HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-5-4, Page 1010 TRvas•AT. MAT I. 4S Extra Good Value in Note Paper and - - Envelopes - - Another shipment of our special Rajah l.fses Note Paper, done up in full pound peclagre •' b' per quite 2 quires for t5•' or a full pound pact .. • "' l nrrect shale Etisreopee to nute'h ..... sr per package 2 packages for....or.4 lock/mem for ...... 1•a EXTRA SPECIAL Five 1h.Nu.and Linen -finished Ynv141ores, Cie -net shale, wrest veiny -s_ ler iar e Wall Paper Induce- ments Pt.,itively nu advance ul prose. A o1Nl.•rf.11 tithe. in `papers at i,. ti. 7. 111, 12. le. '3) and •mss• THE COLONIAL BOOK STORE Geo. Ports The Soldier's KODAK will tell the story of the great war. Be sure your friend has one _ A'K Foil ltl►OKLKT - James A.Campbell Peer. B CENTRAL 'DRUG STORE Corner North St. and Square Goderich Boa: n 'PHONES Res 328 MacEwan-Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District. • d rH ESIONAL GODEBICH ONTARIO is • • T he sweetest stay ewer tel/' your— sweet- heart's choice. Worthy of the daintiest lips— Pure Chocolate coatings, pure fruit arms, carefully packed in attractive botltes, A fresh wq.ly el awes iisheisse brews is skews se geed M a. Rad Drat Slew Soo. sea and tare p« 1\ N. C. DUNLOP, Goderich, —L"— Ontario. WE A R E 'C til • • P V LOYAL. WEDNESDAY, May 3. LOYAL LoeArs.-Mr. Allan Breen WAS here from New Jersey last week visiting his father, Mr. Andrew Green. Miss Loretta Young left Monday morning to resume her school duties at Dublin Our merchant, Mr. John Young, started out on the road last week with his store -on -wheels.... Our school reopened on Monday atter the Easter vaeratioo, with Miss Wise again in charge Mrs. Ulark, er., fertilizer from near Port Hope. Mr. is improving after her long illness and I Young is one of our most enterptisiog we hope to see her out again Boon.... farmers and has well deserved the success he has had Mr. John Patton last week sold a fine heavy - draught team to a buyer in town. The price was in the neighborhood of OARLOIM. W$.Dtresoat, May S Seethes is proemial*, very slowly °wine to the bckward weigher. Mw. J. J. McBride ani her two obliges have retwrood teem oodsriele M. D. B. Meirty M oos elnulog tes- rroeasats ow his farm 4 the fNN . line. Inn Tau Jobmtoe Iter retuned alien spwdlsg a few days' secedes at f wsk..w. Tis s.d Crew meeting was bend l• the t•w.shlip ball on INatieday of tide week aid Was well *Headed by the ladies oil the surrounding community. We take •soohpteswrn in .ztendiog our 000gratelations to Mr. Dick Levy, who bas hews.scnwful in paring bis exessi•atiss at Toronto Normal School. On, To TEE WAIL -On Friday ..s.. ing cast a number of our young osopM met at the township hal to bid (are well to Mr. Frank Beaty, who bas herbed the colors. During ube first put of the evening epeechss were given by Rev. A. using. OapL Charles Robertson, inapt. Vercos and Sergi Martin, of Stratford. There were also 'el.: hes from Mr. Fisher's vle- trola, vocal solos and recitations. Atter lurch was served Mr. Ben v was called upon and presented with a safety rasorby the young men's Bible class. of which Mr Berry was • member. Mr. R. it Young, in the absence of Mr. !;Gordon Young teacher of the clam, who was unable to come, made the presentation and spoke in behalf of the young men to expires their good wishes. and after this three hearty cheers were given for Pte. Berry and the company sang, "For hens a jolly good tallow." The re- mated.r of the evening was spent in playiog games. IWe all wish the young couple abund- ant prosperity and much appiness. WITH THE FAQ. -The wet and odd weather has seriously delayed farm operations, and practically no work has yet been done on the land, whereas usually by this time seeding is pretty well through. However, with all the moisture we have had the meadows are doing well and pasturage is good Mr. W.F. Young intends to put thirty sores in beans this year. He has brought in two carloads of Our people heard with much regret of the death o(' Mrs. Anthony Allen. She was *good neighbor, especially in times of illness when she was alba ready to give a helping hand The $360.... A number of horses from Mclschlan-Wyse wedding. chronicled this locality were delivered to Mr. in The signal last week. crested • Robert McLane of Goderich, on Mon - pleasant stir in oar quiet community. day. They brought good prices. Behind The ST. AUGUSTINE TUESDAY, May 2nd. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. -The regular monthly tweeting of the 8t. Augustine Women a Institute will be beta at the home of Mrs. Thos. 0. Finnigan. 4th concession, Wert Waw•nosh, on Wed- nesday, May loth, at 2 p. m. sharp. As this is the annus! meeting • full attendance is requested. Baby Carriage Exhibition Continued all this Week OUR Special Exhibition of Baby Carriages, Go-carts, Sulkies, etc., of the famous Sldway make will continue for another week. We are showing more child- rer s vehicles than were ever ex- hibited under one roof In Goderich. Dozens of styles from the low-priced Push -cart up to the high-priced rat- tan and enamelled Carriages. Every price rattling good value. ALL BRAND-NEW, FRESH FROM THE FACTORY THIS WEEK. WE HEARTILY INVITE YOU TO COME AND SEE THEM. OODERICH TOWNSHIP. N geLsate-Pee is r. - On AV ed needay afternoon, April 31'b. at Victoria street Methodist parsonage. Hen J. E. Ford united in marriage %Iyttle, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Prouse, Huron road. and Mr. Lorne Nsilans. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ale'. Neilans. of Clinton The bride looked charming in a beau- tiful dress of shadow lace over Jap silk and sky-blue trimmings. The young couple will reside in Godes ich and have the beet wishes of their friends for • very happy future. PATRIOTIC SOCIETY NoTE,t.-The members of the l'nited Patriotic Soci- ety will have a sewing at the home of Mjs John Schwantz, Huron road. on Wednesday. May loth. The Sootily wishes to thank those who so kindly saved their magazine. papers, rubbers and rags, from which $40.23 was re- alized. knot her shipment will be made to the near future. A bale of goods was shipped to Toponto (one month's work), containing 154 hospital shirts. 1 106 pain of socks, 3 suits ot pyjamas and 6 teatbet- pillows. Socks were sent to four of our young men who have enlisted. 0"` sj-P 10_ - r• • e Door? SPORT COATS Many specially attractive designs in these popular spring and summer garments. Corded velvets, polo cloths in plain and fancy weaves, $8.50,$8.75 and $10.00 white or colors. Extra values at . . . MATERIALS FOR SPORT COATS One of the most popular Coating materials of the season is heavy corded velvet. We have been fortunate in securing a specially good line in all the desirable spring shad- ings. This is an extra -heavy weight, very strong, thick pile. Garments made 95e from it will retain their shape. Colors are fast. Per yard i7 EXTRA VALUES IN YARD=WIDE BLACK SILKS Splendid values in yard -wide Black Silks. Three special lines just received which are a long way better than tc. y's values. Rich lustrous finish, firm heavy cloth, will stand no end of wear, for they will not cut. Per yard $1.15, $1.35 and $1.50 THE EUREKA VACUUM CLEANER MAEASY WORK OF HOUSNo rugs or carpets to lift if you have one. Let us explain theirmany good points. Free demonstration if desired. Best Coal Mined. Any quantity best all Maple Slabs, Mixed Wood. Hemlock and Kindling {Cedar or Pine.) TELEPHONES, office 914 residence • 12 or M NA -DRU -CO Toilet Cream tGRLASLLLSS' An e1.'ganI i Irrat1• 0 sw.,tly,l{a•1'111t11/•,' with eal.N of May l...... Gately n Io. orbed. Leaving a cehety effect. Per- t.•l'lIv harmless to the nl.rt deli eh• akin. it.•.•.Nnne-n.l•.l for chap. and ens burl. PRICE - - 2Sc ails, Sec SATURDAY WILLARD'S CHOCOLATES Regular 40c Ise 29c Ib. A. L.CaIdweII,PhM.11. Sln•.•ciuetr 1., C. L. Coulti• !'hone 19 Attractive Olning-tsar Service. Probably nothing helps more to make a railway journey really enjoy- able than • visit to the "dining car, ' especially if it be a Oanadien Pacific dining oar, where the passenger is as- sured of the highest form of efilnenry le the minute,* art, the rboieeut pro- visions the tcarket affords, prepared on the sefentigc principle known as **dietetic blending. Vour favorite dish, .a you like it, may be enjoyed at reasonable art einidet l ma en traveling on the &nadiPaeic 8t Spring Styles In Footwear Hodgens Bros. DIRECT IMPORTERS Ot • will find a gripping detective story in the tit a v number o f ki.‘li.t%INE--"Bebtrtd the l'.l11t•.1_l►,N►r"--hv Arthur E' McFar#ane` Mall cif n'.t •;inns tense with i>otereat. alive' with action. piuiwing strantze in plot and incident. itis thing moil the baa trra;raph ,if th'• Limit chapter This M,•i•'arianr atom is but one of many ••slx'Irials" in tet' M:iv MA('i.EAN'$--an IRSue renally r,'ntark- able for ,:r high quality. as witness the f•►Il..win;.w•nters.., These oseetetsiton are Ar v•w will res ueullr a Mote evcuptioual cowpony the Benet known of Canadian writers. EDITORIALS EY. Su Herbert Ames N. W. Rowell C C James fames L H agbes J P Downey *sew E Mcrarsase .mss Lesasd Ueltrr L McClung RNert W Screens Agues C Last And neat elms 'Jesse tlhsbet of ARTHUR STRINGERS sew mist Nsee, **Th. Asrtosly of Love.' MAGAZ 1 ISI has one feature which commends it to all readers --its Review of Reviews department. 1lere is co -Trollied the heart of the freest things appearing in the leading meg/Witter and periodicals of the world. So in MACLEAN'S one gets the etiaence of many magazines. Rich promise in this May Number of many boars of genuine entertainment and profitable reading. A big 15 cents' worth— mors than von find in a $1.50 work of fiction. For the price of a new novel, you can have twelve numbers of M.1('I.EAN'S. IMAI'LEAN'S MA .AV.INR le Climate's best p.rlodlnl pieties toe It to nut sN net Comedian •d I. dols • Awe were for tee reroorsternent reed Cs.adl Asia se te• wortsliterature •t .rltrn As • Begin your Subscription with the May Issue, $ 1.50 lest crite roar sew .ad•ad4sr ee Wm ellesslasswel sisII I. tar pelinebove-Tbst•.r'lr r'eliame se dke., tae . fin l i.l...rt, ♦.• Teeesea. peZr s•v pie .I. W awl 181000. w.lsee r.esltt..ee r res Get the May Issue - at rear {Nester' 1 Both fashion and good taste demand suitable shoes for every occasion. The new shoes for spring enable you to indulge this taste without extravagance. And with the charm of var- iety and correct style they combine moderate price. We want you to see the beautiful creations we are nos showing. REPAIRING Geo. Mac Vicar North Side Squarer lil►DERICH GODERICH, ONTARIO is 41/0111100411011411411241/11 COUNTY JUDGES CRIMINAO/clinton ; president, Rev. J. F Knight, 1i .,..11 ; vice-president, J A. Irwin COURT. Clinton: vice-president f,. Notch t sentence in Paley Case Next Saturday Huron, F. Buchanan. Winghsm ; .icr- -teaforth Arson Case president for South Huro, J. Scott, Exeter ; vice-president for Centre In the County Judge's Criminal Huron. A.D.Smillue,aeatnti :.ecrrtary, Court last Saturday Private Ed. Petry, Rev. H. J. McCormick. Helmeaville ; f the 1Tith Battalion,Toronto, ureas A rtson ru Every Woman Knows the discomfort of dusting -but few readies it. dangers. When sweeping s.r'Data and Hoots with- DUSTBANE the line, grey. microbe -laden dust is thrown up in clouds. to settle oo tabl.s, chairs, window - ledges and every other place where a minute particle can find a resting pates. As it flies it carries genes of many diseases along, widget are breathed into the lunge d the woman who sweeps• of children and eiverybo4.IM In the house. Gard OW dos groat evil BUr DUSTBANE d ell grocers. foga es bevies Dustbsn., for imitaMw are not sowed. o Ba 1 • M Robe pod 'ch He pleaded guilty w the charge of at- E. O I °well was a { PI es • °{rett Held ser teams log suicide and of escaping from retsry for the counties of Huron and an officer, and was remanded until Perth. Addresses were given by Rev. Saturday ot this week for sentence. On the 23rd of June of last year. Patey was arrested by Officer Phippen, of Wingham. on charge of attempted suicide. be having tried to hang him- self atter making en unsuccessful at- tempt to murder his wife, who was nursing • neighbor's wife in Wwe- noeh, bevies she refused to go home with him. Pater was taken to Wing - ham. where he was committed to Goderich for trial. but while Phippeo left him for • moment he made • suc- cessful dash for liberty. A chase was instituted. but the prisoner keeping in the bush and swimming the M•I:laod River eluded the constable.. He wee traced to 8t. Helens. from there to Black Lake in Bruce county, and later turned up .t Bradford in Simcoe county. From there be was treed to Toronto, where Constable PhIppen found him wearing the Ring s uniform in the maga of the l70th Battalion. Patel is credited with the statement that he did not quite understand why be was not to accept an opportunity to escape from custody when it was presented to him. Mrs. Patsy is at present keeping house for • farmer near Walton. Her youngest '•bild is with bar, while the oldest child is tie- ing looked after by the Children's Aid Society. The application to have the charge of arson agalnst Roy Metcalf tried In the County Judge's Criminal Court res witbdrsww lest Saturday and the case will come up at the General Ses- sions. trove which court it wee ad• Jaunted at the sittings last fall. This °berme was laid several mistier ago atterire of mysterious origin had d sten ed some buildings at Se.forth. A•dber mea, Arthur Stregg. res iss- but his date occurred a few County Temperance Association. As arga•isatton twr,di•g of the Cooney Temp.eases Aseociatksn was held i. Orates o. Tnseeday April Mtb. men the tell gramwen sleeted r Hon. president. A. T Ooopw. J F. Knight. of Henkel!: J. A. Irwin. of t'I'n:on. and Rev. lieorge McKinley. ut brain! tn. A hearty vote of thank. was tendered to Premier Hearst for his Advancer! temperance legislation •red a re.ulntiun of approval was ten- derer -tide Rowell for his support of the OA M.. A telegram was sent to the 1in'titer of Justice petitioning bit to make era tAin atuendmente to the C.T.A. -• t • :I. • r' - - - 41AD( N CANADA" IN strength is motor car safety—dura- bility - -economy. And proved in actual service, the Ford is the strongest of motor cars. Many of the first Fords are still in use. One hundred -thousand miles is not at all a remarkable Ford pertIn practically eery country Fords ve es- tablished unusual records for endurance and satisfying service. under the most trying conditions. Climate or reds bold for it no terrors. It is theking of CMS/ - country cars. The Ford's world-wide re- cord for economy and efficiency is in no small part clue to its unequalled strength. W. E. KELLY O.ALaiR - - - OOOtwaecss