The Signal, 1916-5-4, Page 5THE
in the
East Street
1 Twenty-five 3o x 3 1-2
fully guaranteed tubes,
suitable for Ford or
while they last.
1 )wi.. I and .•is•rah•J I.y 4 pritct 'cal roan.
Sand Concert.
A hunt concert will be given on the
Square 011 Wednesday 'vetting of
next week F y the band of the lel,t
The Detroit Excursion.
Mr. C. F. Bielman, jr., of the White
Star Line. Detroit, was iu loan Ia.t
week making errengrntents for the
June excursion to U•truit by ...earner
Greyhound. Tuesday, Juor 1'i.b, is
the data Hzed for the excursion.
Meeting for Mothers.
The woothly meeting of the Moth-
ers' Club will he held in Central school
on Tuesday nest. IH.h inst., at 4
o'clock. All who are interested in the
wellare of the child will and this
meeting of interest and profit and a
Targe attendance is hoped for. The
program includes a practical talk on
hygiene, and a d ecuriop of the needs
and training of the nervous child.
At the Harbor.
The steamer 11 ironic was in the
barhor on Tuesday with • cargo of
wheat for the elevator. Unfortun-
ately, the hatches were too small to
permit the marine leg to eater the
hold, and the boas bad to proceed
south to Port Huron to unload.
The steamer Meriska unloaded 120. -
Mod bushels of wheat at the elevator on
Monday and on tVednesday the
steamer Graham at rived with • simi-
lar cargo.
Goderich to Detroit
and Return
GOING -Leave Goderich
Tuesday, June 13, 1916, 9.30 a. m.
RETURNING -Leave Detroit
Thursday, June 15, 1916, 1.00 p. m.
This trip provides a magnificer" opportunity to enjoy
an all -day water voyage ori al! BiG S FE EI_
to clsit your friends in Detroit.
FARE $1.50 Round Trip $1.00 One Way with Baggage
Chi Brea Half rate
ih,n't forget the Gtst,'ri.•h Hand Mieeilight. JI -NE: 1. h. .Oil p. tn.
*Successful Event.
There was • large attendance at the
patriotic euchre at Oddtellowi Hall
on Friday eveningheld under the
auspices of the Sodality of St. Pete' 's
churtth. The lad'''s prize was won by
Miss Jessie Macdonald and the gentle-
man's prise by Mr. John Wiggins.
A dance concluded the night's pro-
gram. The affair was much enjoyed
and the substantial sum of $75 was
cleared for the Red frogs funds.
Address to Huron Lodge.
Over sevenrv-Hvememben of Huron
Lodge, No. 4L, i 0 O. F.. including
tea member' in khaki, paraded to
North street Methodist church last
Sunday morning and listened with
much pleasure to • very instructive
address on Oddfellowship by the
pastor. Rev. %V. K. Hager When
the brethren returned to the lodge
rooms they passed a vote of thanks
to the pastor for the excellent address
and to the choir for their assistance
in the service of praise.
Custom Hatching
We have only a few trays left for May 20th hatch. Parties
wishing space in this hatch please make reservation now.
We have a number of galvanized Colony Brooders
and one 240 -egg Chatham Incubator for sale. ,s These are
real bargains.
H. Keith Revell
$100 Reward, $ 100.
y ter that clonal'
IM prem which you are
MOS. This herbal balm has
reg *any suck ears when every
stkgr tYMlmest felled
lljs Dubois. of (mpet1al St , Van-
couver. can verity this Her
.11aughter writes: " Mother had suck
ulcers on her feet that she ass un-
able to walk. She bad doriors'
addc' and treatment. but nothing
411101 her aay good, gad we were
beginning to think she would never
be cared. whoa a Mead advised her
to try Lam -Hot. She dN so, and-
enrprtstng as 11 sousde--after a
week's treatment with Zara-Buk able
wsa able to walk without pain. She
esatlaned applying Zaee Buk until
the ulcers were completely healed.
and ale has not known a moment's
discomfort since."
Zara -Duk 1■ really good for
eczema, and all akin diseases, ring-
worm. blood-pwtseatag, abscesses,
p11es, barns. scalds, cuts, and all
skis laJurtes A11 druggists 50e.
bee, 3 for 31.33. or teem Zam Buk
Ce. Toronto. for pries. Send le.
stamp ter returs postage on free
trial Ms.
pertat•odeo t, Mian He i• Robinson.
oy making her • IUs-otesubor of ibis
Bard. The officers o4 the Band. elected
at the recent annual meeting. are
Superintendent, \Iies Robinson . pres-
ident, Alice Brads in; vice president,
Nellie l'arnhani; recording seeretary,
Dorothea Heilroann : corresponding
secret,'', Herbert Hodgen. ; treas-
urer, Mary Dowell; pianist, Theresa
Munnin(s . choir leader, Het Wor-
$The annual convention of the Metho-
diet Woman's Missionary Society for
tiodeiich district will he held in the
Methsaliat chin.•h, Auburn, on Wed-
nesday, May lint'. Their will be two
sessions in the afternoon 0,2 '''clock
and in the evening .t 7 o'clock
along the &peaaer' to the program
are Mir Courtice, r et 'word missionary
from Japan. and Misa Bray, from
Port Simpson, H. C. Mrs. S. N. Hick,
of Goderich, is organizer for the dis-
trict and Mrs. Andrew, cf Auburn, is
sec ret es y.
The yell esterded to Rev. tied. E
Ross, of Koos church. liolerieh, by
Ht. Matthew's church. Montreal, wi.l
be dwelt with' et the meeting of the
Presbytery of Huron at Clinton next
Tuesday, May tkh. 1t is understood
that the cell is a very strong one.
Rev. James MacKay. minister of Cal-
vin church. has been appointed to
represent the Preelytery of Montreal
and two leading {laymen of 8t. Mat-
thew's will present the case on behalf
of the congregation. Knox church,
Goderich, bas been duly cited to ap-
pear in iH own interests at the Pteo-
bytery nest Tuesday.
Matthew's church, Montreal, is con-
sidered at Clinton on Tuesday of nest
The Mission Band of North street
Metbodi,t church has honored its su-
The reader of this paper will be pleased to
learn tbat there i+ at lc au onedreadeddi.rev-
thet -'tens'' ha- been able to cure in all it.
luster. and that 1. catarrh. 1' being
requite r ni( tiOnal tre..'m,n,. aim'.tlCa
tarrh lore P. taken Internally awl act -through
the blood on the mumu+ surface- or, the system.
tberby destroying the foundation of the dl•
eve. giving the patient strength by building .;!
the iron -tit .. Lino and .uri.t ilia nature in doing
its work. 1 he p uprietol- have -o mach faith i
ie the curative power. of lia11'. Catarrh Cure
that they offer ooe hoot red dollars for any nose
that it 4i1, 'to cure. eeod for 11.1 of test teems- '
U.N. Address'
F.J. CHEM EY C CO.. Prop+ . Toledo. tenni
ao:d uy all druggi-t:. I •c. rs •
The Top Note
IN THE matter of installing Electric Fixtures
we always aim to reach the "top note.'
You sometimes want a job done in quick time and
on short notice. That's the time to test us.
Send in your hurry call to telephone 82 or to 193
and note how quit1ib, accurately,and satisfactorily
the work is done. The very "top note" of good
service is assured:
Our store is Headquarters for everything in
Electrical Appliances, ofrom
Beauty and Utility are combined
in much of our stock, and -
Mases :
011ie. tit
Res. 193
Hay on the local market is being of-
fered at 81:i and 416 per ton.
The regular meeting of General
Brough Chapter. 1. 0. 1). E., will 1'e'
held on Monday. May `:i, in the court
house, at 4 1.i p. m.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Children • Aid Society will be held in
the court ho•iee on Tuesday afternoon.
May '.1 h, at 4.13 o'clock.
At the annual meeting of the share-
holders of the Goderi"b Elevator &
Transit Co. on Wednesday of this
week. ih•directors who held office
last yise were re-elected.
The W. C. T. U. will hold its regular i
meeting 01 Monday at 3 p. m. Every
member ie urgently teiluestetl to be
present The year i. cowing to • close
and impoi rant business calls for atten-
Subset:bets to the Goderich Patrio-
t,c Find are reminded that the third
instalment of their sue. criptionr fell
due on April lat, and are requested to
remit at once to the treasurer, Mr.
George Williams. at the Bank of Com-
Mr. George McMillan has disposed
of his rrcpeIty on McDonald street in
Mr. James Lavery. of Renfrew. O'Neill
& Company, the teal estate peopls,
arranged the sale. Mr. McMillan has
since purchased the property of Mr.
R. J. Howard on Park street.
A large number of visitors viewed
the display by the millinery depart-
ment of the Industrial "cho' l on Wed-
n e•day evening. Under the capable
instruction of Mise Blanche Knox, the
members of the class produced an ex-
hibit which was declared to be • credit
to their teacher.
A woman's reproductive
organa are in the most in-
tense and continuous sym-
pathy with her kidney..
Thesl.ghtest disorderinthe
kidneys filings about e
corresponding disease in
the reproductive organ!.
Dodde,Kdne Pith%byre-
storing the kidneysto their
perfect condition, prescnt
and cure those fearful dis-
ieorders peculiar to women.
Pale young girls, worn-out
mother., suffering wises
and women upon
the Change of Life, your
best friend is
Liggett'• chocolates. pure a n d
delirious, are received fresh almost
every day at Resell (bug 'tore., the
exclusive agents. H. C.Dunlop, Gode-
Mules w/ lay Save 11
yaw Nal Si,. NOW?
Though your sa ary or Income
will no doubt tno:salse, so will
your enpetuea--aid many find
that the latter more than keep
pace with the fcrmer. Now is the time to start a Reserve Fund
-and the Savings Department d the Uaios Bank of Canada
1s the place to keep 11
Depositthe extra you have on hand nor -you can opus an
account with any sum, down to cue dcliar- and draw iateresaMM.
Godericn Branch -F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager.
pilot of the engine underneath its
wheels, and was not ousted until the
locomotive had pin e,•ded about 'Ilt
yards. Asearrh was made and hie
mangled body was found lying be -
',wren the rails some distance in the
rear. The deceased went West four
years ago. He was married three
years ago and bis young widow. with
at young soon and daughter, is
left to mourn hie him. His tragic
death was • great shock to his
many friends in O.s.iericb. \\ hile
residing here he wa+ prominent in
The Pocket '1'wteruent League of
Victoria street Methodist church held
• banquet last Thursday evening fur
the purpose of honoring two members
whip have enlisted. Corporal Benson
Bell. of Clinton. a former secretary of
the League, received a wrist -watch
and Bugler Eddie Lymburner, of the
local detstebment, wag presented with
• ring. The addressee were read b
Mr. S. J. Belcher, of whowr !Sabbath
school class the boys were members,
and Mr. J. 11. Millian, superintendent
of the Sabbath school, made the
presentations. In attendance at the
banquet were the Victoria Helpers,
with Mix Leach aa teacher, the or-
ganization which was instrumental in
having the presentations made. The
League members, with their leader,
Mr. O. M. Elliott, were photographed
by Haablight by Mr. R. R. Ballow..
You will feel better and live longer
if you keepour„ bowels regular by
the occasional use of Recall Orderlies
-15c and 'l.Sc boxes, at Recall drug
stores only. H. C. Dunlop, Goderich.
To the Public
HAVING purchosed the
meat market which
has been conducted for
many years by Mr. Thos.
Morrow, I beg to announce
to the people of • Goderich
and vicinity that I intend
to conduct the business on
the most approved meth-
ods, and I solicit a fair
share of patronage.
In audition to Fresh Meats
of all kinds, 1 will handle the
Celebrated Kincardine
Hams and Bacons,
Home-made Sausages,
Home -rendered L a r d,
Corn Beef and Pickled
Pork, etc.
Morrow's old -sand
West Side Square
Telephone No.
For a dainty dessert use Edwards'
pure ice cream, made in fancy bricks
or bulk. Orders delivered. Phone ''APO.
Death came with startling eurl,leu-
nese to the home of Mr. Joseph Jrtfrey
on Tuesday afternoon ot thee week
and remnvrll therefrom the wife and
mother, atter an illness of only • few
hours. Reside* her husband sloe leaves
a family of several suns and
by whom her untimely demise w 11 be
keenly fel:. The funeral took place
on Thursday morning, the .,01 lege
leaving the family horse on Neuron
erreet at Win o'elvck for Dty.dale,
whet e interment wise orale in the
Catholic cemetery.
After many year' art ill -health the
spirit of Lucy Gertrude Keit 11401 ill.
wife of Capt Alex. McLeod, t not its
Hight on Fr ids', of last week. Mr-. \lc-
l.rod war .. native of liodertch, I nig
born here f,ir(y five years ag. , •
daughter tot tile late Thutuas Hack•
step. She was twice married. Pier
tiiet husband was 1•. W. Keroagban,
who passed away twelve year. ago).
Four years later she was wedded to
Capt.. Alex. McLeod. who surytree her.
In addition to her husband and her
only daughter, Miss Gladys Kerna-
ghan, .•f Detroit, who pureed her dur-
ing the last ten weeks of her',
M's. McLeod's death is mourned by
her stepmother, Mrs. Jane Huekstep,
of St. Limit', two sisters and one brotb-
er-Mrs..las. McCracken, of tioderich;
Mre. A. W. Betrelt, of Winnipeg, and
Mr. T. J. Hgckstep, of Blytb. A short
funeral serdice was held at the home
of the deceased on Sunday afternoon,
conducted by Rev. Otto. F. Ross, and
on Monday morning the truisms were
taken to Detroit for interment in
\\'oudnIere cemetery Fvsidr the licitly
. f ber fic-t husband. Mos Krt naghan
and Mt. lint...tem of ltlyth, aces,,,'
panied ow remains to Dela. 11.
Re*. G. M. Holmes will preach in
the Baptist ehuteb next Sunday at
both services. "1 Am the Way" and
"Getting Recruits for Christ- will be
the .uhlecta.
The weekly meeting for prayer, to
which all the women of Godetich are
urgently invited. will be held on Sat-
urday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, in Knox
eburch ecboolroom.
Dr. A. L McCrimmon, chaneellor
of McMaster t'niesrsity, Toronto. will
preach the anniversary sermons in
the Baptist church on June 41b. On
Monday, Jure 5th, Dr. McCrfuseaon
will le'etuee on the war.
Rev. W. K. Hager will preach at
both *eerier' next Sunday at North
street Methodist church. Morning
subject, *'The Man \%'ho NVatched
with Ell." The reception of members
ansa the sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per at the morning @orrice. Keening
ssbjeet, "Th. War Ageism Hell."
11 st Sand iy the pulpit of Koos
ebwevh will he occupied by Rev. A.
Macfarlane. M. A., B. D . of Beyfleld.
Mr. Macfarlane will rite the eoarre-
gat ton to appear hefoes the Preset May
of Hearns in their Interests whenLite
call to Rey. (Leo. F.. Row flim 8t.
Bronchitis- Asthma-
Coughs- Night Sweats --
And those conditions leading up to
Some Extracts fres. Swine Evi4eace :
RANDOLPH R. PALJEd. on (lath,
says : "Nsture'1 Crroson' is what
helped me."
CHARLES KNOPH. nn Oath, says :
"My night sweats stoped and my
hemp rhage steppe.) ft'om the first
Send for booklet containing complete
statements, os Oath, from throe who
have used "Nature .Creation."
Monday molt jug of this week the
death sok R,R,us ewers' to Robert Elder,
at. his hone on St. David's street.
Mr. Elder had (well confined to hers
for only a week, but for over three
months his health had been failing
Ile was • native of '1'uekersmitb. be-
ing born in that township over silty -
six years ago. When the de. eased
was shoot fourteen yearn of age the
family moved to Cargill, in which sec-
tion Mr. Elder continued to reside un-
til about six years ago, when he and
his family came 10 Goderich. Besides
his 'sorrowing widow his departure is
mourned by a fancily of three sons and
three daughters : Mal it. of Toronto ;
Ethel and Elsie, et home ; Herbert, li
1'. R. i.rakeern•n a1 Hamilton ;
Howard, (i. T. R agent at Norwich,
and James. N. T. P. agent at Jasper,
Alta. He is survived also by two vie
ters and two brothers Mrs. D.
McKey. of Toronto ; Mr.. D. Noble, of
Walkerton ; Sam, of Montana, and
Jame., of Cargill. All of the family,
with the exception of James. were
hoose for the funeral The 110.1 y was
t'ken to Cargill or Wednesday morn-
ing for interment in Douala.. Hill
cemetery, a short service being CCM -
ducted at the home ..n Tuesday even-
ing by Rev (leo. 1•; Mom. Mr. Elder
was a Presbyterian in religion and
wee a nlembet of the 1'anadtan Order
of Fort -stela. The loftily have the
sympathy of the community in theft
HAS4)( 1) THoweaers.
A most distressing aceident occurred
o . the H. T. P. sixty 'miles from Mel-
ville, Sask., early Thursday morninr
of last week, when Harold Thompson.
son of Mr. and Mrs. \\illi•m Thome
.on. of lioderteh, lost his life while
dialimestag his duties as brakeen an.
From the information given by b..
fellow -employees, it appear* that the
unfottenet', young wan fell nlf its
hockey circles and two years ago he
woo distinctions in the West as a Wern-
her of the Melville team which won
the Allan cup. The body. accompan-
ied by the widow and her Isarents, Mr.
and Mrs. Billings, reached liorler'cb on
Monday. and on Tuesday the remeios
were interred in Maitland cemetery,
Rev. Geo. E. Rosa conducting the ser-
vices. Among the beautiful floral
tributes were wreathe from the Mel-
ville hockey club, the Brotherhood of
Railway Trainmen at Melville and the
'lar organisation at Strattcid.
Don't Ruin a Good Horse
to Save a Few Cents
I No Galled Shoulders
TAPATCO pads 441 any bone Cs.nsr.
g ees your lore.' necks and *boulders is
Rae condition, eo you cam get ike gre lrsl
u sual of work from be.
Absorbent and furnish maple vrelila
Hes. Thousands is use. Order sow.
11. J. Fisher
Hamilton Street
1IVE your horse a
fair chance to do
his 'work.
mean more comfort
for him. They brin g
a greater profit be-
cause your horse so
equipped can do a
bigger day's work.
The Harness flan
The foundation is not the
most important thing
True. you can't a goal ba:.) without n good foundation -
hut don't for,ct either that the rccf h:_. to rtaad rest of the
punish n'nt. Up'in it falls the t.:''cn of resiting the
destructive influences cf weather and changing seasons.
Now, the question is "Where c.-1 1 going to find a roof
which will sleet t:tcse conditions?" Certainly not in wooden
shingles which have rapidly deteriorated during the past few
years. Not in anything so perishable as wood, nor yet iron,
which lets in driving rain, but rather in a permanent mineral
composition such as Brantford Roofing.
Now, let us look ..t a section of Brantford Roofing. First.
you notice it hes a pure, long -fibred fclt base. This is
thoroughly saturated with a filler coat cf asphalt cr mineral
pitch. Then it is {riven another coat. Finally, the surface is
thickly covered with cnished slate. You can imagine what
a job rain, snow. fire or heat would have penetrating a roof
like that As for comparing
with shingles on the score of permanency. or protection. or
appearance, or even economy, there is no comparison. You
put s Brantford Roof on once. and it will last as long as the
building: it will always look well
lso pyand it wiU never need
releewily areaWrd Roam/ s' sample*,
es ibe fob, w 1ooklet 11 yy,.. Ikah•.„. One
d,_,..siona d your Fern or boons red we will Qsdly s'e'ed
witkrt champ a oblisetxa.
Brantford Roofing Company, Limited
Brantford. Canada
Sold by W. R. PINDER