HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-5-11, Page 1BtItTT•11WRT!! V LCI, -N► *1
• SAVE, Because ---
YOUR future enjoyment depends upon
the habits acquired today.
t. take .e • sln.1ei Weems fares
mortgage std y►crop Wes tk ■t term
esp)o. emir BOA 171, Bisset Ont.*, It
ti • Mea wits esnvernirtrt experience. of
geed repa(ptsa. le talo rep We milling amber
farN4 Hares esto mar beautiful pie
taro d Ow 'Stlakl0R ••f tie L'sdtasr.' 1 hla
deter* le keedl•leted se sir• and islmWrd
with Ja nes Sims gesture with stab
r�.e1tt frame' Lobe& Leer
an i steal
leaky tee a ao. TIM
waw, ere. Weft beesis Montreal.
w adiames MMUNOTON
.astlLAl.sa.der Meetreal
lRSROBT. Y1 �aLMtt R THKmNl�
1.11 VATIC bearding Mese wltbla ave min-
ute: walk from the Sp 1e sealers suction
111M1�w�� P•rtber 1 a be lad
yeOmi.m m
OF Fie to D�
OODERR1011N1 eke'ie.•.alary worker to
leek after i•eir
cad at t�~,.ry ir t r
week eery, aierimet and very n.•re. as
ternsn ere v. Meng M sad the premeds gill M
ore mptbt Lyes orau�•y your favorite pa
YuIItiasiiil lliiMss..s . W.. ius.as JlWRN-
Now h the Time
to renew for The 81gaa1 fur 1916.
We thank those .t i.c1 berg who
have already renewed and promise
all • great bag dollar's worth dur-
ing the commie year
I sat teetructed by
to mil by piddle eatslo. at til• hoar se Water
lou s reit. (lode. lab. on
AU the members of the town eons-
cil were present at the regular mast -
Mg last Friday evening.
A lengthy report from the street
bspscto, was reo.ived, dealing with
v•rroua improvements which bad
been completed under bis supsrvis(nn.
lids was sent to the public worke
eommtt t es.
Mr. J. Bisbee applied for • license
to peddle coal nil, having purchased
the Waitress of Mr. J. H. Leach. The
request was sent to the special 0o1111-
A petition for a sidewalk on this
west side of Larkrt'tread was sent to
the pwbllc works committee.
Requests for new suits for the pol-
icemen were referred to the special
The Huron County IN'ar Auxiliary
sent a letter appealing for financial
assistance to aid ruitiug. Council -
lore Munnings •i Bridge were In
favor of iwntediat -tion, but on mo-
tion of Councillors Wilson sod Moser
the request was referred to the fi-
nance committee, witb instructions to
act at once and to report at • special
meeting of the council.
The special committee reported that
Mr. M. Alessandro had paid a fee of
$50 for • transient trader's Berner.
subject to the council's approval. In
the matter of ra celebration for July
1st the committee recommended that
the council guarantee the payment of
any deficit up to $12o to • committee
of citiz••ns which might undertake the
wink. The report was adopted.
The fire committee recommended in
Ite report that the communication
with reference to the convention .,f
lire chiefs at Windsor next August be
laid on the Gable, and that Jobn W.
Vito be permitted to erecta stable on
lot tie, providing the fire bylaw is
complied with. the report was
The public works committee recom-
eoersereclnnsg at 1.31 o'clock :
Parlor .ulte, onyx tate.. parlor table, bam-
boo table. rattan dealt jardiniere ear.d. Ada
board Wales bilge. dlningroom call'., meth.
rug.. bookcase. picture•., mirror*. clock. l bed
rms. ieaiter. t melds* Malta. Morris chair.
libitum cabled. raed10la4 chest, nowise ma-
obl.e. r good oared .weepers, real .i rove, 1
e� oven l small eves. 3 kitchen table,.. 1
eel p0ooat'd,,.hiem.ter. electric toaster, wringer
sed seonvosa sther art kir..
Ai Mr. Pr w by meted hir boos, the entire
contents Termebe espu..d of
• Arc. teueer.
ins email few of . emsThe de'ebreter. Brre' • Wide Of
f file
hector. fav sale. 710
Meier naeurlty aid stil be aWred to the red•
dont- of the enact! erre. For MarOmMn apply
to N' J. it. HOLMk . Trimer. er. ar W rider
ignad W. LANE.
Dated May Wb. Mia It -R
condition ;ale tw.sty-three r.emda. Ap
bleep ewer is metered to do an hands
.f ter work made Sem cut hair or combing..
.sd nipple. bete for orders +oenttic treat-
ment, cleaning, etc , set .1w ba for wale toilet
regaiite.. shampoo powder.. cream it Ilesete
or m.rr•glt cream, Webs. ad Uloaellas. 116tf
South rtreet.Ged.rtci, i.O. Sex ort.
Higbee se1laoelals le taw`
e eat.lie week .acrd
Notwithataudiag the urgent re-
quired marinas In January to those in
arrear( to call and settle. a number
Irate left their Noll Hints standing
unpaid Hills will be sent wt this
we.•k awl if not attended to in
reasonable t lute act ion will be taken.
Chniev►an Wetter and Light.
C '..'.inn. 11(4.2x
- War Time
wed that . M. J. race be per-
e r
ottssd to ales• gasoline pinup on
Oolbnerse street' N certain conditions.
The report well ad*Pted •
The finance It 1.15. POtte6 that
a oettlemeat had bees reached with
the Doty soapier with respect to the
fire Iowuaace adjust Meat.
The putaritte• also preeeoted the
re'eort of the valuators of the plant of
the Ooderbh Alanufacturlag COW -
posy. The valuation on the MAY
chioer7sod pafpmest amounted to
828,484 67 and on the lands and Wild-
ing* to With certain deduc-
tions the tetra valuation was found to
be $.3,942.e7. The committee there -
fore reeumarewded "that the valuator.'
repot to be •es.pted and that the plant
as .t present when the addition of •
proper dry -kiln to be constructed is
made, be accepted t that the 'abettor
have the mortgage drawn end when
executed that else town retain 115,o10)
of the debentures instil such time as •
dr y -kiln .ettefactory to our v.luatoa s
is constructed and included. with the
lot on which it is .tutted, in the mort-
The report was adopted after con-
iler.hle discussion.
Mr. Edwards. of the °octeticb Man-
ufacturing Co., was present and ex-
plained the plans of the Company
with reference tq the dry -kiln,
Councillor Wigle rrfened to the
rules in tree in cities, whereby motor-
ists signal to pedestrians the direc-
tion they intend taking at cross-
ing', thus eliminating in •large degree
ens' danger- of accidents- It was de-
cided that the police should be
in•uurted to make inquiries as to the
poesibility of adopting such a measure
in Goderich.
The council then adjourned.
)j•(3OS FOR HATCHING. -BRED- is ibe time to sell that farm. While
w'/e_ TO -LAT Barred Rock., Goad and Pitt.- the war lasts prices are high and en-
k�w.nttr.rajtat�jl fortta bea.te.t laying drake en-
quiries have already begun to come in
tw elLne o•aomb white t,. dre,e we bale as too where b gel a farm and posses-
Belrrodnt ims e imperiled,
wt>r direct
lion atter harvest. If you want to
teed. whew dame tis • record of Mem. per sell tell us. Our chances of selling
year. u p per tea. are a hundred to your one, as we are
Pen 2. - female. mated to Guild in touch with prospective buyers from
e.ekerekatm per Li. all over the Dominion. Remember,
Apply to A. A{l,LDER, Colborne Hetet
no .ale, no charge. It will (mat you
nothing to get particulars from us.
floc tat Lay .-We areprepared to em-
pty a large number of eing for hatrbleg per
pew. from the tamow Gelid bred -tory .train
of Single (oath it hint Leghorn.. emotes. Use
pa 13 or %J per Ion one opeci•1 pea of -so year
old bee mated will Tom Banos rolls
cockerels tl per IA Incubator lot. a .peetalty.
Holene.vtlie Poultry Yard. Pose. 4 o' 111 N
W. rRgwARTHA, Proprietor.
A: B. C. shingles. Apply W. T. RIDDELL,
Would you exchange that farm.
taki0g town or city property as part
payment r io any case, we are the
people to consult. 1t will be to your
advantage to li.1 your property with
us. •e Our system of sale excels all
others and we always get the "big"
We handle anything and everything
CARD OF THANES. In Real Estate. 1f you have • business
1 you with tri dispose of let us hear from
ou. We have continual enquiries
various parts of the Province.
You can make no mistake in listing
your property with tie. Remember -
no sale, no charge.
Persons having houses in Godericb
to rent will find it to their advantage
to list with us. We have several en-
quiries every week. Don't let that
brume stand vacant. Let u• gat a ten-
ant for you. A vacant bones ie •
"onmplete pons,..
Weald Rite a eree boss and pet or two
isle as Yletsela Knot 1 It esti be bought
t shgr r would tab an aatemstrine as
ou O•.makrv} inset e .sub i s In
Anyoeo wblbteg to bey • team. I1•
.lysI o.neelt ■a .. (MY sea
De•a Gibbon sweet leek sped to lent We
ma mew yea • h•rgats them
ion • bora'•. on Smith aired• eeoe y
slew, widely will be sets r.�syonably to eems•ea
W. s M l begiee saes to be ns to too yes In Dile wens
tis anmebe{r{oo•f, bootie. ws Sim
msrtee ..4. aaad
•ami sIsksee w .5. t We sum M _eeAr sled
a eve fes the lafeematlw yes eMetrr0.
i aselher ewe
Deeeis~iareiyF kW f +� last fir .w
Owwse settr1rre ri�
►• Immediate ssseseem. Aet
Mrs Desna.. N Aldgstowd. 1ie visiting her
mother. Mr.. S. Yates.
LouW'nohow. at Chicago. M in town
on • visit with fas. Mays, 11. Patrick'. street
Mos Maceberees. et the minty reei.try
. b t tatting boss at nasal tee •• few
MM Itl.le Fary.►ar, of Curator, was, the
Roert of liar roasts•, lie Mane. OeWtborpe.
L' OK SALE OR TO RENT. -NICE chi. week
ir- COTTAGE on Warnes .treat, 000reened 1rLr Mc(.le,han. of Pon■se i Prairie.
n, b.rbor• Very reasom.bI. Apply to r. o. Maaltebs. le ibe rime of her vourls. Marr
E1 R. N -■ern atwet. 11-12 Evelyn Jones.
Mr, Jar. 1. Gant, of Ib eu+toms n111r. who
DOR NALIi (1R r0 RIiNT.-TOWN- Iw.b.rnverylU .om.day.. 1.reported to
1.' SH11' or O l)ERICH--.eve•u4lree M.Iltihtly improved.
acre.. emir. nu sit l located; exon. tins... tremor gra L e Dowanig'army fraena'. in Ooderirh
bern,'etr - 10 9l multi a eonnx•.'01.4 Mm. -wen renMee to , th.ta6e i. 'et irately ill .t
We'. poem - i or further parr icul■n limey ;bo. goer m tw.sskrttea.
grebe NA1 I 'NAL I'RUe+T C0MPAN] L[]4x,14 T. H. Ciotktsmll and srr•nddaorb'w',
ITSD, Toro. :e. ur Ira •olldtm+, MC[t'NON
t �l1'.r1T7. buelph. 11 xt MI•■ dm^or n las'. W l of Toronto. vtrlted re-
me=am� _r _ IaM .. ts Wes n lar•• sad
LWT AND FOUND. Mn.. Rory Kaiser sad cMldren, of Teresina
pee i. Ooderkb os a uteri slab Ler pme.l$
-. -ecz-1pis►r- - =3 - ���rr� Jp. sadors, Ile.e Myr N \I tae Ina,"max _ sass Pa -haute.. last.
of tie wee, Asy le- are la town Ie ■pond the w'.•,er.
.rwtun as to his wber..b.et• will be 'rah- Mre. Ma ries R. Nae Lean, of ('leaches
hulls n er..ed. W. BMHerm LACRYOD. Hearrived i flannelst week en a volt of •flannelssilk
ru.d. 11.11 I her parents, Mr- sad Mr-. W. Nrerratb.
QTRAY KD.--FROM1 HE PH EDI Wine,. PMtrn, who had tern **eh Meir-.
D. Miller a: son for three yarn. len on Mon•
i of l he under.tg.rd on Priday, May I. day to take • pr. nos at • h■tMa'-
six co.*.. -coo white, and ave black aril Mr. W. A. l outlbar.'of the tails ay resit
whits Aal intoratrn losing to their re „e„ -moo b . been w the ,pct 114 for .ome,d.att
acv wiB b gratefully received. HI3rt
Goderich Patriotic Fond.
Wednesday of (hie week marked the
begioofug of the final campaign in
Ouderich for recruits to fill the ranks
of the Huron.. Additional interest
was created in the work by the arrival
of the battalion band from Clinton on
the noon train. A band concert was
given in the afternoon on the Square
and in the evening a patriotic meet-
ing was held in West street rink,
which was addressed by Capt. Mc-
Leod, of Woodstock. Several re-
cruit, have been sworn in and it is
expected they will be joined by others
before the campaign is fltitbed on
Friday evening. -.
Mayor 'Thom of Clinton, has
been notified' by Coin el Shannon, of
London, that Inc utast Battalion will
mobilize in Clinton on May 24th.
Will Bisset, of the - 0. A. C. Battery,
Guelph, is home for two weeks to as-
a{et in seeding operat ions at Saltford
Huron county journalists now have
snot her repre.rotative it it b I he colors.
in the person of Mr. F. R. \Villough-
t33rd Battalion.
Thr.iu¢h the klndnr.s of The Simone
1(rlo. mer sur are enwbled to publish
this p•.rtrai(. of Lieut. Walter L.
Ssunroo.s. of the l:bird (N,of Ikl Bat-
t .li •n, the y'.1..h'est lit of Mt. and
Mr+. A'•'x Sau1utwe, of (l.derlcb.
Lieut tlsund• es was at Wet. deed, to
N'rfulk r ty, i.r wane 1{0.. as
dent eneine-•r of the L. R. A N. Rail-
way. Hr h w wlr.ad teak' n part M an
.ngrg+nn'ar, .. 't 4. ^officially" an-
a•rur►.e•d A.1 b1•, weddW' t• tn' take
Pear Oa Wed •day. asst. The brldo'
t,..Ii. in MI•e Ar.gie Hainer (iihron, of
tW.reNrwd, a eharreing yn..ug lady
who recently visited in (i 4. telt. Good
lack to Lr.0 . Nsdn.lere. in 'both his
tiis.rtW •tell his inimical ventures!
Aar Invitation.
There are one hundred and
sixteen (1 16) subscribers to the
above-named fund who have
not paid their subscription due
on April 1st. They are re-
quested to make payment to
the treasurer at once, in order
to avoid the necessity of ap-
pointing a collector.
Geo. Williams, Treasurer
'Call from St iattbw's Cbarch, Moat -
real, is Favorably Considered.
The Presbytery of Huron held $
regular mebting oa Tuesday et Clinton,
in \% i11is cbutch.
The following attended : Mr. I. Hall
Woudr, moderator ; Messrs. Sharp,
Ro.., Smith, Johnston, Richardson,
Turner, ('arriere, McFarlane. Larkin,
Harper, Laing, Carswell and the clerk.
ministers: and Mewrs. \Vilsoo. Me -
by, manager of The eleaforth News. Lean, S'rang and Sparrow, elders.
who joined lht 181st Battalion last The Set bu.ine.. considered arse
Saturday- the call in favor of Rev. Ono. E. Ross
from the congregation of St. Matthew's
Gunner A. 11 Mc- Lachlin, who is a church. Montreal, offering a stipend of
member of the 44th Battery at Guelph, 112.IJ l) per annum. the use of the
was. calling on friends in town on
Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Davit Hell r- ecently received •
letter from her grandson, Pte. Nelson
MacNeill. of the Ylith Battalion, in
which he de+ -tribes his experence with
a "coal box.' He states that for three
days a party of men were in a crater
with a machine gun without food and
it was ilnpoasible to get anything to
them. Hr says a number of Germans
tried to rush there, all of whom were
killed with the exception of three who
were made prisoner•.. Of eight men
who were in a "bay" when a shell ex-
ploded Pte. MsCMatb was the only
one who escaped, the other's being
killed or wounded. He lost his pack
and everything he possessed.
The me0lhen of the 18.t Battalion
Band were the ginesta of members of
the local detachmratduring their stay
in Ooderich.
Capt W, Y. Hayden baa hien trans-
ferred from the At. Thomas dental
clinic to headquarters at London,
where be is to have (-barge of the
dental servies,of No 1 wihtsry die
•pie'. 0* Auetonedt•: Wolseley
Private .1. T. Bell, of the !MAI dr-
taahment, left on Monday for London
to join the Fourth Pioneer Battalion.
woe r trb•tt Melfbl•k'T and Mr: Bert Murphy s+taking bar run for tis I A change of M -It retirement fare Ur.
MORTGAGE SALE. M. Walter C. Beewh• of the Dominion Pub 1 ir,...-rl iu ' hes we. k's Issue. The
Ude uomepere .tore on Fri' . rad Slatnrdot of next
family dodgy tethank tbetr easy friends
mid neighbor. for We '.any landowner Arm
ism dne/alr 16.4, ,o.su11 .544.. bersevememt
l• tis (testa of Mrs. J.Rey.
The Standard and Registered
Trotting Stallion.
AIDIN 38729',
PARAMOUNT 1435- He is a
good. big, pure -gaited trotter and
good sire, and will be sold cheap.
1141 l pre.ert.
C. ('. Ler class •'e hard 4 <i lite for
I. oder .1d by virtue M 1he power of ..la
contained to • orertgese made to the reset, gap glom May (7th (daft. with 1•)'Iay of he•otiful
t bele will be offered for sale by public metes �t Mime Herten, of Toronto, was In town
.0 the U..loo *Inlet In the town or u,,dreteh, M colorings rn•t fl .shra for woodwork,
tl.ITUKD.(Y. MAY 116. . title.
.':11. touaeet. 1 wub oeeef tis „•salaon7. foo curve, e c., and will give
\score, the hieaona1,.rt- In re A. a on- freemetros'n•n- ..'0theirnee.
�.! the hour of �' o'clock in the afttn.00h, the qtr k. about hie son. 1 leu•. Hugh A. H'r.tw,.
wormer freehold p.openy : M stated that be war now in lumens! In Env
Lot number forty-three and the north ef land. The meant man was severely wounded l0
lot number forty-four, is the village of Hrle[e .arty in Man 6 whale In ooviwtud of • ttachlm I Slay, do t. s, ►' ors . gf1f1d place
tomwnshhippoof Colborne In true amid y of 4. ter... tack.iron
..nndrw6u I oft o,utrin the cold forttwweent y. ' or
t IRhr otter rh. .how7 Blackstone's
Its 1i'ort. Department. had been M town thin Public {. ran du:l ,resiled to visit bb
Wert. H W ri t tel the wort on the r
Mr. led Mrs. R. D. Whom. of Waterford, week. May IP. ,and 20th, tolw{tnear, a
Ont.. announce the engagement of their may ••('iii -Can.• 4" d ue n►tration. A rep-
ot. Angle Han r•-• to Lieut Walter d f ( IheDhio
. on
Bao en ,on of Jnr. and Mn Alex-
glausden, rat Mo'la'r ch. the marriage* te nl'b Company will he present on these
being the property formerly owned by Mary font bourn be had 114 arm .'..abed, and after
Ann R alter'- ' want• remit eel for.her body wound.: . He re
Then W a good Iraam bou.e and .table on oohed the military Croy. In recognition of hi.
the ptooerty and • number of trait tree., and 4 determination and bravery. He h..4 matte a
suitable for any per.'oo workbag la tioderieb. geed re.w.ery hoer the body wound.. eat the
TEAM. 01.' 11ALa- - Tb property will be mid •em le still In rather bad .baps.
auW.ct to a serve bad Ten per Bent. of the
purebaw money .b•11 be petd to the vendor'.
rolie•uor on the day of vale and the balance of The demand forIfl.ck.tone's deli -
the pin rchaee money within thirty dopa there- clou. ice cream continues to Increase
deli -
aro r. *hen A rnn t' e) a nae w ll l be made a.d Um
purchaser let Into po'ew+'dm, r (M prwpmty 1 on account of ite superior quality.
sow vaowot Orders delivered. Phone 240.
For further Wutloein apply to -- -- _ _-- -- _
Its asset Jest sR tea• Semen.
Real lbw. Peoples
North street. Oud.eteb.
Barrister, eta. usderkb, (l.1.
Dated April PM. Mt reset
Nuntber One Apple, Pear. Plum,
Cherry and Peach Trees. These are
some we lifted over our orders and
will he sold at a redaction to parties
coming to the Nursery.,
in apples, we have some in most
varieties. In pears, Bartlett only,
and a choice variety in pining,
cherries and peaches.
R.11.146. 4, Godsich. R1ral Mon* l r I.
Hiving been desirous of enlisting
for some time past, I have finally
succeeded in making arrangements
with the Goderich Coal Co. (P. J.
MacEwan, manager) to take over
and carry on my cartage business
during my absence.
I have therefore signed up with
the 161st Battalionof r active ser-
vice overseas, and I would respect-
fully solkt:it from the public gener.
ally, and from my old customers
particularly, a continuance of tbeir
Valued patronage until such time as
I can again resume my occupation.
any, busitsess affairs entrusted to
their are during m absence will
tberefore be thanitduly apiAteciated
'p 44.'iV ALMr g '*8
popular arc eream parlors.
Fou SAL.- -(at sire potatoes, seed
be 41.. ,.oft 2,1sa) ou-Mle of Knott feed
bail •y All 4......1 fl 1.1 and garden
seeds at Cooly.... earehone.,(hiderich
For R ti . u. v + ert use Edwards
pure ie.- t......n..1.4.1. in fancy Kricks
or hulk. Ord. r- ,1• livered. Phone X.O.
A Letter to Huron's Young Men.
Headquarters, Huron Battalion.
Clinton, Ont .• May 8th. 1916
Dear Sir :
There are thirteen Battalions recruiting within this Military
District. Only two are junior to the 161st. Of the thirteen Bat -
talitxu two -the Bruce and Middlesex are at full strength. while
the remaining eleven have about the same number of enlistments.
800 to 900. It therefore follows that some one or two of these
eleven are to be broken up and the men placed in the ranks of
other Battalions in order that they may be completed.
You wtllbe personally responsibk if this humiliation befalls
the Hurons: if your friends and your neighbors. who have en-
listed to protect you and yours. are to have their County Badge
torn off and the insignia of another and more patriotic and con-
scientious County placed upon their caps and shoulders; to have
this Battaion lose its identity and to have it published broadcast
throughout the Dominion that Huron, of al the Counties. was the
only one that did not have a Unit to represent her in this grave
Can you earnestly and truly assume this grave respons-
Will you not offer yourself and help avert this the great-
est tr*Eedy in your County's history ?
;We appeal to you. young man of Huron.
manse, five week.' holidays annually
and removal experser. Mr- Jas, Mc-
Kay from the Presbytery of Montreal
and Messrs. Glees and Nickel from the
congregation of St. Matthew's church
were heard in line sort of the call, and
Messrs. Mitchell, Nairn and Kelly ap-
peared on behrlf of Km x church,
(lode' ich. Letters of appreciation
were rend elect from the Young
People's Society and the Arthur Circle
and Mrs. McDonald presented • letter
from the Ladies Aid. expressing their
regret at the threatened removal of
Mr. Ross and praising him for tism
great service he had rendered to the
The call was then out into Mr. Ross'
band and he signified in a few well-
chosen wordb hie acceptance of it
Several of the members present then
expressed themselves in appreciation
of the work of Mr. Russ In the Presby-
tery. Mr. K,.,s will pie.eh his word
of farewell n. at Sabbath, May lith,
and the pulpit will he circle, rd vacant
the followior( Setae., . ltev. Jaines
Hamilton, of 6.•deri'h, was applant.d
sotrrim moderator of session.
The assesswruls made by the com-
mittee on sys(tmatic beneficence fast•
abs cangrvgati.'na u' Presbytery wets
There is a orol.rbility that the sum-
mer vein at (iuJrI1, It sill not now
be h•'id.
A conference was hell on the subject,
-rhe Kriel ion pf Legislation to Chris-
tian Character and Citizenship." in
which Mr. Laing'. Ird in a carefully-
reas,ined paper.
The next meeting will be held on the
12th of September at Hrucetisld.
Next Sunday b- eing Mothers D•)
Rev, W.K. Hager will preach in North
street Methodist church front the sub-
ject of "the Worth of a Mother." Hi.
evening theme „will he "How God
make. good His claim.."
Ata meeting of the board of mans•
Rees of Knox church last week, Mr.
Fred Weir was appointed to the pnei-
tion of caretaker to succeed Mr. flay id
Stoddart who has resigned. Mr. Weir
will assume his new duties on July Lt
Next Sunday In Knox ,'burets Rev
(leo. E. Roes will deliver farewell uses -
gegen to the congregation *time tom
t -
vice•. He leaves next week Ufor Mon-
treal and will he formally inducted a'
pastor of St. Matthew's church on
Friday, May 19th.
The Baptist pulpit will he occupied
next Sunday at both services by Rev.
O. 11. Clarke, of Sarnia, in the absence
of the pastor, who 1a preaching anni-
versary sermons in his home church.
Seven members were welcomed into
the fellowship of the Baptist church
last Sunday, rive of whom have !ren
recently baptised.
The citizens of Goderich NI e to have
the privilege of bearing„ one of Can-
ada s foremost platform men. Dr. A.
L. McCrimmon, chancellor of Mc-
Master University, Toront•,, will
preach the anniversary sermons of
the Baptist church (81 j one 1, and will
lecture on the woe on June
The annual district meeting of the
Methodist church for (iodetleh die-
trict will be held in the Methodist
church, Londeehoro', on Wednesday.
May 17th, beginning at 8:1, a. ln. The
ministerial cession will be held Ttre'eday
afternoon, 16th ins.. commencing at
1.90 p. m A public meeting will be
held on Tuesday evening. when sub-
jects relating to the work of the
church will be dlseussed. Rev. J. E.
Ford, of Goderlch, is chairman of the
district and Rev,G•o. Jewitt, of Blyth,
financial s.ee'etary.
The Woman's Missionary Societyof
Mimed et Methodist church helits
annual meeting on Monday May let -The
officers elected for the ensuing year
are : President, Mn. J. H. Colborne ;
first vier• -provident, Mrs. Hager : 'sec-
ond vice-president. Mn. W. B. Ora -
ham ; third vlcsoresident, Mr.. W. T.
Muroey: recording secretary, Mr. P.
W. Currie t corresponding secretary,
Mrs. Miaow ; treasurer, Mrs. W. C.
Pridham: superintendent rf systematic
giving, Mrs. Dsvld.on ; pianist, Mies
Snyder : eup.rintemdent of Outlook,
Mn. Bishop:: supesintetsdent of Me -
Mon Band, Miss . An Easter
offering amounting to 'vier 1141 wart
. The reeord{ng secretary,
Mrs. Currie, was rortnred bybeing
made • life -member of the Roctt'.
At the last sae rel the water
and t eosi.Non ehairmaa e .
that a oe.ry water ..rvlee
been Is.ta4I.d .t the B..ebMP ha
tory foe nae until snob time as ars
rangemena are mai for a larger see -
The above is the officially declared
title of the Battalion now Icing raised
in this count y, and 1 trust that the
young wen of thio. county will see
their al.trtuut opportunity by making
this name of such reputation e' to
place it alongside the cameo of noted
British tegituents,
The ter. dollars ionated by Police
Magiatrete Kelly to the proposer of
the moot suitable name was handed to.
me and by nor placed at the dispoeal
of the War Auxiliary.
W. .1. R. 'Litman,
Sorg. Lt. -Col. :Ord Regiment (retired).
The following ladies from Oodericb
attended the d int, let ennvention of the
Methodist Woman's Missionary Soci-
ety held yesterday at 'Auburn : Mrs.
S. K. Hick, Mrs. J. H. Colborne, Mrs,
J. Dustow, M .. Hager, Mrs. J. L.
Aitken, Mrs. A. Millian, Mrs. Buch-
anan, Mrw.' Jt•-. Yates, Mrs. Deacon,
Mr.. (l. M. El oto, Mrs. Hoggsrtb,
Mrs. J. J. T.M , Mrs. F. Elliott. Miss
Robertson, Mt... Washington, Miss 8.
MAllou$h, Miss Edna Robineou, ]ties
Mat jone Aitken- - _ --
*ATI Kio T. May 2.) -JlnrtaMte ..le a village
',report y at the Union hotel. Uoderteb 1 -
SATCMPAV. June 7 -Mortgage .ale of three
paroelr of property u' Hay town.hip. at the
onset hour'. Uo.lericb, et 12 oeleek les.,
Glbron L nlbroo. wlleltor. for mortgages' ad-
udshitratrtx. sa ss...
MCRNICY.-In (loderich, on renter. May .s,
Henry Mosey.
STANDISH. In Goderi.-h, on Tuesday, May .s
Clarinda -1ndsr,.00, widow of the late
Robert Standish.
A5ltITH.-In ('olborne, on Saturday, May
11. Wllll.m Arpallh, meed 73 leans
SIKVKRIGHT.-On Baturd.Lmrsing. May s.
et M. late nsideser, lana Delaware seiner.
Toronto, Re.. Jame. skve.tr��biI, formerly
pastor of Knox chance. Gatwick. In hie
Ktrd year.
Nlelo )N. -At Wind,nr, on May 3. Prase..
RI(ubeth Name. daegb'er ed tis late
Horatio Nelms, formerly of Otsdrich-
Girl Wanted - Fie11 Telephone ('o
Rale of Photographic Stork Js'. F, nommen .1
How to Mak* Pronto- Phoneys., sad Ce . ... 'r
Debentures for hale --W Ione, (lark- 1
Card of Thank. !came\ Jeffrey, 1
Ooder(eh Patriotic plod -Geo, WMlanie 1
cottage for Sao --r. O. Weir.......
Party witty 116,1110 Wasted -flee 174. tsps•!
Snared - Mart Rm..
Farm fee Rale or to Rest-Me1laeee led
Hew it t, onellg k sass ........
Yes W rm..4-Marrtsska..54 genets. Mao -
treat ..-......... t
test--Wa , meakM'a 1
Tress fee Mile-flm- ifttn.tm........ t
Reeder -A. J. Caspar .. 1
Tresis Manisa fir bY►-lfea emir, .. t
-41184..aatim11 - ,a ,ani: