The Signal, 1916-5-11, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODEBM : ONTARIO
in the
Fast Street
Twenty-five 3o x 3 1-2
fully guaranteed tubes,
suitable for Ford or
while they last.
Meeting for Women.
The women of Ooaler.rh oro re-
yturLed to meet in 1br :.usperance
Hall at n o'clock torunrrow tMridayi
evening fi.r the. purser* n' togau'zing
a Women's Patriotic Leagisr.
Captain Dancsy to Address Meeting.
A publil meeting will loe hrld in
Knott church on Sunday ry g at
K ;al o'clock, to he addressed by ''apt.
Uancey, a returned tear brio who too
part in the famous Mous engagement.
Capt. Deurry has been addressing
meetings throughout \Vr.irree lint.
(trio and should have • large audteucr
on this his flat visit to ti.xlerich.
Another Patriotic Evening.
A patriotic social evening under the
auspices of the \Vonien'a Institute
will be heldinthe Maple Loaf Club
n onus, Hamilton street, on Friday.
May 19th. Tbe evening's pr,]gram
will commence et t1 o'clock bwiith ich pp
.euchre, uchre, alta+
will be a dance io the room above the
Club,ov. Music will be furnished
by the Stewart Orchestra . Admis-
sion Li omits. Tbe rproceeds m ter e
re to he
devoted to the purchase
for the Ked Cross work of the Wo-
men's loatitute.
Owned ,end operated by a prw•tteal own.
Goderich to Detroit
EXCUlsI0n and Return.
GOING -Leave Goderich
Tuesday, Jane
RETURNING -Leave Detroit
Thursday, June 15,1916, 1.00 p• m.
13, 1916, 9.30 a. m.
This trip provides a magnificent opportunity to
an all -day water voyage on th- BIG srE-5.11_
to visit your friends in Detroit.
FARE $1.50 Remi Trip $1.00 ORe Way with Baggage
Clltiii IisR-rate
Don't forget the thalerie h Ilan.l M,a,nlight. JUNK 121h. 8.I0 p. m.
FARE ONLY ESc \k_IIITF: !rl AK LINE. Detroit. Mich•
lastom Hatching
is the dem/fleet sad moat
painful malady to whim
'mankind i..ublra-t. rluil.i ,
Kidney fits will cure any
use of Height's f\sease.
They base never fillet in
coir single 4. 4,1C. They her.:
the only remedy that ever
has cured it, and they are
the ody remedy that can
There are imuations of
Dodd'. Kidney PiIlr•Pdl,
box and natty -but Imit*
lions are dangerous. The
original and only genuine
cure for Bright's Dwtare
to quash • cwviesloo fur having aa -
lawfully. on Dsosmbi r Ilkb of teat
har, brought intoxicating liquor into
REVD nOYaly contrary Tpr
Private Warner is "Watched."
A number of the members of the
Baptist church gathered at the home
of Mr and Mrs. B. A.
Warner Monday evening for • social hour,
during the course of which Mr. War-
ner. who is a private in the local ds
tacbment of the tense Battalion, eras
presented with an address and a Mili-
tary wrist watch. Since comingo
Ooderith nearly tree years •
Warner has taken en active part in
all the work of the Baptist use.
Three bass singers of the Baptist
aro now with the' colors : Mr. V uw
with the 161st, Mr. W ileon y
with the b&t.h Battery. and Jar. Arville
White, who recently resigned from
the Collegiate staff.
What a Mail Order Man Says.
awak , "home
fails tobtell thenIsn't
about big ware., should read this'
.'artting statement made by the man-
age' of a big Toronto mail order house I
recently : "We have a bureau whose
duty it is to road the country news -
There is not e piper of any
ccoonsseequence in our territory we do
not looks
papers and when webureaut. The over find • town where
the merchants do not advertise in the
local paper, or where the advertiser's
do not change their ativertisemonta
regularly, we immediately Hood that
section with our literature. it al ways
brings results far in excess of the same
effort put forth in territory where the
local Merchants use their local paper.
Dodd's Kidney Pins are
fifty cents a box at ad
to the o-
vieloos of part I1. of the l anada
profane* Act. Judge ittddell rendered
the hollowing judgment : “Consider-
the large quantity of liquor,
secret manner to which it was brought
from the station to the house, and all
the other facto of the carr, I think the
Police Magist'ale had to right to
tied as be did. The order to de.troy
naturally and violently follows such a
conviction. Ttie.tpplicati,u t be
refused, with cost.. Eveu had 1 been
(obliged 10 quash the arateh-warrant,
it it plain on the authuritier that the
000viclioe and destruction order
would not he thereby affected."
Charlie Compton's Marriage.
The following is from Tbe Ottawa
Journal of Api tl 'rth ceremony
An icer A thisng afternoon at to home
took place Oust Metcalfe
of to bride a mother.
%reel, when Misr Ennuis Eva Coyle*,
daughter of the late Wiliam Goyim",
and airs. Coyle., wes married to Mr.
Charles E. Compton, eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Cowptoa of
Kingston. The bride a Victoria graduate
nurse from the Roy
pital, Montreal, and for a few years
held the position as one of the bead
nurses at that institutsoa lir. Comp-
omp- too is a niertbsr of the Journal edi-
torial staff and is one of the most pop-
ular newspaper men in the capital.
ile is abs] well known in Western On-
tario Rev. O. S Anderson, rector of
St. Matthew's church, officiated. andb
the wedding music was played
Miss Rita Smith. The bride, wbo y has
unattended. was given awry
brother. Mr George Coyle.. She wore
her travelling suit of darts blue serge.
• dainty white blouse and a blue hat
to match trimmed with deep red roses.
The groom's mother and sister, r
Compton and Miss }lose
were present for the ceremony. Mr.
and Mrs. Compwn have left for a brief
stay in Toronto and Kingston.
Mr. Compton was assistant editor of
The •pl u
and was • plarfigure inlocal affairs.
His friers • here will join witb Tbe
Signal in felicitations upon the happy
$100 Reward, $100.
whiskey -glasses. all smelling of
whiskey Imost of them very strongly),
who tinge up the price of us e(ore two
wo drinks
in his bolted barroom just
men come out of it, and who can give
no reas)n why he should -one of
whose customers is Mr to take •
drink from one of the whiskey -glasses,
followed by a drink of water -cannot
complain if the magistrate comes to
the conclusion that he was selling
whiskey or'lig•ior.' Men have auf-
fered long terms of imprisonment on
lees evidence. The motion must be
dismissed with costs."
Another case of local interest which
was disposed of at Osgoode Hall on
Monday of this week was that of Rex
vs. Swart.. io which aseove was made
Women Elect Officers.
The annual meeting of the Goderich
branch .of the Women's Institute was
held at the home of Mrs.Howrieon May
4. The following officers were re-elected
by sccl*unation for the ensuing year :
President, Mex E. Beattie ; vice-presi-
dent. Mrs. McNally ; secretary -treas-
urer, Mian M. h. Salkeld ; branch di:
rectors, "ars. Ilowrie. Mrs. Fusrlie an
Mrs Mr('lacherty ; auditors, Mrs.
\Iclion*ld and ?Ire C. Young. T'he,
financi.l report showed a good stand-
io.g, Over r22'-, was raised for Red
Cross work alone. moat of which has I
art on mwteriel, keeping the
been sine
members busy sewing and knitting.
The Children's Aid Society has been
assisted. *leo the Hoy Scouts of WWII,
the Society helping to pay 101for
moms where the boys c*n ,.pe
nd evenings at games, err. Meetings' are
held the first Thursday 01 every month.
\'biters :ire always welcnme and 2:oc
will make one a utember for one year
Th move made . n
We have only a kw trays left for May 25th hatch. Parties
wishing space in this hatch please make reservation now.
We have af galvanized sale. TheColony se are
and one 240 -egg Chatham Incubator
real bargains.
H. Keith Revell
Your Horse Pays for it --
Not You
The small outlay for a
IGalled Shoulders
NA+Esse Mar` M hens cease.
ea diesibless Is
gas eesaden we row cos ref M oassast
wawa et wean heat Own.
A •ieett hest& swab vase s
nes. Tymrds r era Oras ewe
poa WWI & WY
IL J. Fisher,
Handlien Strrst
comes bathe to you many
Ids over in the in-
ceged working Pads
of your horses
maytbe had to 6t any
Tbe Harness Nal
Sustained. behalf of Mr.
John Bedford, of Goderich. to quash •
1 search warrant and conviction for un-
lawfully keeping intoxicating liquor
for sale. contrary to the provisions of
part 11. of the Canada TemPerance
Act. has not.teen sustained. On Mon-
day of this week Mr. Justice
gave out the f, (lowing judgment
l egoode Hall. Toronto :
••Here the teasons for auapiciof are
'that the deponent knows the tino
icating liquor is being oughtthere,
hotel, and persons are resorting
as the deponent has good reason to be-
lieve, for the purpose of drinking the
senile,• It is impressible, l think, to
say that the wariietrate should not
rntnider the above a reasonable
ground of suspicion. The search-
w$rr•rit should not he quash edis bar -
A taveinkeeper whq
room hilted, to he opened to admit
such persons as he chooses, who keep
.Yes; the Pain goes!
The d7 first rub (jives relief
and se you mvssRe in the heal-
ing penetrating ods of Cham-
i ercem s Liniment,of ems, comfort,
iences feeling real
and relief, that assure you a
cure u talon place. This fine
old family safeguard
s., es vowel fe
.cif ask .,.a s
,a, *roma red
ed leas V a
e,.. M
smear eta
mod cg1•
11.tr1tg0A'r. MAY 11 11111 1
Give Your Wife
an Interest
In the fainity's finan-
cial progress by open-
ing a Joint Account
In the Union Bank
of Canada, to her name and your oven.
You will find it a very convenient arrangement, for
then either can attend to the banking when in town,
making deposits or withdrawing money. In case of
death, the balance automatically goes to the survivor.
Godericn Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager.
saws/ also his wife, • native active 1a the Ladies' Aid Society of
atao was. Wesley Methodist church, was a
tyrefa died
wo, Ireland. theMr. Meta- member of the directorate of the
tyre died in Vancouver at to age of l Children's Aid Society and ever active
8.3.Ides McIntyre is still living, aged in the home work of tbat organize -
84. She is veryill and the news of the i tion. like her husband, Mrs. (cordon
death of her aughter will prove a i had abroad humanitarian spirit,
great shock
re . hda htMr. Gordoniide,ad pa-
to berint helpful
noble -winded. and her loss
two children. a daughter irmg will be widely and deeply telt."
Being. a stranger in a strange tows
isn't half as tough as being a stranger
in your .own town.
who is a graduate of the Van
High School and of the Ontario lsdie.
College at Whitby. Her .on Alva
was a student of McGill University.
He is now a despatch rider 'so.ue-
wbere in France.' Th late Mrs
n with Gor-
don was • charming
most attractive personality. She was
one of the most popular of the guests
at the meetings of for Pioneers' As -
wit which
The reader-, of thin piper win he pleased
learn that there is at tram to dreaded
that -cleans rota beep Catarrh soma
and that la catarrh.
greatly Influenced by °math utlonalH .tJo"
require. ,•uwtituuonal nd seoi through
tar. h Care is be m ►ous ~ice. of the system
the brood oa the bursa.
[herby de+trortaa the foendaUoa of the die-
Bane. giving the patient .treu by buildioa uP
the roar -tit tenon and a,daing nano " an Kith
to work. The iroprietor' b•
re in the curative p.)ne ' of Halt. Catarrh Cure
that they ower o,'" hundred dollars for any ea -e•
that It fails to cure. Mend for li.t of teetlmou
i.ab,. Adana.. Woo.
i•'..I •'HIs'v'EY & CO . 1'r..t+ . Toledo.
Mold by all druaan-t+. 7.c.
The EtAltford
Gordon Bisset on Thuitldat
Love may be bind t first, but carte
F 1 Pod
Just Received a Large
Assortment of
for Men, at Old Prices.
Remember it'* the r talk. that
count. not new%pap• width Wyou
have then[ in any
may minim.
We hav • an en.11rr'M variety of
Women'* Dors* Pumps an.l
NlippWM .of all kinds at old prieee.
while the stork laata. Alio the
new high -cut Boot, ti -inch 1.-g. for
women. gR
A big *took o[ Wearing Ride
for men. women and
ren at.
old price,, But dnatot overlook
the fart that. leather ie advancing
every week and goods will be
very much higher Now u a
gRt. o.rl time to secure your reapply.
We btty for ofs epotvg•ry diat'rtting
advantage .1f this
Yon get the wtivaota((s•
by dealing here.
A fullstock of Trunks and Valise,'
on hand.
Repairing neatly done a1 • mod-
erate prier.
To the Public
HAVING purchosed the
++teat market which
has been conduct fomos
many years by
Morrow. 1 beg to announce
to the people of Goderich
and vicinity that 1 intend
to conduct the business on
the most approved meth-
ods, and I solicit a fair
share of patronage.
In addition to }.resh Meat•
of all kind', 1 will handle the
Walters & Co.
Sa•.snan M 1 • It McClisees
000aPlCH !SONS sag
Nature leaves a lot of work for the
dressmaker to finish.
Judge • ratan by what he does and
a *Oman by what she doesn't .ay.
The absence of soft water is tongue
soctaliott, h her husband is men's excuse for drinking bard.
mo prominently w.s.niatsd. title was
branch of the Red
Crows Society will inert at the home
of Mrs. (io oD • ,
May 18:h.
a rs ,r
nine days it opens its eyes and h'- •
look around. Try one of F. 1. -
ham's suits for an eye-opener.
Ahmeek Chapter, 1. 0. D. F.. will
bold its regular thly Meeting no
Monday, May 15,h, at c o'clock is the
court house.
The regular monthly ,,tertius of the
Red Cross & weir'y-will take place in
the Nortb street roosue on Monday
evening at S o'clock.
ti e,enrer o[
Mr. George William*.
the lioderich Patrintic Fund' makes
another appeal ttti. week to the seb-
serileta to the Fund who have not
paid their suhsctipt due 'on April
1st. They are requieted to make pay-
ment at once. in nettle to avoid the
neceeaity,of appointing a collector.
The annual inspection of the Cadets
of the Goderi••br Collegiate took place
at Victoria Park on Monday after-
noon, the iospection being made by
Cap'. Barclay. of London. The
Cadets', numbering about forty. ap-
peared in uniform and made a credit-
able showing. drawing maty words
of eoomendatioo from the Captain.
Celebrated Kincardine
Hairs and Bacons,
Home-made Sausages,
Home -rendered L a r d,
Corn Beef and Pickled
Pork, etc.
T 2
w's old stand
\Vest Side Squire
Telephone . o.
Folding Cameras, 3 1-4 x 5 1-2, $18.50,
Bronchitis- Asthma-
Coughs- night Sweats-
Cameras, Films and
Photographic Stock
we intend to discontinue Photo Supplies
,* f i 3 x q, $ t o.00, for
6 f* s 1-2 x 3 1-4r $ soot for
$ 7.50
$ 6.00
$ 3.75
Box Cameras,
„ ,f
2 1-4 x 3 1-4, $5.00, for
2 1-4 1t. 3 1-4, $2.50, for 1. z0
2 1-4 x 2 I-4, Si. so, fora.. ... 4
Also a stock of
The best opportunity you will ever have to buy a
Camera and supplies. ,. Don't delay. The first to
come gets the bargains and this is the Camera season.
It be a grave mistake for motbers to reef-
here their aches aid bins and suffer is
wee --this only leads to chronic sick
news and often shortens life.
If your work is tiring; if your nerves
e=ditable; if you feel languid. w y of
depressed, you should know that Scutt's
Emulsion overcomes just such conditions.
It possesses in coocrntratetl form the
very elensents to invigorate t
strengthen to tisanes, nourisht e' nerve,
and build strength. nio thousands og
$c'olt's is strengthening
berm -and will help you. Try it.
area A Dower, Toronto. Oat.
And those condition, leading up to
The death occurred at Windsor on
Wednesday, May :i,d, (of Mus France.
Ktisabe:h Nelson, daughter of the late
Horatio N. Isom (orntetly of G,derirh.
Miss Nelson's deml.e followed an ill-
ness of only four days
The deeeaard was • familiar figure
in Ooderieh, as she bad spent at Isaac
thirty summers here. A Targe circle
of friends in tow heard et her death
with deep regret.
Sone Extracts iron Swan Esiiesce :
hear Nature • Creation' 1* what
I helped me."
CHMILLIS [MOPH, on cloth, says :
.•illy night sweats' ,topped and my
hemorrhage stopped from the first
Seed forcontaining complete
statements, oat Oath. frost those wbo
have es
haed ' Nature .Croton."
James F. Thomson
Mask sad Stationery Store
SIRS, 0. R eiffDo" .
A Vancouver paper makes the fol-
loing onwAD ij ypthnooff ao the former lres'deden es
(iodericb in the person of Mrs. George
Robertson (cordon. The deceased was
a ,•1 Mrs. John 1. Aitken, of
t,,wn, and • sister of M.s. Georg*
Green, of Hamilton, formerly mwill f t0 o felt
rich : "\Vdrepread
at the news that Mrs. 0, R. Gordon,
wife of Mr George Kobettaim Gds
don• leer year president of the Wo-
oer Association, died on Sunday
ing. Mr- Gordons re fired .n 1•
her amid health Her husband. wak-
ing early on Sunday meaning. hsnamed
Mr-hocked to find that @be Mr. heed
TION p I f lay In Iwo .
$way {peers a in 111intM
OF CANADA, LTD. o the via: ihno mowere r on (*toner 18th,
igen. nM ossa Mies M,rssn R. Mehl -
t t*1005 144_ _COMMA VI BUILDING, syr... • d.ugttts ..f J,•hn M•-Intyre.
TOROWrO. CANADA fa former resident of liIord.On1larle).
showing a Rod (revered
Hh nrsntford `nates
in Solid Caine.
There is Safety
Under This Roof
Have you ever had a fine job of decorating spoiled by a kapott
to appreciate the vales
roof! If you have you certainly are ins positionof the troubles common to
wooden o dons that ie positively that they Sarre d* blow riff as
ells ee. shingles after are that they are apt to ego
were good. hut
well as Ira[, sort after they are put on. Years ago
the quality has since gradually depreciated as the available supply of
suitable timber became exhausted.
Brantford Slates have none of the faults of wooden shinglea. They
cannot rust They do not allow rain to be drivensunnder ter hem as s t o
metal roofs. They do not require rigid supporting
or slate rods On tete other handy tford aro made Slates
i o felt
-base-protection with litittle hay saturated
with asphaltum or
-base- which is thoroughly setmste.t under pressure
pitch Crushed quarried gigaare then pc
ded is the surface imakintwter-tight and fireproof.
Brsntfnnl Slates aro made In the natural slate colors of green. red.
and grey. The conn never fade sad the dates do not require
sting nor repairing. These elates ere pliable and fit readily around
- ,.r Ti.). MOAN a continuous roof
Rooter sallow the int..anodr Sparks die on lfrroou.f +ru. 'Olen
haveit Deems shoes
or joints. Spa Remember they dont
those slates'•nn you are done with the job.
require painting or staining and may he tweeted 10 harmonize with al-
most say exterior root design. sad the price 1s not beyond y Booklet
We wash' he pleased to send you samples and our
Brantford Roofing Company, Limited
Brantford, Canada
Sold by W. R. PINDER