The Signal, 1916-5-4, Page 6• lIM1tlw.Av, MAT 1. 1010 AFTER SIX YEARS OF SUFFERING Woman &lad. Well se by L E. Pislk Las'so V �u_ad ColuswbOb� moat gives R 1 bad *KW sick foe six years with female troubles and bervousneaa. I had a pain in my right .de aad could Dot eat anything with- out homier my stomach. 1 mold sot drink cold water at all dor eat any kid of raw fruit, mor fresh meat nor chicken. From 178 pounds 1 went to 11E and would tet me week at times that I fell over. 1 began to take Lydia E. Pankham's Vegetable Compound, sad tea days later 1 could sat and it did not hurt my stomach. 1 have taken the medicine ever since and I feel like a new woman. 1 DOW weigh ITT pounds too you can see what it has done for me alp ..dy. My husband says be knows your medicine has saved my hfe. "- Yrs..1. S. Basuow, IOU South 4th St., Columbus, Ohio. Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Com- mand contains just the virtues of roots sad herbs needed to restore !smith and strength to the weakened organa of the body - That is why Mrs. Barlow, a chronic invalid. recovered so completely. It pays for women suffering from any female ailments to insist upon having Lydia i< Pinkbam's Vegetable Com- pound 1,' tnluti lionfllll'�� � letting Him Off Easy. The indijnant youth entered the c'Nce of the railway company and de- manded to see the manager. "Here. 1 day,' he said angrily to that uAicial, "1 got a r finder it+ ttly eye:rum one of your eogint s and it curt me Ity for • doctor tobave it taken cut and the eye cheesed. Vl'bat see you going to do about it Rut the manager was a wily man. ••Sotliit:R, my dear sir," tree replied .suavely. "We e have no further use for the cinder and you are quite welcome to it, From • legal point of view the cinder was not yours Sod no doubt you could he proceeded Aitainst for removing our. property. But wewilitakenoatepa in tbewatter, you may rest assured." - Mother and Baby. The food mother always has the welfare of her little ones at beast. She is continually on the wateb for an ap- pearance of the maladies which thueaten her little one.. Thousands of mothers have learned by Ince I bat nothing will equal experi- ence Uwu Tablets in loseptsg the cblldren well. Concerning then, Mrs. at. More- house, Bli•sdeld, N tic., writes: "Baby's Awn T.blets ate the test medicine 1 have ever cued fur n,v bit's. He was yen y mops but the 1'lbleta soon put hien right again." The Tablets are doll by u,tdicior dealers or ley mail at 1'ls cents a tax trot The Dr 11-illiams' 1lediciue Co.. Brockville. Ont. Fellows who, hare no tongurs ate often all edea and ears.-Haliburton. Alt philosophy lies in two words- -sir•fair." and "abstain,"-Epictetm.. Many delight mon in giving of presents than in paying of debts. -Sir Philip Sydney. M deiation is the silken string run- ' through the peat) chain of all virtues -Fuller. '"71,eleb Mrs. Merryeirt's husband port there. Somehow Le doesn't look liken very bright chap- to me. 1)oe• lie Lnow mi vtbing'-" "Know any Lbtog. my deer ! He doesn't even su.- mo! anything." WHAT CATARRH IS It has been said that c' er) third pet ..on has catarrh in some form. Science has shown that nasal catarrh often indicates a general weakness' el the body; and local treatments in the form of snuffs aid *'apors do little, if ai,y good. To correct catarrh you should treat its cause by enriching your blood with tete oil -Hatt in Scott's Umulaipn which is a medicinal food anal ., 1,uilrling400:e, free tom any harmful drugs. Try It, 'kale!. Sown, Toruato, ort 11 you walk too long in the same rut 7011will beccme a cart -wheel in the end. "Why. Tommr." exclaimed the Sunday school teacher, 'don't you say your prayers every night before jou go to bed?" "Not any more," replied Tnsvny 1 useter when I slept in a folding halo though " 4 Rest and (random tonight from RHEUMATISM if.k. "mil ..n ft.Aar et tit enlendid Mating and eenntrafi•g .i1. orient endo t, r'k.eraw4t•'• a.al.apne Lint - anal It sur the w.arw ark. sad urs them. 1*s w..etse sae .wansm rest Wets. rad y 1., R yeti trill got rear ren Tag B *UDKRICH ( t'�ARIO The House' of the T ■�/�_ • • By ANNA K ATHARINE GREEN teenier. era as aces •.renal.. &Alb "He swung about at this 'Tem wad AMetde are sot very geed trawls It eamos' 'As goad as yes std sit acre' 1 answered. Thos 1 lwug my arms about bum, 'Don't go dews attest Is asset' 1 prayed. 'Stay Woe for this me sleet Stay la the boom with Aga sa10u Stay tar 1 tomo [roma' He MamQ and 1 as, bit Moe Maaga Then 1m flung ant Or. but ria today. *Why don't lot satyr be asked Then he lambed and added. '1'u go baredm the mare.' Ebe kers to tis kitchen.' I sal& ill go gat it for you. 1 board ?abet bring tt tn.' id• did Dot answer, and went for the key. I found two ow natl. and I brvugbt them both. but only banded blur ooe, the key to stable door. 'Whim way •r. you tag? 1 asked as be tooted at Um k tion back toward thea �kitcbeu. Tb. . abort way. of court' 1tb. barges tat th key to e refute grounds' -As be toot the key 1 prayed *plat 'Don't do wbare to your mind, Arthur. Daft drtnk tonight' Meanly Iu.gbed, Mt and I said my t word: 4f yes de It will b• to last st time. Toni apes er drink again after tomorrow.' "Rs mad* oo answer to tela, sad went dowdy upstairs. ltverytlawgwss 11 quiet -quint as ddatb-i. a wleb ta bone. If Adelaide bad beard ss t me made no dgo. • Going to my n m, tee1 welted math 1 beard Aetber tome oat of the stable and go away by the door In 110 rear wall Then 1 stole oat again a carried a small beg MUD me. but 0o moat or bat. "Pausing and listening again .wt Amster. 1 crept dter. and ballad the e table ander the rack. The kap, te wast still there Patting m Is alp Ng. I ..embed the rack for ono set m7 btothors warm costa Bot I toot sons I mew. 1 remembered an old one w which Adelaide bad pat aay to the closet under the stairs- Getting this. at, 1 pot It on. sod. finding a bat th too. 1 took that also. and when I bad polled it over my forehead and draws ftp tb• eollar of the coat I was quite smrecognlz•ble. 1 was going out whoa 1 remembered there would be no MOM b the clabboaue. I had put a box of mp atches in my bag wells I was o stairs. but 1 needed a candle. Slip- ping lipping back, I took a candlestick and candle from the dining room mantel and drove swiftly away" "How did you tears the stare door? "Open." time "Can yon tell no what me ft was when you started?" "No. 1 did not look. Time meant nothing to me. I drove as fast as 1 eonld straight down the hill and out toward the Wbtsprring Pines. 1 had seen Adelaide in her window as 1 went dying by the bouse, but not a soul on the rand nor a Mtn of life near or far. The whistle of a train blew as I stopped in the thicket near the club - bons. door. If it was the express traln you can telt"- -Never mind the If." said lir. Mot fat. "It is enough that you beard tbe whl+t'e. Go on with what you did." "I tied op my bnr.e, then 1 trent into the• home 1 Can t M Mr. Ranelagb's k. to npen th.- rbe,r, and fur some rya son I took 11 not ter the tock when 1 got In and tont the Rhnle Manch hark Into mi ant -M. Hot 1 ,!I1 not Ionk the door 'Ph«r 1 lit lily candle and theu- 1 went upstairs. Pines CHAPTER XXV, -camas" "I HAVB sot Onl•n.d," were- dru words we board from mel wimpsorder was restored a•0 we were all omen a om to rataa sada.-1 had l mins what yew Mn heard that you sight embesbgj what [m happened nest 1 was aptea se pals. and 1 mold sever have Wept an pressing them irons to ay Meek tt 1 had bot bad the strength gives me by I sty own renectllb on to s Masa When the I Monett to Dorn was mite deep 1 the Ile - 4. Mei 'wlgr l,•. i ,, - N i:s1 lin It rs dasdew sr -- "1 gawp * her b7 tea tread. $ emit ant deem. 'Admaad .. refit 1. 'roe are art the may .aa to fere to the pair at ham 1 deme M Lot eta tittle par be wades.' Tia. ea jet eyes apnea Mad Me seeggw.q 1 ought her to my breast MO OM y taro w tar .boulder. 'Toe eey that temaroow 1 .hall be fres to racers ores a. wow sot wb1 to write iso tomorrow. 110 Meaty so 11k•d Y good u le *MOM overmuch wta elm tee les eat 1 are ea a Maas sols -tet 1 am ea as latatiox e.. sent fRs urea be tlmop s lir fhb 1nak.• "Ibe ai1n L rad my teat taitm dirt pMslt.t; tests at tae awl shams does hat M leader with hats 'flaw awl; she whapered. 'Mo e1s¢,he dory 1 rote fee of threads L sae- ' Tar' 1 agreed. 'that male me Mak.' Hr lases best anew berg she the ef meek at m7 re. but her PM eyes uar left ate taco. 'dad -*ad iwsMt U• Mows .otbleh. 1 did est mal MP teed ay sgh Med t1U tut. Adaais. k dhod to be. 1 lineal the strength re -'t0 Milt leave ve yea all .r`-er to • no B be ear admit am to sty cher wit be orad am la roar sets' "Aad then 1 tried to art br. coat the woe h'teiagg ml test. t]wtsg &00 .Ohaagg age her Sts oa stybads. Ob. 1 ems leggy! My Meme Meed vary Naga to taw. Bat my cheek begs 1a sa hoes• d Ia Uncttvely 1 pet op my s oo I hd. This Demerit her le hie test 'Yoe ate enRerms.' per cried Too 7 moot W home at ones. at coo. whip 1 tershoam to Dr. Carpenter.' 'We win go together: 1 sa id. 'We an t.aobos* from there' But at fhb the awful leek mama back Into bel tams. end. ss► la bar forget my Dort 1 begot tt tote to dreadotwbat e1e woWW sty when she found strtngtb to speak, ret was worse tb•o anytlteg I bad imagined; ate refused absolutely to go back boom grout.' said else, '1 bare dome tnjastice to your youth. Toe love Dl>a, too -out Ute a child, but a woman The tangle he worse than 1 thought; your beam M caught ID tt es well as s. minand you 'bail [tare your S My d.th wui give It to you.' tried to dimuade ber. 1 urged ev'e17 piss, even that of my own ass rides but she was o0 more her nate oral sett, Be. bad taken op the mots and read It during my entreaties. and my words fell on deaf ears. ,Why. these weeds have killed mar abs cried„ crumpling the tote 1n tut band. 'What will a little polsoo dol 1t an only Molsb what De Das begun.' "Potsoni 1 remembered Dow 1 lad beard fur pushing about bottles to the medicine cabinet and felt my lege Row weak dad my bead swim. 'You will not? 1 cried. watching bee band. 1n terror of melog 1t rise to bur breast "'When 1 came hoe.' abs maid. '1 brought a bottle of cordial with me and throe glasses. 1 brought a tittle vial of miaon. too: once ordered for sickness- 1 erpected to find Elwood hero. If f bad 1 meant to drop the poison Into one grams and then All them all up with the cordial We should have drank. each one of us his Zees. and one of as would bans fallen. 1 did not care which. you or Elwood or myself. But be is not ber. and the cast ot the d1a Is be. I 'There Y a room upstairs In the club, horse where 1 have often been with Adelaide. It bas a fireplace in 1t, and I had seen a box there half ailed with wood the day before. This 1s tbe room 1 went to, and here I built a era When it was gnit) bright 1 took out something I bad hroogbt as my Webs, and thrust it tato the flame_ Thea t got up and walked away. 1-i dad mot feel very strong sod sank on my knees when I got to the couch and butted pithy bee In my arms. But 1 felt tetter whets 1 came back to the fire again and very brave ell 1 caagbt a glimpse of my hes 1n the mirror over the mantel- piece. Tbat-that unnerved me. and 1 think 1 scrammed. Some cos .[teamed, and 1 t11nk it was L 1 know my bands went oat -1 maw tem 1n he Stamp; then (bey fell stralgbt down at a7 ads, and 1 looted and looked at wean m1 1 saw .0 the terror go 00* of ay tam. sal wmsb It was gado calm again I stooped down tad pullet set the IMO* tongs 1 bad berm Mattes munch 1 tom Oil 1001:8 away and mea kitting them to Use atnr ebnek wean AAA the dour behind sae open trice 0 Wen. as though Duelled Dy Dwaltating tocbea `lastantl7 1 torgot my pa. almost M.7 purpose. welcome that hest 1 craw It slowly swing to its fall wIdIb and !lactose m7 aster standing In the PP with a look mad la as attitude wadi tangled me more that the Ste had des. Dropping the tongs 1 tors- o/ sad faced her. covering ray cheek lasttactfvely with my band "1 Naw We eyes run over hey rah. rata beater dresp-my tittle band bag dad the candle burning In a room made tram with a are ow the hearts - Ude Went see spoke a Pleb wrd. Them with a deep laboring breath. abs asked me la the eye agate alta the obi* Aepltan: "'Aad where is bet " Aemdi bead bad drooped at title. but who need ft almost lastaittly Mb* did sot ria• eo readily. you mean Atwood? I asked. Too known said aha TM vel is down between os, Cannel. We will speak plainly sow. 1 sew Dim give you M. beta: 1 baud you ask Artnnr to barges op the bora& 1 have a•. .teased *ludo to tallow you. and we will bare no subterfuges now. You effect elm barer 'No,' 1 triad 'I am not so bad as that. AAslaads-mor tm be. Here a the noes. Tos will nee by It what Do ex- pects Mad at wbmt place 1 mum] nave lobed Ikea if 1 bad been the minim creature you think.' 1 bad Inc note hidden 1n my breast 1 took It out and bead ft toward her. 1 did not ted the barn at all, but 1 kept tt covered. S he glanced dowo at the words. and 1 telt Like falling at ber feet, am book- ed so miserable. `gibe glanced down at 1m paper and Jet It drop almost immediately auto ber band. '1 cannot read tits warder she cried- '1 do Dot need to. ll a Gott *now w„itch of us De sores best You cannot say teat It Is 1. 1213 engaged wife.' 1 was scent. and ber tree toot on an awful pallor. 'Carmel,” said stts. 'do you know what this man's none rias been to mei You are a child, a warm bearted mod passionate child, but you d0 not know a 'wotna Ms heart Oen talniy you do not know mina 1 doubt 1t any one does -ere& be. (.hoes bays warped my life. 1 bare Do MUMS to rival yours; I have only love, sada love as you cannot dream of at yam. Aga And this la Do iobger derirable to elmr "You see that l remember every word .h• spot.. '1'bey darned more fiercely flan toe iron- That did not baro at all Just thea I wu cold ln. stead-bttterty, awfully cold. My very heart seemed Rosen, and the silence was dreadful. But 1 could Dot spear; 1 could not answer bet. "'Too have everything: abm bow went on. Wby did you rob tem of ray one happiness? And you bare robbed me. Carmel, do you know why f am teeter J *book my bead. '1 am bete to rod It all,' said she. "1 tottered at his threat, and atu, a Mother to me from my cradle, started Instinctively to catch me, Dat the feel- ing left ber before site bed taken two steps. and ebe stopped atf11. 'Drop your bandr ebe cried. •I want to see your woolp face while 1 aft you one last queetton. 1 could not trod the mete. Wby did you come beret 1 dropped my band. and she stood star- ing: tbeu she tittered s cry and rad talctly tdward .a& 'What kw lir sets GI LLETT $ LYE EATS DIRT" Fresh from the Gardens of the finest Tea -producing country In the world. 11 Sealed Packets Only. BLACK GREEN or MIXED. IVy it. --it'll deliciosa. D �. sysl>amg utesrea hetase se whew she tamed amend airs reamer sat Bb head term themselves to be awe "Ye advanced, a glass lei either laid. As she eases the !leer swayed and the wafts seemed to bow together. hat they did mot sway her. Step by rlheg dao drew sear. *ad whew she need ally ads she embed la my hes SEM Elm ate sear 'Obene aright dept heart LISPS the poaow•d oma gar ns' "1f.slwatsd, 1 stared at pop (15113 this at the other. Had either era heads trembled 1 eboWid have M+,[ at the gens It held• bat got a teams* abash those fry Gagers. nor did bee Myos wander le tl eight hand or to the lett. 'Abbrs.' 1 abeisted out. Ices them baled y0a fat as Sva--poet But she may reiterated that awful wont 'Mooey and I dare tat b.attate Magee asst 1 lops soy tube to mare bar. Orogrig, 1 toothed a glade -1 serer know which ooe-and. do wind It from her angers. 1 lifted ft to ray mom& lneranuy bar otter band toss. 1 dm't know woke a which my.Nt.' ate maid and arena. That mads me drink also. 'Rhe two glasses pent out a clicking sound as we set tbem back on the stand. Torn we wafted. footing at each other. 'Wbhbr bar lips seemed to say. 'Wbkb? in another moment ti knew. 'Your nook, was the right Ona' said she and she sank back into a ebatr. 'Don't ars mer sit albs out, to 1 w•a about to ren shriking oat into the night •1-1 am Nappy now [bat It 1s all settled, but I do not want to die Moos Utt bow bot 1 amp ADO. leaping op. she dung oft bet coat and went gasping about thm room for air. MUD me sank down •gig It was oo the bang., and again 1 tried to ay tot Delp, anti again she would not 1't ma h tried to soothe bet -to keep down my awrnt tsar and soothe bee. Bat the mamma of deet, bad calmed bur poor bean mnto its old ore and baDft- nal thoughtfulness. 8be was terrified at m7 position. 8be recalled oar moth- er sad to oath Ob. had titan at that mobs. deathbed to protect ms and are to me and my brother. 'And t have tolled to do either,' she cried 'Arthur t bare alienated. and you 1 am tearing W aD tnown trouble and danger.' "8be was cot to be comforted 1 saw ber ills ebbing and could do notbtng. Ube clang to tem whale she milled Op. all her IJ0w1111 MIL made piss ter sae aad wl5wed so • way et escape. I was to euro the oats. stag i two at *be Maims from tit window and Mace the other mod the deadly vel sear her band -tete before l left the room, Theo 1 was to call up the penes and day there was swam thing vireos at the dobboom. hot 1 was est te give nay Damp or ever as kaowedge I was theirs. •Ncthtog cad Nave trouble; W saki 'est that noe- 1 hit area tot come war you. Sweat jet Ira will Med mi words -swear Oat you will b what 1 Nay.' "I .warn Aft that abs asked I prom- • bed. 1 was almost dying, coq and had the light gaol out and the rafters et the helms fallen ID sod tetrad os beth It woad My been better. Bot the light Darned os and the in. In Mr eras Laded met, sod 1110 bands Mu relaxed. 1 beard ooe gm� then a low prayer. Tell Weer In td- Theo Oft alas. ogled races. tben si- lence to the courtroom too. It was hooted but by ooe sonod--a hears ung sigh tram the prtsooat. BM nobody looked at hies and oobody looked at tam, livery eye was on the Lace of the young girl emboss story boor snob an impress of truth and yet was ao contndkctory of all former sets door. Wbat revelations were yet to follow? It would seem tbat abs was speaking of ber sister's death. Butbet dater bad cot died that way; bee Nater had been stnnped. Gould this dainty, creature. wltb Waal .tarred and yet powerfully triompbazt be Use vletlm of a ballorinstlon, oe did Os spat to mislead Jostlee and to ma- ma' truth/ At • question from lir. Moffat she spoke again. and we beard Der say: "Yes. •be died that way, with bur hands be mine. '!'hers was no one alma by, W. were quite atone." 'That settled It mud for a momeot the revulsion of feeling threatened to throw t6e court tato tumult "Can lova Si the boar of his oc. carrsoeer Sir. Moffat ukeol 'In any way coo you locate the timer "No, tor 1 did out move at ones I felt tied to that courts_ 1 am very young, and 1 01d never seen death before. W'beu 1 did get op 1 bobbled like an old woman and almost went distr* ltd. but came to myself as 1 saw the note on the Moor -the note 1 was told to burn. Idtting ht. 1 moved toward the brepiace. but got a trlgbt on the way nod .ton'.d in the middle a1 tee astir and tooted total. 1 iswg1111 1 bad hand my Meer cheek. 'bet the tsacy palmed as 1 Naw haw int MO lay. sit I mist on atter a whit Gad deet/ the am tate the ewe *mar dame what wee all that wee Mf1 at t1. ata 1 Mw It aright a a drat from the tenor b.13IDd M and p a,. lag op tb'eblmo.y, ".etre of m7 trouble seemed to go Vitt tall net% sad 1 Wks* a Ohm from the wireless [teat tar by dad armed ha tats. 1 mast rave doss maw I Nat have covered the 'bob imago with plasm sad sashimi,. fir pros eta? *7 .fled 0imred age's. dad 1 recedbAmd Mat r was semptttbg *both tee pia 1 was to pet the tial b bur b•ad--a was 1 to throw it from the wtadow? Something was to be thrown frons (be wlodow-tt most be the vial. Not 1 eouedo't rift the trim {deem, so bavtne found to vial elan& lag Oo the tabs. beside the little daft. 1 carried It Into the closet where there was a window opening toward. sad I droueed It out of that and thought l 1•d dome all. Bat wham I ease hull and saw Adders'. coat 111121 b • Nap where she had thrown It 1 re- called that she bad said something about this. bat what 1 didn't know. be 1 lifted It and pot It in the cIo•at-wb 1 cannot my. Theo 1 pat my ruled or going home. -Butt them was .omethlog to ds fist -.owsthing not In that room. It was to tsbpbooe the police 1 mimed the recelver, and wimp central aaswersl I said something about the Wh*perteg Pins and wanting bole. This Is all 1 remember abort that 'Soma Cts afterward -1 dont tame wbeo-I was stumb11cg down 11a Milne om my way out 1 bad gems to -to 110 room again to my little bag, for tem k•ys wire ID it. and I dared not Nave them But I didn't [Ray a minutia. dad 1 cut bot ooe giance at the homage. What bappeo.d afterward M Ilk* a dream to as. 1 toped the hors% the horse found the road. and some time later I moulted borne. As 1 came with is sight of the boom I threw eaddsaly strews *gain The opus -raids dost rip. utero i me of my duty. ant ddvt•g im 1 quickly unharnessed Jew dad pmt her away. TM. 1 dragged the cotter into place pad bins op the bossed Lastly 1 locked to door sad arriM the key with os iota the boom and bung it op oo Its ramal nail to the kitchen. I had obeyed Ad.taide. arra DOw I would go to my room_ That 1s what ab. wooed wfab. But I don't know wbetber 1 did title or mot icy mind was Lull ot Adelaide t111 confu- sion came, then dartne.a and then • perfect blank." Elbe had ealabed; abe bad don. as .b. bad been asked; .De had told the story of that evening as she knew It from the family dinner till bar wroth hoots after midnight and (b. °unary o[ Adelaide's death was as great as war. "Mr. District Attorney. the witness is yours," said Sir. dt oa s t Mr. fr 'r at ober aloes the mo- ment was r);,e fur euuvtlr..t. tie put rets 1Oet 111...1 qu.w Uon n• -•t "In all [hl. Interne% aloe .uar .11 ter d1d }vu reurnrt airy as.., rrtIoo niinu.d nn Pau. •• Chamberlain's Liniment stone imp(n.ly 1. as reader a.., .nand sar- rbswastirs. row ret/• wow beak Istab•e• •w. 4-- rnta.. drams M rm. Warr lifint 11111111104. AB des. 'Odna*n ADDSMIT. Dean Oaii LRAM oma I---'. ore naw us" [ween m tem,, man 7013 what a e.w dainty, °armlet tb wench des I wet pour oat but one glass and drtak [tat sweat' "She woe la a toyer sow and dew potato Death woo la the roan. 1 telt It la sy Iliad halt and la her strangely draws tam If 1 eetsaao4 who would hear slot 1 sever thought tic the trepans and 1 doubt It lea mew hove et sae we it Uwe. ills fewer los dad always insured over fat woe very strong la ber at the aniw swot "'$haft 1 Mak reset ram repeated, and i cried out. 7b' et width her band west M her Wrest. es I bad se loss expecte. sad I Naw tis gllfhR oda rete vial as w drew it tart*. , "Oh. AAllaMet I began. bar she heeded tis se awe than the dead Me barn home alba Wad pat os w bar teat with petards wad tea arae was en se 11rr and the petals gal` •g Tte\rrag tar ear head lame me at awes sem mew est • St mewed with ji[obr aa Seat sea met M es a dead beats ass. lbw pit pelted eel tans mall pewees ..d see them doe. *Ym ant the she tweed her beelt. 1 amid her the *4dwh and am Ilam. sue date ea the ream wee 1t seemed 1s tees dotter dB I pot set ml rots Eke oho main la a eaddes ahtha alt "1 IIID tamp teagT aerie/ Itx OEMS.• la ire Ire and ►std them qualt--lethak leer, 1 weed b. worry soft peg ammo mss theft. alta reee•- Opteer le Um roe.[ If she bed stomm•d wile• one amid she dn. tore .s.» ego Med rot lordly row. 1 �! ter pang pares we. ekyert qtr may 1 hod trema etana•g •ttrtM* of lr pp paw ter as ant two aibntsa FARMERS Consider Parity in Paint in Preference to Price. You wouldn't pay the regular price for Sugar that analyzed 1096 of sand. You wouldn't �pay "all wool" prices for cotton -and -wool clothing. Why should you pay your good money for impure Paint, when you can get We lu.rantee Martia.Senour "1OO Pure" Paint (except a few dark shades that cannot be from pure Lead and Zinc alone) to be 100% pave White Lead, pure Oxide of Zinc, pure linseed Oil, pare Colors and Turpentine Dryer ' mad to be entirely free from adulteration or substitution ; and sold subject to chemical analysis. Every experienced Painter knows int to above formula is right. 1t is the standard of the paint woad. You get absoluteexams homes' — mann quality—whet you insist on 1I Pare flit. F. HUNT, GODERICH, Ont.