The Signal, 1916-5-11, Page 3IRE SIGNAL : GODERICH 0 ASM ',Adler.' Aid rte bas• forwarded to HOW LONG WILL th. Red Gross beadquartns :9 pillows. AND es borpital shirts. 12 ,best, 311 pillow. slips. 1d pyjamas suits, 16 day shirks, tib pain sucks, 12 wash clotbe. SOS mouth wtpee. 2 dos. hospital beedler ONLY GENUINE BEWARE OF IMITA- T1ONB SOLD ON THE MERITS Or 11NIRD'S LININENT chiefs, 72 ace cloths, 12 rolls bandages, 1 parosl old flannel, 1 parcel magas Valued $1140. This work was done In Match and April. Sewing was done by Mrs. Jas. Cook.9 garments; Mn. John Quaid, 8 garments; Mrs. R. Hig- gins. Mies M. McKensie 7 each • Mlw A. Quaid, Mrs. Wm. Blake, Miss M. Mack, 6 each i Mn. W. Finlay, Mjss M. eau, Mrs. W. Malo, beach; Mn. F. D.ohert Mrs C. Crawford. Mrs. S. Sher wood 4 etch ; Mrs. Jas. McAdam Miss Banti, Mrs. LQ seal CrwMn., Mas. R. McWhlnoey, Hayden, Miss Olive Free, Klan 0. Templeton, Mrs. Wm. Hasty, Miss M. Alton. Mt.. Jas Saunders, Miss May Saunders, Miss Tillie Carey, Mrs. D. Mcllwain. 2 each ; Mrs R. Correa, Mrr. %Vm. $totber•. Miss Nona Stev- enson, Miss M. Myers. Mn. John Bennett, Mrs Ju. Oliver, Miss 14Cun- ningham, 1 each; Mrs. Higgins, sheets, 8 pillow slips ; Mrs. A. Quaid, 2sheet., 4 pillow slips; Mn. McAdam, 6 pillow slips ; Mks M. McKenzie, 7 sheets, 7 pillow sll . Pillows were donated by Mrs. D. Mcllwain, Mrs. W. Echlin,'2 pillows eacb ; Mn. 1). Quaid, Mrs.yaBlake, 1 Brack ; D 1 ow slips donated by Lila Mcllwain 2 ; Mrs. M. Shackleton, 3 ; Mn. T. Blake, 1 ; Mn D. MzWbiooey, 2 ; Lisa Hig- gins, 12 wash cloths; Mrs. W. Finlay, 12 bandages; Mrs. S. Kilpatrick, mouth wipes; Mrs. M. Shackleton, dozen hospital handerehiefs. Knit - Ung was done by Mn. Win. Blake, 114 pairs socks ; Mrs. A Alton. 13 pairs Mn. T. Shackleton, Mn. R. Higgins, 6 pairs each ; Mrs. A. Gordon, Hiss M. Sounder", 4 pairs each ; Mrr, J. Gook, Mn. J. Helm, Mies 1.41a Blake, Mrs. J. M , '3 pairs each ; Mr. J. Reid, Mrs. J. Breen. Mies J. /Asia., Mrs. J. Kllp.trick. Mr.. A e lib. Mrs. F. Doherty, Mrs Jan 11c%VhinDey, Nile, Mr,. T. 11a11, M• s. Js-. Webster. Mrs.. Herb Alton, lire. N. Johnston. 2 pails each ; Mr.. J. Petrie, Mrs J. Myers, Miss T. Myets. Mrs H. Mc• Whinney, Mi.. M. Cunniugbam, Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Fielder. Mrs. J. Quaid, Mrs. A. Quaid. Mr'. W. Stotbsrs, Mre. O. Mothers, Mi+s M. Hall, Mn. Jas. Soundest, Mn. S. Phillips, Mrs. J. Phillips. 1 pair each. The Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Society will meet in the ball at Port Albert May 17th. BOO Kin NDIN (i MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. SOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS eel s TH rag& Oodetioa. ss A. B. TAYLOR. B'lYTVORD. MEDICAL R. ORO. HKILKMANN, O$TE- PATH, eeedallet In women. sad eUl '. dl.e.•ee. scuts, *leeks sod I ellel a� as6sis. ere. W. sore rod tbtosi. par see.. lumbago and rheostatic ooriditioes Aden weld. remove 1 without the knife. Offlcs at meideooe. corner Nel-on and SL Aodrsw s aueete. AL bet CISCO xow4 rr. Weds. sad Saturday.* any es ming by appointment. Wvtae tOWRic:. J. R.FOit$TER-EYE, EAR. e end throat oats. Bow nswqr►•••• rk Uplithalsle and Acral IawUt its, Nose and 'I mei ANSA.. Ur, and Moorefield KyHospital.l. , kogland. tlmoe. M & W aterlfr. utreeet. Stret• tiSum., i rdw It s.. 7 tell p. m. Telephone a. AUCTIoUEZE THE WAR LAST? The War Against Healtk 1. Qei•Wy Eckel By 'Pewit-a-tiv.. . UNDRY f11HOMA$ G AUCTIONS=11 Wt at Signal ice will Instreetionsby seded tc. Ite.tdsnoe telephone 115 LEGAL O C. HAYS BAKHISTKlt, SOLICITOR. AOTAItY HLIC, MTI. WortSterlag Bank Stock, Bam/lten Sleet. S. 1 elepkdoe te. Feat khats Lorne and lo.srance. "It write MRS. OCWOIrC RIO •f,UAW Ifti.INS • � �r QuorAnaa Tweet* Cattle Market Heavy choice steers 98.80 to Handy choice steers ... 1.40 Butcher.. good 8.25 do medium 7.90 do. common 7.00 Butcher' cows, choice7.26 do. good 6 76 do medium 6 00 do common . 6 60 Butcher bulla, choice- 7.16 do. good . 6.10 do. bologna 6.16 Feeders. 900 to 1,000 lbs. 7.10 do. bulls 6.60 Stockers. 800 to 900 lbs. 7.26 do. good. 700 to 800 6.60 do. med.. 660 to 700 6.00 do. common. light... 6.60 Cutter 4.76 Canners 4.00 Milken, choice. each 76.00 domedium to good-60.00Springers 60.00 Calves, veal, good 5.00 do. medium 6.00 do. common 4.10 East Ship llarbonr, N.S. do. grass 4.76 V with great pleasure that 1 Bob calves. each 2.00 10.00 6.00 to tell you of the wonderful lambs, cwt- benefit wtbenefit I hace received from taking same, ewes, light 9.90 'Fruit-a-tives'.For years lwas adreadful do. heavy and bucks 8.00 sufferer from Constipation and Head- � da. culls 4.00 aches, and I was miserable in every way. Hogs. weighed off cars 11.10 do. ted and watered11.25 Nothing in the way of medicines do. f.o.b. country... 10.90 seemed to help me. Then I finally Spring lambs, each BENMILLER. 'rritshAY. Mai 9. Run CRoas NoTes.-On May 6th the Benwiller Branch C. It. C.14 (Col- borne townahip,) forwa,ded to Toronto the follow log goods. viz.: 40 pairs 'locks. 12 pyjama suite, 15 day shirts, 13 hospital abirte, :01 towels 1 tnrkirh) value of goods 4)41.11. The Society heartily thanks the following for do- naliuna : l'olborne township council, 1V-ii.00, Mrs. A. Ileddle 41.(13. Mrs. ''m Jewell 61.1111, weekly t.ferings $ill sit The Socket • tried'Fruit-a-fives and thewas spa Blue Blood.ao had Hnwlong-Too you have no royally in the States Miss Multirox-Oh. 1 don't know. My father is the well-known sausage King. My brother is a Prince of good fellows, and he has just married aew Queen of but Inoue. CLERK MI RUN DOWN Restored To Health By Vinol Shelbyville, Ind.-" I am a clerk in • hotel and was all run down, no energy, thanks the fol- my blood was poor and my face covered good feed flour, bag, 91.60 to 21.70. got so weak I had to in Py)� • with pimples. I fi at work. they remedies with- PROUDFDUT.$.1I,IgRAPi al, t)002I: lowing ladies der, 108.E 9.26 7.60. 7.80 7.26 0.76 6.N 1.7111 7.116 0.06 0.26 6.00 7.66 1.26 0.60 6.00 6.66 476 106.00 76.60 106.00 10.00 8.00 0.00 0.80 7.00 .12.60 12.00 10.60 9.00 6.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 r Toronto Grain Markets Manitoba wheat -Trek, bay ports. No. 1 northern, 91.14; No. 2 northern. $1.33%; No. 3 northern. $1.19%. Manitoba oats -Track. bay ports. No. 2 C.W., 63%c; No. 3 C.W.. &2c; No. ''1 extra feed, 62c; No. 1 feed. 61Vsc. American corn -No. 3 yellow, 8314c. Canadian corn -Reed, 74c to 76c. Ontario wheat -Se. 2 winter per car lot, according to freight outside, No. 1 commercial, $1.03 to 0.05; No. 2 commercial, 91.01 to $1.03; No. 3 commercial, 98c to 91; teed wheat. 86c to 88c. Ontario oats -No. 3 white, 45%c to 46%c; commercial oats, 44tsc to 45',4c. Peas -No. 2, per csrlot. $1.60; ac- cording to sample, 91.20 to 91.60. Barley -Malting. outside, 64c to 65c; No. 2 feed. 60c to 63c. Buckwheat -69c to 70c. Rye -No. 1 commercial, 91c to 92c; rejected, 87c to 89c. Manitoba flour -First patents: in lute bags, 96.50; seconds, 96; strong bakers', $6.80, In Jutebags Ontario flour -Winter, track, Toron- to, prompt shipment• according to sample. 94.30 to 94 40, in jute bags, bulk, seaboard, 94.35 to 94.45. Mlllteed-Carloads. per tun, deliver ed. Montreal tre'.Ehts; bran 924. shorts, 926; middlings, $26 to 227, pr" g for sew R t up an awful ght to keep I Wholesale Produce lir J Jewell Mn. C. Walters suit each M ' taking many o S&.iuu0 1CF2 pOWCITURB. NOTARIESPUBWI. ILIC. suits- r••. L. . vu Mn. B. Atter out bene fit Vinci hu retored my health Toronto whclesale talc,' to tb3 Walter+ 'l suit ; Mrs. Jas. Long i (fifteen the Sgsare..esswldew beta Mees' Info .user. Ueawtiek. rah Iv ala huge to loan at lows* t s a W. t'atocaruer. K.C. J. M. J. A Como LL1.CAMBIA/N. K. v ps vimonotary Do tun street, tiuderich, tastd door to =re. At l notoa 1 bur.day of each week w error on Atber t street occupied by Mr. tde.p.r. Lidice hour. Y a.m. toe p.m. LWkkiLhi teARROW, LL.B., MAK- eTkus ll. sarey. emetwr. etc.. Oodr tuns tumid u k.wc.t rats IU ). SKAGEN. BARRISTER. SOL. Iclu.r. Nolan Public ped Coo�tysnwoar. woe --Lear'. lieu** Uoderich. LA day •hart► -Ml's, Wm, Stevens 1 Mn. For all tvn down. week. nerveos ne V, Mee. a 2, .Mss, Wm. Me4Vhtal conditions of men and women, nothing urs 4, Mrs. Jas. Lung li ; hospital equals Vinol, our delicious cod liver and shirts -\Ire. $. $. Gardiner 2 Mrs. C. 1 iroo tonic without oil Try it on our and Length "-Roy F. BIRD. trade: �gfWQ, LDA11S. rrc. IcKlU(IP MUTUAL FIRE' 1N tl U R A N C K C 0. -Farm and I.olated t rwa oiswaec� tessred• O cerinei" PrSeekonk, Seekonk P.O.; ).4 Co softy. Vice -Pres.. Uodertch P. U.: r � b"3' lee4.t'rresur.r 'tl «si Toon S. et Wee. Nlntktop;Nuimap Kinn, Jobe Beuoewei.• lirodhe5en; James nvass. Besehwood ; Hebert Ferris. Matlock ; Matoolru Ilogwen, Hreeenekt. 11115; Ale.. Agents: J. W. Yeo, Botmw Leitch. tc y. lie 2aithtl Policy hal ss can pp�a t. u ca mos o. sue gut their cards,reoe iseedd M. J. Morrieh's I:k,tking Store. lleloli.tioder0. or ('elf. Unsorr. Sinf.•t.'d re .1.B. Held'. General Store, Bayfield. E0,000 PbR+sI V AADTOy tq1UY. 0CAO N. I artiner Hamilton .tract. Ooderteb. W It. ROBERTSON 'Walters 1, ,111D.s Lottie Waiter 1, Mr. Jae. Long 3 ; towels -Mee. El. Wal- ters :tri. The following ladies con- tributed socks for bele : Mrs. Wm. McW hinney, Mrs. Me.. MIS. C. Wal- ter., Mrs. F. l3. Kuthertorl, Miss Ella Cousins, Miss K. Kuauabau, Miss Irene Long Miss Maixie Walters, Mum Pearl Y.us,g, Mina Millie Young.1 pair each ; Mn. %%N u. Straughan, Mn. A. Straugban, Mi.. Ruby Young. 2 pain each : Nits. Juo. Young, Mrs, Thos. Co sins, Mrs. C. Fisher, Mrs. V. Oke, :3 pairs each ; Mts..,.Treble, Mrs. Ed. ' alters and Mrs. Jae. Long, i pain each. Owing to sickness and other causes the bale for April was smaller tbau usual. Sewing is always on hand at the home of the president ;knitting et the home of Mrs. Ed. Walters. {Irx•sll "113" Shempoo Paste cleanses the hair and scalp, imparting a lovely gloss : 25c tins. Sold only by the Itexall drug starer. H. C. Dunlop, Goderich. • 'INBUaANCK A0 =7. Bing AND Weargttrs : WW1, Can.al.a sod Asaertead. •0111wa:1 Blc0Ns1. Ano lea` dssosv•(3sar nit 7 err : tbe Ocean Aadldeo CRpasUea mned. d Losdo., lCad. P5ga urs AND (Ideated. BONDS : Ttw U.& PId.Uti and s nOasn.secowpony. Meeem vie. oe at residence. becamebecamepleas Iia esad at. David's streetw. MAMMAL LICENSES WALTER E. YB1.L1. J.P.. OODgSICB. ONT. MU= Or MARRIAos LICIGNS1134. Patents, Trade Nuts, Designs guarantee. i)unlop, Druggist, G..1erich '' Tea or coffee?" demanded the hustling waitress. He smiled be- nignly. "Don't tell me ; let me guess.' The older it men is, Ibe farther be could jump as a boy. Apiary Demonstrations, 1916. We have raised an enormous army of fighting men. Many of them hate dropped their tools in the shop., left their machiuee, locked up their desks or have left the ranks of the feeders to swell .bore of the tighten, We cannot all go to the ffring line to fight. but we can do our utmost to feed those who have, and their depen- dent whom they have left to our care. Homey is a staple that is sometimes classed as a luxury. It bas a very real food value and at this time when sugar is so expensive it should be more extensively (teed lhao ever be- fore. Tne production must be main• twined. To Delp you "keep better be ew and to keep nem letter" the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture is arranging to hold apiary demonstrations in all parts of the Provinee. The practical nature of the program is very inviting to all interested in beekeeping and In almost any district a good attendance is as- sured. provided Ibe weather is suit- able. A specially trained practical beekeeper is sent to take charge of the meeting and handle the bees, and be is generally assisted by local bee- keepers. Several hives ars opened and the actual working of the bees ex- plained. Oflan a (peonies eoloswy or one preparing to swarm serves as an exOehent object lesson. No matter how many or bow few colonise you keep, you are sun to learn snmething at roe of them meeting.. Already art angemente are well ander way for over fifty of teem meet- ings. The Department of Agrlvulturs attends to all the advertising and sup- pliee the speaker. so that the bee- keepers do not incur any expellee whatever. letereeted beekeepers d.sirnus of haviaS demonstrations In their api- aries abowld eomttnnis.M Immediately with Kr. Morley Pettit. Department of Agriculture, Ontario Agricultural College. Onelpb. so that arewrrgetasnts can be made foe the meetings. Secured in All Comnlrlea. Write for fres book-PATQ4'11 PRUTia'. TION Tells all shout a d show to get. fps t mita HANCOCK t S0.' 77 formerly Patent 1 twee Examiner. Meter of I'a4ent Lew.. Itegldared Patent Attorney. sir_, to tit. James Street. Mentreal. Breeches (butes and Wrhlsstas. Repementaures In all forelg$ see nixie. Brophe) Bros. GOIIBRiOH "Ise Leadia= Funeral Directors and Embalmers .enrolls attended to B2 MEM Dlsht or Nay. F.sa- Special candled (cart's).1 .24 to 1 ' New -Lids. ex -cartons.... .23 .24 Butter - Creamery prints. fresh, . r) .29 .31 Cr.slperyy. solids • 28 .2) Choice dairy prints .25 .27 Ordinary dairy prints.24 .24 Bakers' Cheese -New. large. 193ic to 19%c: twins. 191)ac to 20c; old, June and September, large. 20c; twins, 2044c. triplets. 20%c. Hone ps, 7%c tat barrelsc to . 7%c; tins. 13%c; 10 -Ib. tins. 14c; ,6-1b. tins. 14c; comb honey No. 1. per dozen. $2.50 to $3; No. 2. per toPoultry 1so. Live Dressed 01d fowl, lb... 18c 20c 22c 24c Chickens 18c 20c 24c -.• Milked 17c 20c 2&c 2e• 1 1 EAVESTROUGBING 1 1 11 11 1 This is the .a-awin when any work in this line should re- trive careful attention. Our staff of workers are well qualified to give the best of satisfaction in an orders of this kind with which you may favor us. Fred Hunt HAMILTON STREET ' PIIoNE 13.-) • Eas. Buffalo Cattle Cattle -Receipts, 4.000; medium and , heavy steers slow. others sett.. shipping. 1>`.2r, to $9.60; butcher, . 2V j 97.60 to $9 00, heifers, $7.'• to 60. iI cows. 94 00 to 97 75; bulls. 95 00 to • 97.76; stockers and feeders. 7 c0 to 111.00; sea k heifers. 96.50 to 27 00; flesh cows and springers active. 260 to $105 Veale --Receipts. 2.000; active; 24.50 to 910.50 Hogs --Receipts, 15,500: active: heavy, $10 15 to 210 25; nf'.ed. 910.15 to 910.20; yorkrn, $9.25 to 910.16; pigs and roughs. 19.00 to 93.10; stags. $6.60 to $7.5'1. Sheep and Iambs -Receipts, 16.000; active; lambs, 914.60 to $10 25; year- lings. earlings. 96.10 to 99 50, wether. $7.75 to 18.26; . wen. 84.00 to $7.75; sheep. mixed, 17.:5 to .8.00. Logs Wanted W! will pay the highest cash priers for all kinds of logs delivered at the mill in Goderich. Custom sawing:done promptly at any time. Grain aad Clopping We will also buy grain at our elevator and will pay the beet mar - let prices. Orders for chopping or rolling grain promptly and carefully at- tended to at our chopping mill. J.E. Baechler Mill and elevator north of Mac- Rwan's coal yards. Oodeeich. Spring Iiousehold Needs Special Values in Plain and Twilled Sheetings 8-4 Plain and Twilled Bleached Sheet- ings, exceptionally good values, at per yard 25c to 45c 7-4 Plain Bleached Sheetings for single beds and hospital beds, extra quality, at 25c and 35c per yard Horrockses English Sheeting, 2 1-4 yards wide, absolutely pure and free from dressing, will give endless wear 75c per yard Special Values in Plain and Embroidered Pillowcases Beautiful Embroidered Irish Pillow- cases in designs suitable for initial- ing Special $1.25 per pair Special Value in Bedroom Towels Special value in Pillowcases made of good quality cotton, in sizes 40, 42 and 44 inches. A special purchase, at 15c each White Turkish Bath Towels An extra large size White Turkish Bath Towel, heavy qualitySpecial 50c each 1.4 25 dozen Linen Huckaback Towels, large size, full bleached, exceptional value $1.50 per half dozen Special Values in Bedspreads Satin Quilts, super quality, imported direct. full double bed size, rich designs, 2.25 very ea y special, only Extra quality Crochet Quilt, extra good washing quilt. For family use. Just 2 dozen left, only $1.59 Bach Other special values at $1.00. $1.25., $1.95 up to $4.50 each Kindergarten Quilts for children's cots, in pink and blue with nursery rhymes, very 1.50 each cute Special Values in Good Values in Bath Pillows Mats Extra quality Pillows, extra Bath Mats in white, blue and red with.bath mat well made. Special value.. inscribed. Extra heavy, quality 79c each 75c, 85c, $ 1.00 and $1.50 each \I A Remember we carry the best assorted stock of Linoleums, Oilcloths and ,Can- goleum Rags, Carpets, Curtains and Draperies. 1IcC�1LL PATTERNS for JUNE r ONS' IN STOCK • PHONE 56 Jt4illar's Scotch Store PHONE 56 Meats -Wholesale Toronto wholesale houses are quot• Ing to the tracts us follows: Beef. forequarters. ...811.00to 112.00 do. hindquarters... 16.00 16.00 Carcases, choice 13.00 14.00 do. common 11.00 12.00 Vents, comLton 7.60 9.60 do. medium 10.60 12.60 do. prime 13.60 16.90 Heavy hogs 11.00 14.00 Shop hogs 15.00 16.60 Abattoir hogs 15.00 16.00 Mutton, heavy 10.00 17.01 do. light 14.)0 16.00 Lambe, yearling 20.00 21.00 do. spring. each.. . 8.00 12.00 Power, Durability, Economy • •• Pleasure, Comfort ENSATiONAL VALUE. WHEEL BASE 102 1N. VALVE-iN-HEAD S MOTOR. FLOATING REAR AXLE. CANTILEVER SPRINGS, Front and Rear. SELF-STARTER. FULL ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT, AMMETER, ELECTRIC HORN, AUTOMATIC.IGNITION T HAIR TAIL- ORED DDIMMING ATTACHMENT FOR HEADLICx GROWN FENDERS. ASPEEDOMETF.R ENTILATiNG WINDSHIELD. CR Chicago Cattle Market Cattle-•-Recetpts. 19.000 ; market weak; beeves. 9T80 to 90.80; stockers and feeders. 16 00 to 15.40; cows and betters, 94.10 to $9.35; .wives, 94.25 to 91.80 Hogs---Reutpta, 44.000; market low- er; ttsDt. 26 to $9.16; mixed, 99,40 to $9.96; iesvy, 19 16 to 99.96; rough, $9. to 15.10. Ota. 17.36 to 11.91, bulk of salsa. $9.66 to 16.90. EQUIPMENT Including speedomef r, ammeter. mohair fop, envelope and side curtain., clear vision ventilating wind shield, electric starting and lighting system, valve in head, and completely electrically equipped. NOTE -Owing to the great demand for this car we would suggest plac- ing your order early to ensure delivery. Baled May mod *term Msrabanta are buying on track. Termite. at the fotiowtag prices: Baled bay. new. No 1 .111J.00 to 113.00 .00 1s No 1 7.00 tflsled straw. too 1. M. J. FARR, Agent COLDORNF. STREET, NEXT CANADIAN DANK OF COMMERCE - +t4 aware atm;