota. d11 This was sgnlfeant. and I tared. A than .food at tray beck -not look- tng at ms. bet .1 the fellow in hoot .t ua A pellet "Roser pounded to my ear. and again 1 stood M111. but .sly for an instant 11. man at toe fence. aroused by t perhaps• bad turned LID t DID 10T Know THE WAn- ttesumptnouat) But tell her. as you Ind the opportunity. bow 1 boom' bet. 3o not let her remain under the tra- inman that 1 am not capable of oily fNling what she bas borne and suet .1111 beer " "1 will do what 4 ran." was his reply, Md be mercifully cut abort the con- ••rsatlon. Tbla was the event of the morning. ID the afternoon t sat In my window btnting. My powers of reasoning ad retnr'ned- and the Insoluble pros em of Adelaide'a murder occupied my /bole mind. Nltb Carmel Ignorant rbo was there lett to saucier -Cr Not when I saw the keys. But I didn't go .rthnr. Ills ringers were as gnlltlesa back-" • my own of those marks on b.r "Yet you telephoned for the porker Moat Of this I was rouvtnced. d1m- 'Yea" ' nit ss It made my furore -And then locked them Daft The secret men of gilllt might let "I didn't care --1 didn't care-" .e to I170t. trot how or throagb An infinite number of deo . be- toe te whew* agency I found myself bbable lowed Certain tecta had to be brought , to eoseNve. 1 bad neithr the wit Doe out, among them the blowing off of the eirperienee to untangle this mas- i n look one's beat and feel one. best her Dat on that harried delve Doone fused web, through the ever thickening snow- is so the afternOOn D•Tsed. Ing to flushafroman mide bath each morn - the system em the pre- TnO�-a tact cantly accounted tot And- week the earning on et Dight m7 ctoca day's waste. sour icrmentatSons wben one considered the thick coils of and poisonous toxins before it is ab- hair over which 1t had been drawn. tanned into the blood. Just as coal. -After you went Into the stable to when 1t burns. leaves behind a car- antisepses your hone what path did tato amount of incombustible material you tale in returning to the bower er7 .0000.000 sed, seeing our two figures. started to 67 1D the opposite direction. Instinc- tively 1 darted forward In permit. but wry soon passed b7 the man behind me. Tee mused me to slackest foe I bad redogad.sd this latter as he Sew by as Sweetwater. the detective, and ken► that bit would do this wort bet- ter .0-ter tem myself. HetI reckoned without my host He went eptly as far as the spot when the man bad bosh standing. Wben is at>y acto.dehment I advanced upon bim there be wheeled abort pmts nat- urally L m7 direction and. accosting me by a•me, remarked in bis genial offhand manner: "Thate le no need for us to tire our lege to a clime after that man. 1 know him well enough-" "And wbo"- 1 began. A Quizzical smile answered me. The nett was now in our faces and I had a perfect view of his. its ezprewtoo quite disarmed me. but 1 knew. as well as 1f be tad spoken, that l sboald re- ceive no other rep/ to m7 ball formed question. "Aare ye, going back Into tower he asked. ae 1 paused and looked down it the umbrella swinging to his band. 1 was sure ?tut be bad oat held the i umbrella wbeo be started by me os the run. -If s0. will you .Low me to walk beside you for a little way?' 1 cook oat refuse him; besides. I was Dot sore that 1 wanted to. "You are Quite welcome." said 1. and again cast my eye at the umbrella. -1 ou nn wondering where 1 got this." be remarked looking down at It to 01s turn. -1 found It weaning against the (ewe. It gives me ad the clew 1 need to our fleet tooted friend- lira Ranelagh. will you credit me with good totem -ions 1f 1 ask a Qne.tion or two wbb•b you may or may not be willing to answerY' "You may ask what 700 will.' said L "1 brave nothing to conceal since bear- ing e r -Ing tiles Cumberland's explanation of bar presamce at the Whispering Pines." "The Question 1 am gotng to tisk." he continued presently. "is one which you may consider unpardonable. Let the fret exptam an optnto1. You bays not told all that you know of that even- isg s dotage" The called for so reply and I made in the form of ashes. so the food an drink taken each day leave 1n the ali- mentary organs a certain amount of indigestible material, which if not elimfnatcd, form toxin* and poisons which are then sucked Into the blood through the very ducts which are tn- "There la only one .- "Dtd you walk straight through Its -Aa straight as l could It we- snowing heavily, and 1 was divvy and felt 'tramps 1 may 0ave tdgtagged a little ." tended to sock in only nourishment Yeo are can that you felt not whom to sustain the body der 1D heck of the atabNr If you want to see the glow Of healthy bloom In your cheeks, to see I -As sere as 1 can be of anything-" Your skit get clearer and clearer. you I 'Miss Ctmb.rland. I have bat • few are told to drink every morning upon I amon questions to sat Will you sokwising, • glass of bot water with •at this portion of • broken bottler teaspoonful of Ifmsstase phosphate is It we - tags the waste material and toxinsj trembling visibly. sod bar face 0.- from tDe stomach, liver, kidneys and ; pressed • deep distress, bat .he took Merebowels, thus cleansing. sweetening and the ere of erosive bottle and looked petrifying the entire alimentary tract. before putting more food tato the stom- ach. Men and women with sallow skins. liver spots, pimples or pallid cotD- plsik0oho . also those who wake up with ' wises, bottle like that •t e01110 three to a cast" "mg.". had taste. nasty I the rtmbbooa0 bmf 1 b•ve Do *'.meet t breath. others who are bothered with e7 tete broken wed o0e •t •IL" beadac0es. bilious •pella, acid stomach -) am obliged to foe -Moo w ol Ounbe or cosdtlpatlurshould begin this phos- I Mad 1 Will ("lb* 100 no mere IS pentad hot water drinking and are assured oe very pronounced results is dal " nee or two weeks. Then be threw ep hie treed and .rod A bowl** pound of I1tn..toee phos- M • •l • ow •areentlr smile at M. 1140.mitepaste 't• very little at the drag eft store but is sufbeie•1 to demonstrate that lost as soap and hot water demises, parti ** sad freshens the Odle tem the oudel.lw, so hot water lied thesseee pboepb•te art on 10. 30.14. We most always consider that ggdaii&l .anitatkw le vastly mors la - =ethethan ootethe cleanliness, lee r A skin pores do not sheo tote the blood. while the pores da res oat net hand tt which 1s a harmless means of wash - I Bhe reached at it before pawning 1t beet 'Wee Cumbarteodl did you ever pee that bit of broken gds*' before* "No." she told -I may have seen a Fresh and Refreshing u 11 Is composed of clean, whole 3roung leaves. Pecked right, blended right and fc It bringspacked iyour bl :�cnsc., amicacmin CMS masussullf -"Dirt iawer" My. "it bel see- eledaty. I under- stand nderstand the dittoe- d,. MOW. and you Mall Meer regret that les met Ca- leb - 1eb Sweetwater en year walk this cussing. WM yea Ina ems. girt • detective who Ions Ms peen e - doe is no gab- bier. Your *sent is .a safe with me as 1t you had buried tt In he brave." Aid I bad mid made&the kt -DONT Anw1." >0 •tHast mo- mast be was half- Yu„ra>A way around a corner and in another moment was oat of siget M . tient, vole. DODO 1 can andirstasd four reticence If roar knowledge lnclnded the fact of Miss Cumbertand'a tterote set and bar sisters manner of death at the club- boom" lubboom" mood changed I wanted air. move- -But It did not" 1 aseert.d. with de- ment The dolmas of my rooms bed liberate emptiest's "1 knew nothing of become unbearable. As moos ea th. stow. My arrival happened later. lamp were itt to the street I started Mum Comb vistd's mammy give m• ORAPT8R YITII- ewe 3 um um never cal RAD •?way. weal her-lrt I I I .sew waw to m" neer es me ceras mem* tea OM sow 1 salt free to were (P res. • elhsga belt erre+ Mat emu JIL 1t, TM* out, and I went -toward the punct 1. It was a cold night. ad there trete but few people in the streets. Os the boulevard 1 met nobody. As I seared the cemetery I passed one mao; ~- wise 1 was to W appe•re.es aloes os this remota armor Th. abet was tabby, or hop mood mad. 1t es. Yet I did sol bastes at, aspe-the b0ers ten =Malgbc bed to be lived through 1. aim way. est wtq sot to ?list 11e cer watery gates were phut This I bed expected. bet I did sot sed te aster the pounds to ban • view of Adwl8.'. pan TM O.mberw.oa lot .0eegied a knee v dose proximity te the renew .ad eel dab intention W bees te ecce Ws epee and east ens seek viols fa tawmary i W t Te meta e ets•. e my Orsi enitgbtesmo0t es these point. But 1 did know tbat tan two sisters were there together. ter 1 bad a gtimpas et the yaw, as the was 1e•ving the berm" • CHAPTER XXVIIL =O ammo. ow ours. IN my Ont glance around the courtroom 10e oast morning I sought Orat for Carmel and than for the detective. Sweetwater. Neither was visible. But this was sot true oe Elis Fulton_ BM bad come 1s on bar father's erte closely followed by the erect figure of bee domineer, Ing mother. The entrance of the defendant cut abort my contemplation of any mete spectator. The change in bin was so marked that 1 was conscious of It be- fore 1 really saw Otte Every eye had reflected ft, a0d 1t was 0 .orpr1e t0 m. wbeo 1 noted the relieved. almost cheerful. aspect of Ods countenance as be took bis place and met his coun- sel's greeting with a smile. the first, 1 behove- which had bean seen on his face since O1* sisters death. The Mer annoaoced the opening of too evert, and the defense proceeded by the calling of Ella Fulton to the witness stand. I need oat rings over her testimony. It was very abort and contained but me surprise. Elbe bad stated under di- rect examination that she bad wafted and watcbed for adhere return that wbole ntgbt and was positive that be bad not passed through tbslr grounds again after that Drat time In too early evening. This was lust eat I bad ex- pected from bee. But the pro0seution 'Yon had. And hots willing to state It sown "Amoeedty. Dat my testimony et that kind is for ties seam*. and year imtenats are al with the prosecution. Mr. Moffat is the seas who should talk w are tleeseted. this. tai melds O.mbmtand beetr n mast be; be is leeseant' The alas at mi sits treed and diel at ase ens panes within 1 met tekrty. "Mr. naedagb. will yie lei ms why. wham yen timet yu.Seif ti .met a t.s • wooer, and en Mb( 1 rm she pateem IJ as l bear ueled ter ✓ ad names, es 1 theept. ter set ear` YIa .eld1IO M c lllSOS r etartRas r wog eat q i ter11ea at this atpeeist to ear gel s6 est every pee• isle tali may t. row Prasinel Melee am 1•a -t maid est reg>dme hist dimes regard o a~taut eras yea OMB where 1 aged. bed Lresi.lM4 least bate thea felt repair ave e► silk ihlaMb Al* _!! _!ut-a QMk wad yth a gnat invaluable elven!' Trina It assn respected les •head► Me preidie to be eaetM with Ott leat 'le- serer were L1pwlMle• e-1 Meas. W tis westrtet lea 1s alp t dlMmma 1 teamed toward rte. sad jull i Oda tae eked widths 'be gate et as NaMAa Orb pawls, tram ems dpi daarway. 1 maga rho ells sat we- esalslMM at the riga 'WO rpt (I vas eegmged la a mem OIL I ISO ashamed to be caught I w ,It1oa ,,; ..eb tr.g.4 e pre wars e.rorreL 1 oadsretOed saltier d 's sad m7 thought, war+ osv hop* r tWyttAtiPge* .eug -Had dater pupa Waned mem; spas yea to asking yen 10 WOW the liber 4yw beard the two law? sir Ind Medlar enthest e•pe1iil" II meat ase iMt ear res. kat 1 On le balm my teems 1 *and x Wit ill an -'w- tried te magi seniething ear w tits wide thing. Mat tarts 1 was tax est en the tint*' They ware levier ft ht u the pressen a the ttemMbtred the snowfall, and is bit erose 07.1.1 atloo ea rets polos *be actaowtedged that it was very thick mock too Melt for bet te see bar own gate distinctly. bet •eded tat' this only made bee sorer of the feet she bad as)* tor. Oodles that she maid sot sae. abs ad dressed ber.slt for the storm and goo. oat into the drive- way to watch there •0d bed w watched until the tows clock street • TDM did sot help the prosecutes. Sympathy could not fall to he with this yew and tremulous girl. Week to bar love. U wet In other respects. and wham os her departure from tea shied the cast ooe deprecatory glance at the ems Oat whom ane bad time MOT Arced bee pride and. meeting his qri had spec bee web anything but in- gratlted., Seabed add faltered tl7.ho with tllehulty foetid bar way the see- t1mests of the onlookers became se apparent that t0e judge'• gati1 was tailed tats requisition before order could be restored ••d tbe'art witness enmno.ad to testify. This whams was no 1sm a pef500 than Artbor blmself. Recalled by his counsel he was remisded of hie for- mer ormer statement that be bad bet to elabbo.ao 1.0 • burry beraase be beard Ms slater Adele1di s voice and was sew asked If ben was the only voice be ad beard His answer mind. "No: I beard bee." This satisfying M. &toffs% be was passed over lo Nr. Poe. sod a short cross examination ensued on this polo? "Yoe heard both your sisters speak - mgr "Yes. mfr." 'Amy of their words or only their volcee r "I beard one word" "West word?" The word 'Ktwond.• " "In wbtrb voice?" "in that of my stater Adelaide." "And you Oro r "lm medlet.47." -Leeriest your two sisters alone 1a Mb eoId sod oat or the way boomer "i did not think they were aloes." 'Who 01d you think was with tbeter "1 ay. • 'reedy mentioned the rum" -Yet you deft tbemr "Yea 1 nave already explained that revealed match of 01s Cartsel's anawerteg eat I thaw man who bad roads all this teethe M terms team-" "Ad ye. raft tam to the seat? "Tea. ser. bet Dot without • struggle I was *'laded several rimae to terata. Tide 1 ken testified to before." "Did this strugg1e cessume fort, missies?' "1t must hevn, sed mare. tt I entered the hotel la Cuthbert read at the bosh they state Mr. plea gave up the weep. and Me Moat reeled his saes. Tiers was so tstlmea7 offered tel rebuttal. sod the court 100k a reesee. Wer It fesseembld 1 test seethed =dean rime* arum[td Still se O.s met sae any sites of Sweetwater. i maid uaderetind her absesc . but net his, anti tt was la • cOafusim of f.a4 Ing welch was fast getting the .ppm head of no that 1 turned m7 atlas- tie- to Mr. Moffat and the plea be we- about to maks for his youthful chest. I feet a sadden Now ad creee(ag chin setae and sake me... 1 have beard people sal they experl.00ed when uttering the .moos a nriades. 'Some one is walking over raj grove,' ween 1 bred them words, changed In the slow and bat N1getly rebel Mom with inlets lir. Moffat inn* ably began his address` -May it please the court and genes me- of the ?1317, m7 Mand ilium or tog prosecution has shown great On eretlon in that. a far as appear. ries the trend of W examination. he 1s planning Do attempt to explain the many Menne and the eftm forbidding attitude of my young client b7 any theory gar• the obvious os. -the nat. ural desire of • brother to bids his only remaining sister's connection with a tngldy of whose details be was 17' norant ■nd coocerntng which be had formed • tbeory derogatory to bar po- tion t,tion as a young and well bred woman. "Fear for a loved one, even in one wbom you 'MI probably bear describ- ed as a dlsalpeted maoof selfish tend- encies and hitherto ubbrutberly quial- itlea is a great miracle worker. Me sacrifice seems impossible wblcb serves as a retard for one so situated and so threatened" Hen Mr. Moffat recapitulated those events, bet always from the sued - point of the defendant. a standpoint wbkh nevi -swirl/ brought before erne jury the many excellent reasons welch his client bad for .bppu.tDg toe crime t9 bare resulted moiety from the coo- t . ctinued on Page :o esti tt hka► A ,1 \ ,\\,,\,,, \k. \ ,4,, v, \ ,, \\I • • �.kaMItNL�L;r1.. \\Mete\\. \\ Ts aae.ert.( we- ` •Te. . 1150.1.hMar1141 l ear 1 thea,., in ve.. lectin a..w....d . as "N..• "Neu -Tone" for the Walls It is so easy and so economical to Mere a beautifully decorated home, with "NEU-TONE" Fist Finish. The soft, medal "Net, -Tone" fiats will delight the women end man who appreciate refinement and delicacy in the home. Wben you "Nea-To.e" the walk, you save all fuss and bother of waling sad scraping the plaster to re -decorate. Simply apply soother oast of "NEU-TONE" is fear shade or tint desired. NEU-TONE" is cheaper this wail paper. It is truly e0000mical-abadutety sanitary -can't balm, scale or rub off - AND IS WASHABLE. Sep and water cleans a "NEU. TONS" wall sod takes away dank steins sad finger prises. dimsiet-k. Floor Ftaisd via volisesed r feta wear sad abase a whit a boar vanish is gab)sated i b rein be meed om bard or amt wood loom ; Emory pea maim with it s miner. bask plrmaese. "MADE IN w •fele okra is she r.ide-th smr Ob. Limiest. brie*'/► ter their 111 '10t - --. T'T.wm eadGeerspilhr'". •-ewtepmew tem maw dims• emit Orbit venthirgehitiederamiew F. HUNT, GODERICH, Ont A < et',-'(*: Ar ti