The Signal, 1916-5-4, Page 9THE SIGNAL: GODERIOH ONTARIO The House of the Whispering Pines mil groomed your elder's Mor "00 wee edit Mara 1 pat teat MOO sppermem." "AM ieft 115 aft um "Ob. yes; on. yeer Her wimple a tude and taco Wer. 14in Olt prOttitft. -as teat to the best olf Taos bead, It was still oe your sisters Gager wasp you set the rooter "Certainly. air; certalbli." Mere was alarm in Mr tom Deer. aim was beginning to ass that ow Me- nem*, was our as entirety belptel to artier as abs bed bow led to lisped. "tlas you say witether you Donee@ say geoecisi cella ka toe bait wings you west est to tsimboner "I deal remember. 1 was almost la. senelbla" -lbot 795 60 remember baring shot the dose beaked year As ogee wiallow la the hall-tbal was wbat be woo trying to prove - eves at thin dem rook the anew don at midi tams et the jury ao 1 man nee I tbink be had proved it TM awl point be wade wee la the seams Dna Had shela *11 110 Wee Me wee in the beildlag, beard any seam moo alma pot added feel "Imi mug! thass." 00g. yob Immo arm nelesor "liss tag were et ell kinds. Tlis pima tgtai4 coutlasidly. 1 Ism tt wee the plass, bet 1 bed le lidos. Once 1 beast a nmaleg mosed-tt woe woes the Wags Milne swaTtoll leg aa lantene-but 1 float ithow wbat was. It was all veri dreedfla" -Inso this mailing mead web se • • window Engin maim ea being epeeedr "Possibly. 1 didloft titbit et tt at like Mae. bet it Midst Myr Bum" 'Imam idiot direction WI it Miner "Beek et toe. for I tamed my bead about" 'Mere were yes at the timer "At tbe !North. It wee berme tem LIM Mee IL" Illy A10141 ILATIIARINE, GREEN Ceiremeet. isia by Anna Kathartas Rohlts HAT STYLE 4 urity! Purity! Purity. The one dominating note that runs all through the making of Sunlight Soup is Purity. The $5,000 Guar- antee you get with every single bar is not a mere advertisement. It marks a standard set for the buyers who select the choice Sunlight Soap materials—for the soap boiler—for the expert chemists—for the girls, even, who wrap and pack Sunlight. All are mindful of the Guarantee —it is a source of gratification to all the Sunlight workers. Sunlight 5.1' Soap, Ic0rrnthiro.1 as kor timetr TM witness' Mos oposed. Sniudie limb Oen her every lemma 'Mr coloration? Ms repeated. "1 do aot know what you meat" 'Amy spathe doter 'ban tbe red et Mr skin OS Mr throat or Dear 'No. Adelaide had a voodoos dna. It looked like marble as Me lay titers. No; 1 saw no mania 1 do not knew ward you Made la' 'IS16 yen Wad yew dster's bands all the woo law NY RMS. as yes tboogbt ea the imager NtYea. 7.1-" "How wag It *hoe you let go sit them/ Winn did tbey tad timer "the bit breast i laid them bons sad crafted them 1 Old pot ve Mr MI 1 bad etas this and dem. bee elm' 'Lad wbet dad yea do tbs.?" -1 went toe the ode to bora it" 'Illes Caliaborkied. in year direct 1112. andastioa yes mid that yen stopped din as you crossed the Soot at the thinking that your taster called, that you looked back at Mr te see." ' 'TOD. dr." "Were bee Mods crossed timer 'Yes. sir; Susi ustreame." "And afterwart wino you cants from the ere after wafting some little 'i Wee foe courage?" "Yes. yea Timm were ao signs or movetommt Ob. Me was dead -quits deed." -No statement*. Mime Comberiaed. She looked the saine. and you saw ito cbange to the pastime of bar bander "Nom. Tbey were jest as 1 left them" "Can yen say she am not dutch et grip Mr throat daring auy ot this tinter °Yea yea I couldn't have forgotten It If sbe bad Moe that I remember worry move sbe made so wea. into didn't do tbat." "When. after telephoning. you or termed to tbe room wbere your doter lay you glanee6 at not Monger "Tee; 1 could pot imip It" "Was it 1n the same condition as wino you left-tbe pillows. 1 tamer -1.-1 think so. I cannot MT. I only bait looked. 1 was terrified by St" "Can etni say tbey bad not been dim turbedr "No. I cam my ootbing. But what dome-- ---- , 0:117 tbe answer. Miss Cumber. hod Can you tell us bow those plie lows were arranged?" "I'm afraid not. I threw them doers ,- quietly. madly just as 1 colketed t it eta. I only know that I put the window cush- ion down Bret. The.rest fell any- how. But they quite co••red ber-tpulta" "Il• n d s facer "Her wbol• body." "Lod did they cover bit gotta velum you came back 1" , -Tbrty melt b a • e- %Ven- etian! I know I lime Ito nett to my that. hat 1 cannot sweer that 1 saw any changa" "Can you swear that there was no change -that the pillows aod tbe win- dow cushion lay Jost as Um AM wawa you let the rootor At the owt amonteut she was ta Dr. Carpenter's arm. Her strength had given way for the time. and tbi mart was hastily adjoureed Ito give Mr op portunity for rest arid recaps/atlas. • • To Builders and Contractors We have a large stock of Square Timber up to 12 in. square to 16 feet long. I lemlock , S p r ti c e Joiuting_aud Scantling, all widths and lengths up to 20 feet long. Lath, Ontario White Cedar Shingles, Pine, Sprue. Hemlock anti Oak Lumber. All grades. Hardwood r..nd Pine-F)ooring. Dressed Pine and Spruce. Cali- fornia Sitting. Always in, stock. Mouldings —Sash St oc k on hand. - Sectional Poultry Houses all sizes. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Paget -Grain Door Co.,Ltd. IIIM Regulate Kidneys AND Relieve Constipation OW Pills are actmeorkidged to have the M.211.1e Lib,•:.y=rietary siediesse ia s aeliely due to their reanwitalia virtue •• • [Matey end Ladder remedy. Mit users of Oin hew dimwitted dist Ude istalmble remedy ohs acts se • mid cathartic. The evillest* of hundreds of letters we ham received enhblishas tbe ryknasi Inca Met in oeseeflag • medicine 30 heel sadism up the iLidseye awl Ladder certain of the ingredieste have • etimilatieg elect epSS the other orgasm, eepacielly t1. bowels It is important se knew, is the caw of cow atipstard pedestal, that Gin YIPS do sot act harshly oil the bowels; there is so griping. ben • lewdest and gestle restoration al the function. Try Gia Pills far constipation. Is then relieving the temen. you witrguard yaw - sell &seise* possible Cider, trouble. Gia Pills ere Mc. • hoe, or 0 boars for II is el your &eters. A trial trastawst wlU he rest upon respien, be National Drug 411k_amossaca1 Co. of Canada, United, Toronto. • • and Marling IXVL "wens gra eases most= TM? WOuld a new I lat • smarten yo u up tor the rest of the season ? Choose it h e r e. Choosing is easy when you make your choice from a stock of Fitwell Hats The Best Dreuen Wear Them -"A OM sound Mt a fa& 'Far. bet I cannot locate tt-lalsei. I Miami. 1 filriv1 11 is a 110•16•Le "But you remember it aewr ea" "Aid cannot you remember aow any ether aglow than tbgais yea speak aft Tbat time you stepped into the MIS - warm year teeth chattered. yo* Inked - did you Mar nothing that hut the deb. lag a the ptager She looked startled. Her hands moot up. sad one of them eh:tidied at bit dons obey felt and data,. corm like one feeling hie war. ea' 'I bad forgotten. I did bear mem thing -a mend in one of the doerMaya It was very faipt-a eigb-a-a-I don't know what. It conveyed Dochlog 10 115 then aad not snub • Dow. But yea asked. and I have answered." "Yon bay* done right. Miss Comber.' Med. Tha Sory ought 00Mom these facta. Was it a human sigkr "It wasn't the sigb of the Nese "Lad you beard it in me ei tad doorways? WWI) doorway?" "TM one opposite Me room in which I left my sister." la "The doorwa7 to the rge balir 'Tea dr.° Oh. tbe sinister memories! The Mo- ments wtdcb I myself bed spent titers HZN 1 left tbe courtroom W witb tbe other witnesses K mar policed a man standing tbe Markt anomie,. After ward 1 beard that be was Sweetwa- ter. tin &geodes from New York wbe bad bad so mods to do in unearthing the testimony against Arthur. I left him talking to Kr. Ifo: and later reedved tgls account of the ta. writer whicb tallowed between them and Dr. Perry. "Is this glri telling the truthr ask - mewed: ed District Attoroey Pox as soon as the three were closeted aod each could speak his own mind. "Doctor. wbat do you thinkr "I do oot <mews Mr veracity 18 the least' "You believe that she homed barged 00(0011001137?1 wouidn't citation**, ft -you may tbink me editimeotal; 1 Meer aad loved bet tather-tor any tongue you mien nuns." Mr. Pm turned to Ihreewattr. "And your "bfr. Fox. bars yen those tongs?" "TM. I forgot. They were broiled to my odic* with tee other exliblta. I attacbed Do importance to them, and you wUl moms god them led where 1 thrust them into the Do: marked They were in tbe district anornefs edice. mod Sweetwater at owe row and Drought forward the toogs. -There is my answer," he sald. point- ' Int gigniticantly at me or the lege. Tea district attorney turned pale sail motioned oweetwater to carry tbem back. Hs sat vent tor a moment and Ita.m.,uk tben showed that 05 was a man. 'Wee thintheriarwl bas 117 rultPutt. "Alta TOO arum TO swoon too 5113 500 said be. Znall • 1117t1P nxit eramirre sub OR= WAY. JOB AND COMMERCIAL Printing . tbe %told lEaster Excursions DAILY BETWEIN BUFFALO GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM SINGLE FARE Good going April 2Ia1 and re- turning slime day. FARE AND ONE-THIRD Good going April 20. 21, 22, 23. kiiiurn limit April 26th bet• rri Orion will be Mired bet woes all madam be Canada ram of Poo t Arther acd to Introit mid Peet leseen. IVA% . week ltnek, Magma Fade and teummeiso 130411•• N. 7 - Tient . end fueitur partkeler. at Greed Treat deem 1..1. LA WRINCR AAII.6101. Aerate. Peens 5. McLEAN BROS. The ,Semi -Ready Tailors THE SQUARE - - - GODERICH 11141111141411NOVIIMINE11114140, CENTRAL / // atnoTrono. ONT.. Yoe Can Swore a Positise If you take a coUr•a• a ith,us. The de- mand upon us for trained help is many times the number graduating. Stu- dents are entering each week. You May enter at any time. Write at once for our free catalogue. b. A. bl cLACH IA N . Principal. ••••••••••••••051••••••••40 YOUR OPPORTUNITY The Winter Term now on at THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE OWKN SO NIL ONT. Three prectical. complete and op to date course.. of atudy ; Flunsm.e. Short hand ft Typos, dins and Preparatory. Worthy .itudeol. a. -Med to amid ray nt pmitioo. We hare an iiiiri‘41111.41 iionuertlen with bo4 htpintwi a how our graduateare regolarlY en. Mewed. Write tor pennettlet. Full in formation .sot ee •pplioation. r. A. FLEMING. A.. Principal. G. to. irtAtmiNu. stoyeet.rr. •••••••••••••••5•4••••00.11 SPRING! SPRING! SPRING! Now that -the snow haS' gone, .Hurrah for the Bic) c' again. We still handle the world-fanied 1 CLEVELAND WHEEL 0.4 ranging in price from $35.00 to .S.,55.00. also have some splendid values in second-hand Ladies', Gentle- • men's and Boys' Wheels. • rinau, rer' Pee turned re Dr' Per" -after this time of ber Posraill and pat the question: throb the halt thank Godl-bot not YOU are sensoed with your autopsyl long after. Lod some one had Mee Mies Cumberland's deatb was doe to there before me! Was It Arthur? strangtuanon and oot to tits poises site cannot being innocent. wbo could be took?' "That was what I Ewers to and *bat 1 abotod base to awaits tot again it you pieced me back on the dead. The poison. taken *1*0 ner greet ex- citement rubbed bit or cunisclootheen, guilty but he? I knew of no om TM misery °oder which 1 bad suffered wee only lightened. not removed- -Mime Cumberiaod. are roe ready to swear that you 414) Dot bear a step at Met time or see a facer but there was too little of lf Or It was -Yea. too old and weekened to cause death. 'That you only heard a sight", duo would probers), bars resisted la Moe. pooribly did emir& Bet tbe data of those Oaten was fttal; ole could Dot surety* it. it costs more than you can ever noderstsed 10 057 telt but gumption* iike yours most be answered. 1 aboolsoot De an boned moan otberwise." To the relief of alt Cannot waMmays. Wally stronger titan we expected vt••• site 15115 10 retake the stand in lbw afternoon. But sae bad lost a *3111. 01 bit couraga lir. Fos kept nobody waiting. He asked: num Camberlan& la roar rerwast et the Opal tntertiew you bad with your deter yea *loaded to 5 story yen bed ewe read together. Will yen tell is the name of take story?" 'It was called •• Legged et Trude 1.9 It was est a swot bet • little taie elm Small fa mete old magailea lt Md a great Week Woe es' 1 ba" Sem tweed= IL" "Oaa yea relate this tale to es ta • Sew weeder "1 will try. It was very stomple. It Milittele bow a young girl maned autg to mope the attendee* et ebe post Wog sad wbat reseoct be al. WWI 'bowed bar star that. was *d- am Mr deter.' 'iraZiered ewe firidllsli row old - 1 RATE.NTS ',II 11 wee la Irbil you silimeged is be ber Sad _..---P 414705 terve or ust slid WM ware bar SWIM Ora smIsms nos Mao hot 17 Ur. MAAR% ma isms as lor .11/1111111111111 Mir 'let 1 ad 01117 XX: 10 IL is wee tits may was sa head!' ell eolaAsk tor cue txvicau... Tows rA Wikh beast gigs 10 atesseiga . MA MARIO?". -wad WW1 roe sr, trim thalweg' OM University M.. listordek ARE YOU 00INO TO SPRAY YOUR ORCHARD THIS SPRING? If not, and repairs. yOU should. We handle Spraymotor wac.ti to. " We also have Arsenate bf 1.ea3 an,1 Lime Sulphur. We can give you the Linte Sulphur at $6.50 per barrel. (This is a snap.) HOW ABOUT THE INCUBATOR THAT YOU WERE THINKING OF BUYING? NOV i the timelliat you should hat e it s:t, so that von can get the early chicks. It the early chick that Mikes }oli the big money. We handle the Cyphers Itt:tAbators. , Call and see what we have. "A sigh. Or something 15. 005." "Ton went debt on?" "1 matedia tely." "Eateries the ftlephone room? "Yea" "The door of which you unity. 'I do not know. I must have, but I" - "Never mind explanations. Yoe tirp not know whether you shut it or wimtber some one glee shot nr. 9 do not" The words fell weightily. They mem& to strike ever, Mart. "Mies Cumberland. yes have said that you telepboned for tbe ponce." "Yes. for help." "You were some minutes idol Oat you Myr '1 ham reason to thisk se. but I dssi kno* definitely. Tbe candle seemed shorter wipes 1 west est thas white I moo in." "Are yea sans yes telegboned fee bitter To Be Continued Neat Week MAKE YOUR SPRING HOUSE-CLEANING EASY BY RENTINO OUR ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANERS. vou can takt. our carpets out aml beat them. and Own put them down and tisk- the Electric Cleaner, intl.you At ;II lie surprised at the amount o! dirt that yott left in thc carpet. So what is the use of taking them up at all) l's-• the ,Cleaner. It saves labor and saves your carpet. It lifts the nap and makes it look like a new carpet. !letter still, III•V,an 1.1ectrie SoSeeper i(tl use it every wtek, then there NV:ii t;en..sprtniolise-cleaning FAcry time vou use it the house is cleaned . IT WILL NOT BE LONG BEFORE YOU WILL WANT TO USE YOUR LAWN MOWER. 'Have you 1. IIikItI to ste if it is in w x.1 ortlyr to ,tart with ? If it is not, let us know and we will get it and put it into good order fttr von. ARE YOU GOING TO BRIGHTEN UP YOUR FLOORS AROUND YOUR RUGS AND WAINSCOTING? If so, try Chi tianwl Varnish Stain and Chi-narnel Graining Colors and Graining Outfits. We Faye been sue cessful in securing this splendid line of goods for the town of Goderich and vicinity. WEAK, NERVOUS OHIO WOMAN Isis Mal ly %Mom nisi Bellefontaine, Ohio. -" My blood wee very poor - I was in a weak rmemota toa3124.4 df rme:esVst Weak ad am d ya2,giod me sheet Vied. pied it sad ft built nos up la swell ow -Mood strength oM serves. 0.J1 tell sty trtmode it is the best meadow en eara-Mew gum Binninoe. nd.00 dot .04 100 sad Wm teak without dl, sharper theiEii die ereellqb sericass la tide satielifilemer melee H.U. Du, p, Drug/pia. DoSeriett In Shelf and Heavy Hardware we Always Carry a Complete stock. LET US FIGURE ON YOUR PLUMBING, HEATING, ELECTRIC WIRING AND TINSfil THING. All work properly attended to mad fully guaranteed. NARDI AND SOFT COAL AND WOOD. We A:we just received several cars of Scranton Hard Coe, and can serve your wants plomptly. Ham 112 lisiorzsi 11 CHAS. C. LEE *arum. ' "