HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-5-4, Page 8• TettmettAT, MAT d. NW rHR SrGiNAL GODERICH ONTARIO $RUMBKLS. . . AU the Baas boys who have.n- Count and District listed have beam pasted with wrist- watches watches or sig•ct-rigs. Mrs. S. T. Plso was called to Balt to attend the tn•er•1 of her sister -in - taw. Mrs. (le.doo Rowell. Theen.a Park, of R.eeeldale. is dead M the age of forty-tbr.s years. Jam Baryes of Centralia. died at kis has hs that village o• April 14th. Ile wes twisty -Ave years of ago. Tho boos of Mr. Thoma. Aikbe, of Hill, b•• been bereaved by the b erf the mother. which sad event demurred oe Tuesday, April 18th. Ms.. Akins wee fifty-eight years of cgs. The property which was u.sd as •e>•imultural grounds at Zurich about rYaw* aim baa been purchased ed Delta. The price paid was Arohlbald McGregor, a resident of Kai[llloo township twenty-tive years ago,'dkd .t the borne of his daughter I. Norfolk, Virginia, on April ltd ApopMxy wee the cause of death. A enrpeiee party was held .t the home of Mr. sod Yrs. Paul Masser, me .tbe Goshen line, Hay township, wM• the neighbors and Mende a.- esmbisd to bid them farewell prior to their departure from the community. The assistance which Mrs./Was Eyre bee given to make tb. Tuckth Debating Club • anise was sal id a recant meeting of the clu when she was made the recipient of • biestifd lies. table -Dover. Conrad Eckhart, of Mc[iliop, met with n nasty accident when be was baked by • bosses He was thrown madam is .tow wall "add suffered • badly braised face end arm, besides bevies several tee& loosened. Robert IL Wnt•on and Mies Dora Theist Bell were the principals In a >•atriengnlal evert at Fiske, bar dwtehan. o• April IOW. The groom le•.oa of Me. and Mrs. John Watson, et bear Bayfield. Oa Weda.ed•y, A 19th, Rev. H. R. Diehl the ceremony which in i Mie. M. De.teie. MoLlpebeJ of Adelaide. with Jams Melvin Reid. of Steal, v towg�R niet weddingwall solemnized et the latb..•.p•reoaage. Dashwood, ea Wedn..day evening of last week, when Miss Pkneie Howsld was united b�.Mr. y. .fel Machos.peer et Rev. P. Qtw,•pner eieWd. � Mr. and Mrs. John township, was the .sass of •e APR lads.t event no Wedoes- �dodghte! Mao. b.seme the bridwhom their ge of Albert Davidson. of Smola. Rev . W. a Hawkins o:tDdated. Mies Mary R. Chewy, Who b.. had charge of tie ebibiree'speenkm of the general hospleal, sc- ooped • perish 1a Sia bsipi11a1 lie' wawa, of ib. Teepees iiooddak Oom- ray Z~ d�KnP y, of ?loksesmlth. The home of fele. 2M Mea, Hogb KamYtem, of '1ti-g_r_Wetb, was We et a quiet b y wedding . April when their , Mlm Davidson, le William J. Rev. Jamas Argo. of ERoo•dvUM, officiated he the pawmuee of the Immediate Meek of tbe eoatrscting parties. Dudes repeat electrical storm- 1g; ademee of George Thiel, on the 14th cospelioa of Hay, was struek by 14kUbsg. This we. the second time LbIs maim that it was damaged and the Mb e,e.ion within the fast few years that the buildings on this farm were wreaked from • similar taus.. The dreary is thus disproved 1.he1 l(gbtning never strikes twice in the sane plow. R. Gibvor'@ blacksmith business at Ethel baa hese purchased by John McNeil. of Walton. At the battle of 8t. Slot Sergi. t'un- d•tTham. a son ut D. R. Cunningham, of Walton, won distinction by ree:u- Ing wouoded awn. Mrs. lsabella Campbell, • former rssidsot of Monas township. died at Gaylord. Mbhigen„ un April S1h, aged seventy-four years. •An attack of measles, followed by resulted in the death ..f as, William O. Homuth, of the 10th cosioeseion of Tur•herry, un Wednes- day, April 19th. Mr.. Ilomuth was thin -oine years of age. olid Is sur- vived by her husband, two little daughters, bar mother, two sisters and four brothers. Fourteso young men of Belgrave communis R. Irwin Ferguson. J.mee McCallum, W. E. Scott, Rich - curd Fay, Harry Dye, Albert Price, Albert Harr, John Tasker, John Andersoo, Cb•rlie Cocaine', James Coulter. Austin Campbell, John Tas- ter, William Sutton—were presented with wrist-w.tcbes at a public meet- ing on April 20th. A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Walker, on the 6th line of Morris toseoship, on Settuday, April '.clod, when Miss Minnie, only daughter of the home, was married to H. L. Hum- phrey. of Victoria College, Toronto. The cer.mo.y was performed by Rev. Geo. Jewitt, of Blyth, uncle of the bride, anima by Rev. D. Wren, M. A., of Bre.seis. Mr. nod Mrs. Hugo- perry will reside for a time in London, where the bridegroom is taking an officer's training course. John Bell, an toted resident of the nth Uoe of Morris, died on floods', April :Zed. He had been ill for over eight weeks. He was a native of Ire- land. being born in the couuty of (loran eighty-tive years ago. The family curve to Canada when the sub- ject of this notice was ten years of ate, and after living in Darlington township cod in the Mitchell district they settled thirty-five years ago in Morris township, where Mr. Bell pur- chased a farm on which he continued to reside until his death. H. was a member of the Orange Order for sixty years and seldom missed the oppor. tunity of wrcbing in tbe tanks to celebrate the victory of the Boyne. He is survived by • family of two sons and two daughters : Charles, of Bl tb ; John, et home; Mrs. McGee, of Blue - vale. and Mise Mary, at home. Mrs. Bell died nine years ago, EXETER. Thos. Cann bad an auction sale of his household effects and has removed to London. Thos. Hazlewood suffered a p•re- lytie stroke on Mood.y night of last week and is in a serious condition. After a lingering illness Mise Annie Harrison passed sway on Sunday, April Zred. She was in her sixty-third ysar. Will Birnsy, of Winnipeg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Birney, has joined the 161st Hurons. He held a lucrative poiition with a large firm in the Western city and received a tempt- ing offer to go to their New York office, but refused to consider it, as he felt bis place was in the ranks. L EE L TO 11111111 SITISTM MOR RESEARCH 10011 Arranges With Arthur D. Lit- tle to Establish Central Or- ganization at Montreal • CO. LOOKING FORWARD Dominion - Wide Organization for the Scientific Research of the Country's Vast Resources Altboegb the potestlal wealth of ('.a••da's natural resources 1s knows to be marvellous, oily a small por- tion of these have been exploited, and apart tram the work done by the Gov- ersme.t Geological Survey, the scion - tide I$ .sU odors of Canada's re- sources with a view to prac. cal drvel- opm..t has been fragmentary sad al - m at I amalerfal. n The Isogon of the titanic conflict sow ow rase 1a Lurope has brought home bear musk the Dominion has to learn from cents of the 8srope•n countries wkb which she is at war. as for th- e tas. the pr.-emtasece of Germany to masnt•ctarine, metallurgical and •ledrisal♦developmeat. dna pre -emi- nate ile the tbereershoms with which absarcd reoearea was persued In that roa•Ry, a pre-embienne which result- ed la a herd' and profitable market for her r.asetaet.rera. sot only at home b.( all over the worid. ?%. weak! aN prosperity of O. setae sad empires of the future will be gaby their ml•eral sod cheml- ..l attiv'Ivee asci preelection whoa peace is restored there w111 be • strong Mort to provide the require - masa et the Britlat =+spin and ken Mime tress Moodily •osress. sad if the war wars, ..happliy. to M lone drown sal the prod.etien of Canadian re .»areae might become more essential --AIM a•ese•s 1. pears aid war than ant bor.'s. Oraili.n PscIIe Ay Co. has s em& attaebed to Its great ems ar 'hail the eompesy has a gait ebonies/ sad see kthm.wy amt brdrrei.e- tris equipment equal to anything oaf the continent. Thee are, however,, local activities. and the time hart come, In the opinion of Lord Shaugh- nessy, when • Dominion -wide organ- ization should be formed for the scientific research of Canada's vast mineral, metal. tfydro-electric and chemical resources, which will result is the practical application to Indus- try of many mt.er•ln heretofore neg- lected or exported for manufacture to other countries, of by-products in existing lndu.tttes and of other nat- ural resources which wire neglected or Insumelently a:plotted. The waste of straw. for instance, In our wheat fields, of flax fibre, of lumber, seven- ty-five per cat. of the product of which has been wasted In the forest or at the mill. while In tempest. molybdesite. graphite. oil shale, mks. ma.paeee. magnetite, talc. feistier sad other minerals there is a field for the profitable Investment of much larger capital than at present The Ca.a4Ln Pacific Ry. Co. aims to secure the mobilization of the ablest and most scientific and chem- ical brains of the Dominion, and to associate them with a central organ - Institut to direct the activities of all the aMwtlsta and experts engaged Is research work In .11 parts of the Do - million. The discoveries and Informa- tion gleaned by the ceetrel orgaaim. tion, whsle supplies for the special Information of the Canadian Pacific, will be disseminated from Was to time by bulletins which should be 01 great value to merchants and imam factmnrs as well u to students and prospectors. • To carry out these views armee- meats have been made with iMr. Ar- thur D. little for the establishment of a central organisation at Meet - real for research work Id. tittle has been President of the Americas Cbemleal Society asci le • member of the Institute of chemical Rag- aeers, an( • dtrectnr M the Chemi- cal and Enalneer Department M the Latltute of Terhnoloty Indeed, Kr i ittle's fame as a chemist and • rhemlcel enein.er Is world-wide. and. as .a organiser and tevestigator he bas no imporier. His activities bass extended to every branch of Industrial and ebemlcal research work. hewing twenty practical chemists associated Pith h1'.. lard Rhangbnessy is row - Meat that Mr !Attie will betld eD an ergatnlr.tlon In Canada which wt:i renter Immense benefits on the Do - males. A i'letnlnlon charter has bees ob- tained and the Canadian Research Amman will begin operation* is IW+wt. real on May i.t. when they will M in • patios to reoperate salta set...* protean and others of the Daisies already eatat d la research west M earl Hajar, son of Dr. and Mrs. llolmse, b g Asmber of the 34th Bat- tery, which i training et Kingston. Mrs. C. Q. Priests has disposed of her business et Denver, Colorado, sad i• home u• • Omit to her mother, Mea H McQusrgii. Cline Soolt, eon of Mr. and Mrs. P. Scott, lt•a been promoted t., the posi- tion e( accesee••t is on. of the offices ,d the Stoddard Bank at Calgary. Mrs. D. Breckenridge, • resident of Brussels foe several years, died at the home of bee daughter, Mn. R. Messer, of Jameetew•. She wee in tier measly - seventh year. While viaitleg in Bromide a few days ago Thomas Yriendsbip, of Tees - water, was taken seriously 111 and a physician had to be colic . He has eines improved sufficiently to be able to return home. Very euecwdul services were held In 000nectloo with the tint •.niversery of Melville church on buoday, April 23rd. Rev. Dr. McGillivray, of Guelph. was the spanker foe the day. The offer- ings totalled 2400 siM this was further augmented by 2150, the pro- ceeds of a social on Monday evening. CLINTON. Hervey Harland, son of Mr. Will Harland, has enlisted in the artillery mud is • member of • Guelph battery. The death of Mrs. S. G. Castle, • highly esteemed resident of Clinton. occurred eu Thursday. April 800. 8be bad bees ill for about a month. Be- sides her husband, to whom she was married eight years ago, she is sur- vived by four small children and one brother. Hugh Crich, of Spirit River, Alberta. Lieut. Chas. Kerr, coo of Rev. W.R. Kerr, of Vancouver, B. C., formerly of Clinton, received special mention in recent dispatches describing the severe lighting around St Blot salient. Lieut. Kerr wan in charge. of a bombing party which did effective work in driving the Germans from • shell crater. He has since been reported wounded in the face and suffering from shell shock. SEAFORTH. The Jackson Manufacturin Conn pony is considering the advisability orf opening • branch factory in Se.forth. Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs, form- erly of Seaforth, now of St. Marys, announce the engagement of their daugbter. Barbar. Celeste, to Lindsay A. Sinclair, fourth .on of Mr. and Mrs, William Sinclair, St. Marys. The marriage is to take place about the middle of May. At the last meeting of the town council, the councillor* placed on record "their disgust and disapproval of the remarks made by speakers et a recent recruiting meeting in Seaforth," and decided that etepi should be taken to correct the false impression that there have been comparatively few enli.trnents from Seeforth and the surrounding couotry. W RAM. Dr. it. L. Stewart, of Betgrave, hes opened en office in W Ingham. N. K. McLeod has taken over the agency for the Metropolitan Life In- surance Co. Mr. and Mn. William Bone leave this week for Tillsouburg, where Mr. Bone hal purchased a grocery business. G. A. Snatte has severed nis connec- tion with the Citizeri band, having accepted • position with the 11.1811 Bat- talion band at Berlin, as cornet solo- ist. tsr J;ssie L Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Wilson, has been accepted as • lied Cross nurse and hes sailed for Eogl•nd to take up ber work $t Shorncii fe. CoL L. W. R. Malloy, of Kingston, familiarly known as "the blind trooper," was the guest of Mr.. J. E. Swats, •t the ;Queen's hotel.' last week. W. C. Adams, of Wingham, who left Toronto on March 1st with the Army Service Corp., to now in France. With forty others be passed his exam- ination as a first -clam driver, after be- ing only tan day. in England. In the Spring Is It a Cough? Osttedo Wo es's Mvica Hamilton. Ont.—" 1 am a great he. Bever in Dr. Pierre's mediemesi am speaking from the actual use of them •rd the great benefit I hew derived thevrfmm. Shortly alter my marriage I began bad a very bed cough and got very thin .fid wtta�d lows My �p4e thought La gni Pierer. 'Oda Medical Discovery' and tile alias cured nse."— M ADIEUS Hass,�any26 Cheerer 81. HiReide. Ont.—" Wben I was only dam month' old my mother procured Golden Medical Discovery' for me. I have taken it several timm myself since end about one year ago 1 gave It to my two (Addeo. They 'recovered very quirkily with no tied rewtlt., after taking o.s bottle. i have recommended it to ts• nutuber d late."—Mea. W. J. Kilbride, Ont. Ile bat time to etre • cough is wiles k Mets. Ordinarily, a few dans of Dr. Piercers Odds Medical Discovery will eettrpes a cough at the beginning. But even m � a wbthe edeep-seated and the Andy u wasted try enseriation, i '. Pares =et Medical Discovery will in most es•ss slimes • pe sant ewe. Oat it Io.day hent say mediei.a dealer; it is • powerful blood placer, se pee t+stt•g amperethat it even gets et thr er dsp.fe he is sod amiss them eat the system Re-.sbor it le sot • patent madisik• for its legrsA.•ss are primed a the wrapper it's a pv� dyrvrie eatraet d roots, wade without -leoioi Depend %hie greed monody to give the kind bloedd 18d ntskts the chi• oleos sad pots asebitio• sed tato the entire body. Yon will mtr� De. rill tad For free Piece Budde,NAY, Trial , write wine Was 10 suet. 1 ART CLEZ CVO.0 LL. .. ALL%Pd lIw►IT� Walter C. Pridham, Goderich Ontario 1r1e 10 1006111S way you 11 wanf, our• Coles 6.1 G • J r ince. r�. ft i-� CAUSE:CAR pp. MAT N'oRCIGA [z RE COMBSAGEIEAI � FADED ON 6W11 INI If Mixed with IsIpht! it D2gYa2 .o >Yf� Grandmother kept her lair kdiftib darkened, glossy and apraetiv. with • brew of Sage Tea and 881pher. Wham. • ever her hair took e• that doll, feaster streaked appease, this dimple Wxtsae was applied with wonderful eget ]y asking at a• drug store ter "Wyetbrs Sage and Sulphur Cbmpo•ad," yea will get • large bohl• of this old-time improved by the additive of other be ret- Imts, all ready to sae, for Mont gg .stets. 712o simple mixture ran be upon to restore natural color add en the h r. A well-sowa dowstows druggist aqe eMrehody. uses Wyeth's Rage say !tel- pher C red now breas it aka .o nature and evrsly that aohody end tell it 8.s ap i.d -It's se easy tems nu'. too. You shop damper • e•.rk s. .oft break and draw t through your hair, takl.g o.e strand at • time. By morales thegray hair disappear.; after a.vtbt at0licatio. or two, It is restored to ire aa1 color wad looks glossy, soft nal% berietitel. 711s preparative is . d.11ght- fel toilet requisite. it is est i■tmdd fee the etre, mitiptioa or provost* .1 cite• emu. tr We HMI bf thi.ge.—P swift on tha eadw stress Or nisei