The Signal, 1916-5-4, Page 7DY•1'!R-♦ M. Modemms seri.&•tly is foe • taw of 1•.d, .teeteethal fee Wks let• ts. er••w .ad arra•.
•• e•,.d, lasniswed •r throe ...his by tlw tutees of a limy •.4 • river,X1•10 M • b. these. raglan.
w w•I
♦�al e, that le by the ow ren, Bina!* era. t •t bad •hud eM WOW the tees 4 th• •+•.
Y. dote,.* odor td lute ea the swti. t'. .1•1 al 0,.. bre.. wMd eta shefillabdrinwak awl the b.dtu••
r suet taut ro..ioe too WOW I Of .r,••, .1i lar.. .ww►II•d m00 1111
ad le .
nl Mrs t e1Ya •II M. .t.tkv.. 1... what •.lain he (144.4 etMYtb••• There is •
Wad beast, ahem du treat* .t went tette.d a•4... Ira. 1111 MM WP--% WOW* Woo 01 • 4"' tt
*la S. 64 OMB he le tae,.'. vie • w burtort Whoa MP • (taro• Warmed. 0*
Ms 1re totes la de awe *ea.. •.i ra.ateiee .ddr 111••••• •1g, • uo11 .f ar7 ,1•4•••,°,...I•
.leeng r
�y b rMry •Y.bmeei►a u br•ela., r/att W tr6 btestlNl ♦tart.. r
ili wtbsa M w.btllwW .kw(1 •d Mtwtelf *ems.' M •wdMle enrt•emed a thew taw. o.a11
eMesa, .sse the Awl* Wes sell sad tk. nes •f seas b Mrs M1 at o►at.
tai r• Mens as. Ms t. r. la ten maw .t h•6. lbs e Is tklest wenwerfof er se the bey .6444 a the awl. • wen** .e rely let•r••41.0 .4
Yam eeluie w the 1.t toe. Wilms, to ^teethed'• .4144 '
bud 1i. oftener *1.4.11., • nod that Y sty milk tMMe a es
M We. the .• kind .e .ay sr sae et Jitney that Mur M • esi'•■
ewnish t►. 11.40.1e.11.40.1e.ase rof tee4 fir. the drive war ase •rased is /•
r 4 .4. Ai. •
n.te e. far It up
tut only superb pear.,'•! et hoe
rf eat•. 1a 1h. hew 111+w• .f the wt•t• sad lb. towline
tele at stab Qs( malte es seamy we .leen .f •o.4 ta
1 ho 1.'•a4 time
1 W. • .west where 1 way penes •lace the rce.
full .p sbalb, Whin( 14144 berries hose the peered
the as ps.hdlt�; ith� mi bora Lt .two 1. Dion Nub leeboo
!'redly row din esu tam bio nha
. eM aped, w 1. Nle a .44,w u make a tumid ee dig •
ams 71i ea Ye pewse ea u *Iseult 4 My seed •ed let W
ealsieY4 .tad bt.w f4 beehh law you. or 41 tMt1A as •
i:} 1
r•• eek .
N.eY.1 4411 u 4 an • ww.drhl joy that x,
sae then .f.rrlked. D Y+
le b • .let wank r.conlm, that all t1e peat saw 4 '•.��' s itu
eke haw Mord the ocean. sed written bw.n►ully ahem.
• Yoew*04 the bwsly r the .w turd ay1a. wrote:
Ttsee whir Ito •rinkI• on this awn brow.
T.. o.1, t• •-.wtmml•p, et .Dorm, kw tablet. then m
• 61111.111161 supply .f .ate, frrd sod salt. vrarm and eel...
Sere .r dud re Walton; 4. 1•.r W who auto. You (11 t s
ploy leer ea the •1•ebwt tam*. 4:
For further pie alcohol. as to the gee
r. q.tired soil ' lite warwhrtng ii•td at
III, varl.u• pain • apply to J. W.
•traiwre, air-. t. (i eierieb. or well.
it. 1.. F+ire„ i o, (ignored Poseswdls'
Alteoi,tld h u. n1. (.4411, 14.1011.. W if
We have plenty to attract
you and everything
to tempt you.
The Baker Kingston Street
wit take you there, give you ell the imeresemies about she beat
places, end hey yea the easosea F ■ ■ ■ n
Particulars from sal Comedies Podia 'leaks(
Agent, or writs W. D Reward. Desereet Pe mer•pr
Agent, Toronto.
Reiaterceseeata for the Princess Patricia's
C.e.d.a" Light Infantry.
Canadians, of whatever nationality,
thrill as they *wall the wonderful
resmd major by the Prince** Pan iris's
010aliau Light Infantry at Fertulert,
•►Tomes, awn many other bat*Irt ld•
is Belgium : how, in the face of over -
le lieloseng odds, they held their pori -
d am by their courage. •Ledo mess and
nearly a year the P. P. C. L. 1.
(as the Princess Patricia's Canadian
Light Infantry is known in military
Keeler ) baa beau reinforced by a steady
/km of recruits of the very finest of
IOW Canadian manhood. These re-
• , many now veterans, are deter -
that tine fine battalion shall
NtIowe 1u high record. but with their
blip ,hall have added boner.and pte--
"Ia the Iuture.
reinforcements have been drawn
OMR all over Canada., and the twiver-
,1411110 of Canada have made this bet-
ties their star.. Already 1350 o18 -
side and men have gooefurward under
the title of the universities. companies
mod ars doing their "bit" at the front
err et Shure. hffe. Five univer.itiee
ani npanlee May. left (:.,nada.
The r of wen volunteering
from the West has terra eisttply wOil-
dot ful. do much w,, that thrauLliue
Was of tube V einem Canadian um vers -
hies decided to rend uvee-wee n Iwt•
talion eo14,1*s'rd t.f lludrll:e of the
Western u111vereitiem and um -niters of
She teaching .1aff.. This brttal is
flaw teen WI tug and in called the i1Mlt h
Westin et Untverbitten Bat taboo; C.lh'.
The o11jw L of the pester', 1 nivel e-
ities Battwl and of the nnivrrsitter
gtaenpaniei is the same in that it pot -
vides • means for men to get to the
Rout in congenial company, but
though their oaths are palall'I they
are not identical In this respect. The
Western Universities Battalion is tar
cver.eas service ea a battalion, kid
the univee sd.e. companies are pin -
forcing the Princess Patrieia's Cana-
dian Light Infantry.
The 1'. P. C. L. I. is now coolie.
be may have written there ; fen .set
mythic he didn't. fiat 1'Ia marry foe
him if he pent petrel.. 1 .ern two to
mainly of ern from the 'miennitire my boy wurtth• mu,ce, and they
commune, *and the Fleetly flow of rein- haven't been drhveeed yet.'
forcement• for this battalion must not - - ---
be wallowed to stop, and. flat.!!, the New Strength in the
.tendwtd of the recnlib mu
obt always-
he the "best that Canada can offer."
There are n.any men of the univers-
ity type whose heeter grow wast vie
.bey read and herr the name of the
Poinceer Pet.. tor they have brothers.
relatives and friend.; in it, and they Nature Needs Aid in
wish they could have an opportunity Making New health
thatjoining it. To these veru the the newt
a sixth company i.. bribe re- giving Blood.
crult.ed under Major McKergow. at
McGill university in Muntreal, will he In the amine the rv•t,u' needs a
welcome. tonic. To he healthy you tams.( nave
The sixth company_ 1. in comfortable new blood. just a• for ,, ... ave
must h
quartets as Mo(iill niverriiy and has new tap u, renew tbeir vitality. N-
all the *dvantl.ges of the nue of lhr trete ismande i•, ard without ihie new
McGill campus and the Univenily Mood y„le will feel weak and languid.
building. including the McGill btu- You may have twinges ..1 rheumal,EW
dent.' Union. oe the &heels stabbing pain. of favor -
The uuiversitier emapiwh•s bave algia. Often tbeie ate, dia5guring
been el t ovetwI,,lturd lb
with w ptttapr calee ne erupibtni on the .kin,
hospitality of the itaideuta of Mont- In othe1ew ►her. 4. .rely *
real and,tta reburl», feeing of tondos.. aad a',satiable ap-
e erxining of the crtupanie• bas petite. Amy of three are •igen• that
Ix en of tan except ions ;lye®cieut chat- the heed .. out of elder -that the
acler, and Lar 14'4.0 of a nature to dr endo"r hfe t e wintry hire," your
*slop 1pr', ,ou:e *t wuskr4t?'.I vlt.lity. p hat you urea t.1, ►pung is
otherr at etensllieg. ushers at tart teal la took mei) (mine At/ pot y.ett right. Aral
rite, rise-, and eget,. to het sin phyuk'*I 4s.111bw wu1Wrrf n,edhrine •h„.,, i+ r m
teat ' g, 844) tii,e*tigliI U. anti ►..,stab- tones rrn'.tiwil It.. Wdhw,s,s' Fink
erg Pdl•. These. Pili. 41 t.saily matte r:ew.
. '1'he ghat antratilaer of the -e run- lir)•,- feel I.Ir.,.;-y, i.r greatest met.
panics is that the wen of the -'.tar •.- *11.priog. Thar new blood delver not
fist stet ale go forward tog. t L.r, and the weds •,f Ili and ,n.krn 114-i.y
join .. Lett .lu,n to which thine will fend tend e..n, women wutd ehn.uen h. fight.
w ledge of congenial *4.110+.
Another n.tva..'a4e ie the rapidity
with which they go forward to the
*dire amt e' tom:. alt-. EI.g,'tie l e.r-
1.6+11. . "Ault ••••, •rung, (1.1 , way• : ' 1
s..ffer.dere king tone fit tri nlxxir•e•e,
front. Thr trainrog it) Mout t end ton illy t p. in in r h• bark .tail aur► br*dacbe,
takes ai.out 11.•1e mouth.. al.d after rand n".h ng 1 tor.k „HI
the art• good
two month✓ fin cher training 10 I;ng' 1141611eg
tll I ban it.. William.' I'ink Pill*.
land they take their the losing These rutted me *Jeer taking six emcee
lite without ecry-ary delay Tb. sad 1 now 6..1 *eller ,ban 1 .'ver did
,reason for this is the fart that these In my lite. 1 bed fallen off in weight
companies reinforce a lutltalion al- to e,,hty.twopounds. and after taking
ready et the fruit. the P.11.1 bad Increased to one bun -
A considerate le number of tbs. men deed P,unde. •'
it ire cent- '1 mer &- 1 I all Ultra. ins
panics hate. Upon reaching l:nsland,
obtainei rho isrione in the British
and (Jatu*dlatl n11IU,. It 1e. of course,
impossible to make any 1(u*ewntee as
to promotion of this character, but
the motors of the training received end
the reputation of the (11,5414.1 skies coen-
pi.nirS make the chances of promotion
excellent for the type u1 men that the
univet,lties c pante, accept.
Intending recruit, are examined
on army medical officer, receive their transportation to Mon-
ty -Ale and imrnrdiately okaain their
unifot n1. and et*rt their .reining with- 1"
out delay. Readers are invited to I Re
make known to their friends this op-
portunity. '1'ne (MBerr C,.mmanding.
et le 1)v+'vara; Unlverwitie• Cour-,Fe
party, U, dill Untie. say, Montreal, , M
will to glad to supply any further in-
formation that may be required.
"Both, Sir I'
"Lock here," ,aid the sergeant to a,
very raw lecruit, "tomorrow the
Colonel is c to inspect you'
and 1 hope you will *newer the ques-
tIone promptly.' "1 W111 do my Hest,
sir," said Margins. "Now," maid the
sergeant, "the float qurrtmn he will
aek you, 'blow old are you, toy men?'
von will reply. 'Twrnty•n�rr.' H.
win Then 14y, glow long have yon
Iwruinthe service? youw.11way,'Three
mouths, alt.' He will then say, 'Are
your clgthing end r*tion, in every
way satllrfarto• r to you Y Too will
way. 'Both. sir.'" Maggio. kept re-
peating this for the a einainder of the
dist, till he h.d it per feet for the mew -
row. ,'J * Colonel et rived, and Mog-
gine w duly railed mit. "How hog
the Mit. but who simply can have .1 been in the *rivet... my
Mit. riout aro urreolimestone
to man 'r" wee he l'years.•a first goer
• 71�er pound of 1lmwtone tie,►•"1'wrnn flus years.- p•"^
fkt the drag stoma This r••pli.rl Mogg • The Colonel o
put=eery Ilt#le but 1s sufficient his eye, very i ie." How .44 are yew
V .ks ell real clank o. the then, my man 1"' "Three month*, dr.*
t7 d 04 laterite' tanttatioe. Th. Colonel (reamed with rage. Ged
tied bet water act on' yelled. "Are you a lam', any marc, se
anal! t" "Hot b. i+ hr. "
Get the Habit of
Drinking Hot Water
Before Breakfast
a folks ldibatheheintir sarnaln7
sem fiestead al WWI drugs. "What's an inside bath?'
say. Well, It Is guaranteed to per -
miracles U you could believe
thee, tot water enthusiasts.
There ars vast numbers of men and
women who, immediately upon arising
in the morning. drink a glass of real
Lot water with a teaspoonful of lime-,
dose phosphate in 1t. This is a very4
seediest health measure. It is in-
tended to flesh the stomach, liver, tid-
tM1A pad a thirty feet' of Intestines
d the p� day's waste. sour bile
ted indigestible material left over in
the body which if not eliminated every
day. become food for the millions of
be seta which infest the bowels, the
dot result Is poisons and toxins
,rd an then absorbed tato the hl
headae a. Wiens attacks. foul'
vle14w taste. odds, stomach tros-
edsp slespieMnese..lm',
gilw sad all hems of ailments.
Mhp tlwi good one day and
who have jontrd for mover.Thew. PI I• y
dealers or ran les had try mail at :,0
mots a hos or 1,1 hoses los S'Lh11 faun
The 1)r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville. unt
In immediate need of hospital suppbee,
while the condition of the r,fugers
from the war zone near Verdun, who
are flocking into Paris by the ten. of
thousands, is deplorable. net -rime,
yotl ran see how we!c0me is your
valuable help from (ioderich.
Hoping that you will continue to
bear us to mind, telteve me,
Yours very sincerely,
Farm Laborers Wanted.
The Western Provinces of Canada
are experiencing an acute abet Lege of
farm laborers for spring and summer
work, which maitre steady wore :Ind
good wager a certainty. 8a•ta'cb-
ewsn has called for five thousand l+l.or-
era, and an equal number is required
in Manitoba and Alberta..
Atter a thorough canvass of the t•.r-
ritory served by the Canadian North-' Hard c
ern Railway it was found that an'
average of twenty -•even mon is re -1
quir.o at the points from which se -
turns were ieceivrd. Anavereg" watt.
of $45 per month including b' i 1 it 0
being paid. the bugbest taring 43.p y' V
Massey-Ilarris Agent
Hamilton St., Goderlch
mart he viola by July 1st,
1916. We bare two car IIf
the beet fence that money ran
buy end *ve have Nought ro
we can sell tight. ('all in and
r.•e our Stitch and get tele
pe ee before yon hu y' your
1.•,,c.'. We need the money
and you nerd the fence.
Fano Machinery
We carry a full line of Farm
Machinery always on hand.
Bogies and Carriages
We have them, ,ell shapes and
adzee. A Large assortment a: -
ways on out flot.r.
1f you need n few tons of ti-ar.
FAMOUS (4 1. 1) H O M E-
have a carload just in.
r Soft ll'ood delivt
to any part of town.
Phone No. 16.
Theemble little Cottage or
the vii ion on thehillare
Kilmer Telephone. ft dependent
emergencies arose, and is ewer
serving in a tboasand ways,
great and sawn.
Get a Telephone and save
needless work and worry. The
cod is only a trifle -jest a
PAINTdirect from factory
saving dealer's profit
Ready Mixed and House Paint, inside or
Fire Resistant --Barn, outside, Flat or Oil
Finish, Quarts 45c $1.50
Roof Iron, Priming Gallon,
1.25' aallon �y Pay reg>� retail prices roc
g Opaint when you can get what you
10 gallons for want at less than wholesale?
Our Paints are guaranteed to give satisractioa.
The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada.
Gentlemen:-Pieere see wee about Residence Telephone Service.
Hi.11onor Judge Holt hr• forwarded
to Toronto the sum of •1(1)Aei for the
g•Seco'n Nation..I," representing the
local y by following contributions:
b.'25 -Mrs. John Stewart. .ti 2 50
b. 25 -A Friend tithes Swe-
._ J N
IRSIL swNtuteg anti
sheIhNserlaale phosphate and
wt 'im se the stomach. liver.
R teed Node Tt b vasty more
preereelk thugs •
the inside than
the skin paras
Mgggb prgsrltlea tato the
Ye.MwM petw'b'f .1
1N�tnrslly," sakI the meth(.!, "1
take a deep interest in this fare. et
Selonike. Are yo., totem.. Mrs. X.,
that thee* lialomr'tns are the Thelma
Ionian* to whom tit. l'asd sett •
Ieuwfr Mn. X. looked up. "WOE.
b. 173-A1 r. Itollert atm
tar. 3 -Mi•.
Mar. 4 -John A. Ynnng, Loywl
Mar. 7 -Mrs. Carrie ..
Mar. 8-111x*. Tancnit arra .
Mar. 9 -Maple Leaf Chapter,
il. O. K .
Mar. 11 -Mrs. Jordan
Mar. 12 -Costed Patriotic No-
ciety, Huderich township 6 40
Mar. 1A-lieo. Porter..... 5 00
Mar. IA -Mn. and the Mieseo
Hearin 5 (10
Mar. 20 -Judge Holt...... .. u 811
Mar. 29 -Daughters of the Em-
pire, Aheneek Chapter....
Mar. St- P. 1'. Moderns
Mar. 21 -Gen. Brough Chapter
Mar. El -Dr. and Mrs. Taylor
Mar. 31-1111r. Sharman 2 00
fledge Holt has received the follow -
beg acknowledgment
T.weet.. r'•w*da..%wit KIM.
RI. Moder Jame Helt. llederlek. Oat.
DRAW Jl'11olt HOLT.--The eommittee
of the Mermen National desire
qts to (hank 7n11 01001 heartlI
tier your in in the wor
of 16. French relief and fee
th• at0at *0n•eoie linen of •Menest
.Melt y..0 have Dent toe front the
swain. of (inderirh. At thin fortl-
enter lime when they are appealjoe!,
from Fran* for help and are in 1tlirh
dire wised, it is indeed moat arcept*ble
tad mued sppeeetattd.
The appeal. eons to me Irons the
reseeb beseltais, way et white the
1 On
2 00
5 110
I% 00
1 (44)
1 00
10 (1(1
5 (10
Throu;,h the ups and downs of bicycle riding,
Dunlop Tires have always been "up" to the mark.
Dunlop Bicycle Tire knowledge is worth muci.i to you -
there is no other Canadian tire company that can boast
tcn per cent. of Dunlop experience.
Dunk, TTre Pt Rubber Goods Co.,
Heald Office and Factories: Toronto